Season 1 Episode 3: I made a friend!
Talking: Gotta go fast!
Whispering: He's an idiot.
Yelling: Hey! You!
Thinking: (Oh boy)
(Y/n): Are you alright?
(Y/n) asked the girl that fell over. He held his hand out and she grabbed it.
Girl: Yeah, I'm alright. Thank you very much.
Her veil came off and he got a good look at her face.
(Y/n): (She's so pretty.)
(Y/n) noticed the girl looking shy until he realized they were still holding hands. He retracted quickly.
(Y/n): Oh! Sorry about that!
Her veil started to float away.
(Y/n): Uh-oh!
(Y/n) ran and grabbed it and gave it back to her.
Girl: Thank you very much.
(Y/n): Oh it's alright. So what are you doing out here?
Girl: Well, I lost my way, and I don't know what to do.
[ A naked Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Asia Appear on-screen until the screen is hit with the title screen. Rias stands on top of a roof. A magic circle appears with the title screen.]
[(Y/n) runs and turns to see Rias sitting on a mountain. They stare at each other with happy gazes. (Y/n) smiles brightly. Koneko is shown, Then Kiba, Then Akeno.]
[Asia is seen standing by a pool of water. A Raynare is shown, then (Y/n) battling with someone. Sona is shown, Than a naked (Y/n) being held by a naked Rias.]
[It shows (Y/n) turning around with a sad gaze as his power is briefly shown. A naked Rias is shown as well. Brief pictures of Rias are shown.]
[Riser is seen battling (Y/n). Then Rias's peerage is shown. It shows (Y/n) bruised and falling as Rias catches him and they look at each other and smile.]
[ Akeno grabs (Y/n) and looks at him with a lustful gaze. (Y/n) blushes as Asia comes and hugs (Y/n) as the screen pans out showing Rias smiling. Chess pieces are then shown.]
(Y/n) and the girl were walking down the park.
(Y/n): So are you a tourist?
Girl: No, I'm not. I've been assigned to a church in this town.
(Y/n): Then you're a sister? That explains the outfit.
Girl: I'm so glad to run into someone so kind. This must be the lords guidance.
(Y/n): Yeah. Huh?
(Y/n) saw a cross around her neck. He felt something and turned around.
Girl: Is something the matter?
(Y/n): Oh no, it's nothing. (What was that just now?)
They both heard a boy crying. The girl ran towards him.
(Y/n): Hey wait up!
Apparently, the boy had scraped his knee. The girl crouched at him.
Girl: A big boy like you shouldn't cry over a boo boo like this.
The girl's ring glowed green and started healing the knee.
(Y/n): Wow. His wound.
His hand suddenly started to hurt.
(Y/n): What was that?
Girl: There, your boo boo is all gone! You're okay.
The girl looks towards (Y/n).
Girl: Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
She sticks out her tongue.
They continue walking down the street.
(Y/n): (My hand reacted to her powers. What does that mean?)
Girl: You must be pretty surprised, right?
(Y/n): Oh, no! You have an amazing power, huh?
Girl: It's a wonderful power I received from god. Yes... Wonderful...
(Y/n) noticed her glum expression. But before he could ask.
Girl: Ah, there it is!
They look up and see a church.
(Y/n): Oh, yeah. This is the only one here.
Girl: Terrific. This is a big load off.
However, staring at the church made (Y/n) get a dangerous feeling.
(Y/n): B-but i've never seen anyone go up there.
Girl: I would love to thank you somehow. Would you mind coming with me?
(Y/n): Oh, sorry. I got somewhere I have to be.
The girl turned sad.
Girl: I see. My name is Asia Argento. Please call me Asia.
(Y/n): I'm (Y/n) Hyoudou. Call me (Y/n).
Asia: (Y/n), I'm so blessed to meet someone as nice and kind as you, (Y/n), so soon after arriving in Japan.
(Y/n): Oh, well. I'd do it for anyone.
Asia: Please, if you have time, come see me at the church. Promise me.
(Y/n): Oh, yeah! Definitely. Well, till next time.
Asia: Yes. I'll see you later.
(Y/n) waved at her and she waved back with a smile.
(Y/n): (She's a really kind girl.)
Rias: You must never go near that church again.
(Y/n): (Well, that sucks.)
Rias: The church is enemy ground for us devils. Even setting a foot in there would cause trouble for both species. Didn't you get a feeling when you saw the church?
(Y/n): Well, something swirled up inside me. Almost like a warning.
Rias: That was your devils instincts telling you danger is nearby. Being together with someone with the church is synonymous to standing next to death. Especially since some of the exorcists, devil purgers, affiliated with the church are users of Sacred Gears.
(Y/n) remembers Asia's power to heal the wound on the boy.
Rias: (Y/n).
(Y/n): Yeah?
Rias: A devil that receives a devils purge is utterly annihilated. Nil, Nothing. Feeling nothing. Can't do anything. Do you understand?
(Y/n): (deadpan) I mean there's only so many ways you can say death but yes.
Rias: I'm sorry. I've gotten to worked up over this. Anyhow, please be more careful from now on.
Rias walks away.
(Y/n): Yeah.
Later that day.
(Y/n) is packing some flyers.
(Y/n): Geez. I know I'm new here but she's so overprotective. Sorry Asia, It looks like i can't keep my promise.
Suddenly Akeno appears out of absolutely nowhere.
Akeno: She's only worried about you
(Y/n): Ah! Jeez Akeno!
Rias come in the room and notices Akeno.
Rias: Akeno, I thought you'd gone home already.
Akeno: We received a message from the archduke a moment ago.
Rias: Archduke?
Akeno: Apparently, A stray devil has been spotted in town.
Rias quickly turned stern.
It's nighttime outside. A magic circle appears in some trees. The ORC comes out of it.
Kiba: It was originally a devil's servant.
Issei: Like we are?
Kiba: Once in a while, there are those who betray their masters, or kill them, then live however they please. They are stray devils.
Rias: We've gotten reports that this stray devil has been luring people into the abandoned house up ahead, and then eating them.
Issei: E-eating?!
Rias: And our job is to put it down.
They walk inside the abandoned house.
Kiba: Not having a master, and using their devilish powers without restraint, always brings a ugly outcome.
Rias: (Y/n), Issei.
(Y/n)/Issei: Yeah?/Y-yes, president?
Rias: Are you familiar with chess?
Issei: Chess? Like the board game?
(Y/n): Yeah. I played against Sona. What about it?
A chess board is shown with a image of Rias.
Rias: I, the master, am the king, and i have my empress, the queen, my cavalier, the knight, my tank, the rook, my clergymen, the bishop, and my foot soldier, the pawn. Devils with titles of nobility grant the characteristics of these pieces to their servants.
Issei: The characteristics of those pieces?
Rias: We call them our "evil pieces."
(Y/n): How original.
Issei: Why are you telling us this?
Rias: In any event, watch closely as the devils fight tonight.
Issei: Right.
Koneko: It's here.
A voice came from behind the pillar.
???: I smell something unpleasant. But something sweet and delicious, as well. I wonder if it's bitter.
A female came out completely naked. (Y/n) slightly blushed and Issei made a pervy face.
Issei: I see boobies!
A fist smacked him in the head.
(Y/n): Can it!
Rias: Stray devil Viser, you unfaithful wretch, running away from your master and running wild to fulfill your lusts, your sins are worthy of a thousand deaths. In the name of Marquis of Gremory, I will blow you away!
Viser: Insolent little girl. Would you like me to stain your body with fresh blood, to match with your crimson hair?
Viser started massaging her breasts.
Rias: The smaller the fry, the wiser their cracks.
Issei: This is a stray devil? She just looks like a exhibitionistic woman to me!
Issei had a pervy face.
(Y/n): Can you be serious for once?!
Viser was lifted in the air and a giant hand appeared. Issei and (Y/n) were shocked.
Kiba: Like we said earlier, her body and soul get's ugly.
Issei: And she's got nice fine boobies too, what a waste.
(Y/n): Issei, I swear.
Viser seemed to be enjoying playing with her breasts too much. Her nipples got longer as magic circles appeared.
Issei: Aren't those magic circles?
And then, lasers came out of her nipples.
(Y/n): Look out!
(Y/n) pushed his brother away as everyone else ran for cover. Her lasers disintegrated the wall.
(Y/n): Nipple lasers?! Really?! Oh come on!
Issei: Yep. She's definitely a monster.
Rias: Don't let your guard down. Yuto!
Kiba suddenly vanished.
Issei: Wha-! He just vanished!
Rias: No he didn't. He's just moving faster than you can see.
(Y/n): (But i can see him fine.)
A Knight piece and Kiba is shown.
Rias: Yuto's role is the knight. His attribute is speed, and his ultimate weapon his his sword.
Kiba appeared under Viser and slashed her arms off. Viser screamed in pain. Koneko walked up to her.
Issei: Watch out, Koneko!
Viser's chest opened up.
Viser: Die!
Viser's chest closed on Koneko. The brothers gasped in horror.
Rias: It's alright.
Viser's stomach starting breaking apart until Koneko opened it up with her clothes torn.
Rias: Koneko is my rook. Her attribute is simple. Unparallel strength and defense.
A rook piece and Koneko is shown.
Rias: That won't even put a dent in her.
Koneko: Down you go.
Koneko punched Viser and launched her away.
Issei: Note to self: Don't piss her off.
Rias: Akeno.
Akeno: Yes, president. Ara Ara, what am I to do about this?
One of Viser's hands went to attack Rias.
Issei and (Y/n): President!
Issei and (Y/n) ran to protect her but they wouldn't make it in time. (Y/n)'s hair lit up and his eyes glowed a bright light blue and dashed towards Rias at high speed.
(Imagine him human, no explosion, the trail is electric blue, and it's in the abandoned house.)
He yelled and punched the arm away from her, disintegrating her hand.
Rias: Oh my. Thank you.
Rias was in shock.
Rias: (What more can his power do?)
(Y/n): Your welcome. But what was that just now?
Rias: No time to dawdle. Akeno, finish her off.
Akeno: You're a naughty little thing for trying to lay a hand on president. You must be punished.
Akeno summons lightning.
Rias: She is my queen. My unbeatable vice-president, who possesses all the attributes of the other pieces.
Akeno: Oh, my, you still seem quite active. Well then, how about this?
Akeno attacks Viser with lightning.
Rias: Her specialty is attacks with magical power. What's more, she is...
Akeno: Oh, my, you're still up and around.
Akeno had a blush on her face as she licked her lips.
Rias: ...The ultimate sadist.
Akeno shocks her again.
Akeno: I wonder how much more of this you can take.
(Y/n): She like's this?
Rias: Akeno, that will be enough.
Viser falls to the ground in pain.
Akeno: Done already? That's kind of a shame, huh?
Rias walks up to Viser.
Rias: Any last words?
Viser: Kill me.
Rias: Alright then.
Rias formed a magic circle and charged up a black ball.
Rias: Checkmate.
Rias fired it off and it completely destroyed Viser. Nothing was left.
Rias: It's over. Come om, let's go home.
Akeno, Koneko and Kiba: Yes president.
Issei: U-um, president?
Rias: What is it?
Issei: What pieces are me and (Y/n)?
Rias: You two are pawns.
(Y/n): Pawns?
Rias: Yep! My foot soldiers.
A image of Issei and (Y/n) as pawn pieces.
Issei: The very lowest piece!
(Y/n) using his newfound speed is zooming past the streets going to his destination.
(Y/n): Woooo! This is so cool! I never knew i could go this fast.
(Y/n) quickly reaches his destination. He tries to open the door and surprisingly it's unlocked.
(Y/n): It's unlocked. That's not safe.
(Y/n) notices the only light coming from one end of the hall.
(Y/n): Hello? I'm the devil sent here by Rias Gremory! Anybody home?
When (Y/n) stepped a foot in the house he got a dangerous feeling.
(Y/n): (What was that? It feels like danger.)
Mini flashback
Rias: Koneko has too many summon requests again. Would you mind taking one of them?
(Y/n): No not at all.
Rias: Make sure to bring back a pact this time. Do not dissapoint my expectations.
(Y/n): Yeah.
Mini flashback over.
(Y/n): (I can't turn back now. I'll never get a pact that way.) Okay i'm coming in!
(Y/n) went into the room that had light.
(Y/n): If this is how you greet guests then this is very unprofessional.
(Y/n) gasped as he saw blood.
(Y/n): (Blood?)
(Y/n) followed the trail only to land on a dismembered body.
(Y/n): Oh no!
???: "The wicked must be punished..."
(Y/n) noticed a man sitting down.
???: To quotes of a holy man.
He turned his head with a crazed smile. (Y/n) freaked out. He stood up.
???: Well well, if it isn't a little devil. Freed Sellzen at your service. I am the junior priest with a certain devil purging organization!
Freed did a little dance. (Y/n) was shocked.
(Y/n): Priest?!
Freed: Well, I'm certain I'm not some sort of scum, like a devil
Freed came closer so (Y/n) backed up. He pointed towards the dead body.
(Y/n): Are you the one who did this?!
Freed: Turning to devils was proof that he was through as a human. The end, I say, The end! That's why i killed him. Putting down a scum, and the scum lower than scum that would look upon. That's my job!
Freed pulled out a light gun and a sword of light.
Freed: First, I'm going to cut out your evil heart with my heavenly blade of light. Then, with my righteous gun i'm going to blow a hole in your wicked demon face! HOW DOES THAT SOUND DEVIL!?
Freed launched towards (Y/n) and slashed at him but he dodged. Freed pulls out his gun.
Freed: Kablam!
Freed fires off his gun but (Y/n) was quick to dodge. Freed began firing multiple times with (Y/n) dodging all of them. (Y/n) rushed at him to attack but Freed blocked it and pushed him back. (Y/n) activated his power.
(Imagine him human.)
Freed: Well, it's seeming like you can put up a fight! Unfortunately, your story ends here!
(Y/n): Well! I agree!
The rushed at each other. But before they could make contact. They heard Asia scream.
Freed: Huh? My assistant, Asia, are you through with creating the barrier?
Asia looked in shock.
Asia: W-what is this?
Freed: Right, right, you're a beginner, aren't you? This is our job. We dispose of hopless people that have been bewitched by devils.
Asia: O-oh no!
Asia realized that (Y/n) was a devil.
Asia: (Y/n)?
(Y/n): Asia...
Freed: What is this? You two know each other?
Asia: Why are you here?
(Y/n) sadly looks down.
(Y/n): Asia... I'm a devil.
Asia: A devil?... You, (Y/n)?
(Y/n): I didn't want to lie to you. And I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise.
Asia: Oh no...
Freed: Not that this isn't heart warming, but you and your friend here have no business being together. The fallen angels have expressly forbidden all forms of contact between our kind and theirs. Have you forgotten that already?
(Y/n): Fallen angels?
Freed: Now then! Should we finish what we started.
(Y/n): I couldn't agree more!
Freed took out his light sword and (Y/n) powered his fist. Before anything happened, Asia ran in front of (Y/n) making him stop charging.
(Y/n): Asia!
Freed: You have got to be kidding me.
Asia: Father Freed, I beg you! Please, forgive this gentleman! Please, let him go!
Freed: Do you understand what it is you're doing?
Asia: Even if he is a devil, (Y/n) is still a good person! Besides, there's no way the lord approves of this!
Freed: Huh?! Enough of your foolishness!
Freed slices her dress exposing her boobs. She quickly covers them up.
(Y/n): Asia!
(Y/n) tries to run towards her but he's pushed back because of Freed. He threw a table at him forcing him under.
Freed: Have you lost your mind?! Are there maggots growing in your head?!
Freed grabs her by the chin and lifts her up.
(Y/n): Asia!
Freed: The fallen angels made it clear that i can't hurt you, but you do need a little bit of discipline!
Freed threw her to the wall and stuck his sword between her hands. He proceeds to grab her boobs. Asia is in tears. He puts his gun between her legs rubbing it on her panties. (Y/n) throws a punch at the table breaking it. He see's Freed doing pervy things to Asia.
(Y/n): Hey! LET HER GO!
(Y/n) rushed too fast for Freed to react and punches him straight in the face sending him into a wall. He free's Asia from the sword and puts her down gently.
(Y/n): Asia! Are you okay?!
Asia: I-i'm fine. Thank you so much.
(Y/n): Don't mention it. Now to deal with him.
Freed got up from his impact.
Freed: Wow kid! A sneak attack huh? Classic! This is the most fun i've had in a while. Unfortunately good things must come to an end!
Freed rushed at (Y/n) and (Y/n) got ready to counter-attack. But before Freed got too close a magic circle appeared.
(Y/n): A magic circle!
Kiba came out the magic circle and clashed Freed's sword with his.
(Y/n): Kiba!
Kiba: Hyoudou, I'm here to help!
Akeno comes out too.
Akeno: Ara ara. This is terrible.
Koneko came out.
Koneko: A exorcist.
(Y/n): Guys...
Freed: Yahoo! The whole devil gang has arrived!
Kiba: Sorry, but he's one of us.
Freed: Oh, yeah, that's terrific. So what's the deal? Are you the pitcher, and he's the catcher?
Kiba: I wouldn't expect such vulgarity from a priest.
Freed: Don't get all classy, devil. Hunting down maggots like you is my reason for living. Just shut up and let me kill you!
Akeno: Even devils pick their partners.
Freed: Terrific! What terrific, passionate eyes! Ah, is this love? No, is it bloodlust? Giving off and receiving bloodlust is more than I can take!
Rias: Then i can always blow you away.
Suddenly, a red blast hasted towards Freed but he nimbly dodges. Rias puts away her magic circle.
Rias: Just like you took good care of my servant.
Issei is the last to come out the magic circle as it closes. Issei noticed his brother.
Issei: Bro! Are you okay?!
(Y/n): I'm fine! Just focus on him!
Freed: Oh! Has the headliner made her appearance? Yes, yes, I took quite good care of him. So what?
Rias: Are you alright, (Y/n)?
(Y/n) looked down.
(Y/n): Yes I'm fine.
He felt a hand on his cheek. He looked up and saw Rias staring at him
Rias: Look how hurt you are. I'm sorry. I didn't realize there was a stray exorcist here. There was a barrier in place here until a moment ago so we didn't realize.
Freed started kicking Asia.
Freed: What are you doing, you idiot! The barrier was your job!
(Y/n): Asia!
Rias: I make it a policy to never forgive anyone that harms one of my servants. And I especially cannot tolerate anyone as ill-mannered as you who would stoop down to injure one of their own.
Rias's power shows.
Freed: Uh oh. This power might be a problem.
Koneko, who was holding a table to throw at Freed, smelled something.
Koneko: Multiple fallen angels.
Freed laughed.
Freed: The tables are turning, huh?! You guys are all going to be eating light spears!
Akeno: President...
Rias: Right now, retrieving (Y/n) is all that matters. Akeno, prepare to jump.
Akeno: Right.
Akeno forms a magic circle.
Akeno: Koneko, you get (Y/n).
Koneko: Right.
Koneko throws the table at Freed ant hits him in the back.
Koneko grabs (Y/n) as everyone stands on the magic circle.
(Y/n): President! We have to take Asia with us!
Rias: I'm afraid not. Only members of my household can jump with this magic circle.
(Y/n): But Asia! Asia! Let me go! I have to save Asia!
(Y/n) tries to escape Koneko's grip as tears form in his eyes. Tears form in Asia's eyes
Asia: (Y/n). I'll see you later.
The magic circle glows brightly as they teleport away.
(Y/n): ASIA!
(Replace Issei with (Y/n))
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