Season 1 Episode 11: The acclaimed battle continues!
A/N: Hi everyone! I'm back! (kinda) So if anybody knows my laptop has been having a bunch of problems back then. But now it's... okay? Kinda? Anyways, the point is, Im able to update from time to time so we wont be having fast updates but i'll try to update the best i can. for now though, Enjoy!
Talking: Gotta go fast!
Whispering: He's an idiot.
Yelling: Hey! You!
Thinking: (Oh boy)
(Y/n) held Koneko in his arms who was beat up with her clothes torn.
(Y/n): Risers's Queen?!
Yubelluna giggled at his anger.
Koneko: I'm sorry...
(Y/n): Koneko!
Koneko: I wanted... to serve the president more...
(Y/n): It's alright. Asia will heal these wounds in no time--
Koneko yelled as she vanished from the battle field.
(Y/n): Koneko!
Yubelluna giggled as she dissapeared.
[ A naked Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Asia Appear on-screen until the screen is hit with the title screen. Rias stands on top of a roof. A magic circle appears with the title screen.]
[(Y/n) runs and turns to see Rias sitting on a mountain. They stare at each other with happy gazes. (Y/n) smiles brightly. Koneko is shown, Then Kiba, Then Akeno.]
[Asia is seen standing by a pool of water. A Raynare is shown, then (Y/n) battling with someone. Sona is shown, Than a naked (Y/n) being held by a naked Rias.]
[It shows (Y/n) turning around with a sad gaze as his power is briefly shown. A naked Rias is shown as well. Brief pictures of Rias are shown.]
[Riser is seen battling (Y/n). Then Rias's peerage is shown. It shows (Y/n) bruised and falling as Rias catches him and they look at each other and smile.]
[ Akeno grabs (Y/n) and looks at him with a lustful gaze. (Y/n) blushes as Asia comes and hugs (Y/n) as the screen pans out showing Rias smiling. Chess pieces are then shown.]
Grayfia: One of Lady Rias's rooks, retired.
Issei: Damn it! How dare you kill Koneko! Get the hell down here! Face me!
Rias: (communicator) Take it easy, Issei.
Rias currently in the club room gripped her hands in anger.
Rias: (communicator) When someone can no longer fight, they are transferred to an appropriate location, where they are treated. Koneko is not dead. Keep your wits about you.
Issei: But-
Yubelluna: Give up, boys. No matter how hard you struggle, there is no way you can win.
Akeno floated down in front of (Y/n) and Issei.
Akeno: Oh, my...
(Y/n): Akeno?
Akeno: Leave her to me, and hurry on ahead. You don't need to worry about me. I will fight with my whole body and soul to avenge Koneko.
Akeno glowed a yellow aura.
(Y/n): All right. Let's go!
(Y/n) grabbed Issei's hand and zoomed away.
Yubelluna: I've always wanted to fight you, Priestess of Thunder.
Akeno: Oh, my, I consider it an honor, Bomb Queen.
Yubelluna glowed a purple aura.
Grayfia: Three of Lord Riser's pawns, retired.
(Y/n) and Issei were surprised.
(Y/n): 3?
Suddenly, they both got pulled into an alley by Kiba.
Kiba: Hey.
(Y/n): Hey Kiba!
Issei: Then those 3 just now...
Kiba: Thanks to Akeno's barrier, it was pretty easy to take them.
Sona: Now, the current remaning pieces number nine for Lord Riser and five for Lady Rias. They still can't afford to get careless.
(Y/n): Kiba, i'm sorry, but Koneko has been...
Kiba: I heard. She never lets much show through the surface, but she was on fire today. I'm sure she will be dissapointed.
(Y/n) held his fist up.
(Y/n): Let's win this, no matter what!
Kiba: Heh, of course.
Issei: Let's do it!
They all fist bumped. Suddenly, Rias called on the communicator.
Rias: (communicator) Yuuto, (Y/n), Issei, do you read me? I'm going to launch a sneak attack on their base, together with Asia. Draw as many of the enemy away as you can, and buy us some time.
(Y/n): Sneak attack?
Rias: I have no choice. I was planning to allow Akeno to recover, so she can blast each of them, but now the enemy has sent their queen against us directly...
Kiba: But president, the risk in having the king leave the base is too great.
Rias: The enemy will probably think so, too. That's what i was hoping for. Regardless of how immortal phoenix's body may be, his heart is not. If we can strike hard enough to take the fight of him, we will be able to beat Riser. I am personally going to break his heart.
(Y/n) hung up.
Issei: And with that decided...
(Y/n): Let the boys of the ORC...
Kiba: Go out on a spree!
The three ran out to the replica track field and called out.
(Y/n): Hey! We know you're here! Come on out!
They heard a laugh and saw dust gathering, revealing a knight.
Karlamine: I am a knight in the service of Lord Riser, Karlamine. I question your sanity, coming out to confront me head-on like this. However, i love fighting fools like you!
Karlamine unsheathed her sword and set it on fire.
Kiba: I am a knight in the service of Lady Rias, Kiba Yuuto! I've been looking forward to a fight against another knight.
Karlamine: Well said, Rias Gremory's knight!
The two rushed at each other and starting clashing swords.
(Y/n): I think it's better if we leave it to him.
???: That's not necessarily true.
(Y/n) and Issei turned around and saw the rook of Riser's. They then hear another voice.
???: Karlamine's head is filled with nothing but swords, swords, swords! She turned a glum face towards sacrificing those pieces, too. Geez, could anyone be more unrefined? And just when i thought i had found two cute boys, one turned out to be a sword freak, and the other is the brother of a pervert. This just isn't my lucky day.
The brothers quickly found themselves surrounded.
(Imaging (Y/n) right next to Issei)
Kiba: They're committing all of their remaining pieces, are they? It looks like the president guessed right.
Meanwhile Rias and Asia sneaked by the fight running to the school building.
???: I have to say though, Lady Rias must have poor taste in men.
(Y/n): What'cha tryna say?!
Issei: Boosted Gear!
Issei summoned his gear.
???: Oh, i beg your pardon. I will not be fighting.
Both: Huh?!
???: Isabela?
The Rook, Isabella walked forward.
Isabela: I am Isabela, A rook in the service of Lord Riser. Let's go, Rias Gremory's pawn!
(Not sure if this is the best song for this. If you have a better one, leave it in the comments.)
Isabela rushed at (Y/n) and tried to hit him. (Y/n) kept dodging her attacks.
Issei: Hey! What's with her!
Issei pointed at the girl that didn't want to fight.
Issei: What do you mean, you're not fighting.
Isabela: She is taking a part in this, as a bishop, but mostly, she is just a spectator!
Isabela rushed at (Y/n) with more attacks, but he just dodged them all.
Issei: What for?!
Isabela: She is- i mean the lady is Ravel Phoenix.
(Y/n): Phoenix?
Isabela: She is one of the household devils, but she is also Lord Risers's blood sister.
(Y/n): Sister huh?
Isabela actually got a hit on (Y/n), sending him flying. He landed and got ready for a rush.
(Y/n): Nice job, now it's my turn!
(Y/n) rushed towards her and faked out an attack and kicked her back. While flying ahead, (Y/n) hit her with more kicks and punches finishing it with a spin kick. Isabella got back up and rushed to attack again as (Y/n) kept dodging
Isabela: You're better than expected.
(Y/n) shrugged smugly.
(Y/n): I try my best.
Isabela threw another fist at (Y/n) but he back flipped to dodge it.
Isabela: You're a far shade better than when Mira fought you. It looks like Rias Gremory taught you well.
(Y/n): She did teach me things, but i learned a lot by myself. Which is why i'm winning this thing!
Meanwhile, Rias and Asia made it into the school building when they heard Riser.
Riser: I've been expecting you...
They both look up and see Riser on the top.
Riser: beloved Rias!
While Kiba was facing karlamine, his sword got sliced, breaking it.
Kiba: My holy eraser!
Karlamine: Unfortunately for you, that attack won't work against me.
Kiba: In that case, how about this? Freeze!
Kiba's sword reformed into a ice sword.
Karlamine: You have two sacred gears?!
Karlamine rushed in to attack the sword but the ice sword froze the fire and broke it. Karlamin then took out a dagger from her side.
Karlamine: No matter! We, the household of the proud House of Phoenix, control flame, wind, and life. You're going to lose!
Karlamine cut Kiba's sword again, but this time it reformed into a scepter that sucked the fire away from the dagger.
Karlamine: Just how many sacred gears do you have?!
Kiba: It's not that i possess multiple sacred gears. I simply made them. The magic sword creator, Sword Birth... In other words... I can create... Magic swords at will.
Kiba swung at Karlamine, and brought up multiple swords from the ground but she dodged it all.
Karlamine: What the...?
(Y/n) and Issei look in awe at Kiba's power.
(Y/n)/Issei: Awesome!/He has that kind of power?
Isabela: Don't you turn away from a fight!
Isabela surprised (Y/n) with a hard punch to the face, sending him flying. Issei saw this and got angry.
Issei: Damn, It should be any second now...
BG (short for boosted gear): Boost!
Issei: There it is!
Issei created his magic ball.
BG: Explosion!
Isabela rushed at Issei to stop him, but Issei was faster.
Issei: Un-Dragon-Wavy Dragon Shot!
Issei shot a beam at Isabela that she barely dodged, creating a explosion behind them.
Issei: Whoops. And i though i'd save back quite a bit of power too.
Isabela: Th-that was close. I have to put down that sacred gear, right now!
Isabela rushed at Issei but (Y/n) cut her off.
(Y/n): Too slow!
Isabela: What the-!
(Y/n) kicked her multiple times then hit her in the air. (Y/n) jumped in the air after her and began spinning.
(Y/n): Gotcha! You're finished!
Electricity began building on (Y/n) as he charged. Once he had enough, he dived at Isabela. She screamed as she evaporated from the battlefield. (Y/n) landed safely even doing a pose.
(Imagine he's human and just the pose)
Ravel: Isabela...
Grayfia: One of Lord Risers rooks, retired.
(Y/n): Heh, no problem.
Karlamine: Such a powerful move.
Kiba: First time i've seen it myself. I'm impressed.
Ravel: You there, foot soldier... I wonder, do you know what that is?
Ravel pointed at the roof of the school building. (Y/n) followed that direction and saw Rias and Asia floating down.
(Y/n): Prez? And Riser?
Issei: What?
Kiba: I bet he anticipated their move.
Rias: So i'm assuming you knew that i was planning to attack you directly?
Riser: A virgin should never underestimate one with this much experience.
Rias: How comforting, you're as vulgar as ever.
Meanwhile with everyone else.
Ravel: "The Princess of Ruin", "Twilight Healing", Priestess of Thunder", "Sword Birth", "Boosted Gear", and a boy with unknown power? Such Grand-sounding names when they're all put together. However, we are Phoenixes, immortal birds. you cannot defeat us!
Suddenly, (Y/n) is surrounded by the remaining pieces.
Ravel: Are you beginning to understand? Your situation here is so completely pathetically hopeless. Oh Ni?
Ni: *meow*
Ravel: And Li?
Li: *meow*
Ravel: It's time he met a couple of pawns that actually know what they're doing.
Ni and Li quickly rushed at (Y/n) to attack him, as he dodged easily. He then followed up with a double kick to both, sending them away.
Both: Get him, Siris!
Siris then sent a downward slash, followed by multiple slices, but (Y/n) dodged them all.
(Y/n): That's a pretty big sword. You know how to use it?
Siris got angry at the comment, then rushed him with attack as (Y/n) countered every one. An explosion happened, showing Rias blocked an attack from Riser.
Asia: He's so strong!
Riser: I wish you would make this a little more entertaining. This is the worst foreplay i ever had.
Rias: Play with this!
Rias shot out a magic ball that Riser countered with a bigger ball, canceling out her attack.
(Y/n): Rias! *dodge*
Rias: (communicator) I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Focus on your battle.
As (Y/n) dodged another attack, he quickly kicked Siris away, and started powering up.
(Y/n): I think it's time i get serious!
(Y/n) exploded with a lot of power, sending everybody back.
Issei: Wow, that's a lot of power.
Meanwhile, with Akeno and Yubelluna.
Yubelluna fell to the ground after getting striked by Akeno.
Yubelluna: I didn't expect the Priestess of Thunder to be this strong. Your magic must be almost depleted.
Akeno: Never fear. All i need is a little rest and i'll recover just fine.
Yubelluna: Well, that does sound like a good plan but i don't think i want to wait.
Yubelluna then took out a bottle of liquid, surprising Akeno.
Akeno: And what's in that?
Yubelluna: Oh just your trap.
Back to the others.
Issei: Hey hold on. This gives me an idea! Kiba, Use your sacred gear with all the power you've got! And (Y/N), give me some of that energy!
Both: What?
Issei: Just do it!
Kiba: ...Right. SWORD BIRTH!
As (Y/N) held hands with the Boosted Gear, sending his energy, Kiba stabbed his sword in the ground, sending a shockwave of power to Issei. Issei then absorbed that power.
Boosted Gear: Transfer!
Issei punched the ground, as multiple types of swords rose from the ground. As they all tried to escape, Ravel was the only one successful.
Karlamine: I don't understand. How could we lose? *fades*
(Y/N): Learn how to take the L.
Grayfia: 2 of Lord Riser's pawns, 2 of his knights, and one of his bishops, retired.
Issei: That was so awesome! Boosted Gear Yeah!
Suddenly, an explosion was heard. All 3 turned and saw a damaged Akeno falling from the sky, fading away.
Grayfia: Lady Rias, one queen, retired
Issei: Akeno, no....
(Y/N): But how?
Back to Rias and Asia.]
Rias: Akeno...
Asia: How did they get to her?!
Riser: Looks like you've lost your vaunted right hand.
Rias: Maybe, but i still have (Y/N), Issei and Kiba!
Riser smirked
Riser: Not for long, my beloved.
Back to the others.
Issei: Dang, Akeno is the most powerful evil piece we had.
Out of nowhere, another explosion happened, hitting Kiba, eliminating him as he screamed.
(Y/N) and Issei: KIBA!
Another explosion happened, this time to Issei, as he screamed in pain has he was eliminated.
(Y/N) fell to his knees as his hair sparked.
Yubelluna: (chuckle) Give up?
As her response, (Y/N) turned his head towards her and gave her a glare with his eyes glowing a bright blue.
(Y/N): No way.
Grayfia: Lady Rias's knight, and one of her pawns, retired.
Back to Rias and Asia
Rias blocked a incoming attack as she heard the news.
Rias: Kiba and Issei are gone too?!
Riser: you might as well resign darling.
Rias threw some magic at Riser, hitting him straight in the face.
Riser: You don't get it yet, do you?
Riser's face immediately healed.
Riser: What a lovely bishop you have. Refuse to resign and she and your other pawn will only get hurt.
Rias glared at Riser as Asia stood there, worried.
Asia: (What are you going to do?)
Ravel flew back to Yubelluna.
Ravel: That took you long enough, Yubelluna.
Yubelluna: Their queen was every bit of strong as we heard she was. Believe it or not, (takes out the vial) i had to use these on her in order to win.
Ravel: A win is a win as they say. Out of all our pieces, you're still the one we can depend on the most.
Yubelluna: Thank you. (flies away)
(Y/N): What is that?
Ravel: Families hidden treasure. Tears of the Phoenix, which completely heal any injury instantly.
(Y/N): (deadpan) Wow. Way to play fair.
Ravel: Oh take a Chillaxative, we're only allowed to use them twice per game. Besides, you guys have a bishop who uses Twilight Healing, so what are you whining about? (chuckles) Luckily, these drops can only be produced by our family, so we've made quite a profit of them over the years. Face it, with our money, tears, and immortality, the House of Phoenix was destined to win every rating game we compete in!
As Ravel was laughing, (Y/N) quickly took off, leaving her.
Ravel: Um, i was in the middle of laughing at you!
(Y/N) quickly turned around, jumped up, and punched her into the ground.
(Y/N): So annoying.
(Y/N) sped off again, quickly entering the school.
(Y/N): Promotion: Queen!
As he felt his power rise, he quickly bolted up the stairs.
(Y/N): (I'm not gonna let it end here! We WILL win this!)
As Rias blocked another attacck from Riser, (Y/N) bursted out of the window and ran to Rias and Asia.
(Y/N): Hey guys! Sorry i'm late.
Rias and Asia: (Y/N)!
Yubelluna glided down to Riser's side.
Yubelluna: I can take care of pawn boy and the good bishop. Shall I?
Riser: Do not. Riser would prefer to take them all on together. I enjoy being as persuasive as possible.
Rias: Don't get ahead of yourself. You'll have to get through me to get to them.
Rias shot 2 magic balls at Riser, cutting his arm off. But it grew back instantly.
Riser: (laughs) Resign, you're about to be mated. I can't help but anticipate your moves. Riser knows you better than you think he does. Checkmate, my love.
Rias: You know nothing if you think i'll give up! Try as you might, you will not intimidate me! I am a King and i am ready for WAR!
Riser: You leave me no choice then. (to Yubelluna) Do it.
Yubelluna: Gladly sir.
As (Y/N) got ready to fight, he suddenly felt himself being healed. He turned around and saw Asia healing him.
(Y/N): Hey.
Asia: I can't believe your still standing after everything we've done. You're so brave. You never give up, do you?
(Y/N): Never. now you all should get out of here. can't have you- huh?
A bright purple magic circle appeared under them. (Y/N) realised what that was.
(Y/N): WOAH!
(Y/N) quickly grabbed both Rias and Asia and ran out the way just before it exploded. (Y/N) then put them down.
Asia: That was close!
Rias: Thank you for that, (Y/N)
(Y/N): No problem.
Yubelluna glided towards Riser.
Yubelluna: My apologies, i did not expect them to evade that attack.
Riser: It just means he's quick on his feet. Hmm, all the more enjoyable.
(Y/N): Ok. I think it's time we end this.
Rias: Let's take him out together!
(Y/N): No Rias. You stay with Asia.
Rias: What? There's no way i'll-
(Y/N) put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a trademark smile.
(Imagine him human)
(Y/N): I'll be fine. I want you to save your energy. I can take him.
Rias: ...Fine. But please be careful.
(Y/N) nodded and got ahead of Rias, as he faced Riser.
(Y/N): So Riser, i know that chickens pretty popular back in my world. Why don't you come over so we can have you get fried?
Riser: (Laughs) Riser loves your insults, but they're pretty empty if you can't follow through.
(Y/N): (powers up) Wanna bet?
(Y/N) ran directly at Riser and punched him off the roof. Riser flew as his face healed from the damage.
Riser: You insect! I'll teach you for messing with Riser Phoenix!
(Y/N) got into a fighting stance.
(Imagine him human.)
(Y/N): Fine then. Come "Teach" me.
Riser glared at him and rushed towards him.
Riser and (Y/N) clashed with each other, as the power blew everyone back. Punches and kicks so fast it was hard to tell. (Y/N) grabbed onto an oncoming kick from Riser, and used that to jump and hit him with a spin kick. He then followed up with a Sonic Eagle, then by regular kicks, then another Sonic Eagle.
(Y/N) sent Riser crashing through the school as he landed on the floor. Riser stood up and glared at (Y/N). He then sent a fireball that he narrowly dodged.
(Y/N): WOAH!
(Y/N) was then met with a kick to the face, then punched off the roof.
Rias and Asia: (Y/N)!
(Y/N) carefully landed on the ground. Riser then flew down to him.
Riser: You can't win! Give up!
(Y/N): Sorry, i don't think that part was in the instruction manual.
Riser got annoyed as the flames burned brighter. He then shot fireballs at him, who dodged them all.
Riser: Grr. YUBELLUNA!
Yubelluna: Take this!
Yubelluna then shot out multiple explosions at (Y/N), who had to dodge both the explosions and the fireballs.
(Y/N): Double teaming? This is getting exciting!
(Y/N) made a quick turn at Riser. Since he wasn't prepared for that, he got hit from (Y/N)'s homing attack, who chained that up with Yubelluna getting hit as well.
Riser and Yubelluna flew some ways apart but quickly got back up. Yubelluna quickly went to Risers side.
Yubelluna: My lord!
Riser: Im fine. But he wont be when im done with him.
(Y/N): I won't what?
Riser quickly turned to his side but wasn't ready for when (Y/N) kicked him in the face, sending him flying. He then jumped towards him and hit him with a barrage of attacks, finishing it off with a punch. Riser flew into the ground but quickly recovered as he healed. (Y/N) landed, facing him.
Riser: Don't you see? I can heal from any attack you dish out! You are destined to lose!
(Y/N): Yeah yeah, keep talking.
Riser and (Y/N) ran at each other, continuously clashing at each other with a aura around them.
(Like this. But imagine it's Riser and (Y/N).)
As they clashed over and over, Yubelluna tried to sabatoge (Y/N) with explosions, but he dodged them all. Unfortunately, he got distracted, leading to Riser hitting him. As he went flying, Yubelluna hit him with an explosion, sending him away. Then, Riser grabbed his leg, threw him and sent a fireball his way. (Y/N) fell but quickly recovered.
(Y/N): Darn! If im gonna win, I need to take out his queen.
(Y/N) thought of a way to get her, so he put that plan into action. He jumped in the air and started spinning.
(Imagine like the lightspeed attack charge from Sonic Adventure 1)
As his energy built up, Riser sent big fireballs his way. But just before it hit him, (Y/N) dropped down when e had enough energy. (Y/N) had a thick blue aura around him, as his eyes glowed white.
(Imagine him human)
(Y/N): Wow...
(Y/N) then smirked and ran towards Yubelluna, who couldn't react in time before she was enveloped in a lightspeed attack. She screamed as she felt every hit. (Y/N) then backed away, but quickly went back and hit her with a powerful spin attack.
She then screamed again as she flew back and hit the wall of the school.
Yubelluna: (weakly) My lord....
Yubelluna was then enveloped in a blue light as she faded.
Grayfia: Riser's Queen, retired.
(Y/N) then stopped glowing as he stared in amazement.
(Y/N): Huh. Didn't know i had that in me.
Riser slowly turned towards (Y/N), rage clearly on his face as his fire burned even brighter.
Riser: Nice work pest, but I'm afraid this charade ends NOW.
(Y/N): Couldn't. Agree. More.
(Y/N) started running in place as his energy sparked. Riser channeled his fire into his palm, as it glowed brightly. They stood still, not saying a word, until they rushed at each other, both yelling as they clashed. The power radiated off them, as heavy winds picked up behind them. Rias and Asia stood there in worry, hoping (Y/N) won this clash.
They both yelled as their power growed. As (Y/N) clashed, he felt a sudden power surge through him, as he yelled louder and pushed Riser back. Riser looked in slight intimidation, as (Y/N) glared straight into his soul. Riser then noticed some of (Y/N)'s lighting looked... yellow. Riser then stared at (Y/N) as his eyes started glowing red. He knew what was happening, and he wouldn't allow it.
Riser then screamed out loud as his power made an explosion. That explosion ended the clash, and sent (Y/N) into the air. He looked shocked at this, as riser flew into the air and regenerated that giant fireball.
(Y/N): No way...
Riser: DIE!
Riser then threw the fireball at him, as (Y/N) screamed from the pain. He was sent flying to the roof as he landed, smoking.
Rias and Asia: (Y/N)!!!
Asia then faints.
(Y/N) tried to get up as pain enveloped his body.
(Y/N): Come on me, get up. It's just your bones, your muscles, and your organs.
Riser: I see you've still got jokes.
(Y/N) looked up and saw Riser slowly glide down to (Y/N), panting slightly.
(Y/N): Aw great.
(Y/N) got up and looked at Riser. as he sparked, he felt more pain as the spark went away.
(Y/N): OW! Oh no, don't tell me I'm out!
With Sona and Tsubaki.
Sona and Tsubaki watched the entire fight, and was certainly impressed with (Y/N).
Tsubaki: It's impressive that he was able to hold his own, not to mention take out Yubelluna. But not his body has reached it's limit.
Sona: ..What now, (Y/N)?
Back to the others.
Riser smirked at the panting (Y/N).
Riser: (chuckles) Just as i said. I can keep going, and you are on the brink of defeat.
(Y/N) only laughed at him. Riser glared at him.
Riser: Why are you laughing?!
(Y/N): Because, let's be honest. If it wasn't for that healing of yours, I would've beat you by now. And besides...
(Y/N) got back in a fighting stance.
(Y/N): If you think that's all i got, then you got another thing coming!
Riser looks at him in anger, but then softens his face as he laughs.
Riser: Riser admires your determination, i really do. But this fight. Is. OVER.
Riser rushed at him, with his fist glowing bright with fire. (Y/N) dodged and countered with some kicks. Riser blocked them all and grabbed one of them.
Riser: Too slow!
(Y/N): Hey! That's my line-!
He got slammed into the ground, then thrown up in the air, only to be slammed into the ground again. Riser then punched and kicked him many times, as he couldn't keep up. Rias watched with tears in her eyes.
Riser: I think he needs to be taught a lesson!
Riser then picked up (Y/N) by the face as he stared into his eyes. (Y/N) smirked at him.
(Y/N): Heh. The only lesson im learning here is that you are so annoying.
Riser glared at him. He raised his hand and fire charged in it.
Riser: I think it's time for you to DIE.
Just when he was going to burn (Y/N), Rias went to Riser and hugged him, stopping him.
(Replace Issei with (Y/N))
Rias: Please stop. I resigns okay? Just don't hurt him anymore.
Riser then died out his fire.
Riser: Of course my dear
(Y/N) stood there, shocked. He saw the tears in her eyes, knowing she was hurt.
(Y/N): Why... Rias.
Grayfia: Rias's resignation is acknowledged. Riser Phoenix wins.
Riser then smirked.
Riser: Checkmate.
(Y/N) fell to his knees.
(Y/N): After all of that... we still...
(Y/N) then started crying himself. As it was known... He failed to keep his promise to Rias.
A/N: Well that was a long one. How'd i do coming back?
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