Season 1 Episode 10: The showdown begins!

Talking: Gotta go fast!

Whispering: He's an idiot.

Yelling: Hey! You!

Thinking: (Oh boy)


(Y/n) grabbed the clock on his desk and looked at the time.

(Y/n): One more hour before the game starts, huh?

Rias: (memory) It doesn't matter that our opponent is Phoenix. Let's give them a taste of how strong the household of Rias Gremory really is.

(Y/n): I've been training as hard as possible. I'm not getting beaten here!

(Y/n) heard a knock on his door.

Asia: (Y/n), may i come in?

(Y/n): Come on in.

Asia came in the room and (Y/n) noticed she had her church clothing on.

(Y/n): Asia, your outfit...

Asia: I wondered if i should wear my Sisters clothes. The President told me to come in whatever i though was best.

(Y/n): Well, the outfit does suit you.

Asia: Um, is it okay if I stay with you?

(Y/n): Yeah, sure.

Asia walked over and sat on his bed. She held (Y/n)'s arm and had a fearful expression.

(Y/n): Asia?

Asia: A fearsome battle is about to start, right?

(Y/n): Yeah...

Asia: Still, as long as you're here, (Y/n), I'll be alright. Is it okay if i stay here at your side from now on, too?

(Y/n): Yeah. We'll always be together.

Asia looked at him with a blush as (Y/n) just gave her a thumbs up.

(Imagine he's human and in his room.)

An hour passed as the clock started ringing. (Y/n) shut it off and got ready.

(Y/n): Let's go, Asia.

[ A naked Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Asia Appear on-screen until the screen is hit with the title screen. Rias stands on top of a roof. A magic circle appears with the title screen.]

[(Y/n) runs and turns to see Rias sitting on a mountain. They stare at each other with happy gazes. (Y/n) smiles brightly. Koneko is shown, Then Kiba, Then Akeno.]

[Asia is seen standing by a pool of water. A Raynare is shown, then (Y/n) battling with someone. Sona is shown, Than a naked (Y/n) being held by a naked Rias.]

[It shows (Y/n) turning around with a sad gaze as his power is briefly shown. A naked Rias is shown as well. Brief pictures of Rias are shown.]

[Riser is seen battling (Y/n). Then Rias's peerage is shown. It shows (Y/n) bruised and falling as Rias catches him and they look at each other and smile.]

[ Akeno grabs (Y/n) and looks at him with a lustful gaze. (Y/n) blushes as Asia comes and hugs (Y/n) as the screen pans out showing Rias smiling. Chess pieces are then shown.]


The ORC was getting ready for the upcoming battle, as Akeno and Rias drank tea.

Issei: Impressive. Our boss sure is composed, huh?

The front door suddenly opened, and Sona and Tsubaki came in.

Sona: Excuse the intrusion.

Rias: Come on in.

(Y/n): Sona and Tsubaki? What are they doing here?

Rias: The Rating Game is being relayed to the members of both houses. They're assisting us with the relay.

(Y/n): Oh...

Sona: I volunteered to do this myself. It is your first Game, after all, Rias.

Rias: I'll fight hard, so as not to embarrass you, my rival.

A white magic circle appeared in the room as Grayfia came out of it.

Grayfia: Is everyone ready, then?

Rias: Yes. Whenever you like. Once the time to start has arrived, we will be relocated to the field of battle by this magic circle.

Issei: Field of battle?

Akeno: An alternate space, created just for the Game. It will be a expendable space, so we'll be able to do whatever we want, no matter how unrestrained

Akeno giggles and ​(Y/n) deadpanned.

​(Y/n): You sound excited.

Sona: I will be in the student council room, our broadcast booth. Good hunting out there, Rias.

Rias: Thank you. But keep the play-by-play fair, okay?

Sona: Of course. Although personally, I just don't think that gentleman is a very good match for you.

With that, Sona and Tsubaki left.

Grayfia: Incidentally, this battle will be watched by the Great Devil Lucifer himself.

Rias looked surprised then saddened to hear the news.

Rias: Oh, mo older brother, too?

Issei: Eh? U-um, did she say older brother? Or did i mishear?

Kiba: No, the president's older brother is the Great Devil.

(Y/n), Issei and Asia were shocked.

(Y/n)/Issei/Asia: Really?!/No Way!/Huh?

Issei: The Devil?! President, your older brother is the Devil? 

Rias: Yes.

Kiba: The Scarlet-haired Devil, Crimson Satan, Sir Zechs Lucifer is our president's older brother. Sir Zechs succeeded the previous Great Devil Lucifer, who we lost in the great war.

Asia: So that's how the president became the heiress of the House of Gremory.

(Y/n): So that's why.

Rias: (memory): I am the heiress of the House of Gremory. The name Gremory forever hangs on me.

(Y/n) stared at Rias worriedly. Suddenly, a red magic circle appeared in the room.

Grayfia: It's about time.

Rias: Let's go.

Everyone walked on the magic circle, teleporting them one by one. When they finished. (Y/n), Issei and Asia thought they were still in the ORC.

(Y/n): It looks the exact same?

Issei: Did we screw it up again?

Grayfia's voice echoed through the field.

Grayfia: (voice) Everyone... I am Grayfia, servant of the House of Gremory, and i have been assigned to be the referee for the House of Gremory and the House of Phoenix. For this battlefield, i took the suggestions of Lady Rias and Lord Riser, and prepared a replica of Kuoh Academy, the educational facility that Lady Rias attends in the human realm.

Issei: Replica?

Rias: Take a look outside.

(Y/n) opens the window and saw that the sky looks different.

(There aren't any pictures of the sky so imagine it looks something like this.)

Asia: The sky...

(Y/n): It looks like Aurora Borealis.

Kiba: This is an alternate space.

Rias: The school has been recreated as-is in here.

Issei: J-just how incredible are devil powers, anyhow?

Grayfia: (voice) The places to which both sides have been relocated will serve as their home bases. Lady Rias, your home base is the Occult Research Club room, in the old schoolhouse. Lord Risers base will be... the principal's office, in the new schoolhouse. As such, promotion will become possible for pawns once they make their way into each other's schoolhouses.

Issei: Which means that once we get inside the new schoolhouse, We can be promoted to a power rivaling the ultimate queen.

Akeno: Oh, my, it will not be that easy.

Kiba: On the other hand, if they get inside the old schoolhouse, they will be promoted, so we have to keep our base tightly gaurded.

Issei: Yes, your certainly right.

Koneko came up and handed (Y/n) a ball of magic.

(Y/n): What's this?

Rias: We'll use these to talk to each other on the battlefield.

The magic balls flew into the groups ears.

(Y/n): Oh, like a communicator.

Grayfia: (voice) All right then, Game Start!


Rias pulled out a map and showed it to the group.

Rias: The enemy base is the new schoolhouse... Cutting across the school grounds would be the quickest way, but...

Koneko: It's plainly visible from the new schoolhouse.

Rias: Yes. The risk is too great...

(Y/n): Then, what if we used the track and field grounds in the rear to get into the new schoolhouse?

Rias: The enemy is probably expecting that, as well. They'll probably...

Rias pointed to the club house part of the map.

Rias: ...station several knights or rooks, who have mobility, near the athletic club house building here.

Akeno: A standard play, but also an ironclad one.

Kiba: President, shouldn't we first occupy the gymnasium, adjacent to the new schoolhouse? It's fairly close to our base, and most importantly, it will serve as a diversion to the other side.

Rias: The gymnasium is what would be called the center in chess. Being the first to take it would be strategically advantageous. Then it's settled. It's indoors, so rather than a mobile knight, the rook can take advantage of her more destructive characteristics.

Koneko nodded.

Asia: Fighting is pretty hard, huh?

(Y/n): Don't worry about it Asia. We'll be fine.

Rias: First, we have to secure a defensive line. Yuuto, Koneko, go set some traps in the woods.

Kiba/Koneko: Right/Roger.

Koneko: Come along, Shiro.

Koneko summoned her cat as it climbed on her head.

Kiba: Well, off we go.

Kiba and Koneko left the room.

Rias: Akeno, once the traps are finished, would you cast illusion magic around the woods, including the sky, for me?

Akeno: Very well.

(Y/n): So then, what do we do?

Rias: My healing support personnel, Asia, will stand here with me. If you fall, then we're really sunk, after all.

Asia: R-right.

Rias: (Y/n)...

(Y/n): Yes?

Rias walked and sat on the couch and patted her lap.

Rias: Lie down right here.

(Y/n): What? You want me to lay my head on you?

Rias: Quickly.

(Y/n) blushed.

(Y/n): What is this...

(Y/n) laid on her lap. And he couldn't lie, it felt nice.

(Y/n): (I didn't expect it to feel so soft. I understand why Issei is also crazy about these.)

Asia pouted while looking at them, and Issei felt incredibly jealous.

Issei: (Rrrrrr! I would kill to feel those soft thighs! He's so lucky!)

(Y/n): Rias, while this does feel nice... What is the point of this?

Rias: I'm going to unlock a little bit of a spell i cast on you and Issei.

They look confused.


Meanwhile, Koneko and Kiba were laying traps in the woods. Shiro jumped off Koneko's head and layed another trap.

Kiba: All right, next one, over there.

Akeno sent out her imps.

Akeno: Okay, off you go.

With the rest of the group.

Rias: Issei, come here.

Issei walked over to her. She put her hand on both of their heads and unlocked a part of their power.

(Y/n) and Issei: (This power... growing in me..)

Rias: I told you about how, for your rebirths as pawns, you both used all eight pieces, 4 for each, remember?

(Y/n): Yeah.

Rias: But right after you were reborn, you're bodies were unable to withstand that much power. That's why i spread it out over several stages, and sealed them up. I just released a little bit.

(Y/n): Then, this power that's growing in me is...

Rias: Power that you already possessed. To that end, it was necessary to train your bodies to be able to endure your powers. There's still a good portion that you're not up to yet though.

Issei: Ah, so that's what all that rigorous traning was about? (And in my head, I called the president a fiend! I'm such a dope! I'm such a dope!)

Asia: Ah, the president had such a terrific idea! Oh Lord, please forgive me for feeling jealous.

Asia prayed to God, but got a headache.

Rias: Listen to me you two. Your opponents may be girls, but be sure to defeat them. Don't hold back against them. They won't hold back against you.

(Y/n): Don't worry. I won't go easy.

Issei: Yeah! We'll bring you victory, president!

Rias: Yes, i'm looking forward to it, my dear servants.

Akeno: (communicator) President, do you read me?

Rias: Yes, i read you.

Akeno: (communicator) We are ready.

Rias suddenly got up making (Y/n) head hit the table.

(Y/n): Ow! 

Rias: Okay, here's the plan.

Issei and (Y/n) walked outside and met up with Koneko.

Rias: Listen up. When you get to the gymnasium, you won't be able to avoid a battle. Be sure to do as i told you.

Koneko, Issei and (Y/n): Right.

Rias: Yuuto, are you ready?

Kiba: No problem.

Rias: Akeno, whenever the time is right, if you please.

Akeno: Yes, president.

Rias: Commence the operation, my dear servants! Your opponent is Riser Phoenix, an especially gifted warrior, even among the immortal House of Phoenix. Now, let's go blow him away!

Asia: ((Y/n), and everyone else, good luck.


Issei, Koneko and (Y/n) sneaked inside the gym.

Issei: Whoo, even the inside has been perfectly recreated.

Koneko: The enemy...

The lights turned on as voices spoke.

???: We know you're over there, servants of Gremory!

Issei: I guess sneaking around doesn't do any good.

They came out and faced Riser's pieces.

???: The rook... and the pawn... who faced Mira... and another pawn.

(Y/n): Them again.

Mira: I'm Mira, and i'm a pawn.

Shueran: I'm Shueran, a rook.

Ile: I'm Ile, a pawn

Nel: I'm Nel, also a pawn.

Koneko: That rook has a pretty high level.

Issei: How high?

Koneko: Perhaps queen level, based just on her battle power.

Issei: Are you serious?

(Y/n): Well, that just makes it more fun.

Issei took out his gear and boosted.

Koneko: I'll take the rook; Issei, you take the twins; (Y/n), take the staff girl, if you would. At worst, just keep running away from them.

(Y/n): Don't worry about us, we'll take them out. Let's go!

They rush at them.

Meanwhile with Riser.

Riser: So, they came attacking the center after all. How is the detached force coming?

Yubelluna: Sir... The three pawns, Shuriya, Marion, and Bulrent, are currently infiltrating.

Meanwhile, Shuriya, Marion, and Bulrent are walking through the woods.

Marion: The fog seems particularly thick, huh?

Out of nowhere, a trap activated, but they dodged easily.

Shuriya: A trap? And not a very serious one.

Marion: Why, this is mere child's play.

Bulrent: A cute little trick from a first-timer.


In the gym, Xuelan was throwing fire enhanced kicks at Koneko as she dodged them. When she turned around, Koneko thought she had an openeing. She ran at her but Xuelan threw a kick back. Koneko dodged, but ripped off part's of her clothes.

Meanwhile, (Y/n) stood in front of Mira.

(Y/n): This won't end like last time!

Mira: Try it!

(Y/n): Here we... GO!

(Y/n) rushed at her. She tried to strike at him but (Y/n) quickly dodged and hit her with a kick. Turning fast, He hit her with a volley of punches and finished it off with a kick into the wall. She got back up and rushed at him and tried to hit him with her staff, but he kept dodging.

Mira: Stand... still!

(Y/n): What? Mad cause you can't hit me?

She yelled and striked again but (Y/n) jumped above her.

(Y/n): Sonic Eagle!

When he hit her with that attack, she slammed into the ground, making a big wind gust, also making a small pit.

(Y/n): You're too slow!

Xuelan kept on at Koneko and landed a kick on her stomach, but Koneko took it and punched her in the face. Xuelan stumbled a bit before gaining her balance.

Xuelan: Wow, not bad--

Koneko didn't let her finish and elbowed her stomach. Xuelan fell and struggled to get back up.

Xuelan: Just who are you, exactly?

Koneko: I'm Lady Rias's servant.

Meanwhile, Issei was running away from the twins.

Ile and Nel: Take you apart! Take you apart!

Ile: It's no use running away.

Nel: Please, just hold still and let us cut you up.

Issei: You can't go saying something like that in such a cheery voice! Besides, I don't want to be cut up!

Mira tried to surprise Issei with an attack, but he dodged it by jumping. The twins try to cut him in the air, but he keeps dodging.

Issei: Still, i can do this!

Nel: Ah, geez, this is aggravating!

Ile: How come we can't hit him?!

Issei landed on the ground as the Boosted Gear glowed.

Issei: I've been training the daylights out of myself. If i got beaten right away, i wouldn't be able to face my brother or my friends! Let's go, Boosted Gear!

Gear: Explosion!

Issei glowed a red aura.

Issei: I'll start with you!

Issei jumped up and touched the twins. Magic circles appeared on their bodies. Mira tried to attack him again but he broke her staff and touched her also making a magic circle.

Issei: Ooh, ow! (Still, the conditions are all lined up now!)

Ile: If we lose to this boy...

Nel: Lord Riser will be angry with us!

They rev up their chainsaws as they glow yellow. Mira's broken staff also glows yellow as they rush at Issei.

Mira: We won't take this anymore!

Ile and Nel: We'll take you apart for sure now!

Issei: Now! 

Issei sprouted his devil wings and pointed to the sky.

Issei: Take this! My special move! Dress... Break!

The magic circles on them glowed and... ripped their clothes off. The girls scream in embarrassment and cover themselves. Issei laughs in achievement.

Issei: There, did you see that?! In my head, I've obsessed about girl's being blown away for countless, yes, countless hours, and now, i used all of the magical talent i have to strip girls naked! This is my signature move, "Dress Break."

(Y/n) hit him on the head hard.


Sona and Tsubaki were disgusted.

Tsubaki: How crude.

Sona: The moment he came into contact with the girls, he must have projected his own image of them magically. It is original, but...

Mira: You creep!

Ile: You beast!

Nel: Woman-hater!

Koneko: I've lost all respect for you.

Issei: K-koneko...

(Y/n) noticed Xuelan on the floor.

(Y/n): Hey, you took down the rook. Good job!

Suddenly, Rias spoke through the communicator.

Rias: (communicator) Koneko, Issei, (Y/n), what's your status?

(Y/n): We're A okay.

Koneko walked next to him. (Y/n) looked and noticed her ripped clothes and looked away, with a small blush. Koneko blushed a little as well.

Rias: That's good. Akeno is all ready. Please proceed according to plan.

They nodded at each other. (Y/n) took both of there hands and sped out the room.

Xuelan: They're running away! This fight isn't over yet! You're going to abandon this critical foothold?!

Above the gym, lightning crackled in the sky before shooting down a huge lightning bolt that completely destroyed the gym and the rook and pawns.

Akeno: Take.

Grayfia: (voice) Three of Lord Riser's pawns, and one of his rooks, are incapacitated. 

(Y/n): That was way past cool!

Koneko: Akeno's nickname is the Priestess of Thunder. Those who know her name and power are said to know it quite well.

Akeno had a pleasured face.

Issei: P-priestess of Thunder, huh? If she were to punish me like that, i'd be dead for sure.

Sona: To wipe out an important foothold, and use it as a part of an attack is boldness you would not expect from a first timer. Nice play by Rias.

Tsubaki: However, won't Lord Riser have no choice but to go all out now?

Sona: Yes. The terror is just starting.

Rias: (communicator) The enemy still has greater numbers. We'll need some time before Akeno can launch her second attack. Once her magical power had replenished, we'll move forward, too. Until then, everyone act according to the next phase of the plan...

(Y/n): Next is...

Koneko: We meet up with Yuuto near the track grounds, and eliminate any enemies there.

(Y/n): Wonder how Kiba's doing...

Meanwhile, Shuriya, Marion, and Bulrent are traversing through the forest, destroying traps along the way,

Bulrent: I wonder if they seriously think that these traps are a defense.

Marion saw their base a little up ahead.

Marion: That's the enemy base, right?

When they arrived at the front of the ORC, it disappeared.

Bulrent: What's going on?

Kiba: What a shame.

The girls turn around as they saw Kiba appear from the fog.

Kiba: You can't get out of here now. You're inside a barrier that our queen erected.

Shuriya: Damn it! We were paying too much attention to the traps!

Kiba: When you're short on manpower, you have to use you're wits.

Shuriya: I hate to say this, but you're kind of my type, but do you think you can beat us, three-on-one?

Kiba: Would you like to try me?

Kiba got a determined face.

(Y/n): Well knowing Kiba, he's fine. Let's go guys.

Issei held his hand to Koneko but she didn't take it. She walked ahead.

Koneko: Please don't touch me.

Issei: It's all right. There's no way i'd use it against an ally.

Koneko: It's still a repulsive technique.

Issei: L-looks like she hates me outright now...

(Y/n): You think? Wait up, Koneko!

Out of nowhere, a big explosion hit Koneko, knocking Issei and (Y/n) away.

Issei and (Y/n): KONEKO!

Koneko's clothes had ripped off as she dropped on the ground, laying there.

Rias: (communicator) Koneko? What happened to Koneko?! Answer me, (Y/n)!

(Y/n) ran to Koneko, as Riser laughs in the principal's office.

Riser: Rias, don't underestimate... Riser Phoenix.

Yubelluna floated in the air and giggled.

Yubelluna: Take.

A/N: Yes! Got it out before December! How did you enjoy my first time writing a full fight scene?

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