Season 1 Episode 1: I Got A Girlfriend!

Talking: Gotta go fast!

Whispering: He's an idiot

Yelling: Hey! You!

(Thinking): (Is this how it ends?)


(Imagine your next to him stabbed as well.)

Issei: It's red... Just like the color of her hair. It's red. Her hair is more crimson than strawberry blonde. The same color is coated in my hands.

(Y/n): (In pain) Are you seriously thinking about the other girl from before?

Issei: (In pain) It's not my fault she's beautiful.

A red haired girl suddenly appeared.

???: I wont let you two die.

[ A naked Rias, Akeno, Koneko and Asia Appear on screen until the screen in hit with the title screen. Rias stands on top of a roof. A magic circle appears with the title screen.]

(Imagine the right D is blue and electrified.)

[(Y/n) runs and turns to see Rias sitting on a mountain. They stare at each other with happy gazes. (Y/n) smiles brightly. Koneko is shown, Then Kiba, Then Akeno.]

[Asia is seen standing by a pool of water. A Raynare is shown, then (Y/n) battling with someone. Sona is shown, Than a naked (Y/n) being held by a naked Rias.]

[It shows (Y/n) turning around with a sad gaze as his power is briefly shown. A naked Rias is shown as well. Brief pictures of Rias are shown.]

[Riser is seen battling (Y/n). Then Rias's peerage is shown. It shows (Y/n) bruised and falling as Rias catches him and they look at each other and smile.]

[ Akeno grabs (Y/n) and looks at him with a lustful gaze. (Y/n) blushes as Asia comes and hugs (Y/n) as the screen pans out showing Rias smiling. Chess pieces are then shown.]


It's a beautiful day outside. A School is shown. This is Kuoh Academy. This school was originally an all girls school until it decided to become coed. The problem? Well.... You should know. Perverts are a common thing in this school and are always a problem to the girls. However there is two boys here that aren't perverts. And one of them is the main character.

A blue haired boy is seen walking through the school campus.

(Imagine him wearing a kuoh uniform.)

Meet (Y/n). Our cute adorable boy that goes to kuoh academy. He is super nice to girls and is the friendliest person you could meet. Plus he's a little innocent. Bonus right. As he's walking he waves to all the girls staring at him.

Girls: Hi (Y/n)-kun!

(Y/n): Hi!

He waves at them with a bright smile. All the girls squeal and faint. (Y/n) become worried and rushes over to them.

(Y/n): Oh no are you all alright?

Girls: Too.... cute.

(Y/n): They seem fine.

(Y/n) just continued on his way to where he and his brother is supposed to meet up. He sees his brother but also sees his two other perverted friends.

(Y/n): Hey Issei!

Issei turns to his brothers voice and let's out a smile.

Issei: Hey bro!

His friends, Motohama and Matsuda quickly get angry seeing his brother.

Motohama: Really Issei! Why did you bring him here?

Matsuda: Yeah! He hogs all the ladies!

Issei: Hey that's my brother your talking to!

They lay on the hill for a couple minutes.

Issei: I wanna squeeze some boobs.

(Y/n): (Oh god. Here we go again.)

(Y/n) tried his best to ignore them talking about having harems. He saw girls asking Kiba out for karaoke.

Motohama: If (Y/n) isn't getting all the girls, Kiba is. He's the second idol to the girls in the school.... and the enemy to all boys.

Issei: Damn it! It's not fair! Why won't they notice us!

Matsuda: Oh it's almost time!

Issei: Where are you going?

They said nothing but Motohama made a dumb face.

Issei: Hey (Y/n) you wanna come?

(Y/n): No thanks. I'd rather not be roped up in your shenanigans.

(Y/n) then left and walked around the campus some more. After a few minutes he goes to a hill under a tree for a quick nap. Before he sleeps he feels somebody staring at him and looks to see a red haired girl staring at him.

They stare at each other for a while. (Y/n) waved at her with a smile and she waved back with a smile. She then retreated inside. (Y/n) Could only stare longer.

Motohama: Rias gremory.

(Y/n): AHH!

(Y/n) yells as he jumps.

Motohama: She's 99-50-90 and has been president of the occult research club for 3 years running. Rumor says her family comes from northern europe.

(Y/n): Rias gremory.... WAIT WHERE DID YOU GUYS COME FROM?!

In the old building.

Rias: Akeno, who were those 2 boys just now.

Akeno, A beautiful black haired girl with breasts any girl would be jealous about. They were currently playing chess

Akeno: Which ones?

Rias: The ones with the brown and blue hair.

Akeno: Oh that's Issei and the blue haired cutie is (Y/n). What about them?

Rias: I sensed their power. (Y/n)'s is tremendous. Oh and checkmate.

Akeno: Aww~ I really tried that time.

Rias: You did?

Rias began to undress

Rias: I hope next time is harder.

Rias hops in the shower thinking.

Rias: ((Y/n))


(Y/n) and Issei are on a bridge.

Issei: My school life is so bleak. Will my time at the academy be wasted without a single chance to get some boobs in my hands?

(Y/n): Maybe if you wasn't so perverted you would be more likeable.

???: Umm excuse me.

(Y/n) and Issei turned and saw 2 girls looking at them with blushes.

(Imagine her in a disguise form.)

(Y/n): Uh yeah can we help you?

???: Your Issei and (Y/n) from kouh academy right.

(Y/n): Yes?

???2: Are you two seeing anybody at the moment?

Issei: N-not really.

???: That's great!

(Y/n): Huh?

???: Well we wanted to ask you two if you would go out with us.

(Y/n): EHHHH?!

Issei: W-WHAT!

???: Please go out with the both of us!

Both brothers were shocked.


(Y/n) was sleeping until his alarm clock rang.

Alarm clock: If you don't wake up i-i'l k-kiss you!

(Y/n) groaned and shut it off.

(Y/n): (Why do we even have this alarm clock?)

After breakfast and saying goodbye to his parent he met up with Issei to shi=ow his friends their new girlfriends.

Issei: Guys, Meet Yuuma Amano and Kala Amano. Me and my brothers girlfriends!

His friends looked at them in shock.

(Y/n): Yep! Well Kala. See you later?

Kala: Sure (Y/n)-kun!

Kala kissed (Y/n) on the cheek and ran off. (Y/n) blushed and held his hand up to his face and smiled.

Motohama and Matsuda: Unfair!

After school the brothers went on their seprate dates. While they were waiting a bat lady came up to them.

???: Take this please!

She handed them both a flyer.

(Y/n): "Your wish will be granted." What?

Issei: It sounds lika a scam.

Yuuma/Kala: Issei-kun!/(Y/n)-kun!

(Y/n): Hi! Good morning Kala-chan!

Issei: Good morning Yuuma-chan!

Yuuma: Sorry. Did we keep you waiting long?

(Y/n): Nah. We just got here.

Issei: (I've always wanted to say that!)

The double date went off on their own separate dates but promised to meet up for food. From trying on clothes to bracelets and necklaces. They met up for ice cream but Issei couldn't stop staring at her boobs. Yuuma noticed.

Yuuma: Is there something wrong?

Embarrassed. Issei drunk his drink quickly but got to chiking slightly.

(Y/n): Man chill! Are you okay?!

They went to a park by the fountain.

Yuuma: We sure had a lot of fun.

Issei: Yeah it was the best day ever!

(Y/n) and Issei held both of their girlfriends hands as they blush.

At the fountain they quickly ran in front.

Yuuma: Say Issei and (Y/n)-kun? Can you do something for us to commemorate our first date?

Issei:(I's she gonna ask for a k-kis-)

(Y/n): Yeah sure! What would you like.

Yuuma and Kala gained sadistic smiles.

Yuuma: Would you die for us?

(Y/n) and Issei are shocked.

(Y/n): What did you way.

Yuuma went up close to them.

Yuuma: Would you die for us?

Yuuma and Kala transformed.

(Y/n): What the?! What is this?!

Yuuma: It's been fun hanging around for this short time playing around withyour childish manners.

Yumma and Kala held up their wristband and necklace.

Yuuma: We will treasure these little things you bought for us. And so...

They both created light spears.

(Y/n): Wait what-

Yuuma: Time to die.

They stabbed them both with the spears as they yell in pain.

Yuuma sat on the fountain.

Yuuma: I'm sorry, but you were just too great of a risk to be kept alive. If you want to hate someone. Hate god for having that sacred gear dwell within you.

(Y/n): (Sacred... gear?)

They fell on the ground.

Yuuma: Thanks for the fond memories.

They left.

(Y/n): (in pain) So this is it huh. this is how we die?

Issei: It's red... Just like the color of her hair. It's red. Her hair is more crimson than strawberry blonde. The same color is coated in my hands.

(Y/n): (In pain) Are you seriously thinking about the other girl from before?

Issei: (In pain) It's not my fault she's beautiful.

A magic circle appeared and Rias came out of it.

Rias: Your the ones who summoned me? Don't worry, i won't let you two die.


Alarm clock: Wake up or i'll kill you. Wake u-

(Y/n): Wait what?

(Y/n) looks around confused.

(Y/n): (Was it just a dream? It couldn't have been. It felt too real.)

Either way (Y/n) got up and went to school like usual. And as usual when he got to school girls were fangirling and boys were hating. (Y/n) decided to go see a friend.

(Y/n) went to the school presidents room.

(Y/n): Sona-senpai!

A beautiful black haired girl came walking in the room.

Sona: Hey (Y/n). What can i do for you.

(Y/n): Nothing just wanted to see my friend thats all!

Sona blushed slightly.

Sona: O-oh okay. Say since your here would you mind playing me in a game of chess?

(Y/n): Hmm. Okay!

They played a game of chess and the result shocks Sona.

(Y/n): Hey i won!

Sona: (How did i-) Well it looks like you did.

(Y/n): That was fun! Well i gotta go meet up with some friends bye Sona-Senpai!

(Y/n) Quickly hugged her and ran off. Another black haired girl came up to her.

???: You know what this means right.

Sona: Yes. (Blushes and sighs happily) And i couldn't be happier.

The truth is, Sona had a little crush on our blue haired boy.

While (Y/n) was walking down the hallway he sees Rias gremory walking down the stairs.

Girl 1: It's Rias-Senpai!

Girl 2: She's as beautiful as ever!

While walking down the steps she stops and waves to (Y/n). Being the good person he is he waves back. She continues her way down. The girls went wild.

Girl 3: They waved at each other!

Girl 4: Are they dating?

(Y/n) blushed at these questions and continued in his way.


(Y/n) met up with Issei after him going over to his friends how and are walking down the street.

(Y/n): Hey Issei. Am i the only one that and see better in the night?

Issei: No it's not just you. I feel the same way. I also feel like i'm brimming with power.

They heard a parent and child argue from faraway.

(Y/n): How can we hear from this far? This is too weird.

They went back to the fountain where they died at.

(Y/n): I don't want to believe it was a dream. It couldn't have been.

They both sensed a person.

(Y/n): (What was that?)

They see a man in a trench coat.

???: How unfortunate.

They started shaking.

Issei: (What is this. I cant move.)

They try to step back but end up jumping backwards.

(Y/n): What the?!

???: Running away?

They try running away but the man flies in front of them quickly.

???: This is why I can't abode lower class beings.

Issei: Is this another dream?

???: Your master and friends are nowhere to be found, nor are you showing any signs of disappearing or magic circles. Meaning you two are strays.

The man summons a blue light spear. Issei and (Y/n) try to run away.

???: In which case, Killing you two won't be a problem.

Before they could get away the got stabbed again.

(Y/n): AHHHH! It hurts so much more than last time!

He tried to touch it but it only hurt worse.

(Y/n): AHHH!

???: It hurts doesn't it. Light is a deadly poison to your kind after all. I thought that would finish you both off but you two are surprisingly tough.

The man created another light spear.

???: Don't worry i'll put you out of your misery now.

Before he could throw it it was shot by a red beam.

???: Whas that your doing? No, i suppose it wasn't.

A red magic circle appeared and Rias was standing above it.

Rias: You keep your hands off of them.

Issei: That red hair... It's Rias.

Issei passed out. (Y/n) was still in shock.

???: Who do you think you are?

The man threw the light spear at them but a white haired girl came and repelled it.

The man created another one and rushed at them.

???: Why you-!

Lightning came down and forced the man to be sent back. Akeno came out with lightning crackling in her hands.

???: Red hair... I see. Your from the House of Gremory.

(Y/n): (House of Gremory?)

Rias: I'm Rias Gremory. How are you my good fallen angel?

???: Well, well, I imagine this town is under control by the next head of the Gremory family. Are they one of your household?

Rias: Bring any harm to them and you will get no mercy.

???: Well, I apologize for what happened today. But you shouldn't let your servants run free like that. Someone like me may hunt them while taking a walk.

Rias: I appreciate the advice. And for my part, next time, If anything happens like this again, I will not hesitate to start something. Bear that in mind.

???: I could say the same thing to you. Next head of the House of Gremory.

The man disappeared.

Dohnaseek: My name is Dohnaseek. I pray that we never see each other again.

(Y/n): Wait... what.

(Y/n) passed out.

Rias: That was careless. Who would've thought that they would encounter a fallen angel?

???: They'll die if we don't so something.

Rias: I won't let them die. After all they are my-

The screen blacks out.


Alarm clock: Master! Please wake up! Master-

The alarm clock shuts off. (Y/n) appears under the covers.

(Y/n): (Was it another dream? No it couldn't have been. Wait.)

(Y/n) Noticed another lump on his bed.

(Y/n): Who is?

(Y/n) took it off only to see a naked Rias.

(Y/n): EHHH!?

(Y/n) Fell off the bed. Rias wakes up. Respectfully (Y/n) turns around.

(Y/n): R-rias?! What are you doing here?!

Rias: Good morning!

(Y/n): This has to be another dream right?!

Rias: It is not a dream. Everything you've experienced is real.

(Y/n) slightly turns to see Rias staring at him.

Rias: I am Rias Gremory. A devil.

(Y/n): A devil?

Rias: I am also your master. Nice to meet you. Hyoudou (Y/n).

(Replace Issei with (Y/n))

That's it for the first episode. Next time we will see (Y/n)'s power in action. Stay tuned!

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