This Ends Now

On SWORD, which was in outer-space, Superman was attacking all the workers. Some of Captain Marvel's men were killed. The evil Superman was holding Carol by the neck. "I'm gonna ask you one more time Danvers," threatened Superman, "does Thanos have the Infinity Gauntlet?!?!?!?!"

"No, he doesn't!" Carol gagged. "Then where is The Gauntlet?!?!?!" Superman demanded. "Can't tell you..." gagged Carol, "it's classified information..." Superman tightened his grip. "Tell me or you die!" threatened Superman. Carol then spit in his eye. His eyes went red. "Big mistake," he said. "Superman, that's enough!" Batwoman said. Superman looked at her, glaring at her. "You must be insane, wanting to fight me twice," scolded Superman. "I don't want to fight," reasoned Barbara as she took off her cowl, "I just want to talk... Just let Captain Marvel go, and we can talk like logical, civilized people with common sense..." Superman let go of Carol, and she coughed, gasping for air. Superman glared at her and said, "Leave us." Carol then left the ship. Superman looked at Barbara and said, "Alright, you have my attention."

"Why do you want The Infinity Gauntlet?" Barbara asked. "I'll tell you," said Superman, "but I must know... Did Joker cripple you?" Barbara nodded and said, "Yes..." Superman sighed and said, "I was once like the Clark Kent you know. I too experienced joy. I had hopes and dreams like anyone else. I was married to Lois. You know they have a son named Jonathan, right?"

"Yes, he's beautiful..." Barbara said, remembering the first time Kara let her hold baby Jonathan. "My Lois was pregnant with our son," said Superman, "I was the man who had everything... Until it was taken away from me. The Joker killed Jimmy, kidnapped my wife, put a control that could trigger a nuclear bomb, drugged me into thinking I was fighting Doomsday, he made me kill my wife and unborn son, and when her heart stopped, it triggered the nuke, destroying Metropolis. 8 million lives died that day. In a mixture of rage and grief, I found the monster responsible, and I killed him." Barbara listened, in tears.

"I know what that's like, for the Joker to take everything away from you and ruin your life and lust for revenge," said Barbara, "in a moment of anger and weakness, I allowed the Venom Symbiote to bond with me, and we became this monster known as Darkwing. As Darkwing, I took revenge on the people who wronged me, and I killed the Joker myself. To this day, I still feel no remorse for killing Joker."

"Then you and I are more alike," said Superman, "killing him saved millions of more lives. Think of that, Barbara. You and I did what Bruce was too weak to do. It may have come at the cost of my moral compass, but so be it. I destroyed crime, and made my world a better place. A utopia. True, it may have come at the cost of a few friends... Some of them died for betraying me... But some sacrifices need to be made. What was it Ozymandias said?" Barbara narrowed her eyes and said, "Killing millions, to save billions... But Clark, your utopia is more like a dystopia. What do you hope to accomplish with the Infinity Gauntlet?"

"When the Gauntlet is mine," said Superman, "I will use it to take down the Insurgency that opposes my One Earth Regime. I'll make them see that I am right. Even if I have to take away their wills to where they will respect me. And then, I will bring back my Lois, and our unborn child. And we will raise our son in a perfect world of my own creation. I can imagine it now... It'll be beautiful..." He smiled a little. Barbara on the other hand, was horrified. "Clark, if your Lois were alive," she said, "she'd be horrified by the man you've become. She'd be afraid of you. And what kind of world would you be raising your son in?" Superman scowled and said, "You question my logic? If Lois and our son don't like what they see, I'll make them love and respect me! All I'd need is the Mind, Soul, and Reality Stones to accomplish that."

"You'd take away your wife and child's will?" Barbara asked, horrified, "Then you truly are no better than Thanos. I may have sympathized with your tragedy, but I do not condone your actions, Superman! What I did may have been wrong, but I had my friends to help me see the error of my ways. Including Peter. He never gave up on me, and I love him for that! But my point still stands, Superman. You must be stopped." Superman laughed and said, "And do you think you can do that alone?" Barbara put on her mask, smirked, and said, "Who said I was alone?" That's when Spider-Man, Black Canary, Colossus, Power-Woman, and Static came in, wearing their brand new super-suits. Superman smirked and said, "Nice suits. You really think you can stop me this time?" Power-Woman smirked and said, "This time, we're ready for you."

"Your call boss," said Spider-Man as he got ready to fight. Batwoman's eyes turned gray and she shouted, "AVENGERS, ATTACK AT ONCE! NO HOLDING BACK!!!" And they charged at Superman, all at once. Superman flew up in the air, and Spider-Man used his brand new webbing on him, electrocuting him, and with Superman vulnerable, Spidey punched him square in the jaw. Superman felt his jaw and said, "That actually hurt..." Static used his red sun-fueled gauntlets to shock Superman and said, "Shocking, right? The boss created some new gadgets and gizmos made of the red sun and green Kryptonite to kick your butt!" Power-Woman leaped up and said, "Shocking? Seriously Static?" She then punched Superman in the nose with her red solar powered gauntlets. "You may wanna cover your ears everyone," warned Black Canary. Thankfully, everyone wore their sonic sound-proof ear plugs that could make communicating easy, all while not going deaf from a sonic pitched scream. Black Canary then did her signature Canary Cry, enhanced to be even louder.

Superman gripped his ears, shouting in pain. His ears started to bleed. Superman then got so enraged, he was ready to use his heat vision to try and kill Dinah. But Colossus stepped in, shielding her. "Nobody messes with my pretty bird," said Colossus, "and you will not break me!" The laser bounced off his chest, and hit Superman back in the face. Colossus then punched Superman several times with his green Kryptonite brass knuckles, making the Man of Steel bleed. Batwoman then punched him several times. Each punch harder than the last. Canary screamed, Static electrocuted Superman, and Batwoman, Spider-Man, Power-Woman, and Colossus beat him within an inch of his life. They hit him in every spot where it hurt. Superman then fell flat on his face on the floor. "Hold your fire!" ordered Batwoman, and everyone stopped fighting him. Superman groaned, struggling to get up, but he fell back down, out cold. Static looked at him and said, "Did we kill him?"

"No..." said Batwoman, "but he's going to be out for awhile. Colossus, Power-Woman, Spider-Man, put him on his backside." The three heroes flipped the unconscious Superman to where he was lying on his back. Batwoman then cuffed Superman with chains that included golden Kryptonite, stripping him of his powers. Everyone sighed in relief, exhausted. Batwoman called Bruce and said, "Batwoman to Bruce Wayne. Did Stark tell you of what happened? Tell the JLA and The Avengers that the Gotham Avengers have officially defeated Superman's evil doppelganger, and he is unconscious. Thank you." Barbara took of her mask and sighed in relief, "Way to go team. Good job." She was exhausted.  "Hey, uh Barbara..." Spider-Man nervously said, "with what you said about loving me... Are those words true?" Barbara, smiled, took off Peter's mask and said, "Every word. I love you, Peter Parker." She then kissed him on the lips, hugging him. Peter embraced the kiss, caressing Barbara. He could no longer deny his feelings for her anymore. Piotr turned back into his non-metallic form, smiling. Dinah smirked at him and said, "nobody messes with your pretty bird, eh?" Piotr blushed and chuckled, saying, "Well, I... love you Dinah." She then kissed him on the lips, and once done, said, "I love you too, Piotr." The Russian giant then picked Dinah up, holding her in his arms, and kissed her back. Jessica and Virgil looked at each other and Jess said, "Well, looks like Claire won the bet." This earned a laugh from everyone.              

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