The storm

The next day, Jimin woke up pretty early, and hated every minute of it. He really wanted to sleep longer, since he doesn't have to go to work this morning (he can skip the weeding, that's the deal), and he couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook and his perfect cock.
Their productive time together got him thinking about how grateful he is to Dahyun for making him experience this kind of crazy things.
He thought about the things he would also love to show Jungkook, and sucking his dick was definitely high up on his wishing board. Maybe right under Jungkook fucking him so hard that he couldn't walk for the next week while he's in the farm.

Yeah, that's not going to happen.

He decided that they could do everything except fuck and kiss, but still that leaves them with so much other options.

It would be way too much to let him fuck his needy ass, although ever since Jimin saw that big piece of dick, that's the only thing he was craving for.

He got up, and ate some cereals quickly, and decided to go for a ride on his bike, and enjoy the nature.

As soon as he got out, he saw that the sky was filled with deep and dark clouds, and that was the first time he was actually summoning the rain, cause that means no working for the whole day. He was lazy, as usual.

He drove for a while, and while coming near the other farm, that he accidentally found the other day, he recognized the same three guys smoking weed again, on the same spot.

He came closer, and started talking with them like he's known them for a lifetime. They shared the joint with him, and he gladly excepted.

"Aren't you supposed to work city boy?" they already had a nickname for him.

"I am, I just... don't feel good, so I decided to go for a ride, and enjoy myself.

"Well that's rare, when a boss farmer gives you time off. No one ever do that here. People should just know what they've got themselves into as soon as they come here. A lot of volunteers expect that they'll come here on some kind of a vacation, when it's totally different. You'll need a vacation after this." and they all laughed and nodded.

"You're totally right. I thought how I should retire after this. It's so hard and I'm starting to feel very thankful for everyone who works on something like this." Jimin said, and truly meant it. It wasn't just the weed talking out of him.

"Well that's nice. We love when someone appreciates our hard work. So thank you."

After their small talk, Jimin rides some more over the countryside, and see some cows on the way back.

"Aww they look so cute. I wonder what my three little cows are doing."

He really liked working with animals, and every time Jungkook brought him with, to feed them, or play with them, he felt good and fulfilled, so he decided to go and visit the cows.

He goes around the farm, to not meet with the other workers, and entered the stall.

"Well hello my cute friends. Where is my chubby Cherry?" he asked while entering, and jumped at the front door when he realized he's not alone.

"Sorry, I thought they're alone. I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. I'm just milking them. It's my duty here, so I do it three times a day usually. And don't call her chubby, she's just a heifer, you know. Pregnant. Any day we can expect a baby calf." said the girl sitting on a sturdy stool while milking one of the cows.

"Oh, so you must be Jungkook's cousin. He said this is the job you usually do, and Jungkook never mentioned she's a heifer, I thought she's just, you know..." and he whispered "fat" like the cow would get offended if he says it out loud, and the girl laughed.

Jimin felt welcomed and came little bit closer.

"Yes I am. Are you one of the volunteers?"

"Yes. I'm Park Jimin. It's nice to meet you." he said and smiled politely, and she snapped her head to look at him.

"Oh, so you're Park Jimin. The pleasure is all mine." she said with a smirk, and Jimin gulped heavy.

"Is it possible that she knows something? How could she? Why does she know who I am?"

His panic mode was stopped the minute she took one bucket and throw it in his arms and said: "Jungkook said you know how to milk a cow, and that you helped when I wasn't around, so come on and help me out. Two of us will finish faster." she said and showed him to the last caw standing in a stall.

"Sure. Let me just wash my hands first, and give me something to clean the udder." He prepared everything quickly, and started milking.

"I really love the animals here. They're so friendly and cute." he said in a baby voice, and Charry mooed.

"Yeah, I feel the same way. Jungkook is in charge of the plants and I work with the animals. That's until he doesn't leave this freaking farm." she said and there was some sadness in her voice at the end.

"I don't think Jungkook would ever want to leave. He loves the farm life." Jimin said without thinking.

"Really? Did he tell you that? Cause I know he can't wait to go and study in Seoul. He's good looking, young and smart, he doesn't belong here." she said and only then Jimin thought about how Jungkook never talked about college and why he didn't go to any. It wasn't because of the finances, cause his parents own a ranch, and they look like they have enough money, but Jimin simply assumed he liked it here, and then the curiosity got the best of him.

"Oh, really? I mean you're totally right. Seoul is amazing, and I think he would have a great time there, but he would miss you and your daughter, which Jungkook talks about all the time. Does he have any plans on moving to Seoul any time soon?" he asked, trying not to sound like he is prying too much.

"Well it all depends on Jungkook's college application letters. He applied to two places he would like to attend classes at, and he's waiting for their response. He had amazing grades in high school so I'm not worried actually. I'm more worried about my daughter accepting all of it, cause she is kind of special. She is young, but after my husband died in a car accident, she never recovered from it, and she developed this awful anxiety and she doesn't want to leave the house at all. We hired the best therapists to talk to her, but she just needs to do this on her own, when she's ready. Jungkook is her safe place. Whenever she has some panic attacks, she asks him to be with her, and he really helps her out, and I'm so grateful to have him close to us, and I know it's selfish, but I can't imagine not having him around."

Jimin felt bad that such a young girl was already fighting with such a tiring state of mind, which he could actually relate to. Growing up in a family where others were always so fearful and anxious, taught him also how to be afraid of things he shouldn't have been. He thought so much about it that he forgot where he was and what he was doing here in the first place, maybe the weed he had smoked helped, and he just kept being silent until he heard a familiar voice.

"Jimin hyung, what are you doing here?" Jungkook said while entering the stall, and he felt kind of lost. New information still processing in his head, and the images of last night coming to life, again.


"I was bored so I came to milk the cows. Luckily your cousin seemed like she needed help." he said while winking at the girl, and she just smiled briefly.

"Yeah, he was like a gift sent from above, to help me finish sooner. You could lend him to me sometimes you know, cause he is really skilled with his hands, and could help me finish with milking so much faster."

"I am really good. Look how much I milked in just half an hour." and he showed the bucket to both of them, and they nodded with content faces.

"You did good." Jungkook said, and Jimin had already some filthy thoughts just from one simple sentence so he decided it's time to leave.

"Um... Yes, sure. Anyways, I'm always free to help, just let me know. I have to go now, and... Yeah... Have something to do, so... Bye." he said while looking around and just left, walking out through the back door.

He took his bike, and rides to his trailer, and he rushed a little bit since there were some clouds dangerously threatening to bring on the rain.
As soon as he came inside, he took a beer and drank it bottoms up, cause he was super thirsty, and he tries to call Hobi. He realized that the connection was bad so he went outside just behind his shower, waving with his phone in the air, trying to get the wifi connection which was poor.

As he was walking back, failing in his attempt to call Hobi, he saw a hundred of ants, marching through the field, carrying food into an ant house. He squatted down just to see how they work.

They were walking in line, one after another, carrying crumbs on their back, and all of them went into the hole they made. He felt fascinated by the ants, and just laid low on the ground and kept observing them.

"Hyung, what the hell are you doing?" his stalking was stopped by the one and only, Jeon Jungkook who is standing so close to him, carrying lunch in his hands.

"I'm looking at ants." Jimin answered after glancing at the younger from the ground, realizing how this angle is pretty bad to look at him.

"Why are you looking at them?"

"It's just that... They're amazing. I mean look at them. Every single one of them is carrying a crumb. Can you believe that?" Jimin said and sat up, his legs crossed, still looking at the ants like they're the eight wonders of the world.

"Hyung, are you drunk?" Jungkook asked while squatting down and coming near him.

"No, no... It's not like that. I drank just one beer, but I did smoke some weed earlier, and it was good." he finished and propped his hands under his chin, looking at the ants like he's in cinema. Only pop corns missing.

Jungkook pulled him up. Just like the other day when he hadn't eaten his breakfast, and carried him to trailer.

On the way back, Jimin whined.

"But I really wanna look at them. Aren't you even interested in the slightest if they're gonna put the crumbs back together inside their little house, and make a bread for dinner?" Jimin asked, and Jungkook shook his head in disbelief.

"You're insane hyung." he said quickly, and put Jimin down in the trailer. He fixed his shirt, and whined again.

"You're no fun, Jungkookie." and he crossed his arms on top of his chests.

"You don't really think that." Jungkook said with low voice, and extended his hand with food towards Jimin.

Jimin looked at him, and reached for the food, and while taking the plastic container brushed his fingers on accident, making them both shiver from the small electricity hitting them both.

"Thank you." was all he said, but his mind was already going wild.

"Actually you're the most fun I had in a long time..." but he doesn't say anything. The smell of food distracted him so he sat down and started eating like some animal. Trying to busy his mouth at least with something. Food isn't his favorite option, but whatever.

"After lunch you are supposed to go to work. We are putting fertilizers around the pumpkin crops, but I don't know if it's smart for you to work since you're high." and Jimin felt guilty and irresponsible, but he wasn't feeling that high. Maybe the weed was indeed that strong, but he had only couple of smokes anyways.

"I'm perfectly fine. The food is exactly what I needed to get some strength and I'll be good to go as soon as I take a quick shower. If you see me struggling with the work, feel free to yell at me and send me home whenever you want to." Jimin tried to reassure him, that he's fine, but Jungkook's face was still unreadable.

"I'm not going to be there. I have some things to do, so I'm heading to Seoul now, but I'll make sure to ask Tae to keep an eye on you." Jungkook said and finally his face relaxed a little, but now Jimin looked uptight and reserved.

"You're going to Seoul? Isn't your hot date with Namjoon planed for the next weekend?" he tried to say it with calm voice, but his face expression was giving him away.

"I'm going to pick up some fertilizers we need for tomorrow, I'm not sure I'm even going to see him." Jungkook said and Jimin felt some kind of relief in his mind, stomach and dick too.

It's the weed, ok?

"Oh, ok. I thought maybe you decided to go earlier or something." now he was just blabbering nonsense and needed to shut up actually, cause he could swear there was a small little smirk on Jungkook's disgustingly attractive face, and for fucks sake how he would like to just sit on it... and fuck...his mind went delulu again...

"Ok, so have a nice drive, and I'll see you soon." Jimin said while literary pushing Jungkook out of the trailer, saying he has to change.

"Nothing I haven't seen before!". Jungkook yelled from the outside teasingly, and Jimin just closed the door and slammed his head on it couple of times, trying to get those crazy thoughts away, only earning him a red spot on the forehead.

The work was not hard so Tae and Jimin enjoyed working and talking together. They finished pretty early so Jimin called Tae over, to drink some soju with him in his trailer and maybe watch a movie. Tae agreed gladly and after work they immediately go to Jimin's trailer.
Jimin loved the way the two of them interact and how they always kind of think alike.
He made them some instant noodles, and poured a glass of soju. They talked about anything and everything.
Tae wanted to know about Jimin's work and his place in Seoul, and Jimin gladly invited him to Seoul to come and hang out whenever he wants.
Jimin asked him about his desire to work here at the farm, instead going to college, hoping he'll tell him more about Jungkook's application letter.

"I actually want to study. My grades are not perfect like Jungkook's, but they are definitely good enough to apply to some decent college. It's just that I'm so used to living here, and I kind of like my life here. Nothing's rushed, well maybe my desire for dicking..." he said and they both laughed.
"And then there's Jungkookie and Yoongi hyung... I kind of can't imagine spending a day without them. I know it sounds selfish and immature, but it is what it is." Tae finished and looked shy, so Jimin hugged him.

"With Jungkook it's different you know. He didn't have a choice. After he finished high school, his parents told him that he has to be the one to take care of the farm since his brother had already been for five years in Seoul, living his life, and they relied on Jungkook to take over. When he said he would rather go to college, since he is very interested in technology and computers, and had amazing grades, they said that they won't finance his college tuition, and if he wants to go and study, he has to earn the money for it. So that's what he's been doing for the past three years. Just saving money that he gets as a paycheck for working in the farm, and since he saved enough, he applied to two colleges and he's currently waiting for response. I swear that I want what's best for him, but if he gets accepted I would cry so much. I would miss him so badly, I would even reconsider applying to college myself."

"Well that's actually admirable, and he will be so proud of himself when he achieves whatever he wants in life. And about missing the boys, you really mean Yoongi hyung, right?" Jimin teased, and Tae smiled shyly.

"I hate him so much." Tae said and rolled his eyes.

"Sure." Jimin smiled, and then they decided to watch some fun movie Jimin had on his laptop.

"Hey do you mind if I take a selfie of us and post it on instagram? You know, so that haters can see how hot of a friend I've got." Tae said while cocking eyebrows at him, and Jimin loved the idea.

"But just so you know, as soon as people recognize me, there'll be millions of questions like are we dating and stuff. Don't say I didn't warn you." Jimin said while fixing his bangs.

"Do you really think I would hate the extra attention?" Tae asked while cocking his eyebrows, and Jimin smiled.

"Of course not. You're the attention whore, I forgot." Jimin teased, and Tae brushed his shoulders, as a sign of agreement.

"Ok, so let's lay down and take it from above. That's the best angle." Tae said, and they laid on Jimin's comfy bed, smiled widely, and took a pretty cute photo.

"Uwu, we look cute Tae."

"I'll post it with caption, never knew I'd meet my soulmate while weeding." and they laughed hard. Jimin nodded, saying that that's a great idea.

As soon as Tae posted the photo, likes started to go up, and there were immediately some comments too.

In the sea of "ugh you look cute..." and " who's the pretty babe with you... " Tae noticed Jungkook had commented on the photo too.

JJgguk: Well, well... Look at the two of you not putting the fertilizers on those pumpkins. Guess you have more interesting stuff to do.

"Look at Kookie, asshole shaming us for not doing our job." Tae said and showed Jimin his comment.

"Dickhead, answer him." Jimin said, but had a better idea.

"Actually I will."

ParkJM: Kookie, maybe it's hard to believe, but we've done our job already, faster than when you're around, so I guess we work better without you standing above our heads.

Soon there was answer to Jimin's comment.

Jjgguk: Are you saying I distract you at work?

And as soon Tae read it, he started laughing, which made Jimin laugh too, but there was some pink shade blush on his cheeks too.

"Look at Kookie flirting. If I didn't knew any better, I would think he's being serious. Brat." Tae said, and Jimin remebered that Tae knows that Jungkook likes that Namjoon guy from Seoul, and had no idea about Jimin's and Jungkook's little deal.

"We just like to bike around, yeah..." Jimin said while replying to his comment, trying to stay calm.

ParkJM: No. You're not a hot farmer, remember? 😏

"Aishhh Jimin hyung, stop teasing him, and he's hot and you know it." Tae said after reading what Jimin said.

"Ofcourse he's hot, I just would never say it, cause he's cocky also." Jimin said and a new notification came with Jungkook's reply.

JJgguk: Hm really? I remember you saying that just the other night. Maybe you forgot.

And now there was an obvious blush creeping up Jimin's cheeks. He put his head down, ashamed to even look at Tae's direction, and he quickly went through his memory of the last night when he gave Jungkook that perfect handjob, but he couldn't remember calling him hot. He sure did say he looked good, but not hot. Definitely not hot, or maybe he did say that his dick looks hot... Fuck. His thoughts were stopped by new comment right under Jungkook's.

TaeTae: Is there something I should know?

And Jimin looked up at him, forcing a little smile on his face, and saying that there's not much to say.

Tae didn't buy his fake answer and smile at all, just tilted his head and scolded him after.

"Ok, so you're gonna reply to his comment cause I see you're dying to, and then you'll tell me everything." Tae said while pouring them another glass of soju.

Jimin just nodded, and took his phone to answer.

ParkJM: Yes Tae, Jungkook has a hot dick, that's all.

And as soon as Tae read the comment he threw his phone away, and started laughing hysterically.

"Oh shit. You didn't write that. Park Jimin. Hyung, you're gonna be in so much trouble." Tae said while tearing up from laughter.

"He started it. Don't poke the lion if you can't handle the teasing back." Jimin said sounding sassy, and Jungkook's reply came short after.

JJgguk: Well thank you for your kind words.

Jimin was surprised that Jungkook didn't show any sign of panic at all. His replies were teasingly hot and he hated the way that made him feel. He was lost in his own thoughts again, and then there was another notification. Tae answered under Jungkook's comment, explaining his current mood.

TaeTae: kdisn&ldkdnj!?mbdksbakfjdjdksslslakkajsjxjdjdjyfhaushcsjniadhasoichiWTF

And Jimin laughed sincerely this time, indulging Tae's cute nature.

"Talk." Tae simply said, and Jimin had too. He couldn't hide it cause he had a lot to drink, and his face was giving it away.

So he told him everything, of course without dirty details, and Tae's mouth dropped open.

"Shit, that's so random... I swear to God I would never in a million years guess that Jungkook would think of something like that. You know how he said he needs to like someone he's with? Such a hypocrite. He was looking judgy after he caught Yoongi and me a couple of times in the bathrooms at some parties, and look, now he's doing the same thing. That brat." Tae said but with a smile, and Jimin just shrugged his shoulders.

"So when and what are you two supposed to do next?" Tae said curiously, smirking at Jimin.

"I don't know. The first time just happened spontaneously, we haven't talked about it really, it just kind of happened."

"Is there something you would like to show him specifically?" Tae asked again, looking all invested in their shit.

"Um... I don't know. It's weird talking about this Tae..." Jimin felt ashamed again, but Tae was stubborn and annoying.

"Oh come on. Don't play shy on me now. I told you about me and Yoongi hyung literary everything, and you're gonna play like that with me." he said in pout, and Jimin just melted, overwhelmed with cuteness.

"Aghhh fine. Maybe blowjobs. I don't know..." he said and Tae nodded.

"Good choice. So..." he pursed his lips like he's about to say something that probably shouldn't be said and continued...
"... how did it went with handjobs? I mean you know about mine and Yoongi's experience. Was yours any better? and are you satisfied with the thing you're working with?" Tae finished and cocked his eyebrows at him. Still suppressing the grin on his face.

"Oh hell no, I'm not going into details. That was your choice to say all the details no one wanted to know. And you never talked about yours or Yoongi hyung's dick, so I'm not going to either." Jimin said and crossed his arms on his chest.

Tae just got up off the bed, started unbuttoning his jeans and said: "Here, I don't mind. I'll even show you mine..." and Jimin throw a pillow at him.

"You're really shameless, aren't you?" he said while giggling, and Tae sat down, smiling as well, obviously being his playful self.

"I'm just horny, and into details, and Yoongi and I are still in a fight, and you're not fun at all. You told me such an important thing, and now left me to wander with only my dirty imagination. It's hard to be Kim Taehyung let me tell you." he said and Jimin just shook his head.

"I know what you mean. If someone could read my mind... Oh dear God, it'll be so embarrassing I swear..."

"So at least tell me did you come? I mean that's not much to ask."

"Ofcourse we did. What kind of a question is that? We did good. I mean, I'm always good. I've practiced enough, but Jungkookie... He's good too. Really good actually." Jimin said and his mind showed him flashback of Jungkook's big hand wrapped around his hard cock, and he just shook his head.

Dirty thoughts go away, dirty thoughts go away...

"Thank you. Was that so hard to say? I expect a new update every time you guys do something new. Ok? Don't leave me out of it, please, I'm begging you." Tae said with his palms one against another, like he was praying.

"Well ask Jungkook next time. I don't wanna be the one who can't keep his mouth shout."

"Pffff as if he would ever tell me anything. Everything I know about his sex life is from what I've heard around. If it was from his talking, he would still be a virgin cause he's just the type that fucks and don't tell." Tae said and Jimin thought how that's a nice thing to know.

It was nearly 10 o'clock, and Jimin had to prepare for his vlog, and Tae took his phone since it didn't stop buzzing through their whole conversation.

"Shit I have a missed call and a message from Yoongi hyung. Shit shit shit..." Tae squealed and put his phone on the table.

"Well read the message, I'm dying to know what he wants." Jimin was dead curious, and Tae approached the phone with whispering words: "Please let the message be a booty call, please let the message be a booty call..." and Jimin instantly hold his fingers crossed.

"Shit. It's nothing. He's asking what's happening with you and Jungkook since he saw your bickering on the photo. I'm so disappointed I got soft immediately." Tae said with sad face.

"First of all. When and why did you get hard in the first place, and how come everybody is making a big deal out of a couple of comments?" Jimin asked while positioning his laptop on the bed beside them, and then Tae said loud "shit".


"I have thousands of new followers in just a half an hour, and that picture has almost five hundred comments hyung. What the hell??? Are you that famous? Really?" Tae was surprised, and Jimin took his own phone to see.

"I am, I mean in Seoul I am... Didn't know people would care this much. And most of the comments are nice, look, they are telling how cute we look and stuff..."

"Should I delete it? Is it too much for people to read the comments or something. I mean I know you have two million followers." Tae asked concerned.

"Of course not. I love the attention, remember? Damn. We should've kissed." and they both burst in laugh.

"Tae, you know what would be an amazing idea? My live is starting in five minutes. Come and join me, please. I'll just talk about my day, and I'll introduce you as my work colleague and a friend. How's that sounds?" Jimin batted his lashes at him, and Tae gave in.

"Sure, I'm in."

So Jimin styled Tae's messy, dark and wavy hair little bit, and put some lip balm on his lips, saying it will make him look better.

"Hello everyone, before we start talking, I want to introduce you to an amazing guy I've had the privilege to get to know on this short trip. This is Kim Taehyung, my dear work colleague and I can surely say a friend now. Right Tae?" Jimin started the vlog, and Tae looked comfortable and cute.

"More like soulmate hyung. Don't even try to minimalize our growing connection, we're just special." he said and Jimin hugged him with a warm smile.

They started talking about their day and the work they've done, and after they've said it all, they started reading comments and answering some questions. They both got closer to the screen to read better, and giggled cause of the amount of 'you guys look sexy/hot" comments.

"Thank you all for complimenting our looks. We didn't even put some extra effort into how we look. We will another time." Jimin said, and Tae said he read some interesting question.

"Although that guy looks amazing, that's not the boss I saw the other day. Where is he, and will he make an appearance on your vlog? Love you to the moon and back. Hobi."

"Oh that's my best friend actually. Hobi hyung. Hi hyungie, I love you too, and Jungkook is actually in Seoul now, can't say he'll be on any of my vlogs. He doesn't look like the guy for it." Jimin said and looked at Tae, and Tae agreed.

They answered some more questions...

"No, we're not dating. Tae is my friend."

"Um... Yeah, he's single, but so ready to mingle..."

"I will bring him with me to Seoul."

And after finishing the answers, Jimin started talking about how he destroyed all of his clothes, and Tae suddenly stood up, and went behind the laptop, so that viewers can't see him.

He showed his phone to Jimin, Yoongi's new message, and he had a smirk on his face.

Yoongie hyungie: Anyways, you look cute on the photo. I'm alone at home, wanna hang out?

Jimin read the message, cocked his eyebrows at him, and said that Tae has to go now, but he'll try to get him on his vlog again. Tae came again near Jimin, waved to the viewers, and said his goodbyes. Not long after he's gone, Jimin finished his vlog, and get a call right after, from his boss, Seokjin. He just called to say how amazing of an idea it was to show a new friend he met there, and to ask if Tae was really single. Guess he was his type. Jimin was happy with how things are going except for how difficult it was for him to resist Jungkook. Everything he liked about him was driving him more and more insane, and he hated that feeling. He hated that he couldn't stop thinking about that body, cute bunny smile, and then the fact that he is in love or he likes some other guy. He feels heaviness in his chest whenever that thought comes to his mind. He falls asleep thinking about all of that, and came to a conclusion that he's way too deep in all of it, and just needs to try and relax a little bit, and not let his boundaries be crossed.

The alarm sound made him feel so bad once it started ringing all the way through his hangover head, and he got up immediately just to turn it off.

After getting some breakfast, and making a lemonade, he went outside and saw big, thick cloud, heavy on the sky. It was pretty cold, colder than the days before, so he wore long sleeved shirt, some sweatpants, and went to work.

As soon as he saw Jungkook smiling and talking to Tae, he felt his stomach cramping and decided to leave his weird feelings, inside his stomach, aside for now.

"Jiminshi, Tae yelled as soon as he saw him coming near, and Jungkook softly said: "Hey you." on which Jimin only replied with a shy smile.

"Ok. So I have some pretty amazing news to share." Tae said while clapping, and both of them looked at him confused.

"Last night we almost did it." Tae finally said and both of them congratulated him.

"I'm just curious, how did you, like, almost did it? And why didn't you do it properly?" Jimin asked and Tae gladly responded.

"Well after some blowjobs we both got naked, and started dry humping and..."

"For fucks sake stop it!" Jungkook whispered yelled since there were people around them, and Tae quickly said: "I'm your hyung, show some respect."

"Tae shut up!!! I'm your hyung and we don't need so much details." Jimin quickly added and Jungkook had a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, listen to Jimin. He's your hyung." he quickly added while cocking eyebrows at him.

"Oh no. No, no. The two of you do not get the chance to team up against me. Do you hear me. Besides, if anyone can judge me, that's not the two of you. I know about your little adventures Kookie, so spare me the innocent talk..." Tae said, teasing, and Jungkook blushed while looking at Jimin.

"Oh stop looking at him. He didn't tell me too much. Your stupid comments on our photo made it obvious, and Jimin said you were actually good, so no worries..." Tae said deadpanned, and Jimin whined: "Taeeee, what are you even saying... Shut up." trying to look anywhere beside Jungkook's smug face.

They all separated and started working on ginseng field, plucking and cleaning roots, and soon the rain started falling down.

Jungkook told everyone to go and get some rest, since one of the rules was that there's no work when it's raining. They all did so, and Jimin thought that he finally had the time to finish his work since he was lacking time to do the writing part of his project. He felt pretty inspired and without looking at his watch or outside, kept writing for almost four hours. The only thing distracting him was the heavy rain, pouring from the sky, and a wind so loud, he could hear it even with the windows closed and loud music playing.

When the lightning started being so frequent and it's thundering very loud, Jimin got scared and decided to unplug all electronic and appliances. He turn the light out, his laptop, even his cell, cause he was thought that every electronic device attracts lightning, and he was sure that this thunderstorm will last longer than he thought. Everything felt loud and he saw the lightning strike near on the field, and then the loud thunder that shook him to his core. Suddenly he hears a loud knocking on the door, like someone is trying to brake in, and he remembered one documentary he saw ages ago, how the animals can feel when thunder is coming so they usually tend to leave their environment and search somewhere where it's safer to hide.

"Go away, whatever you are. There's nothing here for you. And if you're bear or a wolf, you won't even eat properly. Guess what, I'm not meaty at all. Go and find somewhere else to hide..." he yelled and soon the door opened and he saw someone dressed in raincoat and rubber boots stepping inside.

"Thank God it's a human..."

"Jimin hyung, we have to go. Hurry. It's gonna be a wild storm, you're not safe here, and we have a lightning protection system at my house." he recognized Jungkook's voice, and immediately run towards him, just grabbing his phone, and leaving everything else inside.

"Thank God it's you. Let's go." he said and they ran to Jungkook's car, and drove until they came in front of a huge ranch with two houses, one extremely big, and one smaller, big patio with large garage on the left and a nice size pool on the right.

"What the fuck..." Jimins thought.

"We're here. Hurry up, and follow me." Jungkook went outside and they started running towards the big door and finally entered the big spacious hall.

"We're soaking wet. Wait here, I'll bring you a towel just to dry a bit before going to the bathroom upstairs." Jungkook said and got out of the raincoat which he hang on one of the hangers next to the door. Jimin just nodded and decided not to move.

As he was looking at the pictures on the wall, some family, portraits, he hears footsteps coming his way.

"I like your hair color." said the girl, poking her head from the living room. She looked cute in her pink one piece pajamas, with an adorable chubby cheeks.

"Really? It's even better when it's dry." Jimin said and came closer, figuring that's the little girl Jungkook always talks about.

"Can I have that hair color?" she asked and came closer to him.

"Ofcourse you can. You only need to bleach it first, and then apply this shade of pink, and you're good to go." Jimin explained, she laughed, and Jungkook came down the stairs, carrying a big towel.

"Really Chaeyoung, you wanna look like a cotton candy?" and he handed the towel to Jimin, who took it immediately and wrapped himself up fully.

"Thank you for the compliment, and any time you want to dye your hair just let me know. There's so much colors to choose from." Jimin said with a cute smile.

"I'm just curious, where did you hear the compliment from what I said?" Jungkook said, his eyebrows furrowed, but a little smile creeping on his lips.

"Well you said I look like cotton candy, and cotton candy is sweet and pretty, so..." Jimin shrugged and looked at the girl who was laughing out loud, looking amused.

"Am I right?" he asked her, and she nodded. "Totally right."

"Ok, fine, cotton candy come with me, you need new clothes and a bath. You must be freezing." Jungkook went upstairs and Jimin followed him.

"I'll be waiting downstairs." cute little girl said, and flopped on the big beige couch in front of the TV.

"Ok, so all of my clothes are pretty big, but I found this shirt and this sweatpant that I wore like in high school and they'll fit you perfectly. Do you need underwear? Is everything wet on you?" Jungkook asked while giving him a white shirt with grey sweatpants and looked at him.

"My dick's pretty wet too, can you take care of that also, no no no..." fuck my mind...

"No, I'm good. That's all I need. Thank you." and Jungkook showed him the door to the bathroom, saying that he has everything he needs inside, just to use whatever he wants.

As he entered the spacious bathroom he felt overwhelmed by the luxurious design in it. It didn't look like this new modern concepts, it had more of an old luxurious vibe. There was a big tub, with golden legs, and a shower cabin made out of stone, and everything was beige and looked very clean.

He took a quick shower, dried his body and hair with new, soft towel that was prepared on the cabinet, and put on the clothes Jungkook gave him. It fitted like a glove, and he decided that he's gonna keep them since Jungkook could never wear those with that buffed body he has.

"Those broad shoulders and buffed chest, and thick thighs,and... Oh just stop it you perv." again Jimin's mind went to another direction.

He came downstairs and saw Jungkook and his niece watching some cartoons and eating a lot of sweets. That reminded him that he was hungry, since it was already eight, and all he ate was some early lunch.

"Jimin oppa, do you like Disney movies?" the girl asked as soon as he came inside.

"I do actually. Do you?" he asked and came to sit next to her.

"I LOVE them! Do you know that I've watched all of them, some even two times?" she said with so much passion in her voice.

"Pffff two times... Who are you kidding? You've made me watch Frozen at least five time, and I'm talking about Frozen I, now I'm watching Frozen II for the third time, and I don't know if I could listen to "Shoooow yourseeelf..." anymore. I'm done. You're not going to traumatize me like you did with "Let it goooo, let it gooo, cause I really can't stand it anymooore" and he sang those parts exactly like in the movies, and Jimin started giggling and laughing so much that he almost fell from the couch.

This is a side of Jungkook he never saw before. The kind and sweet guy who genuinely cares for his little cousin.

"What about... Into the unknown.... Into the unknown..." the girl started singing, and they all laughed.

"I have an idea. How about we watch Toy story since that's also Disney cartoon, but it's not about princesses cause Jungkook seems to have something against them." Jimin asked and the girl pursed her lips, tilted her head to one side, and then the other like she's thinking about it and finally said "Fine. I love Toy story. "and they made themselves comfortable on the big couch, putting a bucket of pop corns in between them and enjoying the movie.

In the middle of the movie Jungkook came near Jimin and asked him if he had eaten dinner, and Jimin said he didn't, but that he's not hungry anymore since he ate too many sweets while watching the movie.

"That's not dinner. Do you like pizza? Chaeyoung, would you like some pizza?" he asked and both of them nodded.

"Do you need help?" Jimin asked, and Jungkook said it's fine, he had the frozen ones, and it's just going to bake them in the oven.

Fifteen minutes later, they were eating delicious pizza, and Chaeyoung was making small braids in Jimin's fluffy hair.

"I'm gonna make one more and you'll look like a fairy." she said while looking at him with a smile.

"I mean who doesn't want to look like a fairy, right?" Jimin asked, and caught with his side eye a fond smile on Jungkook's face.

When the movie was almost over, Jimin turned around and saw Chaeyoung asleep, in one corner of the couch.

"Jungkook, she's asleep. Look how cute she is."

Jungkook walked over to her side, and slowly picked her up in his arms and carried her upstairs into one of the rooms. He came back down, and left the doors open.

"That's how she usually falls asleep, and then I put her in bed, and she wakes up first in the morning, and then wakes me up. She's so cute. I hate when the anxiety takes a toll on her. She has such an amazing personality and she's so kind, I just don't think she deserves for this to happen to her. I wish I could help her more." Jungkook said with some pain in his voice, and Jimin just wanted to cuddle him, and baby him, and sweet talk him, but that's not what they agreed to, and it's not something you do to someone you know for a week.

"You're already helping enough. Just from being there for her. That's enough. She really needs to find a way that can help her to cope with that on her own. You're not always going to be there, and you shouldn't. That's totally fine. She just needs to find ways to help herself overcome those unreasonable fears." Jimin said, and Jungkook looked at him with warm eyes and a little smile on his face.

"Seems like you know more than me hyung."

"Unfortunately I do, but I'm ok with it now. I've learned how to deal with my anxiety a long time ago. I wish I could talk to her, just to let her know that she's not alone, and that those things will pass."

"Maybe you should. Tomorrow. I'm so tired now, do you wanna go upstairs and watch a movie or some anime with me?" Jungkook asked and Jimin felt weird and kind of afraid to be alone with him in his room.

"Sure. I'm tired to."

They walked upstairs, and Jimin was in front of Jungkook and when they came up, he waited for him to show him his room, among so many doors.

"That sweatpants looks great on you. You should keep it." Jungkook said right before passing next to him, opening up the door next to Chaeyoung's room.

"Thank you, I didn't plan on returning it. My ass looks amazing in it." Jimin teased.

"I saw. Very nice. And those fairy braids are just the final touch you needed." Jungkook mocked the hair style Jimin forgot he had, and immediately he started taking them off, while blushing.

"Well this is going to be just fucking amazing." Jimins thoughts.

"So this is my room." Jungkook showed him inside a big spacious bright room, filled with computers, and other electronics devices.

"So you're into technology and stuff? " Jimin asked while looking at a computer which looked like a disco ball, all shiny and colorful.

"Yeah. Computers, programming, playing games and stuff." he said and turn the TV on.

"Oh so you're like some kind of nerd for computers then?" Jimin noted while looking at some computer parts on the table.

"Well if you call a nerd someone who is eager to learn everything he can when it comes to something he likes, then I guess I am." said Jungkook with confidence.

"Fuck. You just invented the definition for being a nerd." Jimin teased, and Jungkook just shook his head, smiling.

He asked Jimin to sit on the big comfy bed next to him, since he was standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.

"Come, sit. Make yourself comfortable. If I didn't know better, I would say you look shy hyung." he said with smirk, and Jimin giggled.

"I'm not shy. It's just weird to be in your room, and in your bed, it's funny... I don't know." Jimin said and finally came closer and sat on the big comfy bed, sliding all the way until his back hit the headboard.

"I have to leave the door open since Chaeyoung sometimes has a bad dream, and she always asks me to come and cuddle her to sleep."

"That's cute." Jimin said and thought how that's just what he needed. Doors wide open so that he couldn't think about things that could happen behind closed doors.

"So what do you want to watch?" Jungkook asked, while searching through new movies on the screen.

"Um, how about we watch another Toy story?" Jimin said and Jungkook's eyes widen in disbelief.

"Excuse me? Toy story, what are you, nine? You're worse than Chaeyoung."

"What? I love Toy story, it's not like I said let's watch Frozen or something. Besides, what would you pick to watch?" Jimin said while crossing his arms.

"We're watching Iron man. There it is. Have you watched it?"

"Have I watched it... Ofcourse I have. All of them, and all the Marvel movies. I love those too."

"Cool. Do you want some snacks or something to drink?" Jungkook asked while standing up, and putting pause on the movie.

"No food, thank you. I've eaten way too much. Maybe something to drink would be good. Thank you."

"What do you want?"

"Anything is fine with me."

In a minute Jungkook came back with a six pack of good quality beers, and Jimin was a bit surprised.

"Oh, a beer."

"Yeah, did you want something else?" Jungkook asked while getting two beer bottles out and handing one to Jimin.

"No, it's fine. I thought you're gonna bring us water or some juice, but beer's good. I love beer." Jimin nodded and opened the bottle, taking his first sip and enjoying the cold sensation running down his throat.

"Oh it's good. Thank you." he said with his eyes closed, feeling the bed moving under Jungkook's weight, adjusting himself in the other side.

They enjoyed the movie, and the beer, and soon enough they drank all of it.

"Shit, did we just finished six pack of beers and we're only half way through the movie?" Jungkook asked when he tried to grab one more.

"I guess you're trying to get me drunk." Jimin said while smirking, his eyes still on the movie, sipping the last drops of his beer, but he could see Jungkook smiling back.

"Is it working?" he asked while getting up, and picking the empty bottles.

"Sure. Go and get us some more." Jimin glanced at him, and the younger did just that. He brought another six pack, and they've opened new beers, and made themselves comfortable again.

"Hyung, are you ticklish or you like when someone's caressing you?" Jungkook spoke all of a sudden, and Jimin blinked few times before answering.

"Um... Both. I'm ticklish on the sides, here, and I love when someone's lightly caressing my lower back and stomach, and arms. How about you?"

"I'm not ticklish, and I love to caress, actually it's the way I usually fall asleep the most." Jungkook said while drinking his beer.

"Jungkookie are you asking me to caress you to fall asleep while we watch a movie?"

"Um, yes." Jungkook said shyly.

"No." Jimin said right after.

"No? Why not?" the younger sounded disappointed.

"Where's the fun in that? I'll caress you, and you'll fall asleep, and then I'll struggle to fall asleep alone. No thank you."

"Ok you've got the point, but what if we take turns in caressing each other, and the first one to fall asleep has to do some penalty or something?" Jungkook said playfully.

"That's something. What's the penalty?"

"Um... How about making breakfast in the morning, and cleaning the stall. Is it too much?" Jungkook said with pursed lips, and Jimin nodded.

"Not bad. I like it. So I'll get breakfast in bed, and my cute cows stall won't stink as much. I like it. So who'll go first?"

"Let's play rock, paper, scissors and the one who looses will caress the other." Jungkook said, and sat down on the bed, facing Jimin.

"Ok. Rock, paper scissors..."

And Jungkook showed rock, while Jimin made scissors, which meant he lost.

"Aish... Ok, I'll go first." Jimin said while Jungkook was jumping on the bed, looking like some overly excited kid in preschool.

And now was the awkward part. How should Jimin sit, and be comfortable while caressing him, and not make himself even hornier than he is.

Jungkook didn't seem to have any problems with that, and he just laidd down on the bed, leaning his back up little bit on the headboard, and he pushed his shirt up, just above his belly button, and said teasingly to start there.

Jimin rolled his eye at a sight before him. Jungkook's abs and silky skin right beside him, ready to be touched.

He gulped once and came closer, leaning his right side to Jungkooks left side of the body, and started caressing him with light strokes just under his belly button.

They've agreed to caress each other for ten minutes, and then switch.

Jimin decided in his dirty mind that he's just going to enjoy the playful and harmless caressing, and he's not going to think about it too much.

He slowly touched Jungkook's lower abs, and then came to his perfect obliques, leaving him surprised at how absolutely not ticklish the younger was.
He was doing like that for almost five minutes now, and finally felt ok with this, not thinking about it at all too much.
He focused on the movie, looking at the screen, and without paying too much attention to it, he wrapped his index finger just slightly under Jungkook's sweatpants and underwear, and softly caressed his skin on that exact place.

It seems that Jungkook got goosebumps all over his body, and he couldn't do anything to stop them from spreading. Jimin was focused on the movie, but could still hear the sharp sigh coming out of Jungkook's mouth.

Guess the younger was surprised by his boldness.

He kept caressing his abs, going up and down, then doing the circular motions around his belly button, and then he came down again, now hooking his thumb slightly under the waistband of Jungkook's sweatpants and underwear, and there was the shiver, and a sigh again. Jimin realized it's not a coincidence to get the same reaction from caressing the same spot, so without looking at the younger he thought he should check once more.
He stroke his sides from down up to almost his chest, and then came back, and slightly touched just little bit under the waistband again. Jungkook's abs flexed this time, and he saw him with his side eye, trying to suppress the sigh by biting his lips.

"Well this seems interesting..."

Jimin decided to be even bolder, and as he was caressing Jungkook's upper abs, he got way up, under his shirt, and reached for his left nipple, earning a silent "fuck" coming from Jungkook's mouth.

He took the hand back quickly, and looked at Jungkook like he's sorry for doing that, but all he got was a dark look in younger's eyes, and a little bit heavier breathing.

"Do it again." Jungkook said when Jimin continued caressing, and Jimin looked at him before going up, and pinching the same nipple again.

Jungkook closed his eyes, which Jimin used to take a peek at the situation down there at his crotch, and it was no surprise that he was hard.

Jimin was too.

He didn't need much, just a look at the younger's perfect body and skin, not to mention the heavy breathing and lip licking.

He turned around to face him completely and put both of his hands inside Jungkook's shirt. Tracing over his abs and up until he had both of his nipples under his fingertips.

He stroke them gently, than pinched them a bit harder, making Jungkook whine under his breath.

"Hyung..." he leaned back, his head lolling on the bed boarder, and Jimin felt the rush to do more.

He moved his shirt up, exposing the little red buds, and leaned over to lick one and then another.

He looked at the younger while doing so, and Jungkook immediately shifted his gaze to look at the sight in front of him.

Jimin started sucking on the left nipple, while twisting the other, making Jungkook blush, and slowly moving his hand on top of Jimin's nape.

"Hyung..." he whined again, and Jimin couldn't help to move from Jungkook's side, onto his crotch, straddling him tightly. Jungkook's hard dick throbbing under him.

"What do you want Jungkookie?" he asked with the sultry voice he knew he had, still caressing his chest lightly.

"Um... I... maybe... Um..." the younger stuttered, and Jimin teased.

"Here's a tip for you. Try to put full sentence in your head before saying it out loud." he said with mischievous smile on his face.

"Um yeah... I just t-thought..." Jungkook tried to say what's on his mind, but Jimin was twisting his nipples with just the right amount of pressure and his mind stopped working. He felt like there was not enough oxygen to run through both of his heads, and the one between his legs got the best of it.

"Ok so practice now." Jimin teased some more, and Jungkook had annoyed expression on his face, but with a little smile underneath all that.

"You're mean. How's that sound?" Jungkook asked playfully, and Jimin smiled cutely at him.

"Hyung... I'm hard." Jungkook said like Jimin didn't noticed that the minute he sat on his lap.

"I know." Jimin said, and moved his hands away from Jungkook.

"Your ten minutes are up, my turn." Jimin said and Jungkook changed their position, making himself straddling Jimin's hips this time.

He looked at Jimin's face and went straight down with his hand, palming Jimin's fully hard dick right now.

It was Jimin's turn to stay out of breath, and he started sucking on his bottom lip to prevent the moan in his throat.

"Hyung, you're so hard." Jungkook said while going up and down Jimin's shaft.

"Can I take off your shirt?" Jungkook asked while hooking his fingers at the hem of it.

The older just put his hands up in the air and let Jungkook to tag the shirt over his head.
He started scratching his abs and petite body, and Jimin closed his eyes, while putting his head back on the bed board.

Jungkook started kissing his collarbones, lightly nibbling the skin under it, and then came up and licked his neck all the way till earlobe. He sucked it in, and played with his tongue around the area. Jimin moaned and grabbed Jungkook's thighs firmly, squeezing the flesh teasingly.

"Times up." announced Jungkook, and Jimin had a cute pout on his face which made Jungkook smile.

Jimin turned them over, and positioned himself on Jungkook's crotch again. He took the hem of Jungkook's shirt and pulled it over his head, leaving him topless to play with.

He squeezed his broad shoulders, and moved down with his hands caressing his chest and abs, touching the bulge in his sweatpants. He squeezed at the tip which made Jungkook exhale loudly.

"Hyung..." he whined, but Jimin wasn't stopping. He tried to get some relief for his hard dick, and started to rub down onto Jungkook's thigh, enjoying the friction.

"Hyung... Can you d-do that faster?" Jungkook asked stuttering, and Jimin didn't know if he meant to fasten the strokes on his still clothed dick, or the hips movement on his thighs.

"Last time when we were at your trailer, you moved like that and I was so close, um, I like the way you moved so much hyung..." and Jimin realized what's the thing Jungkook wanted. He remembered the younger telling him to stop his movement last time cause he was way too aroused, but maybe this time that's exactly how they should both come.

So Jimin looked at him, stepped back, and pulled Jungkook's sweatpants and his underwear in one go, just down around his calves.

"It'll be better this way, trust me." Jimin said and caressed Jungkook's hard dick, curling on his lower abs.
Jimin stood up, just to get rid of the rest of his clothes, and came back on top of Jungkook.

He licked his palm and pumped his dick a couple of times, making the shaft slick, then leaned down so close to Jungkook's dick, took it firmly in his hand, and while just touching the tip lightly with his plump lips, spits down on it and smeared the saliva all over his dick.

"The slide would be better like this." he explained and looked at Jungkook's confused and already fucked up expression.

He positioned himself so that their dicks were rubbing of each other, and the movements of his hips dictating the pace. At first it was a slow pace, sexy swaying of his hips. Then it became a bit rougher and faster, but not too fast for Jungkooks liking.

"Hyung... more, f-faster..." Jungkook was needy, but Jimin didn't wanna give in just yet.
He wanted to tease the younger more, so he got little bit up, and came closer to his chest, and started licking his nipples eagerly while brushing his thick ass on top of Jungkook's dick.

"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck..." Jungkook whined when Jimin's round ass cheeks started bouncing on his dick, and rubbing on it gently.
Jimin had all the best moves and knew how to make him go crazy, so he went back on top of his crotch, connecting their cocks together, and started rubbing them gently. He took both of them with his hands and started stroking them faster and faster while looking at Jungkook's face. His eyes half lidded, lips parted, sweet moans coming out of his plump mouth.

Precome was everywhere, making the strokes so pleasurable and good, and both of them were panting hard, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"Look at that Jungkookie, my hands can't even wrap around our cocks, they're so hard." Jimin said while looking at the obscene sight, making Jungkook flustered.

"I have bigger hands. Can I try?" Jungkook said while looking at their dicks, desperately craving for more friction.

"Sure. Give me your hands." Jimin said, and took both of Jungkook's hands and started licking at the palms and his fingers, never stopping with the intense hips movements.

This time he played even dirtier, and started sucking on younger's fingers, bobbing his head, while swirling his tongue around his fingertips, not breaking the eye contact while doing so.

Jungkook isn't breathing. He inhales deeply and looked at the older's action.

"Hyung why are you so good at this? God..." he said through moans, and Jimin just smirked at him.

"Now you make us feel good." he said while positioning both of Jungkook's hands on their dicks, and the sight is good.

Jungkook's hands are indeed a lot bigger, and he had no problem wrapping their shafts and pumping them together.

Jimin leans forward, and positioned himself at the crook of Jungkook's jaw and neck, and kissed it lightly. Jungkook is obviously desperate, pumping them with tight pressure and fast pace and Jimin knew he won't last.

"Kookie, I-I'm close." he whispered into his ear, and Jungkook kissed his shoulder, and said that he's close too.

Just a couple of more strokes Jimin came hard, and in the heat of the moment he sucked the skin on the younger's neck, making it bruised instantly. While still milking his orgasm, Jungkook came with the same force, spilling cum all over their abs, some of it hitting their chests too. He bites Jimin's shoulder to suppress the moans and Jimin leaned his head next to his. Jungkook was still coming off from his high, and leaned closer to Jimin's head, and started kissing his cheek and jaw, coming extremely close to his lips. Jimin knew if he just moved slightly their lips would've met, and he'll finally taste the younger, but he was afraid.

Afraid that he would like it too much, and that he won't be able to stop, so he moved his head, and leaned back, looking at the mess between their bodies.

"Um... we're gross." Jimin said with smile on his face, and Jungkook chuckled at his words.

"Yeah, so gross. Let's take a shower and finish the movie, ok?" Jungkook suggested, and they both got up, but Jimin ran faster to the bathroom, whispering: "Me first." his ass jiggling as he runs naked out of the room.

He entered the bathroom, took a quick shower, dried himself with new towel he found in one of the cabinets, and came back to the room.

The room is clean, and Jungkook managed to fold their clothes on the bed.

"I'm gonna go now, here's your stuff hyung." he point at him to the bed, and Jimin put on the white shirt and underwear, deciding not to sleep in sweatpants. He laid in bed, covered himself with the soft blanket, and immediately felt the sleep taking over him.

Jungkook came in after twenty minutes, and saw the older asleep. He also wore underwear and some shirt, and laid down next to Jimin, observing his beauty.

He is indeed gorgeous.

Jimin felt the bed moving a little and opened his eyes slightly, only to see Jungkook looking at him fondly.

"I'm not gonna watch the movie, I'm so sleepy..." he whispered, and felt Jungkook's hand moving the strands of his pink hair off of his forehead.

"Ok hyung. Get some sleep, I'm gonna sleep too." Jungkook said through yawn.

"Oh and tomorrow I'm gonna suck your dick, to show you how to do it properly." Jimin whispered with his eyes closed, and Jungkook choked on his own saliva.

"Can't wait." he said after the coughing stopped, and Jimin smiled cutely before falling asleep.

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