The deal
Harvesting cabbages turned out to be more fun than weeding. As if anything is worse than weeding, Jimin thought, and they finished their job even before five o'clock. Jungkook gives today's snack to all workers, some protein bars, and Jimin sat down to eat, near the two giggly girls he noticed yesterday. He didn't wanna eavesdrop or something, but couldn't not hear their conversation about Jungkook.
"Look at him all sweaty... Um, I'd do him in a heartbeat." said the taller girl, while staring at Jungkook who is talking to one of the workers.
"I totally get the rumors now. I mean, why wouldn't he fuck half of the girls here, while all of them are literally throwing themselves at him." Said cute girl, with shorter brown hair.
"Guess I'll have to throw myself little bit harder, he hasn't make a move on me yet." provoked the tall girl, and Jimin rolled his eyes.
He get that Jungkook had fucked half, if not more than half the girls around here, but listening to that girl talking like that, it just sounded weird. She was tacky with some bad manners, but then again he had no idea what Jungkook's ideal type is. Maybe he's be into that.
After feeding some animals, Jimin came to his trailer at around six o'clock, got a shower, and fall asleep immediately. He woke up just in time to do his daily vlog, and to check the comments on the picture he left earlier.
"I totally agree. You look so good..."
"And who exactly said that the overall looked cute, if I might ask?"
"Baby did you show your crush what's under that overall?"
He knew the comments will go in that direction, and he likes to play around with his viewers. He got them right where he wanted them. Curious and wanting for more. His vlog was short but cute, filled with questions he pretended not to see, and didn't answer, and as soon as he finished his vlog, he put some other "louder" music as his alarm tone, and fall asleep immediately.
Finally a morning that he didn't need other person to wake him up, cause to say the ringtone is loud, would be an understatement.
He eats some fruits and cereals and got ready for today's work.
"Well look who came on time for once." Jungkook teased him as soon as he saw him coming near the group.
"Yeah, I decided I'm done with all the special treatments, didn't wanna get spoiled here." Jimin said while smiling, observing the confused look on other workers around him.
Jungkook explains today's work, harvesting apples, and they have a lot of trees to climb up, to harvest them properly, so Jungkook made sure that they should climb carefully, and try not to hurt themselves.
While picking out apples, Jimin heard a deep voice talking behind him.
"You should try to pick more apples, hold them in your shirt, and then dump them in our big container, you'll save time, and do more work, than always going with one or two apples back and forth."
"Oh, that makes sense I guess. Thank you. Wish you told me sooner though." Jimin said while the dark haired guy looks at him with soft eyes.
"Well, I told you the first time I saw you struggling. Jungkook told me about two months after I started working here. Imagine my pain. I'm Taehyung by the way." the wavy haired boy introduced himself, and Jimin knew right away who he was.
"You're Jungkook's best friend, right?" Jimin asked, and Tae nodded.
"Pretty much since I moved here, twelve years ago. Yeah."
And their brief conversation was interrupted by some girls squealing, and giggling while calling Jungkook. They were very loud.
"Jungkookah, I can't reach the apple, give me a lift." the girl is talking while jumping up and down, like she's trying to get the apple, but the apple is too far obviously.
Tae rolled his eyes and said to Jimin: "How desperate are those girl. I saw her yesterday climbing a tree twice this big, but Jungkook wasn't around to help her I guess."
"Yeah, she just wants to get laid. I overheard her talking about it yesterday. Maybe you could help her, talk to Jungkook or something." he remembered the girls from their break yesterday. The same horny and obviously not so shy girl.
"Please, as if he'd be interested. He hates when girls are way too pushy. She's not his type at all." Tae said with disgusted look on his face.
"Well couldn't tell since he looked like a real man whore from what I've seen." and Tae started laughing frantically, which made everyone to turn and look at them.
They stopped immediately, definitely not wanting the attention, and Tae lowered his voice and said: "I can't tell you're wrong. I always told him the same thing. He hates it."
"Oh, nice to know. Now I know how to tease him." and they giggled again.
After the hard work, they all sat and ate their snacks, Tae not moving from Jimin's side through the whole day.
Jimin feels comfortable around him, loved the way he joked, and they even made a comment about one farmer's ass being good, which made Jimin think that Tae could be also gay, or at least bi. Soon everybody gets back to work, and Jungkook came to check what Tae and Jimin are talking about for hours now.
"If only you two would work as much as you're talking..." Jungkook teased, and Tae faked disappointed reaction, putting both of his hands on his heart.
"Are you calling us lazy, Jeon Jungkook?"
Jimin burst into laughter.
"That's exactly what I'm saying hyung." Jungkook said while cocking his eyebrows at them.
"I'm sorry but I can't disagree. When it comes to anything about farm work I'm lazy as fuck. Don't even get me started on weeding, I would sell my left kidney just to skip that part of the day. Literally." Jimin whined and they laughed so hard, Tae put his hands across his stomach, obviously in pain.
They returned to work, of course it was time to do some weeding as usual after lunch, and two hours later, Jimin lay down in the middle of the field, and Tae laughed at him.
"Come on, it's not that difficult. Have you picked the stones from the neglected field?" Tae asked.
"No, I think I would remember that torture." Jimin sighed.
"When you spend three hours at killer heat, picking rocks one by one, and after you've collected enough to carry them on your back and not to split your back in half, then you go for like half an hour to bring them to the stall, cause boss needs them to make some sheep house or something. Then you'll be grateful when they say it's weeding time. " Tae said and Jimin had worry written all over his face.
"Shit, that sounds like hell. I hope while I'm here, we won't have to do that."
"Well we do it once, every ten days. Last time was five days ago, so we're safe for the next couple of days I guess." Tae reassured him, and they get back to work.
Sweaty and hungry, Jimin can't wait to go to his trailer, and was just anticipating when Jungkook would say that the work for today is over, and as if he read his thoughts, in ten minutes, he said it's time to go and rest, and Jimin fall on the ground again. All dirty and tired, he stayed laying there for couple of minutes, waiting for everyone to leave, and then he heard Tae calling Jungkook.
"Jungkookshi, let's grab a beer, I'm so thirsty..." and Jimin jumped from the ground, turned to face Tae, and burst out: "There's beer somewhere?" he couldn't imagine something better right now than a big glass of cold beer, running down his throat.
"Sure, there's this little bar nearby. We always go there to grab some beers after work, wanna come with us?" he asked, and Jimin instinctively looked at Jungkook, kind of feeling like he was intruding. Jungkook looked at Tae, and then at Jimin again, not saying anything.
"I don't want to intrude, and I'm pretty tired, so it's better to just go and rest " Jimin quickly added, feeling kind of ashamed.
"No, of course you should come. You worked really hard today, and we usually just grab a couple of beers, play some pool, and are back home before ten so that we could rest properly. I just don't know if you'll like it there. It's small, and not fancy at all." Jungkook explained.
"Are there chairs in there?" Jimin asked with a deadpanned voice.
"Is the beer any good?"
"Amazing actually."
"Are there some hot guys, maybe?" he asked while smirking.
"Well Tae and I are going, so..." Jungkook teased with smug face, and Tae took some funny pose, flexing his arms, trying to prove a point, and Jimin chuckled.
"Well, since Tae is going, I guess there'll be at least someone hot in there." Jimin teased back, and Tae gave him high five, smirking at Jungkook, who just shook his head and smiled cutely.
"We'll pick you up in an hour. Don't make us wait." Jungkook then said, and they all go to freshen up.
Jimin took a long shower, and decided to dress up nicely. He couldn't forget the way Jungkook looked last night, and thought how he should bring his A game tonight too.
He wore tight light ripped jeans and some karo button up shirt. He finished his countryside look with some ankle boots, and styled his hair kind of messy on one side, revealing some of his forehead.
At eight o'clock sharp he went out and the car was already waiting for him. He came on time, but they obviously came a little bit early.
When he enters car, he looked at the boys wearing casual clothes, just simple t-shirts and some jeans. Sneakers to match their look. He felt overdressed, but since the boys started teasing him immediately he decided to play along.
"Are we even going to the same bar? Look at him all styled up." Tae said with smirk.
"I thought since we're going to the bar, and there'll be hot guys, you know..."
"Oh, so someone's trying to get laid." Tae teased again, and Jungkook smiled at Tae.
"Well it would be nice. Why not?" Jimin plays along, and they both looked at him with wide eyes, mouth little open.
"I'm kidding, Jesus you looked like I said I killed someone." he joked, and they started laughing again.
"If you said you killed someone, I wouldn't even be surprised." Jungkook teased while looking at him through mirror and Jimin just showed his tongue teasingly.
They came pretty fast, and as soon as they entered the place, Jimin understood why they were teasing him.
It was obvious the guys came here right after hard work, still kind of sweaty, in their overalls, just greedy for some smoke and beer. There were pool tables all around the place, and it was pretty crowded.
"Ok, I'm definitely overdressed for this shit." Jimin exclaimed when pretty much all the guys were looking at his direction.
"But you look good though, they're looking cause you're hot." Tae said while winking at him, so he nodded and smiled back.
The cute guy waved at their direction and Jimin joked: "Look, there's a cute guy waving at me already."
"That's our friend, Yoongi, he's actually waiting for us." Jungkook explained and they started laughing.
After they sat down, Jimin introduced himself, and Yoongi looked at him without blinking.
"Sorry we're little bit late, Jimin needed time to get dressed." Jungkook said to Yoongi, and Jimin looked at him while squeezing his eyes.
"That's not true. I came just in time, as they told me." he pouted.
"I don't mind, since you're looking so pretty anyways." Yoongi flirted, and all of them looked at him with wide eyes.
"Hyung... you're so shameless." Tae whined, and Jungkook smirked at him.
"You still sure he didn't wave at me when we entered? Maybe he didn't even see you next to me." Jimin teased, they all smiled, but Tae looked kind of shy, and put his head down.
After they got their beers, they started talking, and Jimin fell in love with their dynamics.
Jungkook was goofy and relaxed around them, nothing like the "boss" in the farm. Tae was cute and talkative, and little bit touchy with Yoongi, who was straightforward and careless, obviously always saying what's on his mind.
It didn't feel weird being there with them, if anything, he felt like he's just fitting perfectly, being outgoing and the tease he is, they all hit it off right away.
"So Jimin, how are you feeling about farm life? Is the work harder than you thought?" Yoongi asked, and Jimin sighs dramatically.
"It's so much harder than I thought it would be. The thing is, I've been to countryside before, plenty actually, but I've never worked this hard. It's definitely challenging for someone lazy like me. I haven't pick anything heavier than a pen in the last two years at least." Jimin said and they all laughed at him.
"I'll be so disappointed if after two weeks of this hard work, I don't get a body of a Greek god, I swear."
"I think you look great. Don't need no muscles to look better anyways." Tae said with a warm tone, and Jimin melted while giving him a fist bump.
"Is he always this sweet? I'm surprised you don't have a boyfriend since you're so cute. Or maybe you do, I never asked." Jimin said and they looked at him with wide eyes again. None of them saying anything.
"What?" he asked after taking a sip of a cold beer.
"It's just that, here, at our village, and around, we don't have a lot of gay guys, and it's harder to date, or to have any kind of experience in that department actually." Yoongi said, and for the first time tonight, he sounded little bit shy.
"What? Really? But I saw at least three gay guys just here at the bar." Jimin said quite confidently, while looking around, and then added: "Maybe even more...".
"No way. Who do you think is gay? And how can you be sure anyways?" Tae said and they move a little closer around the table.
"Well you can never be 100% sure until you have someone's dick on display, but there are some signs that can help, you know. And why are we whispering like we're talking about some kind of a big secret here?" Jimin whispered, like the others have started.
"Well, no one talks about this around here. Like, sexuality is something you should keep to yourself. And pretty much all of the farmers should be some cocky straight guys, and girls should be a-stay-at-home-moms and that kind of shit... Life here in rural places doesn't evolve much since the last five hundred years. It's all kind of controversial and stuff." Yoongi explained.
"Oh, maybe that's why everyone's looking at my pink hair with disbelief. I'm probably weird to some people here." Jimin said while going with one hand through his hair, and they laughed at him.
"Yeah, that among other stuff." Jungkook said, although he was being pretty quiet for most of the night.
"What do you mean?" Jimin looked at him, actually not understanding his comment.
"Well it's just that, you're kind of straight forward with your comments, and the way you dress and walk, and just how you talk, it's easy to see that you're confident with being you know..." and he whispered the last word "gay".
"Well that's cause I'm openly gay and don't give a fuck about what others think or say. I am happy with who I am, and it took some time to get here, so I'd say you're right. I am proud to be gay, and I'm not afraid to show it." Jimin said without blinking or taking a breath.
"That's so cool. I wish I could be like that." Tae said, hands propped underneath his chin, looking at Jimin in daze.
"Babe you can be. You are so nice and cute, I swear to God you deserve the best mother fucking top that you could get." Jimin said and Yoongi coughed right away, while Jungkook's eyes widen almost double the usual size.
"So you think I look like a bottom?" Tae asked shyly.
"Oh my God, I shouldn't have said that. I'm so sorry. Labelling is so wrong, and I should've known better. It's just that I felt somehow connected to you, like immediately, on some kind of another level, and I thought you're kind of like me. Um... If you know what I mean." Jimin tried to explain, and after he saw a smile creeping up on Taehyung's face he relaxed a little.
"I wasn't offended or anything. Don't get me wrong. It's just that... I don't know yet. How do you even know? How can you tell if someone's top or bottom?" Taehyung opened up cause he was really curious, and Jimin looked like someone who knew the answers.
"Well it's nearly impossible to tell if the guy is a top or bottom just by his looks. We do have some stereotypes of course, but that's all that they are. Stereotypes. Masculine guys are supposed to be tops, and more feminine guys bottoms, and then there are also versatile ones, also called switches... I mean you could never know until you try things, you know... Just play around and figure out what suits you best. Not everything is black and white." Jimin tried to explain, while the three of them looked at him like he was giving them the most important lecture of their life.
"So what do you think I am?" Yoongi asked as soon as Jimin finished.
"Aish... didn't you hear what I've just said." he shook his head and smiled at his random question.
"Ah come on. I'm interested to know. Just tell me how I look like to you. You said it to Tae, come on, it's just for fun." Yoongi was determined to know.
"Oh God, fine. Um... to me, you look like a switch." Jimin said while nodding.
"Really?" Tae asked, more surprised than Yoongi.
"Yeah, I mean... he's cute and everything, but he's kind of feisty and determined, and a little bit bossy... so I don't know. I could be wrong I guess." Jimin said and took a sip of his beer.
"And what about Jungkook?" Yoongi asked all of a sudden.
Jimin gulped that sip of a beer down his throat and asked: "What about him?" while looking at him confused.
"Well what does he look like?" Yoongi asked like it was well known that all of them liked guys, but Jimin was sure Jungkook was straight since he saw him with those girls, and Jungkook even said himself that he was sexually involved with them. Then he realized that he never said anything about liking or disliking guys. It's just something that never popped out, and suddenly Jimin realized that he was quiet for too long, while the others were staring at him.
"I-I don't know." he simply said, but Yoongi the pushover as he is asked again.
"Oh come on, you have to tell us. Aren't you curious Guk?" he asked and Jungkook finally spoke.
"I actually am." he said with smirk while looking at Jimin.
"I think he's a top." Jimin said, not looking at Jungkook directly, more at Yoongi, like he was answering his question.
"Yeah I thought the same thing." Tae said immediately, and they all laughed.
"Gukie, a cute bottom like me, and a fierce top like you, what are we waiting for?" Tae joked while pushing him, and Jungkook frowned his eyebrows saying: "Not in a million years."
"Anyways, you have your switch here." Jungkook said and pointed at Yoongi.
"Oh, are you two? Um.. Something?" Jimin was confused cause of Jungkook's comment.
"No." Yoongi was pretty fast to deny, and Tae looked at him, and shook his head.
"We're not. We just, you know... Um... Tried some stuff... God this is awkward." Tae blushed.
"Oh, that's good. That's the best thing that you could do actually." Jimin said enthusiastically.
"What is?" Yoongi asked.
"Well to try things with friends, especially if there's no feelings involved. It's kind of the way I got to know what I like the most." Jimin explained.
"But isn't that wrong? Shouldn't you be with someone you like? I mean... Sexual things shouldn't happen with someone you don't feel attracted to, you know. I mean... How can you even get hard if you don't like someone like that..." Jungkook asked, and they all looked at him little bit surprised at his sudden question.
"Oh, I know what's this all about." Tae said while snapping his fingers.
"Oh shut up hyung." Jungkook whined, and Jimin felt super curious.
"It's cause of that guy you like. Isn't it? Tae asked, and Jimin felt weird.
Did Jungkook really like someone? A guy?
"It's not that..." he said, but his look gave him away. He looked nervous, looking at one dot on the table, blushing.
"Well, he has a point there, sure." Jimin said and Jungkook looked at him, and then the older continued.
"It's just that, I'm not sure you liked all of those girls you've slept with, if I recall, you even called one of them "a mistake" so... What's up with that? " Jimin tilted his head, waiting for his response, and both Tae and Yoongi burst into laughs.
"Point taken. I don't know. Maybe you're right. It's just, as Yoongi said, hard to find someone here." he said sounding sincere.
"Well we could try if you want to. It would be super fun, but some other time. You said we'll be back by 10, and I have some daily vlogs to do, and it's already 9:30..." Jimin was worried he'll be late.
"Really? It felt like ten minutes..." Tae said, obviously sad that they should leave.
"Time flies when you're having fun." Jimin said, while cocking one eyebrow at him.
"So, same time tomorrow?" Yoongi asked, and Jimin instinctively looked at Jungkook.
"If you want to... Sure." Jungkook said while looking back at Jimin.
"Sure. I'd loved too. Actually can't remember when I had this much fun." Jimin said while getting up, and Tae came closer and hugged him.
Soon they dropped Tae home, and it was just Jungkook and Jimin in the car.
"So... Tell me about the guy you like." Jimin asked while looking at Jungkook's pretty side profile while driving.
"There's not much to tell. He's just a guy that lives in the same building as my brother in Seoul." Jungkook explained.
"Oh, he's from Seoul. How often do you visit your brother? Have you talked to the guy at all?"
"I go maybe three to four times a month. I go there for some supplies for the farm, and then usually stay the night. My brother has a big apartment and I have a room there. And yes, of course I talked to him. We always grab a coffee when I'm there, and then texts when I come back here." Jungkook explained, and Jimin really felt like he likes the guy. Lucky bastard.
"But why do you do stuff with girls if you like the guy?" Jimin was curious again.
"It's complicated, and I actually haven't done anything in a long time with anyone. We never spoke openly about us, like about relationship and stuff and once he even mentioned that he had tried long distance once and it failed badly, so I don't wanna push it too much. We just hang out, and he's super smart and fun to be around." Jungkook explained and Jimin felt the weird feeling in his stomach again.
"So have you done something with him?" Jimin asked shyly, but curiosity was killing him.
"Um... We kissed. That's all. Um... but he said something about a sleepover when we see each other next time so I don't know. Maybe then..." Jungkook's voice was shaky and Jimin immediately knew he was nervous about this.
"That's nice. Two of you, taking things slowly. Did you tell him you're inexperienced when it comes to sex with a guy, maybe he had boyfriends or something so he can show you stuff." Jimin asked, and Jungkook blushed.
"Um no. We haven't discus that. I'm kind of embarrassed actually to talk about that openly. I don't know. I thought not to tell anything, but he's too smart, he'll know I'm sure. I don't know..." there was the shaky voice again, and Jimin kind of felt sorry for him.
"You keep telling his smart, what are you more into brains than looks? Is he even cute?" Jimin teased just to make relax him a little.
"He's cute of course, but I'm definitely more of a brain guy. He's a pharmacist, with highest degree, a bit older than me, and never fails to amaze me with how easy going he is." he complimented the guy, and Jimin's thoughts went in the totally wrong direction.
"If he's more of a brain guy, I never even stood a chance."
"Here we are hyung. Thank you for tonight. My friends really seem to like you. Hope we didn't mess up your work since is 9:55 o'clock. Will you finish your job in time?" Jungkook asked while parking the car near Jimin's trailer.
"I'm just in time. Thank you for inviting me. Well Tae did, but anyways. I like them too. They're really something special." Jimin said, wished him good night, and went back to his trailer.
As soon as he walked in, he started his live, not wanting to be late.
"So hi guys. Today I actually had a fun day. Well fun night anyways. I went to a bar with some workers and we really had an amazing time. The guys were so much fun to be around, and they invited me to grab a beer again tomorrow. It just feels amazing after a hard work to go and grab some cold and actually pretty good local beer. I won't stay long for this live cause I'm pretty tired and have to get up early, but I promise I'll answer some of your questions tomorrow, leave comments about anything you want to know, and I'll read and answer them tomorrow." he said while yawning, and finishing his live.
He didn't have the will to go through comments at all, just changed into some sweatpants, and falls asleep right after brushing his teeth.
The next morning Jimin woke up before the alarm went off. He was surprised cause he felt well rested, his muscles weren't sore, and he felt kind of good. He ate some noodles and fresh veggies, made himself a lemonade to carry with him to the field, dressed in his overall and rubber boots and goes to work.
His happiness was shortlived, cause he immediately saw the workers weeding, which made him sick to his stomach.
"Good morning guys." he greeted everybody, and started weeding. He didn't notice Jungkook around, but Tae was right near him, waving and smiling.
Half an hour later, he saw Jungkook coming his way.
"Hyung, do you wanna help me with the animals?" he asked Jimin, and then whispered: "I know how much you hate weeding." and gave him a small soft smile.
"Yes I do. My chickens would be so happy to see me, they know I give them more corn than you." Jimin said and got up quickly, taking his bottle with him and they left for the stall.
"Ok, so first, we're gonna feed the chickens, and then we're gonna milk the cows. Have you ever milked a cow hyung?" Jungkook asked with a smirk, cause he thought he knew the answer.
"Actually I did. When I was younger. Can't say I remember though, you're gonna have to show me first." he said, and Jungkook looked surprised.
They came into pretty big room where three cows were eating, and mooing peacefully.
"Ok, so we're gonna milk all three of them, that's usually my cousin's job, but she had to go to nursing home to help with some supplies. So how much do you know about milking?" he asked while positioning the bucket and a wet towel near the cow.
"Well I know that before we milk the cow, first we have to clean the udder, then sit on a sturdy stool and lubricate the individual teats before starting with milking. I remember pulling downward from the base of the teat, and squeeze the milk out into a bucket or pail, whatever you have there. Oh and I also know that you should start from the right side first, but I don't know why. I forgot." Jimin explained and Jungkook looked at him in awe.
"Well I guess you know it all then. I'll just show you once, and then the cow's all yours."
So he located himself down on the stool, and after cleaning the udder, took one teat firmly with his thumb and index finger and started squeezing firmly, but not too rough. The milk started going down in the bucket immediately, and he continue the same process a few times more.
"Ok, I'm ready now." Jimin said enthusiastically and they switched positions.
He did the same thing as Jungkook, only his fingers were shorter and he couldn't quite wrap the teat all the way around, but when he applied just the right amount of pressure the milk started pouring into the bucket and he was happy he didn't quit forget how to do this, although it was a long time ago.
"Well look at you... Seems like you're a natural." Jungkook teased, and Jimin just looked at him, puckering his lips, and squinting his eyes.
"It was a compliment. Don't look at me like that." Jungkook said smirking.
"I'll take it as a compliment. Sure."
"I have to go now, to check upon the others, you'll need probably two hours to milk them all, so I'll come to see how you're doing before lunch. Ok?"
"Sure. If I could I would do this every day instead of that mother fucking weeding."
Before Jungkook went out he quickly added: "And about sides, I also always start from the right. It doesn't have some real meaning behind it, it's just that usually people's right hand is more skilled, that's all."
"That makes sense. Mine is skilled on another level." Jimin blurred out and blushed immediately.
"I'm sure it is." Jungkook said playfully and went away.
"Oh my God. Did I just brag about my right hand being skilled... For fucks sake." Jimin scolded himself mentally and continue with the work.
An hour and a half after, Jungkook came to check the situation, and was quite surprised to see all the cows milked properly, udders all drained out, and empty.
"Good job hyung. Really. You surprised me with your skills." and Jimin had so many dirty comebacks to that, but he pursed his lips before any of them slipped through his mouth, and he stood up, while Jungkook continued.
"Damn, you milked them good. Not a single drop left there." he said while checking the udder, and Jimin just tried to walk towards the door, still with pursed lips, keeping his thoughts under control, but he slipped and fall down, on his ass, into something kind of warm and squishy.
Jungkook snapped his head, and looked at him, jumped to help him out, but he got up quickly, trying to identify what did he fall into.
As soon as his hand touched the sticky, brown, pretty warm thing sticking all around his ass, he took a deep breath and exhale loudly.
"Just tell me that this, all around my ass and my hands now, is a chocolate pudding that you brought with you when you came here, please." Jimin said trying to sound calm, and Jungkook pursed his lips, trying so hard not to burst into laugh.
"I would gladly say that, but I think the smell will gave it away, since it smells nothing like chocolate hyung." he said and the smile started creeping on his face, not able to control it anymore.
"Don't you dare laugh at me. Jeon Jungkook I swear to God. " Jimin said and started coming near him with his hands up.
"Oh no you wouldn't." Jungkook said while still smiling, and put his hands up, trying to defend himself.
Jimin came closer, and Jungkook started running towards the end of a stall, still laughing on the top of his lungs.
"Stop it hyung. I mean it. I'm stronger than you. I can take you." he said while running away, but Jimin was fast. He grabbed Jungkook's waist and smeared what he think could only be cows poop, all around his overall.
"Aaaaa hyung, you're insane." Jungkook said, but he was still laughing, and Jimin was giggling like he wasn't dirty and smelly as hell, and when Jungkook grabbed him, and throw him on top of the hay, and started putting some straws inside his overalls, Jimin started laughing frantically.
"Stop it. Jungkookie, it tickles, I-I'm ticklish..." he tried to defend himself, but Jungkook was merciless, as soon as Jimin said he's ticklish, he started tickling him all around his waist, and obliques, and instead of feeling ticklish, Jimin felt aroused, and the way Jungkook smiled, and held his both hands above his head with only one, made him feel hot and horny, so he started squirming around, trying to get out of there.
"Ok, ok, that's enough. We should get cleaned up, we stink badly." Jimin said, but Jungkook gave him some kind of dark look, without letting his hands out of his firm grip.
"It's enough only when I say so. You know you can't run away, right? As I said, I'm stronger." he looked cocky, and Jimin's cock was hard, and he did the only thing he could, trying to save his dignity.
He kicked Jungkook right down in his balls with his knee, not too hard, but definitely hard enough for the younger to let go of his hand, and when Jungkook fell to the floor, both hands in his crotch, he said:
"Shit Park Jimin, I'm gonna kill you for that.", but through giggles.
Obviously the kick was not that strong, and he was being more dramatic than it hurt, but Jimin just run away while yelling : "Catch me if you can." and he was so fast, that in no time he was in his trailer, taking off his dirty clothes, than jumping into shower to wash up, and his dick was still hard. He couldn't stop thinking about the way Jungkook manhandled him with ease, which was such a turn on for him, and the way he felt his dick when he kicked him slightly with his knee. Maybe he was just big down there, or maybe he got turned on too. Fuck, either way it's a bad thing to think about while taking a shower.
The shower helped with his needy dick, and if it was any other circumstances he would jerk off in no time, but he was outside, taking shower where anyone could see him, so it's better to hurry and just leave for lunch.
He wears the widest shirt he has, and a sweatpants with some tight underwear, trying to hide his still ongoing erection.
Fun times.
After the lunch, which he spends with Tae, gossiping around about everyone and everything, they continue to work, but the work itself wasn't too hard.
They were peeling and hanging persimmons, getting them to dry, and it was very relaxing and nice to work while chatting to Tae.
"I can't wait for us to grab a beer later." Tae said enthusiastically, and Jimin felt the same way.
"Aren't you just excited to see Yoongi hyung?" he cocked his eyebrows at him and asked what's up with the two of them anyways.
"I don't know, to be honest. It's just that every time we're together at some party or some hang out, we end up together. Before it was just making out, then there were casual hand jobs, then it turned into needy blowjobs, and I don't even know what to think now. Should we just have sex and get it over with? I mean when we're together and drunk, it seems like we're on the same page, but when we're sober, none of us dare to do anything about it, not even speak about it properly. We always go out and drink with Jungkook, never alone, and I don't know what we would talk about if we did go out alone. I really have no idea. Maybe we're just good as, I don't know, make out buddies." he explained, and Jimin nodded.
"Well you two definitely have something going on. That's for sure, and if you'll be comfortable enough to have sex with him, then I don't see why not. The only problem that could appear is if any of you catches feelings for the other. I mean it would be great if both of you feel the same, but somehow it always turns out that one person likes the other more... I don't know, you have to decide for yourself. " Jimin tried to be reasonable, but also didn't wanna intrude too much.
They finished earlier today, around six o'clock, and Jimin went to his trailer to finish some work he hasn't had the time these couple of days.
Around eight, he got dressed, simple white shirt and his favorite tight, black, slightly ripped on the knees jeans, and his favorite ankle boots.
At eight sharp, he went out and the car is again waiting outside. He went in, and Jungkook and Tae were talking and giggling.
"Hi guys. I'm not late, am I?" Jimin asked.
"No, just in time like the last time. Jungkook always comes a couple of minutes earlier." Tae said, and gave him a soft smile.
"Smelling nice hyung." Jungkook teased while smirking.
"Guess you had to take a long shower yourself too." Jimin said and Tae looked at them confused.
"Oh it's nothing Tae hyung, Jimin fell into some cow's poop, and decided to wipe it all around my overall just cause I was laughing at him." Jungkook explained.
"You didn't. Jimin hyung you're so nasty." Tae added with smirk.
"Oh you have no idea." Jimin teased.
The moment they entered the bar, all eyes were on Jimin again.
"It's the freaking hair, I guess..."
"So guys how about we test these guys and see how many among them are into guys?" Jimin asked since he had an idea in his head.
"How should we do that?" Tae was curiously clapping his hands.
"Well we're gonna play some pool, which I'm pretty good at, but you guys will focus on guys around us, and their reaction to me playing. See the thing is, if you're into guys, and you have a nice piece of ass in front of you, you won't be able to resist to at least watch. So you'll observe if the guys are staring, or just shyly glaring a little bit, or are just indifferent and don't give a shit." Jimin explained, and they went to one pool table, right in the middle of the bar. There were six tables in the room, and all around are high stools and bar.
They picked their cue sticks, and Jimin said that he's gonna start the first round. He placed the triangle with the balls in the middle of the table, and after removing the triangle hit the first shot. Balls went all around the table, and one of each (solid and stripes) went inside the pocket. Jimin choose solid ones, and continue playing, but now he was more showing off his curved body than playing seriously. He took the cue stick, and placed it on the table, holding it firmly, while adjusting his position. More like adjusting his ass into the air. He parted his legs wider, and put his upper body on the table, leaning like he was measuring something, and his legs and ass were sticking out. He could hear Yoongi and Tae whispering, but as he looked at Jungkook, who was drinking shots, he noticed he looked more interested into the show Jimin was putting out than the other's reaction.
He hit the cue ball, missed the solid one he was aiming for on purpose, and the boys kept playing. In the middle of their game, Tae came closer to him, and whispered to his ear: "This is so funny hyung. We already have four guys literary sweating over there, and one is having a gay panic crisis. You should see his face every time you bend over." Jimin started giggling, and asked Tae where was "the panicked" guy standing.
"Just slightly to your right, he's wearing a black shirt and light jeans, actually looking pretty cute."
"Ok, so my next move it's a private show for the poor guy." Jimin said, and Tae pursed his lips, in anticipation of Jimin's next move.
It was his turn to hit the ball, and he walked over the table, like he's deciding what's his next move. He caught the cute guy's attention while walking closer to him. The guy froze, but couldn't look away, and Jimin figure out which ball he's gonna hit at. It's the one standing opposite of the guy, so when Jimin turn around to aim at the ball the guy was looking at his face instead of his ass now.
Jimin looked at the ball, leaned a little, then licked his upper lip while leaving his tongue slightly out at the left corner, and made an eye contact with a guy before hitting the ball roughly, resulting in getting the ball in the pocket, and the guy's drink falling to the floor and some on his shirt.
The boys started giggling behind him, and Jungkook shook his head while smirking. Soon the show was over and they got back to their seats.
"Oh my God. The panicked guy didn't see that coming. That was hilarious." Yoongi said and they all laughed.
"I mean he literary spilled his drink all over him, and the floor." Tae added.
"I think I saw at least three guys staring, which is good, right?" Jimin said and Tae nodded smugly.
"Well Tae and I actually saw five, one decided to leave, not sure if he went to jerk off or he was frightened " Yoongi added, and while looking at Jungkook continued: "... so Kookie, have you noticed anything accept Jimin's fine ass?" and all of them laughed.
"Yeah, you looked quite distracted to be honest." Jimin teased, and Jungkook smirked at him.
"Well since you put on some show hyung, but to be honest, your ass looks better without those jeans. Or it's just me having a thing for red underwear." Jungkook said, obviously those shots gave him some courage to be cocky, and Jimin blushed. Yoongi and Tae looked at one, then the other, waiting for some explanation.
"So is there a reason why you saw Jimin's ass in red underwear? Care to elaborate a little here with your horny friends." Tae finally spoke.
"It's nothing. He just came one morning to wake me up, and I was sleeping in my red underwear cause it was so freaking hot." Jimin explained, and Yoongi and Tae nodded.
"Yeah, it was so fucking hot. Like unbearable." Jungkook said while wiping his forehead dramatically, and Jimin shoved him on his side, flushing red.
"Shut up. Bet you didn't need that second Aspirin, at all. You just wanted to see me squat in those boxers again." he remembered when he gave Jungkook Aspirin from his suitcase and he asked him to give him one more, but then said he doesn't need one.
"To be quite honest I didn't need it at all, but I took it cause you gave me so nicely." he said and Jimin hide his face with his small palms. Or at least he tried.
Tae ordered them another round of tequila shots, and they drank it in one go.
"You're the worst. Go and get laid, you sound desperate." Jimin teased after finishing his drink.
"Maybe soon. Namjoon hyung called me actually, to stay with him for the next weekend. Bet we won't just talk." Jungkook said with a smug face, and signaled the waiter to bring them another round of tequila shots.
"That's amazing Kookie. Seems that you're gonna be the first to have sex among us." Tae said and propped his chin on his hands.
"That's if the two of you don't do it in these couple of days, which I wouldn't be surprised at all." Jungkook said and they all started laughing.
"Yes. You should definitely do it. I bet you would enjoy it." Jimin added, and Tae blushed, but Yoongi just nodded teasingly.
"Well if it turned out like our first hand jobs than we're looking for some disaster. Tae had no idea how to do it right." Yoongi teased and Tae faked the huge disappointment on his face.
"Sure, as if you were any better. At least I don't have a gag reflex every time a dick comes near my mouth." Tae said playfully, and Jimin loved their interaction, but noticed Jungkook being little bit uncomfortable. Smiling, but looking at the table, like he was shy to talk about this.
"Ok, I get your point. Your first attempts weren't amazing. Who cares? Have you worked on it? Got better with time?" Jimin was curious cause it's clear these two do those things on regular basis.
"I mean, yeah. It's easy to learn stuff with him. We have no shame in telling what we like and dislike. He's actually very good now with his hands. I taught you good." Yoongi said with cute little smile, and Tae leaned on his shoulder.
"Yah, you're pretty good too." Tae said cutely, and Jimin thought that there is so much more than these two like to share.
After some more shots they had to leave, cause Jimin had to do his live vlog, but Tae and Yoongi decided to stay a bit longer, cause tomorrow is Sunday, and they don't have to work, so Jimin and Jungkook went home alone.
Right before they exit the bar, the cute guy that spilled his drink all over himself came closer to Jimin, whispered into his ear that if he wants they could meet and hang out, and put a small paper with his phone number in Jimin's hand. Jimin gave him a little smile, and went out after Jungkook.
"So what's on the paper hyung?" Jungkook was interested, cause he saw their interaction.
"I don't know. I haven't read it yet." and Jimin took the paper from his pocket, and read the message out loud.
"I loved the way you played that pool. Hope you can show me some tips. Here is my number, and I hope to see you soon. Tomorrow, my friend Kai is having a party at his place, so if you want to, we could meet and hang out. Call me, Sung Wo."
"Isn't that cute? " Jimin said, crushed and throw the paper away.
"Why did you do that? Didn't you say he's cute?" Jungkook asked, sounding all confused, and drunk at the same time.
"I mean he is, but I'm not gonna go and try to date him or something. I'm leaving in nine days. I don't need that shit now. Though getting laid sounds tempting, maybe I should get back and find that paper." Jimin joked, and Jungkook laughed cutely, squealing and snorting, just looking like a cute drunk.
"Jungkookie, is it ok if I drive? You kind of had a lot to drink, so I can drive us to the countryside, I remember the road clearly." Jimin asked cause Jungkook was now kind of jumping around, acting all goofy and funny, so it's safer if Jimin's behind the wheel.
"Sure hyung, I thought about it too, I just forgot to mention it." He said with a smile that showed his bunny teeth, and Jimin took his keys and they entered the car.
The ride is again pleasant, they were listening to some music. Jungkook was smiley, singing along with the songs, and soon they were on the parking space near the stall.
"Jungkookie, I don't know where your house is, but you mentioned it's near the stall, so can you walk from here?" Jimin asked, and Jungkook nodded.
Jimin has maybe ten minutes of walk himself, and Jungkook insisted to walk with him to his trailer.
"Will you be able to walk home safely?" Jimin asked, and Jungkook smiled.
"I'm not that drunk hyung. I'm just relaxed, that's all. I can take my liquor pretty good." and he winked at Jimin.
"Ok then. But send me a message when you get home, just to be sure you're ok?" Jimin asked, and look at Jungkook who was looking at the floor, kind of uncomfortable.
"Jungkook is everything alright? You were kind of off tonight? Do you wanna talk about it?" Jimin offered since they arrived at his trailer.
"Um... I'm kind of scared... Um... Cause... You know... Um... Tae's and Yoongi's first times were awful, and they stick together only cause they're good friends, but what if I mess everything up cause I don't know what I'm doing either, and Namjoon hyung never calls me again..." he said, sounding unsure of himself, and started biting his nails.
"Oh stop it." Jimin slapped his hand away from his mouth, and tells him to get inside.
Jungkook sat down on the floor and inhales deeply. Jimin brought them two glasses of soju.
"Come on, speak up. What are you afraid of? Not being good in bed? Not being able to please the hyung you like? How did it go with the girls you've had sex with?" Jimin asked, trying to get him to open up a little more.
"Everything was fine with girls. They seemed to enjoy the sex, and everything else." Jungkook said with smirk on his face.
"How are you so sure about it? You know that girls could fake orgasms, right?"
"They didn't need to with me. I know how orgasm works, I could feel the squirting on my dick, or fingers, or tongue, depends what I'm doing at the moment they're coming, and they always ask for more, so that's a good sign right?" Jungkook said without any shame, and Jimin's cheeks were burning. Why was this hot to him? Jungkook talking dirty, shameless... And how could he be so unsure about himself when it comes to guys. It looked like two different person trapped in one.
"Well that's good, but fucking an ass hole is totally a different thing, and having a dick to please. Although you have one. You can always relate to yourself and to what feels good when you touch yourself... Although not everyone likes to be touched the same way... I'm not helpful, sorry, I'm just making things harder for you." Jimin said and Jungkook looked small and lost. Shrugging his shoulders while drinking his drink.
"Can you just talk to him, and explain that you don't have experience, and if he could show you things and teach you, like Tae and Yoongi are learning things with each other?" Jimin felt sorry for him, cause he looked kind of too deep in his thoughts.
"No, um... I can't... See I kind of lied that I already had sex with a guy, cause I was afraid he won't wait for me since I'm 22, and haven't done anything except kiss with a guy. So I lied, and now he'll expect someone who knows what he's doing, and I'll just embarrass myself and he'll figure it out, and leave me for lying." Jungkook said while panicking, so Jimin came closer and took his hands in his and tried to calm him down.
"Don't think about the worst case scenario, although it's bad that you lied, things can turn out to be fine. You just need to take things slow, do things you're comfortable with first. Hand job, then a quick blowjob, you don't have to deepthroat him the first time you put his dick in your mouth, or let him fuck your mouth, those kind of things need practice. And then just take your time with prepping, cause there's nothing worse than a bad prepping and a guy trying to fuck you when you're clearly not ready to take it. I mean, ouch, no thanks." Jimin blurted all out and when he looked at Jungkook, shock was written all over his face. He gulped heavy and said shaky: "I'm so doomed... Unless... "
"I'm so sorry, it sounded worse than it is. Don't freak out. You can do it, all of it, just take your time, and talk to him... A lot and a lot of talking helps. Ok?" and Jimin looked at the clock, he was already twenty minutes late for his daily vlog, but Jungkook had some new expression on his face, that Jimin didn't quite get at first.
"What?" Jimin asked him, cause Jungkook was silent and just observing him carefully.
"Um... Nothing. Um... I just had an idea, but... Maybe that's stupid, and selfish, and..." Jungkook was stuttering, and Jimin tried to look at him, but the younger seemed too ashamed to look back.
"What do you mean?" Jimin asked, and Jungkook looked at him shyly.
"Um... Well you said it, um... How Tae and Yoongi teach each other, and are amazing now apparently... So I thought, you could maybe teach me too. Just some basic things. Enough to not make a complete fool out of myself..." he said and Jimin's mouth fell open.
"Um... I definitely have the experience you need, but what's in it for me?" Jimin was a quick devil, and could always think ahead.
"I could free you form weeding for the rest of your days here. How's that sound?"
"I'm in!" the fastest thing he said in his whole life.
"Really?" Jungkook was surprised.
"I really hate weeding." Jimin assured him, and jump a little, and said with sing song voice: "I don't have to weed no more, I don't have to weed no more...." while thinking about the ways he could help Jungkook to learn things. The thought about having some bananas for learning how to deepthroat could help... But his thoughts were stopped when Jungkook started singing his own enthusiastic song: "I'm gonna finally suck a cock, I'm gonna finally suck a cock..." and Jimin froze in place.
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