
Jungkook starts placing a long trail of wet kisses along Jimin's neck, then came all around his jaw, and now he's only millimeters away from Jimin's lips.

The older wanted to taste him so badly, that his mind shuts down completely and he leaned in more, Jungkook's hot breath mixing with his own. He couldn't think, not when a pair of dark eyes are half lidded, and looking at his, then down to his lips, back up again, licking his own lips and obviously thinking the same thing.

"He'll do whatever I let him to do..." Jungkook's words echoing in his ear, but the sudden sound of his phone ringing, made both of them jump and moved away on instinct.

It was Seokjin, Jimin's boss, and only then Jimin noticed he was late for his vlog, and Jin is probably calling to scold him.

"Shit Jungkookie, it's already 00:40, I'm so late. My boss is going to kill me." he hurries and take the first pair of sweatpants he sees in his suitcase, put them on and started positioning his laptop on the table.

"Well this is going to be one hard vlog." he said while trying to somehow hide the fully hard dick in his sweatpants, and Jungkook just laughed.

"Yeah, my ride home won't be any less hard." pointing at his full erection.

"Enjoy the bumpy road." Jimin teased and they giggled.

Jungkook heads to the door, and Jimin followed him to lock the door behind him, and right before Jungkook stepped out of the trailer, he turned around and met Jimin's face right infront of his. He looked like he wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth nothing came out.

"What?" Jimin asked quietly.

"I forgot..." the younger was obviously dazed by their proximity, and couldn't focus on anything except the older's tempting lips.

Jimin leaned closer and kissed his cheek, but he was so close to Jungkook's lips he could feel the fire burning inside him.
Jungkook turned his head more and when he tried to kiss Jimin's cheek, his lips brushed the corner of Jimin's lips slightly, making him shiver cause that's something he knew they were not supposed to do.
Jimin moved away, taking a little step back, but Jungkook made one towards him. Jimin just froze, not knowing what to expect or do.
Jungkook took his thumb up and caressed Jimin's lips, parting them slowly, and Jimin felt his lips being so dry, so he tried to lick them, but his tongue went across Jungkook's thumb too.
Jungkook made a hissing sound, but hasn't remove his thumb yet.

"You have the prettiest lips hyung..." he whispered, and Jimin melted, feeling so hot and bothered, he wouldn't be surprised if he got a nose bleed just from Jungkook's deep stare.

Right before either of them could do anything stupid, Jimin's phone rang again, and he jumped and moved away.
He answered the call, and while listening to some pretty harsh curses coming from his boss, couldn't stop caressing the same spot Jungkook just did, while watching him leave.

He's so fucked.

He started his vlog and apologized for being late for almost an hour, and started talking about his night out, and how much fun he had. He told his viewers about the bull ride, Kai hitting on him, of course he didn't mention his name, and when he looked at the comments. He saw way too many messages, asking him if he found some hot guy or if he got laid...

"What's wrong with you tonight? You only talk about sex, I mean you're always naughty, but this much? Should I be worried?" he teased them, not knowing why they are acting this way. Then his phone buzzed, and he saw that he has a new message from Hobi.

Hobi hyungie

"You're showing fucking hickeys all over your neck. Wtf?!?! Finish your vlog and call me asap!"

Jimin never realized that Jungkook left some new hickeys on his skin, and had no idea when it happened. Maybe when they were in his bed right before his live. He really couldn't remember since he was half asleep, and pretty drunk too.
He came instinctively closer to the camera to see how bad it looks, and realized that not just him, but all the viewers could see him and his close-up hickeys, so he cursed under his breath. He started squirming, and putting his collar up, but there was no use.
He didn't wanna answer anything about hickeys and decided to play dumb for the rest of his vlog, and after he finished, he called Hobi and told him everything about his night.

Hobi was as usual supportive and the best friend someone could ever wish for - not.

"You're gonna let him fuck you or kiss you, maybe both. I just know it." he said after Jimin finished the story about bathroom blow job and whatever that was earlier in his trailer.

"Ah hyung. No. It's fine. I can control it. Don't worry." Jimin reassured him, but he wasn't so sure about it himself. About anything actually.

"I don't know Jiminah... I mean the way he got rid of that Kai guy, that's hot. And I'm not even going to mention him tasting your cum. I mean you could easily skip that part out from your story, you know, TMI."

"It wasn't that hot... (after some silence)... Who am I kidding? Hyung, it was so hot I wanted a big golden plate so that I can serve myself to him. I'm not even kidding. And kissing him, God it's so hard not to. I mean he said I have pretty lips hyung. What am I supposed to do?.. Aghhhh" Jimin growled in frustration.

"Oh God you're screwed. Ok, ok... Let's think. The bestcase scenario is, you getting fucked, enjoying it, catching feelings for him, but having to return home, and maybe get some hot sex every time he visits Seoul. How's that sounds?"

"Weird. I don't know. I don't know anything anymore hyung. What do I even want? Is that what I want? To just keep seeing him after all this? Will I miss him? I don't know..." Jimin was super unsure of anything at this point. Was it all lust and fun, or was there something more to it?

"Ok, so that was best case scenario, now we'll get to the worst... What if you end up kissing him and liking it, then fucking him and liking it even more, so much you fall for him hard, and then you have to come back, but all of this was just a fun two weeks for him, and he doesn't want anything much from this, and will soon start something new with his crush. Where would that leave you? Hurt with a broken heart? Jiminah... I really don't think this is a good idea anymore. I'm so afraid you might get hurt... Whatever you decide, I'll be here for you, ok? " Hobi said with the warmest voice and Jimin felt like crying.

"Ok. I'll just stop with it. It's not worth it anymore. Thank you hyung. Can't wait to see you again." and Jimin find it hard to fall asleep after the acknowledgement hit him.

He will miss Jungkook.

He will miss everything about this experience. Ok maybe not weeding, but everything else. He'll miss the countryside and the raw nature and the feeling he had whenever he would look at Jungkook and catch him already looking at him back. He'll just miss it all.

After only a couple of hours of sleep, Jimin got up, eats some fresh fruits and protein bar, made himself his favorite lemonade and gets himself ready for work.
Today is the day he decided he's gonna give his all to do the best he can at his job, force himself to overwork his already exhausted body, so that he could have a proper rest after lunch time.

That thought lingers in his mind for a full twenty seconds before he saw Jungkook, and his mind and body decided to play against him, and just shut off completely.

"For fucks sake where is that hideous overall when you need one..." Jimin thought that today was the worst day for Jungkook to come to work in a pair of light, ripped jeans, that showed so much of his amazingly muscly thighs, and a white fitted t-shirt which was outlining his perfectly buff chests and abs.

A sight to die for.

When he came near to hear their today's assignment, Jungkook looked at him, and gave him a little smile, which made Jimin's heart literally skip a beat and he feels difficult to focus on the words coming out of Jungkook's mouth.

"Today we're gonna harvest the chilli peppers field, and bla bla bla look at his chest... so it would be the best... bla bla bla God his arms... it's not necessary but gloves can... bla bla bla and that jaw... so, since we have a lot to harvest, let's start right away." Jungkook finished with the instruction for today's work, and Jimin went to Tae so they can chat and work together.

The work itself wasn't that hard, but after hours of crouching down and getting up, Jimin felt his thighs burning up. He got up, gave his sour legs a shake, and just knead the muscles on his upper thighs with some force, trying to ease the tension. Next thing he knows, Jungkook was behind him, replacing his hands and squeezing his thighs firmly.

"Are you having cramps hyung?" he asked while going up and down the area, and Jimin tried to control his breathing, looking around if someone could see them, but the farm was so big, everyone got a big piece for themselves to harvest, so the only person close enough to notice them was Tae, who was laying down in the field, obviously getting a nap or just taking a break.

"So what now, you'll go and give every worker a thigh massage cause we have cramps?" Jimin teased immediately cause their interaction always comes natural for him.

"No. Just you." Jungkook said and came closer to his nape, and nuzzled the spot, making Jimin shiver.

He was so close to him, Jimin could feel Jungkook's front gluing to his back, and he decided to just brushed his ass gently on Jungkook's dick. Cause, two can play this game.

Jungkook let a shaky sigh, removing his hands from Jimin's thighs, and firmly squeezed his ass before turning around to leave.

"God your ass... Fuck..." the words whispered in Jimin's ear right before he left.

Jimin had no idea when did the shift in their teasing begin. Was it last night after that trailer thing, or after the blow job Jungkook gave him. Suddenly everything seemed tense between them and the teasing came naturally. The only thing was that it all felt too good sometimes, and Jimin had to pinch himself to remind himself that all of the things they were doing were to help Jungkook loosen up and gain some knowledge before he meets his crush. That's all. He just couldn't figure out why Jungkook was squeezing his ass tightly, and caressing him whenever he got the chance to. What's in it for him? Well except for feeling up the best ass he'll ever feel.

Next time when Jimin was carrying a big bucket full of small hot chilli peppers, he saw Jungkook helping some girl to put her almost full bucket into the large container, and while the younger was stretching his arms up to empty the bucket, his shirt lifted up, and glanced his perfect V lines that made Jimin salivate on the spot.

As soon as the girl got her bucket back, she returned to the field, and Jimin came closer to empty his bucket.

"So where is your favorite overall this morning? I have to say I miss it very much." Jimin said while coming near the younger who immediately took the bucket from Jimin's hands and started emptying it in the container, arms up again, stomach on display again.

"I thought you hated my overalls." Jungkook said while stretching his arms, and Jimin couldn't help and caressed his lower abs with his knuckles.

"I'm gonna drop these if you don't stop." Jungkook wobbled the bucket in his hands, which made Jimin laugh.

When he finished emptying Jimin's bucket he handed it to Jimin, but when the older tried to take it, he just snapped it back, which made Jimin to jump over closer to him.

"Give me my bucket " said Jimin while trying to reach the bucket now hidden behind Jungkook's back.

"Come and get it hyung." Jungkook teased, not letting go that easily.

Jimin came closer, chest to chest with the younger, and tried to grab the bucket from behind Jungkook's back, but failed to do it. Now he was more scratching his back at this point, making the hair on Jungkook's skin to raise up.

"Aghhh get a room you two." the voice yelling from the field direction snapped their sanity back, and they moved apart, lucky to see Tae coming with his bucket filed with peppers.

An hour after Jimin saw his bottle with lemonade almost being half empty, so he went to bathroom to fill it up with water some more.

As soon as he stepped inside, he saw Jungkook splashing his face with water, probably feeling hot and sweaty.

Ugh definitely hot and sweaty.

"Did just the hottest piece of ass just walked in the bathroom?" Jungkook teased while drying his face with the hem of his shirt, which he pulled up and showed his perfect abs.

"Sure it is." said the older and he walked teasingly next to him, swaying his hips, and bending over to fill his bottle on the sink.

Jungkook came behind him, staring at his perfectly thick ass, and grabbed it again.

"Jungkookah, you have to stop doing that, or you're gonna get hard." Jimin said while turning to face him.

"Who says I'm not hard already?" Jungkook said while cocking his eyebrows at him.

"Well I just have to find out." Jimin said, and tugged Jungkook closer to him by his waistband, and slide his right hand down inside his pants, and underwear, just feeling Jungkook's pretty hard dick.

"Has potential." Jimin said while pulling his hand slowly out of his underwear.

Jungkook sighed deeply, obviously missing the friction, but suddenly he felt something else down there.

"Hyung, you washed your hands after harvesting those chilli peppers, right?" Jungkook asked and Jimin just pursed his lips, eyes wide, knowing Jungkook won't be happy with his answer.

"Well I was about to, but you distracted me." Jimin said while looking at Junkook's face, covered in frown.

"Oh my God, it burns. Hyung it burns so fucking much. Shit, what should I do?" Jungkook started panicking, obviously in pain, and Jimin finally remembered that once he had read an article on what helps when your hurt from eating too much hot peppers.

"I know, I know..." Jimin jumped a little, while Jungkook opened up his zipper and just walked around jumping up and down like the air would help him or something.

"I read the milk is the best in these situations!" Jimin yelled proudly, but the look that Jungkook gave him, instantly reminded him that they are nowhere near any milk.

"Ok, no milk. I get it. Let me think of something else..." Jimin looked around and saw his bottle of lemonade.

"Can my dick fall off from this?" Jungkook stopped jumping around and started caressing his poor burning dick through his underwear.

"Don't even say such an awful thing." Jimin find it funny and giggled a little.

"Omg you monster! You're laughing at me, and it's all your fault. Fix this hyung." Jungkook came closer and playfully hit his arm while whining.

"Ok, I do have an idea. I'm just not sure you'll like it."

"Just say it... Will it help?" Jungkook was desperate cause he felt burns all over his dick now.

"I remember reading that um... acidic things, like vinegar can help, and I know we don't have vinegar here, but I have my lemonade and it is pretty acidic so we can just rub it all over your dick." Jimin said while showing his bottle, half way full with lemonade.

"Come here." Jungkook pulled his arm and walked him out of the bathroom, through the hall and into one of the rooms at the end.

When they entered, the room looked expensive and important. Jimin noticed the pictures on the table and realized it's Jungkook's father's office.

"Ok. Help. Do whatever you want." Jungkook came closer to the big office desk, tugged his pants and underwear down, his almost fully hard dick jumping out.

Jimin collected the instant drooling around his mouth with his tongue and came closer.

"Ok, so it would be the best if you could dig it inside, and let the water cool it down little bit." Jimin said, his bottle in his hands, taking the cap off.

"Hyung, you do realize my dick could never go through that small bottleneck, what the fuck?" here was Jungkook whining again, and Jimin pinched him on the side.

"This is not the time to brag about your big dick, we're screwed." Jimin said and looked around to see something that would help, but nothing was there to be found.

"How about I rub it on your dick?" Jimin suggested while shrugging.

"You're not coming anywhere near my dick with those unwashed hands!" and only than Jimin realized that he really hadn't wash his hands still, and another thought came to his mind.

"Well I could do it with my mouth." he blurred out, and Jungkook let a little painful "fuck" slip his mouth.

"No, really, look, it could help. Let me just try." seemed like Jimin had an idea, and Jungkook was in pain for long now so he just nodded.

Jimin took a sip of his lemonade, came down on his knees, and put Jungkook's dick in his mouth, lemonade dripping instantly out of his mouth, but covering Jungkook's dick fully.

He sighed, and felt his dick cool down a little, definitely feeling better.

"Hyung it's working, please do it again." Jungkook begged so Jimin repeated the same thing.

He got up, filled his mouth with lemonade, this time even more than the first, and got down again. He opened his mouth, and signed to Jungkook with his hands to come closer and put his dick inside, which he did, and a low moan escape his mouth immediately.

"Bet he'd fuck my mouth hard and good, making me cry out if I'd ever let him..."

Jimin tried to take it in as much as he can, and then looked up at Jungkook's horny face.

"Hyung... I think I know what could also help." he said with smirk, and dark eyes.

"How can you even think about blow job when you're in pain?" Jimin asked while licking all over his so hard dick, precome mixing with lemonade, creating some new exciting flavor.

"Well at least I could be in sweet pain since all of this is your fault." Jungkook whined again, and Jimin thought how it would be really shame if he didn't sucked him off, since he's already down there, Jungkook's pretty dick right in front of him.

Jimin decided to do it quick and effectively, and started bobbing his head up and down the shaft, tightening his mouth around it.
He'd lick the tip and rub the slit with the tip of his tongue just to change the dynamic little bit, and an icing on a cake was definitely Jungkook's cock deep down in his throat, and Jungkook is close already.

He went with his hands gently through Jimin's hair, and looked at him with his eyes half lidded.

The sight in front of him obscene. Jimin on his knees, pink lips spread around his dick, sucking him eagerly.
Jimin's shirt all wet now, from the spilled lemonade, outlining his petite and attractive body.

"Hyung I'm close... Where should I come?" he asked and Jimin's eyebrows furrowed, but when he realized where they were, and that wherever he would spill his cum it would definitely leave a stain, he understood the question. This was still his fathers office and that would be just inappropriate.

Soft gray carpet under their feet - not an option, the desk behind them filled with some books and pictures - not an option, beige sofa next to them - not an option.

Jimin looked at his already dirty shirt and decided that'll work.

"I got it, no worries." he said and kept sucking him hard, tongue gliding up and down his cock, and soon Jungkook mewled "I'm coming..." and Jimin quickly pulled away, holding the base of younger's dick, his cum splattering all over Jimin's wet shirt, and he saw in Jungkook's eyes that this was a turn on for him, so at the very end of pumping his cum out, Jimin lowered himself some more, couple of drops landing on Jimin's lips, and chin. He did it on purpose, just to tease him, and he kind of wanted to taste him too.

"Fuck hyung..."

Jungkook was panting hard, as Jimin was milking every drop out of him, and after he finished, he licked his lips teasingly, knowing there's some cum lingering, and he whipped his chin with thumb, and sucked it deliciously.

The look on Jungkook's face while Jimin did that was a mix of "fuck you didn't just do that..." and "even though I just came, I'm ready to go again." but Jimin gain some of the sense left in him and decided that any of this wasn't such a good idea.

"There, I helped you, and now I have to go and skip the rest of the work cause I need to shower and throw this shirt away."

"Don't look so sad. Skipping work is your thing, right?" Jungkook teased, but Jimin was kind of serious now. Hobi's words repeating in his mind.

"Nothing good can come out of this..."

"Well we had a deal about skipping weeding, but this should not happen again. Ok?"

"Well it was your fault so it was only fair you help me out."

"I agree that this particular thing was my fault, but you were the one who came and gave me a thigh massage. I mean who does that? And we're at work." Jimin felt like Jungkook was trying to put all the blame on Jimin, and he just couldn't take it.

"Ok, fine. You're right. We should stop with the teasing. I got carried away. Won't happen again." Jungkook said, obviously hurt and Jimin felt the knot dropping down in his stomach.

"See you around." Jimin said quietly and went to the trailer.

"It's better this way. He has a crush, and I can't play with fire anymore. It has to stop. All of it."

As soon as he came in the trailer, Jimin went into the shower, hoping it will ease his mind.

It didn't.

Now he was getting a shower in the middle of nowhere, and he felt his dick twitching just from the thought of Jungkook's dick pulsating in his mouth just minutes ago.

It felt bad and wrong, but his hand slid down on it's own and started slowly stroking his thick cock.

Hi couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook's gaze on him while he was down, blowing him, his shredded abs outlined in that tight shirt, and his perfectly pink and slick big cock, filling up his mouth, and he didn't wanna think how it would feel to take him all up his ass, ride on it, make him beg for more...


Jimin didn't wanna think about that, but he did. His dirty mind was playing against him and he knew this is a lost game. He was way too deep already, and he really needed to come.

He pumped his dick firmly, with the right pressure and a nice pace, and while enjoying his thoughts came hard with Jungkook's name slipping through his mouth.

He let the water drain everything that was building inside him, and thanked God no one came near cause it would definitely be a weird experience.

He dried his hair with towel, and wore Jungkooks shirt, that he borrowed yesterday cause it was comfy and soft, and it smelled like the younger.

He pulled the bad down and laid himself with his stomach down, laptop in front of him, finally inspired enough to write the article he's going to publish as soon as he returns to Seoul.

The words kept popping on his mind, and he made sure to type everything down. He loved it when that happened. When the inspiration over something hit him like a truck, and he finally got lost in the words, his mind and time.

Only when he heard a pretty quiet knock on the door, he realized how long he has been writing, and next thing he knows, Jungkook's head is popping inside, looking if the older is even inside, since he hadn't said anything after he heard the knock.

"Come in, I'm just working on my article." Jimin said, still not moving from the bed, and after seeing Jungkook's flushed face, he remembered that he was only wearing younger's white shirt, that barely covered half of his ass, black boxers peaking under it.

"Shit would he find odd that I'm wearing his shirt? He probably won't even notice... " he thought that it was definitely weird that he wore his shirt, but decided not to think about that right now.

"I brought you lunch." Jungkook said and gave him the plastic container, while adding that it's some vegetables and pork, and that everybody agreed it's delicious.

"Thank you." Jimin finally sat up, trying to cover as much of his skin, while stretching the shirt over him, but there was not enough of material to do so, so he just sat there, legs crossed, and started eating.

"Um, I wanted to talk to you about, um... what happened today... um. Actually I wanted to say that I'm sorry. Um... I never thought about you, and your feelings about all of this. I mean I know you said you'll help me, and that's so nice of you, but I think I overstepped the boundaries that you obviously had, and I feel awful now. I should really be more observant, and I just want you to know that I never wanted to disrespect you or anything like that... It's just hard sometimes not to break our rules when we're always together, and drinking doesn't help, but I don't want this to make things weird between us cause, um... I really like you as a person. I mean... you're kind of nice and fun to be around, and every time Tae and I mention you, it feels like we've known you for ages, and we never felt like this about someone, and I don't want our deal, and my stupid behavior to make you feel bad... or I don't know... I'm just sorry I guess..." Jungkook was stuttering, and trying to look anywhere accept at Jimin, and Jimin felt bad now.

He felt bad cause he had no idea this is the way Jungkook felt about him. Had no idea he liked him as a person, which was so nice to hear. Had no idea he talked about him with Tae which made his heart warm, and obviously had no idea that he cared so much about him, that he was willing to come all the way here and say everything what's on his mind, and all Jimin did these days was hide his feelings, and act immature and stupid this whole time.

He was supposed to be the mature one, the hyung, and all he was thinking about was how he was enjoying himself too much, and how he loves Jungkook's dick, and how all of this was fun for him, but he seemed to never get enough... And Jungkook here was obviously being the bigger man, and thinking about their feelings, Jimin's to be exact, and Jimin couldn't deny it anymore how much he really likes him. How he likes him more than he would like to admit.

"Jungkookie, it's fine. I'm fine. I just... to be honest with you... um... I just don't know how to act when you get all flirty with me. It's like, we have that deal, and I'm ok with that. I obviously wanna help you, and skip weeding of course, but then we started kind of flirting and I had no idea that was something we should do, since you have your crush, and your date is so fucking near, and all I'm doing here is helping you out so you could have amazing time with another guy." just saying those words felt heavy on Jimin's chest, but it was truth. He knew from the start what this was, so that's why it felt even harder to act like he didn't like Jungkook, or that their time together wasn't the only thing he was thinking about, and looking forward to.

"Oh, so you felt weird cause all of this is me preparing for the special date?" Jungkook asked now looking at Jimin.

"I don't mind you preparing for your date, I just don't get the flirting, that's all. We agreed on some things, have our rules, but constant flirting was nowhere in our "to do" list." Jimin tried to explain without sounding like he was hurt cause the flirting wasn't real, cause it felt so real for him, and he couldn't go on and continue saying how he only likes Jungkook's perfect cock, since he liked the man attached to the perfect dick even more now.

"So everything is ok, and you just don't won't the flirting to continue cause you feel uncomfortable with that?" Jungkook tried to understand.

"I guess so." Jimin said so, but it was so much more than that, and since there was no way better to explain it, he decided that's the best and closest to the truth he could do at the moment.

"Ok. I could stop with that, it kind of just felt natural to flirt with you. It's just that... you seem like a flirty person, that's all I guess. Even now, just sitting there only in my shirt, looking so cute, I find it hard not to say anything..." Jungkook said he'll stop with flirting, but hearing those words only made Jimin sigh deeply.

"I thought we agreed on the flirting thing... " Jimin said while trying to cover his legs with Jungkooks shirt.

"I know, I know... sorry. You don't look cute. I was kidding. Take the shirt off and give it back right now." Jungkook said and smirked cutely.

"You're so bad at this. Go away, and I'm not giving the shirt back. You destroyed one of mine today, so this one is mine." Jimin said while getting up, pushing Jungkook out of the trailer.

"Go now, I have work to do."

Before he was gone, Jungkook took one more shameless look at Jimin's bare thighs, and Jimin rolled his eyes while shaking his head.

"Hyung, I totally forgot, Tae and I are meeting Yoongi at a bar after work to grab some beer, wanna come? Eight o'clock outside your trailer?" Jungkook asked, now standing outside the trailer, looking at Jimin's figure leaned on the door frame.

"Um... I still haven't finished my article. If I do so, I'll let you know. Thanks for inviting me though." Jimin said although he did finish almost all of his assignments, but he felt weird. He couldn't help it. He just blurted that out so that he could think some more about all of this, and call Hobi for some advice.

"Ok, sure. Send me a text if you change your mind. Wouldn't be the same without you." Jungkook said with a fond smile, and all Jimin could think of was how fucked he is.

"Ok. bye now, and stop starring for God's sake." Jimin yelled out.

"I can't help it. My shirt looks so good on you." Jungkook yelled back, and finally left, leaving Jimin with fluttered heart.

As soon as he came back inside, Jimin poured himself a huge glass of soju and started drinking. Maybe this will help him clear his mind, he thought.

He called Hobi seven times, only for his call to go straight to his voice mail every single time. He knew that he had classes, but he needed his advice so badly so he kept calling him, hoping he'll answer it at some point.

He didn't.

So he did the only thing he could. He got drunk on his own, and send Jungkook a message.


I finished my article, meet you guys at 8.

Jungkook farmer

We'll be there. Don't be late.


When have I ever been late?

Jungkook farmer

You're always late.


Fkfjskakskdkkfksns you're always early!

Jungkook farmer

You're cute.


Shut up.

Jungkook farmer

Sorry, I forgot. 🤐

"Seriously, this guy..."

So when he was picking what to wear, Jimin decided it's going to be something totally boring and unflattering for his figure so that he could live in peace, without suffering from Jungkook's compliments.

He wore his black sweatpants, black t-shirt and some sneakers.

Yeah. Nothing sexual about that, so Jungkook would keep his eyes to himself.

He went outside a couple of minutes before eight, and the car was already there. He came in the car, and greeted the boys.

"You know Jiminah, sometimes I wish I could just suck Jungkook's dick and skip work, you know. That's some power you've got going on there." Tae said and Jimin saw Jungkook pressing his lips, probably trying to contain himself from commenting something back.

"You're too busy with Yoongi's dick to suck anyone off. " Jimin decided to tease Tae instead, and he fell for it.

"I am. I think I'm cock blocking myself cause I'm always with him. Can't even explore more..." he suddenly said and Jimin thought how stupid of him not to see what's right in front of him.

"Seems like you like it a lot so you always come back for more." he couldn't not to make an observation, and it could easily refer to his and Jungkook's situation as well.

"I do like it. What's not to like. His cock is pretty big and..." he never finished his sentence cause both Jimin and Jungkook started yelling at him, so he just kept quiet.

They ararived pretty fast, and as soon as they came inside, Yoongi was waiting for them, always at the same table, at the end of the bar.

They seemed to immediately find something to bicker about and Jimin enjoyed every minute of it.

"I'm really gonna miss you guys." he blurted out of nowhere, and they all looked at him fondly.

"I know it's weird and all, but I kind of feel like you're here a lot longer than what, ten days. You just fit perfectly with us." Yoongi said and Jimin blushed.

"Yeah, I really feel the same way. My favorite city boy." Tae said while grabbing Jimin's hand in his, cute little pout on his lips.

"He does give the city boy vibe, but it's kind of totally different than the others." Jungkook added, and got Jimin interested.

"How come?"

"You're kind of warm and feel like home. I don't know. At first you looked uptight, but the more you opened up, the softer you became." Jungkook explained and Jimin felt his cheeks burning up.

"Thank you. All of you are precious to me. You really are." Jimin said and took his phone, wanting to capture this moment, and he took a selfie, all of them looking good, specially Jungkook, rocking double denim with some tight jeans and button up shirt. Messy hair looking soft. Jimin wanted to touch, but restrained himself and decided to focus on talking with everyone, not giving Jungkook his usual attention.

Soon he spotted Kai and of course he came over to say hi.

This time Jungkook didn't do anything about it. He was polite, said hi to Kai, and soon he left to play pool with some of his friends, leaving Jimin and Kai alone, Tae and Yoongi focused on themselves, talking, not looking at the two of them.

"So, you're here with Jungkook again. So are you guys dating or something? I always thought he's straight." Kai said all of a sudden, and Jimin felt like he was prying, and being rude.

"Yeah, all of us usually came here together. Just to loosen up a little, don't think about work and stuff and so..." Jimin answered, totally ignoring his annoying questions.

"So, since Jungkook is not around, do you wanna go for a walk or something?" Kai said, smirk on his face, cocking his eyebrows. He looked gross. How come he has no manners at all?

"I don't actually, and he's right over there. You can literally see him." Jimin said while pointing at Jungkook's direction.

"Oh come on baby, he's not even looking, we can just sneak out."

Jimin took a deep breath, trying to control his action, but whatever he said it seemed to just fuel up the raven haired guy more.

"I wan't you to leave. Now." Jimin said with low voice, but Kai just laughed snarky at him so Jimin took his big glass filled with beer, and said that he's counting until three and all of it will be thrown at him if he decides to stay.

Kais face expression changed as soon as Jimin started counting, and next thing he knows his beer is being tugged away from his hand, and he saw Jungkook taking a sip out of it.

"Leave Kai." the younger simply said, and Kai did so. Before he went away, he took one last look at Jimin's face, and smirked at him, making Jimin's stomach filled with anger.

"Was he bothering you again?" Jungkook came and sit next to him, giving him back his beer.

"No. I mean he's just pushy and annoying that's all." Jimin said while looking at his own hands.

"You should learn to say no hyung. He won't leave you alone if you don't say so." Jungkook said and Jimin felt anger consuming his face.

"I'm sorry, didn't you just saw me almost throwing my beer right at his face. How is that not specific enough for anyone?" Jimin felt furious now.

"Well it shouldn't have come to that at all, you need to be straight forward and say what you want." he felt like Jungkook was talking to him like he was some child who doesn't know how to protect himself, and he hated to feel that way.

"Ok, I wan't you to drop this conversation once and for all. Is that clear enough for you, oh and yeah, I didn't need your help at all."

"Fine." Jungkook simply said and went to play pool again.

Soon Jimin felt an arm around his shoulder and saw Tae coming near him.

"Hey you, what's up with you and Jungkookie tonight? You guys broke up or something?" Tae asked while patting Jimin's hair, and Jimin's eyes widen at his words.

"Broke up? We weren't even together in the first place. What are you talking about?" Jimin said sounding confused, and Tae sighs.

"Well you two seemed to get along very well these past couple of days. I mean whenever I saw you together, you were practically all over each other, so I thought maybe..."

"No. Nothing is happening between us, you do know he has a crush in Seoul, right? So, no, nothing is going on." Jimin didn't even let Tae finish his thought, and just kept staring in the distance.

"Oh, ok. Fine. I mean, just so you know, Jungkookie is my best friend, but that doesn't mean that you can't tell me whatever is bothering you, I'm here for you, and you seem like the type of guy who needs advice sometimes. Jungkookie never listens to me, like ever. So I can be your friend if you need one now." Tae said with all sincerity in his voice, and it made Jimin miss Hobi even more, and after a little pause, he continued: "... and I know about his crush. He couldn't stop talking about him the first time he met the guy. Literally he would spent hours just smothering Yoongi and me about how he's perfect, smart and sexy, but these days he barely mentions the guy. He talks about you now. Jimin did that today, Jimin said that this morning... so I think you kind of made him forget about his crush. The power that Park Jimin has." he said with little smirk.

"Yeah right. I put my mouth near his cock and he's already in love. Namjoon who?" Jimin teased, but felt kind of good about the things Tae just said.

"Namjoon! That's right. That's his name. I seriously forgot." Tae said while snapping his fingers, and they both laughed.

"It's just... nothing. Everything is fine. Thank you." Jimin wanted to talk more, but the words just couldn't come out. He just plopped his chin on top of his hands, making him look even smaller than he really is.

"Ok. Fair enough. Can you at least tell me what's up with Kai? Why is he always flirting with you?" Tae obviously decided to leave the Jungkook thing a side for time being, but he wanted to know everything about Kai and his intentions.

"Ughhh don't even mention his name to me. He's so fucking annoying, I swear I'm always this close to punching him anywhere where it hurts." Jimin said while biting on his lower lip, obviously bothered just by the thought of Kai.

"He seems like he has a small dick." Tae said while nodding, and Jimin choked on air.

"When I think about it, he really does." Jimin agreed and they started laughing.

Soon they had to go home, since Jimin had his vlog to do later, and when the three of them came inside the car, Jimin felt weird. None of them were talking, the silence was suffocating. He decided to just close his eyes, loll his head back, and enjoy the bumpy road, which always made him calm, and sleepy.

Jimin had no idea he fall asleep, and just like yesterday he heard whispers in his ear, and a little nudge.

"Hyung, we're here. Do you wan't me to carry you inside?" and only then Jimin realized where he was, what he was offered, and by whom. He panicked immediately, and got up as fast as he can.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." he said and put both of his arms in the air, like he was still coming to his senses.

"Ok hyung. Go do your vlog, and then go to sleep, tomorrow's gonna be a hard day, and you need your sleep. Ok?" Jungkook said softly, eyes focused on Jimin's face.

"Ok. Yeah... You too." Jimin said and gave him a little shy smile.

He did his live vlog, enjoyed being so wanted for a whole hour, and then decided to get some sleep. Unfortunately his brain had some other plans, and he ended up falling a sleep two hours later.

Constant thought about Jungkook and all of this experience was bothering him, cause he could never imagine being so happy and tired at the same time, so confused yet focused at another. He felt like he was dreaming and as soon as he wakes up, everything would be over. That's what feared him the most. Coming back to Seoul, to his amazing and spacious apartment, that sometimes felt so cold for him, going back to his work place where he loved to write and do online vlogs and videos, but hated some of his colleagues... He was just confused cause in such a short time, this trailer, farm and people, felt like home to him.

People... So warm and honest, and always there for each other. Just like his one and only friend Hobi which he missed to his core.

The sound of alarm woke Jimin up and as he was stretching his sore body, he needed a second to figure out that he was fully hard.

What the actual fuck!?

How and when did this happened?

He knew all about morning boners, but this was not it. He had morning boners all the time, but this, this was a fully hard, desperate dick, just craving for attention.

He started just slightly stroking it through the fabric of his underwear, and only than the images of his last night's dream pop unannounced.

Jungkooks wet lips sliding down his body, taking his dick deep inside, manhandling him onto the hay in the stall, and telling him to turn around so that he could eat him out.


His dream felt so real, and he couldn't resist and put his hand inside his boxers, pumping his dick and continuing with his daydreaming.

Now he was recalling the images of younger licking and provoking his hole until he didn't feel his wet tongue inside his rim.

His pumping became faster, and he was so close to coming.

He then remembered Jungkook's fingers doing its magic, and while hitting that prostate right where it should, Jungkook leaned and kissed him passionately and Jimin lost it.

He came hard, not even able to suppress his loud moans.

He fucking came cause of the image of Jungkook's lips connecting to his own.

It was driving him insane... All the intensity of his dream, and he seriously thought about skipping work today and just crawl back into his little trailer cause how in the world was he going to work if those kind of images naturally just pop inside his head.

What kind of hell was this...

Ofcourse if he tried not to come to work, the only thing that would happened is Jungkook coming to scold him, since he already skipped so much because their previous deal.

Reluctantly he get dress, happy he doesn't at least have to hide his hard cock anymore, and with the remaining will he hardly had in himself, he went to the farm, already late cause of his jerk off session.

As soon as he arrived he realized what's going on. The awful fact hit him in the face the minute he saw tired and unenthusiastic workers collecting stones only to carry them miles away to the stall and he wasn't having any of that.

He was already way too tired and exhausted and all he could think about was his bed right now, so he just started walking towards Jungkook with no plan at all, but sure of his decision about not doing the stone picking day whatever it takes.

"You pick stones and put it into a container until you can't physically carry more and then walk on that unbearable heat to bring them to stall. You won't feel your muscles days after..." Tae's words echoing in his ear, while coming closer to Jungkook.

Only when he was standing right in front of him, he realized he has to say something, and have to figure a way out to skip picking stones and only one thing came to his mind.

"Hyung, is everything alright?" Jungkook came even closer and Jimin felt relief cause he doesn't have to speak out loud, because the thing he was about to say was only meant for Jungkook's ears.

"So here's the thing. I'll give you the best blow job ever, and even let you fuck my mouth if you let me skip the stone picking today. How's that sound?" Jimin said all serious, not even blinking, and Jungkook gulped heavy, then looked around, like he was making sure no one is listening to them and then came even closer.

"So, blow job, fucking your mouth, and I get to come wherever I want to." Jungkook said pretty quietly, but loud enough for Jimin to hear his every word, and the excitement behind them.

"What's with you and coming in my mouth? Is that one of your kinks?" Jimin whispered into his ear, voice sultry and he saw Jungkook slightly palming his dick, obviously becoming hard just from the talk.

"Who said I wanted to come in your mouth?" he whispered back, and Jimin stooped back, now looking at his face, confused.

"Where then?" Jimin asked, eyebrows furrowed, but smirk on his lips.

Jungkook just take a long look at his face, observing every part of it. His pretty eyes, blushed cheeks, plump lips, then his eyes again, and then he looked at his lips, licked his own, and tilted his head while raising one of his eyebrows.

Jimin obviously got the hint and just said "Deal."

Jungkook nodded and took Jimin's hand in his.

"Hyung it really looks bad. When did you even hurt it this badly? No way you could do today's hard work. Just go and put ice on that wrist, try not to make it even worse. I'll come and visit you after lunch." Jungkook said pretty loudly, and Jimin saw the others looking at him with sympathy, and he just nodded.

"Thank you boss. You're so generous, I'll make it up to you, I promise." Jimin said before leaving, holding his wrist and rubbing on it lightly, as if he was in real pain.

"I'm sure you will." Jungkook added and left to help the others.

"Wow, you really did amazing on keeping away from Jungkook. Keep up the good work sweets. " Jimin scolded himself mentally.

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