Raw nature
Click, click, click...
Look here, please, Mr. Park...
Over here, click click click
Just one more... click, click, click
"Can you reveal anything new to us about your next project?" one of the paparazzi asks, standing in front of a huge building, where the publishing house "The Edge" is located.
"Unfortunately I can't, you have to wait till it's online to read it, but one thing is for sure, it'll be interesting." said the pink haired cutie, while entering big white marbled building.
"Tell us something we don't know..." one of the reporters added right after Jimin walks into the building, smiling.
He loves his job, and his work place. Colleagues, not so much, but the most important thing is, that they treat him with respect, and vice versa, well most of them do...
Today is Monday, which means, Jimin and his co-workers, have an early meeting with their supervisor, and are supposed to introduce him to the new ideas, they've been working on, so that he can pick his favorite, and they can start working.
Jimin never thought much about these topics, cause his mind works the best when he's under pressure, so he would easily come up with something right on the spot, and it'd usually make the cut. He is a famous, and an appreciated content writer, and his work is by now, worldwide known, and it seems like people are waiting for their magazine monthly online issue, just to read the hot and creative new topic he wrote. He has two assistants who help him around, since he has so many other responsibilities that his director kind of always sets him up with.
However, he isn't alone in the online department, he has a co-worker, Dahyun, who is always there, right behind his tail, just waiting for him to make a mistake, or to not realize something in the exact moment, just so that she could point out his mistakes, and make herself look better in the eyes of their director. He hates her for that, only cause he is really looking forward to having a work colleague, and when she came to the company, he was the one to show her around, and make her feel good, only to have her pinning for his job a couple of months after. She was determined, smart and mean, which made her his worst enemy.
Sure he is amazing at his job, but their rivalry sometimes got too much for him, and he would really want that to stop at some point.
"So my favorite workers, what amazing ideas do you have for the new September issue of our magazine?" Kim Seokjin, their director asked, and Jimin just started talking, naturally, like he had thought about this the whole day, week, month even, and not just a minute before.
"I thought, about how I go out and check all of the good clubs in every Seoul's neighbourhoods, and come up with a list of ten of the best. Next month we could do the same thing, but make it, top ten restaurants in Seoul, after that, could be... um I don't know, top ten spas, or something..." as he was talking, Seokjin was nodding, and taking some notes on a small paper he brought with him.
"Ok, good idea, I like the concept, and I like that it could easily be transfer into the next few months, at least. So, now your idea, Dahyun."
"Ok, so I have this amazing idea all planned out. You know how these days people go around and try to help, by volunteering at some projects, and so I found this site called, Workaway, which gives you these amazing opportunities to work and help other people on their farms, and many other jobs, and they usually provide the place to stay, and food. So it's kind of like, you got to travel, help others, get to know some new places, and don't have to pay for anything, cause you're working there. Anyways, I've contacted this amazing young farmer, that lives in Mupung, the very rural part of the countryside, in Geolla-buk-Do, and he offered me to work there, on his farm, for two weeks, while staying in a little cottage near the ranch. The best thing is that there are so many things to do, and your day is always fulfilled, and you can just enjoy every second in the untouched nature. I think it would be amazing to go there, and write about that experience, since it should be so awesome, and maybe do a daily vlog, just to report how things are going. I really think that this could be so much fun, and that people would love the idea. The projects name would be: "How to fall in love with raw nature?" and I think this is the best way to find out." she finishes with a grin on her face, totally satisfied with herself, and all Jimin could think about was the two weeks he wouldn't have to see that smug face of hers.
"Wow, I think this is your best idea ever." he exclaimed happily.
"Really? You think so?" she was definitely curious. How dumb of her to fall into that trap.
"No, I'm just happy for not seeing you for two weeks. Your plan is disaster, and I would never go to the countryside, so boring and rustic. Thank you, but no." he said, and she just rolled her eyes at him, arms crossed tightly across her chest.
"As if you could survive without your Medi-Pedies, face masks and not to mention a little bit of dirt on your hands, wuss." she bites back, and Jimin just put his hands on his heart, acting like his feelings got hurt.
"Actually I really like that idea." their little bickering was stopped when Seokjin finally spoke.
"We'll do that. Contact the farmer, and arrange everything so that we don't waste any time, and actually make the arrangements for tomorrow, I think one day is enough to prepare for two weeks trip." and she started clapping with her hands, as if she just won an Oscar or something, but her excitement was cut off by Seokjin saying:
"Oh, and one more thing. Jimin will go, and do this project." and there was silence for maybe a second, before Jimin's outburst.
"What? No. Hyung, director... I really don't like that idea. I don't think I would fit in. Like at all. You know how I am. Living my life to the fullest as a city boy, I'm not made for the rural places, country sides, or whatever... Please..." he was almost begging, and then the older asked Dahyun to leave them alone, so that they could talk in private.
"Hyung, why would you do that to me?" Jimin asked, knowing that Seokjin was before everything, his friend, and then his director, and he knew he cares about him, so this is so random for him to do.
"Jimin, do you know why we hired you in the first place, almost two years ago?"
"I know, because of my organizational skills, strong research skills, the ability to meet deadlines, communicate, editing skills..." and his bragging was stopped by Seokjin raising his hand, and waving it, like that it's enough.
"It's definitely not cause you're humble, that's for sure." he sighed deeply before continuing:
"You know I think you're an amazing writer, right? (Jimin nodded) But recently, our online magazine views had really been decreased, and have been decreasing every month now. I don't think that it has anything to do with you, or your work, but I've noticed some pretty harsh comments about your work, and you in general, in the past few months. I don't know if you're reading those comments, and if you do, you must feel awful, but somehow I think, we both know that you won't change people's mind just by pretending you're something you're not. I love your sassy and explicit vlogs, and responses, but I think people take you way too seriously, and I think you should show them the real you. You know, the natural you... Nature and Jimin... " he said with shy little smile on his face, trying to make eye contact with the pink haired boy.
"I know all about that. I always look at the views, and comments too of course, and just so you know, they don't bother me at all (he lied). It's super easy to write trash while you're behind your laptop or whatever, and everytime I got to call those people out, they're smaller than the poppy seeds." Jimin said while nervously playing with the sleeves of his favorite shirt.
"Can you just please trust me on this one, and just do this for me. Not because I could order you to do so, but because, as your friend, I'm asking you to." the older said with a calm tone that Jimin always had a soft spot for, so what could he do?
He accepted the offer, but still wanted to discuss some details.
"If you're really making me do this, at least I have to make sure that there are some things included." Jimin started talking about his requests.
"Just say it, and I'll make sure you get everything you want." Jin assured him, and he already felt better.
"Ok, so, I want a nice house, or cottage, whatever there is at that countryside. The best would be if there's a pool there also. I hope I'll get some nice tan at least. Then I want the company to pay for my new clothes that I will buy as soon as we finish this meeting, because I leave tomorrow. I have to get some new stuff cause I don't want my designer clothes to be ruined. Then, I want a car, I mean I don't know how far away it would be to the closest bar or a store so I definitely want a car so that I could drive whenever I need to go somewhere. And last, but not least, I want a company credit card with a nice amount of money to spend while I'm there, and you'll pay me double for the final story. Ok?"
Seokjin looked at Jimin closely, eyes squinting, while nibbling at his cheek inside his mouth, and finally admits that Jimin knows his way to negotiate things.
"Ok. I'll take care of it all, but the double pay for the article, you'll only get it if the views start to go up, ok?" Seokjin wanted to negotiate a little too. Not letting Jimin have everything his way.
"Of course. It's a done thing hyung, and you know it." Jimin said while smirking, and hurriedly got up while continuing "... so, I have to go now. Got that big shopping to do, and pack my things, go out once again to taste the city life."
"You'll be back here in two weeks, stop being a drama queen." Seokjin scolds him, as they're entering his office.
Dahyun is right outside, waiting for them to finish, and Jimin just walked past her, not feeling the need to explain anything to her, and Seokjin came to give her the list of Jimin's requests, telling her to contact the owners and make those requests happen.
She nodded, but as soon as their director turned around, she crumpled the paper in her hand, and throw it away without even looking at it.
As he enters his favorite shop, he gets a warm welcoming greeting from all of the employees. He was a regular costumer here, and as soon as he enters the store, one of the workers comes up to help him out with his shopping decision. Not that he needed a second opinion, but he liked talking to someone about fashion, and that way he felt entertained.
"Mr. Park, to what do we owe this pleasure? Visiting us two times in a month. We didn't expect you so soon." one of the workers said, while coming near him.
"Actually, today I have a special assignment for you. I'm going to the countryside tomorrow, for job duties, so I need some new clothes. Perhaps something that screams "a farm boy that should be fucked!" and a lady had a grin on her face.
"Oh. Well that's an easy task, with a face and a body like that..." she said while pointing onto Jimin's whole body, and he suddenly realized why he loves this store so much.
After around 10 minutes, the lady comes back with a handful of all kinds of stuff.
"Ok, so, you should go to the dressing room, and try these for me, while I search for something even more special for you." she said and Jimin was already trying on the first karo shirt she gave him. It was small, not fitting well, so he tried another plain black shirt with short sleeves. He likes it, thought how you could never get enough of plain shirts, and then the lady came with a dark brown leather overall, and he grabbed it immediately, almost drooling by how good he would look in those. He tried it, and it gave him such a strong country vibe, he falls in love with it immediately. He ended up buying three pair of jeans (lighter ones, darker ones and of course a ripped ones), a couple of plain shirts, two karo buttonned up shirts, for his fun night outs, black leather ankle boots, cowboy boots and that sexy overall. He drained the company credit card, and felt totally fine about it. It's a small price they're paying for making him do this shit.
After he got home, he packed his things, and then called his best friend to go and grab some drinks.
"So you're really doing this?" said Hobi while sipping his beer, still unable to understand why Jimin has to leave.
"Yeah, I didn't have a choice, but it'll be fun. New experience, right?" he asked, more as a reassurance, than a question.
"I mean, yeah. If you'll have all those things you've asked for, shouldn't be so hard. You should focus on writing while you're there, nature can be really calming. "
"I'll try. I don't know how much of a free time I'll get, cause I have no idea if there is someone looking after us, or something. I guess I'll know tomorrow."
"Cheers to my best friend in a whole wide world, and good luck on your new assignment." and they drank some beer, followed with some shots, and in no time, Jimin was drunk.
Hobi drove him home, and helped him wear his favorite cotton pajamas, and after he tucked him in his bed, he left, leaving Jimin all sleepy, cuddling some pillows on his bed.
Jimin felt like he didn't have enough sleep last night, at all. He even doesn't remember who brought him home last night, so as he was looking at his pajamas, he realized someone had to help him dress up too, but he couldn't focus too much on anything now, since he was already late. He had exactly 20 minutes to go to the bus station, then take a four hour bus ride to that countryside where he'll meet the farmer who will help him around and guide him through it all.
That was the plan.
So he brushed his teeth, splash some water on his face, got dressed, and went quickly to the bus station. He came right on time, and was pretty happy when he realized that there's only him and two other older ladies riding in the same bus.
He put earpods in his ears, and tries to enjoy the ride as much as possible.
His enjoyment was stopped when the driver started yelling, and the thick smoke is getting out from the front part of the bus, and he went to a slightly panic mood. The two ladies not so much. They were just sitting there, looking, like nothing new is happening.
He went to the driver to ask what's going on, and driver explains how this is something that happens all the time. That the bus is too old, and tends to overheat, so they have to stop for at least 2-3 hours, and then they can continue driving.
"Sorry what? We have to stay here for 2-3 hours? In the middle of nowhere?" Jimin asked when he realized that the driver had parked their bus on the side of the road, where apparently was nothing else than a thick forest, and the road.
"Yes. It's the only way for us to go later. Sorry boy, it is what it is. I suggest for you to sit back and relax, it's even better if you could catch a nap, I'm certainly going to." and he put a cap over his head, leaving Jimin speechless.
"Fuck. How am I going to go to that farm. I didn't get the number to call that farmer who's supposed to meet with me. How am I going to tell them I'm late?"
Too many thoughts came across Jimin's mind, and he decided not to panic, and call Seokjin, who will contact the farmer and let him know that he'll be late. That's a reasonable thing to do.
After three hours of failing to fall asleep, they were finally getting back on the road, and Jimin is already exhausted, and his back hurt.
A couple of hours later the driver told him that he should prepare his stuff, that his stop is near, only a couple of minutes away. He got up, takes his backpack and comes near the door.
When the driver stopped and opened the door, Jimin didn't wanna go out.
"What is this?" he asked while looking at a huge rural area, filled with grass, green nature all around, not a single soul to be seen. There are no streets, just one badly damaged road, full of stones and potholes.
"That's your stop. " the driver simply said.
"Where am I supposed to go from here?" Jimin asked, slightly shocked that there was no sign of a farmer who was supposed to meet him.
"Just follow that road. There's nowhere else to go. Don't worry, you can't get lost." the driver said already sounding a little frustrated, and Jimin went out, and took his way too heavy suitcase, and asked: "Can you help me maybe? I don't think I could find the farm on my own."
"Sure you can. Look how good you're blending with the pink flowers on the field. Looks just like you belong here." the driver said with a smirk, and drove away.
"Fuck off!" Jimin yelled a little too late, and started walking.
The road was awful, so dusty, full of those little rocks that kept making his suitcase fell, and the wheels were already dirty and damaged, but Jimin couldn't think about any of it, cause he was so thirsty. The insanely hot weather was making him so sweaty and sticky, his mouth dry, that in a couple of minutes he felt like he's gonna faint.
He laid down on the grass next to the road, and figured it's better if he take a small break, just to catch his breath again.
Every time he tried to get up, he couldn't. His muscles were sore, and his stomach started growling.
Just as the tears started pooling in his eyes, the image of a buff man standing above him made him jump a little and scream instantly.
"Oh sorry, did I scare you? Um... I'm Jungkook, (Jimin just looked at him like he had no idea who Jungkook was supposed to be) the farmer who should pick you up from the bus station? You are Park Jimin, the new worker at the Geolla farm, right?
"Yes, that's me. So you were supposed to pick me up. Well you're late!" Jimin said sounding angry.
"No, you were late, actually it's the bus' fault, but I came in time and when you weren't there I went back, and then I got a call about your bus being delayed. I guess it's all just a misunderstanding. " Jungkook tried to sound calm.
"Fine, whatever, I just wanna take a shower, and unpack. Is the farm too far?" Jimin stood up and started walking.
"No, you almost made it by yourself, it's right around the corner. " Jungkook said when they arrived to a hill from where you could see the farm, and a little trailer on the other end of the field.
Jimin started walking towards the farm, and a stall, but Jungkook showed him the other way.
"Didn't you say you wanted to shower and unpack first? Your trailer is here." he shows a small little trailer on the other side of the farm. Pretty far away from it.
"What do you mean my trailer? I was told I'm gonna stay at some cute little cottage with a pool." Jimin said, still processing what the farmer just showed him.
"Oh, well there's no such thing here. Our workers are usually staying at a dorm, ten minute drive from here, or the volunteers like you, tend to sleep at the farmer's guest house, but your colleague, who reserved all these, said that you would like to be alone, so we put you in the trailer cause it's the only separated place from other workers." he explained, and when they arrived, he opened the door and showed Jimin inside.
Lucky for him, the inside of the trailer was much more acceptable than the outside. It had some rustic tiny house vibe, and a chalkboard wall with a cute little couch, and soft pillows on it. It has a small little kitchen on one end of the trailer, only consisting of a sink, a little stove and a refrigerator, and on the other end is a bathroom, more like a bathroom squatting pan, and nothing else. Jimin turned around a couple of times, looking confused, and finally spoke.
"Where am I supposed to sleep, and take a shower?" he asked with a shocked look on his face.
"Well you can just sleep on the floor, and why would you shower in the first place. You're on the farm, you're always gonna be dirty." Jungkook said, pursing his lips, staring at Jimin's face, and finally burst into laughter.
"Oh my God. You're joking. Right? Tell me all of this is just a joke, ok?"
"Unfortunately no, but I was joking about the bed and the shower. Here is your bed." Jungkook said while pulling out a vertical Murphy bed, that was on the wall.
"Oh, that's nice. I mean, it's good size, and it's practical, I guess." Jimin said while looking at the bed.
"What about a shower?" he continued.
"Well there's no easy way to say this, but you have an outdoor shower, right behind your trailer, and it's better to shower at night cause so many people could see you, you know, since it's outdoors and it's crowded here." and he started laughing again.
"It's cute that you find all of this amusing. Now show me the shower." Jimin said, visibly annoyed, and Jungkook went outside.
There was this large hula hoop and attached shower curtain on it with a small shower on top of it.
"Oh God, seriously, is this where I should take a shower." Jimin inhaled deeply.
"It's not that bad actually. You'll be surprised how good the water flow feels. Wanna try?" Jungkook said, and Jimin had no idea if he was joking or not.
"I'm gonna try, sure, but should you like, leave first?" Jimin said with frowned eyebrows.
"I didn't mean to be here while you shower, just wanted to show you the water flow, see..." and Jungkook let the water run down, in a thick warm blast and Jimin put his hands under it.
"Well, looks good enough." Jimin said in a deadpan voice.
"Can't believe you thought I was gonna watch you shower." Jungkook burst into laughter again.
"Well if you were a hot farmer like I thought you would be..." Jimin said while cocking his eyebrows, looking him up and down and added "but clearly not." he finished and started walking towards the trailer.
"I should be offended, but it's clear you watch too much porn. You should hurry, we have a meeting in half an hour, there is your bike, and the meeting is at a stall, first door on the left when you enter." Jungkook said while leaving, and added "Hot farmers..." with a loud laugh while he is a few steps away.
"Those exist, and not just in porns. It's just that you're not one of them..." Jimin yelled, standing on a door frame of his new home, but Jungkook doesn't look back, just waved his hand goodbye at him.
"Dick." Jimin thought, as he observes Jungkook's figure from the distance. He is taller than him, wearing some big overall in some ugly green color, big, dirty rubber boots, and hair little bit longer, sticking to his forehead. Gross.
Jimin takes a good look at the little space in his trailer, inhales deeply, with his eyes closed, and decides to unpack, and get that quick shower.
He opens his suitcase, and got a little surprise right on top of his clothes. There's a bottle of lube, and a box of condoms with a note from Hobi.
"I hope you have an amazing time in the nature, just like we did last night. Here are some gifts for you to use when you find a sexy farmer, and tell me all about it later. Call me every day, and relax, try to enjoy life outside of the city. I love you.
Your BFF."
Jimin feels nostalgic immediately, and wants to call hobi as soon as possible, but doesn't wanna be late for that farm meeting so he took a quick shower, put on some plain white shirt, and dark jeans with his new cowboy boots. His damp hair looked messy, but he didn't care.
He's in the middle of fucking nowhere.
He got on his bike to head to the room Jungkook told him to go, and as he walked in, all eyes were on him. Literally, every head in the room turned around just to see him, and he feels his cheeks blushing.
"You're three minutes late. Don't let it happen again." said the older man standing in front of the group, and Jimin just nodded, feeling pretty intimidated by his voice and fierce gaze.
As the man continue talking, he noticed the people around him. There were maybe 20-25 people of different ages, varies from early twenties to maybe sixty year old.
All of them are wearing simple clothing, most of them in overalls, and rubber boots, just like Jungkook's. They were all listening to the man talking, and nodding when he had something to say. Jimin only catch every third word, since the outfits are more interesting to him.
"Me and my wife have to go to Seoul for a week or a bit more. Jungkook will stay here and take over my job. He will guide you, help you with everything you need, and Jisoo here, will continue to cook delicious meals for you. Please take care of yourself, and if you feel tired, take a nap, and relax, don't overdo yourselves in any way. In summer time the earlier you starts working, the less time you'll spend in the killer heat. After lunch, come back to do some weeding, and picking rocks from the field to prepare them for planting, and after six you're free to take a rest until the next day. Some of the days you'll harvest apples and red peppers, plant cabbages, harvest walnuts and the ginseng field, planting soy bean and corn... and not to forget the animal care. Feeding the chickens, cows, goats and dog. I really want you to work hard, but also to relax a lot later."
Only after the older man's speech, Jimin realized that Jungkook is not just one of the farmers here, than the owner. Well technically his father was, but he is his son, so he is kind of too. That fact didn't change the way he thought about him, and maybe even made him feel kind of weird that he would be the one giving him assignments, and all kinds of tasks.
After the lady, Jungkook's mom, also said a couple of kind words to the workers, the two of them were gone, and Jungkook simply said that it's time to do some weeding.
They went to the vegetable garden, and started weeding. They didn't do it for too long, but to Jimin it felt like an eternity.
Weeding or removing flowers was not especially strenuous, but all the bending over made Jimin's muscles sore. He had a good stamina cause of the dance lessons he did with Hobi, but still, this was a different type of work out than his usual stretching.
After Jungkook said that they should finish with weeding, they all picked up the unwanted plants and put them in one big container, and finally went to rest.
Jimin took his bike, and went to his trailer, happy to get something to eat and take a nap before doing his daily vlog.
He was waiting for the food for more than two hours, until his body gave in, and he fall asleep while sitting on the small couch.
The thing is that Seokjin told him he'll have the food there, and he didn't know how he would get it. Is someone going to bring the food to him, or was he supposed to go and get it himself. No one told him anything, so he decided to just sit and wait. Also he had some rice puff cracker leftovers that he brought from the bus station when coming here, so he won't starve to death.
When he wakes up, his neck felt numb from the bad napping position, he realized it's already past 10 so he immediately took his laptop and started his live daily vlog.
"Sorry guys you had to wait for my vlog. As I promised to come sharp at 10 every night, but I actually fall asleep waiting for the food that never came, so I'm here now, exhausted and hungry, barefaced too, and I'm gonna show you my new project, just as I promised. I suppose you'll be surprised when I show you the place I'm staying in right now, and for the next two weeks. Here it is... " and he took a 360 spin around the trailer, and comments went crazy immediately.
People were asking where he was, what's he doing, who is he with... They wanted to know everything, so Jimin took his laptop outside and tried to show them. It was dark, and not much could be seen, but people got it right away, that he is at some rural countryside, and they loved that this project was something out of his comfort zone, unlike the usual stuff he did. Jimin noticed the views were slightly higher already, and he knew Seokjin was right about this. People love to see a new side of him, and he was happy about it. He doesn't have to show the pretty, fabulous, sassy journalist and youtuber he usually was, rather than this other side of him that was actually him most of the time.
"So guys, I should really eat something, although I have nothing except these rice crackers, but it is what it is. Before I go, I'm just gonna read some of your comments, and answer some questions really quick." So he read some comments out loud, most of them sounding super supportive:
" I'm so happy you're doing this, your gonna fall in love with nature... "
" OMG I wouldn't mind being on the country side with you... "
" I could never do that, I'm too much of a city girl for that..."
"Is there some hot farmer around to keep you occupied?"
And he answered one by one, and when he came to that hot farmer comment, he just smirked, and comments went crazy again.
"Who is he???"
"Tell us everything!"
"Come on! Don't go now, what was that smirk for, Jimin pleaseeeee"
"STOP torturing us, babe... tell us something..."
And he started laughing, uncontrollably, cause all of this was super funny to him. Obviously his viewers were thirsty, little whores...
"No hot farmer, trust me. Just an annoying one. That's all I'm gonna say. So I really have to go now, have to wake up early, and work on ginseng field. Hope it won't be too hard. Talk to you tomorrow. Bye." so he turn the live off, but people kept commenting about annoying farmer he mentioned and Jimin decided to ignore their comments.
Before the alarm started playing one of his favorite songs, he heard the birds singing, and felt the fresh mountain air all around him. It was nice and cozy in his pretty big bed, and he felt like this was not such a bad idea at all.
That's until the heat started boiling all of his insides, and the cowboy hat he bought, had no use on his head, cause the heat is so overwhelming today that he feels like he's gonna pass out right there on that ginseng field.
Today they have to harvest and pluck ginseng roots, and it is so hard. They did it with their hands, of course they had some digging materials, but still they had to use their hands to clean the roots from any excess dirt, and there was plenty of it. Three hours after, Jimin felt the need to puke, although he hasn't had anything to puke out. He still haven't got a proper meal, and the heat and hard work really pushed his limits. He decided to go and use the bathroom, just to freshen up a little, and when the stood up, he felt dizzy, and had to wait couple of seconds to move, or he would most definitely fall on top of those roots he dug out. Seemed that Jungkook realized what's going on, so he asked him if he's ok.
"I'm fine. Just need to drink some water and sit a little bit." he answered, and went to the bathroom inside the stall. He sat on the floor, splashed some water all over his face, and then he heard the footsteps coming inside.
"Jimin, are you ok?" Jungkook hurriedly walked over to him, looking at him with worried expression, and Jimin felt embarrassed.
"I'm fine. Just, didn't expect to be this hot, and hard..." he said and then his stomach made a growling noise so loud, he's sure the neighbours could hear it.
"Are you hungry? Did you eat your breakfast?" Jungkook asked immediately, and Jimin just shook his head.
"What? You came to work without eating something first! Are you serious?" Jungkook was clearly angry, and before Jimin could even answer he picked him up, bend him over his shoulder, and started walking towards his trailer.
"What are you doing? I can walk on my own... Let me down." Jimin tried to move, but the truth is, he felt so weak, he probably wouldn't be able to walk alone. So he let Jungkook carry him all the way to his trailer, and when they entered, he put him down, gently on the little couch, and went to the refrigerator. He opened it quickly, only to find three beer cans, and no food inside.
"Where is your food?" he asked while looking at his face, and then back at the refrigerator.
"I don't have food." Jimin said calmly, which made Jungkook even more mad.
"What? You didn't bring any food? And you knew where you're going?" and then he looked around and saw some of the things Jimin did bring, and they included his body cream, fancy shampoo, all kinds of face creams and masks...
"But you didn't forget to bring these?" he started taking one by one and just looking at it with confused reaction, and then he stormed out and came back with some apples in his hands.
"There, eat this for now, it'll help." he said still with his eyebrows furrowed, and anger on his face.
"Look, I don't need you to take care of me, I was fine, just the heat got to me, that's all, and it's rude to go through other people stuff, don't you have some manners." Jimin felt attacked, and embarrassed cause he didn't know he was supposed to bring food with him, since he was told differently, but Jungkook's expression felt like too much to handle now, since he felt pretty awful as it is.
"Are you kidding me? Just the hea?. Look at you. You almost fainted right there. God you're annoying. It's my responsibility to take care of the people working here and guess what? You're one of them. So sorry for being bad mannered, I guess you could take this... face mask and eat it then. Look, it says it's organic and it has some cucumbers in it. " Jungkook said while throwing one face mask bottle at him, and stormed to the door.
"Don't be disrespectful you dickhead, I'm older than you! " Jimin yelled out, with the little strength left in him, and Jungkook yelled back : "Yeah, sorry for being rude, HYUNG!" accentuating the last word, and sounding anything but sorry.
Jimin just mumbled quiet little "Fuck off" while grabbing those apples and eating them.
After eating four apples, he took a quick shower, got dressed, and just as he was about to leave and go to work he heard knocking on the door.
"Come in."
Jungkook came in with a plastic container and looked at him shyly.
"Um, here's your lunch. I figured you won't actually get full with just apples, so... here you go." he said while putting the container on the small table, and Jimin would act like he wasn't hungry, and didn't need his help, but the truth is, he was starving, and that food smelled so good, so he just took a spoon, came to the table, and started eating without word.
"Is it good?" Jungkook asked, still standing next the door, like he was waiting to see if Jimin will eat it.
"Um.. s-so good..." Jimin said with his mouth full, and Jungkook turned around, ready to leave.
"Hey, sit down for a minute. I don't like to eat alone." Jimin said before he opened the door, and Jungkook did so.
"Sorry for not having a chair to offer you, but see, it's a little crowded in here." Jimin said sarcastically and the younger smiled a little.
"The only reason I didn't brought food with me is cause my friend told me that I'm gonna have meals here. That that's included for everyone who comes here." Jimin decided to explain, cause the younger did bring him something to eat, and he looked kind of worried.
"But your colleague, the one who arranged all of this, said that you don't need food, that you have a lot of allergies and that's why you should cook for yourself. She even said not to give you the snacks that we usually prepare when we're on the field, cause you don't like that, and are always on some kind of diet. " Jungkook said sounding confused.
"She? Huh, let me guess, Dahyun? " Jimin figured out immediately, and Jungkook confirmed.
"Yeah... She is my co-worker who was supposed to be here instead of me, but our director sent me instead of her, so she lied and said all of those things just to kind of get back at me. She's childish and mean. " Jimin explained, and Jungkook nodded.
"Oh, now I feel even worse for saying all those things to you. I'm really sorry, hyung." this time he sounded sincere, and Jimin said it's ok.
"I have an idea how you can make it up to me, since you were so mean, and everything."
"Oh, what now?" the younger was visibly curious.
"Can you bring me to some market nearby so I can buy some food, and some clothes, that I won't be sorry for destroying. Look at my new boots. They cost a little fortune, and just one day here made them look like they're older than me." he really wanted to buy everything he needed, and Jungkook was the only person he knew so he had to ask him.
"Sure hyung. When do you want to go? "
"I don't know. The sooner the better. When are you free? "
"How about tonight after work? Around 7?"
After returning to work, Jimin went to see the animals on the farm. He saw goats, sheeps, cows, and met the special cow, Jungkook's favorite named Cherry, and at the end of the animal tour, they went to feed the chickens.
There were around fifty of them, and when Jungkook said that they should feed them some corn, Jimin started throwing corn all around the henhouse, making a mess...
"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked, sounding amused.
"Well feeding them. Aren't they eating?" Jimin said sounding cocky.
"You can't feed them like that. They have their feeders for eating, you know. That way you know how much food to give them. You gave them too much, I'm sure." Jungkook tried to explain while smiling.
"Ah come on. So what will happen if you give them some more corn? They'll get fat?" and Jungkook started laughing even more. His laugh was so contagious, that made Jimin giggle along.
"No silly, it's just not good for their liver, that's all." Jangkook answered through laugh.
As they agreed, they met at 19:30 o'clock, near Jimin's trailer, after they both got into the shower, and changed their clothes. Jimin wear a plain white shirt, ripped jeans, and his favorite ankle boots. This was his normal, casual wear, and he didn't feel like he dressed up at all.
Jungkook in the other hand wore a black loose shirt, and tight black jeans with some sneakers, and Jimin realized that when he's out of those awful overalls, he looked pretty good. Handsome he might say, but still he couldn't guess what kind of a body he had underneath that loose shirt. Not that he wanted to know.
Definitely no.
"Hi, you look good." Jimin complimented him as soon as he saw him, and saw a little pink blush creeping up on his cheeks.
"Thank you. So do you." he said politely, and they went to Jungkook's car, which was parked near the trailer, right next to the damaged road. It was some nice light grey Wrangler Jeep, and as much as Jimin would hate to admit, Jungkook really looked hot.
So much for no hot farmers in the countryside.
The ride was pleasant, Jungkook put some music he liked, some rock songs, but not "too loud" as Jimin would describe that genre of music, and they talked through the entire, almost an hour ride to the store.
Jungkook wanted to know about Jimin's work, and how long he's been working at "The Edge", so Jimin told him that he came to Seoul when he was eighteen, finished his college at twentytwo, and immediately got a job as a journalist in "The Edge". His first year went by really fast, and to his surprise, his boss wanted to extend his contract for another year, and the same happened next year, and year after that, and many offers from other Magazines too, they offered him permanent employment contract, and even when he got better offers, he stayed there. He was loyal to "The Edge", and loved his boss.
Jimin was also interested in Jungkook's life, but the younger said only a little, and Jimin didn't wanna pry more than he wanted to say.
Jungkook is the youngest of two children their parents have. His older brother is married and living in Seoul with his wife, and he has a cousin, which he looks at as sister, who is divorced and living with Jungkook's parents, cooking meals for workers during daytime, and working at one nursing home, near their countryside on the weekends, and sometimes at night when the nurses needed substitution. She has one daughter, a fourteen year old girl, who lives with them in the same house. Jungkook said that he really loves her, and loves spending time with her, and that she's special.
They talked about their friends, and Jimin told him about Hobi, his bestie, and Seokjin, who's his good friend, but also his boss.
Jungkook told him about his two best friends, Taehyung, one of the workers at his parent's farm, and Yoongi, the oldest among them, who is working at a nearest cheese factory, maybe an hour drive from their countryside.
Soon they arrived at the pretty big market, and Jimin finally went to shop for some groceries. He bought mostly instant noodles, vegetables, some rice crackers, and some chocolate, but Jungkook was mostly surprised when he saw three bottles of soju that Jimin wasn't even trying to hide.
"You know, it's bad to drink at work." Jungkook teased him, when he saw the bottles.
"Who said I'm gonna drink while working? This is for relaxing after work. Do you drink alcohol Jungkook?" Jimin asked and as Jungkook was about to answer, one of the girl who worked in the market, noticed him, tried to fix her hair little bit, swiping it on the side, trying to look sexy, and called:" Jungkookah... "
He turned around, smiled at her and greeted her politely.
"What brings you here? Last time I saw you was at Sunghwo's birthday party." and she smirked at him, trying to look, well sexy?
"I came with um, one of our volunteers, he needs some groceries, and this is the nearest market." he explained, sounding unbothered of her flirting.
"Oh, that's nice of you. Hi, I'm Tzuyu, Jungkook's friend. If I could help you with anything, just let me know." she said, her attention focused now on Jimin, as she was eyeing him up and down.
"Thank you. Aren't you too kind?" Jimin said sarcastically with wide grin, and they left.
"So, Tzuyu and you..." Jimin said while picking some rubber boots at the end of a market, and Jungkook just shook his head.
"No, no... Just a drunk mistake, I guess." he explained, and Jimin giggled.
"What's funny?"
"Nothing. You just don't seem like that kind of guy. That's all. And I mean it as a compliment." Jimin explained after getting some mustard colored rubber boots, and a dark brown overall.
Finally they went to the cash register, and the same scenario played again.
"Jungkookah, what are you doing here? " another girl, same flirty talk.
"Hi, I came with one of our volunteer to buy something." he explained again, pretty much expressionless.
"Oh, hi, I'm Jihyun, Jungkook's friend from high school." she said with polite smile.
"Hi, I'm Jimin and I can't wait to get out of here." he said sarcastically and Jungkook burst into laugh.
They paid for the things they got, and left waving at a confused girl.
Before they entered the car, Jungkook put their bags in the trunk and asked:
"Hey do you wanna grab an amazing coffee to go, right here, at the corner of this street. It's so good, me and my friends would come here just to drink some." he asked sounding excited, and Jimin said sure.
"I haven't had a good coffee in a while, I would sure love some. Is there something good to eat too?" Jimin was hungry again. Who can blame him. He had one proper meal in three days.
"Oh yes. Hamburgers, fries, chicken nuggets... I don't know what you'd like."
"I like everything when I'm hungry."
They entered a small fast food and coffee shop and for a second Jimin was happy that all of the workers seemed to be males. They ordered two big cup of coffees, and Jimin got hamburger with large fries. After Jimin paid for everything, (he insisted after Jungkook brought him here) they started walking towards the door, and a female voice stopped them saying:"Jungkookie..." which made him frown a little and eventually turn around.
"Hi Yoona, how are you?" he said politely at the obviously older lady in front of him.
"I'm good. Haven't seen you around for a while. How are you?" she came closer, and Jimin could definitely notice that she was in her late thirties or early forties.
"I'm good, grabbing some coffee with a worker from the farm." and he pointed at Jimin.
She looked at him, they just smiled politely, and she said that she has to go to work, but that he should call her sometimes, and Jungkook just nodded.
"So, another friend from school?" Jimin teased, at an obvious age difference.
"Funny hyung, she's just a friend." Jungkook addressed it, like the other two girls.
"Well she could easily be your teacher too, just saying." Jimin added and they both laughed out loud.
"Didn't know our little farmer was such a little man whore." Jimin teased while song singing the words, and Jungkook blushed.
"I'm not. That's just a lucky coincidence." he tried to sound calm, but his smirk gave him away.
"Sure it is." Jimin said while winking at him, and Jungkook just shook his head with a little shy smile.
Their drive back was again pleasant. Nice music playing from the speakers, and easy little conversation that wasn't forced or anything.
Jimin thought how Jungkook being straight is actually a good thing, cause now he could stop imagining what's hiding under that loose shirt, or how big dick those tight pants are hiding, and what those long fingers are able to do, and.... fuck. His thoughts went in totally absurd direction again.
Jungkook drove him near the trailer and helped him carry the bags inside.
"Thank you for today. I really appreciate everything you've done for me. Now I get why your parents went away and left you here alone to take care of everything. It's cause they know you can do it. It's admirable actually." Jimin decided to thank him properly, and the younger looked nervous, while scratching the back of his neck, blushing, and thanking him for the nice words.
"Get some sleep hyung. I'll see you tomorrow at 7, we're harvesting cabbage early in the morning, and of course weeding afterwards." Jimin rolled his eyes as soon as he heard weeding, his new nightmare.
"I will. As soon as I finish my daily vlog. See you tomorrow Jungkookie."
He unpacked the things he bought, and answered a couple of messages on his phone. He decided to take a quick shower, drink some soju while calling Hobi.
"Hyungieeee" he whined while putting his glass with soju in the air, like cheering at his bestie.
"Well isn't i mty favorite farmer of all times?" said Hobi as Jimin was fixing his phone on the table, to see him better while he stretches his muscles.
"Well I'm here with my body, but my soul left me the minute I started weeding. Hyung, do you know how hard that is? Like literally bending down endlessly on that unstandable heat, it's just too much." said Jimin while sitting on the floor and bending slowly over one leg, and then the other.
"You should stretch every night, it'll help with your sore muscles. But who would've thought that you, Park Jimin would have such a hard time bending over? " Hobi teased, and Jimin scoffed at him.
"If it was a different kind of bending over, I most certainly wouldn't have any problem, at all." Jimin bites back, while going flat with his upper body on the floor, legs spread open in a perfect middle split.
"I know that, remember, I walked into you and Sejin pretty much in that position." Hobi laughed, and Jimin blushed, but before he could answer him back, he heard a light knock on the door, and then Jungkook's head peeking in, and he pulled his upper body up, legs still spread open.
"Jungkook, what are you doing here?" he said without moving, sounding surprised.
"Well first of all, wow, and second, you forgot one bag, and it's with your new rubber boots, and I'm sure you'll need them tomorrow, so I brought them to you." the younger said, still not completely entering the trailer, only head peeking in.
"Oh, thank you. I must have missed one bag since there was a lot of them. Come in."
So when Jungkook came in, holding a bag with Jimin's boots, the older's mouth dropped open at a sight.
He was wearing a button up black fitted shirt, folded neatly on his forearms, and tight jeans that showed off his muscly thighs. Black ankle boots fitting perfectly with the whole look. Even his hair was styled differently. Still little bit damp, obviously from shower he got when they came home, but it was kind of combed on one side, making him look more mature. And what was that smell? Manly, but mild, soapy and soft at the same time.
Jimin did not expect this at all.
"What are you staring at Jiminah? Show me too?" Hobi interrupted Jimin's track of thoughts, and Jungkook looked at the phone, not realizing Jimin was talking to someone.
"Oh sorry, I'm interrupting your call..." Jungkook said, while Jimin was standing up, finishing his glass of soju, and grabbing his phone to frown at his friend who made him blush.
"Hobi hyung, it's the farmer that runs the farm, Jungkook." Jimin said and turned the phone for Hobi to see him, and Jungkook waved shyly.
"Jiminshi, you said he's not hot! He's totally hot you liar." Hobi yelled, and Jimin's eyes open widely, and Jungkook smirked at the Hobi's comment.
"Hyung, I'll call you latter." Jimin quickly said before ending their video call.
"So, still no hot farmers around, I see." Jungkook was obviously enjoying this.
"You look handsome. Is that what you want to hear, and why are you all dressed up? " Jimin tried to sound calm while pouring one more glass of soju. Couldn't hurt to get drunk just a little.
"My friend's celebrating his birthday so we're going out... So you do think I'm hot?" he responded with a smirk.
"I didn't say that. I said you look handsome. There's quite a difference." the older winked at him.
"Isn't that pretty much the same?" Jungkook was definitely not over this whole "hot" situation, but damn it if Jimin would give in so easily.
"It's not. Being hot means you're desirable, attractive and fuckable, and being handsome means just that. Being handsome." Jimin tried to explain, and Jungkook nodded, while poking his inner cheek with a tongue.
"Should be my dick instead of that tongue... shit..." Jimin and his thoughts.
"I see, well thank you for explaining." Jungkook said politely while opening the door, ready to leave. Jimin followed him, to close the door properly (more like to stare at his nice ass) and after walking towards the car Jungkook said without looking back, as he knew Jimin was still standing there: "I'm all of those things just so you know." and his voice was low and sexy.
"Well add cocky to the list." Jimin yelled before closing the door, and Jungkook just waved at him.
So Jimin returned to his little table, drank another glass of soju. Briefly palmed his slightly hard dick, and decided to do a short live, as he promised.
"Hi guys, it's me again. New day, new assignments to do, and today I wanna talk about weeding. You heard me good. Weeding..." so he talked about his day at the farm, and he showed his new overall and rubber boots, promising that he'll post a selfie as soon as he wears them, and then he noticed in a comment section, a comment from his bestie, Hobi and so did everybody else.
"Are you gonna say anything about the hot farmer that walked in the middle of our conversation, which you ended so that you could talk to him? I'm sobbing here, feeling hurt..." Hobi wrote, and the comments went crazy once again.
"Aish Hobi hyung. I already explained. That's just my boss here. And he looks fine, not that hot as you're exaggerating." he rolled his eyes while answering.
"If a tall, dark man, with a silhouette of a Greek God doesn't seam hot to you, I don't know what does?"
"Hobi hyung, you're just horny. Go and get laid. I have to go now guys, talk to you soon. Bye." he ended his vlog satisfied, cause the views were almost doubled up than usual, and comments were wilding. He didn't have the will to read more, so he shut down his laptop, and went to sleep.
Before waking up he felt small nudges, moving him a little, and the nudges actually felt like someone was trying to get him to sleep some more, so he moaned cutely and went back to sleep. Then he felt the nudges again, but slightly harsher this time, and only when he heard the voice calling him to wake up, he realized that someone was in the trailer, waking him up, and he unwillingly jumped off of the bed, in sitting position, still feeling sleepy.
He scratched his eyes and finally saw Jungkook sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at him with dark circles under his eyes.
"Jimin hyung, you have to wake up. You're late again." he said while yawning, and let his body fall on top of the comfy bed.
Jimin realized that he overslept, and jumped up, talking some nonsense, and saying that he's ready to go.
"Shouldn't you wear some pants first. I doubt people won't stare at you if you came to work like that." Jungkook was eyeing him up and down, and when Jimin looked down, he remembered that he had taken off his sweatpants in the middle of the night, cause it was super hot, and he was sleeping only in his white t-shirt, that didn't even cover his ass, nor the obvious bulge in his red boxers, showing off his thick thighs.
"Oh shit. Oh fuck. I'm so sorry. It was hot, so I slept like this..." he was talking while trying to stretch his fitted shirt over his ass and crotch, but there was not enough material to cover both. So he decided to cover his front, cause it was kind of embarrassing how hard his dick was.
Jungkook seemed quite unbothered with the whole situation, and just giggled at the older's reaction.
"Hyung, stop panicking, and get dressed. Don't forget that I have a dick too, you know." he said teasingly, and sat back, massaging his temples.
Only then Jimin noticed that the younger looked exhausted, and in pain, so he asked him if he was feeling ok.
"I'm fine, just super hungover from last night. My head is exploding right now."
"Do you need some pain killers, I've brought some with me." Jimin asked while searching through his suitcase, squatting down, ass fully out on display.
"Sure. That would be great."
"How about Aspirin?"
"Sounds good."
So Jimin gave him one, and a glass of water, and after Jungkook drank it, he asked for one more.
"Hyung, can you give me one more, just to be sure it'll help."
"Sure, I've got the whole box in here." Jimin said while squatting down, again his round ass in tight red boxers on display.
"Actually I'm good. One's enough hyung." Jungkook said after Jimin got up, suppressed grin appearing on younger's face.
If Jimin didn't know Jungkook was straight, he would definitely thought that the younger did that on purpose, just to see his fine ass again.
He put his new overall and rubber boots, and asked Jungkook to take a picture of him before they leave.
"I promised to my viewers I'll post one." he said while looking at the photo, and hissed once he saw it.
"Now I get it. It's this fucking overall. It drains every single ounce of sexiness out of your body and soul. Look at me. I look like a fucking sack." he said while frowning at a photo.
"I think you look cute." Jungkook said before going out. Obviously, unintentionally making Jimin blush hot pink.
So Jimin quickly posted a pic, adding a description: "Well someone called me cute. I don't know. What you think?" before going out.
"This should definitely be a fun day."
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