Only you

JK - two weeks earlier

"Good morning Jungkook, I'm calling to rearrange some details about my trip to help in your farm, and do an article for "The Edge" magazine. Suddenly we had a little change of plans, and it turns out, my dear colleague is gonna come instead of me."

"Oh, alright. Just tell me if everything we arranged for you will stay the same, or some things need to be changed? And I need to know your colleague's name." Jungkook said and thought what a shame is that the person behind this sexy voice won't come to help in the farm.

"It's Park Jimin, and actually there are some changes. First of all, he doesn't love to share his private space with anyone, so it would be nice if instead of living in the guest house, you reserve him the small trailer you showed me, cause that would be something he would absolutely adore."

"Um, of course, the trailer is almost always available cause it's little bit far from the farm, and workers seem to not enjoy the pretty small space and outdoor shower. Anything else?"

"He will love the outdoor shower!" The woman said with excitement and continued "And, yes... The food, he won't eat the food that you make for the workers cause he has so many allergies that no one except for him, could made a proper meal for him."

"Oh, ok. No problem. He has a small stove and can cook for himself in the trailer. Can he eat at least the snacks we made for the workers to eat during the hard work? It's usually some protein bars or just fresh fruits? I kind of feel bad that he has to cook everything for himself, and the work can be so tiring... " Jungkook asked with sincere voice.

"Huh... I don't know... I mean if there's something with nuts in it he could have a serious allergies attack..."

"Ok so no to snacks too. Alright, so no food and a small trailer. We can do that."

"Oh, one more thing. He's coming tomorrow. The boss wanted to hurry up with the trip and article. Hope that's alright?"

"It's fine since he'll be staying in trailer which is free at the moment."

"Ok. Well thank you very much and I hope my colleague will show a great work ethic and the will to learn. I know I would."

"I hope so too. Thank you for the update, maybe you could come another week, just cause you were very excited in the first place, Dahyun, is it?"

"Yes that's me, and maybe I will. Have a good night." the girl said in a sultry way, and Jungkook felt even more sorry that there's some guy that sounds super annoying, coming instead of the girl with a sexy voice.

"Thank you, you too."

Jimin - the day he left

Jimin cried almost through the whole drive back, and got himself together when it was time to go outside, and finally meet Hobi, who promised to come and drive him home from the bus station in Seoul.

He was so happy when he saw a nest of red hair just jumping up and down, waving frantically at him.

He missed him so much.

"Jiminieeee you're finally home." Hobi yelled and as soon as Jimin hugged him tightly he started crying again.

"Oh baby... You're gonna be fine. I got you..." Hobi started sweet talking to him, patting him on the head.

"Is it Jungkook?" he asked as soon as they separated, and Jimin nodded with pout on his lips.

"Come on, let's get you home, and after unpacking and a shower, we're gonna drink a bottle of tequila so you can just pass out and feel better later."

"Sound's amazing, thank you hyung." Jimin said while sniffing and soon they walked to Hobi's car.

They got to Jimin's apartment pretty fast, and as he entered the spacious place, he felt weird. He felt like this is where he lived, but it was strange how new and cold everything seemed. All styled up, no warmth, no coziness, nothing.

No Jungkook.

He decided to take a quick shower, while Hobi started preparing some ramen with vegetables for them to eat, and a tequila with lemon to drink.

While enjoying his huge, white, marble tub, he kept thinking about Jungkook and what's he doing at this moment.

He thought about sending him a message, but didn't know what to write.

Maybe he should just tell him that he arrived home safely, cause that's what he promised to do.

He took his phone and started typing. His fingers suddenly feeling shaky.


I'm home. Hope you don't have to work today, and will get some sleep.

He decided to blow dry his hair, just a little bit, and after looking at his phone, he saw one new message.

Jungkook farmer

I'm glad you arrived safely. I was actually napping on the chili peppers field, your message woke me up.


Sorry. Go to bed and sleep properly. You're the boss, you can do it.

Jungkook farmer

Nah, kind of like being here. Brings up some painful memories though.


Well not just painful I hope.

Jungkook farmer

All of it feels painful now.

And Jimin looked at the message, trying to figure out if Jungkook was telling him that he feels pain cause he's thinking about Jimin leaving? Could this be it? Or he just forgot about everything and it just feels painful to remember their chili pepper incident... Jimin thought about what to write, how to say something, but not to sound desperate... How to say that he misses him, and wants him for himself, and that he wants Jungkook to forget about his crush and just be with him instead... How? How to just throw himself out there and risk such a huge disappointment if Jungkook doesn't feel the same way about him. He just couldn't do it. Not now at least.


It'll get better soon.

Jungkook farmer

I hope so

He decided to play it safe, and just finished the conversation as it is. He can't handle any profound Jungkook's answers, or anything that feels heavy on his mind, so he did what Hobi suggested.

They got drunk, and talked like that for hours.

Jimin finally felt better, alcohol really does blur your mind, and he felt like everything he needs now is to feel this way. Drunk and tired.

Soon both of them passed out in the living room, and just stayed there for the night.

Strong pounding inside his head, woke Jimin up the next day, and he tried to open his eyes, squinting them firmly, feeling sensitive because of the lights, coming inside the room.

"Hyung, what time is it?" he asked Hobi, who was clearly in the same state as Jimin.

"Ugh... Already eight Jiminshi..." Hobi said while scratching his eyes, and Jimin's eyes widen in shock.

"Eight??? Shit. I'm supposed to be at work by now. Shit, shit, shit... I forgot to put the alarm on." Jimin said and started jumping around, trying to hurry as much as he can.

"Hyung, don't get up. Stay, sleep some more, you have classes in the afternoon right? Take a shower before you leave." Jimin talked while brushing his teeth, trying to find something to wear.

While Hobi just slammed himself back to bed, he got dressed up in black jeans and some plain white shirt, his hair styled messy, not caring too much.

As he was walking towards the huge white building, reporters who are always standing there, started taking pictures, and talking with him.

"Jimin how are you feeling being back in Seoul?"

"Do you miss countryside at all?"

"When will the finishing article come out? Can't wait to read it."

"Do you miss the hotties you've met there?"

And Jimin stopped for a second, thanked them for being so interested in this whole thing, and answered some questions.

All of them came closer, craving for Jimin's answers, and were pleasantly surprised that he's so willingly talking about this.

"... my article should be out by the end of the week. Tomorrow is Wednesday..." and he made a pause, sighed deeply, remembering Jungkook's hot date with Namjoon, and sadness took over him.

"... yeah... Should be here pretty soon..." he shyly added and waved all of them goodbye while entering the building.

As soon as he came up and entered the floor he works at, he was afraid that he'll get scolded for being late, but all he got, as soon as he opened the door, was a loud round of applause, and a standing ovation from all of his co-workers, including Dahyun.
He was shocked to say the least and just shook his head. With fond smile on his face, he just bowed politely to everyone in the room.
He saw Jin through the glass window, proudly standing and taking it all in.

He walked through the desks, high fived to some of his favorite work colleagues, and at the end of the office, came closer to Dahyun's desk and slowly approached her.

"Hi Jiminshi. How are you? It's nice to have you back. I actually missed our bickering. No one's giving me a hard time around here, except you, so it felt like I was on some kind of vacation." she said and he smiled at her words. Before, he would think she's just being sarcastic and mean, but now, he kind of loved her teasing, and just came even closer, and hugged her tightly.
She clearly hasn't seen that coming, since the way she hugged him back was weird, and so sustained, but Jimin didn't care.
She is the one who made all of this happen. She is the reason he met Jungkookie and had the best time of his life. So he held her bit longer and looked in her shocked eyes.

"Thank you. You have no idea how this amazing idea of yours had a huge impact on me. I really enjoyed my time there, and I wish I could tell you more about it over some coffee."

"S-sure?" she stuttered in disbelief, and Jimin went to Jin's office.

"Jininshi, how are you?" Jin came and hugged him tightly.

"I'm good hyung. Little bit hungover to be honest." Jimin said with a small smile.

"Guess Hobi and you had some drinks without me." Jin said while squinting his eyes at him.

"We did. Way too much, and the only reason I haven't called you was cause you were at work, and it would be inappropriate... so we got drunk by ourselves. How about tonight after work?" Jimin said and cocked his eyebrows teasingly at Jin.

"Sure, I could use a drink, and I want to hear everything about that hot farmer of yours."

"Aghhhhh there's so much to tell... my place at eight?"

"Sounds great. Now go home and get some rest. You look like shit." Jin said and Jimin frowned at him. Before closing the door behind him, Jin called Jimin once again.

"Just tell me did you had sex with him? I'm dying to know." he asked while pursing his lips in anticipation.

"Ofcourse we did." Jimin said with smirk on his face.

"You were on a fucking business trip!" Jin said teasingly, and Jimin giggled.

"I know. I will forever be thankful to you." he said and winked at Jin before closing the door.

He decided to go to his office and do at least some of his works, and then go back home to get some rest. His thoughts were somewhere else. All he could think about was Jungkook, his lips, smile, arms... dick.

It was so hard to concentrate on anything except the memories he had with the younger, and it bothered him so much that he felt that way.

He decided to finish his article, and go buy some food and drinks, to prepare for tonight's drinking party with Jin, and probably Hobi.

He entered the Market and started looking around for some supplies, and again, memories of Jungkook just kept popping out unannounced.

"Good afternoon, can I have some hotteok please."


"Last time I ate them was with Jungkook, and he remembered I like them..."

"I need some new face cream... Face cream... Jungkook told me to eat one with cucumbers... my funny boy..."

"What should we drink... Maybe soju? I drank soju all the time with Jungkookie..."

Jungkook. Jungkook. Jungkook...

Everything he saw was somehow connected to the younger, and he hated that.

When he was walking by the hair salon, he looked at himself in the showcase window, and saw the pretty washed out pink color that he didn't like anymore.

He entered the salon without even thinking further about what's he about to do, and just looked around.

"Good afternoon. Can you dye my hair right now?" he simply said, and the lady told him to sit down and pick a color he likes.

After couple of minutes just staring at the color choices, he decided he'll go with blond.

This wasn't the first time he was dying his hair blond, and he was actually excited to be blond again.

Blonds have more fun, right?

As soon as he came home, he called Hobi to tell him about their drinking pajama party with Jin, and he loved the idea.

He ordered them some pizzas, chicken and fries, and finally remembered the good wine he bought for his friends at Maju caves.

Both of them came at eight, and Jimin loved the idea of him not being alone, especially cause tomorrow was "The date" and he really didn't wanna think about Jungkook with another guy.

"How does he even look like? Is he cute? Tall, short? Better looking than me? Could take it better than I did? I highly doubt that one...." his thoughts were always kind of on Jungkook so he decided to get drunk and pass out just like the other day.

"I bought you something." Jimin said and showed two bottles of red wine, hiding behind his back.

"Uwuuu, thank you. You really shouldn't have." Hobi said, and Jin took the bottle, while observing the year of making and other details.

"It's really good. I drank like three bottles at least. The last one I drank with Jungkookie..." he said and stopped himself. Deep sigh coming out of his mouth.

"You really like him that much?" Jin asked while coming near, and they all sat on the couch, both of them looking at Jimin, so he told them everything that happened for past two weeks, and his current thoughts.

"I think you should just call him and tell him everything." Jin said with determination.

"I mean, it really seemed like he likes you too, and what can you lose if you tell him? He can either say that he likes you back, so than you could try long distance relationship, or he could say it was all just fun for him, and you'll have to get back to your life without him. Wouldn't you like to know where you stand?"

Jin was making total sense, but all of it was just too soon to think about. He was still surprised by the development of his own feelings, to think about the others. He was just not ready. He was especially not ready for Jungkook to reject him. That would literally break his heart.

Soon the drinks kicked in, and the boys put some music, and started dancing around, having fun, and Jimin saw that he got a new message.

Tae cutie

We miss you badly. Come back to us.

And right after the message, came a selfie with Yoongi and Jungkook, at the same bar they drank the good beer after work. Jimin sighed immediately, and put his phone near his heart, closed his eyes, and Hobi asked him if he's ok.

"I am, just Tae send me this picture. Look at them. My beautiful boys. I miss them so much..." Jimin said while Jin and Hobi were looking at the photo.

"Are we a joke to you?" Jin asked after Jimin finished with whining, and they laughed.

"Come on. Let's send them a selfie too." Jimin said and started fixing his hair.

"Sure. The dark one with curly hair looks super cute." Jin said, referring to Tae, and Hobi said how he likes the one that looks fluffy and cute like a kitten, pointing at Yoongi.

"They're in love so back off." Jimin pointed and on the count of three, all three of them smiled cutely, just sitting on the couch, looking casual in their pajamas.


I miss you more. Luckily I have my friends to keep me company.

Tae cutie

WTF?!?! Jiminie your hair. I love it.

When did you dye it?

And who's the hottie on your right? 😏


Today actually, I kind of got bored of being the pink guy everyone loves to tease.

That's my boss. You have your man on your right. So back off!

Tae cutie

Jungkook says you look hot and soft at the same time.

Your boss is hot. 🥵

WTFihdsfjdghoighpsidhgidyhkcjkjspyfpsypjvgoydjodjoyjgdojvdyŠspspsS - Jimins mind RIP.


Say I said thank you. I'm glad you guys like it.

Tae cutie

We do. I have to go now, I'm almost sleeping on the floor. I'm super exhausted.
Miss u, miss u, miss u...


Miss you more.

Jimin looked at their picture again, zoomed at Jungkook.
He missed those lips, and that soft little smile.
Missed that mole under his lip that he loves to kiss and nibble at.
Missed his messy hair that got curlier every time they got hot and bothered together...
Missed those doe eyes the most, and the way he would always look at him with so much desire, but respect at the same time.

"Stop staring at him. Send him a message or something." Jin sad while looking at Jimin's dazed look on his face.

"I can't. Tomorrow's Wednesday. I don't have the right to send him anything. He would probably go back home now, pack his stuff neatly, and get some sleep before coming to Seoul to have that special date with Namjoon." Jimin said and put his phone away.

"Does it bother you that he would be so close to you, and you miss him so much, but can't see him?" Hobi asked while sitting down on the couch, next to Jimin, and hugging him tightly.

"So much. I'm literally thinking about him the whole day, and the fact that only a couple of hours from now, he'll be here, and I can't do anything about it, is killing me." Jimin said and sighed, so Jin opened the bottle of wine Jimin bought them, and poured them more to drink.

"There, this would help. If you don't feel good, you can skip work tomorrow. I'll just say you're still too exhausted from the trip, and you just stay in and work on your article from home. Ok?"

Jin said softly, and Jimin drank his drink, and nodded at his offer.

Soon everything was a blur, and Jimin falls asleep on the couch, just like the other day.

He woke up with the same awful pulsating pain in his head, squinting his eyes, trying to stop them from seeing the brightness of the day.

"THE day"

That's what he called it now. Jungkook's special day and date being today, did nothing to sooth Jimin's heavy mind, so he decided to just grab a shower, and work on his article.

His friends had left, he has no idea when, and didn't care at this point.

All he cared about was trying to busy himself with anything and everything, just not to think about Jungkook kissing Namjoon the way he kissed him, and nibbling on his neck so softly, but then rough... fucking him so good... No.

He will definitely not think about that.

While Jimin was preparing some instant noodels - Is he already here in Seoul? Did he came early or he'll come later...

When Jimin was folding his clothes - Is he hungry? He's used to eat regularly. Maybe he packed some sandwiches with him. He looks like he would do that...

While Jimin was taking a bath - He must be here by now... Will he meet up with Namjoon right away or he'll grab a shower first. I hope he stinks badly and has no time to take a bath. What am I thinking about??? Even his sweat smells heavenly.

When Jimin was writing his article - ... so as much as I enjoyed the raw nature, I enjoyed even more being fucked so good... yeah delete that.

No. He will definitely not think about Jungkook today.

Anyhow, time flew by, and as he was wrapping himself in soft blanket, just watching some sad movie, his phone rang.

It was Taehyung.

"Well isn't this my soulmate calling me to tell me he misses me." Jimin said sounding excited.

"Yes it is, but other than missing you, I have some news." Tae said and all Jimin could do was pray it was something about Jungkook.

"I'm listening."

"Hyung, we finally did it." Tae said sounding happy and excited, and Jimin melted from his words.

"Hyung, he fucked me so good, I couldn't go to work today..." all the cute comments Jimin thought of saying slowly disappeared and he just screamed.

"For fucks sake TMI. Just say it was good, and I'll believe you."

"Well I haven't said anything when you told me about Jungkook fucking you good, did I?"

"That's only cause you begged for it. You crazy maniac."

"Anyways, we did it, and hyung... I feel weird now..." Tae's voice became quieter and soft.

"How come?" Jimin was genuinely interested and took the bucket of popcorn he prepared while watching the long forgotten movie. This was definitely better.

"Well, I can't stop thinking about him. Um... I just want him close, like all the time... and I kind of want to do it again, even though my ass hurts so badly..."

"I get it. I get it. He fucked you good..." Jimin stopped him from telling further, sighed deeply and continued.

"Tae Tae, my love... did it ever occurred to you that you might like Yoongi hyung as more than just friend?"

"No." Tae was fast to answer. Maybe too fast.

"No. Really? No??? Like ever? I mean you do know when you're together you look like a real couple? And after any of your sexapades you guys came looking fucked out and happy as never. Just think about it. Think about how he looks at you when you smile, and the way he turns into a furry little kitten every time you would place your hand on his back..."

There was silence, and Jimin looked at his phone to make sure he was still on the line.


"You're right. Oh my God. I like Yoongi hyung. What the actual fuck." Tae said loudly and started panicking.

"Hyung, does he like me back?" he asked like Jimin knew all the answers.

"You'll have to ask him that yourself, but I think... he likes you more than you know." Jimin said and smiled fondly, remembering the exact same words Tae described Jungkook's feelings for Jimin as they were sitting around that bonfire.

Took him long not to think about Jungkook. The whole ten minutes.

"Ok hyung. I have to go now. I need to babysit my little nephew, and he is finally done with his lunch."

"Did we just have this conversation in front of your nephew???" Jimin sounded shocked.

"We did. Luckily he's three and understands every third word."

"Oh, ok. Well talk to you soon Tae. Keep me updated."

"I will. Talk to you soon. Bye."

He wanted to ask Tae if Jungkook was on the farm or he came to Seoul already, but didn't wanna interrupt his happy talk and make things weird, since he has no right to know these things. Why should he? He just helped Jungkook to get some sexual knowledge and now he is prepared for his date. That was the deal.

However, him falling this hard for Jungkook wasn't part of it, but it happened relentlessly.

He kept staring at his phone, just like he was craving for it to lighten up, just send him some kind of signal that he should maybe do something, call Jungkook, text him... Anything...


Nothing happened, and Jimin lost his fate in him and Jungkook ever actually speaking again, let alone doing something together...

He decided to go to bed, try to catch some sleep, cause tomorrow was the only day he had to finish his article, cause it's supposed to go out on Friday.

JK's Wednesday aka THE day

While packing his suitcase neatly, Jungkook opened the top right drawer in which his underwear was folded nicely and as he grabbed three pair of freshly washed and ironed boxers, he put his hand deeper inside the drawer and took the big white envelope that was hidden deep inside.

With shaky hands he turned the envelope around, and traced the letters. Seoul National University of Science and Technology.

The thing is that Jungkook got that envelope four days ago, but just couldn't open it yet. The anxiousness he felt every time he came even near to opening it, was so awful he had to stop himself immediately and breath heavy to steady his shaky breath and speedy heart rate.

This time, he looked at the envelope and didn't feel anxious. He felt nervous, sure, but having other feelings overwhelming his mind at the moment, he just couldn't feel everything at the same time, and grief for letting Jimin go without a word about how he felt was overpowering everything else.

With shaky hands he started opening the so wanted and waited envelope and started reading from the top.

Dear Mr. Jeon Jungkook, we received your application letter, and everything we asked for you to send, was there. The online test you did, showed good technology skills and......


We are happy to invite you to attend our University in Seoul starting this September.

He let go of the envelope, put both of his hands on his mouth, and sighed deeply while leaning on the wall, and plopping down in disbelief.

The thing is, he knew he had good grades, and did the online testing great, but still he thought that maybe all of that won't be enough for him to get accepted to one of the best Universities in Seoul.

Totally forgetting about his almost prepared suitcase and a two days trip he was about to go to, he ran out of his room, straight to the kitchen where his mom was preparing some Kimchi fried rice for today's lunch.

"Jungkookie, did you pack already?" his mom asked and when he didn't say a word she looked at him and only than noticed his watery eyes and shaky hands.

"My baby, are you ok? What's wrong Jungkookie?" the pretty lady came closer, cupped his face with her soft palms, and Jungkook finally let out the breath he had no idea he was holding for so long and the tears started falling down his cheek.

"Baby, you're scaring me..." the lady said with worried voice so he pulled himself together and just gave her the letter he was holding tightly in his hand.

"What's this baby?" she asked and started reading.

Her face blushed and a fond smile appeared soon on her face.

"I always knew you'll get in. I just knew it. Congratulations my baby boy." she said with warm tone, and hugged him tightly.

"You're not mad at me?" Jungkook said with broken voice, staring at the floor, not being able to look her in the eyes.

"Mad? Why would I be mad at you? I'm not your father. I don't have a desire to control your life and made you into some farmer who will stay here and run this ranch. No honey. That's not me. I'm your mom, I'll always support you, whatever you decide to do with your life, and if being a student and study that technology stuff you like is your dream, I'm gonna support you and try my best to be there for you. "
With those words being said, Jungkook started crying even more, and hugged his mom even tighter.

"What do I do now mom?" he asked cause all of it felt like a dream, and everything was happening so fast...

"Well first of all, let me talk to your dad, and you should call your brother, and let him know that you're moving in in a couple of days, he'll be so excited, always complaining how you visit him so rarely. The first semester is starting on Monday so we don't have much time to buy everything you need and pack you properly. You need to buy new clothes, school stuff, and I would actually love to come with you if you don't mind." Jungkook's mom said and only that it hit him that in just four days he has to be in Seoul's IT University attending his first classes, and he felt excitement and joy, but also kind of anxious for leaving the farm, and his friends and family all of a sudden. Now he wishes he had opened up that envelope sooner.

"Ok. Sounds like a plan, but mom, today was the day I was supposed to go to Seoul to buy new digging material and fertilizers for pumpkin bugs, should I go today and then return on Friday and go back again on Saturday?" Jungkook asked, but knew already what he wanted to do.

"We can send someone else to buy those things. You have better things to do now, or is there something more important waiting for you in Seoul? " the lady said, and Jungkook thought about his date with Namjoon that he no longer felt excited about.

The thing is, every time Jimin came anywhere near his dick he felt more and more attracted to him, and couldn't stop thinking about the boy's pink lips, small hands, sexy, moany voice.
After the first blow job he felt like his body was so sensitive that only one image popping out in his head could make him hard in no time.

The amount of time he had jerked off to that image was sick.

The thing he didn't expect to feel was the craziest urge to kiss Jimin, although that was one of the things on Jimin's "not to do rules list".

He would watch Jimin talk, smile, eat, drink... Just doing anything with those heavenly plump cushions, made his head spin all around.

Jimin. Jimin. Jimin.

Seemed that he couldn't not think about him although the smaller male always seemed to start a fight, talk about his rules, or was just always so grumpy and straight forward, but it made Jungkook to like him even more.

After he fucked the pink haired boy, for the first time, he felt like some drug addict, just not being able to control himself anymore around the cute guy. They broke the "no kissing rule" right after both of them had some intense orgasms, and after Jungkook kissed Jimin softly, but with fear, just imagining what he would do if Jimin pushed him away, saying that kissing was not a part of their deal, saying that all those things he did was just to help him out, and maybe even cause of the pity he felt for the younger. The thing he expected the least was Jimin deepening the kiss while enjoying every minute of their make out session.

It felt so good kissing Jimin, he didn't wanna stop this. Not tonight, not ever... The way Jimin's full lips fitted perfectly with his smaller ones, made him to truly lose his mind. That's why the next day, aka their last day together, the urge was stronger for him, not to kiss Jimin every time he had a chance to, so he suggested the "No rules plan" for this day only, and was surprised when Jimin said yes to all of it.

After the whole day that they spend together, he kind of felt like they were on some long and hot date, and like the whole world stopped just for them to enjoy the time that they had left together.

His brief thinking got interrupted with the voice screaming while entering the room.

"Jungkookah what is this?" Jisoo came in and read the letter.
"I'm so proud of you. You have no idea."
His cousin giggled and hugged him tightly.

"How will Chaeyoung get through this?" Jungkook asked with worried face, and Jisoo just shook his shoulder, looking him straight in the eyes.

"She's doing so good Kookie, you saw her on that hike, she even crossed that bridge, and had fun." Jisoo said and they both smiled at the not so far away memory.

"You're right. She's fine. You two could even come and visit me some time, right?"

"Ofcourse we will. Chae would be so happy to see Jimin again." Jisoo said cutely and Jungkook frowned at her.


"I mean yeah. He lives in Seoul, right? He said that if we ever come to Seoul, he would like to grab an ice cream with Chae, or go and do something fun. Aren't you glad you met someone from Seoul, and won't be alone in the big city? Jimin seems pretty nice, I guess he wouldn't mind showing you around until you settle down a bit."

Jungkook thought about her words and realized that she's right.

He was happy he knows Jimin and was actually thrilled to ask him to show him around Seoul one day.
Not that he was the only one he knew there. His brother was living there for a while now, but all the things his brother showed him, were more focused on him knowing where to get the best supplies for the farm, not the fun parts of Seoul anyhow.
There was Namjoon also. The guy that showed interest in him, and was very smart and cute, and Jungkook liked him a lot.
Well at least he did until the pink bundle of joy clouded his mind.

"So do we have a plan? We can send Jisoo to Seoul today, and you and I can go shopping later?" Jungkook's mom said, but he shook his head.

"No. I'm gonna go to Seoul. I have to stop by the University and fill some papers and stuff, then I'm gonna buy everything needed for the farm and I'll come home tonight. I won't stay the night cause tomorrow morning you and I, are going to the best shopping of your life." Jungkook said and hugged his mom tightly, while spinning her around.

"Stop it, you silly boy." she screamed, and finally he put her down, kissing her cheek softly.

Right after, he went and grabbed his backpack, leaving his suitcase in the room, cause he won't need one, he's only staying for the day, and drove to Seoul straight to his brothers apartment.

The apartment was empty, so he came in, using his key that Jungkook's brother made for him right after he moved to Seoul, and Jungkook went to his room.

He looked around, just observing the place he will be living in for the next at least four years, and thought how lucky he is to have a brother living here, and a spare room for himself.

He decided to take a shower, and as soon as he came back he saw a new message on his phone.

"Could it be Jimin..." he thought, and got disappointed after seeing Namjoon's name.

Namjoon hyung

Is it possible that I just saw your car parked in front of my building?


Yes, it's me. I came to buy some things for the farm. Can't stay the night tho. Sorry for not being able do the things we planned.

Namjoon hyung

Oh. That's fine. Guess you're pretty busy. How about next weekend?


I don't know if I'll be here, but will definitely text you if I come to Seoul.

Namjoon hyung

Ok. Can't wait to see you.

Jungkook thought about answering to his last message, but couldn't.
He knew there was something wrong with all of this, and knew that he couldn't imagine himself doing anything else with anyone right now.

Well except Jimin.

He would gladly fuck his brain out.

After walking and finishing all the stuff he needed to do, which went on for the whole day, Jungkook saw his brother and his family and grabbed dinner with them.
They loved him deeply, and he thanked them for being so optimistic with his studying and welcoming him warmly to their home.

On Thursday morning he came to the ginseng farm, explaining today's work, and called Tae to talk to him in private.

They started walking, and when they got far enough to talk without no one eavesdropping, Jungkook took the acceptation letter and showed it to him.

"No. No you didn't!! Ofcourse you did. Congratulations Jungkookie!" Tae said with excitement, hugged him tightly and Jungkook felt happy they walked far away, for no one to see Tae's excitement and tears in his eyes.

"When are you leaving?" Tae said as his tears started to blur his vision.

"Tomorrow morning." the words that made Tae to sob loudly, holding Jungkook tight around the waist.

"Oh, Tae Tae, come on. Stop crying. I'll come every weekend, and you'll come to see me all the time. There will be literally not a week without us seeing each other."

Seemed that the words calmed the older boy and he finally stopped shaking, only hiccups sounds left to hear.

"Really? You mean it? You're not leaving me alone here? You're my best friend, and I couldn't be happier for you, it's just... I'll miss you so much. We've never been apart more than a day." Tae said while his chin started to shake again, indicating a new wave of tears is coming again.

"I know, I know... But you have Yoongi hyung, so technically you' re not alone, and then we'll see each other all the time right. Seoul is not that far away."

As Jungkook said Seoul something sparkled in Tae's eyes and he stopped crying immediately.

"You're gonna see Jimin hyung again. Y-you guys are gonna live in the same city. That's so cool." Tae said all of a sudden, and Jungkook didn't understand his excitement.

"I mean, yeah... if he ever wants to see me again. You do know he only helped me with those things so I could have the best time with Namjoon hyung? I'm not sure he would like to hang out with me at all." Jungkook said, his eyes looking around, not being able to look at Taehyung directly.

"Um... I know that was your deal, but somehow the two of you looked like um... like close friends, let's say at least."

"I don't know... I thought so too. But he hadn't sent me a message at all. Well, he sent one only when he came back home, and after that, nothing. I mean it's ok. He did what he promised to do, and I'll be forever grateful for the amazing things he showed me. It's just... "

"Hm... It's just what? Did you send him a message maybe?"

"I d-didn't. Um... I thought about it, but what would I even say. Hey hyung, I miss you and I hope you miss me too? I mean why would he? Right?" Jungkook said and Tae looked at him, eyes wide open.

"Why would you?" he said and Jungkook looked at him, and started nibbling in his lower lip.

"I-I... Don't know why, but I do miss him."

"You miss him, but you don't know why? Well that's interesting. You did know where and how to put your dick in him, but you don't know such a simple thing?!" Tae said sounding a little bothered.

"What? You think it's simple? That anything in this situation is fucking simple?!" Jungkook said just as loudly as Tae did, obviously hurt by his words.

"Well duh! Sorry to break it to you, but the moment you decided to fucking have sex with him, and kiss him anywhere you got a chance to, not even bothering about the people around you, you could've maybe guessed there's something more to this, and that you're not doing it only cause you want to have a great first experience with Namjeon or whatever his name is. I seriously forgot since you never mention him again."

"Well that's the thing. I did all of this because I wanted my time with Namjoon hyung to be special, but then I did it all with Jimin, and it was special, it was amazing, and now I can't even imagine doing those things with anyone else. I'm so fucked Tae, I didn't want this, I really didn't... But I can't stop thinking about him, and now I'm moving to Seoul, and he's gonna be so close, and I'm supposed to have my date with Namjoon, and I don't even want that anymore."
Jungkook burst out loud with the things that were bothering him, that he felt for a long time now, but didn't wanna say anything.

Just looking at his confused best friend, Tae thought about his and Jimin's talk, the one they had while sitting around the bonfire, the talk that he promised not to tell anyone. Jimin confessed to him that he likes Jungkook, and now the younger kind of confessed it too.

Should Tae say something?

Would that be wrong, cause he did a pinky promise to Jimin saying that, as his soulmate, he can trust him completely...
He hugged Jungkook tightly, and they stayed like that for a while.

"I just wanna tell you that you'll be fine. Whatever happens, you got me, and I'm the most important person in your life anyways. Right?" Tae said and Jungkook finally smiled.

"Of course. What kind of a question is that... Although... That soulmate thing you developed with Jimin, kind of hurt to be honest..." Jungkook said, but the tone of his voice indicating that he was just teasing the older.

"Don't be jealous Kookie, we can go and have Medi Pedis anytime you want." Tae said while batting his lashes at him.

"Thank you, I'll pass the offer. Sounds more like your soulmate thing..." and as he said that, again some sadness came across his face.

"I have an idea. How about next weekend, Yoongi and I come and visit you. We could ask Jimin to meet us, and then we could grab a beer like we used to, and just hang out. How's that sound? I mean, I'm gonna hang out with Jimin hyung anyway. We talk to each other all the time, and I think that would be nice, and you could just see if all of it was just for fun, or you do have some feelings for him."

"Ok. That sounds nice actually. Just us hanging out again. Nothing weird about that... Thank you Tae. I have to go now. My mom is waiting for me, we have some things to do, and we'll grab beer after work, right?"

"Right. See you at eight."

Tae didn't wanna break the promise he gave to Jimin, and thought if they can all get together and talk, things will work out on it's own...


Jimin woke up even before his alarm clock, and thought how that's some new habit he developed while getting up early at the farm.

He went straight to work, and tried so hard to finish the article. His thoughts being full of Jungkook again, he tried to busy himself even more, trying so hard not to think about what the younger is doing now, or where he was, or if he was thinking about Jimin just the way he was thinking about him... All the time...

Turns out he couldn't shake things off so easily, so he decided to write about the farm, and maybe that way he could just stop thinking about things he didn't want to think of, and just focus on what he was writing. Which was again, all related to Jungkook.

He lost a track of time, and realized that he was the only one left in the office, all of his colleagues already gone. He didn't care cause he finally finished the article, and felt proud of himself. He went to Jin's office, and gave him the article, which the older took politely, and started reading.

"This is good Jiminah... I really like the story. Thank you for coming to me, and asking for my opinion before we post it online, in our tomorrow's paper issue, but as you already know, the article is amazing so no worries, ok?"

"Ok. You don't think is too much?" Jimin asked while biting his bottom lip.

"No. I think it's beautiful, and I know the boys would love it." Jin added and grinning.

"Hey Jiminah... and you'll get the bonus just so you know. Even though you got your bonus already in that filthy little trailer..." Jin teased, and Jimin blushed.

"Hyung... " Jimin whined, but continued " wasn't just in the trailer, but thank you anyways. I'm flattered." he said with a smirk and went out of the office.

Time flew by, Jimin went out with Hobi to one of the best bars to grab some beer. He really loved how his friends were super supportive, and tried their best to avert his attention, sometimes even succeeding only for a little while.

After he got back home, he just took a quick shower, and tried to fall asleep.
He tried to not look at his phone all the time, just desperate to see a message from a certain someone, and after another day passed by, he had a feeling the message is not gonna come at all.

He thought about Jungkook's special date with Namjoon, and the uncomfortable feeling overflow his body.

"Is it bad that I hope for the date to be a disaster even though I helped him to be better just because of his special date. That's just messed up." Jimin though about it, but at the end fall asleep without answering his own questions.


After saying his goodbye to everyone he cared about in the farm (it took some time while cuddling with Charry and Chae, her baby calf), Jungkook packed almost all of his stuff, and drove to Seoul early in the morning.

After arriving in an empty apartment, he entered his room, and saw a big Welcome sign, that his brother put all across the room. The simple gesture gave him some warm feeling all around his chest.

This was nice.

Everything should be alright...

After grabbing a shower, he went to the University to finish some other paper work he hadn't get the time to do, on Wednesday.

Again it took him a while to do everything, so after eating some street food, he went back to his apartment and took a quick nap.
He woke up because of the noise coming from the living room. Realizing his brother's home with his family, he got up to greet them. He took his phone and saw that he had a new message.

Namjoon hyung

So, you're here again? If you're not busy, I'm home, we could grab some beer.

It was eight o'clock so Jungkook thought about his offer. That could be nice, right? Just grab some beer, and catch up.


Sure. I just woke up. Meet you in twenty minutes?

Namjoon hyung

Sure, I'll leave the doors open.

After dressing up casually, just some jeans and a white t-shirt, Jungkook went to Namjoon's place, which is just three floors above his brother's.
He felt weird, kind of nervous, but decided to just try to relax and enjoy his evening.

As soon as he saw a familiar smile with two deep dimples on his cheeks, he did feel kind of better.

Namjoon was indeed an amazing guy, and Jungkook did miss hanging out with him.

"Well hi stranger. Haven't seen you in a while." Namjoon said playfully, and Jungkook just smiled shyly at him.

"I ordered some food, cause I haven't had time to eat properly today, are you hungry?" Namjoon said and went to the kitchen, just around the corner.
Jungkook looked at the living room and felt weird.

Everything felt weird.

The room was filled with scented candles, some sensual musty scent floating in the air, and just then Jungkook realized that Namjoon is ready for their long awaited special date.

He wasn't.

Little wave of panic mixed with anxiety came over him, so he sat down, opened the beer bottle and drank the whole thing in one go.
Namjoon was still in the kitchen so he looked around, trying to find something to busy himself with, and his attention got stuck with a paper magazine that Jimin works at. The Edge monthly issue. It was laying on the cabinet next to the white couch he's been siting on, so he got up and started flipping the pages, just looking at the pictures more than reading.
When he saw familiar sight of his own ranch, he realized that that's the story Jimin was working on this whole time. He looked at the pictures first. There was quite a lot of them, and all of them were just places they were visiting, beautiful nature and one was a selfie Jimin took with Tae and Yoongi, at a bar they went together. No Jungkook in it. He kind of felt a little bit sad, and started reading the article.

Falling in love with raw nature, by Park Jimin

Growing up, I used to joke that I was a city boy. Although, I didn't grow up in the city, I was always more comfortable with my feet firmly planted on the asphalt of a nicely paved sidewalk.

So I asked myself, how does being outside in nature makes me feel? And why I had the urge to go to the city when everyone seems to spend as much time as they can on the country side. What was it I so much afraid of? Was the outside world without this city benefits really that scary?

Imagine lying on soft green grass, watching wispy white clouds drift across a cornflower blue sky. Or transport yourself to an old growth forest with gnarly old trees covered in lush green moss, inhale the piney earthiness, wander through the dappled light and hear sweet birdsong from above.

Nature is an awesome backdrop to so many special and everyday moments in our lives. We play, rest, exercise and connect with others on beaches, in parks, forests, by the lakes, on mountains and in farms. And the benefits nature offers are far-reaching: physiologically it, and increases life expectancy; psychologically and emotionally it promotes well-being, makes us feel alive with uplifting and, helps us feel calmer, less anxious or and relieves attention fatigue. It also helps build social connection and increases it.

With every new word he read, his little smile was turning into painful grin, and he could just see Jimin writing those words, laying in Jungkook's shirt, comfy on that trailer bed, that they both loved.

When my boss told me about my new assignment, I was shocked, to say the least. I'm not even going to lie, and pretend I haven't begged him not to go.

Why would I want to spend two weeks in the hot, humid countryside surrounded by bugs and dirt with no decent toilets, no air conditioning, maybe even no electricity? Hell no.

To a city boy like me, that sounded like an absolute nightmare.

He read and read, and read, until Namjoon came in, carrying some nice smelling dishes, but Jungkook couldn't bring himself to look away from the article.

I never did go camping. I never fished or hunted or hiked or gardened. I was much more at home, curled up on the couch with a good book and a cup of tea.

At first, it was miserable. Most days it was either too hot or too humid and if the temperature wasn't unbearably uncomfortable it was rainy, or windy.

But one bright, sunny day while I was out riding my bike, I opened my eyes and really started to enjoy the beauty of the world around me. The sky was a brilliant, beautiful shade of blue. The air was warm. The flowers were beginning to poke through the soil and the trees were green. I was happy and for once I felt at peace.

That week, when the rain stopped and the trails dried up, I went hiking for the first time with the friends I met on the countryside on a nearby mountain. That experience was breathtaking.

I started appreciating the beauty and simplicity of nature. When I was outside I felt at peace. I felt happy. I felt like I could conquer the world. I came up with my best ideas when I was outdoors. It was the creative epicenter of my life.

It was an experience I will never forget. There was so much to smell and see and for me, I was just able to sit back and enjoy the beauty of nature and the time spent with my new friends.

And I never would have taken the leap and fallen in love with the nature, without those special people I met on my two weeks trip.

Two weeks?!

Is it even possible to feel such a strong connection with someone you know only for two weeks? Is it normal to find your soulmate, and another person who made your heart fluttered just by looking at you?

Was that even real?

Could it be that being in the nature without all the distractions that city life gives you, I fell in love with the thought of finding someone so special and just perfect in every possible way?

I don't know. How could I know? Two weeks have passed by so fast, that I struggle with the fact that those kind and warm people aren't in my life anymore. Well at least not the way I would like them to be.

"That's not mine. Although it's a great magazine, my mom bought it, and must have left it here this morning. What are you reading?" Namjoon said, but Jungkook only heard him slightly, still focusing on the article.

It's easy to get wrapped up in our little worlds. We are used to the comfort and safety of our four walls, of air conditioning, and nice weather, and electricity, but there is a world of beauty out there. A world that is just ripe for exploring. The people worth to get to know and spend your time with...

So as my boss once challenged me, I now challenge you to put down the phone, shut off the TV, hell even close the book and step outdoors. Breathe in the fresh air. Feel the warm sun beat down on your skin. Admire the beauty that surrounds you.

I know I will.

Namjoon came closer, and looked at the pages Jungkook was reading, and nodded slightly.

"Oh, you're reading the main story Park Jimin wrote. My mom loves him. She watches his vlogs every day and couldn't wait to read the article. Seems like there's more to him than just a pretty face." Namjoon said while putting the rest of the food on the table, missing the way Jungkook's head snapped towards him, as he said his last words.

"O course there is. This is an amazing article." Jungkook said with furrowed eyebrows, feeling some weird desire to defend Jimin, and just praise him cause of his hard work he knew Jimin put into all of this.

"Sure it is." Namjoon said without even looking at Jungkook, and then it hit him.

He doesn't want this. He doesn't want Namjoon. He doesn't want someone who won't fight back when they're arguing.
He wants someone who's fierce, but down to earth, sweet, but can bring the sassy back, someone who's eager to feel good just as much as to give pleasure to another.

He wants Jimin, and the words he read, made him think that Jimin wants this as well.

Jungkook got up, and said that he has to go somewhere. Namjoon just opened his mouth to say something, but was way too confused to say anything. He had no idea what's going on, nor where did Jungkook suddenly had to go.

"I'll talk to you some other time hyung, I really have to go now." Jungkook said while going out, leaving Namjoon with his mouth open.

He stormed out of the building, not knowing where to go, fingers dialing Jimin's number unconsciously as he kept walking down the street.

"Hello. Jungkookie?" he heard a soft sleepy voice on the other side of the line, and only then realized he has no idea what he was about to tell him.

"Hyung. Sorry, um... Did I wake you up?"

"N-no... um... Yes actually, I went to bed pretty early today. Was super tired. Is everything ok?"

"Everything's fine. I wanted to talk to you, um... Do you wanna grab a beer with me?"

"Now? Are you in Seoul?" Jimin asked, voice sounding surprised.

"Yes. I'm in Seoul. Is it too late now? Maybe tomorrow, you're probably tired..."

"No, no. I actually got a good nap. Um... Where do you wanna go? I'm in my pajamas, I need to take a shower and dress up."

"Um, I don't know, I'm already walking down the streets without knowing where to go or where I am to be honest. I think I'm maybe lost." Jungkook said while turning around, not recognizing where he is at all.

"You got lost?" Jimin chuckled and continued. "...How about this, since I have to get ready, you should grab a cab, and come to my place, and then we'll see where we can go. How's that sound?"

"Perfect actually." Jungkook said sounding excited.

"Ok, I'll text you the address."

"Ok. See you soon hyung."

So Jungkook did just that. He grabbed the first cab he noticed on the street, and read the address to the driver.

The grumpy middle age man looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, and Jungkook asked him if he read the address wrong or something.

"No, you said it right, it's just that it's pretty close, only three blocks away. You could easily walk to the building. I'm just surprised."

"Oh. Well I just moved here today, so I'm still not familiar with street names. I guess I'm gonna have to learn these days."

Jungkook said, and in no time, the car stopped in front of a big white building, and he kept walking towards the entrance.

Immediately he noticed the Park button on the buzzers, and he took his index finger and pushed lightly on it, just than realizing how shaky his hands are.

Soon enough he heard Jimin's soft voice on the other side of the intercom .

"Jungkook? Is that you?"

"It's me, turns out my brother's building is not that far from yours."

"Come in, I'm on the eleventh floor, first door on the right." Jimin said, and the buzzing sound startled Jungkook, since he was now slightly panicking, not knowing what to say or how to act in front of Jimin.

As he came up, he went to the door, and before knocking on them, the door opened, and he saw the cutest sight in front of him.

Jimin was standing there, wearing his yellow, overall pajamas, looking like some small, little chick. He couldn't contain himself, and smiled at the sight.

"Cute." he said without thinking, and Jimin's cheeks blushed the prettiest pink shade.

"Come in, I didn't have time to get ready, I hope you don't mind waiting for me a little longer." Jimin said while moving to the side, letting Jungkook to come inside his beautifully decorated apartment.

Jungkook had other things on his mind, so he hadn't even noticed the delicate details Jimin put in the apartment. All the little things he loved, everything, was just unimportant to the younger right now.

"So, when did you come to Seoul? " Jimin asked, curious about his date with Namjoon. The thing is, he couldn't stop thinking about it, and really wanted to know what happen, but didn't wanna look like some prying little jealous boy, desperate for attention.

"I was here on Wednesday, then came back to the farm the same day, and then drove back here this morning." Jungkook said while entering the big open space connecting the living room and the kitchen.

"So he was here on Wednesday... He must have come to have his date with Namjoon... Why is he here then??? Oh God, what's happening..." Jimin immediately thought about Jungkook and Namjoon's special date, and went into panic mode.

"Did you had your special date with your crush? Namjoon is it?" he blurted out, just desperate to know, trying to sound calm while getting two glasses out from the cabinets in the white kitchen.

"I was with him before coming here actually." Jungkook said, looking at Jimin's shocked face, trying to read his mind. Jimin looked shocked and pissed at the same time.

"I'm sorry what? You just had your date and then decided to call me and hang out?" Jimin asked without thinking, his mind totally occupied with images of Jungkook with another man. He felt his stomach ache.

Could it be that Jungkook had amazing time with his crush, and decided to meet with Jimin just so that he could tell him all the dirty details, cause Jimin was the one to show them to him in the first place. God he hoped that's not the case. His heart couldn't take this.

"Yeah, the date didn't turn out to be that special actually." Jungkook said now coming closer to Jimin, and Jimin started instinctively going back, until he hit the kitchen island with his back.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. W-Why? What happened?" Jimin asked, hands gripping the marble isle behind him, trying to steady himself.

"We just didn't click I guess. Are you really sorry hyung?" Jungkook asked while coming even closer, and Jimin felt trapped. He had nowhere to go. Jungkook was standing in front of him, his hands now resting on the island too. Fixating at Jimin like some animal, with the hunger in his eyes.

Jimin's heart was beating so fast, he felt like he had just run a marathon or at least danced his heart out to his favorite song.

"N-no. Not really." Jimin said shyly, trying to avert his gaze from Jungkook's determined look, but the younger was following his eyes, trying to maintain eye contact.

"Mhm... and why is that?" he asked while gently turning Jimin's head towards him, holding his chin only with his thumb and index finger.

"I-I don't k-know..." Jimin stuttered, dazed by their proximity, and Jungkook came even closer, nuzzling his head against Jimin's neck, just inhaling his scent, and whispering into his ear.

"I think you know hyung. You just don't want to say it." he started kissing his neck, nibbling softly on the skin, making Jimin to close his eyes, and moan as quiet as possible as he could.

Jimin's hands started roaming over Jungkook's back, caressing it gently, then scratching with some force.

"I've missed this." Jimin finally said, and Jungkook stopped with the soft kisses around his neck, and looked at his eyes again.

"I've missed you." he said and looked at Jimin fondly, which resulted in Jimin leaning closer, and delicately kissing his soft lips.

They stayed like that for a while. Just lips pressed together in an unmoving lock, while their hands were moving slowly all around their bodies.

Jungkook put Jimin on top of the island with ease, and the older instinctively wrapped his legs around the younger's waist.

Soon the kiss became more sexual, lips moving tight against another, followed by light sucking and nibbling on wet skin. It didn't take too long for their tongues to find their way inside each other's mouth. Just hungry for one another. They kissed for what it seemed like an eternity, enjoying the passion that one brings inside the other.
Soon they started grinding against each other slowly. Jungkook grinding in some kind of persistent pace, like he was imitating the sexy and sultry way that he would fuck the older.
Jimin wasn't being calm either. He was rolling his hips in some sexy way and soon enough they were both painfully hard.

"Jungkookie, fuck me please, I've missed you so much." Jimin said cause he couldn't stand the friction any more, and Jungkook just let out a deep sigh at his words.

"Mmmm baby... Me too... I'm gonna fuck you so good." Jungkook whispered, while Jimin was blushing at the sound of a pet name.

Jungkook lifted him up, hands squeezing Jimin's ass tightly, while trying to find the bedroom.

Jimin told him to enter the first room on their right, and after pinballing through the hallway, never breaking the kisses, they were finally inside Jimin's spacious bedroom.
Jungkook laid him down on the bed gently, and smiled at him while unzipping his cute overall.

"Although I've never seen you looking cuter than this (pointing at his yellow overall pajamas) I need to get this off."

Jungkook said and finally see Jimin's naked body, and eagerly started to kiss him all around, not missing any spot.

"Your skin is so soft hyung." the younger said while licking the stripe down on Jimin's thigh, and then sucking roughly at the same spot, creating a hickey that made Jimin a moaning mess.

"Aghhh Jungkookah..."

"Sorry baby, couldn't help it." Jungkook licked the bruise, to sooth the stinging feeling, while Jimin was running his fingers through his hair.
Jimin was laying on the bed, wearing only black boxers, and Jungkook was still fully dressed up.

"Off, Jungkookah... Take your clothes off..." Jimin said while grabbing the hem of Jungkook's shirt.
He gladly took everything off, threw it on the floor, and looked at Jimin's expression.

Jimin's mouth slightly open. Eyes roaming around Jungkook's defined chest, hands slowly touching his abs.
He bit on his lower lip when he felt the younger's well defined V lines, that lead to his hard erection.
While maintaining eye contact, Jimin rubbed over Jungkook's clothed dick which made younger to take a deep breath, while closing his eyes.
"Mmmmm my perfect cock." Jimin hummed while stroking it slowly, still over his underwear.

"Hyung... please..." Jungkook whispered, his eyes still closed, enjoying the friction from Jimin's hands over his hard dick.

"What do you want Jungkookah... Talk to me, I want to hear you." Jimin said with sultry voice, hand gripping on Jungkooks shaft firmly.

"Y-you... I w-want you Jiminah..."

"Wanna fuck me, hm?"

"Yes, so badly."

Jimin took his boxers down. Revealing his fully hard dick. Got up, and took the lube and a condom from the bottom drawer next to his bed.

"You don't need to take it slow, um... I'm already stretched..." Jimin said shyly, and sat on the bed. Jungkook came between his wide spread legs, looking at the older's pretty pink hole.

"Did you touch yourself hyung?" Jungkook asked while pouring lube on his index finger, caressing Jimins hole lightly.

"I d-did..." Jimin stuttered, enjoying Jungkook's finger slipping inside without any restriction.

"Ummm baby, that's so hot. Look at your hole, stretched so good already." Jungkook kept plying while adding one more digit, earning a loud moan escaping Jimin's lips.

"How many fingers did you use hyung... Hm?"

"T-Three..." Jimin answered as Jungkook was now putting his third digit inside. His fingers were so much longer than Jimin's, and felt way too good, rubbing over Jimin's special spot.

"You're so perfect Jiminah..." Jungkook praised him while keeping his eyes on Jimin's pretty face.

"Aaaaah Jungkookie, right there... Don't stop." Jimin moaned while arching his back, giving Jungkook a sight to die for.

"How can you look so good..." Jungkook praised his ethereal beauty while thrusting his finger deeper, pushing the right spot constantly.

Soon, Jimin looked like he was going to fall apart, panting hard, so close to the edge.

"Jungkookah...Stop it, or I'm gonna come..." he said through moans, and Jungkook slowly took his fingers out. Looking at the pretty, pink, stretched hole.

"I wan't you to come while I fuck you. Stay like that, I wanna look at your beautiful face hyung. Wanna kiss you while I fuck you hard. Ok?" Jungkook talked while putting condom on his hard dick, slicking it nicely with a lot of lube.

He came closer, kissed the older softly, spread his legs even wider, moving them up towards Jimin's chest, exposing his hole even more.

He came closer, and started rubbing his hole with his head. Jimin started whining and squirming around, eager to just feel the fullness again.

"Come on Kookie... Fuck me." he said in the most pleading tone, and Jungkook did so.

He put his cock inside slowly, and just stayed like that for a moment. He was waiting for Jimin to adjust to the size and feeling, but also trying to calm his own painful erection and the urge to just fuck him mercilessly.

"Move Kookie." the older said, and let a soft mewl as he started feeling the nice and deep rocking against his prostate.

He was so turned on, so happy, so flustered, that in no time he felt like he could come. His dick was hard, just laying on top of his stomach, leaking precume.

Jungkook was fucking him so good, thoroughly, but with so much attention and care.

It didn't feel like some meaningless fucking, or something they both are doing just to get themselves off. It felt like so much more than that.

The way Jungkook was caressing his skin, kissing him the whole time while thrusting inside of him, made him so weak and loved...

All of it felt more like love making rather than plain sex.

As Jungkook leaned down, kissing Jimin's lips eagerly. The older felt his dick twitching between his and Jungkook's abs, and he knew that that little friction he felt down there was enough to make him come like crazy, while Jungkook was hitting on his prostate dead on.

It only took couple of thrusts more for him to scream inside Jungkook's mouth that he's coming, and the sticky, warm cum started shooting all over their stomach and chests, dirtying their skin.

While feeling the clenching around his dick, Jungkook's orgasm followed right after. Coming inside Jimin harder than ever before.

They stayed like that for a while. Just looking at each other. Jungkook on top of Jimin, whose legs were still wrapped around the younger's waist. Jungkook's dick still inside him. The younger tried to move, but Jimin just locked him tighter with his thighs, and looked at him shyly.

"Stay. Don't go yet." he whispered quietly, as if he was afraid what the younger would think about his sudden wish.

"I'm not going anywhere. I just wanted to get off of you, cause I'm pretty sure I'm heavy like this, on top of you." Jungkook said, and caressed the older's cheek with his knuckles.

"I don't mind. Just. Stay a little bit longer." Jimin said while instinctively nuzzling the hand that was caressing his cheek.
It felt good. Everything felt amazing and perfect, and that's the thing that scared him the most. He didn't know what to do with his feelings, but he knew that he had some strong feelings towards the young man laying on top of him.

After a while of just snugling together, being unbearably close, Jungkook turned them around, positioning Jimin's head on his chest, and started caressing his hair slowly. Their breathing slowed down, cum started to dry on their bodies, but they didn't care about any of it. Both just enjoying the moment they shared.

Soon Jimin felt like he needs to know what this meant for the younger, cause he couldn't help but feel like he wants this. He wants whatever the younger is willing to give him.

"Jungkookah... Um... So... How is this going to work? I mean... I love spending time with you, and enjoy sex a lot, but what is this that we're doing, and do you even want this to happen again?

Jimin felt so good just minutes ago, and so worried now. He couldn't bare another heartache cause of Jungkook and just wanted to know how he feels about all of this.

"I want this as much as you do. I love spending time with you. I like you Jiminah. I like you more than I thought I could like someone. When you left, all I could think about was you. Where you were, what you were doing... I was going insane... I didn't wanna lose you... " he said and Jimin got up, leaning his head towards the younger, kissing him softly.

"I like you too, so so so much, but what should we do? Should we try long distance and then visit each other as much as we can? I mean, how can we make this work?" Jimin asked while looking at the younger's eyes, and only then it hit Jungkook that he hasn't tell Jimin the big news.

"Hyung. There's no need for that." Jungkook said with excitement, but Jimin looked confused.

"I forgot to tell you something. I got accepted at Seoul's National University of Science and Technology, so I'm starting with my classes this Monday actually. I moved to Seoul this morning." Jungkook said with a big grin on his face, and Jimin furrowed his eyebrows at him, and started hitting his chest playfully.

"What!!?? " he screamed at the younger.

"That should have been the first thing you said when you entered my apartment. What the fuck!"

"I wanted to, but I got distracted by something cute and adorable poking out of the yellow overall." Jungkook said and Jimin melted on top of him.

"Congratulation baby." he blurted out, and realized that's the first time he had used a pet name with Jungkook. He felt ashamed, and averted his gaze towards something else, blushing cutely. Jungkook seemed to notice his reaction.

"Say it again." the younger teased him.

"Um... Congratulation." Jimin repeated, and looked at him with pursed lips. Trying to contain the grin creeping up on his face.

"What else... Just say it." Jungkook wouldn't let go.

"No. Don't do this to me... I'm shy, stop teasing." Jimin was whining cutely, and Jungkook just cupped his cheeks while kissing him delicately.

"How can you be so cute! I heard you, just so you know. It's fine. You'll say it when you feel it again. Right baby?" Jungkook said while cocking his eyebrows at him, and Jimin just pinched his arm playfully.

"Hey I have an idea." Jungkook said and got up, went outside the room, and came back in no time. Jimin was laying in bed, covered with blanket.

"Jungkook layed down, got inside the soft blanket with Jimin, took his phone and snapped a quick selfie. Both of them looking sweaty, fucked out and just messy.

"What are you doing?" Jimin asked after he took the selfie.

"I'm sending it to Tae hyung. He's gonna be so surprised and happy." he said and did so.

"We had a plan for next weekend. Him and Yoongi hyung were supposed to come to Seoul, and we were all supposed to go and grab a beer with you somewhere, but I obviously couldn't wait that long to see you... So I just wanna tell him that there was a change of plans."

"Really? Are they still coming? I really wanna see them and go out with them. I would love that." Jimin said sounding excited, and then they heard messages notifications on Jungkook's phone.

Tae Tae



When did that happen?

What about our weekend????

I love you both.

And miss u

I'm sobbing.

I haven't cry this much even after Yoongi fucked me

And my ass still hurts

I love you

Why aren't you answering???

Tell me everything?

Are you in relationship now?

Was the sex good like the first time? Was it better? Does it get any better?

hahaahahhahaaahahahaha LOL

I'm kidding

No need to tell me all of that.

But you could..

If you want to tho


Jimiiiiiin hyuuuuung

say something for fucks sake...

Tae Tae is typing...

They looked at the message together, and smiled widely, not knowing some answers themselves, but feeling lucky that they have all the time in the world to figure them out. They'll definitely work on that, right after they catch their breaths from all the kissing, they just couldn't stop with.

JK & JM - Couple of months later

While parking in front of Jungkook's brother's building, Jimin couldn't stop whining and pouting.

"I really don't get it. Why do we have to spend the weekend here? My apartment is big enough for all four of us to stay in, and have a great time. Your room is small, and your bed is uncomfortable."

"It's not that bad. Come on... We've talked about this a thousand times. You know how Tae hyung and Yoongi hyung always get super loud at night, well this way we won't be able to hear them, since they can stay in the guest bedroom which is, lucky for us, so far away from my bedroom. In your apartment they would have to stay in the living room, and you know how that turned out last time." Jungkook said and grimaced at the memory.

"Don't even remind me of that... Too late, images already popping out..." Jimin said and they both smile.

"I guess you're right, I just love when we spend time at my apartment. Kind of feels like home with you around." Jimin said shyly, and Jungkook gripped his waist tighter, now walking towards the entrance.

"I know, and I love that I'm staying there almost every night, but trust me on this one. When the boys are here, and my brother is on some business trip with his wife, this is the better option." Jungkook said while patting Jimin's head softly, and he just gave in.

The thing is that ever since they started dating, which was the moment they got back together in Seoul, they've been together all the time. Never wanting to separate, or take a break from each other. They had their obligations every day, Jungkook had his classes, and Jimin work, but at the end of the day, they would always get together, just enjoying each other's company.

Weekends were always reserved for the countryside, and they loved every minute spent there. They would hang out with Tae and Yoongi, help around the farm, have some proper family time while eating together, and later watching movies with Chaeyeong and Jisoo.

Everything was perfect, even the little arguments they had, which always resulted in Jimin nuzzling Jungkook's neck, saying he's sorry for being stubborn, or Jungkook making Jimin his favorite dishes, saying how sorry he was for being childish and lazy.

This weekend is special cause it's so rare for them to stay in Seoul, and enjoy the nightlife with their friends, and they couldn't be more excited.

While approaching the building, they noticed a group of guys getting out of the same building they're supposed to enter.

"Oh shit!" Jungkook whispered - yelled, and Jimin looked at him, not knowing what's wrong.


"There's Namjoon hyung, and I haven't actually ever replied to any of his messages, and now is the first time I see him since I've got here, and this is so awkward..." Jungkook whined, and Jimin felt some kind of knot forming in his throat. The thing is, he never saw Namjoon and kind of forgot he ever existed.

Now, while standing in front of him, all the painful memories of him struggling with his feelings, while thinking how Jungkook likes this other guy, came up again, and he felt nervous.

"Which one is he?" Jimin asked while they are almost in front of the group.

"The tall one." Jungkook said, and Jimin glanced at the tall, buffed guy immediately.

He's looking good. Taller than Jungkook, pretty much the same body type, buff, muscly, wearing simple jeans and tight t-shirt. Hair short, dark brown, framing his attractive face.

Jimin's staring was interrupted by the same guy he was staring at.

"Jungkookie, how are you? Haven't seen you in a while." said the cute guy, smiling at them both, dimples showing on both of his cheeks.

"H-Hi hyung. I'm good. Been busy actually. University is super hard, and I'm struggling to learn everything. How are you?" Jungkook said politely, his hand still resting around Jimin's waist.

"I'm good. Had some work to do also, but everything's fine." Namjoon said, and started looking at Jimin.

"Oh, um, Jimin, this is Namjoon. Namjoon, Jimin." finally Jungkook introduced them, and looked at the specific look Namjoon was having while eyeing Jimin up and down.

"Nice to meet you." Jimin said politely, and Namjoon just nodded, and bowed slightly, still looking at Jimin's face.

Jungkook faked cough, and finally they looked at him, and Namjoon said he has to go, since his friends were waiting for him just few steps behind them.

"Bye hyung, see you around." Jungkook said, and they finally entered the building.

"I can't believe I was so worried for nothing!" Jimin said, sounding little bit frustrated.

"What? Why?" Jungkook looked at him without understanding what he meant.

"Oh come on Jungkookie. Stop playing dumb. You can't be that oblivious..." Jimin said now in some mocking tone, and Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, causing him to look angry.

"I really have no idea what you're talking about."

"Did you see that guy? Did you see how he looks, how he talks, how he walks? Have you?" Jimin asked in disbelief.

"Um, I did. So what?" he looked even more confused than before.

"Well my dear, that is one hell of a top, let me tell you... So the two of you, could never work."

"What? How do you know? You said it yourself that all of those are just some stupid stereotypes, and that no one knows anyothing, until you have a dick in your mouth."

"I'm pretty sure I haven't said it like that, but anyways... That guy is a total top, and I just know it."

"How can you be so sure?" Jungkook was sounding annoyed now.

"Because of the way he was looking at me. You can't tell me you didn't see his stare." Jimin said and Jungkook knew exactly what he meant.

"Um... I did, I just thought that he was looking at you cause you're pretty." the younger said, and Jimin melted at his words.

"That's cute, but no. His gaze was saying something else, something darker and hard to define." Jimin said, and Jungkook hissed at his words.

"Well that's it. You're never coming to my apartment again. I'm totally fine with moving to your place." and Jimin chuckled cutely.

"Uwuuuu, is someone jealous? Jimin asked teasingly, while looking at Jungkook's pouty lips.

"I'm not..." he said way too quickly.

"I am." then he corrected himself, and continued. "...but only cause you said he looks good, and because he was literally fucking you with his eyes. I mean what the fuck? Didn't he see my hand around your waist? It's so obvious we're together, but I guess some people just don't get it."

Jungkook explained with sad expression, as they were entering the living room.

"My baby got jealous, my baby got jealous, my baby got jealous..." Jimin was jumping around, singing the words, actually excited to see Jungkook so flustered.

"Stop teasing hyung, he could've look at me that way too."

"I highly doubt that. Well maybe if you decide to bottom for him..." Jimin finally stopped with the teasing as Jungkook grabbed him around his waist, and threw him over his right shoulder, slapping his ass playfully.

"You're being a bad boy hyung, and you deserve some punishment." Jungkook said in low voice, while putting Jimin on the bed.

"I was, wasn't I? What are you going to do to me?" Jimin asked sultry, spreading his legs already, eyes half lidded, mouth slick from spit he licked over them.

"Just wait and you'll see." Jungkook put the curtains down, and grabbed a tie that was laying on the floor. He put Jimin's wrists up, above his head, and tied them together firmly.

"Let's see how many orgasms you can get in one day, shall we?" the younger said while locking his eyes with the older.

"I would actually love to find out." Jimin said, and soon they forgot about everything surrounding them, about anyone else existing except the two of them.

It was so easy to get lost in those doe eyes all over again, just like it was so easy to fall in love with the raw nature. There was no wi-fi in the farm, but they had found even better connection... Simple, raw and exciting, just like Jungkook himself. He's everything Jimin ever wanted...

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