I squeezed everything in one part lol

Update: Yeah I'm making two parts just check your announcements or my mb every once in a while to see if I updated the gossip. Let's start now. 

For the record, it is my job to complain about how many books and announcements I get. Not yours. Good? Good. Yes, bitch, I am self aware. And if any of my karen "Friends" that I follow just to shit and gossip on them or because they're my friend's friend replies saying that the introduction was harsh, I literally just said it in the fucking description of why I follow you. I. Do. Not. Fucking. Care. Go fuck yourself, WoLf JaEkU. And stop sending me sexual images of VivziePop characters, just 'cause I'm gay as fuck doesn't mean I randomly wanna see that shit in Tumblr DMs. 

Damn, you know my book's about to be a banger when it starts like that. 

I am self-centered and a giant attention seeker. Do I know it? Fuck yes. Do I give two shits? Hell naw bro. At least I don't deny it, be happy. 

Now, onto the actual reasons of why you came here. The gossip. 

First, the teachers. I'll go by the order of our classrooms so I don't forget anyone. 

Oof, maths has a complicated fucking history bro. 

So first off is our current teacher. I'm pretty neutral about her. I mean out of like 30 teachers at my school I hate every single one but exactly 3 of them, and she's not in those three, she's on the hate list, but it's because it just automatically hate every teacher unless they prove themselves to me. She never proved herself, so. She's kinda boring and her classes are boring so that's bonus minus points. 

She also always keeps us 1,5 minutes minimum after class ends... She never said "The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do," but I'm pretty sure that's her mindset. 

Last year, in the first semester, we had this one dude that would have made the love-teacher list 4, but sadly he was working there as a zamena so he left after the first semester. Seriously, I heard that he was leaving in the changing rooms after PE and started crying. He never even looked at my homework because he trusted me enough (Even though I never did it lmao). I really miss that dude. He knew how to actually make class fun unlike literally every single teacher in our school rn. 

The second semester that year was crowded. The first, like, half of it was taught by some teacher... Natalia? I think that was her name. Anyways, I was doing a pismeni I wasn't prepared for once and she gave me most of the answers for a exercise I didn't do, then I got an A and we never mentioned it again. I don't remember her, but that event alone earned my respect. The second half was taught by the same ginger (No offense to any gingers) that is teaching us rn. 

Next is geography. She's semi-strict. Lets us talk for a few minutes, then teaches the lesson for a few minutes, threatens to write us down then never actually does it. She's pretty fucking brutally honest and she has some damn strong opinions. I might add her onto the love teacher list, she's actually pretty cool. 

Update: Yeah no she gave me a C. Fuck this bitch. 

Okay next is history. THIS ONE IS COMPLICATED MANNNN. He's the favorite of literally any grade ever, and that's amazing 'cause he teaches every single class I think. He lets us use phones in class and never writes us down for it, then he teaches the lesson for 20 minutes max and the 25 minutes left are for doing whatever the heck we want. He lets phones even while we're doing the lesson tho lol. Now, we never had tests, our grades just lived off of talking-questioning. He gives us a few very straightforward questions about 2~4 weeks in advance, then says "Pick one or two questions," and if he sees that someone learned their shit he gives them an A with half a damn question answered. Seriously, I had 5.00 last year in history only because of that! Sadly, he's retiring after this year ends, and I'm just scared what professor(s) we're gonna have the next few years I'm in this hellhole of a school. 

Also he kinda loves me and Ana sooooo

Future generations will never experience mr. P (Last name and what everyone calls him that I won't say out of privacy but it starts with a P so let's just call him mr. P and yes that was a Brawl stars reference) and I feel so bad for them

I remember fucking around the school library and helping organize books in fourth grade, some older girls who already had him as a teacher and I were talking and doing that, then I mentioned how I wasn't good at history, then they were like "Dude, if he's still teaching next year, you have literally nothing to worry about. He allows phones in class." 

And, well, shit, I mean. They were right. 

English is next. I mean, as a Serb, English is kinda considered a second language for us, sooooo... 

Yeah she fucking loves me and Ana. Nothing more to be said. Might make a neutral teacher list just for her, geography and maths (I accidentally typed meths here bruh I am not doing the sleeping shit well enough). Then I might move my arts teacher down on that list and I'll explain it when I get to her. 

Next is... Serbian... Oh... Fuck me in the ass bro... 

Ana, help me a bit here, thanks? You also have experience with her. 

Anyways here's my experience with that fatass karen haircut sweet nickname using bitch. 

She's my razredna btw (Like that one teacher that people 5th to 8th grade get that's the teacher that's supposed to keep one class under control and sadly her class is mine).

I started arguing with her. I do it like once a week now. She's constantly getting on my nerves and I actually grew the balls to talk back. Why does it matter to the universe if a young self-aware brunette talks back to a planet sized teacher? It won't care. I don't know why schools do. I could leave school and my class and teachers wouldn't care, only my parents and the law would for some shitty reason. No, law, I do not need to know what the inside angels of a triangle add up to. Unless I become a mathematician, which I think is very obvious I won't (Sorry, dad, , I'm never gonna need that in my life. I don't care if it's "Elementary" knowledge that everybody has to know. I barely remember anything about Nemanjići and the universe still didn't collapse. 

Anyways, uh, back to the point. 

Razredna used to love me.

...Not anymore, bitch.

I don't care that they hate their jobs. 

Bro, everyone knows teachers don't get paid shit. If you knew that was your only option, why did you study Serbian?

And when anyone ever asks her why she doesn't find a better job, like being a writer or a college professor or something, she says that she loves this school. 

Then when I argue with her she says stuff like "You really think I wanna sit here all day?" 

Logic where? 

Whatever. She's like 45, future kids in like 25 years won't deal with her anyway. 

Currently I am freaking out over her subject. We have a Serbian test that's tomorrow (Technically today since it's currently 12:33 AM). She announced it a week ago maybe but there are at least 15 pages of material to learn. I  didn't begin to study. As much as I hate admitting it, though, that's not her fault. Just a little vent I threw in here while we're on the subject of Serbian. 

Whatever. School starts at 2 PM tomorrow, I start getting ready at 1. If they don't fuck up our schedule last minute like they often do, we're having Serbian last, 6th class. I have time. Hopefully. I still have to learn geography (4th class) for tomorrow, too. 

Update: I did it, well I think it went well. We're just gonna wait and see Ig. 

Next is our biology teacher. 

She wrote that I'm passing biology for sure and that I could consider a biology-related career in the future. 

Today she gave me a C, btw. Just a month after writing all that. 

Mind you, I raised my hand when she asked who wants to do talking-questioning today. It was only necessary to do it next class, on Wednesday. Raising your hand at that should bring you bonus points. Just saying. But what do I know? 

She asked me things that we barely mentioned and that I never saw in the book. Then I just mentioned that she asked "You think I'm some sort of a witch who can see what you studied?" 

Update: Yeah most of the things she asked me weren't in our lessons at all. Fuck this bitch man. 

Our ex-biology teacher was kinda fire. She was really strict and always yelled at the whole school but was friendly to me, always smiled to me, always asked me if I was okay and I wish they just kept her instead of this "ErM aCtUaLlY" nerdy hoe that we have rn. She actually made me study shit by being strict. If she wasn't, I would have never discovered that I actually have some sort of secret talent for biology.

I remember last year we were learning something that that kinda sensitive to me near the end of the year... At that time I was sitting at Ana in the middle row, first bench. I was crying and after like 5 minutes she noticed, then said "Anka, are you okay?" I just said yes and she was like "Okay" then went back to teaching like nothing fucking happened. Now, you'd think I'd get pretty pissed about that, but I am actually so grateful to her for not making a huge fucking scene out of it. Like, omg, someone crying while learning about something that was a sensitive topic to them. Teachers, always ask your students if they are okay, but, trust me, if they say that they're fine, leave them the fuck alone. 

Anyways, Dani (I'll use that as her nickname, privacy reasons), huge respect to you. Wish you were still my teacher even though you gave me a B for stuttering while doing questioning-talking. I never got angry over that. You didn't make that awkward face that my biology and geography teacher did these past few days. You were being quite friendly about it and encouraging me. Huge respect to you, girly. 

And to my CURRENT biology teacher, fuck you and your stupid "ErM aCtUaLlY" glasses, you cunt. Nobody likes biology now that you're teaching us, not even me, and I loved it until this year. So yeah. Fuck you. I don't care what anybody says. 

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