D6 Male Sam Clark
I rose up from my tube. As I got above ground level I scanned my surroundings, I spotted green, majestic mountains but my gaze was really caught on the bright blue ocean. I had grown up near a creek and I knew how to swim. "This was going to be good," I thought to myself.
Seconds later, the timer started to count down. 60, 59, 58, 57, 56... Each number gave me more anxiety. My stomach knotted and twisted. 27, 26, 25, 24, 23... I began listening to the numbers again. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. The buzzer rang loudly sending a loud pierce that interrupted the silence of the arena.
I jumped off my starting place at the buzzer and ran across the cornucopia. I passed through it and grabbing the things I needed. I grabbed a large stack of throwing knives and stuffed it in my pack. I grabbed as much as possible before I continued on. Behind me Luke Sand trailed trying to get to me. All he had was two swords and a pack.
The ocean was materializing in front of me. It was only 20 yards away. Even though I was fast, I was slowly getting caught up to, since I had so much stuff. It was now only 10 yards away and I was only a stride in front of Luke.
I leaped into the ocean and was instantly more relived. Now it was time to think strategy. I swam under the water and led Luke further and further out.
We were 20 yards out when I made my move. I tackled him and grabbed his wrist so he couldn't swing his swords. He kicked himself free trying to take control. I flailed away trying to stay afloat while getting my knives out of my water proof pack. Luke tried to swim at me again, not aware I had my knives. He swam right into my knife and I scratched across his face. With my free arm I plunged my knife into his stomach. Luke's face turned pale and he gasped for air. My black knife was coated with his crimson red blood. The water became clouded and I put Luke out of his misery and slit his throat. I grabbed his pack and mine that were both drifting back towards the land. I did backstroke back to the land. When I got onto the sand I saw the mess of bodies stacked up near the cornucopia or better known as the careers' house. I avoided the careers and sprinted towards the forest.
The forest was dark green and was cluttered with trees and bushes. I decided to climb up the largest tree and rest in it. As I shimmied up the trunk I could hear the sound of someone eating. I grabbed my knife and threw it up at the first branch. I heard a scream and saw Sadie Oaks's body falling towards the ground. Her cannon went off as she collided with the hard rocks below.
Once on the branch I began to sort through Luke's pack, my pack, and Sadie's pack. Inside Luke's there was a blanket that made you perfectly blend into your surroundings, there was also loads of bread and other fruit. In my bag I had throwing knives, daggers, jackets, and two canteens filled with water. Inside Sadie's pack was a short spear and more food and water.
I put on my extra jackets and laid down wrapped in my camo blanket. I quickly fell asleep not staying awake for the showing of the dead tribute's faces in the sky.
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