chapter 14 | Further
I rub my hand onto my face and sigh, gradually getting back to a normal state. I need to get up and get ready to leave.
7:40 am.
I walk up to the classroom without, taking some advance to be comfortable and not in a hurry. I take my keys out, holding my handbag, once I reach the hallway leading to the classroom, the boy I was nervous to see comes within sight, his eyes already directed towards me. He straightens his back and smiles at me, so I do so and pass in front of him to unlock the door.
"Good morning..." he keeps his hands in the pockets of his denim jacket, his pink hoodie hidden underneath. "Good morning, how are you doing today?" I peek up at him and open the door, thinking of my dream and finding it hard to forget it.
"I'm doing good, what about you?" he enters the classroom but bites his lips while looking at me and stepping backwards. I smile spontaneously and walk up to my desk. "I'm fine," I don't say much, my thoughts complicating this. I cannot get it off my mind, each time I hear his voice, see him, I remember his heavy breathing, his deep voice pronouncing my name, and his fingers and tongue...gosh.
"Did you sleep well?" he asks me, probably trying to take the silence away from us. I sit down on my chair and open my laptop. "I did...I just went to bed at a late hour so...that felt short," I answer, glancing at him but seeing him bent over the desk with his arms under.
His big and sparkling eyes never look away. " should go to bed earleir then, or else you'll be tired," his cute words cause my smile to widen, and I focus on him while my laptop is turning on. "I know. I just had a lot of work, and I had to finish everything."
"Hm..." he nibbles on his bottom lip, gazing at me but scanning each of my traits. "Have you had breakfast?" the question no one ever asks me, leaves him, but I take a peek at my screen. "No, I didn't. I just drank some milk because I had to hurry."
"Then...that means I have to give you something," he never stops being sweet, grabbing his bag to think of me when he shouldn't. "No, Jungkook. I don't want you to always do that..."
"But I want to," he rises from his seat and places a Choco Chou Cream next to me, with a banana, and a strawberry milk that I liked the other day. "Here, there's everything you need. The banana for the healthy snack, the choclate because it's your favorite, and it makes you happy, then the strawberry milk because you told me you like it wear lipstick today so...that would have been annoying with the can of peach juice...but I still have it if you want it..."
"You're so sweet, Jungkook...You shouldn't do that, I'm serious..." some guilt controls me as I know that I he's just a student to me but yet, treats me as more than that. "It's okay. I like to see you smile..." he drops his eyes down to the table, concealing a little smile full of bashfulness. I cannot even restrain mine, his face is way too adorable.
He licks his lips, and once I grab the banana, his eyes go down to the square cleavage of my dress. I hold back from saying something and poke the top of the strawberry milk with the straw to take a gulp of it and then pull the peel down. Honestly, he could have picked a better fruit to eat in front of him, but he's a cute boy, so I'm not going to complain.
I bite into it without looking at him, pressing down on the space bar of my laptop. I prepare the document I'll need for the lesson while he's not talking anymore.
No other student ever did this for me, none of them ever came early in the morning to see me, gave me some food because I haven't eaten breakfast, but also, hiccuped because of a closeness between us.
"Have you studied for the test today?" I look at him but notice his lips are redder than some seconds ago. He licks them, fidgeting his legs under the table. "Yes...I did," he nods to me but gulps down, his expression looking different.
Since I feel like he took this banana just to see me eat it in front of him, no matter how innocent he might look, if he really was, his eyes wouldn't land on my breasts all the time whenever I wear something tight or a discreet cleavage, I keep my eyes on him and bite into the fruit before speaking. "So you're not nervous?"
"Uhm..." his voice lowers, and he gazes at my lips, his eyes seeming bigger than they already are naturally. "No..." he shakes his head. "I mean yes, I am. A little."
I smile but leave this little boy alone, I focus on my work. "I know you're going to do good, your level has been increasing every day, and you don't make any mistakes anymore. So no need to be nervous, or else this will cause you to get in a muddle."
"Yeah...I guess..." he speaks with no hint of comprehension in his own answer, making me grin but still with some guilt. "Are you going to make it hard?" his question takes me by surprise, the meaning of it twisted in my mind. I pull the banana out of my mouth but frown at him, "What do you mean?"
"The it going to be hard...?" he clarifies it. "Oh. Well, depends on what 'hard' means to you. If you studied well, that should be easy," I reassure him, knowing his skills enough to evaluate whether he would fail or not. "Oh...okay..." he presses his thin lips together, those ones that were kissing me in my dreams.
I immediately clear my thoughts after thinking about it and glance away. I feel disgusting for seeing one of my students that way. This isn't right.
The room remains silent, the sounds my mouth being the only things we hear with the keyboard of my laptop. I don't say anything anymore since I need to finish what I'm doing, and he doesn't either.
9 am.
"Ma'am," Dongsik lifts his hand up. "Yes?" she looks at him, taking her glasses off and leaving her device. "Uhm, maybe I'm the one-"
"Wait," she stands up, displaying her entire body with her black, bodycon dress that goes down to her knees. I do not pay attention to my test anymore but stare at her. Once she reaches him, she tucks some strands of hair behind her ear and bends over his table to let him finish his question.
I have her breasts in full sight, so many scenarios are running through my head right now, and this turns me on so badly that my body could react way too quickly without even touching myself. She explicates to him what he seems to not understand, as always, taking her time, despite what she said earlier, 'I don't have the right to help you during a test'. We knew she wouldn't stick to this, we know her too well.
A nod of his head makes her smile, and she straightens up. Her eyes meet mine at the wrong moment, but I freeze on my spot and don't break the contact between us, both staring at each other as my pulse increased in speed.
Her soft, nude lips curve up, but she walks away from Dongsik who went back to his work. My heart skips a beat and takes my breath away, my hand helping me to hide a little behind it, as soon as I realize she's coming up to me, I uncontrollably panic on my chair, drop my eyes down on my test, and bite onto my nails while hearing her footsteps approach.
"Is everything all right?" she asks me in a whisper, leaning towards me and invading my nose with her arousing fragrance. I press my finger on my lips and gaze up at her, nervously to give a positive answer with a movement of my head.
"Sure?" she smiles, her small cleavage making it terribly difficult for me to focus on her face and nothing else. "Yes," I repeat. I fix my eyes on her lips to not get tempted by her breasts, and she smiles at me. "All right then," she goes away, leaving her scent in the air but dragging my eyes down to her butt.
I need to make up my mind. "Miss han," I call her back, wanting her by my side and willing to lie to have it. She laughs in a quiet manner but comes back to me, "What is it?" she murmurs, her voice sounding even sexier with that tone. I bite my lips and stare at hers from closer. "I...I finished my test but...I'm not sure about some answers...and...I mean..." I force myself to gaze down at my piece of paper, looking for something that might be used as an excuse to ask for her help. "Here..." I point my pen at one exercise, hoping for her to lean even more closer to me.
I succeed, she does it and even steps next to me, placing her hand on the back of my chair and making me feel like a baby, a baby that is about to faint. "What is wrong with this?" she speaks near my ear and sends shivers down my spine without even knowing. I didn't expect this at all, my ear is very sensitive.
"I'm not sure I understood the indication well...because..." I struggle, the lies never passing through my throat without leaving some bitter guilt, added to that our closeness that is turning me on. "Uhm...I have to translate the french words and put them back in the good order...right?"
"Oh, no," she shakes her head and places her finger on the sentence. "You didn't have to translate it, but that's fine, I won't remove any points because of that," she smiles, but I gaze up at her, seeing her breasts close to me and almost hearing them call me. "Do I get extra points...?" I toy with my pen, giving her a soft smile and fixing my eyes on her lips.
She reacts in a cute manner to my demand, "All right, I'll give extra points. Do you have any more questions?" she gives in to me and makes me happy. "No, I don't. Thank you, Miss Han."
She acquiesces and steps aside to head back to the teacher's desk. "Guys, I give extra points to the ones who can translate the sentences of the exercise number four. If you cannot do it, it's okay, I won't remove any points. All right?"
"Do we have to translate the three sentences perfectly to have the extra points?" Cheolmin raises his hand. "No, you can just translate one and still have a part of them."
"Okay," he smiles. "Just because her pet asked her to do it..." the one who hasn't talked yet appears, mumbling his words. Miss Han licks her lips but glances down, before sitting down without replying to this provocation.
"Aren't I right, Miss?" he glances up, staring at her with disdain that she doesn't deserve to receive from anyone. "Focus on your work and do not disturb your classmates."
He smirks at her, listening but still being disrespectful. I hate him so much, I wish I could kill him.
4:10 pm.
My eyes leave my watch as I'm still waiting for Miss Han to come back, sitting at the desk that faces hers. I wonder what she's doing. Five minutes ago, she said she would be back in a minute. Is she with another student? I hope she's just in the restroom, not with another student, or a teacher.
I bite onto the my pen but drag my attention to the door once I hear the sound of her pumps. I smile like an idiot, feeling excited about this private lesson after the day I had. I felt like something was more special today, I don't know why, and maybe I'm just delusional, but the eye contacts with her was full of tension. At least, it was, from my point of view.
Once she comes back into the classroom, she looks at me and smiles, before closing the door. "I'm sorry for taking so long, I had to talk with a colleague," my fears become real. I slide my pen over my bottom lip, but watch her step to her desks, not focusing on the exercises she told me to do when she left. "It's okay..." I mumble.
Her eyes meet mine, her body standing at her desk as she seems out of breath. "Did you hurry?" I ask, hoping for her breathing to not be the result of something else. "Yes," she chuckles, controlling each exhalation and inhalation that I can discern by looking at her chest. "I was supposed to go to the restroom, but I bumped into Mister Park, and he asked me what I was still doing here."
"Oh..." I believe in her words, knowing that Mister Park is married is a relief. She would never make a married man cheat, she's not that type of woman. "Anyway," she breathes out and sits down as I cannot take my eyes off of her. "Have you worked on the translations?" she finally lays her eyes on me.
"Yes," I nod, proudly. "Can I see them?" she doesn't come closer to me, causing some disappointment. Even if I could just hand it to her, I decide to take my notebook and stand up to reduce the distance between us. I position myself next to her and place the work before her. "Thank you," she straightens her back but grabs hold of a red pen, so I stay close and fix my eyes on her.
This point of view is perfect, not only her face is at the level of my lower stomach, but she's leaned over with her forearms on the flat surface, getting her cleavage to be even deeper from up here. I bite my lips but entangle my hands in front of my body, toying with my fingers while thirsting over her in a way that I shouldn't. Her chest doesn't stop going up and down swiftly, my veins burning me from the inside. Her hand moves her pen up to her soft lips, pressing the top of it onto her bottom one but creating some lewd images in my head, when she's focusing on the work and being unaware of this.
Why am I seeing her with her eyes closed, her lips parted, and her head bent back with some pleasure drawn all over her face? Why the hell am I so disgusting?
Without any warning, she catches me staring and gazes up into my eyes, making me stop all the things I was doing before this. I press my lips together with nervousness, and she smiles at me. "Did you use your phone?" she touches the paper with her pen, but I tilt my head. "No. Why would I?"
"This is perfect," her expression doesn't change, but she hands me the work I nailed. I grin and take it. "Are you doubting me, Miss Han?" I fiddle with what I have in my hand, but she stands up and brings us closer. "Put this down on your desk, I'm going to make you translate some sentences in front of me," she doesn't answer me but goes to the whiteboard with a marker.
I do as told and lay this notebook on the table, not sitting down anymore since this is unnecessary. "And I don't doubt you. I know you're a good student, I was just teasing you," she replies after leaving some silence in the room. I grin without her knowing and look at her writing the sentences.
With the position she's in right now, I want to take her by the waist and undress her so badly, I don't know what is wrong with me since earlier. I'm tired of being a teenager.
I cock my head to the side, waiting without any impatience for her to be done with the sentences. I scrutinize every little inch of her, fidgeting on my spot. Once she turns around, I stay still and raise my eyes up to hers. "Here, you can translate them," she comes up to me to hand me the marker. I grab it in order to take her place and do my work. I lick my lips and start to translate each word, being careful and reading everything to not make a mistake.
Her footsteps distract me, I take a look at her, wondering what she's doing. She brings her chair away from where it was and sits down near the window, right before the first desk of the line. She crosses her legs, and her eyes connect with mine.
I act innocent and momentarily glance away to continue what I was doing. I'm too overwhelmed, my pants are feeling tighter, and I have nothing to cover my problem.
I sigh and attempt to calm my hormones down, feeling embarrassed in this situation since she's on my left, with a perfect side-view of my excited body.
"What's wrong?" her voice brings my attention over her, her posture intensifying all the effect she has on me. She keeps her head on her fist, her arm resting on the desk on the right. She smiles at me, in the most irresistible manner. "Those sentences are as difficult as the ones I gave you before leaving, you know."
"I...I know..." I drive my eyes to the whiteboard after a fight against myself to not look down at her thighs that were even more alluring in this position. "Then what's wrong? You didn't want this lesson?"
"I did," I nod, and I translate the last sentence. Once I close the marker and put it down, I set my eyes on Miss Han and move back against the desk behind me to make her understand I'm done.
She looks through my eyes and figures out, so she leaves her chair and comes closer. The red marker she left on the desk, that I'm using as a support, gets held by her delicate hands, and I look at her standing before me while she's checking my work.
"Well..." her eyes travel along all the sentences, her marker not being used. "This is perfect," she smiles and lays her gorgeous eyes back on me. I return the same gaze but grip the rim of the desk, feeling shy and nervous because of the reaction of my body. "Do you want to do something else? I feel like this is too easy for you."
I nod without giving her a clear answer. She steps closer to me but gets me to straighten up in a nervous manner, dropping my eyes on her breasts. She leaves the marker behind me, my breathing hastening out of excitement. Once she withdraws to be closer to the whiteboard, I force myself to drift my eyes up to hers and not look at those wonderful and pretty pillows anymore. "So, what do you want to do?"
"Can we practice the pronunciation of the words?" I ask her, loving when she talks to me in French. I can't even imagine how this would affect me if she was speaking Spanish, this would be thousands of times better, I would probably lose all the control of my emotions. "Okay, we can do that," she acquiesces and steps next to me, so I turn towards her and take this opportunity to thirst over what a woman only can have, and which amazes every man on earth.
Breasts are breasts, gay or not, men cannot resist them, they're a real gift.
I curl my fingers on the table as she's checking her laptop, even if this is a small and discreet cleavage, that's what makes it so tempting. They ask me to take a closer look. I wish I could have my head on them, for fuck's sake.
"Here are some words," she obliges me to land my sneaky eyes on the screen of her device, my boner still tightening my pants. I nibble on my inner cheek, but she bends over right before me to explain to me what's written on the screen. "First you have some adjectives, then you have to find what color is related to it, so we can just pronounces the words, and at the same time, understand what they mean. Is that okay?" she peeks up at me.
I nod. "Yes, okay."
"All right, let's get on your desk," she grabs her laptop and moves away, so I follow her.
- Next day -
Thursday, October 02, 2019.
1:20 pm.
"Kook!" Jaehyun yells my name when I'm trying to focus. "Give me the ball, dammit!" he asks for it again when he cannot even play because he's too bad at this. As soon as I see a little gap between the guys, I run and jump to throw the ball up to the basketball hoop and make it end in the net.
All the guys scream after the point I gave us, but I act cool, used to this type of success. "That's what we call perfect!" I shout but giggle right after, seeing my guys rush to me to jump on me. "You're the fucking master, dude!" they praise me, but I push them away. "I know, get off of me now."
He withdraws from me to leave my sweaty body alone, and I tug on my wet t-shirt, fanning myself and pulling my wet, long hair back. "You can all take a break guys, drink and eat something!" our teacher allows us to be free for some minutes, so I head up to the building to head to my clothes and get the snacks Miss Han gave me earlier. I first drink some water and then grab both of the snacks and go out.
I walk up to the benches that skirts the walls of the building and sit down next to Jaehyun and Minjun. I drop one of them onto my lap and remove the wrapping from the other. "Oh my god, Chocopie?! Can I have-"
"Don't even think about it," I bite into the mellow snack covered in chocolate, keeping this for myself. "Come on! I don't have anything to eat and I'm starving!" Minjun insists but pisses me off. "No! It's mine! These two Chocopie are the most precious ones in the world so don't even think about having them."
"Precious?! Are you serious, dude? You just find a pretext to not give it to me," he doesn't understand the meaning of my sentence, but I ignore him. I bend over and put my forearms over my thighs to eat, combing my wet hair back because of the wind blowing and bothering me.
"Holy shit, Kook!" Jaehyun nudges me to get my attention so I shove a piece of Chocopie in my mouth and look at him. "Hm?"
He smiles but points at something, so I direct my eyes towards this interesting thing and feel my heart flutter as soon as I stumble upon the woman walking up to our sports teacher.
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