Prologue ~ The Mansion On The Hillside

Time: 8:41 pm, Date: 2nd of April.


I pulled my battle outfit over my pristine pink gown, enjoying the feeling of the black silk over the harsh cotton. I pulled the pink ribbons from my long, black hair, letting the braids fall out into neat curls.

I had heard about a magical presence in this town, something that no one wanted around. Something that I needed to stop. The kind of presence that sent chills down people's spines, that made them want to curl up into a ball and never leave their homes again.

And here I was, in a state of pure idiocy, leaving my home. In the dead of the night. On a Tuesday. Bad things always seemed to happen on...


"Tuesdays. God, I hate Tuesdays." I said, grabbing my lute from the table. "I could sing songs about how much I hate Tuesdays."

"Don't." Shelby said in response. "I'd rather keep my ears intact tonight. Plus, what's so bad about Tuesdays?"

I lifted my lute with a smirk.

"I can tell you. In song form!"

Sausage snatched the lute from me, making Shelby burst out laughing at my face of many emotions.

"Oh well, I don't need a lute to sing!!! OHHHHHHHHHHHHH-" I began.

Shelby shook her head. "There goes my-"


"Sense of direction. Seriously, where the heck am I?" I asked, using my multicoloured magical eyes to scan my surroundings.

I genuinely didn't know how I got lost. One minute I was enjoying a sunset in Chromia, the next I was walking along a forest path, and now I was standing next to-


"-The biggest mansion I have seen in all my days." I said, staring at it in wonder.

"Hello?!" A voice called. The body attached to said voice walked through the fog towards me.

I smiled. "Hello..."

"Are you a pirate?!" The voice with the body attached asked. He was a short figure, with equally short blonde hair. 

I nodded in response. "Pirate Joe. But you can just call me Joey."

"Oh. Uh, this is a-"


"-Huge mansion..." I said, looking around at the thick, dark woods that surrounded this beast of a house.

Suddenly, a twig snapped. I ruffled up my fur and hissed protectively.

"Who's there!"

A little green man walked out of the trees, eyes drawn to the beautiful mansion.

"What is that? And who are-"


"-Shelby and Oli? I haven't heard of them." I said, snorting and running a hand through my dark brown hair hair. "Besides, I don't even know your name. And I'm a pretty important man, I should know your name."

The other person laughed. "You're pretty... confident- aren't you? I'm Sausage."

"I'm Joel. God Joel to you."

He held out a hand. I gripped it and wrenched it into a powerful handshake, annoyed when this man- Sausage- shook mine with just as much force.

"I'm impressed. People at your... level in society can't usually-"


"-Fish. Ugh, I'm so bad at fishing."

I sat on a rock on the east side of the mansion above the stream, struggling to spear a fish with a stick.

"Why me! Why did I get sent into this stupid, dreary world when I can't even-"

"Precisely what I've been thinking. Would you like some help?" A voice asked.

The voice belonged to a girl with long, flowing, yellow-blonde hair pulled into a ponytail, and thick leather gloves on her hands.

"Yes, thank you." I said.

She took a small pocket knife from her bag and easily speared a fish. She pulled it from the stream triumphantly, watching as it flopped around. I gaped at her in wonder.

"I'm False. You?" She asked.

"Pix. Um... how the heck-"

She smiled, the smallest hint of a laugh playing on the corners of her mouth.

"It's okay, I've been doing this for years. Would you like a try?"

I took the knife from her outstretched hand and poked at the fish in the small stream.

"These slippery little-"


"-Necklaces! Jeez, why won't they just go around- my-"

A horn sounded, startling me. I wrapped my golden locks through my fingers and pulled.

What was that?

Get it together, Gem.

I dropped the necklace of flowers I had been making to calm myself down and walked towards the sound.

It sounded almost like a-


"-Goose!" Joey exclaimed. "It literally sounds like a- what?! Why are you laughing?"

I continued to laugh, the unexpected comment too much for me.

"Sorry, that was just really unexpected-"

Joey, or whatever his name was, smiled.

We continued to walk down the path in silence.

"You never told me your name." He said. "I told you mine. Spill."

"Jimmy." I said, looking-


Around at this place. We were in a small courtyard surrounding the large mansion.

"Pix, this place is terrifying." I said, moving a little closer to him.

Pull yourself together, False. You don't need to lean on anyone.

I stepped away.

He smiled. "I thought you didn't get scared, little miss I-can-spear-fish-with-a-knife."

"The most violent are the most provoked," was all I said. He didn't ask me to elaborate, and for that I was grateful.

"What do you think we're all doing here? I mean... we must all be here for a reason." I said, as we walked towards the crowd of about a dozen people.

Pix stared at the huge crowd , and I-


Smiled at all thirteen of us here, all lost, confused, and slightly annoyed. I wanted to make a good impression, as I seemed to be alone here. However, the friendships already seemed to be formed...

I spotted Oli and Sausage at the far side of the courtyard and ran to them in relief. They pulled me into a hug.

"I thought I was here alone." I said, almost in tears.

Oli hugged me tighter. "Oh, Shelby. I'd sing you a song, but the last time I tried to do that we got sent to this creepy place."

I nodded. "Yeah, please refrain from singing until we find a way home."

He nodded back, almost mocking me. "I'll try."

He stuck his tongue out at me, and I returned the favour.

Suddenly, a voice rang out over the mountains, amplified as if by magic. Many people froze.

"Hello. Welcome, brave thirteen, to a contest like no other. Welcome to..."


"-Good And Evil." The voice said, rather ominously. I immediately stepped closer to Lizzie. We survived the woods together, maybe we could survive this.

She turned to me.

"fWhip... I don't like the sound of this."

I shook my head in wonder and fear. Neither did I.


Time: 9:27 pm, Date: 2nd of April.

Welcome to a new fic! Based off the reality tv show 'The Traitors'.

Thanks guys!


Ps: Book cover coming as soon as it can-

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