This School Weird as Fuck
Following class, Lazarus was in the Counselor's office. She was a tall, fair-skinned woman with blonde hair with silver highlights. She was wearing a long black dress slit in the sides and a red choker with a rose lock around her neck. Her cleavage was on full display, and Lazarus swore he could see a nipple through one of the holes in the dress. He also caught sight of her plump ass as she bent over her desk to write something down on a notepad. As she walked up to him, Lazarus noticed she was wearing black heels and had her breasts pushed upwards.
Lazarus: Uh ma'am, I have a question. It's about the dress code
Counselor: What is it, young man? You're Lazarus Ambrose correct?
Lazarus: I allowed to wear a hat?
Counselor: Mr. Ambrose....what kind of question is that?
Lazarus: W-well I see girls with other extreme things so I thought-
Counselor: Of COURSE you're allowed to wear a hat. Forgive my swearing but if a girl can wear a skirt short enough to where her literal ASS is exposed if she bent over ever so slightly, why wouldn't you be allowed to wear a hat?
Lazarus laughed a little awkwardly at that. He'd known the girl that was mentioned, and she was quite the oddity of the school; she never wore any kind of clothing besides that short skirt, not even underwear. Her skirt was so short you could almost see her pussy if she sat down. And if she bent over, you could see it plainly. He almost forgot that it wasn't allowed in his own school.
Counselor: Now I'm not a mean person or anything, but I do have some questions about you. I heard you have horns and sharp teeth.
Lazarus: Oh....yeah. I was born with them. Not full blown horns, but cute little nubs that got longer and sharper as I got older. They stopped growing when I turned 14.
Counselor: Oh, I see. Are you sure you don't want to hide them? Blackthorn girls may be different, but some may bully you for the fun of it.
Lazarus: It's okay, I don't mind. I'm used to being bullied.
Counselor: You were bullied for your appearance?
Lazarus nodded and the counselor looked sad for a moment.
Counselor: It doesn't matter here, the girls of Blackthorn don't care about such things. Now about that hat you had asked for.
Lazarus: Oh yeah! It's nothing too crazy, it's just a black campaign hat like a police officer or something.
Counselor: I see. Is that what you have in your bag?
He nodded and took said hat out of his bag. It was the simple black campaign hat that was common with police officers and other officers of the law. It was featureless apart from the black ribbon that came with it.
Counselor: Well.....this is actually within regulations, but it does bring up another question. Why did you ask me if it was within regulations?
Lazarus shrugged, not sure what to say.
Lazarus: I-I dunno? I just felt like it was going to be denied for some reason. I mean, I can't follow some things within the rules because I'm a boy and all, like the subtle lingerie thing or the garters. Or the rule about girls having to wear black, I mean I have on black right now but-
Counselor: Why wouldn't you be allowed to?
Lazarus: Aren't there some things boys and girls are not allowed to do or wear or whatever?
Counselor: Huh? Of course not! Blackthorn is an all-girls school with the exception of you, of course. But there is no rule that states what genders can or cannot wear certain things.
Lazarus' eyes widened and he stared at her with his mouth hanging wide open.
Counselor: And what do you mean by you can't follow the lingerie or garter rule?
Lazarus blushed and shook his head.
Counselor: If you want to cross-dress, feel free to-
Lazarus: I'm good! I'm good.
Counselor: Though your hat is still within regulations, do you mind if I add something to your hat Mr. Ambrose?
Lazarus: Uh...not at all.
He gave her the hat and she observed it. Then she reached under her desk, took out a silver skull and crossbones pin, and pinned it to the front hole on the hat before giving it back to him. He took the hat and looked at it, feeling that it was now his own. He felt strange wearing the hat; it felt so right to wear it. And then he felt the ribbon tighten around the back of his head, giving him a soft head tilt to the side. When he left the counselor's office, but not before getting his dorm key and student ID, he blushed as he felt a thump on his ass from behind and turned to see Loona.
Lazarus: Oh...Loona.
Loona: So this is where you ran off to after class. What's with the hat trooper? Makes you look hotter, though the uniform kinda kills it.
Lazarus: Well....I just went to ask if I was allowed to wear the hat is all.
Lazarud: Yeah.....I didn't-
Loona: Lazarus, I'm wearing a crop top, my ass practically DEVOURS my fucking shorts, there's a girl who wears g-strings with short skirts, our teacher's fucking tits are about to come out of her shirt, and you didn't think you could wear a fucking hat? I mean, I know you see this fat ass of mine.
To prove her point, Loona turned around and lightly pulled the hem of her shorts upward. Lazarus' eyes went wide at the sight of her jiggling and slightly exposed ass cheeks. Loona giggled a little as she put her shorts back into place.
Loona: Oh indeed, Lazarus.
She smacked her ass as she swayed her hips. Lazarus couldn't help but stare at her, feeling a slight stirring in his pants. And then he noticed the tightening in his crotch area. Something was rising, and it wasn't the Shield Hero. Loona seemed to notice as well.
Loona: Aw, don't look so sad about it Lazarus.
Surprisingly, Loona leaned into him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
Loona: Maybe I'll let you feel up my ass during lunch, but now I gotta show your sorry ass around.
He nodded and followed her. Blackthorn Academy has the same things as a regular school: a Library, Cafeteria, Gym, Computer Lab, Music Room, Art Room, Outdoor fields, Indoor courts, a Pool, and an Outdoor Track. There are a few other unique things like a Dance room, an acting studio, a theatre, a photography room, a greenhouse, an animal shelter for the animal biology class, an indoor track, an outdoor and indoor obstacle course, an archery range, and an indoor rock climbing wall. Lazarus blushed at the sight of the animal shelter, there was a girl there with a large black wolf on a leash. The wolf itself was larger than any real wolf he'd ever seen; it was almost the size of a Great Dane. The girl also didn't wear a shirt besides her corset and her skirt was short enough that he could see her pussy lips through the slit in it. Lazarus stared for a second before looking away with a blush. Loona laughed a little at his action as they continued walking.
Loona: Oh man you're such a virgin.
Lazarus: Shut up....but what was with that wolf?
Loona: Oh that? Yeah school rules say you can have pets but you gotta get em' tagged, which is just registering them
Lazarus: Lots of weird rules here huh-are those two making out in front of a teacher?
Lazarus pointed to two girls who were in fact, making out as a teacher was going through some papers in the halls. Loona grinned a bit and walked to the teacher with Lazarus in tow. The teacher in question is a tall and beautiful dark-skinned woman with knee-length curly dark blue hair, red eyes, two sharp fangs, long dark nails, and an hourglass figure. She is wearing a long crimson dress, red shiny jewelry, and dark lipstick. For a choker, it takes the form of a black band with a red crystal dangling from it. There is a rose emblem inside the crystal. She gives off the affectionate mother vibe, which is evident from her cheerful smile. When it comes to her body on the other hand....
Teacher: Ah Loona, how are you?
Loona: I'm pretty good Ms. Mettle, just showing the new guy around.
The now-named Ms. Mettle smiled widely at Lazarus.
Ms. Mettle: Hello there young man, I'm Ms. Wilhamena Mettle. I'm a Literature teacher here. If you need help academically, please don't hesitate to ask me for any assistance.
Before he could even get a word out, Loona wrapped his arm around her and made him grope her breast. And even more to his surprise, Ms. Mettle didn't even lose her joyful smile. He could even say he may have seen her smile get wider.
Wilhamena: Is he settling in nicely Loona?
Loona: Yeah, getting used to all the rules and shit like that.
Wilhamena: Good, I'm sure you'll do great here Lazarus. Don't worry about any of the rules or the girls here. We'll all help you out if you need it.
Lazarus nodded a little and continued to walk with Loona, still blushing from the feeling of her breast under his hand. He'd definitely have to pick up a book of rules and regulations later. Loona just smiled a bit as they walked to Lunch.
Loona: See dork, it's allowed.
Lazarus: Ain't no way in hell that's allowed. Loona you made me grab your tit in front of a pretty fine teacher, I'm sure she just doesn't mind PDA.....for some reason.
Loona: You'll see horny boy.
They made it to the cafeteria and Lazarus took in the decor and general aesthetic. The interior of the cafeteria has a very spooky vibe to it, but not like an overly creepy vibe. It reminded him of his grandma's house, a rather Victorian-themed aesthetic with black tables and chairs, a black rug with white stripes, and red rose emblazoned curtains and the like. And as for the decor; it consisted of pictures of roses and a few paintings. Lazarus also noticed a large painting of the Blackthorn School symbol in the center of the room. The symbol is a black rose with a thornless stem, thorns surrounding the base of the stem, and a black snake entwined around it, almost making it resemble a rose crown.
Loona: C'mon Lazarus let's go eat. I'm craving Chinese.
Lazarus: Wait what's the menu for today?
Loona: don't HAVE to eat what the school cooks. I mean you can but there are like small restaurants in the food court.
Lazarus: Huh?
Rolling her eyes, she brought him to said food court and it had a multitude of simple fast food places. There was a Starbucks, Burger King, McDonald's, Subway, Panda Express, Qdoba, and even a Charley. All of them, however were in accordance with the Goth theme of the school. Lazarus gave Loona a look of disbelief before taking his phone and sending a text to his grandmother.
Lazarus: "Hey grandma, this school has fast-food restaurants IN it"
Grandma: "That's normal, honey. They're pretty popular and Blackthorn does have a lot of money."
Lazarus: "How come no one told me this shit?"
Grandma: "Well you never asked sweetie. Enjoy your first day, Grandma has some errands to run."
With a sigh, Lazarus joined Loona in getting food. Whereas she got some Chowmein and Orange chicken from Panda Express, he opted for a 20 piece with Sweet and Sour and Buffalo sauce. Loona raised an eyebrow at his order, but didn't comment. She grabbed a table and he followed her, putting the food down and taking off his bag and hat.
Loona: Hey, you know I was wondering. What is it you like in a girl?
Lazarus was taken aback by the question.
Lazarus: What do you mean?
Loona: Like what do you find attractive in a girl? Her looks, her body, her personality-
Lazarus thought for a moment before shrugging.
Lazarus: Honestly? I don't really have a type. As long as she's confident and happy with herself, I'll give her a shot.
Loona giggled a bit.
Loona: Wow.....such a virgin answer horny boy. Also, remember what I said about the rules earlier?
Lazarus: Yeah.....that Ms. Mettle doesn't just let that happen? Why?
Loona suddenly sat on his lap, her back on his chest. And with how short her shorts are, her ass was pressed right up on his cock. And in a second, he could feel himself stiffen and get hard.
Loona: Ms. Mettle was my Literature teacher last year. And she was very affectionate with me and a few other girls. It was fun.
Lazarus' breath caught in his throat as he looked at Loona's expression, and she looked back with her eyes like that of a hungry wolf.
Loona: *You're so fucking hot, and now you're getting so fucking hard*.
Lazarus felt like he was getting lightheaded at Loona's actions. He blushed even harder when she reached up and ran her hands through his dreadlocks, playing with them a bit. He felt her breathing on the back of his neck, and he could feel her body heat coming from her. He stared at the girls and teachers who were passing by, feeling like they were all staring at him. Though they shrugged it off as if it were a natural occurrence, even if he's the first boy in history to attend. As if to answer his thoughts, Loona rubbed her ass back onto his cock and he groaned a little in response, feeling himself throb in his pants.
Loona: *Ooh, you like that?*
Loona began to rub her ass back and forth on his crotch, teasing his cock through the fabric. It was so stimulating that Lazarus had to place his hands on her waist in an attempt to slow her down, but that plan backfired on him. She took his hands and placed them on her ass, and then she pushed her ass against his crotch. She then started to rub and grind against him in earnest, moaning a little as she felt his cock press against her pussy through their pants. Lazarus felt himself shudder a bit at her actions, and he even moaned a little when she rubbed her ass in circular motions. She was getting him close to orgasm already.
Loona: I love the feel of your cock against my pussy through our pants, so thick and so warm.
Lazarus almost couldn't take it anymore, he felt himself getting closer and closer to orgasm. His cock was throbbing in his pants as he gripped her ass with a deathly iron grip. Suddenly, she stopped grinding and just sat there normally.
Loona: Sorry hot stuff but I don't want you creaming your pants.
He grumbled but just ate his food despite being blue balled. Loona grabbed a nugget and dipped it in Buffalo sauce before holding it up to him.
Loona: Here, I'll feed you while you grab my ass, think of it as an apology.
He blushed a little but just went ahead and grabbed her ass, feeling it jiggle and squish in his hands. And then he took the nugget from her mouth, letting out a light moan at how good the spicy sauce tasted with the crispy fried chicken. He started to eat that, not even stopping when she leaned back and rubbed her ass up and down his crotch once again. For some reason, the food at the school tasted better than an actual McDonald's he's been to. The nuggets are his favorite and he always orders them, but something made them taste better.
Loona: Look at that. I thought you were a prude, but I guess that wasn't true. I don't blame you though, you're so fucking hot.
She giggled at him, taking a bite of her own food before feeding him again. She sat sideways to be more comfortable, giving him a nugget dipped in Buffalo sauce again and putting his hand back on her ass while his other one was wrapped around her. She started to gently rock her hips and ass, rubbing it against him as they ate together. He continued to moan a little each time, not really feeling the same pleasure that sent him closer but a.....different kind. A kind of pleasure he didn't know existed, like a deep burning pleasure that was also calming and soothing. She continued to rock her hips against him while they ate, and his cock just twitched a bit each time it felt her pussy lips rub against it through their clothes. They continued to eat together like that until the bell rang and they had to head to class. Lazarus quickly grabbed his stuff, his hat going on in the process, and the hat ribbon him the usual head tilt. And then they walked together, Loona rubbing his ass through his pants the entire time.
Loona: Ooh I'm so wet right now.
Lazarus: Ain't I supposed to be the one touching ass?
Loona gave him a cheeky smirk and stopped touching his ass.
Lazarus just stared at her for a second before smacking her ass. He got the desired reaction when she let out a squeak and a little giggle.
Loona: Not bad, hot stuff, not bad.
Lazarus didn't say anything as he grabbed a handful of her ass, making her squeak again at the sudden and more aggressive action. He squeezed it hard, feeling it squish in his grip. Then he released it and walked ahead of her, hoping it would give him some time to breathe. But then he felt Loona grab him from behind and almost make him fall.
Loona: Don't try to get away from me so easily Lazarus!
Lazarus gave her a smirk of his own before pushing her against a locker. He grabbed her ass again, feeling her push her body against his as he leaned down to whisper to her.
Lazarus: I'll spank that ass if you try to tease me like that again.
Loona just giggled and bit her lip, looking him up and down before giving him a push. He gave her a grin before heading off to class, but he stopped when he felt his pants feel slightly lighter. Turning back around to see Loona holding his phone and taking selfies with it. He groaned and just grabbed his phone back, not wanting to even imagine what the pictures were like. He went on ahead to class with her in tow.
After the school day ended, Lazarus and Loona were walking to their dorm. He was informed that he would be sharing with her, which he frankly didn't mind doing. The keys students have are more decorative than anything, but they have small chips that act as keycards. He looked around the room and liked the punk goth theme Loona had going on. There was a bed and desk with a few other small things, but it mostly consisted of clothes, shoes, and other things a punk girl might like. Speaking of beds, there were two in the room and they were pretty big for one person. There was even a small kitchen area and one bathroom, which he assumed was pretty big. Loona spoke up, breaking the silence that in the room.
Loona: So do you like the room Lazarus?
Lazarus: It's fine, pretty cool decor.
Loona: Thanks! I got it decorated over the summer.
He just nodded as they sat down on his bed. He sighed a little, feeling the stress and weight of the day.
Loona: Something wrong, hot stuff?
Lazarus: Just stressed from all the new things I experienced today. That and I need to shower. Oh and read some of the rules about this weird ass place.
Loona: Stressed huh?
She took off her shoes and climbed into the bed with him. At this point, he isn't even surprised.
Loona: Wanna lay on my chest?
Lazarus: Sure.
And that's exactly what he does, tired from today's events.
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