It's a beautiful (albeit windy, true to the Chicago slogan) Wednesday morning, 10 AM on the dot.
Jungkook stayed up until midnight last night watching similar movies to the scene he saw on set, observing how other people edited the scenes and studying how he would do things differently or taking note of some good details he should add into his own editing.
The sun is shining, yet the morning chill practically comes through the big skyscraper hotel windows. Jungkook is hot-natured, but it doesn't mean he wants to be cold, so he puts on jeans and a black t-shirt underneath his jean jacket, deeming it enough to stay warm—he hasn't quite gotten to know Chicago yet, clearly, because whenever he goes to get in Seokjin's van, he's rubbing his arms with his hands and shivering.
"Turn the heat on, please," Seokjin asks the driver as he sits next to Jungkook. He gives the younger a small smile. "It's winter in Chicago, Jungkook-ah. Your ripped jeans and a jean jacket won't keep you warm."
Jungkook pouts down at his outfit. Maybe he should've worn a long sleeve as well, and a warmer coat like Seokjin has on over his—of course—business attire.
"Aren't you cold, too?" Jungkook questions as the driver turns the wheel to take them to the shopping center. The warm heat from the vents makes Jungkook feel a little better, so he stops rapidly trying to heat himself up with his hands.
"I'm always cold," Seokjin sighs. "I planned on bringing some earmuffs at least, but I forgot them. We'll buy some, yeah?"
Seokjin's ears are awfully red, and this time Jungkook knows it's not because of him being flustered. Anyone could feel the Chicago wind and have red ears—hell, Jungkook's ears are probably red and he doesn't normally redden so easily.
"I have a beanie in my suitcase," Jungkook tells him, "I'll be alright. You should buy yourself some earmuffs, though. You'll catch a cold."
"You'll catch a cold, too. I'll just buy you another beanie, then."
At this point, Jungkook doesn't even bother with rejecting Seokjin's offer. The man is rich and probably doesn't have any issues with buying things when needed, while Jungkook is fine having one beanie that he got for Christmas three years ago, even though he goofed up and decided not to wear it today because he fixed his hair all nicely.
He just wanted to look good.
For no reason in particular.
"Where exactly are we going?" Jungkook asks, looking out the window as they pass by many cars. It wows him because the traffic is heavy and it isn't even rush hour yet.
"There's a shopping center which has a movie and pop culture merch shop," says Seokjin, smiling to himself. "It's a nice-looking place. I looked up the reviews."
Jungkook nods. "Sounds nice. Thank you for taking me."
"No problem, Jungkook-ah."
As it turns out, the shopping center that Seokjin was talking about is a mall. A ginormous Chicago mall. Its floors have floors. There's stairs and ramps that lead up to different floor levels, and the place is so huge that Jungkook can only gawk as they make their way through it.
"Let's get something to eat first," Seokjin offers, placing his hand on Jungkook's back and leading him towards the food center.
Again, Jungkook is in awe at the sight. The food center isn't like normal malls with a few fast food choices—though there definitely isn't a lack of American fast food restaurants to choose from. There's actual restaurants and places to dine in. There's TVs for entertainment, fancy seats and tables, and—
"Is that a bar?" Jungkook questions, shocked to see a big counter with alcohol set up and glasses dangling behind the counter. There's a man working at the counter, serving drinks. "What is this place?"
Seokjin chuckles. "Looks more like a casino, doesn't it?"
There's fancy glass chandelier art hanging everywhere, giving the fanciest lighting possible. And a bar? With restaurants?
"I've never been to a casino," Jungkook admits, "but this is how I would envision one. All it needs is a 777 slot machine and some poker tables." He's still in awe, but Seokjin laughs it off as if the place is nothing to him. Maybe he's been here before. Maybe he's seen fancier places before. Maybe he could own the damn place and Jungkook wouldn't know any better.
"Let's go here." Seokjin points at The Cheesecake Factory entrance. "It's not too fancy, but I think you might would like the dessert they have."
Jungkook raises an eyebrow at him. "Not too fancy?" he questions, feeling his head swirl. He's only seen the restaurant a few times on social media, a few memes here and there about how fancy it is, and he can't just overlook the fact that Seokjin doesn't think it's fancy enough.
"You don't want to?" Seokjin asks, tilting his head in response. Jungkook gapes at him.
"Seokjin-ssi, this is one of the fanciest places I've ever stepped foot in—and I haven't even stepped in yet."
This earns a relieved laugh from Seokjin, and it's the squeaky kind, the one Jungkook loves to hear. "Come on, Jungkook. Let's get you some cheesecake."
For no reason at all, Seokjin gets them a table in The Cheesecake Factory. Jungkook feels broke just looking at the prices on the menu, but Seokjin urges him to buy whatever he wants. Though he doesn't want to take advantage, he definitely doesn't want to reject the offer. So, he orders some pasta and a slice of chocolate cheesecake.
"This is amazing," he tells Seokjin, who's eating his own cheesecake—definitely not a strawberry flavored one because he informs Jungkook that he dislikes the flavor. He also ordered chocolate just to match Jungkook.
"It's delicious," Seokjin agrees, practically licking the fork he's using. Jungkook giggles as Seokjin's bite falls off of his fork and right back onto the plate.
"Hyung, slow down, it's not gonna run away—" Immediately, Jungkook stops himself mid-sentence as he realizes what he's just called Seokjin, who's looking at him with an amused twinkle in his eyes. "I- I didn't mean to call you hyung. Sorry about that."
Seokjin waves him off with his fork. "Don't worry, Jungkook-ah. I like being called hyung more than I do sir."
"But you're my boss."
He shrugs. "It's not like we're on business hours. Call me whatever you want. Hey," Seokjin changes the subject, "I heard that the merch store is having a sale today. You know what that means?" he asks, which has Jungkook looking at him dumbly.
"That... I'm getting things cheaper?"
"Yes, which means you don't have to scold me for spending a ton of money on you."
Jungkook chuckles. "But you're still spending money on me, though."
"Maybe, but it's not as much anymore." Seokjin hums, getting lost in thought. "Actually, since the store is on sale, you can buy everything you want. Maybe I won't go broke."
"You—" Jungkook deadpans at him. "You can't be serious. You're like... a millionaire or something. How could you possibly go broke?" he laughs out, but Seokjin merely shrugs.
"I'll go broke if it means you get all the merch you want, Jungkook-ah."
It shouldn't make Jungkook's heart skip a beat. It does, however, and Jungkook feels bad in a way. "Hyung," he tests the honorific out again, earning a pleased smile from Seokjin. "I'm not ever going to make you go broke. I only plan on buying a figurine, so you don't have to worry about that."
"I'm not worried. And you're buying more than that, I hope. Because I'm serious, Jungkook, I want you to have some nice things for your desk or even your home as well. Besides, I'm buying Kunwoo a few nice ties, so you should at least buy yourself a few things as well."
The mention of Kunwoo makes Jungkook want to gag over his cheesecake. Instead, he shoves some into his mouth to hide his grimace. He nods along, agreeing to buy a few things.
Once they're done eating and Seokjin pays the bill (not without Jungkook wincing at the price), they follow the undeniably confusing mall map to get to the merch store. The mall is seriously massive for no reason at all, but they eventually find their way.
The merch shop is twice the size of Jungkook's entire studio apartment. He first recognizes familiar anime merch, and then some k-pop merch which has his eyes shining like stars, and there's film merch all around—mostly action movies, which is great because that's what Jungkook likes.
But he doesn't even know where to start.
"Which ones do you like?" Seokjin asks as Jungkook glances over the albums.
Slowly, he points. "This one." He points off to another pop group. "And this one." He points to another cutesy album. "These girls are also really cool."
Seokjin picks up all three of the albums and then looks Jungkook in the eyes. "That's all the groups you like?"
"I—" Blinking dumbly, Jungkook doesn't exactly know what to say. His heart is all over the place, giddy that Seokjin is going to buy him some nice things, but he also feels guilty with each one Seokjin gets.
He ends up with five albums before they even get to the movie merch.
"Let me," the younger offers his hands, taking the albums from Seokjin's grasp. Seokjin tries to argue that he can carry them, but Jungkook argues back by saying that he's buying, to at least let him carry them.
"Here." Seokjin grabs a basket and lets Jungkook put the albums in it. Still, Jungkook pries the basket out of the older's hands and he smiles cheekily as Seokjin huffs in defeat. "Well, do you like any of the figurines?"
Jungkook stands in front of the ones that are displayed. "These are cool," he says, pointing at the superhero ones.
"They are," Seokjin agrees. "I loved those movies, too. Maybe..." he trails off, not finishing his sentence, and Jungkook wonders why. "Um. Let's get you some, then."
He gets the employee to get the figurines that Jungkook likes. After the younger man behind the counter gathers them all up, he takes them to the register and rings up all the items, bagging them in brown paper bags.
"Your total will be five hundred and—"
Jungkook lets out a tiny gasp, his brain short circuiting at the fact that it's over five hundred dollars. What the fuck did he buy? Five albums and six figurines costs that much?
He practically breaks his neck, turning to look back at the figurines, and his eyes widen at the price tags—they're small as hell, of course. The figurines Jungkook bought online were nowhere near as much as the ones here. Then again, his are made of cheap plastic unlike these cool figurines.
Still. Holy shit.
"Hey, listen," Seokjin breaks him out of his minor crisis. Jungkook stares at him with wide eyes, terrified that Seokjin is going to tell him he spent too much or scold him for picking out such expensive things. Instead, Seokjin is smiling as if five hundred dollars isn't even a dent in his account—it isn't. "The song," he says, pointing up at the speaker above their heads. "It's Too Good at Goodbyes. Too bad it isn't the Yeonhwa version, though."
The sudden memory brings a bubble of laughter from Jungkook, which causes Seokjin's smile to become bigger and brighter than before. They laugh together, earning an odd look from the cashier, but Jungkook still smiles away as he takes his two bags and thanks the man in English before stepping away with the older.
Seokjin snatches one of the bags from him, so Jungkook rolls his eyes.
"You didn't have to buy all of that," he finally says, his smile faint, but it's still there. "That was way more money than I thought it would be. I'm sorry."
Seokjin's mouth forms a small o. "How much was it?" he questions as if he wasn't the one who just paid for it. Jungkook deadpans, then tells him the price, and Seokjin furrows his eyebrows. "That's all? Damn. Do you want to go to another shop? I can—"
"No, please, this is enough." Jungkook pleads with his eyes. "You seriously don't have to do this much for me. Thank you, though."
Seokjin frowns. "What about your beanie? You were cold."
Oh. Right. "Let's go get you some earmuffs," he says instead.
In the end, Seokjin buys Jungkook a beanie in the same shop he buys his earmuffs, saying it'll look perfect on him. Jungkook wears it on the way back to the hotel, hating the fact that it does in fact look perfect on him.
Or maybe it's the fact that Seokjin bought it for him that makes it so perfect. Either way, Jungkook goes to his room and cherishes it, pushing the soft fabric into his face to hide his blush as he thinks about his incredibly lovely, fun, and handsome boss.
Thursday comes quickly. Jungkook pretty much did nothing at all after shopping with Seokjin, except for watching videos on social media and listening to Jimin gripe about not getting paid enough to have gone with Jungkook on his trip.
When Jungkook told Jimin that Seokjin took him out to go shopping and to eat at a nice restaurant, he expected Jimin to tease him. Instead, Jimin was silent on the phone as Jungkook went on, and Jungkook cringed when he realized he was talking so much about their boss of all people, like he's got a high school boy crush.
Before, Jimin didn't seem to care that Seokjin is their boss, insisting that Jungkook had a thing for him, so Jungkook wondered for a second why Jimin was being so quiet about it now. But he didn't question it after Jimin told him "I'm glad he took you out, my baby. It sounds like you're having fun."
Jungkook thought it might be because of some issues with his and Taehyung's relationship, but then Jimin went on to tell Jungkook that their little plus one party plan had worked almost too well and Taehyung ended up asking Jimin out for real. So it couldn't be that.
He brushed it off, though. Maybe Jimin just wasn't in a teasing mood.
Now that it's Thursday, Jungkook gets ready to go on the second set. They were informed that it won't last as long as the first day did. It's probably how Seokjin plans to take Kunwoo shopping and then go swimming after that.
The set is on the outside of a building; the scene before the previous one they filmed. It's where the main actors are entering the party room, speaking into their earpieces like Jungkook imagines a spy would.
And they were right. The filming doesn't last long at all—maybe two or three hours. Once it's done, Seokjin gathers Jungkook and Kunwoo together.
"Jungkook-ssi, I'll have a separate car take you back to the hotel or wherever you'd like to go. I'll be going with Kunwoo-ssi to shop."
Kunwoo is standing right by Seokjin. Gag. Jungkook nods to the older. "Okay, hy– Seokjin-ssi." The hard stare Kunwoo gives him makes Jungkook want to bang his head on a wall. He's looking too much into the fact that Jungkook almost called Seokjin hyung.
"Hmph." Seokjin doesn't hear Kunwoo's obviously suspicious tone or see the squint of his eyes because Seokjin is already walking away, assuming Kunwoo would follow him. Which he does after the fact, eyeing Jungkook one last time before scoffing and walking away.
Hate that, Jungkook thinks.
He also hates the fact that Kunwoo is going shopping with Seokjin, likely getting the same treatment that he'd gotten just yesterday. Having to remind himself that he's nothing special, he walks behind them to the vehicles, sighing as he gets in the second one, all cold and alone. The driver takes him back to the hotel because Jungkook has nowhere else he wishes to go.
For an entire three hours, Jungkook lies on the firm mattress with some loose sweatpants and t-shirt on, wondering how things are going for the other two. He wonders if Seokjin is going to take him to the mall, if he'll place his hand on Kunwoo's back and lead him to the fancy restaurant before spending hundreds of dollars on him and buying him a beanie because his ears must be cold.
Sighing, Jungkook stares at the ceiling.
And then, he hears a knock. Sitting up on the bed, he glances over at the door to his room, trying to rake his brain to remember if he ordered room service or something. No, he didn't. Still, he hops off the bed and heads right to the peep-hole, his mouth forming a little o as he sees Seokjin come into view. He opens the door with a smile.
"Hi, Seokjin-ssi."
His smile is returned, small and sweet. "Hi, Jungkook-ah." Seokjin is still in the same outfit: a white button-up and black slacks. Judging by the twinkle in his eyes, Kunwoo didn't tell Seokjin a bunch of lies about him like he did to Miyoung, so that's great. "I realized something while I was shopping with Kunwoo today," Seokjin says as Jungkook invites him into his room, and he doesn't notice the plastic bag in the older's hand until it knocks against the door when he shuts it.
"What did you realize?"
"That you didn't—" Seokjin's eyes land on the pile of pillows in the floor, stopping him mid-sentence. "Are you a pillow anti?"
Jungkook giggles, offering Seokjin a little shrug. "I like to lay flat. Sue me," he says, earning a smile in return.
"I see. Anyways. I had to buy Kunwoo some swimming shorts and I realized that we never bought you any." Seokjin holds up the bag. "I hope these fit. I got some with adjustable strings, so..." He sets the bag on Jungkook's bed. "I'm going down there now, if you want to come with."
Jungkook thanks him for the shorts, picking them out of the bag and observing them—they're black and just his size. "I'll be down there in a few minutes," he tells Seokjin, "I just need to finish up here real quick."
"Oh." Seokjin's eyes widen a little and he gestures to the shorts. "You don't have to come if you don't want to. I just bought them to make sure you had something if you wanted to."
"I want to," Jungkook assures him. He loves swimming. And if his hotel room is this fancy, he's excited to see what the pool looks like. So, he gives Seokjin a reassuring smile. "I'll be down soon. Go ahead."
With that, Seokjin leaves the room, and Jungkook faces the pillows on the floor, wondering if Seokjin thinks he's insane for sleeping without one.
Jungkook makes his way down the elevator to the pool room, perfectly fitting swim shorts on along with the t-shirt he's been sleeping in for the past few days—he plans on taking it off anyway. The hotel is huge, making it hard to find his way around, but he eventually follows the formal English signs and makes it to the familiar scent of chlorine and a glass door.
He steps through, his eyes adjusting to the white walls that have blue water reflected off of them. The pool room is bright and big, serving many feet of water from three feet deep to twelve on the other side. There's a NO RUNNING sign, though Jungkook wasn't planning on running a marathon in here anyways.
It isn't hard to spot Seokjin from across the room. Not only are there only two other people in the pool room who seem to be leaving, but it's just easy for Jungkook's eyes to gravitate towards him. Except this time when his eyes land on him, they stay put, piercing into the sight.
Holy shit.
Seokjin isn't in business clothes.
Seokjin is barely in any clothes at all. All he has on is black swim shorts and nothing else. His back is bare, which is all Jungkook sees right now, but it's such a sight. Broad shoulders, wide back, the trace of his spine down his back as he bends over to set something down on a lounge chair. It's gorgeously presented to Jungkook, even if it's from far away. He can't imagine getting any closer to such art, so he awkwardly stands by the entrance of the room.
Maybe it's the chlorine getting to his head, but Jungkook might just pass out whenever Seokjin turns around and he's introduced to a new sight of a broad chest and a slightly toned abdomen, skin so pretty that he wants to touch and feel it under his fingertips. He tries not to stare as Seokjin comes closer, averting his gaze and chewing at his lip.
"You gonna get in?" Seokjin questions once he's closer, and Jungkook swears that he's smirking. "You can set your stuff beside mine if you want. That's where Kunwoo put his."
"Where is Kunwoo?"
"He's in the changing room. He'll be out here any second." Jungkook doesn't want him out here. "You did bring clothes to change into afterwards, right?"
Jungkook holds up a bag that was hidden behind his towel. "Yup." He sets the bag and towel down in the chair beside him, deciding against putting it anywhere near where Kunwoo's things are. "Is the water warm?" he asks as Seokjin lowers himself into the pool. The older nods, so Jungkook tugs at the bottom of his shirt, lifting it over his head and chucking it to the chair.
He smiles shyly, locking eyes with Seokjin who doesn't seem to know where to look, shifting his gaze from the water to the younger. Jungkook's body is fit, he has toned abs, and he's confident in his looks, but for some reason he just feels shy whenever Seokjin's eyes examine him. He definitely notices Seokjin's Adam's apple move as he gulps and then clears his throat.
"You gonna get in?"
"Wow," Jungkook hears a very irritating voice speak before he can, and he side eyes Kunwoo who walks up behind him, clearly looking down at his ass. "Looks like boss knew exactly what size to get you, huh?" he asks, sounding cheeky, and it takes all of Jungkook not to spit in his face.
"I just guessed," Seokjin speaks up. "Come get in, the water feels great."
Jungkook turns and glares at Kunwoo as he walks towards the pool, making sure Seokjin can't see him. When they're all three finally in the pool, they swim around for a bit before finding little built-in seats by the wall. They sit there, Seokjin placed in between them, and they begin talking about work.
"My brother loves it here in America," Seokjin says and it echoes into the big room.
Jungkook tells him, "I didn't even know you had a brother."
"He's cool." Kunwoo's voice physically makes Jungkook want to dip his head into the water just so he can never hear it again. All he can think about is Kunwoo's voice telling Miyoung Let's kiss, Jungkook will never know.
"Yeah, Namjoon stays here in America most of the time. He's amazing, but I wish I could see him more often. He moved here about a year ago to work on bigger sets, but we still see each other quite a lot."
Jungkook can see it in Seokjin's fond eyes as he talks about his brother, how much he loves him. It must be nice—not that Jungkook's brother doesn't love him or anything, but they only see each other maybe twice a year during holidays or sometimes other random occasions.
"Do you message each other a lot?" Jungkook quietly asks, tilting his head as he thinks back to a few days ago. Namjoon has clearly been told about Seokjin kissing a stranger at the bar, and if they haven't seen each other in months... "Seems to me like you do. I bet you tell him every little detail, don't you?" he teases, grinning as Seokjin lightly splashes him with water.
"Not every detail," he retorts, crossing his arms. "I did— I do tell him some things." Seokjin clears his throat as Kunwoo leans forward, looking at them with furrowed eyebrows as if to question their conversation. "Mostly work. That's what we talk about," he changes the subject, though they technically were still on subject, but not one that Kunwoo would understand.
Kunwoo asks, "When will we be sent the emails for this edit?" and Seokjin hums, lifting his index finger to his chin and tapping it.
"Should be just a few days," he eventually figures. "It doesn't take long to export. It'll be as soon as possible."
Their conversation is interrupted when an older lady comes walking in, probably in her late forties, and she's dressed formally. Seokjin sits up as she comes in, earning the other two's attention as well. She stops just at the edge of the pool.
"Sir, your scheduled business call will be in a few minutes."
Sighing, Seokjin nods. "Well, I guess I'll go dry off and tend to work life in the changing room." He turns around and lifts himself up with his arms, practically leaving Jungkook to drool over the sight as water droplets fall down his gorgeous skin on the way up. "Be back in a few."
Seokjin heads to the changing room and now Jungkook is stuck with Kunwoo, who immediately drops his smile and locks eyes with Jungkook, who drops his smile as well. Kunwoo scoots over into what was Seokjin's spot, way too close to Jungkook, and Jungkook scowls as Kunwoo places his arm around him.
"You know," Kunwoo begins, sounding accusatory, "everyone at the office knows what you're doing, Jungkook."
Any other time, Jungkook would leave. He doesn't necessarily have to change into dry clothes to leave the room. He doesn't even necessarily have to stay and let Kunwoo sit by him, yet it's those words that makes him stiffen up and look at the younger, frowning.
"People at the office?" he questions, confused. There's an unwelcomed ball of worry that sinks down into his tummy and he hates it. He hates the feeling. Hates not knowing what Kunwoo is talking about, and why people are talking about him.
"Oh, come on." Kunwoo chuckles out, "Don't act stupid. The way you're always going to the CEO's office? Being all up on him at his party? You've flirted with him here in America, too. The photo we took at the set? Everyone thinks you're all over him. We all know you're sleeping with Seokjin to rig the voting."
Jungkook's eyes widen more and more with every word leaving Kunwoo's mouth. "I-I'm not— I didn't sleep with anyone. I'm not flirting with him." Fuck. Maybe I have been, he thinks to himself, biting at his lip uncomfortably.
"Everyone thinks so," Kunwoo informs him, narrowing his eyes, "and I know you are. Do you think I'm blind or something? I was your boyfriend for months. I know what you look like when you're blushing." He lifts his hand, caressing the back of his fingers against Jungkook's cheek, and Jungkook shakily smacks his hand away. It makes Kunwoo smirk. "Do you really want to be known as someone who sleeps their way into a job, Jungkook?"
If he thinks about it, absolutely not. On a surface level, he knows he's innocent. He knows that he isn't sleeping with his boss and he doesn't have to prove himself or his innocence to anyone. The only person he truly cares about proving himself to is Seokjin. He really really doesn't want Seokjin to hear about this and think that he's trying to use him—even if he hasn't done anything wrong or slept with him like they claim.
He doesn't want Seokjin to think it's a possibility, that him mildly flirting with him is a ploy to get into his pants and rig the voting by manipulation or something.
"I am not sleeping with him."
Kunwoo shrugs, then begins to get out of the pool. "If you say so." He gets out, standing tall above Jungkook. Kunwoo narrows his eyes down at him as Jungkook leans forward, grimacing as water falls from Kunwoo and splatters onto his back. "I hope you're better than that, Jungkook. It would be fucked up for you to use the CEO like that."
"I don't wanna hear shit from you," Jungkook bites back nearly in a growl, frustrated as Kunwoo leaves to wrap his towel around himself and walks around nonchalantly. "How dare you accuse me of doing fucked up things as if you haven't done worse? How about you mind your business?"
Kunwoo heads towards the exit, ignoring Jungkook and not saying anything in response. It makes Jungkook fume, somehow heating up the water surrounding him even more. Suddenly the water feels icky on his skin. He can't believe the people on his floor would think such a thing of him, but the more he sits there and thinks about it, he can't help but imagine how it must look to everyone else.
He is practically all over Seokjin. Just a week ago, he'd scolded himself for trying to kiss Seokjin. It's not just the first time it's happened, either. Twice now, he's kissed and tried to kiss him—despite the first time being before Seokjin was the CEO at Jungkook's building. Still, he leaned in again at the office, and he'd fallen into Seokjin's arms at the party, which might have looked suspicious, and the photo they took the other day did look like he was standing too close to his boss to be professional.
Fuck. Jungkook groans to himself, pouting down at his shriveled up fingers as he picks at his shorts—the ones Seokjin bought him, fuck sake. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"Jungkook-ah?" The familiar sound of a honey-toned voice only makes him frown. He can't even look Seokjin in the eyes. "Where did Kunwoo go? You staying in the pool?"
Forcing a weak smile onto his face, Jungkook nods up at the CEO. "He got out. I'm going to stay here for a little bit. You can go, though."
"I can stay here with you."
"Um." Jungkook's heart feels conflicted at the thought of Seokjin staying in the pool with him. Sure, he'd love to swim with Seokjin and be alone with him now that Kunwoo is gone. But that's what the problem is: he shouldn't want to be alone with his boss. "I'm good. I'm just gonna sit here for a while. Really, you can go. I know you probably have things to do."
Seokjin laughs lightly. "Jungkook, I'm totally free. I'll stay with you," he says, stepping forward. Jungkook inhales a sigh to himself.
"I want to be alone," he lets out, immediately stopping Seokjin in his tracks. It's silent for a good few seconds, just the sound of water being pumped and the sound of little ripples flowing into the pool. Jungkook hates the silence, but he hates the reason for the silence even more.
"Oh." Out of the corner of his eyes, Seokjin wraps his towel back around his hips. "Okay. I'll leave you alone then."
He doesn't sound angry—maybe a little disappointed, but not angry. And he does just as he says he will, gathering his things and heading back into the changing room so he can dry up and leave. Jungkook's head begins to pound even harder than his heart does, having heat build up in his chest. He needs air that isn't filled with chlorine desperately, feeling his chest tighten too much to be dealt with lightly.
Whenever Seokjin leaves, Jungkook rushes out of the pool. He's lightheaded and dizzy, hardly managing to stand up long enough to wrap the towel around himself. He gives up on wanting to go get fresh air, plopping down onto the lounge chair and gripping the towel around his shoulders, letting out a little cry.
Oh no.
Tears fall down his cheeks before he knows it, but he holds his breath. Wipes the tears away. Swallows his cries. Refuses to cry.
Instead, he inhales a deep breath and tells himself he won't let it get to him. He won't panic. He'll just do the logical thing, which he should've been doing from the start: no more flirting with Kim Seokjin and Kim Seokjin is your boss, nothing more, and you will no longer throw yourself onto him.
Jungkook doesn't need to sleep with his boss to be chosen as the better choice for the position. His editing is wonderful. In his mind, he knows that Seokjin isn't the type to ask Jungkook to sleep with him for the job, but there's just a part of Jungkook who wants to prove himself even though Seokjin has no idea. There's a part of him who wants to prove to himself that he doesn't need to flirt with Seokjin to be chosen by him—his skills are the most important factor in this interview.
So, he'll refrain from the flirting.
He'll stop throwing himself onto Seokjin.
Distancing himself is the best way, for now.
...aha... hi... the angst.....
poor koo is very insecure and has anxiety so PLS CUT HIM SOME SLACK OKAY???
anyway i finished writing/editing golden kiss last night!! there will be 16 chapters + 2 bonus scenes so basically 17 chapters c: we're a little over halfway! i hope you guys enjoy the fic, really. i'm not so used to writing fics that are longer than like 10k LOL and this one is 58k..... i'm so proud of myself c;
thank you guys so much for reading and commenting!! you make my day <3
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