27. Soft
What is up? is this an... update. HUH, mack updated? what is this? a miracle.
recap: tylers at joshs house enjoying his time in little space.
Jim ended up being an angel, to Josh's utter most surprise, somehow he seemed to adapt to how overwhelmed Tyler was and calmed down, a lot more than usual. Naturally when they first brought him inside, he was excited though, circling around Tyler and demanding to be pet.
Tyler had easily adapted too, immediately falling to the floor so he could pet Jim as he called him a "Good puppy," as well as Jimmy, because he thought it was fitting. Jim was all over him and ended up rolled onto his back, stomach stretched out so Tyler would scratch his belly.
Before touching Jim, Tyler had looked at Josh for permission though, which Josh had found somewhat amusing but Tyler just felt like he needed to ask Josh before he did stuff, just to make sure it was safe.
"Go for it, Ty." Josh had said, hiding a smile behind his hand. Tyler had grinned at Josh's approval, and Tyler gave Jim all his love and attention and he was really happy that Josh's dog liked him so much. He'd always wanted a dog.
Since they were in the kitchen anyways, Josh slipped behind the counter."I'm gonna make some coffee-"
"Yuck," Tyler said quietly as he laid down on the floor beside Jim and continued petting him. Josh snorted.
"S' dirt." Tyler shrugged innocently, making a sour face. Coffee was yucky, even his daddy couldn't convince him otherwise.
"Well it's my dirt and it's good, silly." Josh walked around to his coffee machine and reached up to grab a mug and a cup from the cabinets above. "Do you want juice?"
"Apple?" Tyler asked, tilting his head back so he could see Josh.
Josh stood above him. "Yeah." He poked Tyler's knee with his socked toe. "I can do that."
"Ow." Tyler pouted dramatically just as Jim wiggled over beside him and rested his head on his stomach. Tyler gaped, immediately forgetting about Josh touching him with his gross feet. "Joshie look!" He pointed.
Josh had already been looking, but just to indulge Tyler, he looked at both him and Jim anew and made a surprised face. "I think he may love you little bee."
"He love me?" Tyler asked, dialect kind of off, Josh found it endearing if anything. He seemed to care less about making sense and more about wording things in the easiest way his brain could handle.
"He definitely loves you." Josh told him. "Do you want to give him a treat?" He asked as he moved to the fridge, pulling out a carton of apple juice.
Tyler was at his side a moment later, Jim wagging his tail excitedly beside him. "Please." Tyler said. "Jim is good."
Josh shook his head, amused. "Jim is very good," He addressed his dog. "Want Tyler to give you a treat?"
Jim tilted his head and made a little barking noise, Tyler gasped and looked at Josh with wide disbelieving eyes. "He talks?"
"Mhm," Josh hummed, sliding open one of the drawers in search for Jim's treats. He handed Tyler the bag once he found it but before he let Tyler run away he told him; "Only two, or else he'll get a belly ache okay?"
Tyler nodded. "Uh-huh."
Tyler skipped over to the living room, taunting Jim with the treat as he followed along.
The rest of the afternoon passed by slowly, so slowly and Tyler loved it. It was relaxing and allowed him to stay deep into his headspace, every little problem in his life was consequently pushed down, hidden, as he stayed lax and tired in little space. This was why he needed to regress, so he could feel good, so he could feel like more than just an embodiment of his stress.
That wasn't to say he was constantly stressed, of course he had good moments. But he also had his bad ones which had become more and more of a constant.
In the fort that they'd made—which was truthfully slowly falling apart—they ended up watching a movie together. Tyler, even in little space, had consciously scooted further away from Josh, specifically because he was scared that Josh would react badly if he got too comfortable. But then he started getting tired, his head lolled and he ended up needing to cuddle up against him. So he asked, like the good guy he was.
"Okay?" Tyler asked carefully, quietly as he rested his head on his shoulder and linked their ankles together in an effort to get more comfortable. If he could, he definitely would've curled up in his lap but he was still too shy around Josh.
"Of course." Josh said immediately, he then wrapped an arm around him and pulled him closer until their hips, thighs and waists were squished together and Tyler had his arm around his waist. Tyler could feel to heat rising to his cheeks and smiled content, nuzzling against his shoulder for a moment.
So he'd ended up shyly cuddling up to Josh in their fort. He avoided touching him too much, the only thing his mind was truly aware of was Josh and even little Tyler knew to be cautious around what he did around him. Even though Josh calmed him down he also made him really anxious. But now with his head against his shoulder and an arm wrapped around his bicep. Tyler felt safe. And he was glad for it, this was all he could ask for.
Josh was so good to him, he seemed to know exactly how to take care of him. He asked all the right questions.
Josh was in the kitchen making dinner and Tyler was in their fort with Jim curled up on a pillow beside him when he heard his phone start ringing. His stomach dropped just a little because he was in no state to answer it and it just slightly made him realize that he had been on his way out of little space for a little over 20 minutes now. He wanted to stay small but he couldn't control his headspace or where his mind exudes to bring him.
The ringing phone was just the catalyst. He'd left his phone on the coffee table and crawling out of the fort to go get it made him feel upset because he wasn't really little anymore. Still, Jim got up when he crawled over to the coffee table and snatched his buzzing phone off of it.
It was his dad, of course. Tyler wasn't surprised.
He was ripped out of little space almost immediately and it wasn't painful but it put him into a vulnerable state, he still felt small and distant from himself but his dad had called him twice in a row and he had a few texts from his mom and he needed to be big to talk to either of them. They couldn't know about him regressing, they'd probably bring him to a doctor and get him psychologically evaluated. It wasn't hard to snap out of being small but it was kind of embarrassing to look back on what he's spent his whole day doing with Josh.
Carefully he pulled out his phone and sat on the couch to call back. Cautiously pulling his feet to rest on the couch and knees to touch his chest. He could hear movement in the kitchen and sighed shakily to as he called his dad back.
Jim trotted over and sat down in front of him, wagging his tail. Tyler's phone rung three times before his dad actually picked up.
"Dad?" He said.
The voice on the other line shuffled for a bit before his father's voice became loud and clear. "Hey kid,"
Tyler scratched at his thigh. "Is everything alright?" He voiced, mind muddled, head aching. God, he hated how he felt right now. Even worse, he'd still feel like shit after the phone call and there wasn't much he could do about it. Coming down from little space wasn't always pleasant. "You called me a bunch, I was busy."
He heard a car door slam. "I'm calling with some bad news." He coughed out.
Tyler's heart stopped in his chest. "What?" He breathed out, anxiety prickling under his skin. "Are you okay? Is mom okay?"
"We're both fine." His dad sighed over the line. "Your grandfather is in the hospital, he went into cardiac arrest, your mother and I are on our way there now." Tyler stopped breathing for a moment. The anxiety that had been building up in his chest now sinking low to his stomach.
He'd always been close to his grandfather despite him living in New Jersey. He would spend his summers there when he was little. Even now he'd call him occasionally just to talk to him, he was his biggest supportive. He supported him in every way and he had never pushed him into basketball, he'd just told him he would be proud of him no matter what and that's what really spoke to Tyler.
He closed his eyes and breathed out, letting himself sink into the couch.
"He's okay?" He asked, controlling his breathing to focus on something other than the fact that he was going to cry.
More noise came from over the phone. "Yeah, he should be fine but we're going down to stay with him for a little bit."
He couldn't even ask them to bring him with them because he had firstly lied about where he was and secondly he couldn't miss any school and he had no idea how long he'd be in New Jersey for.
"Okay." He pressed the palm of his hand over his eyes. "Keep me updated please."
His dad sighed. "We will. Bye."
As soon as Josh turned around the corner, food in hand, Tyler shut his eyes and buried his face in his hands. Damn it. He wasn't going to cry, now wasn't the time or place for tears. It was impossible for him to even move in the slightest though. His body trembled and the thought of losing anyone in his life was terrifying and the fact that it was happening right now was even more terrifying.
He just wanted to curl up and listen to music and zone out for the rest of the day whilst also wanting Josh to hold him and take care of him like he'd been doing all day. He sniffled into his hands, unable to keep his emotions from overwhelming him. He wasn't used to having these types of family problems, more times than not the only issues his family had were divorces, cheating and miscommunication.
"Ty?" He heard Josh say, questionnement in his tone. His voice came from across the room and Tyler listened as food steps approached and a plate was disposed on the coffee table. His heart warmed just a little bit, while also speeding up. God he liked him so much. It wasn't fair that a singular person could do this to him.
"Hm?" Tyler finally cracked his eyes open, letting his legs press further into chest. He felt so small but still, he let his eyes open so he could stare down at Josh.
Josh who was now crouched down in front of the couch, a hand on Tyler's ankle, a frown on his face. "Are you okay? What's going on?" He asked, sincerity on his face.
He stared at him for a moment, debating wether or not to say anything. Ultimately he needed to get it off his chest, plus he wanted to be open and honest with Josh, If he wanted this to be a real relationship some day he would have to be comfortable with him. This was just one of those steps, it really didn't matter that they weren't even dating yet. They had a relationship and Tyler intended to build and build and build on it until it was strong. "Family stuff." Tyler sighed and pressed a hand to his cheek, closing his eyes. "My dad just called me. My grandpa is in the hospital." His lip quivered.
Josh froze for a second, letting his hand squeeze his ankle before leaning in just a little bit. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not really." He hesitated. "Yeah, I guess. Maybe just not right now, he's safe."
"Still, if someone is important to you it's still painful to know they're in the hospital." Josh was stroking up and down his leg, the gesture making Tyler shiver.
"Mhm." Tyler nodded.
"He's gonna be okay yeah? Your grandpa, he's strong?"
"Very." Tyler smiled sadly.
"Then you've got nothing to worry about."
"It's just hard."
"Do you know what happened exactly?"
Tyler picked at the fabric of his jeans, letting his nails scratch at it. "Sort of, he was in cardiac arrest and someone called the ambulance, I don't know. My dad didn't give me any details about it."
"It's just- I grew up going to his house and he's always been that one family member that I didn't feel pressure around. Everyone has these crazy high expectations of me and growing up it just made me want to run away, I was always upset and lonely and I was homeschooled for a long time so that really didn't help. But my grandpa was just the one who didn't treat me like I had to win at everything and treated me like an actual person who had his own interests. I haven't seen him in a while but he's just one of the people i've always felt close too, no matter the amount of time we've spent apart."
Josh nodded. "I'm glad you had someone like him growing up, it's important to have a support system that supports everything you do, not just the things they expect from you."
Tyler could feel his eyes getting watery, he definitely wasn't about to let himself cry. He let go of his legs, letting them stretch out. "Can you sit with me?"
Josh blinked, clearly taking a moment to understand that Tyler was done talking about it. He nodded. "I did just make dinner, maybe we can eat and sit together? It's kind of uh kid-food I guess, but you can share some of what i'm having if you're not in the mood for what I made you originally."
Tyler felt his whole body go warm, Josh had really went out of his way to accommodate for him and he's never had someone go to this level just for him. "I'll eat whatever you make for me."
"Do you eat at the table or," Tyler gestured lamely to the couch.
"Couch," Josh shook his head with a small grin as he pulled the coffee table closer to the couch so he could reach his food properly. "It's just me and it feels a bit depressing to eat alone at a table that could seat my entire family." He sat down beside Tyler, nearly touching him but just far enough away that there was space between them.
Tyler nodded. "I eat alone 99% of the time, I get it."
Josh raised an eyebrow at him. "Your parents.."
"Always working."
Josh's mouth made a quiet oh sound. "That's no fun." He passed Tyler his plate, there were mini pizzas on it and Tyler's stomach growled. Pizza was definitely a good comfort food and he definitely wasn't mad about it. He looked over at Josh's plate, there were rice noodles, meat, vegetables. Definitely some kind of stir fry, which honestly looked better than his pizza at the moment.
"What is that?" He asked.
"Pad thai."
"It looks good." Tyler said, impressed. "You made that?"
"I like cooking." Josh shrugged, casually. But Tyler had a feeling Josh liked cooking a lot more than he was currently letting on.
"For someone who likes cooking you don't seem to like bringing actual food for yourself to school."
"Let me live." Josh looked away as he chuckled. "I bring food, I just get distracted and forget to eat it."
Tyler grinned and shook his head, pulling his plate into his lap and turning his body so he was facing Josh and not awkwardly turning his head to look at him. "Turn to face me?"
Josh tilted his head at him.
"Please." Tyler didn't let himself blush.
"Sure." Josh smiled, pushing his glasses up as he turned so they were face to face. He pulled his legs up and onto the couch and crossed them. Tyler stares at him for a moment, eye contact was unavoidable now.
"Did you want to put on a movie or something?"
Josh shrugged and leaned over to grab his food, Tyler got a hefty whiff of cologne enter his system. This man was so mean, he smelt so good. Tyler had no idea how he hadn't smelt him the moment he came in. "Afraid to talk to me one on one? Where'd all that confidence go?"
Tyler felt his cheeks heat up and he gave his knee a little playful shove. "I've never had any, sorry."
"That's such a lie."
"I don't lie." Tyler hummed and took a bite of one of his mini pizzas. These were definitely homemade.
"I don't think you understand what you look like half of the time." Josh murmured, twirling his fork in his food. It was still steaming.
Tyler paused for a moment before looking at Josh. "What do I look like?"
"You just seem like you're an open easy going guy while also looking ready to tell just about anybody to fuck off."
Tyler flushed. "I don't swear." He tsked and took another bite of pizza. "So you're wrong." He swallowed his bite.
Josh laughed, throwing his head back in the moment. "Yeah right. We both know you do."
"I'm too nice then, I wouldn't say that."
"I'm not saying you would, im just saying it looks like you would." He points at him with his fork. "There's a difference."
"The thing is," Tyler paused. "You're still wrong."
Josh just rolled his eyes.
"I hope you know that everyone thinks you're the hot teacher then."
Josh groaned. "Let's not even mention that, it's so embarrassing."
"Why?" Tyler leaned back, letting his elbow sit on the arm of the couch. He let his body move forward, his toes touching Josh's shins.
Josh took a bite of his pad thai. "My co-workers already talk shit about me because i'm young, the gossip about being the so called hot teacher just makes it so much worse."
"They're just jealous that they don't have freshman fawning over them."
Josh wrinkled his nose. "Gross." And then promptly bursted out laughing, having to set his plate back onto the coffee table.
Tyler grinned and picked apart at one of his pizzas. "The Josh Dun fan club. It's real."
"No it's not." Josh shook his head, face red from laughter.
"Definitely is. Approved by the school board and everything."
"Have you heard of the Tyler Joseph fan club though?" Josh grinned, leaning back on his hands. Tyler resisted the urge to think of his parents being his so-called fan club, but really it was more like their basketball star son fan club, not their son Tyler Joseph fan club.
Tyler felt his face go red anyways. "No. Because it doesn't exist."
"Then how am I apart of it?"
"Because you're actually crazy." Tyler muttered.
Tyler groaned with laughter. "I can't stand you." He couldn't stand how easy this was either, it shouldn't be this easy to talk to someone, it's never been this easy for him.
"You like me." Josh said and Tyler physically felt his face heat up.
"Keep the feelings away Josh."
"You like me too." Tyler pointed out. Platonically. This was platonic on Josh's side and he had to remember this even though they had spent enough time together outside of school now to be considered having an inappropriate relationship.
Josh breathed out in disbelief. "Obviously."
"You really need to stop." Tyler muttered, taking another bite of pizza.
"Stop what?"
"Making me blush."
It really wasn't fair how easily Josh got him to do it. In general Tyler was easily flustered but usually it was manageable and he could push forward his confidence to help him out. Josh just broke down every single layer of confidence he had and Tyler hated it and loved it at the same time. "Can't help it, sorry baby."
Tyler blushed. Again. He moved his plate onto the table beside Josh's and hid his face in his hands. Baby. Tyler would punch him if he could.
"Come on. It's cute." He felt Josh's hands pulling at his hands and it made him blush harder. "Plus you could definitely make me blush."
"I could not." He peaked from between his eyes and let Josh pulls his hands away.
"Yeah you could."
"Doubtful." Tyler said. "You're all un-embarrassed all the time."
"I bet you could make me blush."
"Okay how? Help me out. I'm shy."
Josh chuckled and grabbed his hands, held them. Tyler could feel calluses and soft skin . "Just, look at me."
Tyler blinked. "I already am." He'd been looking at a Josh for the past half a day. How couldn't he.
"No I mean like, stare into my eyes." Josh clarified.
"So.. like a staring contest." Tyler blurted out.
Josh laughed. "No."
"Fine." Tyler said, sitting up straighter. He got comfortable again and opted for sitting on his knees and then he just stared at Josh. He did stare into his eyes for a moment which made both of them laugh, Josh hiding his laughter in his arm before reassuming his previous position.
He looked at him properly now. Josh definitely wasn't liking the attention but Tyler let his eyes map out his face, follow his eyes, the shape of his nose, his jaw. He was so pretty, long eyelashes, gentle cheekbones. And maybe he let his eyes go lower and looked at his chest and now he was very obviously checking him out but, still, Josh had said to look at him and he definitely was. His chest, even under the shirt he was wearing was very clearly defined. Even his arms were nice, which wasn't a surprise but from up close they were somehow attractive, which was unfair. How could one man have so many attractive features? He looked back up at Josh's face and yeah he was blushing, it was all over his cheeks. Even his neck had gone a bit red.
When he let his eyes fall back onto Josh's again, Josh's mouth was just slightly agape now. Just open in the slightest and Tyler stared at his lips for a split second. He really wanted to kiss him. He's never wanted to kiss someone like he wants to kiss Josh.
"Can I say something?" Tyler asked very slowly, letting his fingertips brush against Josh's knees, his eyes meeting his once more. "That's not.....very platonic of me?" He could feel his voice quivering just a little bit.
"I-Yes." Josh said immediately, warmly. Very quickly, his eyes were very wide.
"And you won't be mad?" Tyler gulped.
Josh shook his head, if it was even possible and Tyler felt anxiety and butterflies bloom in his stomach. "I won't be mad."
"I-" Fuck. This was definitely a moment, they were 100% having a moment and he was going to fuck it up. He breathed out, this was not the time to stress. He felt safe, holding Josh's hands but he wasn't used to intimacy.
"Ty," Josh let go of one of his hands and brushed a piece of hair behind his ear.
"Mhm," Tyler nodded.
"You okay?"
"Yeah." Definitely not.
"Are you okay?" Tyler asked and moved closer to him, scooted closer just in the slightest to shut the gap between them. Tyler let his hand rest on Josh's shoulder. Josh's eyes followed the movement.
His hand moved to his neck, very slowly, letting his fingers press into his skin, stroke along it.
"What were you gonna say Tyler?"
"I-" Tyler let his eyes draw down to his lips, let himself sit up more and get closer, closer, closer. Oh my god what was he doing. Josh was going to let this happen and Tyler couldn't tell if he should encourage it or stop, but he was selfish, selfish enough to not stop, selfish enough to- "Um-" He was pushing himself up into his knees.
"We're gonna make a deal okay?" Josh said, letting his own hand wander underneath Tyler's jaw, letting his thumb stroke underneath his chin and along his jawline. Tyler let his eyes shut for a moment before opening again. He could feel the intimacy deep in his bones.
"Yeah," They we're so close, breathing in each-others breaths.
"We're going to kiss." Josh said, very carefully, his thumb ran across Tyler's bottom lip. Tyler felt his heart speed up. "Once." Tyler shuttered and nodded. "and then we're gonna have a long talk and then we're going to bake cookies."
"Okay?" Josh looked at him then, all serious, he pushed his fingers through Tyler's hair and Tyler
moved a tiny bit closer, enough to count the freckles that dusted his face.
Tyler breathed out. "Yes."
"This is what you want?" Josh asked him.
And then Josh leaned in, slowly, slower, slow and Tyler was completely overwhelmed in every single way. He could feel himself shaking even. This was where all that stupid tension they had between them had been coming from and finally, some of it would be released because Tyler couldn't survive like this any longer knowing that Josh liked him like this.
He followed Josh's lead and leaned in, resting his hand on Josh's knee to hold himself up, the other one on Josh's shoulder. Very natural, very soft.
Josh leaned in and pressed his lips to his, he started with a peck and Tyler could feel the nerves waving through his body spike back up the moment their lips touched. He shuttered and felt himself make a tiny quiet noise. And when Tyler thought all he was getting was a peck Josh's hand was cradling his jaw and kissing him properly, opening his mouth and pushing their lips together.
Flustered, Tyler dug his nails into Josh's shoulder and opened his mouth just enough to be able to kiss him back properly. Bottom lip to top lip, gentle, very gently, he kissed him back. No tongue involved but, it was everything.
They kissed, very carefully, Tyler completely unsure while Josh took the lead and pulled him closer to him with a hand on the small of his back. Tyler's stomach was a mess, his whole body was melting against Josh's. He pulled away first, blinking, still staring at Josh's lips and when they made eye contact he could see that tiny grin grazing Josh's face and he leaned in again. Just a few more kisses wouldn't hurt. It felt so safe.
He kissed him again, and Josh kissed him back easily, guiding him, holding him. Tyler's fingers slid into his hair they exchanged soft kisses. He could feel it start to end when the hand on his back moved to grab his waist and softly pull them apart. Tyler nearly whined.
Tyler's heart was beating so hard in his chest he could hear it. He smiled softly at Josh. "Are we o-"
Josh grabbed his jaw one last time and pulled him in for a final peck. Tyler let him do it happily and sighed when he sat back on his knees, further away from Josh than he would like to be. "That was good." Tyler said, quietly. "I-"
"We can't do that again." Josh didn't look upset per say but he seemed deep and thought and Tyler didn't know what to think. Well he knew that this definitely shouldn't be happening but it was hard not to be selfish when he had a huge obsessive crush on Josh. He couldn't be rational about things like this but clearly Josh all of a sudden seemed to be actually thinking this through. Tyler wanted him so badly.
Tyler deflated a little bit, his shoulders dropped. "Okay."
Josh was quick to reach for his hand. "Not because I don't like you but because i'm an idiot and we can't continue this until you graduate."
"Graduate?" That was in 5 months.
"I-" Josh stared at him for a second, Tyler watched as his eyes skidded over his lips. "Let's get comfortable."
Tyler nodded and stood up for a second, still giddy from the kiss he sat back down closer to Josh than before, pressing himself right against him.Josh was quick to wrap his arms around him. One around his waist, the other lazily around his shoulder. It was almost cuddling and Tyler felt super comfortable despite knowing they were about to have a harder conversation. A conversation he never thought they'd need to had. He hadn't expected them to actually, kiss. He hadn't expect Josh to actually like him this much.
He leaned his head on Josh's shoulder and brought his legs up and rested them bent over Josh's lap. This was comfortable. He just wanted to be held.
They sat like that for a few minutes, holding each-other, Tyler resisting the urge to bury his face in Josh's chest. This was everything, Josh was everything.
"I can't date you right now." Josh murmured eventually, his words tickling Tyler's hair. "I really like you, honestly. Every aspect of you, I like you when you're tiny and when you're just being you but I honestly thought i'd have more self control over myself."
"Like inviting me over to your house."
"I'm impulsive." Josh chuckled, there was no humour in it. "Something was bound to happen. I hadn't planned on making any moves on you Tyler. Really I just wanted to take care of you tonight."
"There's tension." Tyler said, nervously. "There's been a lot of tension, between us."
"I know." Josh groaned and pulled him closer, Tyler squeezed him tighter. "I'm kind of at a loss, I don't want to ignore you for the rest of the year."
"Don't then." Tyler might die if he did that.
"I wouldn't ignore you at school but we just, couldn't do this again for a long time." Josh frowned.
Tyler sighed. "It's wrong isn't it?"
"Not the age thing but.... it's the power thing, i'm in a place of power, above you and it just generally doesn't really entice a safe and equal relationship."
"I can't lose my job." Josh said as an afterthought.
"But I mean, we're not really doing anything." Tyler said. And maybe it was a little bit naive and selfish but he didn't want this to end.
Josh shrugged, Tyler felt it against his body. "No one would see it like that. One kiss is basically full sex, even everything we did before we kissed could've gotten me in trouble honestly."
"Okay," Tyler nodded, he was filled with dread and also warmth at the mention of sex. "What do you want to do then? It's your call." He asked carefully. He had no idea why all this was coming up now but it didn't really matter did it? Josh hadn't considered everything when they'd started it. Either way this would've come up and Tyler was fine with dealing with it in whatever way Josh wanted to.
"Bake cookies?"
"That doesn't seem like a very adult way to solve this Josh." Tyler smiles softly, hugging his waist tighter.
"It's not but it'll make us both feel better about the torture we'll be enduring until you graduate." 5 months. God. Why couldn't they have started this later on, before Tyler wasn't so deep in.
"No it won't."
"It's a start." Josh said.
He wasn't wrong.
goodnight y'all, enjoy the update.
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