Chapter 8

Honestly, you guys are unreal. Almost at 400 💕 let me know what you're thinking so far!

Dedicated to @_cabbie for voting! 

Bit of a moodboard for Trent and this book– gives a bit of an insight to the dark turns this book is going to take in the future x


"I wonder whats wrong with him now," Kristie grumbles, making me shoot her daggers and she holds up her hands in defence, becoming silent. I didn't need Matt to hear her say anything like that.

"Hi, babe, whats wrong?" I ask lightly, placing my hand on his forearm in comfort while smiling at Mrs Howard. My eyes pass over at Carter and I see him give me slimy smirk from behind my boyfriends head which makes me shudder.

I'd never get used him.

"Apparently, the boys and I are in another class, however, I'm trying to explain to Mrs Howard here that our timetables say differently," He states, eyes glaring at our poor teacher who looks like she can't be bothered with him.

"And like I have said, Mr Daley, in your hand you are holding an old copy of your timetable. Since the arrival of our new student's things have changed."

Mrs Howard's eyes are stern and pointed, their harsh almost grey like colour matching her hair which is tied up in a tight top bun. Although she looks mean, Mrs Howard was by far my favourite teacher and she was amazing when it came to English. She's definitely one of the reasons why I enjoyed the subject so much– she made it so interesting. It annoyed me that Matt was being so disrespectful to her when she was just doing her job but I stayed quiet, not wanting his anger to switch to me.

"This is a joke," Matt snarls, grabbing my arm, "Let's go to the other class then, it's not like we're losing a good teacher."

Carter laughs at his comment and turns away while Matt begins to drag me away too but Mrs Howard stops him with a cough.

"Actually, Mr Daley, I think you'll find Miss Williams is in this class," she glances to Kristie, "As is Miss Kennedy."

Matt's fingers tighten around my wrist as his head turns sharply, pulling me into him, "What?" He hisses and I resist the urge to whimper at the pressure around my hand. "Why would she be in this class if they've changed?" His voice is low and I feel my heartbeat increase as I recognise the tone, "Do you know anything about this?" He questions me, his icy blue eyes pinning me to the spot.

Oh god.

"The Principle said he was trying to mix the classes," I stammer out, "I didn't know I wouldn't be in this class with you." His grip doesn't loosen and he continues to stare at me, his eyes trying to find out if I'm lying.

I glance at Kristie and I'm sure my eyes are begging for help because her face turns murderous.

"Would you let her go," Kristie demands, ripping my wrist out of Matt's grip and placing me on the other side of her, "Elle didn't have anything to do with this, it's random selection," She turns to our teacher, "Right, Mrs Howard?"

My stomach sinks as Mrs Howard shakes her head, making Matt grin in triumph.

"I told you they're like this specifically!" Matt growls, glaring at me.

"Yes, Mr Daley, you're correct," the old woman smiles, taking a hold of my arm and pulling me into the classroom, Kristie closely behind, "The classes are not random."

Matt and Carter give each other smug looks, their arms crossed over their body. I'm glad Mrs Howard pulled me into the classroom, I wouldn't have wanted to be outside alone with Matt right now. She motions for the two boys to move out of the doorway so she can shut the door and they do take a step back much to my surprise, however, Matt's hand slams onto the wood, holding it open.

"So, are you going to tell us why we're not in this class then?"

Mrs Howard rolls her eyes, a deep sigh coming from her cardigan-clad chest, "Of course, Mr Daley, "She clears her throat, "You're not in this class because we divided them into ability and yours is much lower than the standard in here," she tells them, smiling, "Have a good class."

I watch in shock as Mrs Howard shuts the door in Matt's frozen face, his smug smirk wiped clean off of it and she locks it with a click.

Beside me, Kristie bursts out laughing, her body hunched over as giggles but all I can do is stay where I am, my mind reeling with what just happened.

Was Matt a lower level than me?

Mrs Howard turns and faces me, her expression giving nothing away to what just happened and she stands, clearly seeing that I want to ask her something.

"What is it, Miss Williams?" She asks and I pause for a moment, hesitantly.

"Are you sure I'm in the right class?" I ask quietly, not wanting the other students to hear, "I didn't think I was particularly good at any subject let alone this subject, are you sure I shouldn't be in the other one too?"

Her eyebrows raise in response to my question and she tuts while walking over to her desk, picking up a sheet of paper from it.

"Why on earth would you be in the other class when you are top of this class?" She hands me the paper and I cautiously take it from her, eyeing her in suspicion while she just smiles softly at me as though she finds me amusing.

I slowly look down at the names on the sheet and stop when I reach my own. I knew it was on the sheet but I didn't expect it to be where it was.

"I... I'm at the top?" I ask confused and she nods, taking the sheet back from me and putting it back in her folder, "But how?"

She sighs and peers over her glasses, slamming the folder between her hands shut, "Well, Miss Williams, it's your writing, you tell me how." She waits for my response, "That's what I thought, now please go and take a seat. The class will begin shortly."

She doesn't say anything else and turns back to the board, beginning to write something on it and I follow her instructions, making my way to a grinning Kristie.

"I can't believe that just happened!" She squeals, the same smile still coating her lips as a few minutes before, "Like seriously, I didn't think this day could get better but oh my god the look on Matt's face! I love that teacher."

I nod along, not really paying attention to her words – my mind was still wandering.

How was my grade so high? Matt always told me that my stuff was bad and he would constantly laugh at my work. He would always say how I was lucky I was pretty because I had no talent when it came to writing, so how on earth had I managed so well when he was in a lower class?

"Earth to Elle?" Kristie calls, her hand waving in my face and it shakes me out of my daze, 'What's wrong?" She asks, her voice worried, "Are you scared about Matt?"

Her hesitant words make my stomach drop as I realise that just because Mrs Howard had shut him out, it didn't mean that I wouldn't see him later. And it didn't mean he would be any less angry.

"A little," I admit quietly, "I just don't get how I'm in a higher class than him."

Kristie let's out a groan and leans forward, grabbing my hand in her own, forcing me to look in her eyes.

"Because you have talent," She tells me, her lips curved into a smile, "And I don't care what Matt says, I love your writing," She tilts her head towards the front of the class, "And clearly Mrs Howard does too."

Warmth spreads across my chest at her words and I feel my eyes prick with tears at her kindness. She honestly was such a good friend.

"Thanks, Kristie." I smile and it makes hers grow even wider, stretching out across her face.

"What are best friends for? Plus, it means that English is just going to be even better this year– look how good this class is!" She motions around us and for the first time I take notice of the rest of the students sitting at their tables, all having their own conversation.

There are a few I don't recognise and they keep to themselves, their group of leather jackets all huddled together.

So there were kids from EVW here, no wonder Matt was pissed– he would hate to know that people he describes as 'scum' have more talent than him.

I look around for any signs of any of Matt's other friends or the Witches, but they're not here.

"If you're looking for Tracey and that I'd give up," Kristie interrupts with a wink, "This is the smart class, there's no way they'd be in here," she pauses for a moment thinking, "Unless the class was about how to be a Class A bitch then she'd be an honor student."

Laughter bubbles out of my mouth at her comment even though it's quite harsh, and she joins in, trying to muffle it with a cough as we spot Mrs Howard looking at us.

"Ladies," She chastises and I shut up, "Thank you. Now don't get used to these seats I will be rearranging you all in a moment once I have done the register."

There are groans all around but the glare of our teacher quietens everyone pretty quickly, much to her enjoyment and then she begins the register.

Kristie slides me a note silently, wiggling her eyebrows and I open it under the table, keeping one eye on our teacher.

'I hope I sit next to a hottie x'

I roll my eyes at my best friend and try not to laugh at her expression as I start to write a reply to her, she was unbelievable.

But before I can write my response, there's a knock at the door and Mrs Howard's voice is cut off. As soon as she starts to walk to the door the whole class begins talking again and I spin around to Kristie giggling.

"You're unreal," I laugh, throwing the crushed ball of paper at her and she catches it swiftly, tucking it into her bag, "Keep it in your pants."

She sticks her tongue out at me, "Just because I'm open about my ogling of the male species while you lie about yours." She teases, but her attention is caught by something behind me and I frown at her.

"Kristie what's-"

My words are cut off as I see what she sees and my heart begins to race as I watch Mrs Howard come into the room with two boys behind her.

"You two are late, however, I will make an exception because of the timetable dilemma and the fact it is your first day." She scolds, completely unaware of the now silent classroom.

"Again, we're sorry. We didn't realise we had been moved classes."

His voice was still so deep and alluring.

I just wanted to listen to him talk all day.

"That's quite alright Mr Night, now if you and Mr Edwards could please take a seat, I will continue with the register." Mrs Howard motions for the two boys to take a seat and I can feel the blood pounding in my ears as their bodies turn to face my direction.

I quickly look down hoping that not only do I have enough self-control to not look up but also that the person doesn't see me.

I hear their footsteps walk towards me and a pair of combat boots come into my line of vision, just a few feet away from my own heeled toes. Their scuffed leather contrasting with the pristinely clean linoleum floor.

I expect them to keep walking.

But they stop.

"Hello, Elle."

It feels like the world stills as I slowly lift my head, my breath catching in my throat as I look into those golden eyes and it takes everything I have in me to not melt into a puddle at his feet.

"Hi, Trent." I manage to squeak out to my surprise; I thought I'd lost all vocal functions in all honesty.

Neither of us says anything and I can feel the eyes of everyone watching us as I take deep breaths, trying to calm my exterior so I at least looked like I wasn't crumbling under his stare.

I feel like he's peering into my mind, breaking down the walls that I was trying to build to stop him from seeing what I didn't want to show him.

Just when I think I can't take it anymore and I'm about to break, the person he's with nudges his back and the two of them walk past me and I feel like I can breathe again.

I stare at my desk as the voice of Mrs Howard taking the register fades into the background.

Trent was in my class.

The thought hadn't even crossed my mind that it was a possibility that we'd be in the same classroom all year. How on earth was I meant to focus when he was sitting only a few metres away from me.

No, I could do this.

I had to be able to do it.

I couldn't let him get in my head.

"Elle," Kristie murmurs beside me, her finger prodding my side. I turn and look at her and she motions in the direction of our teacher.

I look up and realise that everyone is watching me, including Mrs Howard who is still holding the registration board in her hands, waiting expectantly.

"Annabelle Williams?" She calls flatly and I realise I hadn't been listening.

"Here!" I call and she continues on with the names while I shoot her an apologetic smile.

I glance and Kristie and she gives me a questioning look back.

'What the fuck' she mouths, her eyes glancing behind me and I don't know how to respond to her.

I give her a shrug and she turns away but I know she'll ask me about it later. But for now, I try to focus on Mrs Howard as she tells us about the years plan for the subject, her voice reading out the slides on the board as she clicks through them.

As I sit and pay attention I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and a shiver runs down my spine, shaking me to my toes.

What was that?

For a few moments I try to ignore it and I peer out the corner of my eye at Kristie to see if she feels anything too but she sits totally fine, drawing some weird cartoon on her notepad.

I shrug the feeling off and try to focus again, listening as Mrs Howard talks about different books we would be studying in the syllabus, but the feeling doesn't go away and I'm no longer even hearing what she's saying at the front of the room; the ringing in my ears overpowering her voice.

I make sure that she is focused on the board before I turn my head slightly and look over my shoulder trying to find out what was making me uneasy and I still when my eyes meet his.

He's already staring at me and when he sees me looking his mouth twitches into a playful smile.

My hand unconsciously twirls a piece of hair around my finger and I feel my cheeks heat up with a blush as he watches my movements.

Why was Trent staring at me?

I can't help but smile back at his grinning face and this seems to please him because his expression just gets bigger, as if he's happy that he can make me blush from across a room.

"Now," Mrs Howard announces and I quickly turn back to the front, not wanting to get caught not paying attention.

Yeah, that was definitely why, and not at all because I might pass out again.

"I will call out your seats and I expect you all to move quietly and without fuss." She shoots a glare at Kristie and I chuckle as she gives an innocent look to our teacher. "I agree with the Principle that we should be mixing the schools and so I've decided to not only make the layout boy-girl but to also try and pair you up as East Valley Woods students and North Valley Woods students."

I look at Kristie and I can already see her mind racing with the information, a dangerous smirk crossing her lips as she eyes the boys on the other side of the room.

She really was unbelievable.

"So, in the far back corner, I will have Miss Williams and Mr Night, please."

I stand automatically and look around the room.

Who was Mr Night?

A chair scrapes across the floor behind me and everything slows down as I realise I've already heard Mrs Howard say that name.

No, it couldn't be.

My suspicions are confirmed as I watch Trent stand from his chair, his giant body towering over the other students as he grabs his bag and makes his way through the tables, the smirk not leaving his lips.

How was I meant to avoid him now?

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