Chapter 5
A bit of a collage/moodboard for Trent and his introduction! If you're like me and you're swooning over him already then I'm sure you'll love these pics!
This is the second upload in a day and honestly I know I should be sticking to a schedule but the support I'm getting is amazing and I can't help but give you guys more when I see you love it!
I'd really love to get 3 comments on this chapter before I upload the next one, and hitting 200 reads would be insane too!
This chapter is dedicated to @casperthetiredghost for her amazing comments and support on this book! (Maybe you'll all get your own dedications if you do it too!) Thanks angel!
Now on with the chapter...
I sit drawing something that resembles a forest on the top of my notebook, my thoughts drifting between maths and literally anything else I could think of. It was far too easy for me to get sidetracked in this subject.
"Would Miss Annabelle Williams please make her way to the gymnasium."
I look around in shock as the announcement rings out through the school, my mind whirling with thoughts on what could be going on.
Was it my father?
Was I in trouble?
Had I done something?
My fingers grip the arm next to me, the material of their shirt creasing between my fingers as I begin to panic, looking at the person for support.
Matt stares at me, "Stop stressing, it'll probably be something good knowing you," he mumbles, brushing my hands off of him before continuing to chat with the boys and I frown at his reaction.
Thanks for caring, boyfriend.
I stand up, collect my things and head for the door, pulling my denim jacket on as I go. The air conditioning blows my hair into my face while I walk and I quickly brush it back into place.
The corridors are empty and quiet, everyone was currently in class working, so why had I been called? It was only a few days back into the school year, surely something hadn't happened already; if the Principle needed someone he would usually phone a teacher or something, this was clearly urgent.
I stop outside the entrance, my thoughts beginning to go fuzzy and I can't seem to shake the feeling of anticipation in my stomach.
What was wrong with me?
Was I excited?
Was I scared?
I couldn't figure out what I was feeling but a certain man kept drifting into my mind.
One thought springs to my head and I have to thank Matt for being a bit dim and not realising it himself –
are the EVW students still in there?
My thoughts are confirmed as I slowly open the heavy doors to the gym and I'm met with the sound of chatter and the sight of the benches almost completely full.
What was I wanted for?
I see Principle Knowles standing talking to the PE teacher and I quickly walk over, trying to ignore how much my heels echo in this hall.
As I walk I slowly hear people go quiet and I want to punch the Principle for being on the other side and making me walk past everyone. The whispers begin and I don't dare turn and look at anyone, I didn't need to fall over again, and I couldn't risk looking at Trent.
The Principle sees me and smiles warmly, walking over and shaking my hand and I smile back boldly. I loved Principle Knowles, he was a pretty good teacher and an even better Principle. I think he also had a soft spot for me; Matt's family donated quite a lot to the school so he often got away with a lot, and sometimes I felt like the Principle and I were in the same boat, like we understood the pressure the other one was feeling.
"Miss Williams, lovely to see you, how was your summer?" Of course, the conversation would start with this.
How could I say neverending and awful without sounding like a brat?
"The usual really, not much happens around here. How about your holiday, sir?"
He sighs, "Well my wife gave birth to our son right at the beginning of the holidays so the past couple months have mostly been diaper changes and crying." He winks, "The latter was me."
I laugh and he joins in, but looking around the hall I come to realise that people are staring at us conversing. I clear my throat and take a breath, quickly wanting to get out of here as soon as possible.
"What did you need me for, sir?"
He had obviously forgotten that I was there because he'd summoned me and looks flustered for a moment, glancing around himself as if looking for something.
I peer at the sea of people and want to curse myself when my eyes immediately find him, his damn godlike face sticking out from the crowd.
It's as though he feels me looking at him. His head swivels to face me, yellow eyes finding mine from metres away. I feel my breath catch in my throat as his lips curve up into a smirk.
"Ah, here they are." My attention is brought back to Principal Knowles with papers rustling in his hands and I'm relieved that he managed to break my eyesight with Trent. "Hold these," he asks, passing me the pile and I quickly grab them, trying not to drop the stack. "And where's my... ah!" I watch as the Principle grabs the microphone sitting on the table beside him. "Right, here we go."
He clears his voice and the gymnasium echoes with the sound of feedback coming from the device. The crowd groans in front of us, their shouts and moans so loud that it makes me wonder if there are speakers beside the bleachers that make it even worse for them.
Either that or they all just had really good hearing.
"Alright, alright, settle down," Knowles shouts and everyone quietens pretty quick, "Now, I know everything is a bit crazy for you guys and I know that it's hard adjusting to a new school, so we're going to try and make it easier for everyone to integrate." He looks at me and nods, his eyes focusing on the stack of papers in my hand, "Like I said before, we've decided to change classes and mix both schools together so you really feel like one whole unit."
There are more groans from the students and I have to stifle my own too – how was I meant to stay away from them when I was sitting next to them in classes, plus it would probably put Matt on edge. My mind starts reeling, thinking of all the possible ways I could get out of this. What would I have to do to make him comfortable with the arrangement that the Principle was suggesting?
A hand lands on my shoulder and I jump, the papers in my hand tumbling to the floor. My mind had been focused on my thoughts so much that I hadn't realised the Principle had been trying to get my attention, and now I had the attention of the whole hall.
"I'm so sorry," I rush out, dropping to my knees as I quickly trying to gather up the papers, words spilling out of my mouth as I listen to the chuckles of the Eastern Valley Woods students watching me, "I didn't mean to."
I was honestly such an idiot.
Someone squats down beside me and starts picking up the papers, their delicate hands stacking them expertly. "Oh, um, thank you."
I look up and see a girl smiling at me, her hands not stopping in collecting the sheets. She has bright red hair and a very soft and gentle face that's looking at me with sympathy, her green eyes sparkling. I notice that her clothes are all dark and she's wearing a lot of leather and has tattoos.
That seems to be the aesthetic choice of most of the EVW students.
"Here you go," she says, handing me the sheets of paper and I take them off of her hesitantly, "My names Scarlette, nice to meet you."
I nod my head at her and smile back but before I can reply she turns on her heel and half skips back to the benches.
I watch her punch one of the guys laughing at me on the way.
"Like I was saying, Miss Williams, you agree yes?" I look at the Principle in panic and then at the crowd of people watching me.
They're already all laughing at you.
"Yes, of course, Sir, whatever you need."
He smiles in relief and pats my shoulder, his attention turning back to the audience.
"So like I was saying, Miss Williams is one of my best students and she is also in charge of our student welcoming committee and so she is the perfect person for you guys to come to if you have any issues."
My eyes widen and I look at him in shock.
I'm what?!
"She is also going to be the person in charge of the integration between the two schools so keep an eye out for her."
"I'll definitely keep my eye out for her." A voice calls from the stands and there's a chorus of catcalls and wolf whistles following it. I can feel myself blushing and Principle Knowles glances at me uncomfortably before speaking again while I concentrate on avoiding eye contact.
"Manners!" he exclaims, "To begin this integration I'm going to get Miss Williams here to hand out your new timetables."
He looks at me expectantly and I stare back, extremely confused.
"Sir I don't know anyone's names," I whisper, making him wince.
Clearly, he was hoping I was suddenly a magical being who could read peoples minds.
His brow furrows and I realise he's got a lot more grey hairs than he did before summer, he was obviously very stressed out.
That baby must be hard work.
"I can help with the names." I turn and see Scarlette standing beside us, looking helpfully at the pile of papers in my hands. I stand frozen and she frowns, "You... you need help with the names right? I heard you saying to the Principle."
That's exactly it – how did she hear me? We're at least five metres away from where she was sitting, and when I last looked over she was about five rows up.
I shake my head and quickly nod, realising that I'd been standing silently for too long for it to be normal.
"That would actually be amazing," I admit and she grins, turning to face the audience.
"Just pass me the sheet and I'll get it to the culprit." She looks genuinely excited to be helping and I glance at the Principle who just shrugs and steps away from us.
The next twenty minutes are spent by handing out the schedules.
This is done by Scarlette taking the sheets off me and running across the gym, throwing them at the recipients; who most of the time were totally unaware that a ball of paper was flying at them. Sure the Principle probably wanted them handed out nicely but it seemed like he'd given up, accepting the human slingshot that was Scarlette.
She was actually a little scary; her aim was astonishingly good and the force that the paper was flying through the air seemed almost unnatural.
As I get to the last timetable, my stomach is aching from laughing so much at her antics and as she takes the last sheet off of me, I can't help but feel sad that I couldn't spend more time with her frequently. Matt would never allow me to.
"So, like I said, these are your timetables so when the bell goes I want you all to make your way to the designated class, and of course, if there are any issues or questions you can ask myself or Miss Williams here."
Almost as soon as the principle is finished speaking the bell rings and people start to stand in response, the chatter immediate.
I turn and face Scarlette, her eyes scanning over her own sheet, "Thank you for helping." My hands wring together, "I really appreciate it."
"Of course!" she exclaims looking up, face beaming, "I loved helping, and it made it easier to make you my friend."
My eyes widen in surprise.
Did she want to be my friend?
"Well I better get going," she states, pointing behind her, "I have a feeling I'll see you later."
She turns and walks away without another word, a cheeky smile on her face.
She was certainly friendly.
"Scarlette can be pretty forward," a husky voice announces behind me and I laugh lightly, turning to talk to the stranger.
My stomach twists when I realise that it's not a stranger at all.
"Trent," I greet firmly, trying not to show the effect that his presence has on me, "Can I help you with something?"
One side of his mouth turns up and I feel my knees buckle slightly, my mind becoming fuzzy as I try to focus on anything other than his pink lips and the perfect white teeth sticking out from them.
"Actually yes." He takes a step towards me, his eyes trailing down my body before meeting mine, the fire in them prominent as he grins and I feel everything around me stop as I watch. I don't know why he affected me like this, I couldn't even begin to describe how he made me feel, it was as if I knew him but obviously, I didn't.
Did I?
As I focus my mind again I realise his lips have stopped moving and his eyes are now scrutinising me, waiting for something.
I hadn't listened to a word he said.
"Sorry, what?" I ask and if it was possible for him to look smugger then I'd be surprised. It was even more annoying because I realise that it definitely only makes him more attractive, which of course I'd never admit.
Trent chuckles and moves even closer to me, blocking out the bright ceiling lights above us with his height as he stares down, not giving anything away at all.
"Were you not listening?" he asks and I roll my eyes.
"Of course I was listening, I just wanted you to say it again," I lie, hoping that he doesn't see how weak he makes me.
His feet move, "And why would you want me to do that?"
His voice is like a breeze on my skin and I feel goosebumps rise as he watches me, waiting for an answer.
For some reason, my tongue is heavy in my mouth, and as much as I try I can't even begin to make thoughts come from it, the words trapped in my mushy brain.
Think Elle, think!
"B-Because..." I begin, attempting to try and swallow the dryness away, "I-I, I um–"
My words stop as his hand moves slowly, softly landing on my arm that's hanging beside my still body, his finger tracing my skin like a feather, my body shivering in response.
"Are you lying to me?" he whispers, his eyes glueing themselves to my own and I feel my feet inch forward slightly as if he'd called to me.
What am I doing?
I feel like I have no control over myself as he notices my movement, his hungry eyes growing in ferocity and I feel my own heartbeat drumming through me, the blood flowing through my veins. The sound like the current of a river, rushing through my ears.
His head moves down slightly and I get a better look at him, the gorgeous structure pulling the last bits of air from my lungs as I stare at it, in awe of how dreamlike he seems.
This felt like it wasn't real.
Like the figure in front of me had been plucked from my own mind and even as I look at his face and see tiny imperfections, it only seems to make him more perfect. The scar above his right eyebrow only makes me want to ask what happened, and the blemishes on his jaw just draw my attention to how chiselled and defined it actually is and how his tanned skin looks as though it has been stretched over a stone structure of a god.
My whole body ignites as his fingers pull me forward.
His hand slips onto my waist, but I feel like he's just touched me everywhere, my limbs like jello as his eyes pry into my soul. I don't know who Trent is, but it was as if my body does, like every fibre inside me is urging me to get closer to him, to touch him, to feel him.
The sensation is so overwhelming that it takes everything in me to not move, to stay where I am– at his mercy and trying to focus on continuing to breathe, my burning lungs protesting at my vacant mind.
But I couldn't pull myself away from his gaze.
Those golden eyes were so mesmerizing, so captivating. Like the genie's lamp in Aladdin; I was forbidden to have it but I couldn't focus on anything else, I didn't want anything else.
"Are you alright?"
His deep, masculine voice is the tipping point, it pushes me over the edge and I have no control over my body, the restraint I had been using vanishing as I move, finally giving in to what my body wants.
And that was to give into the urge and let go.
And so I watch as I fall away from Trent, his face turning into a mask of concern.
And pass out before I hit the floor.
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