Chapter 1
I'm so excited! I can't wait to go on this journey with everyone and I hope you're all as excited as I am! Remember if you're a rereader then let me know! Honestly sending the most love in the world to every single one of you.
Let's begin!
There was something strange about school today. I could taste the anticipation in the air on the tip of my tongue. People were standing eagerly discussing news that was spreading like wildfire through the halls and my skin was prickling like I was wearing a jumper that I'm allergic to. I felt odd, as though something was about to happen that would change everything, but I could not figure out what it could be.
"So have you heard the news?" A scream leaves my mouth as I slam my locker door shut, surprised at the sudden presence beside me. But I sigh in relief when I see their charming grin, "Oh sorry Princess, I didn't mean to scare you."
Standing in front of me is my boyfriend Matthew Daley, his blue eyes shining with laughter and I can't help but smile back, he was infectious. Every time he smiled I felt my heart flutter and my stomach twist. Even after almost three years together I was still in love with him, despite the issues that we had.
His question springs into my mind and my curiosity peaks, "What news is that?" I ask, trying to figure out beforehand if I'm meant to have a positive or negative reaction to the news.
"Eastern Valley Woods High School got burnt down last night, not a single piece of the building is left."
I gasp at the news, my mind whirling. How did it happen? Was anyone hurt? Was it done on purpose?
"That's not even the shocking part," Matt interrupts, my thoughts pausing for a moment, "They're sending all the school here, we're going to be cohabiting."
He's right – the news is shocking.
I don't know when the issues between Northen Valley Woods and East Valley Woods began, or why, but whatever reason it was must have been huge because for as long as I could remember, there has never been a friendship between the two schools. In fact, there wasn't any contact at all. With anyone.
Eastern Valley Woods, or as it's called EVW, was a High School on the other side of the forest that surrounded our little town of Nothern Valley Woods. It was an extremely dense forest that seemed to go on for miles if you went in it, although no one ever did; we were banned from a large section of it by our council after a number of disappearances about thirty years prior, and the section we weren't banned from was near the school and only got used for seniors feeling wild enough to have an outdoor party. But even then no one ever went too far in. The people from the town of EVW were hardly ever seen, and I didn't know a single person who knew of anyone from there, let alone the high school. There were rumours made up about the town, saying the people in it were crazy and that if you went you would never return. Obviously, I didn't believe it... well maybe I did a little. I mean I did find it strange that they had no connection with any of the other schools, our rivalry with Southern Valley Woods was a massive part of our school - our games against them usually attended by almost the entire school and faculty, and even West Valley Woods travelled over on occasion even though they were over two hours away.
But EVW? Nothing.
"Is the whole school coming here?" I ask Matt, keeping my voice steady.
His head nods, "We're the closest and they couldn't afford to provide transport all the way out to SVW or WVW, plus apparently our principle and theirs are old college buddies or something." He pauses, looking around the already filling hallway, "It's going to get crazy that's for sure, they've already started turning the spare gym hall into a makeshift classroom and Freshman and Sophomores are having to share lockers so that the new seniors have ones available."
I feel relieved that I won't have to give up the locker that I've had for past three years, it would be heartbreaking. I had my first kiss in front of it, goddamnit! But I do feel bad for the Freshman that are cramming their massive backpacks on top of others, their pristine books spilling out onto the floor.
"When are they coming?" I turn back to Matt after watching some poor boy chasing a getaway pencil down the hall, his polite cries of 'excuse me' echoing after him.
As his answer registers in my mind, I quickly decide on how to react, my thoughts running over everything he's said and I quickly figure that a nonchalant response with a hint of annoyance was the way to go.
My eyes meet Matt's and I shrug, "Well it's going to be different, but it doesn't make a big difference to me." His brows furrow slightly, "You're the only thing I care about, I couldn't care who was coming to the school as long as they don't annoy us." I hope he doesn't notice the hastiness in which I add the second part, but when his eyes light up and his arm snakes around my waist I know I've satisfied him and the situation isn't going to create any issues.
"That's my girl." His words make my breath catch as he leans in to kiss me, and I melt into him, basking in the presence of boy I love, his gentle fingers holding me to him.
But when I go to take a step back I realise I can't, and his grip tightens. I look up at him, my eyes widening at the familiar glint in his sea-blue eyes, the waves within them becoming volatile and dangerous. "Just remember you are my girl Anna, and you better not forget that tomorrow. Do not make a bad first impression."
I barely register his lips pressing against mine again, I'm too busy trying to slow down my heartbeat and hide his effect on me from him, I couldn't let him see it. I wasn't allowed to show anything other than confidence and perfection. He says goodbye to me along with something about seeing me at lunch and then his blonde hair disappears into the crowd of bustling students, and I can finally breathe.
The air rushes into my lungs and I quickly open my locker door, hiding behind the metal in the hopes of no one noticing my shaken form.
I allow my self thirty seconds to break the facade but I don't let the tears fall from my eyes, I couldn't afford to mess up any bit of my makeup. My fingernails dig into the palms of my hands and the pain gives me something to focus on, allowing my mind to empty itself of Matt's words and the threat they hold. After the thirty seconds are up I look straight into the mirror hanging from my locker door and smooth down my hair, before applying a fresh coat of lipstick.
I smile at the girl in the mirror and she smiles back at me, no signs of trauma flicking onto her face and it gives me assurance - I can keep going, I am strong enough.
Annabelle Williams is a fighter.
I sling my bag onto my shoulder, shutting my locker at the same time, before starting my walk to class. As I pass people they smile and greet me, eyes wide with excitement and it makes me happy to know that people think positively of me. As I was with Matt, I was deemed one half of our schools 'Golden Couple', the description accurate considering we both had shining blonde hair.
Matt is the captain of the football team at our school and because we began dating the summer before sophomore year, I'm known because of him and our 'high school sweethearts' relationship. It's completely cliche but I embrace it, as long as I'm known for something good then I'm not going to complain, our image was everything to me, and to him too, if it was damaged then I'd have nothing.
I enter my classroom, lightly chatting with our teacher before taking my usual seat beside the window, my eyes immediately going outside. I watch as a group of boys walk through the front gates, throwing their bags at each other as they do, one of which hits a branch of the large oak tree that welcomes us into our school. A flock of blackbirds rapidly emerge from the leaves, their panic evident in the disarray that they fly in as they try to cope with the disturbance and understand what's happening. My thoughts drift to tomorrow- there was an uneasy feeling in my stomach and I couldn't help but wonder if I'd be the same. If, like those birds, I'd panic at the sudden change in my surroundings, if I'd even be able to make sense of it all.
I force myself to look away from the scene, trying not to overthink about it. I mean would there really be that much change?
Without realizing it I've chewed off the nail varnish on the end of one finger and I scramble to find the small pot of colour in my bag, the task seeming impossible with how much junk there is littered inside. Finally, I feel my fingers close around the tiny plastic lid.
"You're one of those girls that give us a bad name, that bag is a mess." I roll my eyes at the voice above me and stick my tongue out in response. "I'm serious Elle, you may be my best friend but the disorder in there gives me severe anxiety."
Kristie Kennedy had been my best friend since the fifth grade after we bonded over being the only two people who didn't want to go outside during a break time because a new Harry Potter book had been released and neither of us could put it down. Despite the teacher giving us into trouble and giving us detentions, it was definitely worth it; not only did I get to read my book but I got a best friend too. We haven't left each other's side since.
Where I had long blond hair Kristie's was short and brunette, not pixie cut length but just above the shoulders, and she had matching brown eyes which were truly the most comforting ones you could ever gaze into if you were feeling low. Which for me happened often.
"Let me live," I whine, applying the pink colour to my damaged nail, "Stop trying to change me." She takes her seat beside me, laughing.
"I think we both know who tries to do that, and it's certainly not me... I mean are we going to talk about your clothing choices?" Her words sting but I brush them off, knowing she means no harm.
It's not as if she was lying about anything – my clothing choice was pretty awful. The dress I was wearing was so tight it felt like a second skin, showing off my curves much more than I would like. Matt had chosen the dress, and how it got away with passing the school standards I'd never know. The heels on my feet were one of the more comfortable pairs I owned so at least I wasn't in pain.
"So are you excited for tomorrow? New people! Hot boys!" Kristie's eyes are wide and her mouth is turned up into a fake smile, trying to turn my mood around.
I stay silent.
"Hello, Elle! I'm waiting for an enthusiastic response here." I sigh, looking at her in exasperation.
"Why would I be happy about that when I'm not allowed to talk to anyone that is a male without Matt's authority?" Kristie flinches at my response, sinking further into her seat as she loses her excitement, realising that I was right. "Besides, we don't know what the town is like, for all we know they could all be crazy savages that don't speak our language."
"Yeah and they could also be super hot single guys that haven't seen a hot girl before, and I'm going to welcome them to the world of the living with wide, wide, wide open..." she winks at me, "arms."
Our laughter is stopped by Mrs Green as she brings the class to attention, starting the lesson off right away and I fall into the world of History, letting stories of ancient Kings take me away on their noble steeds instead of worrying about what might happen tomorrow.
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