━━━hogwarts express!

BIRDIE POTTER WAS still shaken up because of the whole deatheater fiasco last night, but most of all she was annoyed at the damned Potter genes that somehow always led Harry right in the middle of trouble, turns out — Harry was outside in the middle of the place where the dark mark got conjured, with him were Ron, Hermione and Regan as always, though the loony and completely delusional Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation seemed to have a lot of questions for Regan, just because she came from a long line of Blacks, not to mention — the girl has enough attitude and sass for a whole ass village, Barty Crouch didn't really like that.

Lily and James had immediately sent Birdie and Harry a letter under a fake name just in case it got into the wrong hands, they were asking them if they were ok, stupid question if you ask Birdie, like no, mother I just witnessed people getting killed, my brother was in the middle of the bloody fucking dark mark and I got pushed around by at least twenty people that made me sprain my ankle, I am completely fucking fine.

Alright, that was a little harsh, Birdie will admit, but again — she'd like to remind everyone that it was that time of the month for her just the next day after the attack which got her extra frustrated.

Birdie somehow always found herself away from Harry whenever trouble was around him, she was failing as a big sister, or so she thought, to be honest — she could do a lot worse, like Petunia Dursley, ach. She had half a mind trying to convince Lorelei to make her a jewelery or something that screamed 'Get off you arse your brother's having a near death experience again' whenever Harry was in trouble.

For some reason it seemed like the whole world is out to get Harry and Birdie Potter is not here for it.

They'd all taken a portkey last night when Sirene came back to the tent injured and ended up getting lectured by Andrew for around fifteen minutes and only said 'It's my job' as a response, which seemed to piss Andrew off or something, and then came the turn for Regan to get lectured — she was not having it, she said and I quote 'What was I supposed to do while they accused me? Smile and look pretty?'

Lorelei and Birdie had to put their hands on their mouths to stop themselves from laughing, though Regan and the rest didn't find it that funny, she ended up getting grounded for one week — she didn't care though, they were going to be at Hogwarts in like five days anyway.

"Can you believe how much shit happened in just one day?" Birdie said with a sigh as she got inside her bed back at her house, the Potters were staying at Greece for now, but she knew they would have to move again soon, Birdie and Sirene were busy talking to each other through a two-way-mirror they'd found in the basement at the Marauders' manor, "This is so fucking unbelievable"

"I mean, is it though?" Lorelei asked Birdie as she propped up the mirror on a pillow and got inside the bed herself, "It seems like the whole wizarding world is falling apart and even though your brother has fought like two versions of Voldemort as a kid — everyone still believes that Voldemort is in his grave, if he even has one that is"

"Didn't he like...just disappear?" Birdie questioned, Lorelei shrugged — both of them clearly hadn't paid much attention to the pamphlets the ministry spread around when Voldy croaked, "I guess, I could see where they're coming from, many people lost their loved ones because of Voldemort, yikes I'll never get used to saying his ugly ass name, anyway — maybe they want to believe that because they don't want to imagine what might happen he was back"

"But then it doesn't make sense" Lorelei frowned, "Shouldn't they be preparing for the worst because they don't want anything like that to happen again?"

"I don't know, El" Birdie said wrapping her blanket around herself a little bit tighter, "I just hope this year at Hogwarts goes smoothly compared to rest trash ones we've had"

"Oh, god, don't remind me" Lorelei groaned, "Remember fourth year? Filch made our lives a living hell, couldn't do pranks without him putting his filthy nose in our businesses"

"Oh, yes!" Birdie agreed with a grimace, "He's such a nightmare without his fucking cat — I'm honestly starting to believe she's his emotional support animal or something"

"Emotional support, huh?" Lorelei sniggered, "Mrs Norris is his everything, practically, if humans could marry animals — you best believe he would be the first one to do that"

"Please" Birdie snorted at her best friend, "Do you remember when he got rid of those kitchen rats only so he could feed them to Mrs Norris?"

"Disgusting" Lorelei gagged, "Can't wait for him to leave, motherfucker kept telling me my signature looked forged and had the audacity to let Regan go with the same one"

"Honestly, it's not that surprising" Birdie said to her best friend, "Our parents probably made his life a living hell or something during their time at Hogwarts — it seems like he's taking revenge or something"

"Can't believe I'm gonna be there to prank him with you" Lorelei said leaning her head on her elbow, "It was probably the only thing that kept me sane during my Hogwarts years"

"I just can't believe you're not going to be here this year" Birdie said sadly, "I know I had half a year to get over it, but I'm still not"

"Prank him for me"

"Nah" Birdie said and Lorelei frowned, "I want a peaceful year, none of that pranking shit, it would be too weird to prank people without you"

"Aw, that's kinda sweet" Lorelei said with a small smile, "And a peaceful year at Hogwarts? Hate to burst your bubble, Ms Potter, but that doesn't exist"

"Well, then let me be the first inventor of that, Ms Black" Birdie joked and soon Lorelei put the mirror down to get some sleep, sadly, Birdie wasn't feeling sleepy at all, instead her hands were itching to draw something. It's so frustrating sometimes she could be standing in front of a canvas with paint in her hand and nothing would happen but sometimes she could literally be in the middle of conversation, trying to sleep or in the shower and an idea would pop into her head.

Birdie let out a sigh and then trudged to the art studio, she hadn't really had one of those ever but Greece house had a studio that Birdie could use so she loved the Greece house even more than most of the houses she's lived in. She opened the door and walked inside to see her mother in it, typing away furiously on a typewriter, Birdie frowned and walked up to her, her mom didn't notice though she was too busy typing.

Birdie decided to take advantage of that situation and decided to go and yell straight in her ears, "MUM!"

"Merlin!" Lily said as she got startled, she placed her hand on her chest and then glared at her daughter, "Birdie, how many times have I told you not to do that?!"

"Don't know, I've done it too many times, if I'm being honest" Birdie said as she pulled up a chair to sit beside her mother, "What are you doing up?"

"I should be the one asking you that, missy" Lily said putting down her glasses, "What are you doing up?"

"Not fair" Birdie frowned, "I asked first"

"I birthed you"

"Fair point" Birdie shrugged, "I got an art idea, now what about you?"

"I was just thinking about Harry" Lily said and gave her daughter a small smile, "He's been through too much, I just want one normal year for him."

"Me too, mum" Birdie said, "Me too"

BIRDIE POTTER REALLY couldn't bring herself to be happy about another year at Hogwarts - she didn't have her best friend by her side, she didn't really know what to do with herself now that Lorelei wasn't right by her side every step of the way. Even though Birdie was in hufflepuff and Lorelei was in Ravenclaw, the girls were practically attatched to the hip, you couldn't ever find one without the other. She wandered around aimlessly in the train not bothering to sit in a compartment because what was she even going to do after she sat down?

"Oi, Potter!" Birdie heard someone call out, but didn't pay much attention because she assumed someone was calling her brother or something, "Birdie! Turn around, dum dum!"

Birdie turned around with a frown and found that Hope Lupin was peeking her head out of a compartment and waving at her, Birdie walked up to her compartment and saw that Hope was sitting with Belladonna Clark.

"Hey, Hope" Birdie said as she sat down opposite to the girls, Belladonna waved at her with a bright smile, "Bella"

Bella's smile left her face and she angrily said, "Don't call me Bella"

Birdie looked at her taken aback, the thing about Belladonna is that she's always happy, seriously - that girl practically walks with rainbows and sunshine falling out of her arse or something. Which really was so ironic because her mother was the Bellatrix Lestrange. Birdie didn't get it.

"Alright" Birdie said and watched the expression of anger turn into one of guilt as Belladonna apologized.

"Sorry about that" She said with an awkward grin, "I go by Donna"

"Cool" Birdie shrugged and looked at Hope expectantly waiting for her to get on with whatever she called her here for, "You wanted to talk?"

"Well, yeah" Hope said leaning back into her seat, "Weren't you there at the Quidditch World Cup?"

"Yeah" Birdie said with a sigh, she still hated that experience, minus the tents and camping thing, she enjoyed that.

"Blimey!" Donna said her eyes widening, "Are you ok?"

"Oh, yeah" Birdie waved her off, "We were pretty close to the woods, so it was alright, Regan and the rest got into some trouble though"

"Regan?" Hope frowned, "What'd she do now?"

"Well, she didn't really do anything" Birdie said explaining what had happened to the two girls, Hope seemed to be angry at Crouch and Donna just stayed silent after the deatheater part, Birdie assumed it was because of Bellatrix Lestrange being her mother and all.

Again, she really didn't get how she Belladonna was Bellatrix Lestrange's kid.

"My dad said a lot of people from the ministry were involved into the deatheater attack" Hope said turning her voice into a hushed whisper for the deatheater part, "Lucius Malfoy being one of them"

"I dunno much about that" Birdie said to the girl with a small frown, "But I'm sure he got away again, how the hell does the ministry not just pull his sleeve up and check?"

"Maybe he wears concealer or something" Donna joked, "I wouldn't put it past him with hair like that"

"I've always wondered" Birdie said, "How that little Malfoy git have such shiny hair, now it makes sense"

"Mafloy? The kid who walks around talking about Harry? Or the bitch in our year?" Hope questioned.

"Wait, really? Little Malfoy goes around talking about my Harry?" Birdie snorted when Hope nodded, "Why's he so obsessed with my brother"

"I mean" Hope said, "He is the chosen one"

"He has some competition though" Donna said and everyone turned to look at her with their brows raised, "Regan Rosier?"

"Regan?!" Birdie and Hope exclaimed together.

"That's my name" Regan said from the compartment door, startling everyone, "Don't wear it out"

"How do you do that?!" Birdie said to the girl who just shrugged in return, "And what are you doing with us?"

"Yeah, Reg, we're having big girl talks" Hope said with a teasing tone, "This isn't a kids' compartment"

"Fuck you" Regan said rolling her eyes and sat down next to Birdie with a frown, "I'll sit wherever I wanna sit"

"Now, now, Regan" Birdie tutted, "Don't make me bring out the jar"

"It was years ago!" Regan protested, "Let it go, woman!"

"What's the jar?" Donna questioned and a grin made it's way on Birdie's face while a frown formed on Regan's.

"You had to ask" Regan said grumpily and folded her arms with a huff.

"I'll tell you" Birdie said enthusiastically, "Two years ago Sirene, Regan's mom—"

"I know she's kind of one of my aunts" Donna said with a small shrug, Birdie nodded.

"—She made this jar because Regan was being too mean and cussing a lot, and every time she would do that she would have to put ten sickles in the jar" Birdie said and Regan slumped further into her seat, "By the end of a week the jar was completely full, not even space for air left"

"Oh" Donna said with a chuckle, "My dad did something like that once for my brother, my brother's a muggle"

"Wait, I've never asked this before" Birdie said to Donna, "But what does your dad do in the muggle world?"

"Oh, he owns a company" Donna said, "I live with my step mother and step brother, my dad doesn't really get much time to take a break"

"What kind of company?" Birdie questioned further, she'd always wondered how businesses worked.

"It's an appliance brand — he makes stuff like refrigerators, microwaves, televisions and other stuff"

"Wicked" Birdie said and Donna beamed at her. Birdie and Lorelei had made a plan of opening some kind of shop when they were older, as they got older the interests kept changing — first it was candies, then a bakery, and then it was a clothing store, but one thing was sure and it was that they would open a store.

"Hey, Regan" Hope asked the girl who looked up, "Why are you sitting with us?"

"Am I not allowed to?" Regan frowned and Hope shook her head.

"No, it's just that you usually sit with Harry" Hope said with a small shrug.

"Yeah, well he's busy being a big arse so" Regan said with a huff, Birdie and the rest looked amusedly at her, "What?"

Someone had their first fight.

I miss the marauders :((((

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