The USJ Attack! Goku New awakened power
Last time on Dragon Ball Academia Class 1A were notified that they were going to do Rescue Training at the USJ. How will this go for our soon to be heroes find out right now.
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As everyone was going to the bus they realized that they had no space so Goku told Aizawa that he would take the nimbus cloud there and Aizawa agreed before he left Goku went and picked up Eri so she could notice the action and to see for herself how it would be for her in the future and with that Class 1A went to the USJ.(Before you ask the whole conversation with Tsu and Midoriya is exactly the same)
Goku - (as he drops from the nimbus cloud with Eri in his arms) Wow this place is huge you could put at least a tournament here.
Eri - Hi MAMA - she says as she runs towards Ochako
With that comment Goku got flustered and as well as Ochako but she loves Eri and Eri loves her but everyone was confused with the comment that Eri made to Ochako.
Ochako - Hi Eri I didn't expect you to be here - she says as she smiles but still red from her comment.
Eri - Papa said that I should go with him so I can see for experience
Aizawa - Don't you think is a bad idea to have her what if she gets hurt Goku?
Goku - Don't worry if anything happens I make sure she will be alright and I told her when it starts to stay close to you - (as he shows his fatherly side as all the girls look at him as an amazing father.)
When everyone goes inside Goku stayed close to Ochako and Eri and they also meet the pro hero 13 while she was explaining everything Ochako had stars for eyes since 13 is her favorite pro hero.
Kirishima - Cool we even get to fight fake villians (as he points to the people entering the black mist.)
Aizawa - Those are real villians! 13 take care of the students make sure they stay safe i'll handle them!
13 - right come on everyone lets go
Goku and Izuku look at each other with eyes of determination and nod at each other.
Goku - Eri stay with Ochako (he then turns to Ochako) Take care of her ok?
Ochako nods as a black mist starts to form around them as Goku picks up Eri and throws her to Ochako before the mist created a wall around them and sending them elsewhere.
Eri - PAPA! (as she forms tears in her eyes and lets them fall but notices Ochako with her determined eyes.)
Goku - Aaaaaaahhhhh (he then falls in a rock type area with Jirou , Kaminari and Momo) Where are we anyway (but notices enemy's around them) Well looks like we have to fight (as he gets to his stance)
Momo then looks at Jirou who nods as well and gets ready to fight
The rest of the class are where they were in the original story everything goes as canon but Goku takes out more villians and Kaminari doesn't go retarded when he attacks since he didn't go over his limit.
Goku - Ka.....Me......Ha.......Me.......
Momo - take cover guys Goku is about to shoot the blast (as Kaminari and Jirou and Momo takes cover in a giant shield Momo created)
Goku - Finally were done lets go everyone hold on to me (as he puts two fingers in his forehead and everyone grabbed his shoulder or back)
Goku then saw Mr. Aizawa and Deku fighting a bird creature with his brain and he couldn't stand there and watch he charged at him.
Goku - What the hell my attacks aren't working on him its like he is immune to them.
As the man with hands in his face and scratching his neck laughs at his reaction
Shigaraki - My Nomu has a shock absorption and a regeneration quirk so there is no point in fighting him because he was made to kill All Might.
Goku - Well lets see if he can handle THIS! (As he starts to power up)
Goku - Now I'll show you the KAIOKEN
As he unleashes a barrages of attacks and realize that they were not doing not but it only pushed him back but Goku kept going even though his body was starting to break but the Nomu was not taking damage and started counterattacking and pushing him over his limit.
Eri - PAPA (as she sees Goku get beaten to a pulp and starts crying for her new father.)
As the Nomu was gonna land the finishing blow it hit something else but it was not Goku no it was Uraraka that got between the hit.
Goku - (runs towards Uraraka) URARAKA NO PLEASE STAY WITH ME OCHAKO PLEASE COME ON COME ON PLEASE NO.....OCHAKO.....ochako - as he starts to let tears fall and as everyone sees her body in his arms.
Shigaraki - Hahahaha she was so stupid to get in between in that attack how stupid of her.
Goku - you.....ruthless......heartless.......BASTARD (as his hair turns yellow for a second and back to normal as the pressure in the air get more intense)
(I put this transformation because that was the best transformation in history and it goes good with the story since the villain's attacked)(skip to 1:05 that where he transforms)
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Shigaraki - it doesn't matter if you changed you're hair color you can't beat my Nomu (as he orders Nomu to attack)
Goku - you suffer!
As the Nomu ran to him he then tried to hit him but he couldn't even land a punch nor a kick until Goku started attacking and they were both on par with each other.
Goku - You have no chance at beating me you will pay for what you did to her!
Goku then gets more angry and stronger the more he fights the Nomu
As everyone of Class 1A is watching the fight they wonder what happened to Goku and how he is fighting a creature made to beat All Might.
Goku - Time to end this (as the Nomu shrieks in pain)
Shigaraki - This guy is cheating Nobody should be able to beat Nomu NOBODY
Goku then shoots a kamehameha and ends the Nomu putting his anger and focus to the Black mist and the guy with Hands in his face.
Goku - You will pay because I'm mad now I'm really really mad and now it's time to PAAAAAAY!
As he charges to Shigaraki and punches him in the stomach but before he could attack again Kurogiri got in the way and took the hit.
Goku - It's done you have no reason to even get up your not even a challenge to me anymore I'm satisfied now I made you pay by humiliating you and breaking you so good luck with that quirk of yours if you have only 8 fingers.
As Shigaraki notices his middle fingers are gone and he cries in pain.
Shigaraki - I will never be defeated (as he throws a knife at his direction and misses but cuts his face just a bit but enough to make him mad)
Goku - You truly are a helpless fool I gave you one last chance to live .... AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME (as he transforms again)
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Goku transforms and Shigaraki keeps throwing knives and tries to touch Goku so he could disintegrate him but he can't since Goku dodged and counter every time.
Shigaraki - (panting) Who... Who are you?
Goku - Haven't you notice yet...I am the hope of the universe..I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am the warrior that has been told in legends A pure hearted warrior awakened by fury that's what I am... I am protector of the innocent I am the light in the darkness I am truth....Because I am an Ally of Good and a nightmare to evil like you.
Goku - (powers up) I AM THE SUPER SAIYAN SON GOKU!
As Shigaraki was filled with fear he was pulled by Kurogiri and escaped from Goku's Wrath.
Goku - (power down) OCHAKO! - he screams as he runs to her and sees she is still breathing but Goku can't hold back his tears and cusses himself.
Goku - You stupid retarded fuck head you could have save her but you were too weak to end it at the moment now look what you've done you let your girlfriend get injured - as he tells himself and punching the ground he feels something in his pocket and sees his bag of that has 4 senzu beans
Goku - Holy Shit! A Senzu bean (as he quickly grabs one munches it down and feed it to Ochako and as soon as he separates from her she wakes up.
Ochako - G-Goku w-where am I? OH MY GOD GOKU WHAT HAPPENED I THOUGHT I WAS.....(as she is then interrupted as Goku kisses her lips in relief that she is alive and well with tears in his eyes.)
Goku - (tearfully) I'm glad you're ok please never leave me
Ochako - I will never leave you I love you too much to begin with. (as she returns the favor with a kiss)
Goku - Hold on where is Mr. Aizawa I need to give him a senzu!
As he healed everyone and had one more bean he decided he will have to plant the bean so he can grow more.
Eri - PAPA WHAT WAS THAT POWER YOU SHOWED WITH THE GOLDEN HAIR AND AWESOME SPEED ( as she tries to hold her tears thinking she would have never seen her father again)
Goku - I-I don't know but that power was intense I will control it and make it my own
As the whole class leave happy they survived but our Saiyan is still wondering what that power was.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter it took me the whole school hours to make this chapter again I do not own Dragon Ball nor my hero academia please support the official release
See ya later until the next chapter go beyond PLUS ULTRA
Next time on Dragon Ball Academia - The Sports Festival? The start of training.
Don't miss it!
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