Multiverse Battle Finale

Warning lots of Gifs/Pics.

The Tournament has reached it critical moment as Goku from the 17th Universe was out and the last fighters were ready.

Grand Priest - Now for the next match is going to be Broly from Universe 14 against Shoto from Universe 17

Shoto went up there as the Broly looked like he wasn't going to fight but Kakarot told him something that triggered him and he transformed into what looks like an incomplete version of Super Saiyan.

Broly charged at Shoto and tried to attack him but Shoto created a giant ice wall but he just broke through it and grabbed Shoto from his head and started throwing him and slamming his head on the ground. But he then kicked him away as he was knocked out on the wall and was eliminated but Broly was increasing his energy and tried to attack Shoto again but Celeron got in between him.

Kaine - He's out you can stop now.

Broly kept looking in anger as his energy kept rising.

Grand Priest - I'm sorry to say this but Grand Zeno wants to be entertained more so the remaining warriors will fight in a battle royale in a different stage.

The Grand Priest uses his abilities to transport everyone to a new arena in a different void of space as the ones who lost and their Universe were on the top balcony.

Grand Priest - Everyone will fight against each other until the last man is standing.

We all stare at each other as I noticed the teams.

Universe 14 - Broly

Universe 11 - Dyspo and Jiren

Universe 17 - Vegeta

Universe 7 - Goku,Vegeta,Celeron,Broly

Universe 16 - Vegito, Izuku, Celeron, Broly and Kaine.

Universe 19 - Karoly, Akumo

After a good stare down I was being face down by the Broly from Universe 16 and I already decided to fight him first.

But something was off Broly from the 14 had other plans he was going through a transformation.

Broly - Raaaahhhh!!! Raaaaahhhh!!! Hahahaha!

His power didn't stop increasing he kept changing.

Kakarot - I feel bad for the rest of the competitors they will try to stop him but Broly is a demon of destruction. He takes out anyone who's crosses his path.

Broly's body kept growing as his hair started to grow and his muscles grew larger as his body started glowing and he exploded out of power.

He transformed to a Beserker Saiyan but something was off his power it felt like he had God energy.

Vegeta - Do you feel that?

Goku - Yeah it feels like God energy. Did he transformed into a god?

Beerus - I can't believe it his power is even more dangerous than before.

God Broly - Kakarot. KAKAROT!

He charged at me as I prepared to attack but an energy blade got between us.

Vegito - I'm the real Kakarot, Broly come here and fight me.

Broly wasted no time as he went to Vegito as he tried to attack him as a Super Saiyan 2 but it did nothing.

Vegito - Well first time since Xicor. HAAAA!!!! Time to face Vegito Blue!!!

Goku - Amazing his Blue Power is incredible I don't think I would last very long against him.


Goku - But it doesn't mean I'll give up. Vegeta we should stay together.

Vegeta - No I'm facing myself!

Goku - Wha...Vegeta! Hmph fine didn't need you anyway. Best buddy my ass.

I see Jiren as we stare down and I knew I had to face him.

(With Vegeta)

Vegeta - Your the version of myself who combined your Super Saiyan Blue and Super Saiyan 4 transformation that's amazing.

U17 Vegeta - I see you don't have that form so how about we see how strong you are.

Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan 5 and his double transforms into a Super Saiyan Blue and they charged at each other.

U17 Vegeta - It seems we are both equally matched. But I never seen this form.

Vegeta - I unlocked this form through a fit of rage when I saw a friend of mine die and through that rage I transformed into a Super Saiyan 5.

U17 Vegeta - I can't believe that you reached that far now tell me how far can you go?

Vegeta - My ultimate form is an evolved state of Super Saiyan Blue but instead of explaining I'll show you!

Vegeta returned to his base form as he transformed into a Super Saiyan Blue Evolution.

Vegeta - This is everything I got.

U17 Vegeta - Come at me.

Both the Vegetas kept fighting as Universe 7 Vegeta was getting a slight advantage.

(With the other fighters)

Broly and Vegito fight kept shaking everything as Broly started to gain the advantage by landing some attacks at Vegito.

Vegito - Damn he's stronger than I thought.

God Broly - KAKAROT! GRAAAHH!!!!

Vegito - HAAAA!!!!

Both were even as Vegito kicked Broly away while Broly got even more angry.

Vegito - There's no progress being made. I have to go even further.

Vegito energy started to increase higher as he charged at Broly again and got the advantage again.

Akumo - Karoly do you feel that?

Karoly - I guess it's time we start letting out more power.

Akumo and Karoly transformed and it got the attention of everyone as Vegito and Broly stopped fighting and something in Vegeta from the 7th Universe made him shocked.

Vegeta - They're energy is so high.

Goku - He transformed into a Super Saiyan 4?!

Jiren - These warriors are something else your race truly is extraordinary.

Goku - We get that a lot. Well let's not forget our battle.

Both charged at each other as Goku transformed into a Super Saiyan Blue.

Camie - These guys are totally a different level.

Vegeta was distracted as his 17th counterpart blasted him and he took the damage as he got up but more furious.

U17 Vegeta - Don't get distracted! But since it's really strange out of everyone I can tell you have become the weakest.

Vegeta - Shut up I'm not!

U17 Vegeta - Take a good look. I combined the Super Saiyan 4 transformation with Blue but you just evolved to a different version which is still weaker. Look at Kaine and Celeron from Vegito's Universe.

He looked and saw that they increased their energy so high that it was actually stronger than him and both of the two increased even more.

U16 Kaine - I think now is a good time don't you think?

U16 Celeron - Yeah.

Both Celeron and Kaine reached in their pocket and took out a potara earring.

Celeron - So that's their plan. Fusion.

Both combined as they transformed and walked out.

??? - Celeron and Kaine combined we make Cumber.

Cumber charged them as his unfused half prepared for a fight.

Vegeta - How? It's not possible both of them even surpassed me.

While that was happening Broly from Universe 7 was fighting Dyspo.

Dyspo - Hahaha you might as well give up now.

Broly - No I won't I will fight until my body breaks completely.

Broly started raising his energy as Dyspo was losing his footing as he tried to shoot a blast at Broly but it was unable to penetrate his barrier of energy and Broly screamed out as his energy raised he screamed out a word that shocked everyone who knew the word.

Broly - KAIOKEN!!!

The pressure of his power started pushing everyone back.

Vegito - Man he's amazing.

Goku - Broly after this we may need to spar again.

Broly charged at Dyspo faster than light and delivered a heavy punch to the gut. Dyspo spat out blood and flew to the end of the ring.

Dyspo - Fine then i guess it's time to finally use it.

Dyspo started releasing a purple aura as his speed started increasing.

Dyspo - Light speed Mode.

He rushed at Broly as no one could keep up with his speed. (Or so they thought)

Broly - Damn not even a 3x times Kaioken can keep up. I'm gonna risk my body to the fullest. Kaioken times 10!!!!!

Me and Jiren stopped fighting and started feeling the energy of Broly and I could see that Jiren was really interested.

Goku - He finally decided to get serious fine then I will too. HAAA!!!

I transformed into Ultra Instinct and our battle continued. Broly sped to Dyspo and it was exactly like the moment he used Kaioken at the beginning he punched Dyspo but this time he was out of the ring.

Broly powered down as he felt his hand break and he saw his double from Universe 16 getting ready to fight Akumo with Izuku.

Vegeta - No it's impossible. How did I become the weakest of all the Saiyans?

U17 Vegeta - I understand your frustrations but out of everyone here you are the weakest Saiyan

Vegeta - Everyone has surpassed me. Kakarot.

Goku was fighting Jiren in his incomplete Ultra Instinct form and was having an even fight.

Vegeta - Broly

Broly powered up and his energy kept increasing as he rushed to battle and punched Akumo and both started battling.

Vegeta looked at disbelief and he felt so much rage that he was the weakest.

Vegeta - When did I become the weakest?

Vegeta started to remember a time his father was talking to him when he was a child.

K. Vegeta - Vegeta do you know why our family have ruled over the Saiyan for generations?

Vegeta - Because our family were the strongest and nobody could defeat us.

K. Vegeta - Incorrect.

A small silence emerge as King Vegeta turned around and looked out from his palace.

K. Vegeta - Do you remember the story of the Super Saiyan God?

Vegeta - The Super Saiyan God is just a myth a made up story.

K. Vegeta - Also incorrect. Our family are the descendants of the first Super Saiyan God. That's why we ruled because the universes most destructive and royal power is in our blood. Don't forget it.

(Present Time)

Vegeta - That's right I have the original Super Saiyan God blood flowing through me so....Why am I........WHY THE HELL AM I SO WEAK?!!! HAAAAA!!!!!!!

Vegeta started powering up as everyone was shocked of the power being displayed by Vegeta and his Universe 17 counterpart just looked at him and saw how his double was getting stronger.

Celeron - Vegeta!

Broly - Vegeta!

Goku - Vegeta!

Vegeta eyes started change as the his aura changed to white and his muscles increased and through the change his eyes went from white with blue pupils to blood red with white pupils.

Vegeta - HAAAAAA!!!!!!!

The giant flow of energy pushed everyone back as Izuku couldn't take anymore power as it pushed him out of the ring.

Celeron - He's finally done it Vegeta has finally reached the legendary transformation.

Vegito - Wow his power is exactly the same as Goku maybe a little stronger.

Goku - Vegeta.

Vegeta from the 17th could only watch in awe as his double reached an unbelievable power.

Vegeta stood there in silence as everyone couldn't believe in such a short time he has finally reached the highest level of Super Saiyan. Celeron looked as how he only had 1 limiter.

Celeron - (telepathic) Goku are you seeing this?

Goku - (telepathic) Yeah it's insane and amazing we actually have a small guarantee that we will win.

Vegeta - I am Prince Vegeta descendant of the original Super Saiyan God and I will defeat you.

He rushed at his 17th Universe counterpart and punched his gut and kicked him out of the ring.

Grand Priest - Everyone from Universe 17 have been eliminated.

Vegeta turned to Goku as he jumped to him and both looked at each other as they spread out again.

Goku was ready to fight Jiren seriously as Jiren responded by powering up to full strength and both started fighting again as Goku got the advantage and kicked him to a near by boulder as he was ready to shoot a blast to eliminate him.

Goku - It's over Jiren.

Jiren didn't say anything as he powered up and shot a blast to his universe balcony. Goku noticed as he jumped in front of the blast and punched it away but this action made Goku's rage grew higher.

Goku - How dare you.

Jiren - The trust you believe in so much will be eliminated just like that rock!

Goku started letting out more power as he transformed into a Omni God but he was holding back as he had 2 limiters.

Goku - I truly don't think myself as a hero of justice or anything like that but if anyone dares to hurt my friends........THEY WILL PAY!!!!

Goku exploded with power as he punched Jiren so hard it destroyed the entire arena but Goku wasn't done there as Jiren tried to attack but Goku just maneuvered and started beating down Jiren with punches and kicks as he threw him to the sky and Goku ran towards a piece of the arena floating as he prepared a Kamehameha.

Goku shoots the blast as he eliminated Jiren and Jiren was eliminated but during the fight Vegeta kicked Karoly away as he started releasing a major onslaught and it was impossible for Karoly to dodge any of his attacks even when he blocked the force of it was the same as being actually attacked. Akumo tried to join in but Cumber interfered and surprised attack Akumo as he lost his footing and was outmatched by the sheer willpower he let out. Vegeta eliminated Karoly and Akumo with the help of Cumber but Broly came out of nowhere and destroyed the potara earrings as both Celeron and Kaine separated and both Vegeta and Celeron eliminated them but the Broly from the 16th decided to take down Broly and Celeron.

16th Broly - If we lose then you'll be coming with me.

Broly - No!

But it was too late the only members were Broly from the 14, Vegito and Goku and Vegeta as all 4 were all staring at each other as it was time to finally end the fight.

Universe 7 - Goku,Vegeta

Universe 14 - Broly

Universe 16 - Vegito

We all stood around each other and stayed silent as Broly started powering up more and we all decided to power up.

Grand Priest - The Tournament has finally reached it's final moment. Everyone please enjoy the final fight.

Universe 7 - WIN THIS!!!!

Universe 16 - BEAT THEM!!!!

Universe 14 - DESTROY THEM!!!!

Vegeta rushed towards Broly as Goku rushed at Vegito and everyone started fighting against each other.

Goku - This is it huh?!

Vegito - It had to end at some point. We've come so far and here we are fighting against each other just to see who's stronger.

Goku lands a punch to Vegito's gut but Vegito returns the attack with a kick of his own.

Goku - If this really is the end then I'll stop messing around and go my full power. HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

He could hear the voices of everyone cheering him on as his power kept getting higher and he created a blinding light at everyone saw he took the Omni form again.

Goku quickly rushed at Vegito as he transformed into his Ultra Instinct Omen form.

Vegito/Goku - HAAAAA!!!!!!!

Vegeta was fighting Broly as he kicked him further away and shot a Big Bang Attack as Broly created his own attack and countered the attack.

Broly - You will never defeat me. A weak worm like yourself doesn't stand a chance.

Vegeta - What's funny is that I was holding back. But now i'm serious!

Camie - You know seeing Vegeta with white hair and being cocky is kinda hot.

Goku - Woman I can hear you!!! Wait till we get home!!!

Vegito - HAHAHAHA!!!!!

Mei - Camie don't try and steal my Vegeta he is mine and no one else.

Broly rushed at Vegeta as he dodged and Broly tried to attack him but was not able to land a single hit.

Broly - Bastard!

Vegeta kept dodging as Goku was trying to get Vegito close to Vegeta and Broly as he kept blasting his direction.

Goku - Just a little more come on.

Vegeta noticed this as he engaged the plan and dragged Broly to the same direction as he started releasing an onslaught of attacks and it pushed him back.

Goku quickly used Instant Transmission and rushed at Vegito while he was dodging but he didn't notice the plan he was using.

Both Omni Saiyans back away as they go to the left of Vegito and the right of Broly and charge up their energy.

Vegeta - FINAL.....

Goku - Kamehame....

Goku/Vegeta - HAAAA!!!!!

Both shoot their attack as the force of the blast starts pushing both warriors away.

Goku - More....power.

Vegeta - Let's end this!

But something happened the blast was interrupted as Broly was pushed away from the force and eliminated.

Kakarot - Not...Broly.

Everyone was quiet as Goku and Vegeta saw that Vegito had finally went to his full power.

Vegito - You both wanted this and was time I deliver.

Everyone couldn't believe the power he was emitting

Goku - His power it's incredible. I...I never thought someone this strong would exist.

Vegeta - The pressure he releases is amazing.

Without even a millisecond Vegito was across from them and both felt the speed of Vegito but after that they felt a pain in their gut as both feel to their knees and grabbed on their stomach.

Vegito - Heh sorry about that I forgot you both weren't ready for my speed nor power.

Ochaco - Amazing his speed is incredible.

Eri - But Papa will win he always wins even when his back is against the wall he breaks through it and comes back even stronger.

Broly - The same could be said for Vegeta whenever he leaded us during our fights with Xicor he would train and get even stronger as all the emotions he had made him stronger and from what we've seen today he's just as strong and prideful as the beginning.


Goku - looks like we have to do it.

Vegeta - Not yet. We haven't even....seen even half of his power it better to see how he fights and then well do it.

Both rush at Vegito and try to attack him but he dodges and blocks every attack they send.

Goku shots a blast at him while Vegeta tries to make him lose his balance by attacking from his feet but he back flips and kicks the blast away and kicks Vegeta to Goku.

Vegito - Eat this....Final Flash!!!

The blast consumes them as most of the audience were wondering if they lost but they saw Vegeta stand up as he healed himself and Goku barely could stand but also did the same as Vegeta and healed himself as well. Goku started running towards him as Vegeta followed behind and both together released a barrage of attacks but Vegito again just kept dodging.

Vegeta - Come on just a little more.

Goku - Vegeta this plan better work.

Vegito got frustrated as it was the same and pushed them away with his force as Vegeta looked at Goku and he understood and Goku created a giant ball of energy and shot it to the sky as Vegito noticed.

Goku jumped up and put both hands close to his face.

Goku - Solar Flare!!

The light blinded Vegito and almost everyone else who looked as Goku and Vegeta went to a further location from Vegito and both looked and nodded at each other.

Goku/Vegeta - Fusion! FUSION HA!!!

They moved in sync as both fingers touched and another blinding light appeared and only the gods and the god ki user stood up in awe even the Grand Priest stood up from the sheer power but this wasn't just power it was the birth of the new creator of worlds.

Grand Priest - Lord Zeno we have witness the birth of a new Omni God.

Vegito smiled but looked at his hands as they were shaking he couldn't believe that he's finally getting the challenge he searched for.

Gogeta - I am neither Goku nor Vegeta I am Gogeta it's over Vegito I've come for you!

Both got in their stance as Vegito powered up and Gogeta did the same but something was odd of Vegito.

Vegito - I don't care if I have one limiter. I WILL DEFEAT YOU!

Vegito started powering up again and he said a word that made Gogeta smirk.

Vegito - KAIOKEN TIMES 20!!

Both fighters started walking towards each other but in high speeds they were attacking each other. Vegito however was struggling a bit since Gogeta was stronger even with Kaioken x20, Gogeta was a full Omni God.

Vegito then rushed at him as Gogeta was easily dodging and counter attacking.

Grand Priest - I think I should change it where they have more space.

The Grand Priest snaps his fingers as the area changes to a more wasteland place as both fighters looked confused.

Grand Priest - You both can fight at your fullest here no ring outs it's now the last man standing

Both smiled as Gogeta flew away and Vegito followed him and started shooting energy blast. Again Gogeta was dodging with a smile on his face and stopped as he rushed Vegito and both were trying to get a hit as Gogeta lands a punch and it stuns Vegito for a second. But Vegito tried to land a punch but Gogeta maneuvered away from the punch and landed a solid elbow to Vegito gut and spin as he kicked his face to the ground.

Gogeta flew higher as he prepared a blast and he released hundreds of blast to Vegito.

As his counter fusion go hit with most of the blasts but he wasn't down as he powered up again and tried to attack him but both were moving a fast speed that not even one person in the audience could follow.

Vegito - I can't believe it the challenge that could surpass me and finally satisfy me is myself.

Both clashed again and Vegito kicked Gogeta away as both separated and released a Kamehameha. The blast collided as the smoked cleared with both clothes almost destroyed.

Gogeta kicked Vegito away as he looked surprised but smiled as well as his opposite. Vegito ran to Gogeta and tried to kick him but he vanished behind him but Vegito blasted him and again tried to attack him but Gogeta spinned kicked him. Gogeta backed away as he had two energy spheres in his hand as he ran to Vegito, but he wasn't letting him get close as he shot a giant Big Bang Attack as Gogeta took the chance and jumped around the attack and shot the energy spheres as Vegito got hit by the attack but Gogeta wasn't done he powered again and shot even more and again Vegito was taking damage as Gogeta created a sphere the same one that the Vegito from his universe when he fought Xicor and Zamasu used. A Rainbow sphere as he threw the sphere and Vegito noticed it and powered up again.

Vegito - KAIOKEN TIMES 50!!!

Vegito dodged the blast and sped to Gogeta and delivered many kicks and blasted him away but Gogeta rises and powers up even more as he drops to the ground without any action.

Gogeta looked at him and as quick as a flash he punched Vegito's gut and sledgehammered him to the ground as he felt the trust and calls of everyone from his Universe mostly the ones Goku and Vegeta cared for.

Eri - PAPA!

Camie/Nejire/Kendo - GOKU!

Broly/Celeron/Kaine - VEGETA! KAKAROT!

Gine - DO IT!!!

Gogeta - It's time Vegito let this next attack be the last.

Vegito - Fine if you wanna end this in a final struggle then let's see if you can handle this.

Vegito flew high to the sky and powered up as Gogeta did the same and put both of his hands together.

Vegito - Kaioken X100!! FINAL......KA.....ME....HA....ME....

Gogeta - BIG BANG......KA....ME....HA....ME......

Grand Priest - Lets hope this next attack doesn't erase the entire universe.

As he created a barrier around the whole arena and the Omni King.

Gogeta/Vegito - HAAAAA!!!!!!!

Both shot the beams as they collided and both started struggling more.

Vegito - I WON'T LOSE!!!!

Vegito added more power and started getting the advantage as Gogeta was descending to the ground as he kept struggling to push it back.

Gogeta - Damn I have to end it now my fusion is about to last. Now the chance.

Gogeta created a clone of himself as it used instant transmission to get behind Vegito as it started preparing a Kamehameha wave.

Vegito - Oh you got to be kidding me!

Gogeta - NOW KAIOKEN!!!!

Gogeta pushed the blast as it consumed Vegito's blast and Vegito crosses his arms as the blast consumed him as well and the whole area both were created a giant shockwave as everyone at the arena felt the immense tremor that the power of both displayed. The Grand Priest looked that the monitor to see the winner but he couldn't see anything but the sun up in the sky and no sign of the two fusions.

But he then noticed two figures sitting down as one was knocked out and the other in his Super Saiyan form looking at the sun with a smile on his face with both looking completely beaten up.

Grand Priest - Gogeta from the 7th Universe is the winner!

Everyone cheered as Gogeta picked up Vegito and used instant transmission to get back to the arena as both fell to the ground and knocked out.

A few minutes later both Goku and Vegeta woke up as they stood up and looked around and saw that they were in what looked like a nurses office. They stood up and looked at each other as they started laughing and both realized that they won the tournament.

Goku - Man we did it. Thanks.

Vegeta - I should be thanking you Kakarot you helped me get stronger since we met and now we have become the strongest in all the universes.

Out of nowhere everyone from Universe 7 came and ran towards them as they hugged them and some cried but Mei jumped on Vegeta and kissed him as Camie hugged Goku with Eri and Gohan smiling and laughing.

After a few minutes of congratulations and hugs they walk out as the crowd cheered and the Grand Priest was in the front with Lord Zeno on top in his chair smiling.

Both Goku and Vegeta see Vegito looking at them smiling with a thumbs up.

Vegito - The next fight we have I'll win and surpass you just wait.

Goku - We're counting on it.

Grand Priest - Everyone please give a hand to Universe 7 as they won the fight.

Vegeta looked around as his 17th counterpart smiled and he also saw that Jiren and the rest of the Pride Troopers smiled and waved at them.

Karoly and his friends smiled and nodded. Everyone respected them by their courage and strength. (Well maybe not everyone)

Grand Priest - But I will need Gogeta since he won the fight.

Goku - Hehe it can't be helped.

Vegeta smiled went to a face of annoyance as he put his arms to his side as Goku did the same and they did the pose and Gogeta appeared.

Grand Priest - Now Gogeta you get one wish granted by the Super Dragon Balls.

When he said the that the sky was covered by planet sized Dragon Balls as the Grand Priest spoke the language of the gods and a giant golden dragon called Zarama appeared and he spoke in the same language.

Grand Priest - Now Gogeta of the 7th what is your wish?

Gogeta - Hmmm how about.......(smiles) for Goku and Vegeta of the 7th to have a perfect wedding right here with Camie and Mei of the 7th.

The Grand Priest smiled as he wished it and the setting of the arena was changed to a wedding theme with both Goku and Vegeta defused in tuxedos and with Camie and Mei with wedding dresses. With Broly and Izuku as best man.

Grand Priest - We are gathered here today to celebrate the victory of Universe 7 and the love of two Saiyans and their soulmates.

Grand Priest - Before we begin does anyone want to stop this wedding. Speak now or forever hold your piece.

All Minetas - WE OBJE........

Kaine - Go one everyone.

Grand Priest - Goku do you take Camie Utsushimi as your lawfully wedded wife to love and to sickness and in health till death do you part?

Goku - I do.

Grand Priest - Camie do you take Son Goku to be your lawfully wedded husband to love and to sickeness and in health till death do you part?

Camie - Yes I do.

Grand Priest - Now Vegeta and Mei Hatsume do you take each other to be your lawfully wedded wife and husband to love and to hold in sickeness and in health till death do you part?

Vegeta - I do.

Mei - Yes.

Grand Priest - By the power vested in me by the Omni King I now pronounce you husband and wife you both may kiss the brides.

Both pairs kissed as everyone cheered (again not everyone some people just don't care) as they carried their brides bridal style as they flew back to their universe balcony. They said their farewell to the other universes as they went back home to their universe as Whis and Beerus congratulated them on their win and both agreed to train under Whis to get even stronger.

Vegeta - You know Kakarot I want you to know that I will be the strongest hero and Saiyan in all Universes got it?

Goku - I know you'll try Vegeta but I won't let myself be beaten by you. I'll get even stronger and be the strongest and surpass the limiter on my own but again fusion was amazing we became a true Omni God.

Both smile as they look at the sun rise with their family and friends with peace.

Finally it's over the arc is over the story itself is 5,000 words and this is my most longest story ever and I'm proud to say that this could be the ending of the series but who knows maybe some more chapters in the way.

Goku - Thanks guys for joining for the jokes and laughs but this isn't goodbye I'll see you guys soon.

Also big shout out for Williamslittty for doing the crossover. Bye guys.

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