Eri's First Halloween. The Scary Night.

It was 2 weeks ever since the Sports Festival and we just finished moving in the dorms with everyone but I realized that it was close to Halloween and I decided to decorate the whole dorms with pranks and decorations for tonight. But it will be the most special night for someone.

Goku - There. Now whoever gets that pie will be tazed I just hope it's not Eri.

As everyone was getting up the first person who went to the kitchen and looked at the pie was Kirishima.

Kirishima - Wow morning pie man just my luck - as he was about to put his finger in there to see what flavor it was.

But as you know it did not go well for him since the moment he made contact he got shocked.

Kirishima - Aaaaaaaah WHaT ThE HEEEEEEEEEEELLLL (as he let go of the pie) man what type of pie is this.

As he then heard someone laughing and he turned to see me laughing out loud of his reaction.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Goku - Oh my god I never knew that would work

Kirishima - Goku did you make that SHOCKING pie.

I couldn't help but laugh because it was funny me and Kirishima were more closer and we pull a lot of pranks on each other mostly against everyone even Bakugo.

Bakugo - GOKU! Why is my door filled with silly string?! IM GONNA KILL YOU!

Goku - Well that's my cue. (I used my instant transmission to go and wake up Eri)

Eri - Papa I have a question?

Goku - Yeah Marshmallow what's up?

Eri - What's Halloween?

This was the biggest question because I remembered that she never had a childhood since she was tortured by Overhaul.

Goku - Well Halloween is a day where you can dress up in a costume at night and go and ask for candy to door to door and have fun or scare people or you just have a halloween party where you dress up but celebrate with friends.

Eri - Well can we do it tonight I want to d-dress up.

Goku - Of course we can. Well go tonight just tell Mama what costume you want and maybe Auntie Momo can make it.

Eri had stars in her eyes and that made me smile because I had another reasons why I fight and get stronger. For her to have a future so I will do anything for her to be happy and to smile.

After having everyone and explaining everything that Eri should have the best first Halloween and Bakugo had a little convincing but he excepted when he said he'll join only if he could be a cool warrior guy from Eri's story.

Time-skip 12 hours later

It is now 6:30 pm and everyone was waiting for Eri and she had a really cute outfit she was a small warrior princess and she made the idea of her costume herself and Momo helped her.

Izuku - Wow Eri you look so beautiful

Eri - Thank you Uncle Deku.

Ochako was dressed as a wizard or witch and Izuku a ghost and Shoto a vampire as well as Momo while everyone had really cool costumes.

Goku - Hey guys sorry to keep you waiting I took forever to get my hair right.

I was dressed as my favorite villain the Joker. (I chose this one since I love the way he looks)

Eri/Ochako/Kirishima/Mina/Izuku -THAT LOOKS SO COOL!

Goku - So you ready Marshmallow

Eri was a little scared but she saw my face clearly and she smiled back.

Eri - Let's do it to it!

After going to house to house I made sure I had a trash bag so she can put all the candy. Most of time I was being eyed by girls which made Ochako jealous but I made sure I stayed with her all time. Eri filled the trash bag with candy and she was super happy. Bakugo was actually smiling since Eri gave him some of her candy and I smiled knowing I am raising her right. But the night was far from over.

I then felt a strong energy and I warned the others.

Goku - (serious) guys go back to the dorms and stay there except Izuku, Shoto and Bakugo you guys stay here we have company.

As three random people who didn't look like they wanted to have a good time. I used a clothes beam to changes in our hero costumes.

Bakugo - Goku do you know what it is?

Goku - No but don't drop your guard.

??? - Hello Goku it is a pleasure to see you again.

Goku - Wait! I know that voice. Overhaul

Overhaul - It is so good that you remember me ever since...what?...Three Months Ago.

Goku - Haven't you learned you're lesson yet? You can't win against me give up and we will not have any problem.

At that moment Eri and Ochako were still there as for everyone else but the worst part is what Overhaul said next.

Overhaul - Let's make a deal huh?

Goku - What do you mean deal?

Overhaul - You give me back Eri and I will forget everything that happened between us.

I was filled with anger so I angrily transformed when Bakugo said something.

Bakugo - You have really messed up. But first I have a question.

Overhaul - Hmmm?

Bakugo - Have you ever faced a Super Saiyan?

Overhaul - A What?!

Goku - The thing that will defeated you today is Super Saiyan!

I then rushed and punched Overhaul in the face and it broke his mask but before I could punch him again one of his lackeys got in the way.

Thug 1 - Listen here man just give up the girl and we have no trouble.

Goku - You really believe that he will give you what he promised you because all he is gonna do is just kill you in the end so it's better if you leave.

The thug realize and it made sense so he decided to run away.

As I was distracted Izuku and Bakugo were using a combined to get a thug that had a platinum body. I then went to go help them but was stopped when I saw how Shoto got in the fight and help. I smiled knowing my friends are helping each other out like allies. But my smile then turns to anger as I noticed Overhaul with Ochako and Eri in his hands and seeing their eyes filled with tears and fear.

Izuku - Todoroki, Kacchan NOW!

Both - Right!

As Overhaul was distracted Todoroki iced his legs and Izuku punched him in the stomach as it gave Bakugo time to grab Eri and I grabbed Ochako.

Goku - Now to finally end this ONCE.AND.FOR ALL!

I then shot another in other direction just in case he tried to escape and when I tried to pick up his energy I noticed he was completely gone from the world. I then powered down and fell to the floor tired.

Eri - PAPA!

Ochako - GOKU!

Both - Are you okay? Do you need help.

I then laughed because I tease Ochako (Everybody forgot that they were dating why because I wanted)

Goku - Awww you care about me.

Eri laughed but it made Ochako embarrassed and blushing

Goku - Hahahahaha sorry hold on. Eri, Senzu Bean

Eri - Senzu Bean?

Goku - Senzu Bean

Eri - SENZU BEAN (TFS reference)

As I ate the bean I was punched in the head by Ochako.

Goku - Sorry for making you worry (I then turn my face to a serious face) I'm also sorry for not making sure you were gone I got distracted and I let him grab you.

Ochako - Hey it's okay look just forget about it the most important thing is we are safe, and his reign of terror is over. Now Eri can go knowing he will never hurt her again right.

Eri - Yeah. I was scared because he grabbed me and Mama but I knew that if you are here next to me you can win that's why you are my favorite hero Papa.

Goku - Thanks marshmallow. Hey actually this was the best Halloween ever if you think about it, we got candy and we got scared and we also scared others.

Ochako - Yeah you're right. Now come on let's go back to the dorms. Deku and the others left the moment you guys were done.

Goku - Okay but first....- I grabbed Ochako from her waist and I kissed her with so much passion and she returned it back as we stayed there for a while to see Eri looking at us like we were angels.

After that we went home watched a scary movie and went to bed but the bad thing is Eri and Ochako slept on my lap so I couldn't move but I really hated the couch so I just decided to suck it up and go to bed.

It took me some time for the Idea I hope you all enjoyed also if you are asking if I am adding My Hero Academia movie I will since it's before the final exam and summer camp and it will be shocking. I do not own My Hero Academia or Dragon Ball all is owned by it's respected company

Next time - Meeting up with old friends. A trip to I-island

Don't miss it

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