
When KD dropped Jewel back off at school, he walked her to her dorm.

A lot of girls was giving her high fives like KD was some kind of celebrity. He just shook his head.

One girl stayed in the corner just admiring KD from afar. Not trying to stick out or make her self known. She wanted him. What would she have to do to have him?

KD stopped in front of Jewel dorm room with her.

"You want to come in?" Jewel asked him.

"Nahh I need to go get my son from Cory. Don't want to put to much on him you know?" KD said.

"Let me pack a bag, I want to come too. Let me tell Bree I'll be staying with you tonight." Jewel said.

KD walked in with her, and shut the door, behind his self.

Bree was on the laptop, looking at videos on YouTube.

"You leaving me Jewel?" Bree pouted.

Jewel was kind of felt guilty, but she wanted to be with KD.

"I'll be back tomorrow I promise. I have no classes, so why not." Jewel shrugged her shoulders.

"I bet you doing to be snapping all night with the baby." Bree laughed.

Jewel laughed.

"You know me so well." Jewel said and walked to the dresser she had in he room. And packed some clothes. After she was done she walked back in the sitting area Bree was sitting at on the laptop.

"Be safe sweetie, and text me." Bree said and hugged Jewel as Jewel walked to the door where KD was leaning against. On his phone.

"I'm ready." Jewel said.

They walked back out.

"So no class tomorrow huh?" KD asked her, when they got back in the car. KD cranked up, and pull off into traffic.

"Nope. I'm all yours tonight, and tomorrow." Jewel said.

"Hmm if you say things like that, you going to have me thinking things." KD said.

Jewel mouth open, and close fast.

"I'm just playing. I know you not ready for this yet." KD laughed.

"Ehh you don't know what I'm ready for." Jewel said.

"Ha trust me you not ready for this." KD said.

"If you say so." Jewel said.

"Bet. Just wait." KD said.

"I'm just playing. I'm not ready." Jewel laughed.

"Nahh. You not playing. Just wait though." KD said.

Jewel didn't say anything else.

They made it to the hotel.

They walked to Cory hotel room first.

KD knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Cory asked.

"Nigga who else?" KD said.

Cory open the door.

Amber was breastfeeding Cj.

"Damn Jewel you still with this nigga?" Cory asked.

"I'm staying the night with him." Jewel smiled.

Cory didn't smiled back he just looked at her.

"So you going condo hunting with us?" Cory asked.

Jewel shrugged.

"I guess." Jewel said.

"Oh you going." Cory said.

"Yay Jewel staying the night with big dawg." Amber said.

Jewel blushed.

KD got the baby diaper bag and hand it to Jewel. He buckled Ky'Lek in his car seat. Even though they was going across the hall.

"Alright, if y'all need me, I'm across the hall." KD said.

"Aite cuz." Cory said.

Jewel wave bye to them, as her and KD walked to his room.

"Grab the room Key out my pocket." KD said to her.

"Huh?" Jewel asked him.

KD tried not to laugh.

"Go head Jewel, he sleep." KD said. Biting back a smile.

Jewel reach in KD pants, and grab the room key, as KD d*ck jumped against her hand. Jewel snatched her hand out his pocket.

KD busted out laughing.

Jewel picked the key up off the floor, and open the door.

"You okay?" KD asked her.

Jewel just nodded.

"Alright. I have little snacks on the table, and orange juice in the mini fridge." KD said as he went to take Ky'Lek out his car seat.

"Is that all y'all drink?" Jewel asked him.

"What?" KD looked back at her.

"Orange juice."

"I mean kinda yeah. That's what we grew up on. My dad and Uncle C, that's mostly all they drink." KD said.

"Wow." Jewel said.

KD got Ky'Lek  baby tub and placed it in the tub in the bathroom and run some water for Ky'Lek to take a bath before he go back to sleep.

When KD walked back out the bathroom, he saw Jewel had Ky'Lek in her arms playing with him. Ky'Lek smiled at her. That warm KD heart in a way he can't explain.

"I'm about to give him a bath. You want to help me?" KD asked her.

"Sure. I love too." Jewel said.

Jewel started taking off Ky'Lek clothes.

"You good with him." KD said.

"Yeah, I have nieces and nephews." Jewel said.

KD nodded , as Jewel carried Ky in the bathroom.

She took off his pamper and put in the trashcan, and placed Ky in the tub.

Ky started to cry.

"Aww it's okay lil man." Jewel said as she grab the rag KD hand her.

Ky looked up at her, Jewel smiled.

"See it's okay." She said talking softly to him.

He soon stop crying.

KD was amazed. Even though he was suppose to be helping, he stand back and watch Jewel with his son.

After Jewel finish washing Ky up. She wrapped him in a baby blanket and carried him back in the room.

KD already had his pamper and onesie ready for Jewel.

After Jewel was done Ky was ready for his night bottle. KD feed him, while Jewel took a shower.

Forty five mins later Jewel walked out the bathroom to see Ky and KD knocked out sleep. With Ky laying on KD chest.

Jewel smiled and put Ky in his crib, and went to wake KD up.

"Hmm you smell good."  KD said to Jewel as she got in the bed with him.

"Thank you." Jewel said.

"I can go to sleep just like this." KD said as he buried his face in her neck and throw his leg on her. He yawned.

"Really KD?" Jewel laughed.

"Shh, I'm trying to sleep." KD said.

"What about your shower?" Jewel asked him.

"Oh yeah, you stay right there, and let me go shower real quick." KD said and rushed to the bathroom as Jewel laughed after him.

I love Jewel and KD ❤️❤️❤️

Remember when I said it won't be any drama? Hmm I lied to myself. Lol. I wouldn't be me, if I didn't add in a little drama right?


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