steven universe
Godzilla and his sidings were going to the next universe. "Spacey, whatever universe we're going to I want you sit this one out." Said godzilla. "But what about you?" Spacey ask worried for little brother. "Don't worry. I sense that someone has been following us." He said with smile. "Aw man! you find me." Said a voice. "Gojira?" Spacey said with confused. "Hi,spacey and my twin." She said and hug them both. "Gojira, your crushing me! Spacey said happily. "Oh sorry." She said letting them go. "Sis, I need you to stay with spacey and watch kiryu. That order." Godzilla said as he know she was about to protest.
They crashed on the ground hard. "Identify yourself! " yelled a female voice as they looked at her. She had a square like hair, red skin, shade, and gauntlets with a star on both of them. "And who are you thinking you can order me?" Godzilla growled and was punched in face.
"Gojira, let go." Spacey said. "No! I want to help godzilla!" She yelled back. "He got this believe me." Spacey said as gojira looked at her brother who in a rock right now. Spacey jumped in air but kicked down. Gojira looked up and saw two women. One with a pale skin and a blue spear and one with purple skin and a black whip with spikes on them. Gojira told spacey to go while she hold them off.
Spacey teleport away with kiryu. Gojira looked at the two as land. "My name is peal and this is amethyst." She said pointing to the purple one.
Gojira got in a fighting stance as peal and amethyst got in one. Gojira charge at them with great speed , surprising them. Peal spin her spear and swing at her as amethyst swing her whip at a rock and throw at her.
Godzilla got out of the rock and looked at the woman who dare to punch him. "What is your name." He growl. "Garnet." She answered. "Good." He said as he ran at her and throw a punch at her as throw one of her own. They punched each other, sending them both to a rock. They got up and stretch their necks making a snap noise. Godzilla cracked his knuckles. "We are the crystal gems by the way." Garnet said. Godzilla dash at her and punched her in stomach then the face. Garnet got and dash at neck breaking speed. She throw a punch but he blocked it and kicked her. Garnet got up and punched godzilla in gut, knocking the wind out of him. Godzilla growled in pain and punched her away and dash at her.
Gojira dodge peal's spear but her arm was wrapped around by amethyst's whip and throw to the ground. She got up and rolled to the left as peal's spear was land. She saw amethyst who was a ball and dash at her. She throw her arms up ready to grab her.
Amethyst bash into her causing her to slide across beach city. Gojira with little of her strength, picking amethyst up over her head and throw her. Peal with a battle cry came from the sky and stab gojira in stomach but to her shock, she pulled spear out of stomach where it healed and kick peal to rock. Amethyst ran to peal, helping her up. "Peal we need to fuse." Amethyst said. "As I much I don't want to, I agree." Pearl said as they to do a dance, confusing gojira. They fused making opal. She was twice as tall as gojira and looked down at her and throw a punch at her but she move. Gojira looked at opal with a smile and ran up her arm and punched her, shocking her and stumbled back. "Okay. No more holding back." Opal said and dash at gojira as she dash as well. Gojira jumped in air and swing a left kick as
The giant woman throw a right punch causing a huge wind force and gojira go flying. Opal grab her and start to squeeze her causing her to cough up blood then scream in pain. Godzilla heard this and dash to his sister cry as Garnet was chasing him. He saw a opal squeezing her and blood falling from her mouth. Godzilla growled in anger as spikes came out of back and tail surprising Garnet. He jumped in air and punched opal in face and grab his sister. "You never listen do you?" He said with a smile. "Well we are twins." Gojira said with her own smile as her spikes and tail appear. Opal got up with a growl and dash at the two.
Godzilla just growled and tackled her shocking her and Garnet and causing sand to go everywhere. Godzilla punch opal in face two times till she slap him off her. Her body glowed white and pop out was peal and amethyst. Garnet grab them and told them they must fuse into alexandrite.
They do it. Godzilla and gojira stare in awe and shocked. Suddenly gojira was hit by water. She looked to see who did it and saw a blue girl. "The name lapis." She said and throw a wave of water at her. Godzilla growled at alexandrite as he turned to look at her. He grow and change to his true form and roared at her as she roared back.
Godzilla charge at her as she form Garnet's gauntlets and dash at him. She throw a punch as godzilla throw one of his own causing a ground to form a carter. Godzilla tail slap her in back then upcut her. Alexandrite form a spear and a whip. She swing her whip that wrapped around godzilla and pulled him to her and punched him in gut. Godzilla's widen in shock and pain. His tail tripped her, catching her off guard and dropped her whip. Godzilla roared with anger and kick her to the ocean.
Alexandrite slowly got up but was shocked when she saw godzilla in air.
He slam on to her. Alexandrite punched godzilla off her and form a bow and arrow. She multiple arrows at him as godzilla took them on. He was bleeding bad but his wounds healed, surprising the giant woman.
His spikes flash blue and shot his beam at her. Alexandrite was about to get up when suddenly a metal foot met her face. It was kiryu. He aimed his missile and shot everything at her, making her cry in pain. She defuse back into Garnet, peal, and amethyst as kiryu and godzilla went back to their human form. They all talk about this misunderstanding. They swim back to beach city and saw gojira, spacey, lapis, a green girl, boy on a pink lion. "Who are your friends gojira?" Ask kiryu. "Kiryu, this peridot, lapis, lion and steven!" She answered. "Nice to meet you." Godzilla said. "sadly, we must go. He said punching Garnet and jump in portal. "Bye." Gojira said hugging lapis and walk away but not before slapped her tail in face. "That was the cheap shot earlier." She said as lapis giggle. "See ya." Kiryu said while smacking amethyst upside the head. "Bye Steve - bone." Spacey said rubbing his hair and jump in.
The crystal gems smile as the portal close.
"Till we meet again." They said.
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