King Ceasar

Soon, the Earth monsters made it to Okinawa, but they were too late. Robot Daughter looked and to her surprise, she saw a squad of Mechagodzillas around. She also noticed a Cyber-Titan reporting the status to a Mechagodzilla. Apparently, the evil monsters had arrived before them." Great! They're here. Now what we are gonna do?" Zara asked. Cera roars for an attack but Robot Daughter shook her head, Cera grunts a question and Judas replied in his mind," She's right. We can't just charge in blindly. I sensed Megaguirus nearby, if she's not taken out quickly, the fight will be over before it even started." Baragon roars that they may need a distraction and Anguirus roars as a way to say," Leave that to me."


A Mechagodzilla is blasted an eye beam at the rocks, destroying it. The dust cleared and the pilot could make out a large humanoid mammalian shape behind the smoke. The pilot contacted Commander J'onah and he said," Commander, we found him."" Excellent," Commander J'onah's voice boomed in the comn," Destroy him now."" Yes Commander." As the Mechagodzillas prepares to fire missiles at the sleeping shisa, all of a sudden, there was a loud roar and a spiked ball of doom smashed right into the head of a Mechagodzilla, startling the others. As the Mechagodzilla dropped onto the ground, Anguirus roars at the Mechagodzillas.


Komodithrax sneaked up to a cliff where Megaguirus is watching. Megaguirus began flapping her wings at super sonic speed, preparing to dive down and destroy Anguirus. But Komodithrax pounced onto Megaguirus and she bit into her. Megaguirus screeched in pain as she and Komodithrax began wrestling each other down. Komodithrax kicked Megaguirus but Megaguirus blasted a fire ball at Komodithrax. As Komodithrax is recovering, Megaguirus stabs her stinger into Komodithrax and she began sucking her energy out. But Megaguirus is to busy absorbing Komodithrax's power to notice Gezora sneaking up on her. Gezora blasts a stream of cold air on Megaguirus, causing her to freeze. Komodithrax kicks Megaguirus's frozen body away and she jumps down into battle. Soon, Battra, Baragon, Judas, Cera, Robot Daughter and M.O.G.U.E.R.A arrived to help. The Mechagodzillas fought valiantly but were soon overwhelmed when Judas used his water to freeze their legs. As the Mechagodzillas struggles to free themselves, Cera charges and he smashes his way through them. Obsidius blasts a stream of lava at Robot Daughter, causing her to scream in agony. Zara notices it and she made M.O.G.U.E.R.A fire a plasma beam at Obsidius. Obsidius blocks the attack, but as he recovers, Cera throws a rock at Obsidius, the rock smashes onto the volcanic monster, pushing him back. Krystalak attempts to help his ally by charging up a heat beam but something charged forward and before Krystalak even knew, a fist was planted on his face. Robot Daughter looked and to her surprise, King Ceasar has awoken and is ready to fight. Krystalak blasted a heat beam at King Ceasar, knocking him back. As Krystalak continues to blasts energy blasts at King Ceasar, King Ceasar ran to a rock wall, scaled up, and he ejects himself onto Krystalak. King Ceasar pounced down on Krystalak and he began pounding him before lifting him up and smashing him onto the ground. Obsidius roars at King Ceasar but King Ceasar scoop up some water from a nearby lake with his hand amd he splashes it at Obsidius. As Obsidius roars in agony from the water's neutralizing effect, King Ceasar began punching Obsidius repeatly before knocking him back with a roundhouse kick. Obsidius crashed onto a rock wall, dazed from the attack. Several Cyber-Titans began surrounding King Ceasar, one swung it's electrostaff, but King Ceasar blocked the attack with his arm and he punches the robot in the face. King Ceasar wields the electrostaff and he began clashing with the others, he swept one down and he impales the electrostaff deep into the robot's chest. Another one stabs it's weapon into King Ceasar's back, causing the shisa to roar in pain but Komodithrax landed on top of the Cyber-Titan and she began biting it. As a Cyber-Titan prepares to attack King Ceasar, King Ceasar growls like a dog and he got into a fightimg stance but as the Cyber-Titan raises it's weapon and charges, a blast of nuclear energy destroyed it. King Ceasar looks back and to his relief, it was his old friend, Godzilla. He has brought Mothra, Varan and Rodan too. Godzilla roars a greeting to King Ceasar as Rodan, Mothra and Varan charges into battle. Rodan rips the head off a Cyber-Titan with his talons and he stuffs it inside the robot's torso. Rodan blocks an eye beam with his wings and Rodan clapped his wings together, creating a sonic boom so strong it tore the Mechagodzilla's head off. Rodan flies up, grabs the Mechagodzilla and he throws it at a Cyber-Titan. King Ceasar grabs Krystalak and he throws him at Godzilla, Godzilla swung his tail and bats the crystal monster away. All of a sudden, a blast of dark energy struck King Ceasar in the back, knocking him down. Godzilla looked and to his horror, he saw Nemesis in front of her and behind her are Monster X, Desghidorah, Gigan, Dogolas and Bagan. Both Godzilla and Nemesis glares angrily and intensively at each other before Nemesis struck first with a heat beam. Both Godzilla and King Ceasar dodges and Godzilla races towards Nemesis. Nemesis roars and both monsters began engaging each other. Meanwhile, Dogzilla appeared at the scene of the battle and he thought," Hm, let's make this interesting shall we?" With a blink of an eye, Dogzilla teleported all the monsters into a parallel dimension where all forms of reality is thrown out of the window. Godzilla and Nemesis stopped brawling to inspect the landscape. They have been teleported to the insides of a building but with grounds, stairs, ceilings all around the place. To matters interesting, Dogzilla began using magic to conjure up random things which monsters can use to throw at each other like rocks and severed robot parts. Although confused, this form of sorcerry made no difference to Nemesis and she charges at Godzilla. Both Nemesis and Godzilla began trading blows with each other while their forces began picking opponents. Robot Daughter found herself against an angry Bagan. Bagan angrily roars and he blasts a heat beam at Robot Daughter but the android dodges the attack and she throws a rock at Bagan. Bagan ducks and he roars at Robot Daughter. The two have some scores to settle. Rodan and Gigan are engaged in battle, both flying all over the place, attacking each other with projectiles. Rodan blasts a heat beam but Gigan blocks it with his blades, Gigan blasts an explosive eye beam but Rodan spun in circles in the air, helping him dodge the attack. Having enough of games, both Gigan and Rodan screeches and began speeding towards each other. Mothra and Desghidorah are locked in battle. She smashes a rock onto Desghidorah's head but Desghidorah blasts a stream of fire at her, knocking her down. Battra notices his sister in trouble and he blasts Desghidorah in the back with an eye beam. As Desghidorah turns and roars at Battra, Mothra blasts a barrage of eye beams at Desghidorah and she rams headfirst into Desghidorah, Desghidorah roars as he tumbles down but Desghidorah flips and he began flapping his wings. Desghidorah bites into Mothra and he throws her down before burning her with fire. Varan is speeding through the landscape in search for Dogolas, Dogolas tries blasting dark energy projectiles at Varan but Varan dodges and he throws a boulder at Dogolas. Dogolas forms a shield, blocking the attack, he sent three tendrils down but Varan slashes through the tendrils and he plunges his claws into Dogolas. As Dogolas roars in agony, Varan smashes him down on the ground repeatly, then he drops him on the floor and he began slashing Dogolas but Dogolas blasts dark energy at Varan, knocking him back. Monster X flies down and he swung his whiplash tail, whipping Varan right in the face. Monster X held Varan still while Dogolas began attacking Varan by impaling his tendrils into Varan's skin and electrocuting him with dark energy. Monster X notices Judas tearing a Mechagodzilla in half and he blasts a stream of gravity beams, striking down the shark. Varan thrusts his elbow into Monster X's guts, as Monster X back away, Varan spun and he struck Monster X in the head with an elbow. Monster X angrily growls and charges, but Varan dodges, causing Dogolas to accidentally hit Monster X with dark energy. Varan grabs Dogolas and he rips a tendril out of Dogolas. As Dogolas roars in pain, Varan began pounding Dogolas repeatly, pounding him so much until the dark space alien lay still, dead. Varan began panting in exhaustion as he slashes his dead opponent. Robot parts began flying in all directions as Gezora freezes a Mechagodzilla and Cera counters by smashing into it, shattering the robot. Judas forms sickles with his water arms and he began clashing with Krystalak. Both monsters slashing at each other until Krystalak kicks Judas, causing the shark to tumble down onto the ground floor. Krystalak prepares to jump but Cera charges and he smashes a rock onto Krystalak. As Krystalak shakes his head, King Ceasar grabs a lone Cyber-Titan and he smacks Krystalak with it. The crystal monster tumbles down and crashlanded next to Judas. Both Judas and Krystalak got up, roars angrily at each other and both began clashing with each other as robot parts and blood of various colours rain down on them. As Cera is running through the battle, he spots Megaguirus speeding past him, Cera roars at Megaguirus but Megaguirus blasts a fire ball at Cera, Cera dodges the attack and he hurls a rock, but Megaguirus dodges and she rams onto Cera. Megaguirus sinks her pincer into the triceratops and she began absorbing his power, but as she began absorbing, Anguirus charges towards her and he pounced onto the meganula. As the meganula and the anklyosaurus exchange blows in the air, Cera continues running but just as he turns, he felt something hard and heavy wrap around his neck. Cera looks back and he saw Gigan tugging his chain, Cera tries to struggle, shake away the chains to freesom but the chains wouldn't budge. Gigan gave the chain one great pull, but just as Cera was turning his head. Crack! A loud bloodcurling crack sound could be heard from Cera's neck as Gifan snapped his neck. Judas looks up from his battle and his eyes widen in shock. Judas roars in both anger and sorrow as Cera's body fell limp. Cera's body dropped on the ground while Gigan made a shriek of victory. Judas amgrily roars and he began using his water body to scale up the stone infrastructure to confront Gigan and avenge his friend. Dogzilla felt that the fight is getting out of hand and he tries to teleport everyone back to the real world but before he could do so, there was a loud explosion. Dogzilla and the monsters turned and to their horror, they found themselves facing a giant tentacled monster with an octopus head. Godzilla's eyes widen in horror. Cthulu has arrived! And he looked pissed.

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