Prologue: from nirn to Egypt (Reboot...Again)

4E 206 Solstheim

Nchardak The dwemer ruins lay there slowly taken by the water down to the abyss.

Inside of the ruin is the last dragonborn, or known as the northern god Y/n.

he returned here after getting a black book then found discover that there is a hidden wall that leads into a secret mechanism lift to a new underground cavern under solstheim.

Y/n: Now it said that there's a entryway to underground cavern somewhere here.

after Minutes of searching he found it, he pressed a hidden button, the walls open up and behind it was the mechanism that leads underground

Y/n: Found you.

y/n puts the sphere into the mechanism and begins to shift a opening a passage down, y/n goes down the passage and opens the gate and there was the lift.

Y/n pulls the level and the lifts starts going down

it was a long tunnel down cause the air is getting colder.

and the view came to light.

it was a underground cavern like blackreach, and in the middle of it was a temple with the fake sun above.

But then y/n saw a lot of falmers down there including the Chaurus, about 90 of them donned with heavy Armor and shaman with magic staffs and abyss raiders with their mounts

Y/n was outnumbered, this be the end of his adventure?

Of course Not, for he is the Dragonborn.

when the lift has reach the bottom and gate opens y/n shouts three words to the horde


His voice turn shout sent falmers flying and y/n charge at the horde.


He slashed and stab many falmers that moved towards him, cutting them down left and right he crushed the heads of many Chaurus great or small then he slices the abyss raider's mount's legs off and stab it in the neck killing it and the rider, it was a slaughterhouse.


Y/n flicks the blood off the blade and sits down on a broken pipe.

y/n: (inhale and exhale) Bloody hell

y/n was regaining his breath after killing the last falmer of the horde he takes off his helmet and brush off the sweat and sips a cold mead.

Y/n: (SIGHS) That's the stuff.

he puts on the helmet and heads inside the temple unaware something is watching him.

after he went inside the temple and traversing the hallways he encounter a large vault door

and next to it is a small pillar with a small hole.

Y/n insert the sphere and he hears the gears shifting as the vault doors is opening slowly.

but then he heard something above him and rolled away when something lands causing smoke.

and when the smoke cleared it was something a large dwemer great sword.

then a large armoured figure called the dwemer pursuer lands next to it.

Pursuer: (Heavy breathing)

Y/n: Well that's new, who or what are you?

It's eye hole begins to glow as he breaths heavily and grabs the sword but begins to float and charges at him.


Y/n raise his shield to block but was knock into the wall but manages to escape from the sword that was about to stab him.

Y/n: damn you hit hard.

Y/n equips his hammer and starts swinging at the Armor almost denting it.

but the pursuer kept on swinging, y/n dodges his sword but then the purser floats up disappearing and appeared behind y/n, he dodge but the blade manged to grab his arm and starts swinging him smashing him and thrown him hard on the pillar hard casing him to dislocate his left shoulder.


He gets up can't move his left arm so he fixed by smashing it on the pillar, he grunts in pain as he rolls the arm hearing the bones crunch and feeling arm again.

(Like what Kong did on Kong vs Godzilla)

Y/n: Alright you fuck Let's end this.

Y/n breaths in as his hands glow blue and sparks emitting from his arms and shouts.


the time starts slowing down but not y/n as he runs and jumps on top of the purser and he starts using his master storm spell on the helmet to electrocuting it heating the helmet, then slow time spell is now over he hops off it.

the helmet began to melt and the purser grabs the melted helmet and rips it off allowing y/n to see the face

It was a snow elf but is slowly turning into the falmer it's eyes looked it him and spoke.

Falmer purser: (Growls) You will DIE Human.

Y/n equips his axe and sword and charges at the Falmer, he manged to block the sword and snaps it off render it useless. then he shouts marked for death at him


The shout hits him and a purple glow is slowing killing it, it screamed in pain as it collapsed on it's knees and looked up to see y/n with the battle axe, he raised it up and spoke one last time.

Y/n: may you rest in peace.

he cuts his head off as the heads rolls away the suit felled to the ground, y/n slowing healed itself from the attack, he sees the vault door has fully opened.

Y/n: Now what is inside the vault?

he goes inside after painstaking searching, killing many falmers and the pursuer y/n finally saw what was inside.

Y/n: By. The. Nine I hit the motherlode.

It was a treasure trove with many gold, magical items and many items that y/n didn't recognise.

Y/n: Nice let's see what We got here?

Y/n went in and cleared out some cobwebs and look at the goods, the gold coins looked different, there was golden gemmed jewellery, some Armor that looked different and he found a jar that has art cover on it.

y/n takes of the lid and smells it, it smelled like wine so y/n decides to drink it.

Y/n: Bottoms up.

he takes a sip and swallow the liquid and he coughed.

Y/n: (Coughs) Fucking oblivion, Whoa That's good So good.

so he decided to keep it for later.


After clearing the vault room of the treasures he felt something was odd with the glowing object in the middle with the tree branches holding it, inside the orb is giving out it's magical aura it felt like the eye of magnus, so to open the orb to found out he used the staff of magnus on it and the tree branches starts going down to the ground and the orb starts to open and it's treasure revealed.

it was a sphere it had a powerful aura inside, y/n grab it and examined it.

Y/n: What is this?

he rubs it seeing strange runes then the sphere starts glowing and the room starts shaking.


The room shines brightly and as the bright light fades the dragonborn has vanished.


Inside the cave the dragonborn drops on the ground from thin air and slowly gets up.

Y/n: (Groans) By the gods that was terrible.

as he got up he found himself in a cave.

Y/n: What just happened, where did that thing take me?

y/n shield his eyes as he walked outside, and when his eye's adjust to the brightness he saw the new world before him.

It was a land with grasslands, rivers, and the city had a golden statue with pyramids.

Y/n: Whoa Where the Oblivion am I but how did I get here?

he looks at his hand he still is holding the strange sphere that is still pulsing with power, maybe he can find the answers in the city, so he climbs down the mountain feeling the sun warming him up, but he kept on walking.


The sun god Ra was piloting the chariot when he felt a familiar presence.

Ra: so the piece of Eden is found, this may be interesting.


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