013 - Happy Birthday Future Daughter
— happy birthday future daughter —
COLE FINISHED TYPING THE FINAL COMMANDS INTO THE COMPUTER BEFORE STANDING WITH A HEAVY BREATH NODDING AT DICK. Dick let out a final nervous breath before nodding to himself, "Here we go." Tim passed the small petetry dish, filled with the very green virus that was Gar, to Cole. Jinx had already spread the ash through the virus so now it was up to Cole to keep his hands steady as he filled the large syringe. Tim squeezed his arm softly before he walked to Conner and pushed the virus through his nose.
Cole waited a moment, counting to himself before he rushed back to his seat, the chair rolling him back to the computer. Dick and Tim crowded around him, Jinx taking a step away, but she kept her eyes on Conner's body. "Come on Gar virus," Tim pleaded, biting his knuckle.
Dick nervously glanced back at Conner before his eyes wandered to the left desk where Hazel had sat herself. No matter how hard she tried to let them be, Hazel had wandered back through the doors the minute Dick told her they were starting.
Jinx shook her head. "This won't work," She whispered to herself, but Cole still turned to her, shooting her a glare. "Not that I care," She corrected, moving further away to sit beside Hazel.
"It will. It just needs to replicate," Dick said calmly.
Cole leant closer to the screen, his jaw dropping slightly, "He's doing it." The video feed showed an x-ray of Conner's stomach with a green substance starting to surround the snake twisted in knots.
"Now he needs to surround it," Dick mumbled. "Come on."
Jinx let out a deep breath, pressing her hand to her chest. She started to mutter under her breath, her eyes closing tight. "Are you casting a spell?" Tim questioned, noticing her irregular breaths.
She opened her eyes and glanced at Tim, "No. I'm praying," Jinx muttered. Hazel leant forward, her elbows on her knees, her bright green eyes refusing to leave Conner's body. She didn't say anything, but she kept her gaze on him, watching for anything that the computer may miss.
"He's there," Dick called.
Hazel glanced back for a moment, looking at the screen, watching the green substance attach to the snake. "Alright. Now he just needs to infect the snake," Cole explained, his hands shaking. "It should only take a couple seconds." As Cole finished speaking Conner groaned, his face contorting in pain. "His— His vitals are plummeting," Cole stammered.
"V-Fib. It's his heart!" Dick shouted.
Hazel sprung to her feet, rushing to Conner's side. She tore the vine off his wrist and grabbed his hand, swirls of green light swirling around them as she connected her life to Conner's. "You are not dying," Hazel hissed. She couldn't pinpoint if it was possibly losing Gar, or Conner, or both but her power raced through her bones faster and stronger.
"Whatever you're doing, it's working," Tim shouted, looking between the computer and Hazel. Hazel closed her eyes, pushing all her focus and power on keeping Conner's heart beating. Conner winced as everything tore into his body and Hazel instinctively pushed her power harder into Conner's body, but it caused sparks of light to burst from her body in every direction.
"He did it!" Cole shouted, and Hazel opened her eyes, the sun rays disappearing. Tim sighed in relief and dropped his head onto Cole's shoulder. Cole laughed, the tension leaving his body as he started the next round of computer inputs. "Now we just get Gar out—"
"Cole be quiet," Hazel said in a soft voice. Hazel's hand moved further up Conner's arm, her fingers pressing against the vein under his elbow, her power racing through his bones almost like a sonic burst. Dick and Cole froze, turning to face Hazel. Hazel took a shallow breath, "Conner?" Conner suddenly spasmed, coughing like a manic marking him gurgling and sputtering dark red blood over himself.
"What the hell is happening?" Dick questioned, racing closer to Hazel. "Conner!"
"It's what happened to Lex," Hazel realised, her voice rushed. She took Conner's hand again, the flashes of light returning as worked to mend the damage the snake caused. Conner heaved, his jaw cracking open as the thick, black-scaled snake pushed past his lips, hissing into the air. Conner's head rolled to the side, the snake sliding out of his mouth and onto the floor. It hissed and raced toward Cole, and before it even had the chance to snap at him, a bo staff crashed into his head.
The bones cracked under the pressure, black gooey blood spilling across the floors as the snake twitched. Cole's head snapped up to Tim, his eyes blown wide open. Tim panted; his eyes stuck on the bloody demonic snake.
Cole reached out and squeezed Tim's shoulder, "I love you." Cole laughed, making Tim chuckle in turn.
ONE THING SHE HADN'T CONSIDERED ABOUT THE METAPHYSICAL PART OF METAPHYSICAL DINER WAS THE COMPLETE ABSENCE OF BACKGROUND NOISE. There were no cars passing on the road, no muffled chatter or soft radio music, just complete silence that left the hair on Terran's arm standing.
Her eyes flicked up as the kettle went off and continued making her tea. Kory walked to her and sat at the stool, smiling as she watched Terran push the sugar aside. "Not a sweet tooth?" Kory asked teasingly.
Terran looked up at her and laughed softly, "That's her job," Terran muttered, nodding to Rachel laughing with Sebastion in the booth they squashed themselves in.
Kory followed her eyes and smiled. "You could join them," Kory offered with a shrug as she turned back to her. "I'm sure Rachel wouldn't mind." Terran shook her head and grew a small rose flower. She sighed softly before plucking it and dropping it in her tea. Kory watched her closely, "You missing Cole and Hazel?"
Terran stirred her tea with a lopsided smile. "I don't know Hazel's favourite colour, I don't know her favourite book, I don't know Cole's favourite movie, hell I don't know his middle name," Terran rambled, her voice speeding up with each word. Kory looked at Terran confused, her eyebrows turned in. "I spent so much time trying to make sure my sister's best friend didn't hate me I forgot to actually get to know my sister. They probably think I hate them."
Kory smiled softly and took Terran's hand. "You know Hazel loves you right?" Kory asked and Terran looked up at her. "She spent months looking for you because she believed you were out there. She fixed up your room in San Francisco, filled it to the brim with everything you might want so you can make all your jewellery." Terran laughed to herself and shook her head. "Cole feels the same. He's already planned a shopping trip and was ecstatic when he found out he had another sister."
Terran nodded and Kory petted her hand. "They just always spend so much time together," Terran said honestly.
Kory laughed, trying to hide her smile behind her hand. "You're not the oldest any more Terran, you're the baby," Kory teased and Terran smiled. "They're gonna gang up on you, they're gonna tease you, but really you're like their little princess."
"Terran!" Rachel called softly. She smiled but looked up at Terran with her best puppy dog eyes. "Sorry, but can I have some fruit?"
Kory tapped Terran's hand and she smiled. Terran threw herself over the counter, grabbing her tea as Zadira walked back to Kory's side. Terran waltzed over to Rachel and Sebastian, putting on her best customer smile and voice, "Hello there, my name is Terran, what can I get for you?" Terran asked, putting on a fake voice.
"Just some strawberries please," Rachel said with a smile.
"Of course angel," Terran said, and Rachel smiled to herself. Rachel held up a small plate and Terran filled it with strawberries.
"You can. . . Uh, you can sit with us," Sebastion said softly. "If you'd like."
Terran smiled. "You don't mind Rache?" Terran asked and Rachel shook her head quickly as she licked the whipped cream off her thumb. She slid further into the booth, making room for Terran to sit and set her tea on the table.
"I really don't mean to pry, but uh," Sebastion said, pushing his glasses up. "How long have you two. . ?"
Rachel laughed nervously and Terran turned to face her, stammering softy. "We um. I mean—"
"Nothing's official," Rachel interrupted. "But we haven't really had time to relax and work it out."
Terran nodded and grabbed her tea. "That kinda, sums it up." Terran sipped her tea before humming. "From what I understand, you used to be a taxidermist?" Terran asked and Sebastion nodded. "My little brother Henry always wanted to do that."
"Didn't Henry skin your cat?" Rachel asked, her eyes furrowing.
"No you're thinking of John," Terran corrected, and Rachel hummed. Terran looked up at Sebastian who stared at her with wide eyes. "I have a lot of brothers, they're what you could call enthusiastic."
"I would use a different word," Rachel murmured, picking at a strawberry.
"And what makes you say that, alien-demon-witch?" Terran teased, scoffing at Rachel making Sebastian laugh.
A sudden yell from Kory made Rachel and Terran spin around, watching Kory disintegrate something with her light. "What are you doing?" Kory yelled, spinning to face Zadira. Terran stood up on instinct, looking between Rachel and Kory.
"You will employ your powers to save the girl, but not to stop the destruction that he will bring?" Zadira questioned her tone, unwavering. "He will bring the end of days. I have seen it. And you must too." Zadira rang the service bell, the ringing cutting through the quiet diner.
THE SUN SPARKLED AGAINST THE LUSH GREEN FIELDS, THE COLOURED BALLOONS, EVEN THE AIR SEEMED TO SHIMMER. Rachel and Terran squished themselves together at the picnic tables, Rachel's arm resting loosely around Terran's waist. "Here," Terran said, lifting a small slice of sweet treat to Rachel.
Rachel took a bite and hummed. "Is that caramel?" she asked and Terran nodded, her hand dropping to rest on Rachel's knee.
"I swirled it through the chocolate, otherwise having a whole layer would overpower the cream," Terran explained, cutting off a piece for herself. A football flew over the table, just missing Terran's head as it whizzed by. Cole caught the ball with a grunt and Terran scoffed at him. "Conner! Cole! Watch it!" Terran yelled over her shoulder.
"Sorry!" Cole yelled, shrugging. Terran flipped him off, which Cole did in turn. Cole scoffed and spun the ball, throwing it higher over the tables towards Conner.
"Cole," Tim called, rushing to Cole. Tim grabbed Cole and kissed him while slyly pulling a party hat over his head. Cole reached for it but Tim grabbed his hands pulling them to his side. "No, no keep it on." Cole rolled his eyes as he straightened the hat and Tim pulled Cole back to the table, sitting next to Rachel.
"Where's the other two?" Rachel asked, leaning on the table to look at Tim.
He rolled his eyes and Cole laughed. "They went to spend some time in nature, interpret as you wish," Cole said teasingly. "But they collapsed in the flowers about ten minutes ago."
Rachel turned and looked at tall green grass where Gar and Hazel had sprawled themselves out, the stems of the pastel flowers bent and broken. Gar wrapped his arms tighter around Hazel and whispered something that made her smile and then laugh. Hazel lifted herself up slightly, her nose brushing Gars —
Conner's shout made them freeze.
"Can you both stop?!" Conner yelled, groaning loudly. Hazel leant back on her elbows laughing as Gar rolled his eyes. Hazel knocked his shoulder and stood up running to the table. Gar stood and tried to follow Hazel, but Conner rushed to him, pulling him to where they kept the cake. Hazel reached over the table and snatched the caramel slice from Terran, finishing it one bit as Terran complained.
"Auntie Haze!" Mar'i yelled, Dick holding her up in his arms, Kory following behind. Hazel turned to the little girl in her yellow dress and smiled. Dick let Mar'i slip from his arms and the small girl ran at Hazel. Hazel picked her up from under her arms spinning around making the little girl laugh.
"What are you doing all the way out here?" Hazel teased, bouncing her on her hip.
"It's my birthday!" Mar'i yelled happily, her fingers poking the flowers in Hazel's hair.
"Your birthday? No, no way! You're just a baby!" Hazel tipped Mar'i back, making her laugh.
"No!" Mar'i squealed, gripping Hazel's shoulders. "I'm a big girl!"
"How old are you to be such a big girl?"
"Four!" Mar'i yelled, holding up four fingers.
"Four!" Hazel grabbed Mar'i's hand and pretended to check her fingers. "That is a big girl!"
Kory and Dick walked to Hazel and Dick pressed a kiss to Mar'i's head. "You want some cake sweetie?" Dick asked and Mar'i nodded quickly. Dick took Mar'i and Gar walked back to Hazel's side, wrapping his arm around her and he dropped his head onto her shoulder.
Kory stood at the end of the table as the others sat around the table. Tim and Conner brought the white and blue cake to the table and they started to sing happy birthday as Hazel lit the candles with a red light. "You wanna blow the candles out?" Dick asked and Mar'i nodded quickly.
Dick knelt against the table, leaning forward so Mar'i could reach the cake. "Ready, one, two, three!" Mar'i sucked in a large breath and blew the candles out with a large breath and everyone cheered.
"Happy birthday! Good girl!" Tim cooed.
A piercing sound shot through the air and it all vanished in an instant. Kory stood in the empty field, pain rushing through her head as she watched the balloons float away. Kory's eyes focused ahead on the grass field, a woman standing under the sun, her face hidden behind the glare. The woman raised her arm, holding her hand out to Kory, the sun catching the symbols running along her arms like tattoos.
"You need to let it go," She instructed, her voice distorting with the wind. "She can do it."
She dropped her arm, the world disappearing with a flash.
Terran rushed to Kory's side, taking her arm to make sure she stood properly. Kory grabbed onto Terran and to the side of the counter trying to steady herself as her head continued to pound in pain. "Kory? Kory you okay?" Terran questioned, letting Kory lean her weight on Terran's body.
"What did you do?" Rachel demanded, moving to Terran's side.
"Say it," Zadira ordered. "Admit what he is."
"We need to get out of here. Now," Kory ordered, and Terran started to walk with her.
"She has seen what her fate is," Zadira said sternly, blocking their path, "what the monster will do if he's not stopped. Her destiny was sealed in the stars—"
"You will say no more," A voice boomed. They spun to face the back of the diner, Sebastion twisting awkwardly to see. A tall man with chocolate golden skin, dressed in a green shirt with silver amor on top stood at the end of the diner, a hand resting on the hilt of his sword. "Your duties are done Zadira. You are dismissed." Kory turned and watched as Zadira waved her hand and disappeared in an orange portal without another word.
Rachel looked between Kory and Sebastion, and he didn't stay seated for a moment longer, jumping up and hiding himself behind Rachel. The man took a few steps closer to the others and dropped to one knee in front of Terran, "My Princess."
"Princess?" Rachel repeated.
The man stood and Terran noticed the black Veman symbol on his forehead. "My apologies, my name is Ryn, I'm a knight of Videl's guard," He explained with a smile. "His Grace has sent me to deliver a message."
"He couldn't have sent himself?" Rachel scoffed.
"I understand your anger, and confusion—"
"He can't interfere," Kory interrupted. "I've met men like you, bringing bad news and then worse news. Videl can't interfere because he is a god, and by extension you can't either."
"I come with a warning," Ryn stated with a straight face. "You have chosen to hide somewhere I cannot protect you, on a planet your father cannot so easily reach. But if I have found you, the witch will soon enough. You must leave now."
"Now I'm not safe here?" Sebastion scoffed and the others turned to stare at him. "I'm sorry but I'm not safe at the Lab, I'm not safe here! Where do I go?!"
"No where, you are the most wanted man in existence," Ryn said plainly and Sebastion shuddered. "You can spend your life running, or you face the witch when she comes for you."
"You really are no help," Terran scoffed.
Ryn looked at Terran and bowed once more, "If you are going to run, run now." With that Ryn shifted to golden embers and vanished.
Rachel reached out, one of the remaining embers bouncing off her fingertip before vanishing in a flash. "Is he serious?" Sebastian asked.
A crack of lightning cut through the silence and the witch stepped through the dark black and red portal. Mother Mayhem dragged her staff along the floor as she walked into the dinner, smiling proudly at them all. "You three get back!" Kory shouted, stepping out in front of them all.
They dived for cover as Kory sent large explosions of power at the witch, but it did nothing against the red shield she summoned. She slammed her staff down, bouncing all the power back at Kory, sending her flying along the ground.
Terran cursed as Kory dropped in front of them. She pushed Rachel and Sebastian further behind cover, "Stay here," She ordered.
Rachel tried to reach for her hand, "Terran wait!"
Terran shot a force out, making the witch stumble. Terran threw her arm down, the ceramic countertop tiles shattering. They caught in Terran's power, and she threw them at the witch, half a dozen breaking through the shield and slicing at the witch's body. The witch pointed her staff at Terran, and red lightning rushed toward the girl. Terran wasn't quick enough and the lightning slammed into her, tossing her into the wall.
The Witch slaked closer, attempting to slam the staff against Kory but Sebastion slid in front of her, his arms spread. "Stop it!" Sebastion shouted and the woman froze. "It's me you want." Rachel slid out, shaking Kory as Sebastion slowly stood, the witch lowering her staff cautiously. "I don't want people dying for me." Rachel slowly stood, her hands shaking as she watched Sebastion turn back to her. "Thank you for being kind to me, Rachel." Rachel's slip trembled as she tried to smile softly.
"Sebastian, no!" Kory pleaded.
"Metrion, Zinthos."
The witch slammed the staff to the floor and in a flash of white light, the girls were transported back to the real world.
They sat at a booth, food and drinks in front of them as if nothing happened. Kory shot up with a gasp as Rachel whipped her head around, looking for a sign of the witch or Sebastian, but the diner was filled with regular people. Rachel turned back and shook Terran awake.
She lifted her head, her hand pressing to the back of her skull. Her eyes focussed on the much darker atmosphere. She spun around, her eyes looking over the full diner. "What the hell happened?" Terran whispered.
THE WALLS OF S.T.A.R LABS WERE SO THICK HE COULDN'T HEAR THE RAIN AS IT HIT THE WINDOWS, ALL HE HEARD WAS THE WHIRRING OF THE COFFEE MACHINE. Cole ran his fingers through his hair as the machine gave its final beeps, the last of the coffee dripping into the to-go cup.
"Hey!" Tim called, stepping through the large doors.
"Hi," Cole said with a smile.
"Everything alright?" Tim asked, stopping by Cole's side.
He nodded quickly, "Yeah, just riding out the time as the machine drains Gar, as a virus, from Conner's gut," Cole rambled. The machine beeped at Cole again and he huffed, hitting the side of the machine. "Dumbass coffee. If you want a coffee, you might wanna try the vending machine."
"I actually wanted to talk to you," Tim said, setting the bo staff on the table. "I wanted to say thank you."
Cole laughed and pressed his hands to the table, "If I recall, you—" Cole pointed at Tim, his finger just grazing his chest, "Saved me."
Tim laughed, "I did."
Cole smiled, looking at Tim from the corner of his eye, "It was pretty hot."
Tim's eyes snapped up to Cole and he grinned, trying to hide how his cheeks burned. "Oh really?"
Cole turned to face Tim, still leaning one hand on the counter. "Yeah, I think this whole Robin thing is growing on me." Tim shook his head and laughed, making Cole grin. "Anyway, you were thanking me. I like the praise."
"I don't wanna miss," Tim muttered.
Cole laughed outright, the sound easing all the tension in Tim's bones. "You killed the thing, I don't think you missed."
Tim shook his head softly, his gaze studying Cole's face, his eyes lingering momentarily on his lips before cautiously took a step closer. His fingers brushed against Cole's hands, the action, while small sent goosebumps running up Cole's arm. Slowly, Tim's hand reached up towards Cole's face, brushing his cheek tenderly. As the distance between them slowly closed, Cole leaned down and their lips met, locked in a soft kiss.
Cole smiled softly and Tim laughed. "I didn't wanna miss my shot," Tim muttered against Cole's lips.
"You most certainly didn't miss," Cole said softly. Tim smiled and Cole kissed him again.
— rapture —
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