you son of a bitch | .11
Remy put her face in her hands, sleeplessness taking it's toll on her body. She had been sitting in the couch across from Hal's bed for days. Some people would come and check on him and leave, but Remy stayed.
The doctors would advise her to sleep, but she just kept her ring charged and on her so she doesn't feel the fatigue and tiredness - but her ring battery was low so she was in her normal clothes currently.
It had been about a few weeks since Hal came back from the Sinestro Corps and he still hasn't woken up. The doctors told her that he was fine and there was nothing to worry about, but she was still worried for his well-being.
Rubbing her eyes, Remy pulled the jacket closer to her body, the warmth of the bomber jacket proving to help against the cold room.
The door opened, John entering through as he smiled at Remy - he had two cups in his hands. Remy nodded in acknowledgment, not enough energy in her body to give a verbal greeting. John closed the door behind him, his eyes going to Hal immediately.
"Has he gotten any better?" John asked.
John had been coming as frequently as he could, but with the Green Lantern's heavy hitter out of the picture, John filled his spot for the time being and they were short on Green Lanterns to spend on the relief effort. The yellow lanterns have been quite aggressive since Hal had been in Oa and the Guardian's are in need.
The dark haired girl shook her head, taking the cup that he was offering. She sighed, running her hand through her hair. It had been a long week for her, but the Guardians are sending to less mission than before, which she was very thankful for.
John took a seat next to her, sipping on the coffee from the cafeteria. They presumed it was coffee, it tasted different from normal coffee, but the caffeine was evident in it.
"How have you been, Remy?" John turned to her, worry in his face as he drank his coffee. Remy tore her eyes away from Hal's unconscious figure to look at the man beside her.
She didn't say anything, her eyes going to the coffee as she sipped at it. John exhaled softly, not wanting one of his friends to beat herself up about this, but he knew there wasn't any use - she was about as stubborn as Hal himself.
After a few moments, John placed the cup on the counter, standing up. Remy's eyes followed his retreating form. Before he exited the room, he turned back to Remy, his lips pressed into a thin line.
"Just... get some rest, alright?" John advised, his eyebrow raised. Remy nodded slowly, brushing off the advise as she had countless times in the past weeks.
Sighing, John left Remy in the hospital with Hal, off to go see the Guardians once again. Remy looked back at Hal, his chest slowly rising and lowering slowly. He looked peaceful.
"Remy, you have been here for weeks, sleep." John demanded, seeing the bags under her eyes starting to become darker. Remy brushed him off with a wave of her hand, crossing her legs under her body, a mug in hand.
"I'll sleep when I'm dead, John."
"Your gonna be dead if you have another shot of caffeine, c'mon, we are going back to Earth." John grabbed Remy, carrying her bridal style as she tried to push away. Once she found out the resistance was futile, she rolled her eyes as John opened the door.
Starting to fly, John slipped on Remy's ring - which he had to charge - on her middle finger. She didn't resist, her body finally gave in to the sleep, she had been running on fumes for a while now.
John saw her close her eyes, her mask covering her features as he carried her. He exhaled silently, knowing she was beyond tired. Leaving Oa, John tried not to dwell on how both of his friends were in critical conditions, one by physical injuries, one by mental injuries.
Clenching his jaw, he knew this all to well. But this isn't going to end up like hers. No, Hal, I'll protect her. That I can promise you.
Waking up in her bed, Remy rubbed her eyes, trying to see where she is. Confusion was slapped on her features as she looked around her room. Exhaling, she remembered what happened. John had brought her here.
Damn you, John.
Remy tore the covers off her body and pushing herself off the bed. She needed to check up on Hal, and god knows how long she had been out for. Grabbing her ring, she was about to slip it on her finger but a knock on the door stopped her.
She raised a brow, putting the ring out of sight. After grabbing a pair of sweats and a tank top, she opened the door to see Ricky.
Seemingly not caring that her sister had just woken up, opened the door wider and entered at her leisure. The older sister raised a brow but closed the door after her.
Ricky looked around the room as if she was looking for something. Remy took a seat on her messed up bed, her leg crossed under her as she yawned.
"Where's McSteamy?"
Remy chuckled at the nickname, her sister have been watching too much Greys Anatomy. She shook her head, a smile still gracing her features.
"Hal isn't here."
Ricky gave her a look. She rolled her eyes, taking a seat beside her, a knowing look in her eyes.
"Your boyfriend isn't here, eh?" Ricky pressed, her brow raised.
"Is this an interrogation? Hal isn't here, Ricky." Remy replied in a rather clipped tone. Her body beyond tired, she laid back down on her bed. She did not want to leave this bed, ever - but she needed to check on Hal.
Ricky laid back with her sister, her hair over her face. They both chuckled, Ricky trying to control the jungle on top of her head that she called hair. Once she moved everything out of her face and to the side, Ricky saw the worried expression her sister portrayed.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Ricky asked, her tone laced with concern. Remy opened her mouth but quickly closed it. How was she going to tell her sister that Hal is in a hospital in the middle of the universe, in the middle of the Green Lanterns Corps from injuries he received from Yellow Lanterns?
Ricky grabbed her sibling by the shoulders and pulled into a hug, Remy letting all her emotions flow. Tears streamed freely down her cheeks and into Ricky's shoulder as she sobbed. Ricky stayed silent, patting her sisters back as Remy opened everything up.
"Shh, it's alright." No it isn't.
"You're alright." No I'm not.
After Remy's tears ran dry, she unlatched herself from her sister's arms, wiping away the remains of the tears. Ricky just watched as Remy slowly composed herself.
"I'm going to tell you everything, Ricky, everything."
"How is he?" Remy asked anxiously, her eyes staring at the doctor at Hal's bedside. She was writing something on her clipboard, checking the monitor beside the bed.
"Stable, he should be waking up soon."
At those words, Remy grinned widely. John - who stood beside her - also smiled as he watched the doctor do her job. Once the Doctor finished, Remy took her usual seat across from the bed, John following in suit.
She had been checking up on Hal every single day and it had been exhausting, but worth it.
Remy looked at her ring before mumbling curses under her breath. She kept on forgetting to charge it! Taking it off, she placed the ring in Hal's bomber jacket that she wore. John tried to contain his smile, but the fact she wore his jacket every single time she visited seemed cute.
"I gotta go charge my ring, want anything?" Remy asked, standing up from her chair. John pursed his lips as he looked off.
Remy grinned. "You read my mind."
Taking out her ring, Remy slipped it back on as she exited the room. She looked down at the newly built city, Green Lanterns flying around and about. She smiled slightly as she looked around. Remy was a bit sadden that she couldn't be apart of the relief effort, but her main priority as of now was Hal.
She flew to the main battery, thankfully not finding a line. She walked right in, the big green doors revealing the main battery core for the Green Lanterns. Hitting the button, the circular latch in front of the lantern opened, revealing the green element inside.
Remy walked up the stairs, sticking her hand up to the element, her left hand holding her right arm.
"In brightest day, in blackest night," the light slowly started to increase, the battery coming alive at the words she uttered.
"No evil shall escape my sight, for those who worship evil's might," the green element became nearly blinding as her ring was too lit up.
"Beware my power - green lanterns light!" With those words spoken, the light ceased, her ring now brightly lit on her hand and the element returning to its natural color.
Walking away, Remy closed the latch and the door behind her and made her way towards the cafeteria.
Opening the doors, Kilowog stood in front of the entrance. Remy's eyes widened as she smiled. "Kilo!"
The giant grinned his smug smile as Remy pushed past him, her eyes on the counter. Kilowog followed the human, he crossed his arms over his chest and waiting next to her.
"How's Hal, pooser?" Kilowog asked, Remy handing him a cup of coffee to hold as she held one in her hand. Remy made a 'eh' sound as she walked to the door. His condition hasn't really changed, the doctors said that he was stable and could wake up, but nothing was official.
Kilowog walked with her, looking at the dark liquid with a confused face. Remy tittered softly, his expression filled with raw confusion.
"You comin' to the medical sector for once?" Remy asked, her brow raised at him as he returned with a 'eh' sound she had made moments before. Remy shook her head, her smirk still on her features.
The reason Kilowog would ever come to the medical sector was because one of his recruits were in the hospital because of him, but Remy had forced the alien to come at least twice since Hal had admitted in.
Once they exited the cafeteria and started flying towards the hospital, Remy took the cup from Kilo, knowing he wasn't coming.
"Go on, go torture some recruits."
"Ya know, you are still a pooser, human." Kilowog retorted, flying in the opposite direction as Remy. She only shook her head, as she flew to the hospital.
Finding Hal's room, she went to press the button as Remy heard a noise.
"Hal, you son of a bitch." It was John. She raised a brow, pressing the button that opened the door with her elbow. Once stepping in, Remy saw the scene.
John was on the side of Hal's bed as Hal sat straight on the bed. Hal was awake.
Remy's eyes widened, nearly dropping the two cups of coffee but regained her composure. She ran over to the table and put both cups down and then ran over to the bed. John moved out the way, knowing she was going to tackle Hal.
Hal grinned widely as Remy threw herself onto his torso, her head on his collar. She clenched tightly, closing her eyes tightly. She was beyond ecstatic to see him. John said nothing as he smiled.
"I'm going to give you two some space." John spoke rather quietly as he smiled brightly. He left the room quickly after that, taking his cup of coffee with him.
Remy didn't let go of Hal, her head still resting in the same position as she shuffled her feet a bit.
"Damn, seems like somebody missed me."
Remy didn't say anything, Remy couldn't say anything. Her chest was tight as she tried to hold it in, but she couldn't. She laughed as she sobbed into Hal's shirt, Hal rubbing circles on her back.
As Remy held him tight, her hands slowly started shaking. Her eyes widen as she removed them from Hal's back before he could notice. She was afraid this would happen again, but she thought she was over this? It kept on coming back, every time her father would appear back in her life.
"It's alright, Babygirl." It's alright.
wooooo! Chapter 11 is finally published!
I need y'alls help. So I wanna get like all the new comics that are coming out but I want to get the Emerald Nights finale and of the such
so should I get the nightwing rebirth (with huntress and it looks 😍😍)
emerald nights/the spectre ??
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