sinestro corps | .06

Remy's head hung low, her arms and legs chained to the dark wall behind her. Her head felt heavy, holding her down as her eyes slowly opened. She was on her knees, the dark floor rubbed against her ripped jeans - her normal clothes.

This caused her to jerk her head up only to feel the wounds catch up to her. Her stomach tightened, the wound opening once again, blood pouring from her left side. She felt sore all around and it hurt her ribs just if she breathed. The sound of a liquid dripping was echoing throughout the containment cell she was held in.

The darkness consumed her, not being able to see anything except for a small hallway across from her - a distinctive yellow light emitting from the hallway. The limp body tugged against the chains, trying to do something, but it proved to be fruitless. A headache overcame Remy causing her to clench her jaw and grit her teeth.

How she came here was beyond her. Her memories seemed blurred and hazy and nothing clear came back to her. The only common thing she could remember was that yellow light.

All her brain activity ceased once she heard footsteps walking towards her. Her head snapped up, but prompted her injuries to catch up with her. Pain shot up her neck and back, a groan escaping her lips. Her voice was raw, as if it had not been used in a weeks.

"Remy Gardner. I have seen many of your type in my time." A raspy voice spoke, the footsteps becoming closer and closer. Remy swallowed, her throat as dry as sandpaper. Her tired eyes finally connected with the person who was walking towards her.

He had red skin and his uniform looked exactly like Remy's green lantern outfit except that it was yellow and the yellow in the center was much different.

"I am Thaal Sinestro, leader of the Sinestro Corps." The man known as Thaal introduced. Remy didn't acknowledge him, her eyes still interlocked with him. He held a yellow aura around him, a protective barrier from attacks.

Remy shuffled a bit, the chains rattling as she tried to stand up. She wasn't going to go down without a fighting chance. Her eyes did not once leave Thaal Sinestro's eyes. He stood with authority, his hands placed behind his back, his head held high and he floated a few inches above the ground.

"What are you going to do to me?" Remy asked weakly. She mustered all her strength to stand somewhat fully whilst on her knees. Even in her chained state, she looked intimidating, but Sinestro only chuckled at the police officer.

Sinestro landed and stepped closer to Remy. She jerked away, watching the yellow ring closely. She could feel her will draining and her fear starting to spike.

"I can feel your fear, you are scared." Sinestro kneeled to be eye level with Remy and he brushed her hair away from her face. She groaned lowly, but did not move. Her eyes did not leave the hand in front of her face. "You are not afraid of me, no, you fear something else."

He looked intently into Remy's green eyes, searching for something.

"Lets see what plagues your mind." Sinestro flicked his hand and a yellow construct faced Remy as it entered Remy, knocking her out instantly.


"We cannot just sit here and twiddle our thumbs as more than a hundred of our own green lanterns are being taken as prisoners and maybe dead!" Hal yelled, looking up onto the Guardians as their expressionless face only angered Hal more.

John placed a hand on Hal's shoulde, trying to calm him down as Hal only glared at John. Their stare down continued until the Guardians started speaking. "Although we appreciate you caring for the safety of our Lanterns, we must rebuild Oa before we make any... rash actions."

Hal clenched his jaw, not liking what he was hearing. What he was hearing was that they were supposed sit and do nothing as they were dying - Remy was dying.

John sighed as he saw that look on Jordan's face and he knew what was going to happen. Hal stormed out of he room, but before he could exit, the Guardian's spoke once again.

"Green Lantern of Sector 2814, you are not to do anything in relation with the Green Lanterns in the Sinestro Corps. That is an order, Hal. Please, do not do take action." They were pleading because they all knew Hal wasn't going to listen to them.

The dark haired man continued walked, his eyes looking straight in front of him. John looked up at the guardians, awaiting for them to say something but they only nodded and John ran after Hal.

John found Hal just sitting on the edge of the balcony, the pilot looking down onto the ever bustling city of Oa. But this wasn't the Oa he knew - this Oa was destroyed. The buildings that were there, only a few remained as the others were rumble. Hal sighed, his chest tightening as he thought of Remy.

"Hal," John spoke, taking a seat beside him as their legs dangled from the edge. Hal didn't say anything, licking his lips.

Hal shook his head, his fist clenching as he looked up at John. "I can't do it, John. I just can't sit here and ignore the fact that she could be dead this very moment."

John knew who he spoke of, Hal and John have spoken about her multiple times - it was a change for the better for Hal. He hasn't felt this way about anybody expect Carol and it had been hard for him. Hal is the type of person who covers his pain with a smile and tells everyone he is fine, but John knew the truth. Hal was broken.

"We must see reason, Hal. Our sacred duty is to protect Oa then protect the galaxies. And as of right now, Oa is in pieces. We must protect-"

"No, John, we protect our own. We fight to protect our Green Lanterns. We fight evil. And that is what I'm going to do."

John inhaled sharply, a horrific thought coming to his head. Would Hal go back to be a Yellow Lantern? That is a scary thought, but once Hal puts his head to something, he will do everything in his willpower to do it.

"I'm going to protect her, even if it kills me, John. I can't just sit here, not after what happened to Carol."

The other green lantern clenched his jaw, knowing his best friend would take any extreme to save her. And just that fact alone scared him.


"Ricky don't do this to me." Remy held her younger brother, blood surrounding his stomach and white shirt as he whimpered in pain. The young sixteen year old held onto Ricky for her life, both Ricky's and her blood stained her shirt but she paid nOt attention to it.

Tears were streaming freely from Remy's face down to Ricky as he laid unmoving. Remy's eyes widen, her bloodied hands moving to his face as she brushed his hair out of his face as she mumbled unintelligible things as she sobbed. "Ricky, please."

A hand touched Remy's shoulder, causing her to flinch as her eyes didn't leave the body beneath her. She shook her head vigorously, not wanting to believe it. Remy placed her head on his chest as her hand was clasped in Ricky's.

It was silence, the soft sound of Remy's sob was the only thing heard.

Remy gasped loudly, her eyes opening fully to see she was still in dungeon with the Sinestro Corps. Remy swallowed loudly, her throat beyond dry. It had been around a 3 weeks and a half since she had been counting the days.

"My, my-"

"Kiss my ass, Sinestro."

Thaal laughed, appearing in front of Remy, glowing as bright as ever. The yellow light was blinding to her as she sat up straighter to look at Sinestro.

Before Remy could make a snarky comment, Thaal flicked his wrist and the chains that have binded her were taken off. Remy fell face first into the hard floor, a groan escaping her lips. Sinestro just watched as the weak woman slowly pulled herself up, latching onto the chains for help.

Remy grimaced, putting her hand on her stomach as she felt all her wounds strike simultaneously.

Thaal - seemingly bored - grabbed Remy's right arm and started to quickly walked down the yellow hall that Remy had seen for weeks. The bright yellow made her nauseous, but she remained silent. Sinestro had already seen the worst of her, after all the torture, all the things she had seen, it didn't seem like her Corps was coming for her.

"W-where are you..."

"Save your strength, after seeing this, you are going to need it." Thaal spoke vaguely, his hand not leaving Remy's arm. The pain shot up her entire body, causing Remy to kneel slightly.

Thaal chuckled. "It's too late for that. Now keep up."

Remy wanted to snap back at him, but he was right, she needed to save her strength. Remy pushed herself off the ground, clenching her jaw as she slowly started walking once again. Sinestro had his infamous smirk on his lips as he watched Remy try to move.

After walking down the massive hallway, they had reached - what Remy thought - was the Throne Room. Only Sinestro would make his own corps and place a Throne Room in the middle of everything. But Remy wasn't looking at the gold-platted throne - it was the yellow lantern that stood in the middle of the room.

Remy's vision failed her, not being able to identify the man in the yellow lantern get up. Remy closed her eyes, dropping her hand as the pain started to become unbearable. Thaal placed his finger under her chin, forcing her head up as Remy opened her eyes quickly.

"Hal... how lovely of you to join us.



Okay yes I know I'm bring out the injustice!hal okay I just SHUT UP ALRIGHT

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