sibling bonding time | .10

"Talk. Now." Chloe had dragged Remy from the cafe to her apartment after she had taken her ring hostage. Remy knew she could just call for it but she knew this was going to happen sooner or later.

Chloe was sitting on her couch, facing Remy as she put the ring on her table. Remy exhaled through her nose.

Walking around the table, Remy grabbed her ring and slipped it on her right hand. Chloe watched with interest, her elbows on her knees as she leaned forward.

Once she slipped the ring on, Remy's black jacket and skirt was now exchanged for bright green armor. Remy examined herself, a smile on her face as Chloe gasped.

"Green..." Was the only thing Chloe could manage in her state of shock.

"This is my battle uniform." Remy explained as she moved around in it, a green aura forming around her body as she started to lift from the ground.

Crossing her legs, Remy sat in the air and put her hand under her chin and just watched Chloe's reaction. Chloe jumped up from her spot, running to Remy.

"Okay, so let me get this straight, you fight super villains in the wee hours of the night and save Coast City?" Chloe's brows furrowed in confusion as she tilted her head to the side.

Remy chuckled, "huh-uh, try saving the galaxy."

Chloe's reaction made her chuckle, her eyebrows shot up as she couldn't stop staring at her best friend.

"Does Highball know about this?" Chloe asked, taking Remy's right hand and looking at the ring.

"Ah, no. And me and Hal only fucked once, okay Chloe?" Remy explained. Chloe only rolled her eyes playfully as the ring started to glow brightly.

Chloe raised an eyebrow as both their head turned to the ring.

"I gotta go." Remy didn't let Chloe say anything else as she opened her window and flew up into the day.


"Pooser! About time you showed up!" Kilowog slapped Remy's back, making her wince in pain but she grinned back at her commander.

"What, you think I was going to miss boot camp?" Remy retorted, her hands on her hips as Kilowog chuckled.

Kilowog and Remy had an odd relationship but they were friends. When Remy first became a Green Lantern, Kilowog was the only one who sat with her whilst they are in the cafeteria. Soon enough, everybody else started to warm up to the third human Lantern.

"Why did the Guardians call? Is Sinestro planning to attack again?" Remy asked as the two Lantern's walked down the massive hallway. Kilowog only shrugged, staying silent. Remy wanted to intergate him further but she didn't.

Seeing the large door with the Green Lantern's symbol, Kilowog and Remy pushed the big doors open. Crowds filled the room, everybody silent as Kilowog and Remy made their way towards the center - where the Guardians floated above everyone.

"Guardians, we must find out what is Sinestro planning!" The Green Lantern in the middle spoke to the Guardians in an aggressive tone, his fist clenched. The Guardian's expressions didn't change as they remained silent.

Kilowog met up with his friends, whispering to them as Remy crossed her arms and listen in to the meeting.

The pink colored alien continued to argue with the Guardians as only one thing seemed to silence them - the sound of the door opening slightly.

Remy raised a brow, her head turning to the door but something familiar caught her eye. That yellow hue. A cough rang out within the confines of the room as the door opened fully.

"I... know what... they are planning."


The Lanterns quickly started speaking, a mixture of emotion heard from the crowd. The Guardians flew down from the desks-thing and quickly ordered everybody out of the room.

Remy sprinted towards Hal, seeing his yellow lantern uniform all torn up and blood seeping through his hand that was placed on his stomach.

"Oh no you don't!" Kilowog yelled, forming a string and wrapping it around Remy's waist, forming her to stop.

Remy clenched her jaw, trying to escape his construct but thought of something better. Without even thinking, she formed two hands and stuck her fingers in the green string, taking it off her body and making her free.

Hal was making his was towards the middle of the room, blood trailing behind him as the room was almost cleaned off all the lanterns.

Remy was a few yards away from Hal, who was struggling just to stay upright, but she felt something push her away from who she was trying to go to. She looked to her left, finding one of the Guardians - Ganthet, was it? - have his hand out towards her as he flicked his wrist and sent Remy flying across the room.

Kilowog saw this and created a baseball mitten which Remy landed in. The woman huffed, standing up again, wiping her clothes as all the Guardians circled Hal in the middle of the room.

"What are they planning?" Sayd said, distaste evident in his tone.

Hal coughed once again, not being able to answer due to his injuries. Remy walked up to Kilowog, anxious because Hal needed medical attention, not to be yelled at.

"Guardians, if I may?" Remy spoke but Appa Ali Apsa gave Remy a glare. She tried not meet his gaze, but at least some Guardian's didn't hate her.

Ganthet nodded, gesturing to the front of them. "Lantern of Sector 2814 is recognized."

"Ha-Green Lantern of Sector 2814 needs doctor, not an interrogation." Remy tried to make her voice calm, but as she looked at Hal, her voice wavered.

Hal looked up at her, their eyes connect as he smirked. Blood was dripping from his lips, making Remy clench her jaw.

"We will call a meeting on your future, for now,
see the medical wing." Scar spoke after moments of thinking together. Remy nodded vigorously, running towards Hal and grabbed his free hand. Kilowog walked towards her, putting Hal's other hand around his shoulders and slowly walked out of the room.

After the large door closed, the two green lantern's slowly lifted off the ground and flew to where Remy was staying only weeks before.

"You keep me updated, you hear me?" Remy demanded, reluctant to give Hal away but knew she had to.

Hal turned back to her, a smirk still on his features. " care."

Before she could say another word, the nurses took Hal away, leaving Kilowog and Remy alone. The commander turned to her, a smirk on his face.

"You and Hotshot?"

"Shut up, Kilo."


"Remy?" Ashton shook Remy's shoulder violently, making her stir in her bed. She had crashed out after her siblings wanted to have some family bonded and of course, they went drinking. She didn't want to, she was still concerned for Hal but Arisia made her go back home and get some rest.

Ashton took a seat beside Remy, a cup of coffee in his hand as he pulled up a few pillows behind him.

"Leave me alone, I just want to eat and go back to sleep." Remy spoke, turning away from her sibling and putting her face into her pillow.

"Hey, I told you not to take that 12th round of shots, but drunk you didn't even hear me." Ashton spoke softly, his lips going to the top of the rim.

Huffing, Remy glared at Ashton, propping herself up from the bed. Her hair was all over the place, the makeup from last night smudged all over her face and probably on the pillows.

Once Remy was sitting up, Ashton offered her his cup of coffee which Remy turned down.

"Ricky's starving and I want to eat as well so get your lazy ass up and get ready." Ashton left his mug by her bedside, quickly taking his leave as Remy didn't respond.

She stuck her middle finger towards the door, not having the energy to shout anything at her older sibling. Remy ripped the covers off of her body, throwing her legs over the side.

After brushing her teeth and cleaning the mess called her face, Remy grabbed a pair of jeans and a flannel from her drawers and headed out.

Ashton was in the kitchen, on his phone as Ricky was on the couch. Once Remy entered, Ricky was the first acknowledge Remy.

"About time! I thought I was going to starve to death!" Ricky exclaimed dramatically as Remy responded with a roll of her eyes.

Ashton and Ricky stood up, Remy grabbing the keys as they all piled up into the white Mercedes. Ricky sat in the back as Ashton took the passenger seat.

"Where do y'all want to go?" Remy asked as she started the car.

"Ooh, there is this really cool diner right by 2nd, and it's cheap as hell." Ricky said, her eyes on her phone. Ashton shrugged as Remy nodded.

After driving down to the diner Ricky was talking about, the three siblings exited the car and walked to the small diner on the street.

Walking in, the bell above the door went off and the chef behind the counter grinned brightly.

"If it isn't the Gardner!" He yelled, putting his plates down. Ricky cheesed, walking to the chef and giving him a hug. Ashton and Remy shared a look as they took a seat in a random booth.

The chef and Ricky spoke with one another, laughing as Remy raised a brow.

"How do they know each other exactly?" Remy asked as Ashton just shrugged.

After a moment, Ricky came over to the table and the chef went back to the kitchen. Ricky grinned widely as she slipped beside Remy and grabbed a menu.

"I'm a regular here," Ricky explained.

Remy chuckled, nodding. The waitress came by, Ricky ordering for her siblings, she probably knew the menu better than both of her siblings.

After taking the order, the waitress left, leaving the Gardners alone.

Ashton excused himself, going to the bathroom as Ricky turned to Remy. Ricky had that grin when she saw Hal and Remy together.

"Soooo, how is he?"

Remy raised an eyebrow, confused. "Who?"

Ricky nudged her side, winking as she spoke. "Haaaal, how is he?"

"He's fine," Remy replied stiffly, looking back at her plate and drinks, but Ricky wasn't having it.

Ricky have her sister an exasperated look, her brows furrowing as she scoffed. "If you start answering me with fine, I will not give you a sip from my hidden stash."

The dark haired woman put her hands up, her eyes widening as she pretending to be offended. "Okay, okay, chill."

Ricky propped her elbows on the table, waiting for Remy to speak. Remy sighed, putting her hands in her pockets as felt her Green Lantern ring in her jacket pocket.

"He's amazing, beyond amazing, but I don't know. And ooh, don't even get me started about the sex." Remy emphasized, Ricky nodded as she smiled brightly. She seemed more happy for Remy and Hal to be together than Remy and Hal.

"Ah, I bet he has a daddy kink. He must be like a sex god, have you seen his body?" Ricky tittered, Remy's eyes widen but she laughed as well.

"You're tell me? And he is the sweetest - yet the cockiest! - guy I have met."

Ricky laughed, doing a little dance as Remy saw Ashton walk back towards the booth. She nudged Ricky to stop embarrassing her as Ashton came and took a seat across from the two girls. He raised a brow as Remy laughed nervously.

She put her hand to the side of her face where Ricky was sitting and whispered, "she's crazy!"

Ashton tittered softly, his eyes going to the man carrying their three plates was placed in front of him. All three of them got burgers, fries and shakes - Remy getting an Oreo shake, Ashton getting a strawberry, Ricky a chocolate.

Starting on their food, the Gardner siblings were silent. The old 50's music played, a some people came into the diner as Remy popped a few fries in her mouth.

"Man, this is amazing!" Ashton said, his straw in mouth. Ricky only tittered, brushing her invisible hair off her shoulder, but her hair was in a messy bun ontop of her head.

Ricky swallowed loudly, putting a finger up before she started speaking. "Okay, I got tickets to a movie tomorrow, you two are coming with me."

Remy raises an eyebrow, "are you scared to go on a date alone, dear sister?"

Ricky pouted, mumbling a no.

"I want to have sibling bonding time!" Ricky covered up her previous comment, a smile breaking out on her face. Her two other siblings groaned, having the exact opposite reaction to Ricky.

"We have been bonding since the second I have came back home!" Remy complained.

double update because why not?

I have been writing all day and idk it feels like a stress reliever, ngl

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