crazy car rides and shoot outs | .01

Remy stood alone as she looked down upon the horde of people. A sad smile was placed on her features, her gaze landing upon three people who were hugging a black haired woman. Remy held a sad expression though her eyes contradicts her features; her green eyes held happiness as she watched the group of three break their small group hug. The black haired woman was smiling as she wore an officer's outfit. The man to her left looked around her age as he was wearing the same outfit. Then the last man was an older looking man, white haired and used a cane.

The two children looked very alike as did Remy to them. They were her siblings. Remy awaited until the older man slowly went to speak amongst other men and then Remy took her chance and started walking towards her two siblings. A smile was plastered on her features as she pushed people out the way and reached the black haired woman. "Ricky!" Remy yelled as she grabbed her sister by the shoulders and hugged her tightly.

A inaudible noise escaped Ricky's lips as Remy chuckled. Ricky escaped Remy's death grip as Ricky grabbed Remy by the shoulders. "You made it." She exhaled, a smile at her lips, but quickly falling as she looked behind Remy. Remy didn't need to turn around to know that it was her father who stood behind her and stayed silent as well.

Ricky took her hands off of her sister's shoulders, clearing her throat as tensions quickly arose in the air. Remy turned around as she looked down at her shoes but she could still see her father. Her father said nothing, a displeased look on his face as he looked at Remy before he walked passed her and to Ricky, congratulating her. Remy held in a scoff as she looked up to see her brother, Ashton.

Her father left the three alone after making his scene, causing Remy to sigh inwardly as Ashton placed a hand on her shoulder. Remy lifted her head as she mentally shook her head and placed a smile on her face. "Alright, enough with the sappy faces, you just graduated from the police department!" Remy quickly changed the subject as she grabbed Ricky to her car.

"Listen very closely, sister. I have left you a note back at your apartment and it will have a series of numbers and those numbers will led you to your gift. Understand?"

"How did you get inside my apartment, Remy?"

Remy chuckled as she placed her hand at her hip before waving it off with her hand as Ricky and Ashton chuckled with her. Remy pushed her sister to her car as she waved at her two siblings before entering her car. Remy grinned as Ricky drove off. Ashton - on the other hand - grabbed Remy aside and spoke with her. "Listen, I know you and dad has some... rough patches, but this is the part where you kiss and make up."

Remy raised an eyebrow as Ashton spoke, until she saw two tickets in her brother's hand. They were for the basketball game tonight. Remy looked down, her eyes wide but before she could speak, Ashton beat her to the draw. He placed a hand in front of Remy and placed the tickets in her hand. Remy didn't object - she really didn't want her father being pissed at her all her life. Remy knew the exact reason he was made at her, and she knew that it would be hard to recover from this one.

She grabbed the tickets from her brother's hand, nodding confidently as she looked to her brother's eyes. She nodded in acknowledgement, her eyes speaking more than her words ever could as she stepped away from her brother. She placed the tickets in her jacket pocket, her mind racing on how she was going to do this. She didn't care about the execution, only that it was executed correctly and had the happy ending. That usually didn't work with Remy and her god forsaken luck.

It was going to take a lot more than charisma to get her father to go to the game with her.

Remy's heart raced as she stopped her car at the familiar house in the big neighborhood. The house was two-story, white bricks and brown roof, barely any Windows, and a very large door. Remy turned off her car, pulling the keys out of the ignition, clenching her fists as she inhaled and exhaled slowly. She needed to do this right, and maybe she could have a 3% chance of him actually clearing this little bump in the road. There was a small chance her father could say yes and a smaller chance her father couldn't shun her.

Remy exited the car, her hands sweating like crazy but she could careless. Remy reached and pulled out the two tickets out of her pocket as she reached the doorstep. She knocked on the door, her mind racing with things that could go wrong. 99.99% of her thoughts were bad. She inhaled through her nose, then exhaled as the door opened.

Her father held a neutral expression, his eyes glaring at his daughter as he stepped away from the door, heading back to the living room, and his chair. Remy could smell the alcohol reeking from the walls as her father fell back into his chair, the television on and facing the television. Remy stayed silent as she walked into the living room, standing in the corner awkwardly.

Remy cleared her throat, then started asking her father the huge question, "Ellis - dad. Do you want to go to the game with me?"

Her heart beating out of her chest, Remy showed him the tickets as Ellis turned to her, his drunken state worst then she thought. Ellis jumped up from the chair, grabbing his cane as he pinned the cane to Remy. "You! You disgraced this family and the family name! Every Gardner was a police officer and you disgraced us! You had to get kicked out of the force!"

The old man yelling slowly died down as he repeated his words multiple times before passing out back on the couch. Remy was silent the entire time, afraid if she spoke out, it would ruin their distaste for each other even more. As the drunkard slept, the police radio was on, placed on the small table beside him. Only two words sent Remy bolting through the door. Officers down.

Remy sprinted to her motorcycle, turning the car on and driving uncontrollable speed, hoping to reach her destination fast enough. Remy's hair flew around her face, but she could careless about her hair at this current moment. Remy was stuck in a predicament as anticipation chewed away at her, slowly and taking its time. Remy finally reached the distance she heard on the radio to see three men surrounding a person on the floor with a gun. The middle person surrounding the man on the floor held a gun to the person's head. Remy acted quickly, and recklessly.

Remy spotted a small pistol behind the cop car beside the gun fight as she left her car and grabbed the gun. She quickly reloaded, and aimed down the sights and shot down the three men with precision. 'Thank god for cop school.' Remy thought as she threw the gun aside and ran to her siblings. Blood was covered in both of them as Remy cursed under her breath. She grabbed them both and put them in the back of the police car. She ripped a part of her shirt to stop the bleeding from the bullet wound in Ricky's stomach and Ashton's shoulder.

Remy - yet again - was driving crazily, in hopes of reaching the ER in time to save her two siblings. Her blood pressure was increasing by the second, her heart thumping against her ribcage, pounding. She held on to Ricky's hand as she covered her stomach with her bloodied hand, trying not to groan in pain. Ashton was doing the same, trying to stop his bleeding.

The car came to an abrupt stop, the two backside passengers growing as they moved around in the tightly spaced area. Remy jumped out of the car, opening to door and grabbing the two siblings, putting one arm on her shoulder and other on her other shoulder. She slowly walked inside of the hospital as she yelled out in pain, "I need some help over here!"

Quickly, nurses appeared grabbing her two siblings and putting them on the rolling beds that Remy didn't know their name. She watched as her siblings got dragged away from her. She watched as the two were separated by the door that shut seconds after they left. Remy closed her eyes, sitting down on one of the plastic blue chairs that they had on the side of the wall.

Time passed as nobody was in the hospital or beside her anymore. Only the nurses and the workers stayed and Remy. Remy wasn't going to leave anytime soon until her siblings got better. Remy pulled out her phone, texting her passed out father that she was in the hospital with his two children and if he wanted to show his compassion, he could come, but Remy doubted that the old man would come, considering that fact he was passed out.

Remy put her phone on the seat next to her, her foot tapping up and down as she looked around. She observed her surroundings before she felt off. Something had changed. Remy looked around - nobody was in the hospital, so it was normal. She rose an eyebrow, looking once more until she looked at her hands. Something new appeared. It was a small green ring on her left hand - her ring finger. She examined it as a voice spoke up. "Remy Gardner, you have been deemed worthy. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corp, Sector 2815."

The voice was low, gravely, and scared Remy. Remy knew there was nobody around her, and she was questioning her sanity. Remy out the ring back on her finger as she closed her eyes. Her mind flowed back to her siblings and what happened back at the alley. Remy sighed. Her gaze ended back on the ring as a green hue was around it as Remy stood up, wanting to go the the bathroom and wash her face. Hopefully, she could wake up from this horrible dream and forget the voice and the ring.

Upon reaching the bathroom, Remy washed her face, and looked in the mirror. Remy yelped in surprise as she looked in the mirror. Remy was covered in a green mask - which made her eyes glow green - her arms was covered in a skin tight green outfit with black and white outlines. This went all the way down to her feet as her chest held a circle with a small lantern looking shape as Remy took the ring off immediately - which switched her back to her normal outfit. Remy put the ring on the sink, hopefully it would exit her life; little did she know the ring would become her life.


okay first off i want to dedicate this entire story to ma gurl AlexaVeil because her Hal Jordan fic is AMAZING OKAY GO READ IT!!

so I hope you enjoyed this filler!

- sisi!

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