Chpater 1: A new beginning
We open our story at a small town as we see innocent people walking by doing their own business as it was a bright and sunny morning. We see our main protagonist laying on his bed sleeping as we hear him snoring into the sound of his alarm clocks gone off on his desk beside his bed.
Y/n grond as he barely open his eyes to stare at his alarm clock as he reach out his hand over and shuts it off. Y/n swing his arm down as he was still sleepy but he throw the blanket off of him and sat on his bed. He yawns while stretching as he looks around his room and see it was kindly messy.
Y/n hop out of bed and walks over to the drawers and puts some clothes on. After that he walk over to the curtains and opens it up. Sun light hits Y/n as he open his eyes once again and see a beautiful morning.
Y/n smiles as he breaths in of the smell and then out as he looks around though his window.
Mail man: (smile) Good morning Y/n!
Y/n looks done to see the mail man with a smile, Y/n smiles back and callsoyt.
Y/n: (smile) Good morning, any mail for me?
Mail Man: A few but it's a beautiful morning isn't it.
Y/n: Yeah, tell your wife my congratulations on that promotion last night.
Mail Man: (smile) Thanks and I will, have a nice day.
The mail man walks off as Y/n smiles and leave the window to head downstairs to make some breakfast. The small town he lives is pretty nice, everyone is very nice to each other and treated fairly to each other. There have been less crime marking Y/n's small town the must peaceful town ever in the hole world.
Y/n got his toast out of the toaster and start to eat his breakfast while he pulls up a newspaper to read through the news while he eat his toast and drink some coffee.
Y/n: (thought) Looks like nothing important is happening around here. Just some normal and peaceful stuff. (Sigh) I kinda like this town I really do but kinda wish there is something for me to do or something interesting happening here?
Y/n Sigh once more and continues to read the newspaper and spotted a grand opening of a new park that has been working on for years but now it's gonna open to the public with interest Y/n.
Y/n: (smirk) Well that's I wanna see. I better head there and not miss the grand opening.
Y/n finish iis breakfast and runs off to grab his coat and puts his shoes on. Once that he walks over to his front door and opens it and leave his house as she shuts the door and locks it behind him.
Y/n opens the gate and walks to the mail box and opens it to see taxes like the mail man said. He figured he pays them once he comes back so he slide the mail through the mail slote through his door and heads off to check on the new park they finally open to the public.
(Short while later)
Y/n arrives at his destination and see a banner above him leading to the park that said "Grand opening!". Y/n walks through and see many people already there as there is food stands set up and people were already buying some food and enjoying the small party.
Y/n walks through and see everyone was enjoying themselves and smell the delicious good all around him as he walks by them all. He stop by one who is selling out cotton canes and Y/n buys one and after the man hands him one he take a bite and it was delicious.
Y/n: (thought) Mmm nothings good then cotton candy.
Y/n walks through the crowd of people until he reach a beautiful lake as Y/n was surprised to see how beautiful it was. But he noticed a sign and it said "No swimming, river not save!".
Y/n doesn't know why until he over heard some life guards talking to each other about how the river will cost heavy waves time to time and people will get wash away.
Y/n thinks that would be scary so he stay away the lake as possible. But either that the festival was pretty good and Y/n decided to take a walk away from the festival before he heads back home. He started his walk as the music gets fetter and fetter until there was no music, just the sound of nature as he can hear the birds chirping and leafs blowing peaceful on tress.
Y/n enjoys this peaceful forest as he was alone to his thoughts as he thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Maybe I ask a few of my friends to come to my house so we can have a game party. A new video game is out so maybe we can play it together. Just hope their not busy or anything like that. But can't hurt to try.
Y/n pulls out his phone and was about to type to his friends when he hear a cry and scream. He looks around to see he can follow the sound. He hear another cry this time it was cry of help.
Y/n follows the cries as he rushes through the path until he stopped when he see at the other side of the lake was a mother who she was crying and calling out for help. Y/n sees a boy splashing around and trying to breath.
He then noticed the river is starting to move pretty fast as he realise the rivers will get stronger and the boy will drown. His mother was crying and screaming out for help. Y/n can't let this boy die and his mother suffer for his lost so he leaps off the splashes into the river.
He swam through the river as the mother looks over to see Y/n swimming for the boy. The boy was about to give up and drown as his body was already in the water except for his hand but Y/n manage to grab his hand and pulls his head out of the water and he quickly swam over to the boys mother.
He feels the waves are getting stronger and also feels that he is being pulled away from the mother. The mother was reaching out her hand, trying to grab them both.
Y/n: (thought) Come on, almost there, just a little more!
Then he looks over and see a massive wave in the distance and it was coming towards them. Y/n don't have much time to swam into shore with the boy in his arm. Y/n looks at the massive wave and the mother and he only have a second to do something.
Y/n knows he must do and throw the boy over to the mother and the mother caught the boy and hugging him. Y/n looks over and it was too late. The waves was at his face and it hits home sending him flying away from the mother as she cried out for help once again.
Y/n: Shit, gonna stay up float!
Y/n tries to grab something to hold himself but there wasno use. His back got hit by a something and he was under the water. He try to reach for surface but he can't as the waves are pushing him down.
Y/n was losing breath and his vision was barely as he try to stay alive and stay conscious but he can't. As he closes his eyes and loses his breath as he drowned as the waves pushes his body far away so anyone will not find him.
We see Y/n laying on the black floor unconscious and after a while he slowly opens his eyes and he see he was in some kind a black room as he slowly stands up. He nearly fell but he put one knee down to stop his fall.
He slowly stands back up and looks around to see nothing, completely nothing, no town, no tress, no people, nothing.
Y/n: Hello? Is anyone here? Hello?
Y/n tries to remember what happened and remembered that he sacrifice his own life to save the boy and result of that he drowned and died.
Y/n: Wait if I drowned dose this mean I'm in the after life?
???: That is correct Y/n.
Y/n quickly turns around and being met by a bright light that blinds Y/n for a moment before he slowly opens his eyes and he was shocked to see a man wearing all white clothes and on his back angel wings spread out as he looks at Y/n and said.
???: You Y/n have risked your own life to save a child so he will be safe.
Y/n So wait, he's ok?
???: Indeed and thanks to you, he has a better future because of your heroic sacrifice.
Y/n: (thought) Well at least that's good, glad he is safe.
Yukio: My name is Yukio, I am a angel in charge of where people gose when they die.
Y/n: So your some kind a boss of the after life?
Yukio: Correct. You see Y/n, we have been watching you and we sense your hope and desire to help others even it means sacrifice yourself to do what's right. Those skills like you will be helpful in another world.
Y/n: Another world?
Yukio: You see, a great evil has taking other the lands and spread darkness to this other world. Their leader Lord Carnage has allied himself with many monsters within the human world to work together to spread darkness and death to this other world. Carnage is the most powerful demon Lord we have ever faced. He has kills many gods and becomes the demon that will destroy anything that will stand against his way.
Y/n: (shocked) Woah that is......pretty bad.
Yukio: It is but you have the power to stop him, you can be a hero and save the world and defeat Lord Carnage and his army. All you need to do is to bring hope to everyone and more hope people have, the weaker Carnage is.
Y/n: So I be the only one that can save this other world against this demon Lord?
Yukio: That is correct. You can go to heaven and live out your peaceful life or....
Yukio snap his fingers and a portal appears behind Y/n as he turns to see it and Yukio finish off saying.
Yukio: You can go through that portal and your journey will begin.
Y/n looks at the portal and feels that he gotten help them. He doesn't know why but he heart tells him more people will die if he doesn't step through the portal. He needs to bring them hope, he saved the boy from drowning so why not the whole world.
Y/n: (smirk) I guess I take the second option. I save the boys life so I can do it again this time everyone in another world.
Yukio smiles and nods, grateful that Y/n will do it. Y/n turns back to the portal and rushes over and gone through it and then the portal shuts as Yukio looks on in the darkness as she smiles once more.
Yukio: (smile) Good luck, Knight of hope.
Y/n exit put off the portal and looks around to see he was in som ekind a dark alleway as he turns around and see the portal was gone. Y/n feels kinda different and realise it was his clothes.
He looks at himself through the reflection of the window and see he was wearing some kind a Knight armor and also wearing a helmet on him. He takes the helmet off and looks at it.
It was pretty cool Knight helmet as he puts it back on and see he have a sword on his back as he slide it out and looks at it.
Y/n: (surprised) Woah guess Yukio hand me a few starters for this journey.
Y/n slide back his word and walk through the alleway until he see light ahead of him. Once out he was surprised to see everything like it was something you see in RPG games, people wearing old clothes, horses carts and no electricity everywhere as Y/n walks through the village as he was amazed he is now in another world.
Y/n: (thought) Woah this is soo awesome. I'm being sent to another word by a angel, how awesome is that? OK take it easy Y/n, we need to find somewhere to start my adventure but where to started? Hmmmm well this is similar to a RPG game so maybe there is a guild I can join. I wounder there is a guild nearby?
But then Y/n accidents bumped to someone as the two fell and a staff was dropped onto the ground. Y/n shakes it off and asked someone he bumped into.
Y/n: You ok? Sorry about that, wasn't focusing where I was going.
???: N-No it's alright, I-I should be the one who apologies.
Y/n realise the voice was female as he looks over and see a blond hear girl wearing a white prestess clothes as she made contact to Y/n as the two stare at each other.
Y/n can't help but blush how adorable she was but he shakes it off and stands up and lend out a hand to her and asked with a little smirk.
Y/n: (smirk) Need a hand?
She suddenly blushes as she see him smirk. Her heart skip a beat as she touches Y/n's hand and Y/n helps her up. She grabs her staff and said.
???: (nervous) Th-Thank you kind sir. A-are you new here?
Y/n: Yeah something like that. Sorry about before, you alright?
???: (nervous) Y-Yes, Th-Thank you and it's alright. Its my fault for not looking in front of me.
Y/n: (smile) It's alright, let's start over. Names Y/n L/n and yours?
Miya: (nervous) Miya....Miya Tanaka.
Y/n: (thought) Woah that's a cute name. Why do I sound like a creep, I've just met her like a second and I call her name cute?!
Miya: Are you joining a guild around here?
Y/n: So there is a guild here?
Miya: Yep, I came here to join but it seems I'm not the only one.
Y/n: Yeah guess so. So where is it?
Miya: Um I think it's over there.
Y/n: Alright let's go.
Miya smiles while she nods which made Y/n blushes a bit more as the two walk through town looking for the guild until they finally arrived. There was a sigh hanging above that said "Adventurer's Guild".
They enter inside and see many adventurers there talking to their friends and drinking as they laughed. Y/n was surprised how cool their armor was and how cool their weapons were.
Y/n: (thought) Woah look at them. I've seen them in games but in real life they are freaking awesome.
???: (smile) Hello there, are yous here to join our guild?
Y/n looks over to see a girl behind the desk sat down as the two walks over and they said yes.
Leiko: (smile) Great yous may call me Leiko Araya and I'm in charge of this guild. Please sign here for yous to be able to join us.
She pleases down two papers and the two start to write them up.
Y/n: (thought) Man this feels like I'm signing up for my new job. But this job is pretty cool to do casue I can go on many jobs and get paid.
After they were done they pass them back to Leiko as she looks through it and said.
Leiko: (smile) Everything is checked out, here yous need these.
She the place down necklace in front of them and they take them and put them on.
Y/n: So what are these?
Leiko: These will identify your rank and what jobs are suitable for you. There are ten ranks to rank up, the highest is Platinum and followed that is golden. The lowest is Porcelain and that will be you starter rank. You also encounter adventurers with silver and they are pretty strong in combat.
Y/n: Huh sounds simple to remember with.
Miya: So what town did you come from?
Y/n: Oh um.....well I was at....
Y/n: (thought) Crap, how I'm I gonna tell her that I was from another world? Think Y/n, think.
???: Hey are yous looking for a party?
They look over to see a boy and two other girls beside him as the boy lend his shoulder at the front desk.
Kado: Names Kado and these are my team. We're looking for a few more to join us on a job. Your in?
Miya: Um sure what's the job?
Kado: Goblin slaying, a village nearby was attacked by Goblins a they ever kidnapped a few girls. There is a cave they go in that isn't that far from here so we figured we can take it.
Y/n: That sounds like suspicious? You sure yous are ready to face them?
Kado: (smirk) Goblins are just stupid mobs, I bet we be fine.
Miya: Well if it's what you said then I'm in.
Kado: (smile) Awesome, you in as well?
Y/n wasn't sure but decided to screw it and nods. Y/n looks over to Leiko and see her worried face and something tell him this may not end well.
The group arrived at the cave and in front it was a creepy sign probably made by the Goblins to all humans to stay away. Miya was a bit nervous by this and so dose Y/n but Kado said.
Kado: (smirk) Alright looks like this is the place, let's go.
Kado, Rini and Jimin enter and Y/n and Miya follows in as well as they walk through the dark cave as Kado lights the cave up with a fire on a stick as they walk through the cave.
Y/n: So you sure we be ready for this? Have yous got any potions?
Kado: We don't have any money for them.
Kado: Oh relax these Goblins can't stand a chance against us. I can even slice them up.
Rini: Probably don't go overboard by that.
Kado: Just you wait and one day, I will be a dragon slayer!
Kado swing his sword but the blade hits the ceiling and he stumbled forward which they laughed a little. Miya was a bit nervous as they go down deeper to the cave.
Y/n looks over to see her nervous and asked.
Y/n: You ok?
Miya: (nervous) I just have a feeling, we're not alone.
Y/n have a same feeling as well but he tells her.
Y/n: (smile) Don't worry, we keep you safe, stay close to the light and we be fine.
Miya: (blush) O-Ok, thank you.
Kado: Wow what's this?
They turn back forward and they see the same sigh from before. They were confused by that but they thought it was nothing and they continue on.
Y/n can't help but feel they were being followed as he turns to see something moving in the darkness. He stop and stare at the darkness waiting for something to happen.
Jimin: Hey, your ok?
Y/n turn sto see Jimin and said.
Y/n: Yeah but something tells me we're being followed.
Jimin: I'm sure it's probably your imagination.
Y/n: Maybe but still we-
Then the two hear a rock being kicked. Then they see someone moving and they see them....Goblins with their blades ready and they lock their tongue while staring at them.
Y/n: (thought) OK these are not the Goblins I've seen in video games.
Jimin freaks out and fire a fire ball that hits one. The rest heard that and run back and see Goblins in front of them. Y/n draw out his sword and a few launch at him but Y/n slice them with his blade.
Jimin continues to blast them with fire balls out of her staff but one got her leg and all pulled her down to the ground. Y/n see this and rush over and kicks them away and once that Y/n helps Jimin up and asked.
Y/n: You alright?
Jimin: (blush) Yeah thanks.
Then Kado went pass them and start swing his sword at them and slicing them up. Y/n and Rini were about to join in but they dodge Kado swinging a Rini called out.
Rini: Take it easy Kado, you nearly slice our heads up!
Y/n: Rini behind you!
Rini turn to see a Goblin launching at her but she kicked it right in the face that sent the Goblin flying and splat onto the wall and fall dead.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow nice kick.
Rini: (smirk) Thanks.
Y/n nods and turns over to see Kado swinging his blade around and just he was about to strike down, his blade touch the ceiling and everything was slow down for Kado as he was sword was off his hand and a lots of Goblins were about to kill him.
Y/n: Kado no!
Y/n reach out his hand and suddenly arrows came out of his hand and kills the Goblins around Kado. Kado opens his eyes and see them all dead with small arrows on their heads. Kado and the rest turn to Y/n and Y/n look at his hand and turns it over to see a wrist crossbow straped into his arm which surprised Y/n.
Kado: (surprised) Woah that's awesome, where did you get that?
Y/n: Oh Um I got it from a old man?
Y/n: (thought) I didn't know I have a wrist crossbow on me?! Yukio must of give me that.
Jimin: Kado there's to many of them, we gonna pull out!
Kado: right, everyone let's go!
They all run for their life but Y/n looks over and see Rini beating up the Goblins around her and Y/n calls out.
Y/n: Rini let's go!
Rini: I hold them off, yous go, I'll be fi-
But when she was about to kick at a Goblin, a large Goblin hand grabs her leg and Rini looks up to see a huge Goblin and the huge Goblin swing her around and slams her on the wall and there was a crack on her leg which made her scream in pain.
Y/n: Rini!
Y/n rushes over and jumps up and grabs a hold of the huge Goblin. The huge Goblins drops Rini onto the ground and try to grab Y/n but Y/n leaps off and lands his feet onto the ground.
The huge Goblin turns to Y/n and tries to slam at him but Y/n dodges and draw out his sword and slice its hand off. The huge Goblin made a roar in pain and stumbled backwards.
This gives Y/n time to grabs Rini up and carry her away as the rest of the Goblins chase after him. The rest were waited for Y/n and Rini to come and soon they see them and Y/n hands Rini to Kado and asked.
Y/n: Is everyone ok?
Kado: Yeah we're ok.
Y/n: OK let's get out of here.
They nod and they make a run for it. But then a arrow came out of the darkness and hits Miya by the shoulder and she fell orno the ground. Y/n turns to see her on the ground with a arrow on stab onto her back shoulder and rushes over to her and the rest turn to see this.
Y/n: Yous get out of here!
Kado: Those Goblins will get close soon.
Y/n: I'll hold them off just go!
Kado was hesitant at first but he has no choice as all three made their escape while Y/n turns back to Miya and bend down and he tell her.
Y/n: OK I'll pull this off and this will hurt bit ready?
She nods.
Y/n: Alright one....two.....three!
Y/n pulls out the arrow and Miya cried out in pain. Then Y/n hears footsteps and turn his head to see three Goblins with blades in hand as they growl while licking their lips.miya was terrified but Y/n stands up without looking at them and said.
Y/n: (smirk) So you gonna hurt my friends huh? Well you gonna get through me!
He then throws the arrow and manage to land a hit at the Goblins head which surprised the other two including Miya as Y/n took out his blade and got into a battle stand.
The two Goblins growled in anger this time and also gets into a battle stand ready for a fight.
Y/n: Stay behind me Miya and I promise you, I will protect you and everyone else. No matter what happens I will never give up.
Miya looks up at Y/n and feels her heart skip a beat as Y/n will do anything to protect her like a Knight will protect her queen. The suddenly they hear another footsteps but this time, it sounded like amor as Y/n looks over the two Goblins and the two Goblins turns around and they see a female Knight holding a torch with a small blade on her hand as she walks over towards them.
Y/n: (thought) Who is she and where did she come from?
The two Goblins suddenly were scared as the female Knight looks up at them with one red glowing eye and one try to charge at her and launch up in the air and stab her on the armor.
But this doesn't seem to hurt her as she slams the Goblin onto the wall and burns the Goblin alive with her touch and after a while the Goblin was dead and she spoke.
???: That's one.
The female Knight turns to the last Goblin and this time the Goblin makes a run for it but Y/n see this and gots in front of it and said.
Y/n: (smirk) I don't think so little guy.
He then kicks the Goblin into the air and the female Knight stab the Goblin through the chest and the last Goblin died.
???: That's two.
She slide the dead Goblin out of her blade and looks up at Y/n and Miya for a moment and then ask.
???: Yous are new adventurers, are you?
Y/n: Um yeah thanks for the assist, um who are you?
Aoi: The names Aoi Arai, but I've been called by both Adventurers and Goblins as.......Goblin Slayer.
Y/n: (thought) Goblin Slayer..........that's a badass name in my opinion.
To be continued..........
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