Chapter 6: Full on attack
At a dark room within the Elf village, we see four elf council members as they sat around on a table as they have a meeting about an attack that was about to lunched if it wasn't for Ai and Y/n.
The first was the head leader as his name is Goro a he is one of the oldest member around. The second was a skinny elf named Banko who organised and elf army and archery. The third was a female elf named Eido as she is the wise women and lastly was another old man named Fudoki ashe is blind but smart and wiser then Eido.
Goro stood up and he and the rest all rise as Goro start off the meeting by saying.
Goro: Yesterday afternoon, five human bandit attended to blast through to our walls to attack our village.
Banko: But it was stopped by Ai along with her human friend.
Eido: Who is this humans name?
Banko: His name is Y/n L/n but he goss by the name "The Knight of hope."
Fudoki: (surprised) You mean the same boy that freed our elf kind by the goblins along with their demon Knight?
Banko: Yes along with his human friends. But is there anything else you gonna tell us Goro?
Goro nods as he throws in a mark that has two katana's crossed together with a steal wolf behind it as Goro goss on to say.
Goro: We believe that the Iron-Stars Ninja clan are attempting to attack our village. We must be ready for their attack.
Eido: Do you think we can have a chance. The Iron-Stars Ninja clan are one of the most toughness enemy any one has every faced.
Banko: Maybe we need some assist from some group from the outside.
Eido: But who?
Fudoki: What about Y/n and his group, they may help us?
Eido: But would they accept the offer. I heard one of them only slay goblins?
The members sat there in silence to think of another way. But Goro says to them.
Goro: Y/n and his group maybe our only option we got. We must needed their assistance in order to defeat the Iron-Stars Ninja clan and protect our village. Tomorrow....we ask Y/n and his group our help.
(Next day)
We see the sun just setting up as we see Y/n staying at Ai and Cho's house including everyone else. The sun shines through the window and irno Y/n's face as Y/n groaned for a bit until he slowly open his eyes to see the sun cracking through his window screen.
Y/n rolled onto his back to look at the ceiling above him as he wounder to his thoughts as he yawns to himself as he said to his thoughts.
Y/n: (thought) Man after coming to this world I gang seem friendship to not just human but different species as well. I wounder how big this world really is though? There is devils, elf, dwarf, lizard people, Goblins and so much. I wounder what else is out there?
His mide was interrupted when he see his blanket move a bit like someone is underneath it. Y/n find this odd so he pulled over the cover and he his faced immediately turn red in blush as he see Miya and Ai laying on Y/n's bed as they cuddle him which Y/n made him more blusher then before.
Y/n: (thought) How did they get into this room? Wait, did Cho said we have to share rooms? I kinda understand that but is it necessary to sleep on my bed!?
Then Miya was the first to wake up as she made a cute noise as she rube her eye and sat up on Y/n's bed as she gently rub her eye while saying in a tired like voice.
Miya: Morning Y/n (yawn) How are you feeling?
Y/n: (blush) I-I-I-I'm doing g-g-great, y-you?
Miya: Still a bit sleepy but I'm....I'm doing ok.
She then fell to Y/n's arms which made Y/n blush even more as she start to cuddle Y/n's chest as she made a cute noise. Y/n cheeks was hotter then ever as Miya pined her head up close to Y/n's face.
She smiled in a cute way as she gently touches Y/n left cheek and said.
Miya: (smile) Your body was soo warm. I just can't help but sleep near you.
Y/n: (blush) I-It's fine, I-I really think your warm as well.
Miya (little blush) Thanks, your so kind.
Y/n: (blush) S-Sure, no problem.
Ai: (groaned) Is it morning time alright?
Then Ai sat up as she rub her eye as Y/n and Miya turn to see Ai completely naked as the only thing is coved is her hair and her left arm between her legs as she asked.
Ai: What?
Y/n start to get a nose bleed seeing her naked as Ai realise she is naked as he gets mad and upper punches Y/n off of the bed.
Ai: (mad) Don't look at me naked like that you pervert!
Y/n flys off the bed and lands hard onto the ground as blood pours out to his nose and onto the floor as there was a knock at a door as Cho opens the door and peeks out.
Cho: Hey you guys awak-
Then she see Y/n laying on the ground with Miya and Ai on his bed.
Cho: (smirk) Oh I see yous have some "fun" during the night huh?
Ai: (blush) It's not like that sis!
Cho: (smirk) Alright, well if yous are done getting chance, breakfast will be ready down stairs.
Cho closes the door leaving the three alone as Miya and Ai were blushing to think they have "fun" during the night.
(Short while later)
They were sat around the table as they have some breakfast. Unkan was laughing as he reminds Y/n what Miya and Aoi did to make Y/n passed out as he can't stop laughing.
Unkan: (smile) I'm telling you I see many men get surprised to see a girl dress up something that catch them off guard but that takes the cake. (laughter)
Then Aoi hits Unkan by the back of the head as he stops laughing as Aoi turns away and said.
Aoi: Maybe it's best you eat more a laugh less.
Yogi: I wish we could have those delicious cheese to have in thsi fine meal.
Cho: Sorry but we don't have one.
Yogi: That is a shame.
Y/n: So Ai, about what happened earlier?
Ai: Relax I don't blame you, I also shouldn't have punched you. I have this habit to get naked when I go to bed.
Y/n: Since when?
Ai: When ever I feel warm or something.
Cho: (smirk) I bet Y/n's body made you warm so much that you took off your clothes to make him even warmer.
Ai: (blush) Shut up that is not true and you know it.
Cho: (smirk) Whatever, I be at work today so what are yous gonna do?
Yogi: We figured we stay for a bit and then head back to our home.
Unkan: This place is great but there is jobs we have etc take on.
Cho: (smile) Alright I understand, well have the rest to your self and I see yous arou-
Then they hear a knock at the door. Cho find it weird as she walks over to the door and opens it.
Cho: Um guys.....they wanna see you.
Y/n: Who?
They all walk over and walk to the front door only to see elf guards as Banko was in front as he stsp forward and asked.
Banko: You must be Y/n and the group right?
Y/n: Yeah and you are?
Banko: I am Banko, a member of the elf Council and we need your help.
Y/n: Help? What for?
Banko: Its best you'll come with us.
Y/n: Um sure?
They follow Banko and his guards as Cho follows them with a bit worry as they wounder what's going on.
They arrive at the elf council as they were standing at the council meeting room as Cho was wlaking side to side worried as she takes some deep breaths. The rest doesn't know what's going on as Y/n see Cho gonna have a heart attack as he walks over to her and asked.
Y/n: You alright Cho? everything is gonna be alright.
Cho: (nervous) I know. I know but I'm just a bit nervous by this. I.....I never actually meet face to face with the council. True I met some but not all together. This is really nervous and I think I'm gonna pass out soon.
Y/n: Take a deep breath Cho, things will be alright. What ever they want from us, I'm sure it's not trouble.
Cho: OK, OK your right. No need to panic. Let's hope this isn't trouble.
Ai: Maybe it has to do with those bandits we saw trying to blow up the wall?
Cho: Maybe but who knows. Maybe they wanna ask us questions about it.
Miya: I hope we're not in trouble.
Aoi: I don't think so, something tells me they needed us for a reason and those bandits have to do somethingwith it.
Then a guard opens the door as he peeks out and tells them they can enter. The guard opens the door as they walk into the meeting room and see all four here as they were sat down and staring at them.
Cho was a bit nervous as Goro stood up and start off by saying.
Goro: We apologise for your morning breakfast but we needed your help.
Y/n: (thoughts) So I guess we're not in trouble. At least that's good.
Y/n: Sure, what help do yous need?
Goro: We believe that a powerful ninja clan who call themselves the Iron-Stars ninja clan.
Cho and Ai gasp in shocked but Y/n and the rest doesn't know that name.
Y/n: what is that?
Ai: One of the most powerful ninja clans around. They go to different territories across the world in order to seek dominance and take over of the world.
Banko: Yes and we left to believe they are going to attack our village very soon. Which is way we needed your help.
Edio: Yoru friends have help us free our people from the goblins but we ask of your help again.
Fudoki: We heard of you and your friend heroic action to defeat that demon Knight so we ask your help to defeated this threat, please.
Cho was surprised how the council is asking for Y/n and the rest help to defeat this threat as Y/n turns to everyone.
Y/n: What do you guys think?
Miya: I think we should help them. If they are in danger then they needed their help.
Unkan: (smirk) I think so as well. After all fighting a powerful ninja clan dose sound cool.
Yogi: And it be a honour fighting along side them in battle so I'm in.
Ai: This is my village and I'll protected even I have to die for it.
Y/n nods as he turns to Aoi as Aoi looks at Y/n and said.
Aoi: I only slay Goblins but I guess we help them one more time. But you own me a goblin saying job after this.
Y/n smiles as he nods back as he turns back to the council and said.
Y/n: (smile) We help.
Goro: Good. Cho.
Cho: (nervous) Um Y-Yes sir?
Goro: Take them to the weapons room to get themselves ready and after they are done, take them to our troops were they will help them in battle.
Cho: Yes sir.
Cho takes them out of the room. Once they left Eido looks at Goro and asked.
Eido: Can we trust these people?
Goro: We have no choice. It's either fighting along side them....or fighting on our own.
We cut to Y/n and the rest as they arrive at the weapons room as they pick out their weapons. Aoi took out a long sword and a stronger shield while Y/n and Ai takes some arrows as Cho walk over to them and asked.
Cho: Are yous ready for this? The Iron-Stars Ninja clan is one of the most powerful clans ever. They maybe tough to beat.
Ai: I know but what else can we do? We can't just leave before an attack start. I refuse that.
Y/n: Yeah, this is your home and if there is lives on the line. Then I'll take that challenge for the sake of others.
Cho: Alright just be safe once the attack begins ok?
They nod and not before seconds later, they hear an explosion followed by a shake as they realise they have been attack.
They race out and once outside they see fire balls flying over rather wall and crash landed onto the building as many elf make a break for it. Elf guards exit out to control the situation.
Unkan: Looks like they're gonna start their invasion right now.
Yogi: We must help everyone before they will fall.
Cho: Right, Miya go with Yogi and Unkan and Aoi check on the survivors. Y/n, Ai your with me, let's see where they will enter.
Y/n: Right.
They all split up ae Miya and Yogi heal up the injured while Aoi and Unkan help then injured to a safe place.
We cut to Y/n, Ai and Cho as they run through the village along with the elf guard as they stop to see a wall is buring away and hear someone on the other side.
Cho: Ok everyone get ready.
The elf guards ready their arrows as they pull back their bow. Some hold swords and shield as Y/n also pulls out his shield and sword while Ai pulls out her bow as Cho holds a small blade.
Soon the wall was open and black ninja's leap out of the fire and start their attack. The elf guards fire their arrows while some with blades charge at them and cut them down. Some were taking out on both sides as we see Y/n blocking ninja stars with his shield as he slash his sword at them and taking them out.
Ai fires her arrows at them as they were hit while some break through the defence and enter the city.
Ai: Some maded into the city!
Cho: We must hold off the rest before they kill anyone else.
Y/n blocks the ninja's attacks and cutting them down when he heard a familiar scream in the distance as he looks Iver to see Miki, Kane and Tori as they were surrounded by Ninja's.
One was about to kill One of the sisters urnil Y/n runs over and rams the ninja with his shield and slice the other two as they fell onto the ground.
Y/n: Yous alright?
Miki: Yes, thank you.
Y/n: Your welcome.
They make a run for it as Y/n watch them escape.
Ai: Sis!
He turns back and rushes back as he arrives to see Ai aiming his bow at the Iron-Stars Ninja clans leader as he holds Cho by chock point as he looks at Ai ams sees Y/n and said.
???: You must be the Knight of hope. We finally meet after so long.
Y/n: So I guess your the boss of this invasion?
Kogen: Yes, the names Kogen and I am the leader of the Iron-Stars Ninja clan. This village is our territory and yous will be killed just like this one.
Cho gasp for some air but Kogen squeeze her throat a bit more as Ai was worried that he would kill her as she asked.
Ai: Let my sister go!
Kogen: So this is your sister huh? I never know your kind can call themselves brothers or sisters. But I guess I was wrong.
Y/n: She said let her go, or else.
Kogen: This is my territory and you can't tell me what to do now. We know this village and if you try to stop me, must be a fool.
Y/n lift his hand a bit as his wrist bow fires an arrow that lands a hit on Kogen's arm as he screams out a bit. He accidentally lets Cho go as she lands on her feet and rushes over to them.
Kogen see blood pouring down his arm as his ninja clan step forward to kill them but Kogen rise his hand and said.
Kogen: No! This boy has more guts as I thought. Very well boy, let us dual for this territory. If you win....we leave but if you's ours.
Y/n: I see but if I win, you leave this village alone and never return?
Kogen: yes.
Y/n: Deal.
Cho and Ai was worried but they step away as Y/n drop his shield as grip his sword. Kogen grabs a hold of his kantana on his back.
The two stare at each other as Kogen and Y/n ready their blade while Ai and Cho watched. Then Kogen launches forward and swing his sword at Y/n. Y/n have barely have time to block it with his sword.
Y/n turns as Kogen turns to him and swing his sword a bit before he launch at Y/n. Y/n change at him as well as he dodge the first few strikes from Kogen before he clash his blade at Kogen. The two share glares at each other as they have a sword lock before they leap back.
The two land on their feet as they sprint along the village still glaring at each other before Kogen throws a smoke bomb and after the smoke cleared he disappeared.
Y/n stops and looks around for Kogen. He stumbled through the village looking for Kogen as he try to see he can hear him. Then he suddenly turn yo see Kogen coming down at him which Y/n blocks.
Kogen leaps back and throws ninja stars at him. Y/m dodges them but one stab into his arm which made him scream a bit. Kogen launches at Y/n as he swing his blade over and over at Y/n's sword.
Y/n blocks his attacks in quick speed before Kogen managed to knock Y/n's sword off of his hand as Y/n step back and Kogen point his blade near his neck.
Kogen and Y/n share glares at each other once more as Kogen smirks and said.
Kogen: (smirk) It seems that you lose.
Y/n: Maybe.....but then again.
Then he stump his foot on a wooden plank which a other side was between Kogen's legs as it swing up and hits Kogen in the balls.
Kogen felt extram pain as he put his legs together as he fell to his knees. Y/n grabs his sword once more and aim his blade at Kogen's neck as Kogen looks up and looks at Y/n angry.
Kogen: (anger) How dare you!
Y/n: (smirk) Small advice man. Never leave your nuts exposed like that. I win?
Kogen wants to kill Y/n as he pulls out a flare singal out of his pocket and aims it at the sky. He pulls the string and shot a flare into the air. All of his ninja clan see this and that means they are retreating. They exit out of the village as elf guards cheered in their victory as Aoi and the rest were glad it's over.
Kogen slowly stands up as he shot a glare at Y/n and said.
Kogen: (anger) Hear my words warrior. You will not seen the last of the Iron-Stars Ninja clan. We be back and this time.....we will target at your home town.
Y/n: (smirk) Do as your wish but you'll never gonna destroy our town. We be ready.
Kogen: (anger) we see.
Then Kogen throws a smoke bomb onto the ground as he vanish once the smoke was clear.
Ai: Y/n we did it!
Y/h turns as Ai and Cho runs up and hugs Y/n as Y/n suddenly blushes as Cho said.
Cho (smile) Thank you so much for saving our village and my life. Your our hero.
Then Cho kisses Y/n on the cheek which made Y/n blushna bit more while Ai feels jealous and hugs Y/n a bit more.
Y/n: (blush) Well we all did our jobs and that's more important.
The two girls nod as they head back to the council building where Goro and the other four were waiting including the rest of Y/n's group as all five stand in front of the elf council as Goro said.
Goro: We thank you for helping us once again heros. You show us that you are the once that we can trust.
Eido: Agree, if it wasn't for yous. We have no clue what to do.
Fudoki: We thank you for your assistance.
Y/n: (smile) It's no problem, we're just glad we can help.
Goro: If there is anything you want, we can make it happen.
Y/n: (smile) There is no need for that sir. All I want is to help people and my only reward is to see them smile.
Goro: I see. We thank you for your help and your always welcome back to our village anytime heros.
Every elf cheered at them as they smiled as now they are heros to the elf within their village.
We see them at the The Hattori's families restaurant as they gave a big meal for free by the Hattori sisters as a way to say thanks before they left.
There was a lot food and also cheese which Yogi enjoys digging in while the Hattori sisters see them enjoying the meal.
Y/n: Whoa this is really good girls. You really don't have to do this.
Tori: (smile) No worries, you saved us from those clan so this is a least we can do.
Kane: (smile) Yeah you guys are hero's, how cool is that?
Y/n: To be home this is must first time a higher rank leaders ever called any of us heros before.
Ai: (smile) Yeah but it is so cool that we be honoured to be called that.
Aoi: I must say I never been called a hero before. So this is new to me.
Unkan: Yep, we haven't been called hero's if it wasn't for Y/n here. He was the one who form this team.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Unkan: (smirk) Come on, your a kid that form this team. Miya was your first, Aoi was your second and the rest of us were the last. We're one powerful team you know.
Y/n: You think so?
Yogi: Agree, together we are powerful even if we hunt Goblins. We fight for what's right.
Miya: (smile) Yeah and since now the world may now your name.
Ai: (smile) A Knight that will spread hope to the world. The Knight of Hope. Now that's a good name to the world and if not, then I don't know what is.
Cho: And it is pretty cool name to a handsome boy like you.
Y/n blushes a little but they have a point. He and the rest are a team, a strong one in fact. He grab his cup of beer as he rais it up into the air and said.
Y/n: (smile) Well let's have a cheer, for hero's that will give hope to the world.
Everyone: Cheers.
They tap their cups at Y/n's as they take a drink. After they eat their meal and pack their stuff. They exit out of the village while Cho and the elf wave goodbye to them and telling them they are always welcome back.
They wave back to them as they left the village to head back to their guild to continue taking on jobs and helping people as well.
To be continued........
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