Chapter 5: Train with a elf
It was a bright morning at Michi and her fathers farm as we see Michi at the barn feeding the cows and horses to some hey as she stab her pitch fork into the hey and moves it to their stable.
As the horses and cows eat the hey while Michi continues doing her work as Y/n arrive at her farm and enter the barn to see her working.
Y/n: (smile) Morning Michi.
Michi turns to see Y/n as he walks over to her as Michi smiles and said.
Michi: (smile) Morning Y/n, how are you?
Y/n: (smile) Pretty good. You want soms help?
Michi: (smile) Sure that's very kind of you.
Y/n grabs a pitch fork and helps Michi with the hey as they talk to each other.
Michi: I heard you stab a demon right in the eye with Aoi and the rest. That must be scary and cool at the same time.
Y/n: Yeah it was but at least we were fine and no one gotten serious hurt.
Michi: (smile) Well that's a relief, I also heard you saved Aoi's life from that demon.
Y/n: Yeah. Seems that she's not used to slaying demons.
Michi: Yeah but I'm glad your looking after her. I can't remember one time she feels comfortable with someone that is from a guild.
Y/n: She's pretty cool and pretty nice if you get to know her more.
Michi: Yeah she is.
After they finish up with the hey, Michi and Y/n exit out of the barn and Michi takes a breather and ask Y/n.
Michi: Hey Y/n, wanna head into town to get a bite to eat?
Y/n: Sure, I'm hungry for some breakfast.
Michi nods as she runs in to tell his dad she be out with Y/n and after that the two head into town to have some breakfast.
Once in town they walk through the streets until they find a cafe and enter. They sat down on a table as the waiter came and they order their food. After the waiter left Michi turns to Y/n and asked.
Michi: So Y/n, I've noticed you got some attention to some of the girls within the guild.
Y/n: Yeah I kinda noticed that. I never this much attention before which is surprisingly weird to me.
Michi: (smile) Maybe it's because you help them or they see you different to other adventurous. You help other people and you always help others even if other advice see this as a waste of time.
Y/n: Yeah I guess you right. But I wish the guild will treat others like a family instead of just something to be famous of.
Michi: Yeah I understand why. But no matter what you're always do what's necessary to save people no matter what other thinks.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah your right.
Michi smiles as their food came and they start to eat.
Michi: Hey Y/n, mind I ask you something?
Y/n: Sure what is it?
Michi: What type of girls do you like?
Y/n cheeks blushed a little as he was caught off guard by that question. Michi smirks a little seeing the blush on his cheek thinking it's cute.
Y/n: (blush) W-W-Well I like any girls as long I make them happy and make them important to the world.
Michi: So you don't care about what size their bodies are?
Y/n: (blush) What do you mean by that?
Michi place her chest onto the table try to make Y/n blush more and it works as Michi said.
Michi: You know, how big or small they are, which area of their body is bigger or small or.....what size our chest are?
Y/n blushes even more as he try to look away from her breast as his noise start to bleed out of it but he quickly covers it with a cloth as Michi giggles and said.
Michi: (smile) I'm just kidding, I know you don't mind what type of girls they are.
Y/n (little blush) O-Ok.
Michi: (smile) But I must say, your cute when blushing like that.
Michi giggles as Y/n blushes once more as Michi smiles at him acting cute to Y/n. After Y/n paid for the meal they exit out of the cafe and walk up to the adventurous guild as Michi said to Y/n.
Michi: Well I better head back to the farm to help around with my dad, catch you later Y/n.
Y/n: Same here.
Mivhi winks at Y/n as she turns and walks off. Y/n can't help but blush a little when she did that as he came into the guild and see everyone like usual.
Ai: Yo Y/n, over here!
Y/n turns to see Ai, Aoi, Miya, Yogi and Unkan walk over to Y/n as once there Y/n said.
Y/n: (smile) Hey guys, how are yous feeling?
Yogi: We're doing well. We see your doing great as well.
Unkan: Yea that fight against that demon Knight was tough but you show that Knight who's boss.
Y/n: (smile) Yep. So Ai, how was the elfs we saved?
Ai: (smile) Their alright and I must say thank you for helping us. If it wasn't for you or Aoi and Miya, they would be lost.
Y/n: (smile) It's no problem, just happy they are safe.
Miya: (smile) Yeah we do anything to help people.
Aoi: And slay goblin along the way.
Miya: And that as well.
Ai: (smile) But anyways. I own you Y/n so if there is anything I could do for you, just say it.
Y/n: Actually there is one thing I want to do.
Ai: (smile) Sure what is it?
Y/n: Can you train me to be a great archer like you?
Ai: (surprised) Y-You want me to train you?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah your a great archer and very skilled with a bow and arrow. If I wanna help people then I need some archery to assist me.
Ai was surprised by Y/n wanted Ai to train him which made her blush a little and her heart skip a little as Unkan smirks and said.
Unkan: (smirk) You sure, I thought she's just showing off with her archery skills. I don't think she's not ready to train you.
Ai: Hey! I'm very already to train people and I can proof it. Soon we going to my village and start our training.
Y/n: (surprised) Really? You sure us human are allowed at your village?
Ai: (smile) I cam make some exceptions to include a few humans in. Besides I bet everyone in my village will be shocked to see a group of adventurous that free our people by the demon Knight.
Y/n: That dose sound interesting. Sure let's head there and check it out.
Ai: (smile) Awesome, you guys won't be disappointed once there.
Aoi: Do they have problems with Goblins?
Ai: No and what's with you with Goblins?
Aoi: It's what I do.
Y/n: (smile) I'm sure it be fun. Just imagine it as a peaceful trip to see someone's village. It be fun.
Aoi: Alright we go there.
Miya: (smile) This is actually very exited. I never been to a village of elfs.
Unkan: Me and Yogi did and let's just say all bars don't allow us in for a while.
Yogi: Agree not what happened at one bar.
Y/n: What happened?
Yogi: Let's just say, Unkan set the whole bar into flames.
Y/n: Oh......right.
Ai: (smile) But besides that, let's go.
Y/n: (smile) Alright, let's go.
They head out to the guild while Leiko waves goodbye to them as they head off to visit Ai's village and train Y/n to be a great archery like Ai.
They were in the deep parts of the forest as they wall through the path. Miya was kinda scared and worried something may jump at them. But Y/n asures her he'll keep her safe which made her heart warm.
After a while of walking they stop at a large closed gate with a wall around it. Two elfs with bow appear above the gates and asked.
Male elf: Who gose there?
Ai: Take it easy guys, it's just me. I brought my friends along to visit the village if you'd don't mind.
Male elf: Sorry Ai, but we don't expect outsiders her-
Male elf 2: Hold on, don't you recognise them. They are the group of adventurous that save imprisoned Elfs.
The first elf looks at Y/n and the rest and immediately recognise them as he pulls down a lever and the gate in front of them opens up.
Male elf: my apologies Ai, I didn't know they were the once that helped us.
Ai: It's alright.
Once the gate is open they walk in. They stumble into the village filled with elfs as they see them doing normal stuff as Y/n and the rest were amazed by this.
Ai: (smile) This place is great. You can find a lot of great stuff here and treat stuff with others.
Y/n: (surprised) I must say it's pretty awesome Ai.
Ai: (smile) Thanks.
Miya: (surprised) Whoa look at the houses, their beautiful.
Y/n see the houses were like tree houses but more awesome and some houses were builded by leaves and stick which was amazing.
Ai: And here we are, my house.
They stop to arrive at Ai's home. As Ai opens the door and walk inside.
???: Hello? Is that you Ai?
Y/n: who's that?
Ai: Oh no, please not her.
Then someone came down the stairs and it was female elf as she see Ai with her friends as she asked.
???: Who are your new friends?
Ai: (sigh) Guys this is my.....older sister Cho and sis....this is my friend's, they were the once that assist me to take out a demon Knight.
Cho: I see. I know Unkan and Yogi since they first came in. But I never know you have three more.
Miya: (smile) Hello, it's very nice to meet you. My name is Miya.
Aoi: I'm Aoi also known as Goblin Slayer.
Y/n: (smile) Guess that leaves me. Names Y/n, nice to meet you Cho.
Cho stares at Y/n and she smirks at Y/n as she walks to Y/n and said.
Cho: (smirk) My your a handsome boy aren't you?
Y/n: (blush) I.....What?
Cho: (smirk) Still I'm proud of my young sister git herself a boyfriend to make her happy.
Ai: (blush) We're not in a relationship!
Cho: (smirk) You sure? Well, I don't mind at all. But still, you can proof to me that smaller chest are better then bigger chest.
Ai: (anger) Will you shut up about that Cho!
Y/n: So what's going on here?
Yogi: The two have some sibling rivalry ever since they were kids.
Unkan: Yep. They always argue and complain a lot like two sisters.
Y/n: I see.
Cho: Still it's nice to meet all of yous here. You here to stay to have tea?
Ai: Maybe later. Me and Y/n are gonna train for a bit.
Cho: (smirk) I see and possibly do something else?
Ai: (blush) Will you shut up! Y/n, let's go!
Ai grabs Y/n's hand as they head off as Ai shuts the door leaving the rest to Cho.
Cho: OK, what about all of yous?
Miya: (smile) Oh yes please.
Aoi: Of course, I could go for some tea. I brought some cheese for this.
Yogi: That si wonderful, I can not wait for the taste of this cheese.
Cho: Cool and don't worry about my you young sister, she is pretty handful when she was young.
We see the two walking through the village until they stop and Ai turns to Y/n.
Ai: I apologise for my sister. She's sometime be annoying most of the time to me.
Y/n: That's alright, I never have brother or sisters but I know how that feels.
Ai: Yeah guess that's true.
Y/n: So where to?
Ai: First I need to get you a arrow but first, there is a few of my friends I would like you to meet first.
Y/n follows Ai and after a while they arrive at a restaurant called "The Hattori's families restaurant." They enter the restaurant to see customers there eating their meal.
Y/n find this place pretty nice as they walk through the restaurant and one female elf maid behind the counter looks up and was surprised to see Ai.
???: (surprised) Ai, is that you?
Ai: (smile) Hey Miki, it's been a while hasn't it?
Miki: (smile) Yeah glad to meet you after so long.
Ai: (smile) I know.
Miki: Who's your new friend?
Y/n: (smile) Hey, names Y/n it's very nice to meet you.
Miki: (little blush) Oh....s-same here Y/n.
Miki: (thought) Whoa he is just so cute.
???: Hey sis table 8 need some salt, we got some.
Then another female elf maid this time wearing glasses as she walks up them and see Ai.
???: (surprised) Holy cow, it's been a while Ai!
She runs up and hugs Ai as the two laughed as she let's go and Ai smiled and said.
Ai: (smile) Yeah great to see you as well Kane. See you doing well.
Kane: (smile) Yeah same to you.
Kane turns and calls their third sister in the kitchen.
Kane: Hey Tori! Ai is here and I think she gotten a boyfriend.
Both Y/n and Ai blush bright when she said that and Tori came out of the kitchen and see Ai and walks up next to Miki and said with a warm small.
Tori: (smile) Hey Ai, it's been a while and I see you gotten a boyfriend. How happy for yous.
Ai: (blush) Wait. You girls got it all wrong. Y/n is just my friend that's all.
Kane: you sure, he kinda looks cute to be your boyfriend.
Miki: (little blush) Yeah very cute.
Tori: (smile) I think os as well.
Y/n blushes even more including Ai as she said to them.
Ai: (blush) It's not like that ok!
Everything in the restaurant turn to stare at them as they see this and step into the back into the kitchen as Ai explains everything to them.
Miki: Oh so he's not your boyfriend?
Kane: Eh, I still think he is cute.
Tori: (smile) And a wonderful man as well.
Y/n: (little blush) Thanks and I must say, your restaurant is pretty cool.
Miki: Thank you, it's our families restaurant even since our grandfather first open it.
Y/n: How long was that?
Miki: 600 years ago.
Y/n: (surprised) 600 years ago?! That's pretty long.
Ai: Yeah but us elfs can get older to.....what ever how old you get.
Y/n: So every elf in thsi village is older then 100 or 1000?
Ai: (smile) Yep, pretty surprising right? You may look at us as 18 or 19 but in reality we're way over that.
Y/n: (thought) Huh....the more you know.
Kane: So yous are gonna go out to do some archery?
Ai: Yep, gonna train Y/n to be an excellent archery like me.
Kane: That's awesome, can I come!?
Miki: Sorry Kane but we still have work to do.
Kane: Awwwww.
Ai: Maybe next time. Anyways take care girls.
Miki: Same to you.
Kane: (smile) Yeah, bye you two.
Tori: (smile) Bye.
Ai and Y/n left the kitchen and then out of the restaurant as the two walk through town a bit longer until they reach a small hut. Once inside they see many bows and arrows everywhere which Y/n was amazed by how many they are.
Y/n looks around as he looks at the lined up of bows as Ai explains.
Ai: There is many archers in my village and as you already know, all of them are trained to fight with bows and arrows.
Y/n: so do they have to sign some kind of paperwork to get some archery training or....?
Ai: No paperwork, you just ask someone to train to and after a few tries you became a archery.
Y/n: Was your sister a great archery?
Ai: No my dad was, he help me train to be a great archery. My sister only cares of hanging out with friends and working for the elf council.
Y/n: The elf council?
Ai opens the window and points at a large window like building that looks like the white house but made oyt of wood, leaves and sticks as Ai explains.
Ai: That's where they go to do some meetings and discuss the problems within or outside of our village. They pull the rules and they don't mind some humans just as long they don't make a huge mess. Unlike the human capital the elf council is very strong and no one dares to challenge them.
Y/n: That is interesting.
Ai: My sister works as a office worker and delivers information to one of the council members. There is four members as they rule our village for years.
Y/n: They sound powerful.
Ai: (smile) Yeah they are.
Ai picks up a bow and throws it towards Y/n which Y/n caught it.
Ai: Keep it. There is more of them so you can keep that one.
Y/n: (surprised) Whoa thanks Ai.
Ai: (smile) No problem. Now let's go and start training.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah.
The two head out to start their training as Ai was exited to train Y/n and felt her heart skipping a beat.
We see Cho, Miya and Aoi relaxing at the hot bath outside of the house as their was a wlal behind them and on the other side was Unkan and Yogi also relaxing as well.
Miya: Whoa I never knew you have a hot bath Cho.
Cho: (smirk) Yep, it's one of the best.
Cho looks over to see Aoi have token her armor and clothes but she kept her helmet on as Cho asked.
Cho: Why are you still wearing that helmet?
Aoi: So we won't get ambushed.
Cho: What?
Miya: It's a long story.
Cho: Alright. So Miya, do you or Aoi find Y/n cute?
Miya: (blush) W-Well Y-Yeah but......Well.
Cho: (smirk) no need to lie Miya, I know you find him cute and so dose Aoi.
Aoi: I have no idea what your talking about?
Cho: (smirk) Come on, I can tell your blushing undernourished the mask.
She was right as Aoi's cheeks were red as Cho looks at the two girls and said.
Cho: I know my young sister thinks of the same thing as well. I mean, he's even kind and pretty brave when he face a monster.
Miya: (blush) Y-Yeah. He was the one that protected me from those Goblins in the cave. I would be hurt if he wasn't there.
Cho: (smirk) And you didn't reward him with something?
Miya: (blush) He didn't ask for it and I think he likes to see me smile and doesn't care about any reward.
Cho wraps her arm around Miya as she said.
Cho: I know a few rewards you should give him once he returns and I can help.
Miya: (blush) R-Really?
Cho: Yeah, what about you Aoi? You told me he saved your form getting killed by a demon Knight right? You also wanna give him a reward?
Aoi: (blush) I.......I suppose it can't hurt to try.
Cho: Perfect, so here's my plan.
Cho whisper the plans to them while Unkan over hears them and laughs as he said.
Unkan: (smile) Looks like Y/n will get a surprise once he returns.
Yogi: Should we warn him?
Unkan: (smile) No, let's see how this plays out, I bet Y/n will be shocked once Y/n comes back.
We see Y/n and Ai outside of the village as Ai place down some target on the ground as we see them far away from the target as Ai turns to Y/n and said.
Ai: OK Y/n aim your bow and pull your arrow far just a bit and feel the wind around you. If you feel which wind its blowing then let go.
Y/n nods as he aim his bow and pulls back his arrow. He feels the wind around him as the wind blow to the right and then the left. After a while he let's go and the arrow travel through the bushes and trees but it miss the target and hits the tree behind it.
Y/n: Damn, I missed.
Ai: That's alright. Keep trying and you get a hang of it.
Y/n: Dose your father train you to fire arrows in far awake places?
Ai: That's how some elfs are trained for. The trick is to feel the wind and have a good eye on the target.
Y/n nods and he load his arrow to the bow and pulls it back. He aims hsi bow at the target once more and he fires it again. It missed again but it was close as Ai said.
Ai: Just a little more, I think you get a handle of this.
Y/n: So what about your mother, how is she?
Ai: She travelling around the world exploring it and meeting new friends across the world.
Y/n: (smile) That's pretty cool. You have some awesome family.
Ai: (smile) Thanks, you could say we're the best family around.
Y/n smiles back as he load his arrow once more and he aims his bow at the target and pulls his arrow back. He slowly aims the target just a bit and after a few breaths he fires his arrow and he hits a bullseye on the target.
Ai: (smile) Nice shot!
Y/n: (smile) Yeah that was awesome!
Ai: (smile) Let's keep going and soon you'll get better and better.
Y/n nods with a smile. Then suddenly they heard something near them as they turn. Ai follows it and so dose Y/n as they quietly go through some bushes until they peek out to see four people wearing black clothes with a mask over their mouth as they have many boxes around them.
Y/n: (whisper) Who are they?
Ai: (whisper) No clue. Why are they near elfs territory?
One of them opens the box to reveal explosions as each other them pulls them out and one of them said.
Male bandit 3: With these, we show these elfs we mean serious business.
Male bandit 2: Yeah we gonna show them good.
Male bandit leader: As soon their walls are broken, we call our boss and we take over the place and kill everyone on sight.
They laughed as Ai and Y/n hears their plan which they were shocked.
Ai: (whisper) We can't let them destroy my village.
Y/n: (whisper) What's the plan?
Ai: (whisper) It's obvious, we stop them.
Before Y/n couple stop her, she leap out of cover and aims her bow at them as they turn to see her.
Ai: Alright assholes no one moves! We heard your plan and it's time yous step down.
They look at her for a second and they start to laugh at her.
Male Bandit 3: Or what, you gonna shoot us all?
Male bandit 4: Yeah, thought elfs are smart but I guess not.
Ai: (anger) Hey shut up you Jerks!
Male bandit leader: Well boys, let's show this elf not to mess with us.
They slowly walk towards her as Ai can't shoot them all one at the time. But then Y/n came out of the bushes as he aism his how this time with double arrows as he fires it and it lands into the two bandits shirts and fell onto the ground.
They were stuck as Y/n kicks the other bandit in the face and that bandit fly back. The bandit leader was surprised as he turn and a arrow was point at his face as Ai aims his bow at him and said.
Ai: (smirk) Guess it's not your lucky day huh?
Male bandit leader: I you.
Y/n doesn't understand what he ment by that until he realise as he turn to see a fifth bandit on a tree as he fires a arrow at Ai.
Ai turns and see a arrow going to hit her but Y/n pulls out his shield and blows the arrow. Ai was shocked as Y/n aims hsi bow and fires a arrow at the the guy on a tree. The arrow lands on a bench and it start to crack before the brench came down with the fifth bandit as he lands face first onto the ground.
Now all four bandits were out except for their leader as the bandit leader glares at the two and said.
Male bandit leader: (anger) You won't keep your village safe for long. Sokn this area belongs the Iron-Stars.
Y/n: The Iron-Stars?
Ai: Who ever you are, you need to take a nap like your friends.
Then Ai punches the bandit leader in the face and he fell otno the ground unconscious as Ai sighs and Y/n asked.
Y/n: You alright?
Ai: Yeah I'm good. Thanks for that save back there. Thought that would be the end of me.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Ai. Just glad your safe.
Ai smiles but help but blush a little as the two looks at the unconscious bandits and Y/n asked.
Y/n: I wounder what is the Iron-Stars?
Ai: It's only the elf council have to find out. Let's contact the guards and they will take care of this mess.
Y/n: Right, let's go home.
Ai nods as the two heads back home as elf guards arrive and take the five bandits away.
They return back to the house as they enter the see unkan and Yogi on the couch eating cheese as they turn and see them.
Unkan: (smile) Hello there you two.
Yogi: Have yous have a great time?
Ai: (smile) Yep and Y/n is getting better with his archery.
Y/n: Well.....kinda but I'm getting there.
Yogi: That's good to hear.
Unkan: (smile) Yeah same here.
Y/n: Where is the rest of the girls?
Miya: (blush) H-H-Hello Y/n.
Y/n turns about to say hi when he see both Aoi and Miya wearing a tight bunny outfit as Aoi has her helmet on with bunny ears as the two were blushing and Miya walks up to him and asked.
Miya: (blush) S-S-S-So Y/n, Wh-Wh-What do you think as your reward.
Y/n: (blush)...............
Ai: (blush) Wiat just a minute here! Who's the bright idea to do this shit!
Aoi: (little blush) Your sister thinks this is a way as a reward for Y/n for risking his own life for us.
Ai: (anger) What?! Cho!!!!!!!
Cho peeks out of the kitchen as she giggles and said.
Cho: (smirk) Oh come on sis, I think Y/n likes it. Right Y/n?
Y/n went to overload as he has a nose bleed seeing Miya and Aoi in bunny outfits and passes out onto the ground.
Miya: Oh no! Y/n are you ok! Y/n?!
Aoi: (little blush) Th-This is really embarrassing.
Ai: (anger) Damn it Cho.
Cho smirks while Unkan laughs his ass off while Yogi chuckles a little as Y/n was on the floor with blood pouring out of his noise as he still thinks how extremely cute both Miya and Aoi are in their bunny outfits.
On top of the mountain outside of ten forest were the elf village is at. We see a mysterious man standing on the edge of the cliff as his ninja soldier walks up to him and bows down to him.
Ninja soldier: It appears our bandit friends failed to break the walls to the village. What is our next plan?
The man was mad about their failure but he shakes it off as he stands up and said.
???: We plan our attack and once we kill every elf in that village they will know the true might.........
Then he pend out to see the man with black hair with a sword behind his back as more of his ninja soldiers were behind as he finish off saying.
???: Of the Iron-Stars ninja clan.
To be continued.........
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