Chapter 4: Slay a demon
It was another bright day at the Adventurous guild we see Y/n at the training court outside of the guild as he poetic sword combat with a silver ranked Adventure named Lucy.
Y/n was struggling to block her attacks while Kado was sat on a bench cheering on Y/n.
Kado: Go Y/n, you got this!
Y/n tries his best but then he tripped backwards and fell onto his butt which hiuts. Lucy points her blade at Y/n's face as she smirks to herself and move away her sword and help Y/n up.
Lucy: (smirk) That was pretty good but you need to get more faster if you gonna get better.
Y/n: Yeah I know, guess I need something challenging so I can get better and better with my combat.
Lucy: Why not go on another job?
Y/n: I did but they soon not feel the taste or not that challenging. I wanna try something that will test my skills, maybe something that calls upon me to test my awesome skills.
Lucy: Well hope this call comes. Anyways it has been fun training with you Y/n, hope we do this another time.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah same here.
Lucy walks off as Y/n sat down on a bench next to Kado as he takes a breather as Kado asked.
Kado: So what are you gonna do to test your skills as an Adventurer?
Y/n: Well, I could go out and see what I can find. It can be like a trip which would be fun.
Kado: That sounds pretty cool idea. But how are you gonna to get one place to another, do you have transportation?
Y/n: Oh.....No but walking is pretty nice. Besides I think walking makes me stronger if I walk a mile or two.
Kado: True. Hey me and my party are gonna head out on a job. Wanna join in?
Y/n: I think I stay here and hang around for a bit.
Kado: (smile) Alright man, take care.
Y/n: (smile) Same to you.
Then Kado walks off and once he was gone Y/n lay on the bench with his head looking at the sky above him as he close his eyes and thought to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Let's see, if there is a dungeon somewhere I would go in and raid the place to get some treasure. But there would be monsters that would guard it so I need to bring someone. Miya would join me, Aoi......maybe if there were Goblins there. I'm definitely not gonna ask Tomo to join us because he's a dick. There's not much people in our guild to come with us, if only we have more.
???: Excuse me but are you The Knight of hope?
Y/n opens his eyes and see a lizard guy standing behind him as he turns to see him.
Y/n was surprised by this that he fell off the bench with a thud.
Y/n: Ow.
???: Are you ok Mr?
Y/n stands up and can't stop but be surprised to see a large Lizard like guy in fro t of him as he asked.
Y/n: (surprised) Um..Y-Yeah and you are?
Yogi: Oh my apologies for not introducing myself. You may call me Yogi, it is very nice to meet you.
Y/n: (surprised) Oh same here Yogi, I'm Y/n it's very nice to meet you.
Y/n: (thought) Why I'm I talking to a large humans size Lizard?! This has to be a dream, I must of doze off and fell asleep and now I'm seeing a Lizard guy in front of me!
???: Hahaha! I think you startled the young boy Yogi.
The a Dwarf guy walks up as he drink a bottle of beer and after that looks at Y/n.
Unkan: (smirk) I appreciate for my friend here, it seems he didn't know you were taking a nap. The names Unkan, it's very nice to meet you kid.
Y/n: Well (clear throat) Same here Unkan. To answer your question, yeah they call me the Knight of Hope.
Unkan: Ha! I told her he is here.
Yogi: Indeed.
Y/n: Wait, yous know about me?
Unkan: Well of course. We heard that a warrior by the nake or The Knight of Hope is one special warrior with tools and equipment unlike before. We also heard about this warrior defeated a large army of Goblins with only a sword.
Y/n: (thought) Wait......I defeated and large army for Goblins!? Who the hell is spreading around these rumours about me?!
Y/n: Well I don't know about a large army for Goblins but I am helpful to others.
Unkan: (smirk) Works for me.
???: Hey, have yous find him yet?
Then Y/n looks over to see a elf girl walking up to them and she looks at Y/n and stop next to Unkan and asked.
???: So is that him?
Unkan: Yep and you said he's not in this town you said.
???: (anger) Oh shut up old man.
Yogi: Please no more fighting in front of our guess.
Ai: Fine, hey names Ai. It's very nice to meet you.
Y/n: Same here Ai. So are yous here to look for me?
Ai: Yeah and I need you and your two others to meet us at the meeting room about something important.
Y/n: Um sure I get them and we be there right away.
Ai: Good and don't be late, got it?
Y/n nods and Ai, Unkan and Yogi walks off as Y/n was all confused by all this but he obeys to her and gets Miya and Aoi to meet with them.
(Short while later)
They were in a private room within the guild as Aoi was behind Y/n and Miya as they were sat down while Ai and Unkan were sat down while Yogi stands behind them. Ai start off the conversations by saying.
Ai: So we need your help with something.
Miya: Of course, what do you need?
Ai: There is a demon warrior that has captured one of my people and imprisoning them in a dungeon pretty far from here but it will only take one day. Many rescue attempts were made to rescue my people but they were killed or captured. We can't do this alone so, when we heard about this Knight of Hope, we figured you'll be our help Y/n.
Y/n: Oh ok so how many has this demon captured?
Ai: A few were captured but they have been slowly dieing by the demons hands.
Miya: So if you mind me asking. Why do you need our help?
Ai: WellI should tell you this other thing but here it goes. We believe the demons are making alliance with other monsters.
Y/n: (shocked) Wait, is that even possible?
Unkan: Indeed. For some reason the demon king has making some alliance to other monsters which is a problem.
Yogi: If this continues then we have a serious problem to us all.
Y/n: (thought) Woah so Lord Carnage is making some allies to assist him for something, but what?
Aoi: Well you count me out.
They turn to Aoi with surprised as Aoi turns to leave as Ai calls out.
Ai: (anger) What?! Why the hell not!
Aoi: I only hunt for Goblins, not demons. Sorry but your asking the wrong person to deal with this kind a job.
Ai: (anger) Are you kidding me!
Aoi: I'm sorry.
Aoi was about to grab the door handle but Y/n grabs it as Aoi turns to see Y/n next to her. He looks at her and said.
Y/n: I know you may hunt for Goblins but this is really serious. If this demon Lord makes a huge army of all the monsters across the world......then we're all not gonna survive this world. I know you hate Goblins and I get it but just for once.......go with us, please.
Aoi stare at Y/n as she was surprised Y/n will to help Ai and the rest. To be truthful she can't say no as she felt bad if she disappointed Y/n so she said.
Aoi: F-Fine bit the next job we go, we're slay Goblins.
Y/n: (smile) Sure, that's a promise.
Miya: So where do we leave?
Ai: A few hours, get your gears ready and meet us outside of the village so we can head out.
Aoi: Right, I see yous there.
Aoi opens the door and left and Miya follows as well. Y/n walk about yo leave but then Ai said.
Ai: Hey kid.
Y/n turns to her and she said.
Ai: Thanks, we're great full for your help.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Ai. Besides, this is what I've been waiting for all my life. Well see you Ai.
Y/n walks off as Ai smiles a little which Unkan see that and asked.
Unkan: Is that a smile?
Ai: (blush) Wh-what? No!
Yogi: I think that was.
Ai: (blush) N-No yous are just image things!
Unkan: (smirk) Sure but soon the smile turn into feelings and soon feelings turn into live and finally love turn into.....well I think you know where this is going.
Ai: (blueh) My god shut up!
She then storm off while Unkan was laughing as Ai exit out of the room still blushing lime crazy. She looks down from the second floor and see Y/n talking to Miya and smiling.
Ai's heart suddenly skip a beat when she see him smile as she touch her chest and feel it thumping like crazy as she ask to herself.
Ai: (thought) Damn why do I feel weird all of a sudden when I look at him. We just met, no way I immediately fall for him right now. But I got to admit, he looks kinda cute, friendly and very cheerful to others. Maybe.....Maybe....DAMN IT! What is wrong with me!?
We see Y/n at Mariko's shop as he enter her store and ask for a few healing potions and a few anti poison. Mariko was kinda surprised by this as she hands him the items and can't help herself and asked.
Mariko: So why buying these stuff? You going somewhere?
Y/n: Yeah, Gonna help Ai and her group to save a few of her elf people in a dungeon and hopefully defeat that demon inside.
Mariko: (surprised) Wow you mean she's a elf!? You must be very lucky to meet with her and her kind.
Y/n: Why is that?
Mariko: Elfs is kinda one of the rares creatures you ever met here. They usually stay in large forest and have some amazing bowing skills. They can hit a animal from far away and I heard the more skilled they are, the better they are with their bow.
Y/n: (surprised) Woah that is cool. What about Lizard like creatures, because I met one at the same time as Ai.
Mariko: (surprised) Wow that's amazing! Their kind is so amazing with their magic and they are shown to be very wise like any other human. How are you meeting up with these amazing creatures?
Y/n: Well you know me, I just ran into something amazing or something troubling.
Mariko: Yeah like one time you have a Goblin on your face.
Y/n: (sigh) Yeah that, did Aoi told you this?
Mariko: Yeah and she told me about it.
Y/n: (thought) She's never gonna let this down, is she.
Mariko: Well be careful with your trip and take care Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Mariko, I see you once I'm back.
Mariko wave to him as he left her shop and walk through the street. He then meet up with everyone else as they were waiting for Y/n outside of the village. Y/n walks up to them and Ai asked.
Ai: What took you so long?
Y/n: Sorry, I stop by the shop and got a few things since we're going into a dungeon.
Yogi: Ah, I wise choice young Y/n.
Unkan: Yeah very wise indeed.
Aoi: So is everyone ready?
Miya: I'm ready.
Y/n: Same here.
Ai: Good, let's go.
And so they head off as they leave the village and walk up a huge hill as soon they got you, Y/n looks back to see the vet of the village.
He smiled to himself already gonna miss this place as he turn and catch up with everyone else. Y/n walks up to Ai who was behind as Y/n ask her.
Y/n: Hey Ai I wanna ask you something?
Ai: Sure what is it?
Y/n: I heard from a friend of mine your kind are one of the greatest archers around.
Ai: (smirk) Damn right I am. I can even hit a Goblins in far away place that no one will never suspect.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow, that's so cool. I never know your kind id very interesting.
Ai: (little blush) Thanks, our kind isn't that interesting.
Miya: I think is it interesting. I heard your kind love in large trees and jungles.
Ai: Yeah, use to live in a village years ago until I head out to go to go on an adventure.
Y/n: Sounds great.
Unkan: (smirk) Dare Ai, you know that's not the only reason you leave your village. It's because so you don't have to deal with your sister.
Ai: (anger) Hey, shut it!
Miya: Wait you have a sister?
Ai: (sigh) Yeah I do. Her name is Cho and she is so annoying sometimes. I wish I would have strangle her when I have a chance.
Y/n: How come she's annoying?
Ai: I don't wanna go down to details right now.
Unkan: (smirk) It's because her sister have large chest then her younger sister was.
Ai: (anger) My chest is nothing to do with it your pervert!
Unkan chuckles while he sip his beer as they continue on walking through the path to their destination.
(A long while later)
It was night time as they all sat around the camp fire as they chatted to each other as Y/n asked Yogi.
Y/n: So Yogi, why did you leave your village?
Yogi: Well to explore the world and spread my kinds culture to everyone I met.
Y/n: That sounds interesting, what dose your people do?
Yogi: Well we do hunting seasons and many others ghat yous may not know about.
Y/n: Cool.
Unkan: So kid, why did you became an adventurer. You just have a interesting story that you got your name across.
Y/n: I did like normal adventurers do. Go to a guild, be a part of a guild, join a party and that's it.
Ai: That's it? That doesn't sound interesting.
Y/n: Eh, true but it what it counts.
Miya: Me and Y/n join the guild when we first met. He was very brave when Goblins were surrend us and he even protected me when I'm down.
Yogi: That is brave.
Unkan: Yeah and very honourably to protect one adventurer.
Y/n smiled a little while scratch the back of his head as Aoi was kinda nervous as she pulls out a blanket in front and asked.
Aoi: Anyone want a slice of this?
Yogi: What is it?
She then fold it open and it was a block of cheese.
Y/n: (surprised) Woah that is one delicious cheese.
Aoi: (little blush) Thanks, me and Michi meat this in the farm.
Yogi: So what is Cheese?
Y/n: Wait, you don't jknow what cheese is?
Yogi: My people only hunt meat but not cheese. Where do you get this cheese?
Y/n: It's kinda simple. You have the milk the cow and heat it up. After a while you get yourself a slice of cheese.
Aoi cuts it and hands them to everyone. They stab it jnri sticks and heat them up. It melted but it smelled delicious as Yogi took a bite and it was soo delicious.
Yogi: (surprised) My word this is the most delicious thing I've very have!
Y/n: (smile) Yeah and you can even use cheese in many ways. You can make a cheese sandwich, cheese pizza and many else.
Yogi: (surprised) How incredible, this cheese is the most interesting food I've ever eat.
Unkan: Well in that case, I do the same.
Then Unkan pulls out a large bottle as Y/n asked.
Y/n: What's that?
Unkan: This is Fire wine, one of our dwarfs has made down in our basement.
Ai: Fire Wine?
Y/n: Sounds very spicy, I wanna try.
Unkan: (smirk) You sure about it kid? Are you strong enough for it?
Y/n: (smirk) Ha! I felt witn many challenges and no Fire Wine not gonna stop me.
Unkan: If you say so.
Unkan hands Y/n a cup of it and he drinks it. Once it was gone Y/n felt flames suddenly burst out of his chest and his mouth as on fire as he start to run around as flames was coming out of his mouth.
Unkan laughs by this as Y/n runs around looking for any water. He see one as he runs over and once there, he bend down and dive his head into the lake and drink all the water as fast as he can.
Then he pulls his head put of the lake with his head wet and all as he feels dizzy and kinda not well.
Unkan: (laughter) It looks like the young boy can't stand a chances of it.
Miya: I hope he's alright.
Unkan: (smirk) I'm sure he's alright. Aoi why not you give it a try.
Aoi: Sure, hand me it here.
Unkan hands her the cup and she takes a drink of it. They waited for her to jump up and run around as he mouth was on fire. But she didn't as she sat there as Unkan said.
Unkan: Looks like your tough enough for it.
Then Y/n came stumbling back as they turn and Miya asked.
Miya: Are you alright Y/n?
Miya: Y/n?
Y/n looks at her for a while and then he start to laugh as he was drunk all of a sudden as he said in a drunk voice.
Y/n: You look so weird Miya, your all (hic) wobbly and al of yous are all wobbling too. Is the whole (hic) world having a dance party or something or what. (Laughter)
Unkan: Oh dare, looks like the alcohol got to him already. Looks like he can't handle it's effects.
Yogi: Is he gonna be fine?
Unkan: I'm sure he'll pass out any second now and wakes up by tomorrow morning.
Y/n laughs around all drunk until he turn to Aoi and stare into her helmet and start to pull the helmet off her but she wasn't letting him do that.
Y/n: Come on Aoi~ (hic) show us your face~!
Aoi: (little blush) N-No, I have to keep this on if w-we get attack from behind.
Y/n: (chuckle) Your funny Aoi but I like you that way.
Aoi: (blush) Wh-what?!
Miya and Ai were kinda jealous by that. But then Y/n moves over to Miya and look at her. Miya was kinda nervous unroo he smiled drunkly and said.
Y/n: (smile) Your very (hic) Cute, has no one tell you that?
Miya: (blush) N-N-No they haven't.
Y/n: Woah, they are jerks, well now you have one (hic) one person that things your cute.
Miya was blushing bright red and her heart racing like crazy. Then Y/n walks over to Ai and pocks are her ears which made her blush but mostly embarrassed as she stand up and asked.
Ai: (anger) Hey, what's a big idea!
Y/n: (smile) I was just (hic) see your ears. They are (hic) very pointy and (hic) interesting.
Ai: (blush) W-Well you don't have to pock them in front of everyone.
Ai: (thought) Even though I kinda want you to do more then pock at them.
Y/n: (smile) Hey why are we just standing around like this is the great depression. We should party like there is no (hic) tomorrow! WWWWWWWOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Then Y/n fell backwards and passed out as they watch him sleep as Unkan said.
Unkan: Looks like he's gonna wake up with a massive headache tomorrow.
Yogi: Agree, perhaps we get some rest too.
Ai: Yeah, I have enough weird stuff for one day. Let's get some rest.
They all get ready for some shut eye. Miya place over a blanket over Y/n as he was still asleep. Miya kinda smiles seeing him sleep so peacefully even though he was drunk from the beginning but she find it cute.
She to get some shut eye as the two fall asleep for tomorrow morning.
(Next day)
It was early in the morning as we see Aoi and the rest on top of a cliff looking at the dungeon entrance far from them and see two Goblins guarding it.
Ai pulls out her bow and pulls back her arrow as she aims it were she was gonna aim while Unkan said.
Unkan: Don't miss this.
Ai: I won't miss, watch.
The Ai fires her arrow and the wind turns to and hist two Goblins in one shot. After two Goblins were taking out, Ai stands up and said.
Ai: Right let's wait for Y/n to wake up and then we-
Then they here someone buffing as they turn to see Y/n stumbling towards them having the most headache he ever have as he place his hand on his head.
Unkan: (smirk) Well your up late kid.
Yogi: Good morning Y/n, how well have you slept?
Y/n: Great but ow....what happened last night? The last thing I remembered diving my head into a lake to get rid of the flames on my mouth. The next thing I know I black out and I woke up here?
Ai: It's a long story but you alright to go with us?
Y/n: Yeah im-im ready, let's get to work.
Ai nods as they walk down the hill and walk over to the entrance. Once there Y/n peek through the entrance and it was dark as heck as he asked.
Y/n: So since there is two Goblins here, I believe more are in there?
Aoi: Looks like it. Let's get to work.
Then Aoi stab her knife into the dead Goblins body which sickness Ai as she asked.
Ai: What on earth are you doing?!
Y/n Oh um Goblins can smell females for a mile away. In order to not attract more, you and Miya have to cover yourself with Goblin blood.
Ai: There is no way I'm gonna do that!
Ai turns to Miya as she looks at her and said.
Miya: You'll get used to it.
Ai was disgusted by this and has no choice. After a while Aoi lead the group with a touch as they walk through the tunnel as the rest followed as well.
The tunnel was pretty dark and there were symbols on walls and paintings that dated back years and years ago.
Y/n: (surprised) Woah these paintings look pretty old.
Miya: Yeah I wounder what it means?
Yogi: It must be dated back years and years ago.
Y/n: Like millions of years ago?
Yogi: Indeed.
Y/n: (surprised) Woah that is pretty long.
Ai: Eewww this feels so gross.
They turn to see Ai complaining about the Goblin blood on her clothes as she asked.
Ai: Hey can this blood washable?
Miya: Sure it's washable but I'm sure it's not gonna be long.
Ai: I hope so.
Aoi: Let's keep moving.
They continue walking through the tunnel. After a while of walking they discovered a door that may have the imprison elf in there.
Aoi: I'll kick it down.
Y/n: Let me do the honours.
Aoi: You sure you can kick a door down?
Y/n: (smirk) Sute I'm sure, watch this. FBI OPENING UP!
Then Y/n kicks the door hard but joy only it didn't open but he felt his leg bone cracked as Y/n froze for a second before he fell backwards like a tree and hits the ground.
Miya: Are you ok?
Y/n: Yep......Yep I'm good. H-Hey Aoi.
Aoi: Yes?
Y/n: I-I change my mind. You go first.
Aoi: Thank you.
Miya heals Y/n while Aoi kicks the door open. They enter inside and see the elf imprison as Ai runs up to them and they saw her and one male elf asked.
Male Elf: (surprised) Ai! What are you doing here?
Ai: I'm here to save you and I got some help.
Male Elf: Well that's good news.
Ai nods as Y/n pulls out his sword and slice the lock and opens the gate as all elfs exit out of the cell and Yogi said.
Yogi: I have my spirit guide yous.
Then Yogi throws small bones and he did his magic and a Lizard skeleton came to life and lead the elfs out.
Y/n: (surprised) Woah that's pretty cool.
Yogi: Thank you Y/n.
Ai: Alright, time to pay that demon a visit.
Y/n: (smirk) Yeah, let's go guys!
They nod and they exit out of the room and walk through the halls making sure they avoid any traps along the way. Soon they arrive at a large circular like room as they look down and see pile sor Goblins down below.
Ai: (whisper) Wow, there is a whole army of them!
Unkan: (whisper) Yes and it appears some are asleep as well.
Yogi: Agree so what's the plan?
Aoi: I have one, listen up.
Aoi tell them their plan and once that they start their plan. Unkan opens a bottle and swing it side to side as liquid falls to the ground. While Miya chant are magic to combine to Unkan's liquid as the Goblins who were awake fell asleep.
Once that they head down and Aoi, Ai and Y/n start to kill them while they slept so they won't wake up to attack.
Once that was done they group up as Y/n looks around and asked.
Y/n: So where is this demon guy?
Ai: Don't know, hopefully it doesn't surprise attack us.
???: On the contrary foolish adventures, the opposite.
They turn and a large armor demon Knight step out of the door with his large sword in hand as he exit through the door and growls at them as he stare at them.
Y/n: (surprised) Holy crap!
Slasher: I am one of the Lord Carnage's greatest commanders. I am Slasher one of the deadlines warriors of all. You dare stumble to my Dungeon so foolishly, well this will be your doom, get ready to meet your fai-
Aoi: Oh so your not a Goblin.
Ai: Of course he's not a Goblin, how can you mistake a large foot, demon horns and a fire like sword as a Goblin!
Aoi: Thought he was a different kind of Goblin.
Ai: (sigh) Your just useless sometimes.
Slasher: Enough! If you wish to mock me then this will be your end. Get ready for your doom.
Y/n: (smirk) I'm sorry man but I think we know how this ends. You gonna do your evil speech and after you said "Get ready for your doom" after five seconds leader your head is on the ground and we stand on your body with victory on our smiles.
Slasher: Your ine annoying human are you. In that case you die first!
Then Slasher dashes over towards Y/n as Y/n quickly pulls out his sword and blocks the attack.
Miya: Y/n!
Y/n struggled to hold it in but Slasher grabs Y/n by the shirt and throws him away. Y/n lands on a wall and lands hard on the ground as Miya rushes over to heal him.
Slasher gets shot by a few arrows from Ai as he turns to her. But then Yogi summons his Lizard skeleton to luanch at Slasher and it got ignored his face.
Slasher throws the Lizard skeleton away before Aoi runs up and try to swing at Slasher but he blocks it and block a few more attacks as Aoi swing her blade at Slasher.
Slasher: I can since your not used to this. You only fight Goblins, must be hard for you to face a demon commander.
Then Slasher kicks Aoi that set her flying and crash onto a wall. Miya finish healing Y/n as Y/n slowly stands up and see Slasher walking towards Aoi.
Unkan drink a bottle of alcohol and then he shot out fire out of his mouth at Slasher. Slasher stumbled back surprised of that attack and tries to kicks him.
Unkan moves as Slashee kicks where Unkan was at. Slasher turns to Aoi as Aoi was standing up as Slasher rais his sword into the air and said.
Slasher: It seems you will die first adventurer!
Slasher pulls his sword down to finish her off but Y/n got in front for her and blocks the strike. This surprise Slasher and the rest as Y/n struggled to not have Slasher's sword lands on Aoi.
Aoi was surprised herself to see him getting stronger and stronger. Then Y/n led out a cry and push Slasher sword back and Slasher stumbled back. He was surprised by that as Y/n charge at Slasher and then two start to clash balder each other while the rest watched in amazement.
Y/n was getting faster and faster of his blocks and he is getting stronger and stronger by the blocks Slasher hits. Then Y/n leaps over Slashers sword and rais his sword into the air.
Slasher looks up and Y/n comes down and stab his sword through Slashers viser he managed to stab his sword into Slashera eye which start to bleed as Slasher scream in pain.
Everyone was shocked by this as Y/n leaps off of Slasher as he drop his sword and stumbled back as he hold his helmet to stop the bleeding.
He looks at Y/n and Y/n smirks at him. Slasher shake his fist in anger and said to Y/n.
Slasher: (anger) How dare you stab my eye like that.
Y/n: (smirk) Guess your a demon with one eye.
Slasher was mad by this but he stands up and pick up his sword and said.
Slasher: What is your name.
Y/n: (smirk) I'm Y/n L/n and Knight of Hope and if you gonna mess with Ai's kind or anyone else, we'll be there to stop you.
Slasher: Well Knight of Hope know this. This will not be the last time we see each other again. Soon we will meet again, I promise you that.
Then Slashee turns and goes through the dark room and disappear. Y/n breaths in a sigh of relief as they were glad ots all over and they can finally get back home.
They were in a court hearing back to the village by someone as inside the court everyone was tired and take a nap. Y/n looks up at the ceiling as he was in between Miya on the left and Ai on the right.
Ai turns to Y/n as she starting to get nervous for some reason and asked.
Ai: So Y/n, you really do care about others do you.
Y/n: Yeah, I protect everyone and even help them when needed.
Ai: Well I wanna say thank you for yous help. My elf kind would have been killed if it wasn't for you and your friends.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Ai, I'm glad I can help.
Then he felt a head laying on Y/n's should as Y/n looks over to see Miya sleeping on his shoulder. Ai was kinda jealous when she see him blushing a little.
She then rest her head onto Y/n's lap which Y/n face was red with blush as Ai laugh a little and asked.
Ai: So.........are you and Miya a couple or something?
Y/n: (blush) N-No, nothing like that, we're just friends!
Ai: (smirk) Alright, just wondering. Your lab is very warm as well. It's like a soft pillow.
Y/n was still blushing and was kinda nervous how much attention he is getting form two girls. He then hear Ai snoring peaceful as he looks at her and see her fast asleep.
Y/n: (thought) Man she's kinda cute when she's asleep. I think both Miya and Ai are kinda cute as well. Wait, don't be a creep Y/n, it's probably because your tired. Just get some rest and I'll be fresh once we arrive back.
He too close his eyes and took a nap as they get some rest as they head back to the village to start a new adventure together as a new team is born.
To be continued............
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