Chapter 3: Getting to know the guild
It was a bright and shinning morning over the village as the sun shines through over the blinds as we seen Y/n staying at one of the hotels within the village until he have enough to pay for a small house.
Y/n slowly opens his eyes and see it was morning out there as he pull over the covers and sat on his bed. He took a yawn and a stretch as he set up in bed and head to the bathroom.
He wash his face with a sink and once that he look at his reflection in the mirror and look at himself and thought to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Been a week since I came to this world. There is a lot of things that I still need to get use of but with all that things are quite great. I have a awesome guild, a party and made friends with a cool silver class adventurer. Wonder what job should I take today? Probably something small, don't want to happen like last time.
After that he head out of the bathroom and take himself change and once that he walks over to the door. He exit out of the door and soon he was out of the hotel and walk through town heading to his guild.
Soon he arrives at his guild and once he enters he see a lot of adventurers there all group up at the front desk where Leiko is at.
Y/n: (thought) Wonder what's up with these guys?
Kado: (smile) Hey Y/n, how is things?
Kado, Rini and Jimin walk up to Y/n as Y/n asked them.
Y/n: (smile) Hey guys, what's with everyone at the front desk?
Kado: They just came back on a jobs and waiting for new once to come.
Y/n: Really, they must be desperate for new jobs.
Rini: Aren't you?
Y/n: I'm more taking things easy and pick out a job that suits me.
Rini: Guess that's true.
Jimin: So I heard your gonna be training with Aoi.
Y/n: Training? Oh yeah I forgot about that.
Rini: How did you forget?
Y/n: (nervous chuckle) Guess things are happening in my head, I totally forgot about it.
Rini: (smile) Oh Y/n.
???: So your gonna be training with the Goblin slayer girl?
Then a man wearing blue suit of armor walks up to then group and turn to Y/n.
Y/n: Um yeah and you are...?
Tomo: Call me Tomo kid and here si advice. Don't hang out with the Goblin Slayer girl.
Y/n: Why?
Tomo: She only take Goblin slaying jobs. Goblins are the most weak monsters around mobs, she's just ruining the true name of Silver ranked adventurers like us.
Y/n: So the reason why you dislike her is because she slay Goblins?
Tomo: Yeah and it's best you don't talk to her.
Kado: Hey man, she saved our butt's against those Goblins, show her some respect.
Rini: She may slay Goblins but that doesn't mean she doesn't have be treated like she was nothing.
Jimin: That's right.
Tomo: How do yous know, yous just new to this guild that doesn't know about her. Maybe yous butt out of it.
All three glare at Tomo as Tomo turns and walks off as Y/n thinks of him as one of those High school movie bully's. He walks over to Leiko and said.
Y/n: That guy is kinda a jerk.
Leiko: I know and I'm sorry for that.
Y/n: It's alright Leiko. I knew one day there be someone who is a jerk here.
Leiko: Guess so but Silver ranked adventurers take their jobs very seriously and take one of the highest jobs around so they be called true adventurers.
Y/n: Why would they wanna do that?
Leiko: Well remember about the highest rank?
Y/n: Yeah which is Platinum.
Leiko: The reason why Platinum is very rare to be seen in adventurers is because there is one guild member who is a Platinum ranked adventurer. Her name is Tazu Aki and she is the only adventurer who is a level Platinum adventurer.
Y/n: (surprised) Woah that's cool.
Leiko: What's more surprising she is the youngest adventurer to ever achieve this rank. If I remember correctly she maybe the same age as you.
Y/n: (surprised) Seriously, hope I can see her one day.
Leiko: (smile) Same. But beside that ignore what Tomo is saying, Aoi is a wonderful girl and a proud adventurer.
Y/n: Is that the reason why she is a silver ranked adventurer?
Leiko: (smile) Yep. It doesn't matter what job she is taking, just as long her and everyone else here are doing their best to protect everyone.
Y/n: (smile) Same here.
Leiko and Y/n smile as Leiko show to grown to a liking to Y/n and suddenly have feelings towards him and can't help but stare at him for a moment before the doors open and Miya came into the guild.
She see Y/n with Leiko and walks up to him.
Miya: (smile) Hey Y/n, how is you this morning?
Y/n: (smile) Oh hey Miya, nice to see you here. Have you seen Aoi?
Miya: I don't think so but hopefully she be here.
Y/n: Well let's hope so.
Leiko: (smile) So any jobs you gonna be taking you two?
Y/n: Probably not know. Gonna do some training with Aoi once she gets here.
Leiko: (smile) That sure be fun, well if you ever needed anything, come right by my desk and I'll help.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Leiko.
Both Miya and Y/n walk off and sat down on a table. Miya got out a small box and open up to reveal food as she said in a nervous voice.
Miya: (nervous) H-Here, I made you this if you were hungry. Hope you like it.
Y/n: (surprise) Woah this looks delicious Miya, thanks.
Miya blushes a little as he start to dig in. Then a girl wearing a witch outfit walks up to their table as she puff a smoke and asked.
???: You must be the that adventurer who took a Goblin slaying and came out alive.
Y/n: Um yeah.
Hama: (smirk) The names Hama and I must say your one brave boy going in there and taking out all those Goblins by yourself.
Y/n: Um not actually alone, Aoi and Miya were there.
Hama: (smirk) I see. Still it is nice to have a more cuter boy in our guild. Tell me, any change your in a relationship with anyone here?
Y/n: (blush) Wh-What do you mean by that?
Hama: (giggle) Just a simple thought. Anyways I leave yous to it, see you around Y/n.
She then winks at him before walking away. Miya was a bit jealous by that but she forgets about it as Y/n turn to Miya and asked.
Y/n: So I heard that you brought yourself some armor.
Miya: Yep, Aoi requested me to but on some armor to protect myself. So I got a chain chest armor.
Y/n: That's cool, bet that will protect you from any attacks.
Miya: (smile) Yeah. So what about you?
Y/n: Well just got a few things and I even a few other stuff back at my hotel.
Miya: Sound's nice, mind I come and visit you hotel someday?
Y/n: Sure it be nice to have some company to come and visit.
Miya: (smile) Great, I can't wait.
Aoi: There you are.
Then Aoi walks up to their table and she turn to Y/n and asked.
Aoi: Ready for your training?
Y/n: (smile) Yep, so where do we start training?
Aoi: One of my friends farm. I show you a few things about Goblins and how you deal with them.
Y/n: (smile) Cool, let's go.
We see Aoi and Y/n at Aoi friends farm as they were at the field as Y/n was swinging his sword at a wooden sharp of a Goblin as he swing his sword at it.
After a few swings he take a break as Aoi walks up to him and looks at the damage and back to Y/n and said.
Aoi: Nice work, but still need a few works to try.
Y/n: Alright. Woah this field is pretty nice.
Aoi: Yeah, my friend owns this place including her father.
Y/n: You two know each other?
Aoi: Yeah. We know each other when we were kids. We used to play at the village until I moved away.
Y/n: Must be a shame getting separated like that.
Aoi: Yeah it dose. But years later we finally found each other here and he still be friends since.
Y/n: (smile) That's a good story.
Aoi: Yeah. Anyways here is some tips you must know about Goblins. One: Goblins have a high smell as they can track their prey for miles. Two: They are excellent hunters and they use the darkness as their average and can make bows, swords and other weapons to attack their target. Three: They only capture females so it is best to cover the females with their own blood, it may sounds gross but that's how to block their smell and their way to track them. Finally number five: Always look for tracks near woods or fields like here, Goblins can either go pass here or be here to plan their attack. If there is no tracks then that's safe, if there is then you must follow them and kill them so a singal Goblin won't call more.
Y/n: (surprised) Woah you must have learn them for some reason cause its pretty hard to remember them all.
Aoi: At first it's hard but soon you'll get used to it.
Y/n: Well I try to remind some into my head.
Aoi: Alright.
???: (distance) Hey there, figured you want something to drink.
They turn to see Aoi's friend and Y/n was surprised as to see the size of her chest as they bounced. Y/n looks away nit wanting to be a pervert as Aoi's friends runs up to them with drinks and hand them to them.
Michi: (smile) You must be Aoi's new friend at the guild. It's very nice to meet you, the name is Michi Gima and your name?
Y/n: (smile) Names Y/n, it's very nice to meet Aoi's friend. She told me a lot about you.
Michi: (smile) Yep, we're such good friends. I've heard a lot about you Y/n and must say you are so brave when you protected your team from those Goblins before Aoi came.
Y/n: (smile) Well you know me, just protecting my new friends.
Michi: (smile) That is awesome. Hey yous wanna come inside and make yous some lunch?
Y/n: (smile) Sure, sounds nice.
Aoi: Thanks Michi.
Michi smiled as they walk over to the house and once inside Y/n see the place was pretty nice. On a chair was Michi's father as he looks up at Aoi and Y/n and asked.
???: You must be Y/n is that right?
Y/n: Yes sir.
Mareo: No need for the sir thing, just call me Mareo Gima. Aoi stop by and told me about you to me and Michi.
Y/n: (smile) Yep, guess your surprise about how I protected my team.
Mareo: Yeah and have a Goblin on your face while you screamed around.
Y/n: Oh.....right, that as well.
Michi: Dad, don't be rude.
Mareo: (chuckle) Sorry, just messing around for a bit.
Michi finish the food as they sat around the table and start to each.
Y/n: (surprised) Woah thai food is delicious Michi.
Michi: (smile) Aw thanks Y/n. So what are yous gonna do at the guild?
Aoi: Probably some Goblin slaying.
Mareo: Like usual, never seem to surprise me. What about you kid?
Y/n: Well thinking I take something jobs that suits me for a while.
Mareo: That's a good idea. Doing some small jobs before going to the highest one.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah I can bring Kado and the rest of his team along for the job.
Michi: (smile) Sounds great.
Y/n: I must say you two live a peaceful farm.
Michi: (smile) Thanks we get that a lot from other people who came here. But hay if you really want, you can come and visit and I'll show you around.
Y/n: (smile) Sure that sounds nice.
Michi: (smile) Sweet.
Michi smiled as the rest eat their lunch and after that Aoi and Y/n head back to town while Michi watches them go. Mareo came out and asked.
Mareo: You alright?
Michi: (smile) I'm good, just getting out for some fresh air.
Mareo: Alright.
Mareo head back and Michi can't stop but think about Y/n as she feel her heart skip a beat and thought to herself.
Michi: (thought) Y/n is such a nice boy. Maybe I'll get to know him a bit more someday.
We see Y/n, Kado, Rini and Jimin at the job board looking for a job to pick out and Kado picks out one and said.
Kado: What about this job.
Rini: A searching request?
Jimin: Sounds kinda hard. What are we suppose to look for anyways?
Kado: Said here we need to look someones lost frog.
Y/n: Maybe we stick with something that is easy.
Kado: Right.
Rini picks out another job and asked.
Rini: What about a dungeon raid?
Jimin: No way. I don't want to end up like in that cave with a bunch of Goblins.
Rini: True.
Jimin: What about this one.
Jimin took out a job and they look at it.
Kado: A bounty job?
Rini: Saids here this criminal is a evil wizard by the name of Kogen Chino. He's responsible for burning down villages and make deals with the devil King himself to be more powerful then everyone else.
Y/n: Sounds kinda dangerous.
Rini: Wait there's more. His powers were taking away and he is pretty low on magic and now he is on the run. The last known location was at abandoned village called "Last stone".
Jimin: You think we have a shot?
Kado: (smirk) Sounds like we can take it. What about you Y/n, your up for it?
Y/n: (smile) Sure, hopefully it won't end up like our last job we take.
Kado: (smirk) Sure we be fine, now let's go!
Y/n, Rini and Jimin: Yeah!
So they ask Leiko they are heading out and she told them to be careful and so they head off to Last stone to find this evil wizard and put him in jail and get paid.
(Short while later)
They arrived at Last stone which the place was abandoned and left to rot. They enter the town and it was a ghost town, no one around and no body to talk to. They walk up the middle of town as they look around and Kado asked.
Kado: What happened here?
Rini: What I've heard this place was burned by Goblins and many people died here.
Y/n: Seriously, why is Goblins a thing here?
Jimin: Tell me about it.
Kado: Beside the point, we need to find this guy and bring him to justice.
Rini: So what's the plan?
Kado: I think we split up and look around.
Y/n: You sure that's a good idea? If I remember, splitting up doesn't end that well.
Kado: Oh relax we go in twos. Rini is with me and you go with Jimin. We meet up back here if we haven't find this guy.
Y/n: Alright, stay safe you two.
Rini: Same to yous.
Then they split up. Rini and Kado go to the right while Y/n and Jimin go to the left. We see Jimin kinda a bit nervous around Y/n as her heart races hard on him. She wa started when Y/n ask her.
Y/n: So do you think this guy be strong?
Jimin: Hopefully not, otherwise be in trouble again.
Y/n: Yeah, hopefully this won't be a thing.
Jimin: What do you mean?
Y/n: Like we go on a job, think it be easy, turns out it's not and we escape unharmed. Hopefully it's not like that.
Jimin: Yeah but it be kinda funny if it dose. I mean it's pretty unusual something like this happens a lot to us.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah guess your right.
Jimin: (little blush) S-So Y/n. What type a girl you like?
Y/n: Why asking me that?
Jimin: (little blush) J-Just wounding.
Y/n: Well I kinda like any girl. Probably someone who is fun and pretty nice.
Jimin: (mutter) Maybe someone like me?
Y/n: What?
Jimin: (blush) N-N-Nothing, just speaking out to myself.
Y/n: Ok?
The two exit out of the alleyway and step in the middle of a large a empty road as they look around to see nothing like the rest they've seen.
Jimin: Looks like this is clear like the rest.
Y/n: Yeah, Hopefully Kado and Rini are doing well at their end.
???: Who are yous?
They quickly turn to see a cloaked figure with his hood up as he stare at them.
Y/n: And who are you?
Then person remvoe his hood and introduced himself.
Kogen: My name is Kogen Chino and how dare you stumbled to my home.
Jimin: Your home, it's a ghost town.
Kogen: Be silent! Yous be best be leaving or I will make your lifes hard.
Y/n: (smirk) Hate to break it to you man but we're here for you so would you be so kindly to come with us-
Then Kogen stretch out his arm and fire a blast at them. They doge the blast and they were ground as they slowly stand up to see Kogen glaring at them while saying.
Kogen: So your here to capture me. I maybe weak but I can defeat yous even it means showing my true darkness to yous.
Y/n: (thought) Woah talk about emo here. He's more emo then Shadow the hedgehog.
Jimin: I think Kado and Rini hear that blast so they should be here soon. Let's hold him off until they arrive.
Y/n: (smirk) Alright, let's dance!
Y/n charge at Kogen while Jimin fired fire balls at him. But Kogen use his magic to block her attacks but Y/n runs up and kicks him. Kogen stumble back and he fired a beam at Y/n but Y/n run to the side as the beam moves to his direction.
Then Y/n runs up the wall of the body and leap ivee the beam and rolled backwards and once that he throw his sword at Kogen.
Kogen blocks it but Y/n runs up and kicks Kogen on the chin. Kogen was caught off guard by this as he stumble back while Y/n lands on his feet and pick up his sword.
Kogen: Impressive, I never seen an adventurer with those skills in my life.
Y/n: (smirk) Well at least you see one now.
Kogen: But that's not gonna save you once a destroy yous all!
Kogen fired purple fire balls at Y/n but he blocks him with his shield and Jimin summon a large fire ball and throws it at Kogen.
Kogen dodges it and he rasi his hand at Jimin and fired lightning at her. Jimin didn't have much time to dodge cause the lightning was soo quick. Then Y/n got in front of Jimin and blocks the lightning bolt with his shield.
Jimin was surprised how Y/n saved her again as once Kogen stops firming Y/n stands up and turn to Jimin.
Y/n: You alright?
Jimin: (blush) Y-Yeah, thanks.
Y/n nods and he turn back to Kogen. Kogen makes a fast in anger but then Kado and Rini came up behind Kogen. Kado charge in and try to land a blow to Kogen but he dodges and kicks him away. He was about to blast Kado but Rini lands in front of Kogen and kicks him.
Kogen stumbled back as Rini runs up and did a few blows and kicks to Kogen with quick speed before one punch sent him flying.
Kogon lands hard on the ground as he slowly stands up and all get together as Kogen glares at them all and said.
Kogen: (anger) I will never forget of this. Soon I'll have your heads for this!
Then Kogen vanished in a puff of smoke as Kado try to stop him but he was already gone as sucked to them.
Kado: Damn it, he got away.
Rini: Don't worry, we find him someday.
Kado: Yeah, no wonder they hasn't been able to arrest him.
Y/n: (smile) But you got to admit, that was a pretty awesome fight and great team work as well.
Kado: (smile) Yeah your right.
Rini: So now what?
Kado: Well there is nothing to do except heading back to the guild.
Rini: Yeah let's go, this place gives me the creeps already.
Kado: Alright let's go.
They start to make their way out of town. During the walk Jimin taps Y/n on the shoulder and he turns to her.
Jimin: (blush) Thanks for saving me again back there.
Y/n: (smile) No problem, you did good back there.
Jimin: (blush) Th-thanks, you also did good as well.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks.
Jimin blushes even more as they head out of Last Stone and head back to the guild to rest up as night has already gonna set in.
Y/n was at his hotel room just doing some stuff around his apartment when he get a knock at the door. Y/n walks over to the door and opens up and Miya was there as she smiled at him.
Miya: (smile) Hey Y/n, see you came back unharmed.
Y/n: (smile) Yep and same to you. Wanna come in?
Miya: (smile) Sure.
Miya enters and Y/n shuts the door as Miya like Y/n's apartment room as Y/n enter the kitchen to get some tea. After a while he came into the living room with two cups of tea as he gives one to Miya and he sat down and Miya asked.
Miya: So how was the job with Kado and the rest go?
Y/n: Well let's just say the criminal manage to escape but he was pretty strong in my opinion.
Miya: Well I hope you get him soon.
Y/n: Thanks Miya, so mind I ask you something?
Miya: Sure what is it?
Y/n: What drives you to be an adventurer.
Miya: Oh well it's kinda a long story. I was a orphan and being raised in a temple with the rest of the orphan children.
Y/n: Oh....What happened to your family if you don't mind me asking?
Miya: I don't know. They just left me in the temple and disappeare without a trace. I was sad but I know someday I meet them again and that's why I became an adventurer. Not just to help people but to find my parents and they see me as what I am and they will be proud.
Y/n: Well....I'm very sorry for your parents lost. I actually have a rough life before I found a village that accept me in.
Miya: Really, what was you life like?
Y/n:......I was in a rough family. My mum and father always fight a lot and when I was young, I constantly hide in my room and block my ears hoping the fighting will stop. Years have passed and my mother left me to my father and my father.....never liked me. He constantly blame me for existing and when I was a teen I learn to stand up for myself and have arguments with him. In the end....he kicked out, telling me "Your no longer his son" and that was it. I left and moved to a village I like before I came here.
Miya: (shocked) My goodness, I'm very sorry for asking you that horrible story.
Y/n: It's alright Miya. I learned that no matter how dark it gets, I have eto stand up for myself and others so they can be happy including myself.
Miya nods and gently press her hand on top of Y/n's. Y/n kinda blushes cause hoe smooth and harm it was but he kinda like it.
The two stare at the fire place being lit as they enjoy their tea while night time came outside. Then Y/n felt something on his shoulder and looks over to see Miya has falling asleep and has rest her head on Y/n's shoulder.
Y/n blushes a little cause how cute she sleeps so peaceful. Y/n yawns thinking he should go to bed so he took out a extra blanket from the cupboard and rest Miya's head on a pillow and cover Miya with the blanket as she sleeps peaceful and snoring so lightly.
Y/n can't stop thinking about Miya being too cute as she asleep as he turn to go into his bedroom but he felt a hand grab his hand and looks back to see Miya's hand grabbing his.
She then pulled Y/n to the couch still asleep and now Y/n was laying next to Miya as Miya wrap her arms around him and start to cuddle him with a cute smile on her face.
Y/n was blushes bright red but his heart felt warm and felt calm as he wrap his arms around Miya and also cuddle her as well.
Y/n: (thought) Goodnight Miya.
Soon Y/n falls asleep as the two cuddle each other as they have a good night sleep.
To be continued.........
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