Chapter 19: From a land far far away

We see a dock as we see many ships being docked while we see some fisher man fishing for aome fish to bring home to cook or some to cell at the market. There was also a small town as we see many people are at as they walk around entering their homes or buying some stuff at the market.

Then we see a large ship being sailing towards the docking area and soon the ship docks and a long wooden bridge is being placed down and people from another land came off of the board and enter to town. Among them where four knights as they step out of the ship and enters into town and heads to the market. Once there a female knight grabs one apple and after paying the old women she takes a bite of it.

???: (smile) Damn this is some good apples here.

She takes another bite of her apple while we can get to see the female knight as she look around while taking another bite from the apple.

She finishes the apple as she lick her lips and then a fully armored female knight walks up behind her and tells her.

??? 2: Serena there is no tike to take a break. We're here to look for someone.

Serena: (smirk) Oh will you relax Artoria. We've been on boat like forever and it's good to be on land for once.

Artoria: Guess so. Igris, where to now?

Then a male knight wearing all black armor came up beside Artoria as he look at the map and then he lower the map and tells the two girls.

Igris: We should head north and keep going and soon we can come across it and that's where we find him.

Serena: So any ideas who this guy looks like? I head he went up against a demon within a cave.

Artoria: I heard he toking out a whole army of Goblins that was bigger then a whole town and he wipe them out within minutes. If anything he must be one strong warrior.

Igris: Same but we can't be show until we find him and test him first.

???: Then what are we waiting for guys.

Then a male knight wearing all shiny armor walks up towards them and then tells them.

???: Let's go and find the Knight of Hope.


It was another day at the guild and we see Y/n looking through the jobs he can take at the job board but he seems can't find anything that seek his interest. He lend out a sigh when Leiko approach him and ask him.

Leiko: You okay Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah I'm good it's just. There isn't job that seeks my interest.

Leiko: Really? Have you go with Aoi and the rest to take down a Goblins nest three days ago?

Y/n: Yeah we did and it was great but its not as cool or interesting anymore. I mean I do enjoy going with them but there's got to be something we can do different.

Leiko: Well let me know if you find one okay?

Y/n: Sure thing Leiko. Thanks.

She then walk off while Y/n sighs and just gives up of looking one. He sat down in a table and lend out a sigh when a drink was placed on his table as Lucy sat down across from him.

Y/n: Thanks Lucy.

Lucy: (smile) No problem. So run out of jobs that spark your interest?

Y/n: Yep. It's probably because all the crazy stuff that has happen and now everything is all quiet now.

Lucy: (smile) Yeah I don't blame you. Ever since that civil war we have from another kingdom, things have been quiet and a lot has change.

Y/n: Yeah but still there's have to be something to do.

Aoi: Hey Y/n.

Then Aoi and the rest came up to Y/n as he turn to them.

Y/n: Hey guys. How's things with your own jobs?

Miya: (smile) Pretty good. I've managed to help out a few people at the hospital.

Ai: I've help my sister out with the other elfs from bandits.

Unkan: (smirk) I drink 67 beers and won at another bar!

Yogi: I help a group of village people from Goblins along side Aoi.

Aoi: (smile) It was fun. What about you?

Y/n: Not much luck. I mean things have been quiet and there us nothing else to do.

Ai: To be far, we were in a war from a crazy warrior like King so I can see why things have been quiet after that.

Y/n: Guess so. Still there has to be something we can do.

Miya: Like what?

Y/n: No idea. Wish there is a sign for us that might tells us what to do.

Then the entrance doors open and everyone looked over to see four knights step into the guild. Two were female while the other two male as they look around while the other guild members sat there and wonder who they are.

Miya: Who are they?

Ai: No idea but if they are Here to invite us to come to Castle, I'll stick one of my arrows up their ass.

Unkan: (smirk) Your shown to be nervous around new people.

Ai: (anger) What was that!

Yogi: Let's calm down and allow these new travellers to tell us why they are here.

The four warriors walks up to the front desk which Leiko was there as she ask them with a friendly smile.

Leiko: (smile) Hello and welcome to our guild. How may we help you?

Then the shinny armored knight remove his helmet and sets it on the desk as everyone can see his face as he tells Leiko.

Eric: (smile) Hello. My name is Eric Alyssa Pendragon D-Arc. These are my party Artoria, Igris and Serena.

Artoria: Greetings.

Serena: (smile) Hi there!

Igris: Nice to meet you.

Eric: We're here because we want to ask you something.

Leiko: (smile) Um sure what question would that be?

Eric: Is there by any chance the Knight of hope is here?

The guild members were surprised by his questions while Y/n is a bit nervous when Eric glance over to see Y/n staring at him so he ask him.

Eric: Hey you! Are you the knight of hope?

Y/n flintch a bit as the four look at him waiting for his answer and then Y/n says.

Y/n: Y-Yeah....I am. Why?

The four looked to be surprised and they whisper to each other as they ask each other.

Igris: (whisper) He's the knight of hope? He looks a bit young to be a knight of hope?

Serena: (whisper) But he dose looks like what other people has told us about. He must be him.

Artoria: (whisper) Maybe but how can we tell?

Eric: (whisper) I got an idea.

Eric clear his throat and then tells Y/n as he walks up to him.

Eric: If you are the Knight of hope then let's see what you are in a dual.

Y/n: Say what now?

Eric: If your the knight of hope then we will believe you. If not then we won't get mad. Let's see your really are the knight of hope.

Then Ai gets in front of Eric and tells him.

Ai: Yeah right. Your gonna try to kill him during battle are you?

Eric:....I'm sorry what?

Igris: We're not here to try to kill no one here. We just want to see if he is the Knight of hope and that be all.

Ai wasn't buying it but Y/n pkace his hand on her shoulder and tells her.

Y/n: It be fine Ai. I don't think they are not here to harm anyone here.

Ai lend out a sigh and then Y/n turns to Eric and then tells him.

Y/n: Sure. At least I can do something that can kill off the boredom.

Eric: (smile) Great. Let's go and dual.


Outside of the guild within the fualing ring, we see Eric at the other side while Y/n at the other while the guild member gather around to watch the daul. Among them was Aoi and the rest as they standing at front while sewing Eric and Y/n dual.

Miya: I hope Y/n be alright.

Ai: He better not harm Y/n otherwise he'll lose but just a sword.

Unkan turn sto Aoi and noticed her looking at Eric qhich Unkan ask her.

Unkan: What's wrong?

Aoi: It's just....I've never seen a armor type like that before. It looks very different.

Unkan: Yeah your right.

Yogi: It's not just him. His party have armor that we've never seen before.

They turn to Eric's party to see their new armor while Eric ready his sword while Y/n ready his as well.

Eric: me what you got!

Y/n: Alright then. Let's do this!

Eric nodes and dashes towards within seconds that shocks Y/n and everyone else apart of Eric's party but reacted fast and blocks Eric's strike and the two clash blades in quick speed. The crowd were shocked to see them evenly fast with their blades as sparks fly out of the sword.

Tomo: (surprised) Wow look at them go!

Alex: (surprised) Yeah they have the same speed!

Hama: (smirk) Well this dual just got interested.

Eric and Y/n continues to clash blades at each other and then Y/n leaps back and lands on the ground and loos up at Eric and charge towards him. Eric ready his sword but he was caught off guard when Y/n slide underneath him and was now behind him as he swing his sword to strike but Eric quickly turns around and blocks it. Eric pushes Y/n back and leaps up into the air and was about to strike at him but he quickly roll away while Eric lands on the ground and turn to see that Y/n is gone as he look around in confusion.

Eric: Where did he go-

Y/n: Peekaboo!

Eric immediately turn and blocks it but the impact and the surprised sent him stumbling back but he charge towards Y/n and the two continue to strike blades at each other and soon they enter a blade lock ad the two lock their blades as they look at each other.

Eric: (thought) That was a close one. Man he us very skilled and very sneaky. Better watch my back next time.

The two lock their blades in place and then Y/n move hid sword around which cost Eric to go around and soon he accidentally let's go of his sword as the sword was sent flying into the air and then Y/n grabs his sword and has two blades crossed at his neck as Y/n gives him a smirk and ask.

Y/n: (smrik) Give up now?

But Eric smirks back as he reach something from behind while he said.

Eric: (smirk) Not yet, I'm just getting started!

He then pulled out another sword fork his back which surprised him ad he leaps back to dodge it. He lands on the ground and then he charge at Eric as he has two swords with one belong to Eric while Eric keeps up with only one extra sword he has as the two clash blades at each other.

Y/n now gose in defence as he thinks fo a way to defeat him and them he has one and strike some blows at Eric a few times and then tossed his sword into the air and while Eric looks up he rolls and gets behind him as Eric immediately turns and the two strike blows at each other and then he tossed his own sword and catches Eric's sword and swings a few good blows at Eric and them Y/n managed to get Eric's sword onto the ground just ad he catches his own sword, forms a cross at Eric's blade and before Eric can do anything, Y/n managed to get his extra sword off of his hand and tossed his extra sword away which stabbed onto the dirt while Y/n point his sword at Eric's neck.

The two look at each other and then Eric smirks while Y/n too smirks as Y/n lower his sword and tossed Eric's sword back to him which he catch and tells Y/n.

Eric: (smile) Your very skills with a sword. I guess you are the knight of hope after all.

Y/n: (smile) Yep. That's me.

The crowd cheered ad they like the dual as Eric waves to everyone with a smile while Y/n can see that Eric isn't actually bad and he's in fact pretty friendly.

(Short while later)

Everyone was inside the guild as they have a drink while we see Y/n and his group introducing Y/n's team to Eric and his group.

Y/n: (smile) These are my group. Aoi, Miya, Unkan, Yogi and Ai.

Eric: (smile) Nice to meet you all.

Miya: (smile) Same to us. We're glad we met new people here.

Ai: Yeah and not here to try to kill us.

Eric: Is that something wrong?

Y/n: Let's just say....we met another group of adventures like you guys that we thought were good but didn't turn out well in the end.

Eric Oh I see. Well do not be alarmed, we're not here to harm any one of you or this peaceful town. We're just here because we heard about the Knight of hope and we wonder you like to join our guild.

Miya: (smile) You have a guild?

Artoria: That's right. It's a bit bigger to this one and there is a lot of guild members we have.

Serena: (smile) One of our guild members were talking about this knight of hope and when we ask him, he told us about this knight at another land and what skills he has which interested us so we head here to see if we can find him.

Unkan: (surprised) Your four are from another land?

Artoria: That's right. It too us long trip and it wasn't as bad as our last trip to another land.

Y/n: What happened,

Eric: Let's just say we got stuck on an abandoned island for five days and we struggle to survive. But anyways what do you say, wanna join us or is this the guild you join?

Y/n: Yeah and I don't mind it's kinda small and has a few guild members in here. I still love it either way.

Eric: (smile) I respect that.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah

He then slammed his hands onto the table which surprised them an calls out while he stood up.

Y/n: That's it! I know what we should do!

Unkan: (surprised) Wow that was sudden!

Yogi: May I ask what you are thinking!

Y/n: (smile) How about we go on a trip but just a trip! A very long trip! A trip to another land!

Aoi: (surprised) A trip to another land?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah it be fun! We've always been in this land for many months now and I think it's time to explore the world and see new things! Besides Tazu and the rest say the other lands are amazing and there are new adventures to be find for us so we can go with Eric and the rest to see theie guild and go on a few adventures in another land!

Miya: (smile) Hey that's not a bad idea!

Unkan: Travelling to another land huh? Well were never been on a boat to another land before.

Yogi: And we can explore around and see what adventures awaits us there.

Ai: I don't know about this.

Y/n: (smile) Come on Ai it be fun!

After a while of thinking she take a sigh and says.

Ai: Fine I'll come along.

Y/n: (smile) Awesome! How about you Aoi? Your in?

Aoi: (smile) Just as long there are Goblins to slay, I'm in.

Eric: (smile) Awesome! Trust us, our land is the best! We have everything in our kingdom and our guild is filled with jobs that you guys are welcome to take.

Y/n: (smile) Awesome! We get out things ready and we can head on out.

Eric: (smile) Great!

They all smile as they enjoy a drink and chat until night came. We then see Y/n walking up to Kado's grave and kneel down as he looks at Kado's grave stone when footsteps came up behind him and he turn to see Eric.

Eric: Oh sorry. I just saw you going to a different direction and I was hoping to speak to you more.

Y/n: It's fine. Just sewing someone before i go.

Eric: he a friend of yours?

Y/n: Yeah. He sacrifice his own life and in the end was killed.

Eric: I'm so sorry for your lost. Was that the reason why most of your guild friends were a bit nervous about me and the rest.

Y/n: Yeah. Don't give me wrong you and your group are great people but I don't blame everyone else. This town was wrecked by the same person who we thought was friendly and that same person killed someone within our guild.

Eric: I see. I completely understand why and I'm truly am sorry. I promise you that we will not let that happen to no one else ever again.

He smiled while he stood up and the take shake hands as the two smiled at each other.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks man. I really appreciate with it.

Eric: (smile) No problem. Now get some sleep, tomorrow we be getting up early tomorrow morning.

Y/n: (smile) Right.

And so the two split off to get some sleep and tomorrow they will take a trip to where Eric and his group came from and have some new and fun adventures as Y/n cracks a smile and can't wait for it.

To be continued.......................................

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