Chapter 17: The madness war (Arc 5 final)
Aoi, Miya, Ai, Unkan, Yogi and Setsuna make their way through town as they hear roars of Setsuna's pack along within the loud roar of Keyaru as they they exit out of the alleyway and in the distances they see Y/n leaping back while his eyes glow white along with a white orb around his body and sword as Setsuna's demonic wolf pack charge at Y/n as one bite his teeth onto Y/n's sword but he kicks him back and swing his sword at him which turn turn him back to normal while he looks over to see more so he swing his sword at them all and they suddenly turn back to normal as they lay on the ground unconscious.
Setsuna: (shocked) No way! He turn my pack back to normal?!
Unkan: (smirk) Looks like it. That kids have some amazing magic.
Yogi: Agree. Still I believe there is a bigger problem in hand.
There was a rumble like something large is coming and soon a building next to Y/n burst and the demonic of Keyaru rush at him and he swing his large hard down and slammed onto Y/n which shocked everyone and they were worried that he might hard while Keyaru chuckles but suddenly his hand start to move and they see Y/n lifting Keyaru's large hand with both arms before he pushes Keyaru's arm away and then swings his blade that made a massive slash at the demonic Keyaru and he stumble back.
Then he rush at him as he get his shield in front of him and rams it at Keyaru with a massive blast that sent Keyaru flying, crashing through many buildings before crashing onto the wall of the castle. He slowly stood up as he raise his hand and charge up his dark magic.
Keyaru: You will die you pathetic fool!
He fire a powerful dark blast which Y/n wasn't phase by it as once it gets close, he swings his sword at the incoming blast, slicing it in half as there was an explosion behind him. Still he make his way towards Keyaru as he gets up and rushes towards him while he roar and soon the two battle while Tomo, the rest of the guild along with Sophie and Kureha race over and they see the battle happening between Keyaru and Y/n.
Tomo: (shocked) Um I'm I missing something? Because I didn't know Y/n have magic.
Sophie: It's similar last time but he's filled with light now.
Kureha: (shocked) He's very powerful.
Eve and Norn: We need help!
Then Eve and Norn rushes over to them and once they get over they tells them.
Eve: We need qomeone to help Flare! She's critical hurt and she might die!
Norn: We need someone that can heal her!
Miya: I can help. Take me to her and I can heal her.
Eve and Norn look over to Miya and they weren't sure as they turn to Kureha and she node to them which they node back.
Norn: Okay come with us, we can take you there.
Yogi: I'll come as well.
Miya: Okay, let's go.
The four head off to help Flare while the rest look over to Y/n and Keyaru battling out in the distance.
Ai: Hope Y/n will be alright.
Aoi: Same, let's hope he can beat Keyaru and end this war.
Setsuna: I can't believe he took control of my pack and turn them into monsters.
Kureha: He used all of us Setsuna. We were blind and now he will pay for using us.
Setsuna: Agree. Let's just hope Y/n will win for us now.
We the cut back to the fight as Y/n was thrown towards a building and crashed into one. He slowly gets up as he looks over and immediately pulls his shield in front of him as a fire ball hits his shield and cost a large explosion as Keyaru smirks but then Y/n leaps out and stab Keyaru on the shoulder which made Keyaru roar before he try slapping him off but the quickly dodge his slap and then slice off one of his hand which made Keyaru roar in pain even more as his hand fell onto the ground while Y/n land on the ground.
Keyaru try to stomp on him but he immediately turn around and slice off his foot which made him roar in pain even more but he suddenly smirked as he use his healing powers to regrowth his leg and hand as he kicked Y/n and he slammed onto a building and fell on one knee.
Keyaru: (smirk) You wish you have some healing magic like mine huh. Too bad you won't be around to get it!
He then blows punches at Y/n several times before he picks up Y/n and chuck him as he crash onto a building but before he hits the ground, he immediately vanished and appear behind Keyaru as he swing his sword to strike at him but he was immediately grabbed by Keyaru as he turn his head to him and throw him hard to the ground follow by Keyaru stomping on him several times over and over again.
Then he grabs Keyaru once more and tossed him across turn as he land hard on the ground. He nearly gets up onky for Keyaru grabbing him once more and lift him up into the air.
Keyaru: (smirk) You know what. I'm not gonna kill you, no your just too powerful and it be a mistake if I kill you. In fact, I'm gonna rewrite your memory and you'll be my servant.
And so he dose it as Y/n scream in pain as he feels his mind is being rewriting while Keyaru smiles as he thinks he finally won. When suddenly a green glow appears on Y/n's chest as it zaps Keyaru that hunted him which forced Keyaru to let go as he step back as Y/n land on his feet.
Keyaru: What the hell was that?!
A same glow appear on Y/n's chest as Y/n realised it was coming from the necklace Miya give to him on his birthday as he look at it and remember what Miya told him about the necklace and it will protect his body and mind.
Y/n: (thought) Thank you Miya.
He stood up straight as he ready his sword as eyes glow even more brighter as he unleashed what ever magic he might havewithin his body.
Y/n: Listen here Keyaru I won't allow you to harm anymore people! This end's here once and for all! IT'S TIME YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR CRIMES!
He charge at Y/n as he was about to swing his claws at him but he slice off but of his hands off which made him roar as he step back and try to heal his hands but for some reason they're not healing as he see his slive of arms glowing white meaning Y/n block his healing magic.
Keyaru: (shocked) No! This can't be poss-
Then he was immediately strike by Y/n with his shield and then slashed by his sword which leave a massive cut on his chest as he stumble back and see the white glow coming out of his chest before he was immediately kicked and hit by Y/n's shield once more as Keyaru stumble back.
He breath in and fire flames at him but Y/n reach out his hands and the flames go around Y/n while they also turn into white flames as he form the now white flames over Y/n and then throw it back at Keyaru as he was hit by the white flames and stumbled back as he roar in pain.
Soon he gets small and small until he turn back to his human form as the white flames burst out of his body and he looks at his hands to see he is now back to normal.
Keyaru: (shocked) What?! How is this possible! Now one can't be as powerful as I am!
He looks over to Y/n as he still glare at him as he tells him.
Y/n: It's over Keyaru. Your done.
Keyaru slowly forms a fist and breaks out of Y/n magic and regrowth one hand while also summon his sword as he charge at Y/n as he yell.
Keyaru: (anger) I WON'T LET YOU WIN!
He charges at Y/n and with one swing he stumble forward and he was behind Y/n while he stood still as Keyaru was breathing heavily only for his sword to shattered into pieces and then he fell onto the floor facing up at the sky while blood was coming out of his body while he cough out blood while Y/n walks over and stood over him.
Keyaru grind his teeth in anger that he is defeated so he tells Y/n.
Keyaru: Well.....what are you waiting for? Kill me. Kill me now!
Y/n just glare at Keyaru as he raise his sword over Keyaru ready to kill him but he knows that it wasn't his fault for turning out this way. True he may have rapped, abuse and torture many people especially his team but.....he wasn't always like this but rather turned to be like this, he was drifting to insanity by Flare who was blind by her own selfish desire and as the result....Keyaru want insane and drifting by revenge and soo much anger.
So he lower his sword which confused Keyaru as Y/n tells him.
Y/n: I know you did terrible things in the past Keyaru. You harm so many people and trick many just so you can get your revenge on those who abuse you and used you. But there is something in life that we have to let things go. We can't always get what we want, it's a way of life. Even if you do get your revenge and kill Bullet what now? You've already fulfilled your revenge and now what? You made all of this just so you can track down one man who raped you but if you do kill him or me what's next? Your plans, your journey and all that will be done once you complete your revenge and in the have nothing else to do now you have your revenge.
Keyaru was silent and thinks about it as Y/n's eyes turn back ti normal as he bend down next to Keyaru and tells him.
Y/n: I may not know you before you became like this but you must understand that you have a life. A life that you were happy until everything was ruined when you've gotten that magic. I may think you were just a normal person who was chosen by this cursed magic by mistake and your luck just get worse when Flare choose you for her and her teams adventure and they treat you as nothing more then a healer. I'm truly am sorry for how much you were hurt and tortured by them and force you to drink many drugs. I know you never were evil from the bigging and I just want you to know that vengeance isn't always the right way. If you taken thid life of vengeance will become far worse then they were when they abuse you. You just need to let things go, it maybe hard but I just want you to know.........
He reach out his hand to Keyaru which surprised Keyaru as he gently give him a smile and tells him.
Y/n: (smile) I'm here for you and I will help you move on no matter what.
For the first time in Keyaru's life.....he started to cry. He really started to cry as tears comes out of his eyes as he slowly move his hand over towards Keyaru's and he grabe his hand as they shake on it.
Keyaru: (tears) I......I never wanna be like this.....I just.....I just want to take back what they took from me.
Y/n: I know and I'm sorry. But you don't need to be blind by revenge no can rest easily.
Keyaru slowly cracks a smile as he feels his life is flying away from him as he looks at Y/n and tells him as his final words.
Keyaru: (smile) Th-Thank.....Y-Y-You.
He then took his last breath and dies in front of Y/n as he looks at Keyaru's lifeless body as he set his hand on his stomach and stood up straight while he stare at the lifeless body of Keyaru as the war....comes to a end.
Morning came as the kingdom starts to rebuild after the conflict is over as we see many people helping each other include Tomo and the rest of the guild members helping them rebuilding their homes as we see Aoi and the rest watching thus near the entrance of the castle as Sophie walks over to them along with Kureha.
Sophie: (smile) Seems that everything is going back to normal now.
Unkan: (smirk) Yep at long last this war us over.
Yogi: Indeed. Now we come together in peace knowing that the war is no more.
Miya: So what will happen to this kingdom now Keyaru is dead?
Kureha: Flare will take up roll as queen of this kingdom and will make sure she will do everything in her power to repair your village and make it better. I must apologise for our actions, I hope you will forgive us.
Unkan: I don't know if we should-
Ai hits Unkan on the head follow by her telling Kureha.
Ai: (smile) It's okay, everything is alright now in the end and everyone is happy.
Kureha: I guess so. Still your all welcome to come back here anytime you like.
Aoi: As long it's Goblins involve, we might come back.
Ai: Anything other then Goblin slaying!
Miya: (smile) Still I'm glad everything is back to normal and the war is over.
Sophie: (smile) Same here. Thank you all for assisting us in battle. I'm thankful for your help.
Ai: (smile) No we should be thanking you for helping us. Your really try your best to help us.
Sophie: (smile) No problem. Remember if you have any problems you can contact me and I will never there to help.
They agree as they share a smile while inside of the castle we see Flare looking out of the window and with her are Y/n, Eve, Norn and Setsuna as Y/n walk over to Flare and stand next to her.
Y/n: (smile) Seems like things are going back to normal.
Flare: Indeed. Still I don't think I'm ready to return as queen. Not what I did in the past.
Y/n place a hand on her shoulder and tells her.
Y/n: (smile) I believe you can make things right again. Your different now and I know you can make things right again. It may take long but I'll help you when ever I can.
Flare: (smile) Indeed. Thank you so much for everything you did and I promise to repair your village and your guild as soon as possible.
Y/n: (smile) We don't have to hurry to repair our home. Just take your time, we can wait.
Flare: (smile) Right. Your just so sweet and kind, after eveyething we did, you still forgive us.
Y/n: (smile) Hey no problem, just glad you and the rest are alright and-
Flare: (smile) You will be our perfect husband in the near future.
Flare: (smile) Indeed. Your so much kinder, sweet, brave and beautiful to us! Your really are a perfect man for all of us and to our future children!
Y/n: (shocked) Wow wow wow, maybe your going over board about this. I mean I don't think I am ready for-
He looks over only to see Setsuna, Norn and Eve looking at him which made him blush even more to see they too were thinking about the same thing.
Y/n: (thought) Oh crap they agree to Flare's idea.
Y/n: Oh um look at the time. It's probably best I make my leave no-
He try to leave but Setsuna grabs his arm and pulls him towards him as she lick his cheek which made Y/n blush even more while she nuzzle him.
Setsuna: (smile) Your mine now!
Eve: Hey you can't do that!
Norn: No far!
Setsuna: I licked him so he is mine forever and ever.
Norn: (anger) No far I want him!
Eve: (anger) Same here! You can just lick him like that!
Flare: No need to fight girls! We can share him together if we like.
Y/n: (blush) W-Wait can i say a few words?
Setsuna: Fine! I go first!
She then tackle him to the ground while tye rest join in as they kiss Y/n while he can't escape from them as they kiss all over his face while the kingdom gets some repairs done and soon the sun sets down and we see Y/n and everyone else make their leave while Flare, Setsuna, Kureha, Norn and Eve wave goodbye to them while Y/n, Aoi, Ai, Miya, Unkan and Yogi wave goodbye back to them and they head home.
Y/n pulls out the necklace that protected his mind as he looks over to Miya and smile at her which she noticed qnd smiled back as everyone head home and enjoy their rest. Meanwhile on top of a hill we see Kogen with a hood over his head as he watch them far in the distance especially looking at Y/n as he felt his magic of both light and dark within him as he turn and leavethe area thinking he must do some research about Y/n's magic and see what other magic dose he hold within him.
To be continued..................
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