Chapter 15: The madness war (Arc 3)

Voices echo around Flare as she open her eyes when she hears Keyaru's echoing laughter as she was in somewhat of a black void with no one around her. She was confused on how she got here and she try to remember but suddenly flames light up around her which cost her to step back in a shock.

Then Keyaru's laughter gose on and on as flashes of Keyaru appears in her head as she grabs her head and fell to both knees as she start to remember how he tormented her and "did" things to her which tears came out of her eyes and soon she start the realise why he is doing all of this to was because of her. She was the real reason that Keyaru turn out this way and all this was her fault.

Flare: Wh-What have I done.

(Dream ends)

She then wakes and we see her back at Keyaru's castle and laying in bed as she sat up from her bed and look around to see no one but then a door open and Norn and Setsuna came in.

Norn: (smile) Your alright!

Norn rushes over and hugs Flare while Setsuna approaches her and ask her.

Setsuna: How are you feeling?

Flare: Fine.....just fine. What happened?

Setsuna: You were knocked out during the battle but we bring you back here to get you healed.

Flare: Where.....where is the Knights?

Setsuna: (angry) They turn on us. They think Keyaru is the true monster while Y/n and the rest didn't do nothing. I can't believe them.

Flare suddenly remember that and she can see the anger that Y/n had but only thqt sadness as well which made her realise that he didn't do anything wrong and they were the villains to their eyes.

Flare: Where is Keyaru?

Setsuna: With Eve and Kureha at the throne room and Keyaru isn't happy that all of our knights turn on us.

Sooner or later they arrived to throne room with Keyaru looking out of the window with Eve and Kureha as Keyaru turns to see Flare and smirks at her which Flare have now fear in her eyes as Kureha asked Keyaru.

Kureha: What should we do now? Sooner or later they will strike at us very soon and without our army, we might face defeat.

Keyaru:....Then we use our people as our warriors. Have earphone including the children be giving weapons and tell them to get ready for an attack.

Kureha:....A-Are you sure that is a wise idea? We all due respect Keyaru but some of these people don't know how to fight and the children-

Keyaru: (anger) Are you questioning my orders Kureha!

Kureha: N-No I'm no-

Then he walks up to her and slaps her in the face which hurt for Kureha while he grabs her chin and pulls it towards his face.

Keyaru: I've giving you a job, and you should follow it. Understood.

Kureha: Y-Y-Yes. Anything for you Keyaru.

Keyaru smirks as the girls leave him as Flare looks back and knows that he is insane and knows she must stop him and she knows one way to do that.


At Sasa's kingdom we see all the Knights getting ervryone into their homes and anywhere that is safe in case Keyaru will strike here but that will be very Likely since he doesn't have his knights with him no more.

Still they need to get ready to make their strike as we see everyone in the guild as Sophie gathered everyone around.

Sophie: Okay eveyrone listen up. Now we have back up with us it's time we might our strike at Keyaru's kingdom and end his rule once and for all.

Ukan: (smirk) This will be easy since now that little brat doesn't have his army with him.

Yogi: Should we wait for Y/n to come?

Sophie: I fear he might stil be upset of the lost and he might need a break of fighting for a while.

Y/n: Might want to chance that Sophie.

They all turn to see Y/n stepping into the room now sporting a new armor giving by Sasa for battle.

Unkan: (smirk) Now that's I like to call battle armor.

Tomo: (smirk) Looks sick man!

Aoi approaches him and places her hand onto his shoulder and ask him.

Aoi: Are you okay to go back into battle? know.

Y/n looks down and understanding what she is talking about but he turn to her and tells her.

Y/n: Not only he killed a close friend but he destroyed our home and guild. He needs to be stopped so I'm in no matter what.

Aoi nods to him and he walks up to the table and looks at the map while he ask Sophie.

Y/n: So what do we got here?

Sophie: I've gotten news that Keyaru is using his own people as his shield. Man, women and children are all his shields.

Ai: (shocked) Are you serious?!

Hama: (shocked) That's so wrong.

Tomo: Which give us a perfect reason to stop him and his rule.

Lucy: So judging by this we can't harm them is that right?

Sophie: That's right but I think there is a way around this.

She then places down a bag onto the table and pulls out small glass ball like potions.

Miya: What are those?

Sophie: Those are knock out bombs. These stuff can knock out someone without then getting hurt. We can use them to knock everyone out and we can go by them very easily without harming them. Actually this is a distraction, while we all out of the city knocking people out, Y/n and his team will sneak there way inside the castle and take care his guards and get to him at the thorne room.

Aoi: Sounds simple enough.

Ai: Wait how come we have to do the sneaking part?!

Sophie: Because I thought you guys are good qt sneaking into places.

Unkan: (smirk) Your almost right. We also good at putting sleeping forks to sleep forever.

Yogi: You sure that you and the rest will be alright while we go inside the castle?

Sophie: Of course. This is our only chance to end this so get your gears ready and let's move out!

They all leave the room including Y/n as he hearvsomeone calling for him from behind and he turn to see Rini and Jimin rush over to him.

Rini: Hey Y/n, how are you feeling?

Y/n: Good but...I should be asking you the same thing. I'm really am sorry for what happened to Kado.

Rini: It's alright. We don't blame you for his death but....he go down like a hero.

Jimin: He saved your life and without him. You and the rest would have been killed.

The three were silent for a while they Y/n tells thsm both.

Y/n: Don't worry. I will make sure Keyaru will pay for what he did and I swear to you both, I will fulfill his promise of slaying a dragon for him.

The two node and to wish him good luck, the two kiss Y/n on each cheek which made Y/n blush as the two smile and they say.

Rini: (smile) Good luck Y/n.

Jimin: (smile) Come back safe okay?

Y/n was blushing in surprised but he cracks a smile and nods to them as he puts on his helmet and tells them.

Y/n: Thanks you two and I'll be back. I promise.

Then he turn and make his leave with everyone else as they are all ready to strike at Keyaru's castle and end this once and for all.


We over see Keyaru's kingdom as we see his own people holding spears and swords as they were forced to patrol the kingdom and to be ready for an attack when it comes. Some were scared to be forced to go into battle but they were also afraid to disappoint Keyaru so they keep their guard up.

Everything seemed to be normal at first but then a large magic circle appear over head them and they all noticed and look up and wonder what it might be. Soon knock out bombs rain out of the magic circle and once they hit the ground purple smoke fills the air as everyone scream and try to get away from the smoke as they were knocking out from the gas.

They try their best but in the end they were all knock out and laying on the floor as the kingdoms main gates open and Sophie and eveyrone else enter the kingdom and make their approach through the kingdom.

Some looks at the knock out people and they hope they will be alright while Sophie tells everyone.

Sophie: Let's keep on moving and be alert. Keyaru might have placea trap for us.

Tomo: Let's hope not.

After a while of walking through the kingdom Sophie stops everyone and looks around. Then she pulls out her sword and blocks two sword slash waves that came out of normal. Then in front of everyone walking towards them was Kureha as she approaches them alone. Tomo step forward but Sophie tells him and the rest.

Sophie: You all go. I need to face her alone.

They nod and they move out while Sophie and Kureha stare at each other as Sophie try to convince her to stop this.

Sophie: Kureha please don't do this. You now that Keyaru is insane but you still follow him?

Kureha: I love him Sophie. You just don't understand!

She then rushes towards her and Sophie blocks are strike and a few more strikes as Sophie leaps back with Kureha leaping towards her as well as the two land on a roof of a building and they class blades at each other as Sophie was holding back because she doesn't want to hurt her old friend.

Then the two enter a blade lock which Sophie try to tell Kureha one more time.

Sophie: Please Kureha! Don't let him control you any longer just please come back to me! I beg of you.

Kureha has enough and kicks Sophie back as she skidded back but stop herself before she falls off the roof.

Kureha: I know what is best for Keyaru! I will follow his orders in order to protect this kingdom?

Sophie: Then what about the people! What about the people we sworn to protect! Look down there Kureha and tell me your still doing that!

Kureha looks at the unconscious people with weapons in hand as Sophie gose on to tell her.

Sophie: Their not knights Kureha. Their innocent people, who doesn't want to take part of this war but they did and you were happy to follow Keyaru's orders aren't you? You know that he is insane and he'll do anything he can to get what he wants! DON'T YOU GET IT YET, HE'S NOT SOME HERO OR GREAT LATER YOU SEE! HE'S A MONSTER!

Kureha continues to stare at the people while her blade shake as she quickly launches towards Sophie znd the two clash blades but this time Kureha is in rage now.


The twoclash blades with Kureha striem some blows to Sophie as she yells out in pain as bits of her armor starts to come off as she walks back while Kureha stills clashes blades at her until Sophie was at the edge of the roof as Kureha walks up towards her.

Sophie just stare at Kureha seeing her anger as she sigh and drops her sword whike Kureha raised her blade and was about to finish her when Sophie said.

Sophie: won. I know you want to find a purpose in your life. A reason to fight for someone who cares deeply towards you and you to care about him but what you see in Keyaru is wrong. But if you won't listen then I understand. Just remember one more thing.

Sophie looks up at Kureha and give her a Cheerful smile qs she tells her.

Sophie: (smile) Remember how we first met? I was alone, shy to talk to eveyrone but you came and chatted with me. I couldn't understand why you want to talk to me rather the everyone else but I guess you want to be friends with me because I was alone. I'm just glad.....I can see my old friend again....after so long and no matter what happens.....I'm still your friend.

Kureha's sword start to shake a bit but this time it was something else as she stare at Sophie for a while and suddenly tears came out of her eyes and then she slowly lower her sword and drops it as she fell but Sophie catch her and help her up.

Kureha: (tears) S-Sophie....I am so so so sorry for what I did. I wasn't thinking and.....and I just lost my way. I so so sorry for everything I have done.

Sophie smiles and then hugs her which surprised Kureha as Sophie tells her.

Sophie: (smile) It's okay. I forgiven you, it's good to have you back.

Kureha nods to her while they stop hugging znd they turn to the castle as Kureha tells Sophie.

Kureha: We have to stop him before it's to late.

Sophie: It be easy since without his army, there is nothing that can stop us.

Kureha: Thqt maybe so but he has a lot of allies that didn't turn against him.

Sophie: Like who?


We see Y/n, Miya, Unkan, Yogi, Ai and Aoi at the back of the castle as Unkan try his best to unlock the door while Ai gets impatient.

Ai: Can you unlock it faster?

Unkan: I don't do unlocking doors.

Miya: So there is no way we can get in?

Unkan: Unless if we ask the door to open. Hey door, can you please open!

There was a moment of silence and nothing happened which Ai was about to tell him when the door did open which surprised them.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow that worked.

Unkan: Huh. (Smirk) Guess that did work after all.

Ai: Yeah, Yeah what ever.

Flare: Hello.

They turn to the door and they were shocked to see Flare as Aoi ready his blade bit Flare calls out.

Flare: Wait! I'm letting you all in! I'm no longer your enemy.

Ai: Oh really and why should we trust you?

Flare: I understood why but believe me it ain't our faults.'s mine from the very start.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Flare: It's best you all come in before someone will see us.

They have no choice so they enter the room as Flare shut the door and lock it. They walk through what looks like a storage room underneath the castle as wooden boxes and barrels are seen laying around everywhere.

While they walk through Y/n catch up to Flare and ask her.

Y/n: What do you mean it was your fault from the beginning?

Flare: You must understand that Keyaru didn't turn out this way. He was just a boy with a cured magic and I abuse him. As you may know, his magic is to heal people but once he heals those the injuries are transferred to him as he suffer from the pain. After a while he wanted to leave which I refuse to and in my selfish actions I kept him in a cell and treat him like an animal. I've giving him so much drugs and force him to drink them that I believe it would kill him. Sooner or later he break out and.....found me and.......did something horrible to me that I'm afraid to say but after that he took away all my memories and everyone thought that I was dead but in reality...I havemy memories been taking away and still be with him on his sick adventures as he gets Setsuna, Eve, Kureha and Norn fallen into his love and it's all my fault. I shouldn't have left him go, I shouldn't have listened to him!

They were shocked by this and they don't know what to say. Then Y/n tells Flare as he place his hand on her shoulder.

Y/n: I understand why you blame yourself for all of this znd I know you feel terrible for your past actions. But you can change that, you can make things right and be a better person then before. I'm very sorry for what Keyaru did to you and to those girls qndi promise you...they will pay.

Flare was surprised by Y/n's kindness and it's something that she never felt before as her heart skip a beat a little. Then there was a noise that made them stop dead in their tracks and they ready their weapons.

Unkan: I thought Keyaru has no guards anymore.

Flare: Yes but not his allies.

Y/n: Allies?

Then they hear a growl that sounded like a wolf as figures startto appear out of the darkness and they see a group of wolf people as they came out of the darkness as they growl at them while they were holding weapons of their own.

Unkan: Looks like he made some allies with some wolf people.

Yogi: To be truthful with you all I rather fight Goblins then a pack of wolf people.

Aoi: You and me both.

Setsuna: So you suddenly betray us Flare.

Then Setsuna came out of the darkness as she glareat Flare in disappointment.

Setsuna: You know Keyaru will not like this one bit.

Flare: Please Setsuna you got to listen to me! Keyaru is insane and we have to stop him!

Setsuna: No way! You all will not go anywhere. We will defend Keyaru and wait until he will complete his gran plan.

Y/n: And what would that be?

Setsuna: (smirk) If he can't find an army to take you all down then he must find one in hell. He's gonna summon a large portal above us and once it opens, demons will rain down and they will kill eveyrone you care for.

Yogi: (shocked) What?! If he is making a large portal above us!

Ai: Then there will be so many demons to take on and they might take over half of the world.

Y/n: Setsuna you need to let us through. He's going too far and we have to end this.

Setsuna: Never! I will leave you to my pack and as for you Flare......your mine.

Her claws come comes out of her fingers as Setsuna and her pack launch at them and ready to kill them while they ready their weapons for a tough fight.

To be continued.....................

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