Chapter 14: The madness war (Arc 2) (Lemon)
The battle still continues as Keyaru's warriors battle against the royal knights including the other guild members as they take down most of Keyaru's knights and pushes them back.
Sophie slice a few of Keyaru's warriors and leaps back and she was back to back with Hama as she fire a fee fire balls at the warriors and blow them away.
Hama: It looks like we're pushing them back.
Sophie: We just need to continue pushing them back as long as we can.
Tomo stab a few and met up with the two girls and asked.
Tomo: Hey have you see Y/n and his party?
Sophie: No clue but I hope they are alright. Where ever they are.
Suddenly there was an explosion within the village and they all stop fighting and turn to even see more explosions as everyone watched to see that something is happening in there.
Sophie: What's going on in there?
Hama: No clue but I do sense a massive dark magic in there?
Tomo: You think it's that Keyaru in there?
Hama: I don't know but who ever that is, he or she is very strong.
Keyaru was sent flying and crash through multiple houses untio he crashed onto a house as we see him sitting as he shake his head and slowly stand up and exit out of the house through the hole.
Keyaru: That fucker. He's gonna pay.
Everything was silent now. He looks around for Y/n but doesn't see him anywhere.
Keyaru: (thought) What the heck did he just do? I never seen this type of magic before in my life. He
His hands were shaking but he grind his teethn while gripping his sword as he yells out.
Keyaru: Come out you fool! Show yourself and face my might!
Y/n: Right behind you.
Keyaru immediately turn to be face to face with Y/n which shocked him but he shook off the water and quickly try to stab him but Y/n grabs his blade and crushes it into millions of pieces which shocked Keyaru even more and he step back while Y/n walks towards him.
Y/n: Your gonna pay for everything you did. I'M GONING TO KILL YOU!
Keyaru will not allow him so he fire dark magic at him in hopes to kill him but Y/ raised out his hand and the dark magic stop in mid air which shocked Keyaru and then Y/n moves his hand to the left and dark magic gose to the left and there was an explosion as the two stare at each other.
Keyaru: I'm not scared of you!
Y/n: Don't care.
Then he appear behind him in quick second and then swings a kick at Keyaru senting him flying before he was grabbed in the head by Y/n and then he slam Keyaru's face onto the ground which created a large crack and he continues slamming his head over and over again letting all the rage come out.
Miya, Aoi, Ai, Unkan, Yogi, Rini and Jimin turn then corner to see this happening before Y/n throws Keyaru to the end and then he punches Keyaru far off and once that he disappeared just as they arrived to try to stop him.
Miya: Y/n.
Ai: We gonna snap him out of it before he dose something too far.
Yogi: He has fallen into complete darkness. How can we calm him down?
Unkan: Maybe beef might work?
Ai: (anger) This ain't the time for jokes!
Unkan: That was only a suggestion, beer and booze calm me down when I'm ever angry.
Jimin: There's no use. The death of Kado must have made him snap and now he will not stop until Keyaru will pay.
Miya: But we can't just sit here and do nothing. He help us and now we help him.
Aoi: She's right. We can't just give up now. We need to help him but without hurting him.
Yogi: Agree. Let's free his dark spirit from his body and see the light.
They all agree and they rush to go after Y/n and try to calm him down before he'll do something far worse.
Miya: (thought) Y/n....Please....hold on. We're on our way to help you.
Keyaru was thrown onto the field near the battle whike Y/n lands over him and he walk towards him. Keyaru was about to fire more dark magic at him but he was too weak as he crawled back while Y/n walks towards him.
Keyaru: W-Wait I know your a reasonable boy and we both are in the same age right? So how's about we call off this truths and I'll leave you alone? Deal?
He reach out his hand for a truths while Y/n just glare at him before he quickly reach out his hand and grab something and it was revealed to be Keyaru while the other Keyaru was just a hallucination magic to trick Y/n so he can stab him but Y/n slowly turns to Keyaru and said.
Y/n: I will not be tricked no more.
He pulls out his fist to end him but arrows rain by which Y/n summons a shield and blocks it just as Flare and Keyaru's party rushes over to save Keyaru.
Flare: You will not hurt him!
Kureha: Unhand him at once!
Y/n: You fucking joking.
He then throws Keyaru away which Keyaru crashed inro Flare and Eve which they fell off the ground. The rest stop to check on while Kureha looks at Y/n and calls out.
Kureha: (anger) Your a monster.
Then Keyaru's knights surrounded Y/n as he looks at them and then snap as he said.
They all step back and the other warriors including Sophie and the rest turn and the other guild members were shocked to see Y/n and see his dark like form ans dark magic engery coming out of his body.
Tomo: (shocked) Is that....Y/n?!
Akanah: That's impossible!
Usagi: He looks like him
Mariko: Y/n.
Y/n: (anger) We were having a nice and peaceful birthday and Bullet was the one who attacked us and I try to fucking save him he was killed! When you came and invited us to your castle for a party i thought we be friends but you try to poison us, blame us for Buklets death so you won't have your stupid revenge and now you came here, trash our town, our guild AND KILLED KADO SO YOU CAN SEE ME ANE MY FRIENDS CRY ANE TRY TO MIND WIPE MIYA!
Everyone was shocked to hear that Kado was dead and that Keyaru try to mind wipe Miya including some of Keyaru's knight who looked at each other and to Keyaru and he realised this and calls out.
Keyaru: Lies! All lies! You attacked us during that party and you nearly kill-
Y/n: (anger) THEN WHERE IS THE PROOF! WHERE IS IT and don't you fucking dare lie about it! I KNOW YOU HAVE NOTHING TO PROOF THAT WE TRY TO KILL YOU!
Keyaru's knights wonder as well ane looked at each other ane whisper to each other about this proof as Keyaru see the shift and he glare at Y/n and calls out.
Keyaru: Kill him!
His party and his knights raised their blades and slowly walk towards him but Y/n grind his teeth I anger and mutter.
Y/n: (mutter) Fine.
He then put his two hands towards and a purple circle of dark engery appeared onto his hand and it gets bigger and bigger and before Keyaru's warriors ever have a chance to charge at him, Y/n slams it onto the ground and created a massive blast that sent eveyone back and land hard onto the ground.
Flare lands her head onto a stone and she grabs her head as she moan in pain before she fell unconscious. Keyaru slowly sat up but he felt a foot slam onto his chest and looks to see Y/n as he summon his sword and glare at Keyaru and said.
Y/n: (anger) Time to die you fucking monster.
He raised his sword to finally kill Keyaru in front of eveyone which they were shocked to see Y/n gonna kill a human being in front of eveyone.
Miya: Y/n no!
Then Miya and tye rest arrived behind him as Y/n's sword was in the air while Miya said.
Miya: Please don't do this. This ain't you.
Y/n: He killed Kado and trash our town just so he can take revenge on us for something we didn't do! He must die.
Ai: But look at you! Your not yourself, you never wanna harm anyone even if they did terrible things. Your one or the cheerful and nice person we ever met and seeing you like ain't you.
Aoi: Please I know how it feel like to take revenge but you help me to deal with the lost and I'm better because of you.
Jimin: Your always like a light within us.
Rini: Never guve up and never step down from a fight and always be filled with the light.
Y/n eyes twitched a bit while he still glare at Keyaru which his anger was even more stronger but he felt a hug wrap around behind him and we see Miya hugging him from behind as he begs Y/n.
Miya: Please....come back to us Y/n. Your not onoy our hope but....A Knight of hope.
Y/n eyes widen and he drop his sword and let's Keyaru go as he step back and fell to his knees as his skin and eyes turn back to normal and he look at his hands and back to Miya and the rest and he starts to cry.
Y/n: (tears) Guys.......I'm so so sorry.
Miya bend down to him and Y/n hugs Miya ans she hugs him back as Y/n let's it all out as he cries harder then he ever could while eveyone else sees this while Keyaru smirks and said.
Keyaru: (smirk) Well what are you waiting for! Kill him!
His warriors look at Keyaru in shock and to Y/n to see Y/n was not the true monster but Keyaru is.
Male knight: No.
Keyaru turn to him in shock including his party as the knights from Keyaru drop their swords and walk towards Y/n and stand in front of him while glaring at Keyaru and the rest.
Kureha: What are you doing?!
Male knight: This boy didn't do nothing commander. Keyaru was the one that wants them dead and now look what we have done. We came here in this peaceful town only for us to come here and destroy it.
Male knight 2: He's right. Y/n or his friends ain't the monsters. Keyaru is.
Kureha was shocked by this while Sophie walk towards them and said.
Sophie: Kureha. Please listen to them. Listen to me and come back to us. I beg of you.
Kureha and the rest were angered by this as Keyaru looks ane glare at Y/n and said.
Keyaru: (anger) This war ain't over Y/n.
He then teleported away along with his party and leaving his betrayed men behind as they now see Keyaru their enemy and not Y/n as they turn to Y/n see him still crying as his cries echo out through the empty town.
The citizens including the other guild members after the battle were moved to Sasa Kingdom to stay for a while while the guild members stayed within hotels unrik their town will be repaired.
We see Y/n looking out of the balcony not himself as he falls to silent and look at his hand and still remembered his dark form as he makes a fist in anger and wished he could have saved Kado so he won't die.
Tomo appear behind him and he breaths in and out and walks up to him.
Tomo: Hey Y/n can we talk?
Y/n just turn his head and look at him before he just walk off.
Tomo: Wait hang on! I just wanna tal-
He try to grab his shoulder but Y/n grabs him by the neck and slam him onto the window and yells in anger.
Y/n: (anger) What the hell are you gonan say now! Huh? That this is all my fault, I should just leave the guild, be kicked out! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST FUCK OFF FOR ONCE!
Tomo: N-No I came to apologise....for everything.
Y/n was confused snd let's him go as he fell onto his feet and caught a little and tells Y/n
Tomo: Look....I was....selfish towards you when you first join and all these months and the truth is......the truth is I was jealous alright. I was jealous from all the attraction that you given and I was just so...angry that you day be better then me so i find many way to make fun and try to be this strong guild member but....I guess I never know you have a bit of darkness within you and.....the death of Kado.
Y/n burst into tears and fell to his knees while Tomo bend doen to him and pat him on the shoulder.
Y/n: (tears) He was just right there and I could have saved him but..(sniff) but....
Tomo: I know and to be honest....I don't blame you. Actually that kid was like me but an opposite to me. He cares about you and his team more the money, fame and everything else except for his team and family.
Y/n: Yeah. (Sniff) He was.
Tomo lend out a hand to Y/n with a warm smile which Y/n takes I and help him up while he wipe the last fo his tears away.
Y/n: Thank you Tomo.
Tomo: (smile) No problem. Hey, get some rest and take care okay?
Y/n smiles a little and so dose Tomo as he turns and walks off. Y/n turns and head to his room that Sasa given him and once there he fell onto the bed and looks around and knows this place was the same place he was getting healed during a sewer mission before the war began.
Y/n: (thought) Kado.....You were like a best friend that I ever asked for and you risk your life just to save us. Thank you and I promise that i will slay a dragon for you. That's a promise.
Sasa: Are you okay?
Y/n turn to see Sasa enter the room and walks over to him and sat next to him.
Y/n: I'm....kinda doing fine but I don't know.
Sasa: I'm....truly sorry for the lost of your friend.
Y/n: It's fine. More lives would have been taken if wasn't for you. Thank you for senting out Sophie and your royal army to help us.
Sasa: (smile) No problem. Now Keyaru's knights are with us it be easier for us to take Keyaru to justice once and for all.
She the stood up and pulled over the curtains and light up the candles as Y/n respond while he looks down.
Y/n: Yeah but he might get some allies but I don't know.
Sasa: Then we need to get ready what ever it is coming to us then.
Y/n: Guess so and I'll get stronger and learn to control this darkness within me.
Sasa: And maybe I can help you relax.
Y/n: What do you mean by that-
He then suddenly blushed to see Sasa crawled onto the end of the bed and he backs up a little as Sasa crawled towards him and once close she gently touches his cheeks which Sasa hands were warm which made Y/n calm a little ad she gain close to Y/n's face and said.
Sasa: I mean by making you feel more relaxed and fell calm even by means pleasuring you what ever things you like.
Y/n: (blush) S-S-S-Sasa I-I-I d-don't thi-
She then gently puts her finger over his mouth and giggles before she said.
Sasa: (smile) Ssshhh never worry about anything my sweet Y/n. Just lay back, relax and let me make you more relaxed then ever before.
(Lemon start)
Sasa crawled down to Y/n's body and stop at his treasures and took both his treasures and underwear off and see Y/n's dick which she smirked before she gently grabs Y/n's dick which made Y/n gasp a little whioe blushing which Sasa giggles and start gently move her hand up and down while Y/n lwnd back and he can feel this pleasures as Sasa continues jerking his dick for a while until she stick her hole mouth into Y/n's dick and and sucking his dick.
Y/n: (moans) My god that good. Ah~!
She continues sucking his dick while Y/n moans a little as he let Sasa suck his dick which made him turned on as she continues until Y/n's dick exploded with cum and Sasa drink it all up and remove her mouth from Y/n's dick and wipe a few drops of Y/n's cum off her lips while seeing Y/n panting as she crawled up to him and gently touch his chin and gently move his head up to her.
Sasa: (smirk) How do you feel my sweet Y/n?
Y/n: (panting) That was....Good.
Sasa: (giggle) Wanna continue?
Y/n nods and she giggles once more and lend in and kiss him on the lips and Y/n kissed her back which made her gasp a little as the two make out as they wrap their arms around each other while the moaned while doing it.
Soon they take off their clothes and throws them off the bed as Y/n was behind Sasa as he grabs her breast from behind while licking and kissing her neck which made her turn on.
Sasa: (moans) Whoa your hands are just so warm and feels nice to have them grabbing my breast.
Y/n: I don't care what you are, your still a beautiful princess.
Sasa: (moans) Your so sweet.
The two fell onto the bed and now Y/n was on top of her and he was sucking her nipple while squeezing and rub her other breast as Sasa led out a few moans while her breast get bigger and bigger and then her milk came out and Y/n drink it all.
Y/n: That was some milk Princess.
Sasa was breathing heavily while she nods which Y/n crawled up to her and the two kissed once more and they continue making out for a before they stop and Y/n sat on the side of the bed while Sasa was on her knees and she slide Y/n's dick behind her breast and started licking his dick like a ice cream as Y/n lend back onto the bed and let's her do her work while his dick gets bigger and bigger until it exploded with cum that got all over Sasa which she lips it off her lips and carved back onto bed and stick her vagina into Y/n's dick.
She then thrust in and out and the two moan as Y/n let's her thrusting her vagina in and out of Y/n's dick snd this turns them on very good which made Y/n turn over ane kiss Sasa while he thrust his dick in and out while they make out and the two lend out a few moans as they have sex.
The bed moves very fast as Sasa lend out a cry of pleasure and so dose Y/n.
Y/n: (moans) Oh my god this felt so good!
Sasa: (moans) Same! Don't stop!
Y/n: (moans) There it comes! Oh god there it- AAAAAAHHHHH~!
The two lend out a cry of pleasure and moan and soon they were done as they fell onto the bed with Y/n fell on top of Sasa and his face fell onto her breast like a pillow ad Sasa smiles and pulled over the blanket and put out all the candles wither magic.
(Lemon ends)
Y/n was laying on top of Sasa naked and so dose Sasa as she looks at him resting his head on her breast as she pats him on the head to see he is asleep.
Sasa: (smile) I know you lost a friend but I know you'll get stronger and I know you can end this war once and for all.
She looks at Y/n with a smile before she lend over and kiss him on and head and lend back and before she too fall asleep Y/n said in his sleep.
Y/n: Never leave me. I don't wanna be alone and lose anyone else again.
Sasa: (smile) I won't. That is a promise now rest my sweet warrior. Rest now.
He fell completely asleep and soon Sasa also fell asleep as she cuddle up with Y/n and be with him and so dose eveyone else and no matter what happens.....Y/n will not be alone and lose anyone else again.
To be continued..................
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