Chapter 13: The madness war (arc 1)

A lind up of armed knights are seen lined up in front of Keyaru's Castle while we see him and Flare looking out of their window and see their knights ready which he ordered by Kureha to do.

Keyaru: (smirk) Excellent. Now let us this show begin.

Flare: Soon they will pay for taking away your revenge Keyaru.

He turn to her and gently grab her chin and slowly made her to look at Keyaru in the eyes as he smirks at her and said.

Keyaru: (smirk) Indeed and once Y/n and his pathetic friends are gone. We will rule this land and all other lands together as king and Queen.

Flare blushes and the two kissed before we see Keyaru exit out of the castle and stand in front of a army of knights as they stood there while Kureha turn to him ane said.

Kureha: They are ready as you command.

Keyaru: (smirk) Good.

He turn to the knights and told them all.

Keyaru: A tragic turn came not so long ago that nearly cost my life. Y/n L/n and his gang of friends try to kill me during a peaceful party but we managed to stop they fro happening but they have escape and now they have return back home and we shall not let them get away from this. We must no choice but to go to war with them and those who stand against us. I want Y/n and his terrorist friends dead and I want their heads, do this for your king!

The knights cheered and raised their blades and weapons into the air while Keyaru smirks to himself seeing that his plans is going well as his knights march out of the castle and they make their way to Y/n's home town to kill him and his friends for trying to kill Keyaru and his friends even though that was not all true.


News about this invasion by Keyaru spread wild fire across the land and people with town started to panic while we see the adventure guild where we seen Y/n and the rest were shocked by this news when Leiko told them once they came to the guild.

Y/n: (shocked) What? You gonna be kidding me?

Leiko: Apparently not. Keyaru declares war on this land and he will not stop until he'll have revenge.

Ai: (anger) That jerk! He was the one who tried to kill all of us, we were trying to defend ourselves.

Tomo: (anger) Well thanks a lot Y/n.

Before Y/n could turn he was pushed by Tomo onto the ground as he and some of the guild members gear gear him as Tomo said.

Tomo: (anger) Thanks to you, everyone blame us for this war to happen.

Kado: Hey leave him alone! It ain't his or anyone's fault that this war started.

Tomo: (anger) Of course it is kid and you should stay away.

Y/n slowly stands up and told Tomo and the rest.

Y/n: They were trying to poison us and try to drug Ai, Aoi and Miya so Keyaru can keep them at his dungeon.

Tomo: Dungeon?

Aoi: He's telling the truth because I was the oen who discovered it. There was a whole cell filled with scared and rapped girls cost by Keyaru. Turns out, he have been kidnapping them so he can rape them even more and other horrible stuff. He is crazy and he'll do the same to me, Ai and Miya if I haven't discovered it.

Tomo just grind his teeth and shot a glare at him before he turn and left before he said.

Tomo: Well thanks to Y/n and your party there is now a war gonna happen because of that. You shouldn't have gone there in the first place Y/n.

Y/n just glare at him in anger which black orb appear around his arm but it suddenly disappear when they hear something outside. They head out and see the royal army riding their horses into the town and once they stop they set up defences around the area while a female general rides up to Y/n and the rest and asked.

???: Are you Y/n L/n and his friends?

Y/n: Yes that's us, who are you?

Sophie: My name is General Sophie West and we are here for your aid against Keyaru and his army.

(Short while later)

The royal army set down defences around town and evacuated the citizens to somewhere safe even Michi and Mareo while some like Mariko and the guild members stay behind and help the royal army to defend their town form Keyaru ane his army.

We see Y/n and the rest at a tent with Sophie and she told them who sent her here which surprised them.

Yogi: (surprised) Princess Yumi sent you here?

Sophie: Indeed. We were close allies and still is to this day. Before she lost her site I was a commander of the royal army and lead my brave knights into battle and win which made me to be promoted to be General.

Y/n: (smile) That's awesome, it's a good thing your here to help us.

Sophie: (smile) It's no problem. A friend of Yumi is a friend of mine. Besides I didn't just came here to help you, I also want revenge on Keyaru for controlling one of my closest friend.

Miya: Who?

Sophie: Her name is Kureha and her and I were best friends until she was controlled by that mad man. I try to convince her to leave him but she refused and that was the last I saw her.

Aoi: What do you mean she is controlled by Keyaru?

Sophie: Me and Yumi believed that Keyaru abuse his magic and forces his party to love him but he abuse them and rapes them for his joy.

Y/n: Jesus, that's horrible.

Sophie: Actually we believe that one female maybe that Keyaru captured and mind wiped.

She then show them a picture of a girl that looked exactly like Flare but Sophie explains.

Sophie: Her name is Freia and she is th Princess of Jioral Kingdom who was thought to be dead but seeing her and this picture, we believe Keyaru mind wipe her mind in order to have her his own.

Y/n: (anger) Damn Keyaru is sick.

Ai: If you have all this evidence then why not use them to expose them to his kingdom?

Sophie: We try that before but his citizens didn't believe him. They said "He is a hero!" And "He saved all of us!" And all that. Keyaru controlled everyone and make them believe he is a hero and only him.

Unkan: Now that's I like to call a spoiled little brat.

Yogi: Agree. He is unworthy to use his magic if he abuses it.

Miya: But is there anything we could do to proof to them?

Ai: Yeah there have to be a way.

Sophie: There is one way. We heard rumours of a survivor who survived the buring of Jioral Kingdom and believed to be related to be royalty to that kingdom.

Before they could ask who, a Knight soldier came into the tent and told Sophie.

Male knight: Ma'am scout reported to see enemy forces coming towards the hill.

Sophie: Crap. Order them to stand down until I say we attack.

Male knight: Yes ma'am.

They all walk out and cloads appear to cover the sky as they exit out of the village and see a linf up of Sophie's knights and standing in front of them was Keyaru and his knights behind him along with his party.

Sophie sees Kureha but she looks away while Keyaru smirks and said.

Keyaru: (smirk) Well this ain't a surprised for me to see? It looks like the terrorist have allies. How adorable.

Sophie: Keyaru order your men to stand down now and face justice.

Keyaru: (smirk) Justice? I believe your looking at the real villains. Y/n and his party try to kill us and must be punished.

Sophie: You are lying. We know your tricks and we're not falling for it.

Keyaru: (smirk) So your joining sides with those fuckers? Fine then, it looks like now you are our enemy.

Sophie: (anger) Fall back now or else.

Keyaru: (smirk) Or else what?

Sophie: (anger) Or face death. I've been waiting all my life to kill you for controlling Kureha. She was my good friend and you took her away from me?

Kureha: You just don't understand. Keyaru is a hero and your working with the enemy.

Sophie: We were friends Kureha, don't made me do this to you.

Kureha: If I have to beat you then so be it.

Sophie glare at Keyaru as he smirks at her while she pulls out her sword and reach it to the air as a thunder bolt strike down as she called out.

Sophie: Attack!

Sophie charge first while her royal knights join in including the rest of the guild. Keyaru think of this to be cute and order his knights and his party to go first while he hang back and watch as the two army clash at ecah other as they swing their blades at each other and block them with their shields as a massive battle is taking place outside of town.

Knights fallen to the ground while other guild members she some warriors who have magic fire magic attacks at Keyaru's knights and take them out while Miya try her pest to heal the injured whike Y/n and Sophie take a our a few more enemy knights while Sophie moves out of the way and blocks Kureha's strike and the two clash blades while Y/n slowly stand up and looks around to see every knights fighting each other to the death.

Y/n: (thought) I never been in a war but it doesn't matter. I won't let everyone down. I need to fight, I need to-

Then a fire ball comes towards Y/n which he blocks with his shield and sees Flare walking towards him and stop and the two stare at each other.

Y/n: You don't have to do this Feira.

Flare: What did you call me?

Y/n: I know who really are. Your a princess from Jiroal Kingdom and you were thought to be dead by your own people but here you are, alive and well.

Flare: I am not Fleira, my name is Flare and I am Keyaru's first harem girl and will be.

Y/n: He's just using you. Please you have to remember who you really are!

Flare: Shut up!

She fired more fire balls at Y/n but he blocks them with his shield and blocks a slash from Flare and the two clash blades while Aoi and Ai fights Setsuna, Unkan and Yogi fights Eve and Kureha fights while Keyaru watch all this and spotted Miya healing Sophie's knights which he smirks and disappeared and appear behind her which she turn to see him.

Keyaru: (smirk) Hello there cutie.

Y/n blocks a few slashes and leap back and was about to continue fighting when he hears Miya screams and looks over just to see Keyaru taking Miya into town which horrified him.

Y/n: Miya!

Flare try to tackle him but Y/n kicks her back and rushes after Keyaru and head into town. Kado, Rini and Jimin appear and rush over to Y/n.

Kado: What happened?

Y/n: Keyaru took Miya.

Kado: (shocked) Oh crap!

Rini: I think I saw someone enter the church.

Y/n: Let's go.

The four rush over to the church and once there Y/n kicks open the door to see Keyaru standing at the far back while having Miya on her knees as he grab her head. The four walk in with Keyaru laughs and said.

Keyaru: (smirk) This is pathetic. You exit the battlefield just to save this useless bitch?

Y/n: (anger) Don't you DARE call her that you jackass.

Keyaru: (smirk) I rather watch your mouth if I were you, otherwise.

He place down another hanr on Miya's head and a glow appear on her head and she start to scream in pain whike Keyaru smirks even more.

Y/n: Miya!

Kado: (anger) What are you doing?!

Keyaru: (crazy laughter) I'm gonna to wipe her memory clean off. She won't remember you or anyone in this town but I will remake her as one of my own harem girls. And she'll be mine for the rest of my life! (Crazy laughter)

Y/n rushes over to stop him but Keyaru reach out his hand at him and shockwave cost Y/n to be sent back and crash onto a few chairs. Kado, Rini and Jimin help him up while Miya continues to scream in pain while feeling like his memories are getting destroyed and Y/n thinks she will no longer remember him or anyone but then her staff lights up which made Keyaru and then a light blast sent Keyaru back and him crashing onto the wall.

Miya fell onto the ground as Y/n and the rest rushes over and Y/n bend down and pick up Miya to see her unconscious.

Y/n: Miya! Miya! Please wake up! Please wake up!

Miya slowly wakes up and looks at Y/n and then she said.

Miya: Y/n? Is that you?

Y/n: (smile) Miya! Thank god your alright!

He hugs Miya whike Keyaru stumble out of the wall and was shocked to see Miya's mind was intact but he turn to her staff and see the glow which he smirks and said.

Keyaru: (smirk) It seems that staff must be holy and protected her from anyone that try to do anything within her body.

They all glare at Keyaru as he smirks at them and said.

Keyaru: (smirk) No matter. If I can't wipe her mind, THEN I HAVE TO KILL HER!

He then suddenly fire a dark magic blast and it travels towards them and they gave no time to dodge it. But Y/n watch in horror as Kado got in front of them and the blast hits him right in the stomach and then there was a large explosion that blows up the charge.

Some knights and other guild members seen the explosion and so dose Aoi and the rest. They decided to check it out while we cut back to Y/n and the rest and they were surrounded by smoke as they cough for a little before they look up and to their shock they see Kado standing in front of them and he turns to them with a smirk while blood pours out of his mouth and he fell onto the ground.

Y/n: KADO!

Y/n rushes to him and picks him up whike Keyaru watch as Y/n sees Kado dieing right in front of him.

Y/n: Nonononononono please Kado! Stay with us! Kado please!

Kado: (coughing) Shit that was (cough) a nasty shot huh. Damn.

Y/n: Kado what the hell where you thinking!? Why?!

Kado: saved us in that cave and.....I don't want you to......die so.......I'll guve up my life just yo return the favour. (Coughing)

Y/n: (tears) Please just hang in there buddy. We can heal you, just please stay with us!

Kado: (smile) I-I'm sorry but......I can't.

Tears pour down at Y/n's face and so dose Rini, Jimin as they see Kado coughing a few more before he took his last breath and dies right in front of Y/n and onto his arms.

Y/n: (tears) No. No. No! No! NO! NO! NO! NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO! KADO!!!!!!!

He cries whioe he huge his old friend as he cries while rain start to pour down to the sky whike tears fell on the three ane soon Aoi and the rest arrived and tuey gasp to see Kado dead on Y/n's arms and him crying for his fallen friend.

(Keyaru's laughter)

Keyaru continues to laugh while Y/n have his head down as he hears Keyaru's laughter and then he stop and said.

Keyaru: (smirk) LOOK AT YOU! Your weak because of your friends and that is way they are such a pain sometimes! They made you weak but I! I rule my kingdom, I show the world what I am and I am God!

Keyaru walks towards Y/n while he had his head down while he grind his teeth into anger whike he appear on top of Y/n with sword in hand as he smirked at him and said.

Keyaru: (smirk) Do you actually think you or your friends can defeat me? You must be a fool to even dare to try. Now...your friend is dead, because of you and will join him.....

He raised his sword in the air while he take one last look at Y/n and then screamed.

Keyaru: IN HELL!!!!!

He laughs whike he swing down his sword at Y/n whike the rest rush to stop this but the blade was close to Y/n but 7o everyone's shock when the blade lands on Y/n, it shattered into pieces which shocked everyone to see that happen.

Keyaru: (shocked) Wh-What? How did you-?

Y/n: You try to poison us.

Then Y/n disappeared right in front of everyone that shocked them and then Keyaru turn to see Y/n right behind him and he was about to summon his magic when Y/n kicks him that sent him flying and crash into a fre buildings.

Keyaru lands hard onto the ground and slowly stood up and behind him was Y/n as he said.

Y/n: You try to drug my female friends so you can rape and torment them.

Keyaru turn but he was punched I the face by Y/n and then Y/n appear as Keyaru was stumbling forward and Y/n grab Keyaru by the head and slams him onto the dirt floor which cost a large crack on the floor and shake from the ground.

Y/n: You abuse your power, wealth and everything just so you can get what ever you want. You are one......

He then throws Keyaru up to the sky and when he came down Y/n leaps and kicks him in the stomach whioe he scream in anger.


Keyaru was sent flying and crashed onto the ground. He was surprised to see that Y/n has magic as he thought he doesn't but he stood up and look at Y/n and said with with smirk.

Keyaru: (smirk) I never know you have magic Y/n. Come on, show me what you got.

A dark orb surrounds Y/n while he have his head down so Keyaru can't see his eyes but he was mad as he crush his fist and then he said.

Y/n: (anger) I have enough of your shit Keyaru. Time to fucking kill you once and for all.

Then a dark blast nearly sent Keyaru back but he stood his ground whike windows shattered around them as Y/n's armor disappeared and now we see Y/n covered in a dark orb with his eyes turn into purs white as he looks at Keyaru to show his true dark magic powers.

Keyaru was shocked on how much magic power Y/n's is building up and never seen this in his whole life. Miya and the rest arrived behind Y/n and they were shocked to see Y/n turned into some sort a dark entity glaring at Keyaru.

Miya: (shocked) Is that.....Y/n?

Ai: (shocked) That dark orb. That's the same orb we saw from Y/n during our previous mission at Yumi's kingdom sewers.

Unkan: (shocked) But now he is completely in darkness now.

Yogi: (shocked) What ever dark magic was within him must be weaken before but with the death of Kado, it finally show its true power.

Aoi: (thought) Y/

Rini and Jimin were shocked and worried for Y/n as he scream out in anger and then flies towards Keyaru in top speed with his fist far back as he is ready for a fight against Keyaru and get revenge on him him for killing Kado right in front of him.

To be continued............

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