Chapter 10: Fight for what they lost

Within Aoi's own home in her bedroom we see her moving about on her bed and sweating and muttering something.

Aoi: don't go there. SIS!

She shot out of bed and was awake breathing heavily and looking around to see she had a nightmare. She place a hand onto her head to calm herself down a bit and take a deep sigh ams said to herself.

Aoi: It was just a dream. Just a dream.

She looks over to see her armor so she gotten out of bed and put it on. After she dose that she pull over the curtains and see it's morning.

Aoi: (thought) Still I won't forgive them for ruining my life and taking everything away from me. Especially taking away my sister.

She makes a fist in anger before she heard the door nock. She exit out of the bed room and walk over to the door and open it.

Y/n: (smile) Morning Aoi.

Aoi: (surprised) Y/n? What brings you here?

Y/n: (smile) We're heading to see Michi and train me motr about Goblins remember?

Aoi: Oh right, I forgot about that.

Y/n: (smile) I thought you never forget something like that.

Aoi: (small chuckle) Yeah guess your right.

Y/n noticed that something is bothering her and asked.

Y/n: You OK Aoi? You look like you seem a bit off as usual?

Aoi: I'm good just....didn't get any sleep, that's all.

Y/n: Do you....wanna talk about it?

Aoi: I rather not. Come on, let's get to Michi's place.

Y/n: Um OK?

Aoi walks off with Y/n follow her but can't help but wonder whats wrong with Aoi. The tone of her voice tells him that she is troubled but he stay quiet, not want to upset her even more.


They arrive at Michi and her father's farm and they get sorted helping her and her father around the farm, have some breakfast and Aoi train Y/n aboit a good way to fight Goblins.

During all that Aoi seem to be quiet and sometimes have day dreams or something that gotten her distracted. Now we see Y/n sat on the wooden steps taking a break while Aoi looks around for Goblin tracks.

Michi: (smile) Here you go.

Y/n turn to see Michi hand him a cup of lemonade so he takes it and drink it while Michi sat down next to him.

Y/n: (smile) This is good Lemonade Michi, thanks.

Michi: (smile) No problem.

Y/n turn back to Aoi and Michi see his worries and asked.

Michi: Your worring aboit Aoi, aren't you?

Y/n: She seem to be quiet most of the time. She told me she didn't have enough sleep but I can tell something is bothing her but I don't know what?

Michi see what he means and she thinks about it for a bit until she stood up and said.

Michi: I'll be right back. I gonna show you something.

She runs back into the farm and after a while she came back, this time she was holding what appears to be a picture on her hand. As soon she sat back down she give it to him and Y/n takes it a look at it.

In the picture was both young Aoi and Michi smiling together while they sat on a wooden fence.

Y/n: (surprised) Whoa this is you and Aoi. Yous look so happy together.

Michi: (smile) Yeah and back then Aoi was less more cheery like me but I like to taste her time to time.

Y/n smiles to see them smiling. But then he noticed someone within a picture. Before the fance smiling was a young woman with blonde hair giving a warm smile within the picture.

Y/n: Hey Michi, who's that girl behind the fence?

Michi: That's Aoi's older sister. Her name is Shun Arai, she's a third wheel of our friendship.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow I never know Aoi have a sister.

Michi: (smile) Yeah and she cares for her very much.

Y/n: So....what happened to her or why hasn't Aoi ever talk about her?

Michi: I don't know. I moved with my father to here and lost touch with her for a while until a few years later there she was, lined up within a guild and I was glad to see her but she chanced. She uses to be cheerful and kind but it's like her emotions is gone and she has only one, hatred to all Goblins.

Y/n: I see.

Michi: (smile) But I'm sure you can help her. After all we both have our eyes on you.

Y/n: Yeah I guess so- wait what?!

Michi giggles and wrap her arms around his neck and pull his head to her head as she laughs while Y/n blushes deep.

Michi: (smile) Just messing with you though you are very cute so I don't blame Aoi of liking you a lot.

He blushes even more and then we cut to Aoi within the woods that is close to the farm to look for any tracks. She noticed one track....then another.....then another.....then another.

She was confused until she push over the bushes to the side and her eyes widen in shock and horror.

Aoi: (shocked) Oh no!

We see multiple of goblin tracks everywhere and Aoi realise they have their sites on Michi and her father's farm and will strike soon.

(Short while later)

They were all at Mich and her father's house and Aoi tells them all the news that the Goblins might strike which shocked them.

Mareo: How long do you think they will attack?

Aoi: They will attack tonight and what I can tell on the tracks I saw, there's gonna be a whole lot.

Michi: But you can handle them right?

Aoi: In a cave yes but out of the open field no.

Y/n: Then we need help. I suggest we ask the guild, they will help us.

Aoi: I don't know. They don't seem to like me and they won't bother to help.

Y/n: That's bullshit! They can't just turn you, Michi and Mareo's backs like that! We need their help!

Aoi: We'll see.

Aoi left the house and once she was gone, Mareo said to Y/n.

Mareo: She has a point. The guild aren't gonna borther helping us against a whole army of Goblins.

Y/n: They will, trust me. Maybe not all will help but surely some will.

Mareo: Just hope your right.

Mareo walks off while Michi walks up to Y/n and said.

Michi: But you'll help us...right Y/n?

Y/n nods and turns to her.

Y/n: Michi, you and your father are one of the most kind people I have ever met. It's not fair that you and your father have to be killed by these Goblins. Plus I don't want to see Aoi sadden by your deaths so, I'll do anything to protect yous.

Michi smiles and hugs Y/n. Y/n blushes a bit but hugs her back and the two hugged before Y/n left with Aoi and they head to town.

They walk through the dirt road heading to town and Y/n wants to ask Aoi something but Aoi see this and asked.

Aoi: What's on your mind Y/n?

Y/n: (sigh) Look I know you don't wanna talk about it but I know you have a sister.

Aoi stop and that cost Y/n to stop and Aoi turn to him and asked.

Aoi: How?

Y/n: Michi told me. Look blame me for putting it up but I wanna know what happened to her and what made you to become like a Goblin slayer?

Aoi stares at Y/n nit in anger but understanding that Y/n must know. He must know the truth about her past and her sister.

Aoi: Indeed. I used to have a sister and after Michi and her father moved, it was just me and her. We live Happy together and gotten along very well....until the Goblins attack out village, set houses on fire and break into our homem I hide underneath the wooden floors while I watch as they rape her before they kill her right in front of me.

Y/n eyes widen in shock and was stunned to hear what happened to her sister. A tear pour down her cheek underneath her helmet as she continued.

Aoi: I was alone, traumatised, sadden and hurt. Then I met him. A Goblin who calls himself the Buglar and her train me to kill Goblins and soon, I have one goal in mind, kill every last of those Goblins so my vengeance will be fulfilled.

Y/n can't believe what he just heard. He now feels terribly bad for her after all she been through. There wasa long silence until Y/n said.

Y/n: Aoi....I.....I have no idea that you've been through so much. I'm truly am sorry for what you have to experience.

Aoi: It''s fine.

Y/n: No it's not fine! You've seen a horrible thing that any child would and that broken you hasn't it?


Aoi lend back onto the wooden fence and looks down as tears start to form on her eyes. Then she felt a hug and looks down to see Y/n hugging her while he said.

Y/n: You believe vengeance will bring her back, she wants you to take revenge on the Goblins for her death. But....what if that's not what she wants.

Aoi: ???

Y/n: What if she wants you to let go and have a new life without her, a new family that you will protect. A family that cares for you a lot more then your sister herself.

Y/n let's go and step back snd give her a warm smile and said.

Y/n: (smile) You have your team, Miya, Ai, Rini, Jimin, Kado, Leiko, Yumi, Unkan, Yogi and everyone else....even me. We're your family and we help you no matter what.

Aoi realise that Y/n is right. At the beginning she was a loner and no one never respected her except for Leiko until Y/n came around and things changed. She has a team and she slowly falls in love with a person who is telling her this right in front of her.

Aoi: Your right. I do have a new family now. I just need to let my past go and move on.

She stand up straight and looks at Y/n and said.

Aoi: Thank you Y/n. Thank you for telling me this.

Y/n: (smile) You can thank me later, right now, we have Michi's farm to save.

Aoi nods with a smile and the two head down to town and to the guild to ask for their help in their fight against the Goblins.


They arrive at the guild and Y/n gotten everyone's attention and so they turn to Y/n and Aoi. Ai, Unkan and Yogi were there including Miya, Rini, Jimin and Kado were there as they listened to what they have to say.

Y/n: Listen up! There is a whole army if Goblins targeting at Aoi's childhood friends farm. Within night time they will attack and kill her and her father and burn I to the ground.

Aoi: That's right. I may have dealt with Goblins in caves but outbof the open is too dangerous for me to deal with. So please......

She bow down and said.

Aoi: Help us. Please.

The rest is the guild talk to each other and discuss on the situation.

Guild member 1: What should we do?

Guild member 2: I'm not dealing that many Goblins.

Guild member 3: Yeah, why should we have to get involved even though Aoi here is a Goblin Slayer, she can handle them.

They can't believe what they all saying and refuse for their help.

Kado: I'll help!

Then eveyone turn to see Kado's hand up and he, Rini and Jimin walk up to them.

Y/n: (surprised) Kado, Riniz Jimin, yous really wanna help?

Kado: (smile) Yeah, your still one of us and besides. I think it's time to return you and Aoi the favour by saving your friends farm.

Rini: (smile) That's right.

Jimin: (smile) Agree.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks you guys.

Tomo: Oh come on, are you serious!

They all turn and Tomo walks up to them and said.

Tomo: Are yous really gonna help this Goblin slayer? Here's a good idea, put up a request job and have someone else deal with it. We have other jobs to do so how's about find someone else who can deal with those Goblins for you.

Y/n: (anger) So your just gonna walk away and let her friend die!?

Tomo: Why should I care. It's not my problem  to deal with.

Y/n shake his fist in anger as Tomo turns and walks off but then Y/n calls out.

Y/n: (anger) I can't believe your such a coward!

Tomo stops and eveyone froze in place, in shock to hear what Y/n just said. Tomo turn to him in anger and point his lance at him and said.

Tomo: (anger) What did you call me punk?

Y/n: (anger) You heard me! You and the rest of yous are nothing but cowards and selfish people that just let two people that Aoi cares for the most to die by those Goblins!

Tomo: (anger) How's about you shut up kid and shut up good.

Kado: (anger) He's right. You said that Goblins are just the easy mobs to kill so if your aren't a coward then why not help us?

Tomo: (anger) I have other business to do.

Kado: (anger) Oh like what? Flirting with the other guild girls and buying some weapons from the store? Your more selfish and a coward like everyone else in here!

Tomo: (anger) YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!

Kado and Tomo were glaring at each other while Rini and Jimin try to pull Kado back so he won't get hurt. Then Tomo turn to Y/n and asked.

Tomo: (anger) Besides why do you hang out a Goblin slayer huh? She only kills one of the weakest mobs around so why bothing hanging out with a type of guild member like her?

There was a long silence as Y/n looks at eveyone and Miya was worried about him and so dose Ai, Yogi and Unkan until Y/n sighs and said.

Y/n: Because she is family to all of us.

Eveyone stood there in silnce confused until Y/n gose on to say.

Y/n: When I first came in to this guild, I see all of yous laughing, chatting and drinking like not just friends, but as a family. Family doesn't mean to have a mother, father, one or two kids and a pet. A family is about being together and will do anything to protect one of your family even you don't like them or not. The reason why I hang out with Aoi is not just because she only kill Goblins but she apart of this family and I wanna know more about her and that includes all of yous in this room, in this guild Hall.

A few guild members look at each other while Leiko and few guild girls listen to Y/n as he continues on saying.

Y/n: I used to live a village that everyone know each other snd help others no matter what and that's I like about my old village. They care aboit each other and will do anything to help each other no matter what. Know....I will do the same to Aoi and her friend and I want all of yous to help us. I don't care they are weak mobs, I don't care about the glory, the money or any shit like that. I care about helping people and that's I will do now. Now, I will give yous a choice, you either help us to protect Aoi friends farm....or you rather be cowards and let us or even me face them head on like a true warrior and.....a ture member not just to this guild....but to this family.

Eveyone within the guild was touched by Y/n's speech and Aoi was surprised by that as well. Soon one by one eveyone cheer Y/n to be join in as they rise their swords and weapons up into the air as they cheered while Y/n smiles before Tomo scratches the back of his head ans said.

Tomo: Fine I'll help. But this is only for once, alright?

Y/n nods and he pulls out his sword and rise it into the air.

Y/n: Now let us help Aoi and save lives as true warriors of justice!

They all cheered while they rise their blades into the air while Miya, Leiko, Ai, Yogi and Unkan smile to see Y/n speech actually work and they are on their way to protect Michi's farm from the Goblins.


It was night time and the Goblins will arrive at the farm very soon but blocking that were all the members of the guild weapons drawn and ready for battle against the Goblins.

In front of them all was Y/n with his sword his hand while his shield in the other and waits for the Goblins to come.

Aoi: Y/n.

Y/n turn to see Aoi walking up to him and said.

Aoi: If I'm correct they will bring the Goblin Lord into the battle.

Y/n: Your gonna take that Goblin out?

Aoi: Yeah.

Y/n smiles ans said.

Y/n: Do what you do best Goblin slayer.

Aoi smiles underneath her helmet follow by a nob and she rushes off. Y/n turns forward snd they all hear rushing within the bushes and eveyone get their weapons ready as Y/n cries out.

Y/n: Let's show those Goblins we're no longer afraid of them anymore!

They lend out a roar as they rise their weapons just as the Goblins came out of the bushes and charge at them.


They all cry out as they charge towards the Goblins while Y/n leads them into battle. Once up close Y/n take the first strike of the Goblin snd slice the Goblin on the waist and the others join in and slice and smash soke Goblins around.

Jimim fires a fee fire balls at the Goblins before one try to jump at her but Rini kicks the Goblin in mid air and that sent the Goblin flying over to some tress.

Jimin: (smile) Thanks Rini.

Rini: (smirk) No problem.

Kado joins in as he slice up a few Goblins and they gotten together and Kado said.

Kado: (smile) Let's have a rematch with these Goblins

Rini: (smirk) I'm with you there.

Jimin: (smile) Let's do this!

Kado and the rest charge at the Goblins and take them out. Then we cut to Y/n slicing up the Goblins around him and pulling out his wrist arrows and fires a few at some Goblins.

Akanah: Move out of the way!

Y/n dose so and Akanah rams at the Goblins and stop as she has a pile of Goblins on her arms before she slam the onto the ground and stomp on them, breaking their backs.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks for that Akanah.

Akanah: (smirk) You own me handsome boy.

Akanah continue on punching and sent the Goblins flying. Y/n turn to see a few rushing yo the farm so he quickly rushes over and swap his sword to his bow sne fires a few arrows at them. One was reaching closely to the house and he fire a arrow but he missed.

Y/n: Fuck!

Then a arrow shot the Goblin down and Y/n looks up to see Ai as she waves at him. Y/n smiles back at her while he give her a thumps up and Ai continue firing arrows on top of Michi's roof and taking out the Goblins from below.

Tomo stab through a few Goblins and rushes up to Y/n ans the two werw side to side and Tomo asked.

Tomo: Where's Aoi, shouldn't she be here?

Y/n: She said there is a Goblin Lord out here and she is off to take her out.

Tomo: And you call me a coward even though she abandoned us?

Y/n: She didn't abandoned us. These Goblins are followed by most higher ranked Goblins. The highest is the Goblin Lord himself. If she take him out then all the Goblins will fall back.

Tomo: Just hope she'll be alright.

Y/n: Same but I have faith she'll be alright.


We see the Goblin Lord rushing through the woods as he realise the human have the upper hand then his Goblin troops so he is making his escape.

Goblin Lord: (thought) Those humans will pay for messing with us Goblins. Soon I'll come back and this time I'll call an assist with the demons and we have our revenge.

Aoi: Where do you think your going?

The Goblin Lord stop and coming out of the darkness in front of him was Aoi with her red glowing eyes staring at him with anger.

Goblin Lord: (smirk) A female human dares to challenge me? I have rape many of your kind so what makes you think you can beat me?

Aoi: Like this.

She rushes at him and clash blade at him and the two clash weapons at each other. Aoi dodges the Goblin Lords strikes withhis staff while at the same time try to land a blow to him. But the Goblin Lord is too fast and soon he kicks Aoi back.

Aoi stumbled back and she looks up and the Goblin Lord swings his staff at her helmet snd blood came out of it as she stumbled back even more. She shake her fist in anger and rushes at him and swing her blade at him. She missed the first time but the second time she managed to cut the Goblin Lords arm just a little. It was a small cut but the Goblin Lord was in rage by this and aim his staff at her.

Then a burst of magic sent Aoi flying and she crash onto the ground and she try to dtand up. But then a staff slams her again, again and again on her helmet and blood start to pour out of her face.

Soon the Goblin Lord stop and look at Aoi and said.

Goblin Lord: You know. I could rape you right here and you will no longer fight us ever again. But deserve more then that. You die.

He rise his staff into the air and Aoi was badly hurt to move and she have her last few thoughts ans wished she could say bye to eveyone and thank them for anything. Including Y/n as she remember seeing his smiles as she shut her eyes and ready for her death and ready to see her sister once more.


Then suddenly Aoi open her eyes ti hear the clash and was surprised to see Y/n blocking the Goblin Lords staff and saving her life.

Goblin Lord: (shocked) What!

Y/n punches the Goblin Lord in the face and sent him back. Y/n stand in front of Aoi and ready his blade.

Y/n: Don't worry Aoi. I'm here to help.

Aoi: N-No. He's too stronge for you to face. Th-This is my fight.

Y/n: I know. But I refuse to face this alone. Werw family Aoi, and families never leave others to die alone.

Api was surprised by this and her heart skips a beat even more while the Goblin Lord chuckles ans said.

Goblin Lord: (smirk) What a fool. Do you think a weak human like you will protect those that you care for?

Y/n: Yeah because I will be a Knight that will shine a new light. A light that will bring justice and hope to all. I am Y/n L/n and I am the Knight of Hope!

Then he charges at The Goblin Lord and the two clash blades at the each other and Aoi was surprised to see Y/n getting faster and faster with his blocks, strikes and dodges.

Y/n even managed to slash a few cuts to the Goblin Lord and dodges it magic spells at him before he locks him in the face and swing his sword at him.

But the Goblin Lord leaps back and rise his staff into the air and form and huge magic ball which looked to be too powerful.

Then he chucks it at Y/n and Y/n quickly use his shield yo block it and I did but the sheild shattered into pieces while Y/n was sent flying and he crashes hard onto the ground.

He slowly stand up while the Goblin Lord walks towards him while he said.

Goblin Lord: (smirk) You see human. No way you cannot face me, the Goblin Lord in your weakest state.

Y/n stand up fully and try to swing his sword at him but a swing of the Goblin Lords staff knocks Y/n back and bits of his armor broke off.

He step back and see this but decided to ignore it and charge at him and swing his sword at him. But the Goblin Lord dodge and swings his staff at his back and completely shattered the back of his armor as he rolled onto the ground as his chest armor fell off as well.

Y/n spit out blood while he slowly stand up and Aoi see the Goblin Lord up top of him and calls out.


Y/n turn and quickly blocks a few strikes but he was losing his grip before one swing sent Y/n's sword flying and stab onto the ground. Y/n looks up at the Goblin Lord as he said.

Goblin Lord: Times up Human. You lose.

He swing his staff at him snd Aoi can't watch this and thinks she's gonna lose Y/n just like she lost her sister.

The Goblin Lord swings down his staff but Y/n grabs his staff and holds it which shocked the Goblin Lord as he said.

Goblin Lord: Give up human! You have no chance to win! YOU'VE ALREADY LOST!

Y/n looks up at him and his eyes glows up white while a orb of whiteness form around him while Y/n said in a echoing like voice.

Y/n: No. It is you that have already lost!

Aoi and The Goblin Lord was shocked by this and then there was a shock wave that sent the Goblin Lord back whole Y/n stood up and all of his wounds suddenly gets healed up.

Aoi: (thought) This is just like in the Sewer but this time it's all white like....he is pure light. So....dose that mean....he truly dose have magic?

Y/n turn to his sword and reach out his hand and his sword suddenly came out of the ground and flies over to Y/n and grabs it and turns to the Goblin Lord as he dtand up.

He swing his staff and try to charge at him but suddenly Y/n appear behind him and the Goblin Lord stops and looks down at his stomach. Blood pours down at his stomach and he was shocked by this.

Then he turn around to see Y/n right in front of him and he swing his staff back but suddenly it shattered into millions of pieces which shocked him. Then Y/n punches the Goblin Lord in the face and he slams onto the ground with the ground below him shattered with cracks appear onto the ground and there was a small earthquake that shoke eveyone within the farm and wonder what just happened.

Then we cut to the Goblin Lord laying on the ground beaten and Y/n walks up above him and looks down at him while the Goblin Lord begs.

Goblin Lord: Wait! Please spare me! I beg of you! I won't donit again, I-I'll leave you and your human friends alone, Please I beg of you just let me free.

Y/n stare at him for a while before he turn and walks off to Aoi. The Goblin Lord smirks as he leaps up and try to stab Y/n from behind. But then he disappeare and suddenly there was a sword stab through to his stomach which shocked him and Aoi to see Y/n reappear behind him wity incredible speed.

Y/n: I have sense your lies. You tey to attack me and my friends and rape one of Aoi's closest friend. More importantly, you were there when Aoi's sister was killed. You punishment for all that is death. You will no longer harm anyone ever again.

He pulls out his sword and the Goblin Lord fell onto the ground and dies right there. Y/n slowly walks over to Aoi and bend down to her and with one single touch, her body light up a bit before it was gone.

She realise her wounds her gone which surprised her as she stood up and look at Y/n.

Aoi: (surprised) Y-You saved my life?

Y/n nods before the glows of his eyes and the orb around him vanished snd he fell onto Aoi lap and passed out. Aoi was still surprised by all that but at the same time smiled as she pat Y/n on the head as he slept and said.

Aoi: Thank you Y/n....thank you so much for everything.

(A while later)

Everyone was celebrating their victory as they drink beer and eat food while Michi and Mariko were with them and Michi was sitting next to the still sleeping Y/n and next to him was Aoi to watch him sleep.

Mariko: So he passed out just like that?

Aoi: Indeed. I believe he has some magic that needs to be awaken.

Michi: (smile) That's pretty cool. Wish I could see them in action.

Aoi: Same here.

Then there was a yawn from Y/n as he sat up and open his eyes and asked.

Y/n: Wh-Wherw I'm I? What happened to the Goblin Lord and his Goblin army?

Michi: (smile) We won. All the Goblins pull back after you used your magic yo defeat the Goblin Lord.

Y/n: magic? Wait, did I go berserk or something?

Aoi: No I don't think that wasn't that agito from the Sewers. I think it's something else.

Y/n: Alright.

Miya: Y/n!

Then Miya, Ai, Jimin and Rini rushes up to him and asked.

Ai: Your awake! You OK?

Rini: What happened, after the fight we saw passed out while Aoi carry you back to the guild.

Aoi blushes a bit inside her helmet while Y/n respond.

Y/n: (smile) I'm fine. Just need to relax a bit and get my straight back.

Ai: (smile) Well just as long your fine, I'm happy for it.

Jimin: Please don't scare us like that ever again, ok?

Y/n: (smile) I'll try.

They smiled and walk off. Leiko hands Y/n a drink and thank her before he takes a drink.

Aoi: Y/n.

Y/n turns to her and Aoi said.

Aoi: At the beginning I thought you'll be like the rest that don't respect me but I was wrong. You bot only help me deal with the lost of my sister but saved mine, Michi and Mareo's life's snd confidence others to help in the fight. I just wanna say....thank you.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Aoi. Glad I can help.

Michi: (smile) Hey Aoi, show her your happy.

Aoi: Huh?

Michi points at her head which Aoi realise what she ment and thinks it's time. Y/n was confused until Aoi took off her helmet which shocked him a bit but made him even more shocked yo see Aoi's face as she looks at him.

Y/n: (surprised) Whoa Aoi you look....

Aoi: (little blush) Yeah I guess you don't like how I loom huh?

Y/n: No not all! You look.....beautiful.

Aoi was surprised by what Y/n said and blushes deep which made Y/n blush even more to see her blush like that.

Y/n: (thought) Wow she's actually pretty cute just like Miya.

Ai: (surprised) Wow look, Aoi is showing us what she looks like!

Eveyonr turn to see her face and eveyone gathered around to have a look at her face which made her a bit nervous but at the same time glad to be with a family and smiles a bit which made eveyone else smiled as now Aoi is glad to be part of a new family that she will protect no matter what.

To be continued...........

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