Chapter 11:Gathering of Adventurers

Intro Begins

There's 2 Figure Standing to a Gigantic Stuff while the Other is a Short Sword

It was Revealed to be Goblin Slayer and Priestess

The Priestess is Kneeling and Appears to be Praying

While Goblin Slayer Looked to the Horizon

While Ronan Fighting against the Forces of the Greenskins A Portal Suddenly Drag Him

He Drop from the Portal and Meet Goblin Slayer, Priestess, High Elf Archer, Dwarf Shaman, And Lizard Priest

The Priestess is about to Chant some Mircale

Ronan Walk Beside them to the Town

All of the People There along with the Adventurers Started at him in Awe

The Cow Girl Saw the Group and She is as well Awe at Ronan's Appearance

the gods are Shock to see Ronan's Piece Suddenly Appeared in their Board

The Dice Get Rolled but the gods Could not even able to dice Ronan instead his Piece Begun to Move on it's own and Destroy the Dice

Guild Girl is Shock to see Ronan in Front of her as she does not Expect the Likes of him to be Exist

Ronan Removed his Helmet for all to see

Ronan Apply to be an Adventurer

He Begun to do some Quest and Kill Variety of Monsters

And Spar with Spearmen, Heavy Sword Men and Female Knight

Ronan is Seen to be With Goblin Slayer and his Group

Ronan Saw Hundred of Goblins Charging Towards Them, as they in their Combat stance

Ronan Glowing Blue eyes(Lens) when he Spun Around and the Sword's Power Field as he is about to Strike Someone

Ronan, Goblin Slayer, Priestess, High Elf Archer, Dwarf Shaman and Lizard Priest Looked a the Night Sky


Previously on Goblin Slayer and the Ultramarine

"We must Get them to their Room" said Ronan to Lizard Priest and Priestess the two nod to them as they smile because they are happy

Ronan Carried High Elf in Bridal Style, While Lizard Priest Carried Dwarf

As Ronan Entered Through the Room of High Elf

"Put me Down Sir Ultramarine!!" Said High Elf Drunkedly as she try to hop off from Ronan but Failed in Cutely Fastion

"Well, don't be too Mean Lady High Elf" Said Ronan

"You know "hic" Sir Ultramarine, you are the most 'Hic' Handsome Human that 'Hic' i have Ever meet do you know that?!" Said High Elf

"Well i've Heard that many Before" Said Ronan

"Well 'hic' Your strong 'Hic' and Gentle'" Said High Elf as she Run her Fingers to Ronan's Body

Ronan Gently Place her to her Bed

"And your 'hic' of the most "Hic" Noble Knights 'Hic' Human that i 'Hic' Have ever Meet" Said High Elf

Ronan smiled before he could even stand

High Elf Leap and Kiss Ronan in the Lips, Ronan was Shock at her Sudden Movemet

"That's more like it, i hope this Dreams Never End" Said High Elf as she Comically Sleep

"Did she Just Kiss me?" Though Ronan

He shrug it Off and Put her blanket over her body

When he Turned around he saw Priestess, Lizard Priest and Guild Girl all have Mischievous Smirk in their Face

"Please not another Word" Said Ronan he is Embarresed as they have witness their Kiss

"Oh we will Sir Ultramarine" Said Guild Girl and Priestess still maintain her smirk

Ronan Exit her Room

"Good night to you all" Said Ronan as he goes to his Room

"Good Night Sir Ultramarine" They said

With it Ronan have gone back to his Room

"What a Day" Said Ronan as he Removed his Boots and Lie to bed and Sleep


In the Morning

Goblin Slayer Do his Usual Scout in the Farm

and what he saw there is a Foot Prints

Goblin Foot Prints and it's not a Single Scout




After their So Called Feast During the Night, Many of the Adventurers have Earn a lot of Money but they still Waste it for their Food and Drinks but they still save for them in their Future Use

 Ronan Woke up from his Slumber 

He touch his Cheek from where High Elf kiss to him



"Well 'hic' Your strong 'Hic' and Gentle'" Said High Elf as she Run her Fingers to Ronan's Body

Ronan Gently Place her to her Bed

"And your 'hic' of the most "Hic" Noble Knights 'Hic' Human that i 'Hic' Have ever Meet" Said High Elf

Ronan smiled before he could even stand

High Elf Leap and Kiss Ronan in the Lips, Ronan was Shock at her Sudden Movemet

"That's more like it, i hope this Dreams Never End" Said High Elf as she Comically Sleep

"Did she Just Kiss me?" Though Ronan

He shrug it Off and Put her blanket over her body


Flash back end

"I Wonder if she's Remember it" Though Ronan

High Elfs Room

"Oh my gods OH MY GODS OH MY GODS!!!" High Elf was hysterical as she Rolling to her Bed in Embarrassment 

"Why did i even Kiss him!!!" Though High Elf as she Blush Heavily in her Face as she still Remember when she kiss Ronan in the Cheek 

"I hope No one saw it" Though High Elf "I Hope it's just a Dream

But It's too Real to be a Dream!" She Blush again and Roll over in her Bed and Fell and Yelped "Ouch"

Back to Ronan

He put on his T-shirt and Goes Outside

"Good Morning Sir Ultramarine" Said Dwarf Shaman as he Yawn 

"Are you now no longer Drunk?" Ronan ask as he looked to the Dwarf Shaman

"Well i'm Fine now no Need to Ask" Dwarf Shaman Chuckled

"Good Morning!" Said Priestess as she Exit from her Room "I hope you two have a Pleasant Sleep Yes?" she ask

"Well yes my Dear young Priestess" Said Dwarf Shaman 

"Hey you three" Said Lizard priest as he walked towards them "So Getting up after Drunk i see Master Dwarf"

Dwarf Shaman Grin "And i finally Found a Worthy Opponent" Said Dwarf Shaman as he looked to Ronan "And i lose against him, are you Really That Tough" He ask

"Well it Depends What Alcohol you Give to me, most of the Drinks of my Kind is not too Much Recommendation for you Master Dwarf as it will surely going to give you Trouble" Said Ronan as he Grin to him

"And By the Way Does High Elf still in her Room?" Said Priestess

Then High Elf's Room Opened and High Elf Exit from it and she Stretch her Arms "Good Morning Guys" She said, she looked to her Companions as she Lizard Priest and Priestess have a Mischievous Grin in their Face

"Um what's with your Faces Guys?" She ask Confuse

"Well did you Remember last Night Lady Ranger?" Said Lizard Priest 

"Um i Remember sir Ultramarine Carrying me and--- And" said High Elf as she once again Remember her Dream "Hey don't you say that i-----" She could not Finish her Words

"You kiss Him?" said Priestess as she Giggled and Finish her Sentence

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" High Elf Scream and it was Heard in the Outside

"Sorry" Said Ronan to the Crowed who have looked to them and they Back to their Own Thing

"I Though you two are not going to say it?" Said Ronan 

"Well we din't Promise" Said Priestess as she Giggle

"Ultramarine i i - i Hope it's not an insult to you- you know being kiss so Suddenly?" Said High Elf Blushing

"Why would i be Insulted if i'am being Kissed by such a Beautiful Elf" Said Ronan as he Lean to High Elf's Face and Pat her Head that which Made her Blush even Redder

"Just shut up Sir Ultramarine!" Said High Elf in Girlish Tone 

"Your lucky that you are the First one in this Town to kiss me" Said Ronan, and the Hidden meaning about town is their Planet that he is currently Stranded

High Elf Blush even Redder

"Oh hey Goblin Slayer is here" Said Priestess as she Pointed Goblin Slayer

They saw him just in Front of Spearmen

"It appears there is some Trouble" Said Ronan

"Trouble?" Said Lizard Priest

"He is not in his usual Self" Ronan Explained "Let's Hear it"

Spearmen stop his Drink and Looked to Goblin Slayer "Goblin Slayer" Said Spearmen as he Turned to Goblin Slayer "Wow, Your're still Alive, you need Something?" He ask

High Elf turned and looked to the Scene

"I, Apologize, but hear me Out" Said Goblin Slayer "I have a Request"

Every Adventurer we're interested to it

"The Goblin Slayer has a Request?" Said an Adventurer

"Wasn't he a Solo Adventurer?" Said Another

"Actually, It seemed his Formed a Party with Few People Lately, along with Sir Ultramarine" Said the 3rd One

"Really?" Said the Fourth Adventurer Skeptical

"A Horde of Goblin is Coming" Goblin Slayer Said "To a Farm on the Outskirt of town. They'll probably attack Tonight i don't know how Many there are"

"Man, i knew it'd be Goblin" Said the 5th Adventurer

 "But Goblins being in Horde is Normal" Said the 6th Adventurer

"Judging by the Footprints left by the scouts, they have a Goblin Lord" Said Goblin Slayer "Which Means there's at Least a Hundred"

The Adventurers Gasp at the Number Except to Ronan to him it's just too small of a Number

"A Hundred?" Said the 2nd Adventurer as they could not Believe it

"A Hundred Goblin?" Said the 3rd Adventurer

"Seriously?" Said the 4th Adventurer

"No Way"

"What the Hell?"

"What's going on?"

As they Continue Murmur themselves 

"A Lord?" Said The Rookie Warrior

"No, Idea" said the Apprentice Clerk

"Lords are a Mutated Class of Goblins that specialize in Leadership" Goblin Slayer Explained "They can be Considered the top rank Goblin"

"The Top?" Rookie Warrior Ask

"And the Horde it's leading will be here soon" said Goblin Slayer "There's no Time"

"I Could handle them in a Cave, but i can't Handle them alone, out in a Open" He then Bowed "i'd like your Helped. Please."

It was Tense

"What should we do?" Said the 6th Adventurer

"Your, asking me?" Said the  7th Adventurer

"Goblins huh" Said the 8th Adventurer

"He could handle them himself." Said the 9th Adventurer

Ronan could Find himself heard them if they are in the Imperial Guard he would gladly Kill them

"I'm Definitely not"

"Me, too. they're gross" Said the Female Adventurer

High Elf is getting angry

Spearmen Stand "Hey. I Think you've got the wrong idea about something" He said "This is an adventurer's guild, (He looked away for a Moment) and we're adventurers (He then Turned back to Goblin Slayer) We're not Obligated to listen to Request you Need to put on a Quest Which Means Reward"

"Right" He said to his Fellow Adventurers

Witch is Amused as she chuckle at the scene


"We're Adventurers!"

"You Expect us to put our lives on the line for Free!"

"What the Hell?!" Said High Elf in anger as she was about to Leap and Defend Goblin Slayer, Her Hood is being Catch by Lizard Priest and Lift her up

"Long-ears, if you out right now, it's just going to complicate things" said Dwarf Shaman

High Elf Try to Get out but it was in Vain

"I understand how you feel, But please wait a Moment" Said Lizard Priest

"Let me go!" Said High Elf as she Try to Hop off

"Be quite for now Lady Ranger" Said Ronan as they looked to him "This is his Battle, and Let him handle these Things"

High Elf Pout and Reluctant to Stop as Lizard Priest Put her Down

Guild Girl saw this as very Grave Threat and have an idea as she Run to get something

"Yes, you're Right" Said Goblin Slayer

"Okay, then, Tell us" Said Spearmen "How much are you going to pay us for Dealing with a Hundred Goblins?" He ask

"Everything" Said Goblin Slayer Sinply

"Huh?" Spearmen was Confuse as he does not Understand of what Goblin Slayer Means and then Realization hit him he gasp 

"Everything i own as a Reward" Said Goblin Slayer

"What do you Mean by that?" Said Spearmen

"All of my Belongings Everything within my discreation. Me Equipment, all of  my Assets, knowledge, time and..." Said Goblin Slayer but he was interrupted

It was very Silent

Everyone Listen Intently

"Your Life?" Spearmen Finish the Word

"Yes, my Life. as well" Said Goblin Slayer

"And What if i Tell you to go Die?" Said Spearmen

"I can't do that" said Goblin Slayer

"What?" Said Spearmen

"There's someone who might cry if i Die" Said Goblin Slayer "I was told that i can't make them cry, so Apparently, my life isn't within my discretion."

Spearmen sight "I seriously have no Idea what you're thinking but i can tell your serious about this" He said as he have Realize of how Much Serious Goblin Slayer is and how the Grave is the Threat

"Yes, i'm Serious" Goblin Slayer Reply 

"God Damm it..." Said Spearmen as he Scratching his Hair he then Lightly Backhand to Goblin Slayer's Armor "I Don't need your Life, you Dumbass (He then Turned around and walked) Just but me a Drink Later"

He stop on his Tracks "Come on, That's Basically Market Price" He Turned back to Goblin Slayer "A Silver Rank Adventurer is saying he'll slay some Goblins for you Be Thankful Client"

"Yes" Said Goblin Slayer "I'm sorry" He said as he Bow again "Thank you"

"Hey, cut it out. (As he stop Goblin Slayer's Bow) Thank me after we're done slaying thong things"

High Elf Leap "Me, too!" The adventurer looked awe "I'm going to slay some Goblins, too" she then Pointed at Goblin Slayer "But only if you Come with us again!, i'll take you on a Real Adventure next time!"

"Very Well" Said Goblin Slayer

"You'll need to buy me more than a Drink, Beard-Cutter" Said Dwarf Shaman as he go down from the stairs along with Lizard Priest and Ronan "I'm going to need a Whole Barrel" 

"All Right, i'll get you one" Said Goblin Slayer

"You Mind, if i Tag along on this Adventure of yours? Too, Long-ears?" Said Dwarf shaman

"Of coure, We're a Party" Said High Elf Happily 

"Which would mean that i must accompany you, as well" Said Lizard Priest as he put his Finger to his Chin as if he is Thinking something "Very well. This is Request from a Friend. But if i Were to ask for a Reward..." He stop

"Cheese?" Said Goblin Slayer

"Yes, and if Possible..." Said Lizard Priest

"Ice Cream?" Said Goblin Slayer

Lizard Priest was very Happy for that "Yes, They are truly Nectars of the gods"

"They don't belong to me, but they're both Made at the Farm" Said Goblin Slayer

"Then we must punish those foul creatures that come from Below" said Lizard Priest Determined to Protect the Farm just he could have the Cheese and Ice Creams, he then Put his hand into Triangle Shape

"Predictable" said Ronan as he smile he then looked to Goblin Slayer "I'll Come to slay some Goblins" 

Then High Elf Turned to Ronan "Will you Come with us Sir Ultramarine?" She said in sweet Voice

Ronan Smiled "Of Course, anywhere you wish Lady High Elf" Said Ronan

"That's Makes six" Said Spearmen

"No, Six...." Said Witch as she stand

She blow her smoke from her pipe "Inflammarae , Though we Might actually seven..." Said Witch

"Everyone!!" Guild Girl Called them as she Run with Quest papers "The Guild... The Guild is offering a Quest, too!"

"There is now a Reward of one gold coin for every goblin you Slay!" Said Guild Girl Surprising the Adventurers "This is your Big Chance!!"


"One gold Coin for every Goblin Slain?" 

"You're okay with this Right?" said Guild Girl's Co-Worker the Inspector as she lean on the Desk

"It's the Information from a Silver-Rank Adventurer, I'm Sure it'll be Fine" said the Men in the Desk "Not to Mention... It's hard to say no when the'ye that passionate about it

Ronan looked to Guild Girl and Smiled to her and  Gave her Thankful Nodded and she Smiled back at him

Heavy Swordmen stand "Guess, i don't have a Choice" he said

"You're going?" Said Female Knight

"I Don't care for the Goblin Slayer, But there's a Reward Involve" Said Heavy Swordmen as he close his eyes

"Really, Can't you be more Honest?" Said Female Knight as she smirk "Why don't you just tell him that this is all Because, He's the One who slew the Goblins that appeared in your hometown"

Heavy sword Gasp as he is shock at Female Knight's that she knows that he is doing it for Goblin Slayer as he has a Debt for him for saving his town

"Shut up! He doesn't need to know that!" Said Heavy Swordmen as he protested "I just want the gold Coins for slaying those Goblins!" He Tries to Denied it

Female Knight Stand as well "Well, i'm trying to become a Paladin myself" She said "If someone needs my help, i can't say no"

The 2 younger Adventurer looks Motivated

"Well, if Bro and Sis are going i guess i'am, too" Said Scout Boy

"You're Right" Said an Elf

"Guess we'll have to go" said Druid Girl

In the Nearby Table

"Hey" Said Rookie Warrior as he lean with both his hands on the Table as he called his Friend

"What?" Said the Apprentice Clerk

"I Haven't Slain any Goblins Yet" He said

"Well, We heard that it was Dangerous" Said Apprentice Clerk

"But i think we should Start" Said Rookie Warrior with Determination

"Yeah... He did help us out, too" Said Apprentice Clerk 

"We become an Adventurers the Same Time He did" Said one of the Adventurer as he Recall their Time that he and his Group is at the Same Time Goblin Slayer have Joined to become an Adventurer

"So, this is some kind of Fate for me" Said another Adventurer as he Stand

"it'd be weird if the guy who only talks about goblins just disappeared one day"

Slowly but surely the Adventurer are Standing up in support to their Fellow Adventurers 

"Yeah, He's the Guild most popular product. Everyone talks about him"

"He's annoying when he's here, but it'd be lonely if his Gone"

"Honestly... I've never heard  of such a Strange quest" Said the Amazon Warrior

Goblin's Slayera Group and Guild Girl are Happy at the Support that are given to them

We're not Comradesor friends, but we are adventurers That's what we live for" Said the Lead Adventurer he then Raise his sword 


Goblin Slayer Glance at Guild Girl was handling Papers which she Return with a smile and giggle as she is happy to help, he nod to her

Priestess Approach Goblin Slayer "This is Wonderful" She said

"Yeah" Goblin Slayer Replied

"Of Course, I'll be coming along too" Said Priestess

Goblin Slayer Nod to her "Yeah"

Then Approach him 

"You've done a Good Speech in there" Said Ronan as he place his hand to Goblin Slayer's Shoulder

"But i hand't said any Speech" Said Goblin Slayer as he looked to Ronan

Ronan Smiled "No, you don't but you give them Reasons to Help you, looked at Spearmen even though he is kind of arrogant he still helped you with only a Small Price. you Give them Reason why they Must Defend this Town even though it will give them a Low Reward, but with Given quest, it motivated them to defend this town because this is their Home and they will not going to let it to be suffer from the Greenskins

I do not Need your Reward Sir Goblin Slayer

Since Guild Girl post it then i'am happy for some gold coins and

The only Reward that i will Happily Accepted is the Purging the Greenskins" Said Ronan with a smile as he Pat Goblin Slayer's Head


Time Skip



They are now in the Farm as they Put Barricade for Defenses as they are now preparing for the Goblins to attack them

For now Ronan was in the Inside in the Farm house Setting in the Floor 


"It's Good to see you Cow Girl" Said Ronan Cheerfully after he Entered through their House

"Sir Ultramarine, you came here as well?" Said Cow girl who is Surprise to see him

"Well yes i'm here to Purge some Goblins" Said Ronan as he smile "And your still Cute as we Last met"

Cow Girl Blush at his Comment

Flash Back end

"So Sir Ultramarine why are you not in the Outside Yet?" Said The Druid Girl as she looked to Ronan

"The Goblins Hasn't Send their Strongest Units Yet to face, if i go Earlier they would likely going to Run and attack another Village" Ronan Explained "And another Reason, well The Advenuters needs some Money so i'll give them Money by killing Goblins

Ronan Looks to Cow Girl who is Tending to the Bird in it's birdcage "Looking after the Bird? That's humble for you" Said Ronan

Cow Girl smiled at him and Nod

"It'll be alright" Said Druid Girl to Cow Girl as she reassure to her that everything is going to be fine

"Thank you" Said Cow Girl Grateful for her words

Then they Heard a Yell from the Nearby Adventurer who have spotted the Goblins

"It appears they Finally Show themselves" said Ronan with a Calm voice


The Goblins Appeared but with Woman as their Hostages they are Naked and Beaten

The Adventurers were very Hesitant to Engage the Goblins while the goblins gleefully march towards the Adventurers

a Pink mist appeared as it stop the goblins tracks as they are struggling to stand as they fall and sleep

"Stupor" Dwarf Shaman Chant

"Sleep" Witch Added as her Stuff glow purple

"Sleep, you Filthy Goblins" They Said in unison 

"Now!" Several Adventurers that are hiding in the bushes Reveal themselves 

They run to Rescue the Hostages "Don't worry about the Goblins!"

"Secure the Shields!" they Carry the Hostages

The Goblins begun to chase them

"Hurry! Fall Back Fall Back!" Said the Adventurer after they Successful Rescuing the Hostages 

Goblin Spell Casters and Archers was about to lunch their Own Range attack

But they were hit by the Adventurer's Archers

High Elf along with Other Adventurers in the Roof top in the house Fire arrow after arrow to the Goblin's Archers and Spell casters

"Honestly, Those are your Shields?" Said High Elf in Disgust "How low can you Get?" She said with Hated Glare to the Goblins she had Killed

"That's the Last of the Shield" Said the Adventurer 

"I've taken care of all the spell casters i can see!" Said High Elf

"All right!" Said the Adventurer as he Waved his Lamp for the Signal

Spearmen with other Adventurers Revealed themselves along with Lizard Priest

"All Right, Here we go!" Said Spearmen as he is Excited for Combat "Time to earn your Gold, Boys!"  all of them are very Motivated for Battle

"Get them!" He ordered

They Let out a Battle Cry

The Goblins Back away in Fear

Heavy swordmen sweeping them away easily with his Double hand Large Sword

A Group of Adventure killed groups of Goblins easily some of the Goblins have Decapitated 

"Wohoo! Look at all of this Goblins and all i can see is Easy Pay day!" said the Amazon Warrior as she just killing Goblins Left and Right

"Damn!... i Can Hardly believe how many they are" Said Spearmen as he Swing his Spear to his back and then in front of him killing the goblins and Leap to Cut another "What a pain:

The Goblins Are Scared as they did not Anticipate this such Resistance

Lizard Priest Saw an opportunity and attack them

"Even sir Goblin Slayer couldn't even handle this on his Own!" Said lizard Priest as he Cut the Goblins to pieces 

He land "This is to be Expected" said Lizard Priest

"Man, Talk about scary" Said Spearmen

2 goblin archer Lunch their Arrows towards them but the arrows change direction and hit them

The two silver rank glance towards witch

"Not that it... Matters to much... But don't step out of Range... of the Deflect Missile" Said Witch as Spearmen put his Spear to his Shoulder as he smirk

The Younger Adventurers as they scout for any incoming enemies

"They're Pushing hard" Said the Elf

"I Should've gone over there, Too" Said Scout boy

"Wait, looked over there" Said The Elf as he Pointed to his Direction they saw goblins riding the wolves

"Riders, They actually showed up" Said Scout boy he nod to his Companion and whistle 

A Adventurer kill a Goblin Heard the Whistle "Riders! Riders are Coming" He called his Fellow Adventurers 

"Riders!" called another

Heavy swordmen kill another Goblin "All Right! head for the Designated area!" he said

"When you're ready, Line up!" Said Spearmen as they go to their position  "Back line, fill the gaps in the front line, but stay behind them, weapons drawn!" 

The Adventurers crunch in waiting to their Enemy

"They're smaller and shorter than the horses" Said Spearmen "Draw them in as close as you can!"

"Not yet!" Said Spearmen as the wolf riders are getting closer

"Not Yet!"

"Now take aimed!" Said Spearmen as they stand as one with make shift wooden pikes

The goblins are already too late due to the Wolves have leap towards the make shift Pike from the Adventurers

It successfully hit the wolf riders

"All Troops, Charge!" Said Lizard Priest as he lead the Charge as he cut both Goblin and Wolves Head, several Adventurers follow his Example

Rookie warrior was distracted as he saw them kill the Goblins, a Dead Goblin land Nearby

"I- it's Dead" He said, due to being distracted he is stab a knife by a Goblin but luckily he has his armor

Amazon Warrior appeared and Cut the Goblin in half 

"Pay, attention newbie!" said Amazon Warrior as she scolded Rookie Warrior "Go on! you want your Gold do you?!" and attack the goblins

Rookie Warrior was still in shock as he looked to knife to his leather armor

"Are you Okay?" said Apprentice clerk with worried tone

"Yeah..." Said Rookie Warrior "Thank goodness i brought some armor" He said Thankfully 

Time skip

Many of the goblins are Dead

"That was some easy Money." Said Heavy Swordmen as he put his sword to his Shoulder

"Yeah, But..." Said Female Knight as she approach her Comrade "This is all Thanks to his Strategy"



"Set ambushes" Said Goblin Slayer as they looked to the Map "They're used to ambushing others, but not used to being ambushed themselves"

"They'll used meat shields" Said Goblin Slayer "Cast a Sleep Spell, and use that Moment to rescue the hostages" every Adventurers Listen to him intently "Don't bother with the goblins that are asleep. They'll be trouble if they wake up, When the Horde gets bigger, They'll Train wolves and ride them" He then pointed at the map in the Direction "There'll probably be twenty or thirty riders, but we can take care of them by setting a Spear walls. and you'll kill them with your weapons, When weapons aren't enough, use spells also take, care of all their capable spellcasters first"

"Well there be possibility that the Hobs and Champions going to Join?" Said Ronan as he cross his Arms

"Yes, there's a High Possibility that they will be joining but i do not know how Many they are" Said Goblin Slayer

Ronan Nod to him "I will not Join your Fight then" Said Ronan

It surprise the Adventurers "And Why is that Sir Ultramarine?" Female Knight Ask

"As far as i can see here, if this Goblin Lord is a Strategist he will most likely going to Tire you First, and when that Happens he would surely give the order of his most powerful Troops to attack us

that is why i will be in the farm house, should i join early he will most likely going to withdraw along with the Hobs and Champions unscathed

and When they join i will Gladly Join the Fight against them and i will make sure that none of them Escape alive" Said Ronan

Goblin Slayer Nod to his Logic


Flashback Ends 

"So, Despite  how he looks, he really is a Silver Rank" Said Female Knight "And Do you Think that Sir Ultramarine is Right?" She ask

"I was hoping no" Said Heavy Swordmen "We may be able to Fight against hobs and Champions along with the Veteran Adventurers

But the Rookies would likely be going to be slaughtered that is why they could not going to join us against them if they feel that they are not confident enough to Fight them

and Sir Ultramarine Despite being a Damm Brute 

His Appearance Would likely going fool us if he is not a Gifted Swordmen and a Strategist" Said Heavy swordmen "After all he is not become a Silver Rank for nothing"

"And Not to mention he is very fast of Ranking up and killing Powerful monsters, bot because of his Weapons or his Strength, But because he has the Brains, the Experience and the Prowess to Prove it

and That's why he is very Dangerous opponent to Face" Said Female Knight having have been Sparring with him along with her Heavyswordmen, Spearmen, Herself and even the Lizard Priest Pretty Much they are the top tier Fighters around the Town and even then they have helped from several More Veteran Adventurers he beats them all without even breaking a Sweat 

and he is still holding back when Fighting against them

Still She Remember when Ronan Fight shirtless as they saw how truly Massive he is Compared to their Male Humans or other Species at that, she could'n helped but blush at seeing how Handsome he is.

"Whoever or whatever he Face, i hope we may never Face them" Said Heavyswordmen with a Sight as he does not wish of what kind of Enemy that Ronan Fought

Farm House

"Aren't you going to helped them Sir Ultramarine?" Cow Girl ask

Ronan glance to Cow Girl "I'm still waiting for their Strongest to Reveal themselves, and i'm just giving the Rookies a Chance to Prove themselves as an Adventurer" Said Ronan calmly 

"Sir Ultramarine!" An Adventurer Run to the Farm house

"What is it?" Ronan ask

"Well, The hobs have Finally Revealed themselves as well Goblin Champions!"

Ronan opened his eyes and Said "Finally" He stand

as he goes to the outside Cow Girl begun to Pray for their Success and Safety

Ronan walked towards the Adventurers as well Rookies who have looked to him

Ronan Put his hand to his Watch and Turned it Clockwise 

With it His Aegis Terminator suit him 

He is now a walking 10 Ft Walking Living Tank

Many of the Adventurers looked to him in Awe and Amazement at his otherworldly Armor

"Finally you show up" Said Spearmen with a Smirk

Ronan Nod to him

"They are at least 10 Goblin Champions" Said Ronan with Calculated eyes "Feel free to pick one of them but don't expect me to leave you alive if you are Late"

They Nod to him as well Surprise that he going to take all of them

"And 100 Hobs, This is a Perfect killing field" Said Ronan as his Gauess Bolters activated 

He unsheathe his Sword

All Adventurers that are not Confident or not a Melee specialist have gone back to the Farm house as a Support if need be

"Are you Ready?" Said Ronan as he Put his Helmet on

"Yes!" Said The Adventurers

"Good, i was getting Bored with all the small Goblins" Said Heavy swordmen as he Prepared his sword for Combat stance "These Guys are more Fitting to me" He said as he glance to the Goblin Champions

"Jeez, I'm too Busy Counting all the goblins heads i lopped off" Said Female Knight

"Just shut up and come with me" Said Heavy swordmen as he Pointed his sword to his front

"Hey stay back" Said Spearmen to Witch

"Right..." Said Witch as she goes back

"Then, i shall take the heads Right off  their Shoulders" Said Lizard Priest

"This is now a Veterans Battlefield!" Said Spearmen with Exited Expression as his Adrenaline pomp up "Anyone who is not Confident in their skills bow out"

Ronan's Lenses Activated it's blue glowing Brightly in the Night

"Remember Adventurers


With it they Let out a Battle cry and attack the Goblins


Mean while 

Goblin Slayer is After the Goblin Lord after he kills the Goblin Children in Brutal Fashion



And Done

Now we are nearing the End of the 1st season

See you Next time folks

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