Chapter 6: Water Town!
It was night time in the town and every adventurer is out doing quest while some remained behind to rest as well as eat in which both Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior were heading towards the guild together to inform their comrades about a new mission to hunt goblins due the letter that Guild Girl handed to Goblin Slayer.
Iron Warrior: So there are goblins in this water town that was mentioned in the letter.
Goblin Slayer: Yea, I heard there is a lot of them.
Iron Warrior: I am sure we will be able to deal with them like we always but always make sure to keep up your guard because there is no telling what these goblins have planned.
Goblin Slayer: You are right about that subject, we need to quiet, quick and smart.
Iron Warrior: If anything goes down word, I will be more than happy to eliminate the situation myself.
Goblin Slayer: Let's use that as a last resort. In case something does go terribly wrong.
Iron Warrior: Understood. Let's inform our comrades on where we are heading and see if they are willing to come with us or not.
Goblin Slayer: Yea.
Once both Iron Warrior and Goblin Slayer arrived at the guild they spotted their comrades by a table where they were having food and drinks and as soon as they spotted Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior they welcome them to their table.
High Elf: Hey you two come join us we just ordered the food and some drinks.
Priestess: We save some room for you if you were going to show up here.
Iron Warrior: Thanks but I am afraid we have something to talk about.
Lizard Priest: What would that be sir Iron Warrior?
Iron Warrior: Go ahead Slayer tell them about what you just got informed.
Goblin Slayer: It's time to slay some goblins, the location is Water Town. The reward is one bag of gold each and it's up to you if you want to come or not.
High Elf: Sigh..seriously.
Iron Warrior: You're damn right she's serious, it was written in the letter that was sent to her.
Priestess: This is something I've already suspected for a while but now I am completely convinced. You're going to drive me crazy if you continue to surprise me with everyone move you make. So listen up we've been over this before it's not a discussion unless everybody involved has a say.
Iron Warrior: You know for once I have to agree with her.
Goblin Slayer: But I was already giving them a say in this?
Priestess: You're not, whatever we choose the outcome is the same.
Goblin Slayer: Sigh...
High Elf: If we decided to go with you, you'd go by yourself or just take Iron Warrior with you right.
Goblin Slayer: Of course.
High Elf: she's right this isn't a discussion.
Dwarf: Still the fact that beard cutter is even mentioning it to us means that she's getting a little better maybe.
Lizard Priest: Indeed, I believe this is a sign of real progress...oh sweet nectar.(Lizard saids while eating cheese)
Iron Warrior: Anyway what do you guys think?
Priestess: Sigh...all right I've decided, I will go with you two.
Lizard Priest: You two don't know how many goblins you both might face the more spell casters you have the likelier the quest is to succeed.
Dwarf: Oh very well then, our traveling expenses seem to be more or less an order. I suppose we can go.
High Elf: Once we're done slaying these goblins you'll go another adventure with us and you Iron Warrior are coming along since you promised you would.
Iron Warrior: I always keep my promises Angel Forest.(Iron Warrior saids to High Elf who still blushes at the nickname)
High Elf: Good, so what do you say Orc Bolg do we have a deal.
Goblin Slayer: Sure that's fine.
High Elf: And remember there will be no water torture got it.
Priestess: Or setting them on fire.
High Elf: Or poisoning them.
Goblin Slayer: No Poison?
Iron Warrior: I used poison before, so I can't use it as well?
Priestess: Your poison strategies are different compared to Goblin Slayer's so if we need poison we will let you know.
Iron Warrior: Understood.
Goblin Slayer: He can use poison while I can't?
Priestess and High Elf: Absolutely not!!
Iron Warrior: Hehehe maybe some other time GS.
Goblin Slayer: Very well.
High Elf and Priestess: She actually agreed!
The next day Iron Warrior and Goblin Slayer along with their comrades took a carriage ride to Water Town and once they arrive they will all meet the one who sent out the letter about goblins being in the city. Iron Warrior was prepared for some goblin smashing as well as itching to shoot more than one goblin on sight.
Iron Warrior: How far are we towards the town?
Lizard Priest: Not far, you can see if from here.
Everyone looked out the carriage and saw the town itself in which Iron Warrior was impressed of how beautiful the city looked and how big it was though his concern is how many goblins are lurking inside of the place even Goblin Slayer herself was thinking the same thing.
Priestess: It's so big, that's Water Town.
High Elf: It looks just like I remember, the waterways are the means of transportation and keep the town well supplied with food and other wares.
Priestess: What kind of food do people around here like to eat?
Dwarf: All sorts of things really they've got access to many ingredients but lamb liver stewed with wine and fried fish are local favorites.
Iron Warrior: I have stuff like that where I came from though the other foods are to die for.
Dwarf: You might have to cook up some of your worlds food and I will be the judge of it.
Goblin Slayer: The wheat here is very coarse so it makes great batter.
Lizard Priest: You seem quite knowledgeable about the region miss Goblin Slayer.
Goblin Slayer: Someone I know told me about it when I mentioned I was coming here.
Priestess: Do you mean your friend from the farm?
Goblin Slayer: Yes.
Everyone arrived at the location where they had to meet that was written in the letter in which it was temple or a palace that was so large it looked almost like a castle itself especially how crafted the place looked from the outside.
Priestess: Wow so this is the temple of law just like I imagined it.
Iron Warrior: This is a temple? It looks more like a high class mansion or castle.
Priestess: It may look that way but this place really is a site to be hold. Goblin Slayer is it just amazing!
Goblin Slayer: Is it?
High Elf: So is this where we are meeting?
Goblin Slayer: Yes, of client should be inside.
Priestess: Is the person who sent us the quest to priest the supreme god.
Goblin Slayer: No, the archbishop of the supreme god.
Iron Warrior: The Archbishop? Seems like someone who is very important to this world.
Priestess: The Archbishop really!
Goblin Slayer: Let's go.
Iron Warrior: Hey just who is the Archbishop since I am new this world?
Priestess: Many call her the Archbishop but some call her the Sword Maiden, she was the one who defeated the demon lord many years ago.
Iron Warrior: Sword Maiden not bad of the title.
Priestess: I always wanted to meet her in person and now I am getting that chance too. The arbiter of the law all across the western frontier. The Archbishop beloved by the supreme god, she was one of the adventurers who defeated the demon lord ten years ago. She is also gold ranked as well as the second highest tier. She isn't a hero from some old story, she was born of the people and became a legend in her own right.
Iron Warrior: Interesting for a woman with such great deeds, lets follow the others and meet this Sword Maiden and see what she wants.
Once they were inside of the temple Iron Warrior looked around the place and saw so many things that relate to both a castle, a temple and a church. He found the place to be quite charming as well as big on the inside but he then looked towards the front along with the others and saw a person wearing a white dress and carrying was looks like a staff just like Priestess.
Iron Warrior: So she's the Sword Maiden, she looks very wise to meet in person and her beauty is delightful.(Iron Warrior saids in thought)
Sword Maiden: Hello, oh my visitors.
Goblin Slayer: We're here for the goblins.
Iron Warrior:(Facepalm!)..Sigh she really needs to work on her words more clearly.
Priestess: Oh my gosh I am so sorry! Excuse her, thank you very much for seeing us I can't tell you what an honor it is to meet you.
Sword Maiden: We have a brave female warrior and a sweet Priestess and you are.
Lizard Priest: Fellow adventurers who had the privilege to fight beside them, though we were not summoned we'd be happy to offer assistance.
Sword Maiden: Well met stalwart adventurers, I welcome you from the bottom of my heart and I see that you have brought the man of iron who is a great warrior from the news I heard about his deeds.
Iron Warrior: You know of me?
Sword Maiden: Of course, word spread of a man wearing strong armor with weapons that can take on anything that comes towards him and his comrades, as well as being blessed by a god from another world and was giving great abilities to help aid his friends in battle.
Iron Warrior: I see, and I see that you know of the god who sent me here.
Sword Maiden: Yes I had a vision of a man with great powers as well armor that would help the innocent in need and that person is you Iron Warrior or do you prefer Y/N Henry.
Iron Warrior: Iron Warrior is fine ma'am.
Sword Maiden: Very well and I too welcome you from the bottom of my heart brave man of iron.
Goblin Slayer: So where are the goblins?
Iron Warrior: to answer her question before she repeats it all over again.
Sword Maiden: Very well as you wish, it happened about a mouth ago. We sent one of the acolyte girls from the temple out on an errand late at night, her corpse was discovered in an alleyway the next morning. The report say she was sliced apart while still alive.
Goblin Slayer: Still alive? So it happened right there, did the goblins eat parts of her or was she only murdered.
High Elf: Just let her talk.
Iron Warrior: Be patient Slayer.
Goblin Slayer: Continue.
Sword Maiden: That attack was just the beginning, I had the city guard extended their patrols but our crime rate rapidly increased. Women assaulted, children kidnapped, and all the apparently the work of cutthroats or thieves but after one such attack was interrupted by an adventurer. A shocking discovery was made, the corpse of a small would-be assassin wasn't human.
Goblin Slayer: A goblin?
Sword Maiden: Mhm..
Dwarf: Goblins huh and more than a few of the nasty things by the sound it.
Priestess: How do you think that many of them have gotten into the town? Surely they would have been stopped if they tried to enter through the gates.
Iron Warrior: There are many ways for a goblin to get into places without anyone knowing. They always come up with strategies to avoid detection, I should know I read about them in books and books never lie.
Dwarf: Maybe they tunneled up from the underground or used the waterways.
High Elf: Seems like a lot of casualties if they were passing through.
Lizard Priest: Goblins always makes their nest beneath the surface do they not. This town was built on top of the old settlement so there are probably some ruins below the newer construction.
Goblin Slayer: If I were them, I would settle there. They aren't bright creatures but they're not total fools like Iron Warrior said.
Iron Warrior: Exactly.
High Elf: There you go again, you're always thinking like a goblin.
Goblin Slayer: Of course I am, if I didn't know how they though I wouldn't be very good fighting them.
Sword Maiden: Like you we concluded that they were living under the city and sent out a quest for the Water Town adventurers.
Priestess: What happened to them?
Iron Warrior: None came am I correct.
Sword Maiden: Yes, and that was when I heard the ballad of the brave and honorable Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior the heroes of the frontier.
Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior: What ballad?/What ballad?
High Elf: You mean you two didn't know? You both have been immortalized in song meeting you in person was pretty disappointing except for Iron Warrior of course.
Iron Warrior: Never knew word spread that quickly.
Goblin Slayer: That's not my problem.
Lizard Priest: Come now miss Goblin Slayer tales of bravery survive thanks to the bards who sing of them.
Goblin Slayer: Why does it matter?
Dwarf: Do you truly not understand how these things work, the more the word of your deed spread throughout the land the more requests you'll get to do the goblin slaying you love so much.
Iron Warrior: He does make a good point Slayer, I must agree with everyone saids is true.
Sword Maiden: I beg of you kind lady and sir will you please save Water Town from these creatures and their depravity.
Iron Warrior: I already know what I must do Sword Maiden, and so does Goblin Slayer.
Goblin Slayer: Your town may already be lost but I'll kill some goblins.
Priestess: Goblin Slayer can you be a little more tactful!
Goblin Slayer: It's the truth.
Iron Warrior: Oh boy here we go again.(Iron Warrior saids in thought while shaking his head)
Priestess: And that is exactly why you should be more sensitive!
Goblin Slayer: Sigh...
Lizard Priest: Shall we head down to the sewers then miss Goblin Slayer.
Goblin Slayer: Yes, we need to be careful and thorough. It would be annoying if one of them got away.
High Elf: And remember no using water, fire, or poison. Cause the only one who can use poison is Iron Warrior because his poisons wont kill us like yours would.
Goblin Slayer: I know already.
Lizard Priest: Forgive for asking but why have you not ordered the city guard to eradicate them fro you? Admittedly there is much I do not know about this town in its ways but surely that would fall under their jurisdiction.
Sword Maiden: Well..
Goblin Slayer: Were you told there was no point in mobilizing the military against mere goblins.
Sword Maiden: Mhm..
Dwarf: I suppose you can't really blame them, there are still plenty of demons running around the capital after all. With the military spread thin goblin slaying is a job for us adventurers.
Lizard Priest: The difficulties that arise from money and politics in human society never cease to amaze me.
Goblin Slayer: Enough of this. How do we get underground?
Iron Warrior: Ma'am?
Sword Maiden: Oh why of course I do beg your pardon miss, I have a map of the underground. I believe your best option will be to access the sewers by going down the well behind this temple.
Iron Warrior: Better do a scan of the map just in case we loose this one.(Iron Warrior saids in thought while doing a scan of the map from his armor)
Goblin Slayer: Is this map accurate?
Sword Maiden: Mostly, it's an old sketch dating back to when the temple was first built but still the waterways should be intact there. If there is damage it won't be too severe.
Goblin Slayer: All right. You navigate.(Slayer saids while handing the map to Lizard Priest)
Lizard Priest: I'm happy too.
Goblin Slayer: Let's go, there is no time to waste.
High Elf: Right thats Orc Bolg all right always getting straight to the point.
Iron Warrior: I did a scan of the map just in case we loose this one.(Iron Warrior whispers to Goblin Slayer)
Goblin Slayer: Good, and I am gonna need you in the front line since you armor can detect if there is any goblins nearby or further away from us while we walk into the sewers.
Iron Warrior: Sure thing Slayer.
Sword Maiden: Miss..
Priestess: Archbishop?
Sword Maiden: Perhaps it isn't my place to ask this but..are you not frightened of what you might encounter down there.
Priestess: Well, we'll be facing an unknown number of goblins in their own territory so yes but still I am sure that together we can handle it.
Once everyone left and headed towards the well, Goblin Slayer along with Iron Warrior headed down first followed by the others and when they arrived into the sewers they spotted a group of goblins and went to eliminate them. Iron Warrior saw a lot of them heading towards him and opened fire on all of them.
Iron Warrior: Never knew there was this much living down here.
High Elf: Looks like you got you a lot of them while we got a few.
Iron Warrior: Seems like I am big huge target for them.
Lizard Priest: I believe that should be the last of them of this particular group.
High Elf: No...
Iron Warrior: No that is the last of the group.(Iron Warrior saids as he shot the last goblin in the head)
High Elf: Hey you stole my shot.
Iron Warrior: You weren't looking at the direction it was going.
Dwarf: This many goblins living right under a city it's enough to make your skin crawl.
Goblin Slayer: About what I'd except.(Slayer saids while stabbing the goblin and its blood coming out that made High Elf feel sick)
High Elf: Ehh..I'm not going to do what Orc Bolg does, this will be a long fight. I don't want to have resort to using the goblin made arrows halfway through they terribly crude.
Goblin Slayer: Are they?
High Elf: Yea they are.
Dwarf: This is the fifth time we've been attacked today alone who knows how many goblins are actually down here. This place is crawling with the filthy things.
High Elf: Starting to think we'll be down here forever.
Goblin Slayer: Don't worry these walls are made of stone they're unliking to ambush us through them.
Priestess: I can't stand the thought of another ambush.
Iron Warrior: Just stay close to me and you will be all right.
Priestess: Thank you..
Iron Warrior: Quiet we don't want to alarm anything that will drawn attention.
Priestess: Sorry I will do that.
Dwarf: Sorry at least with all the refuse down here we don't need to worry about masking ourselves.
High Elf: Please don't remind me of such a terrible memory. Hm?
Iron Warrior: Something the matter?
High Elf: Something feels off but I'm not sure what and I hear water up there.
Iron Warrior: Must be the water falling from the celling above us.
Priestess: Hold on is that rain?
High Elf: We're underground how it could be raining?
Dwarf: The obvious answer is that it's raining from the surface it must be making its way down here through the canals and the sewers. What are your thoughts beard cutter?
Goblin Slayer: It would be bad if our light source was extinguished.
Iron Warrior: Yes but luckily for me I have lights on my armor so we can use them to see down here.
High Elf: That does come in handy in the best situation.
Iron Warrior: Everyone hold.
Goblin Slayer: What is it?
Iron Warrior: Look and tell me what you see in front of you.
Goblin Slayer looked down and saw two flair torches that are out but still warm meaning that everyone is excepting company any time soon.
Priestess: Whats the matter Goblin Slayer?
Goblin Slayer: Be on your guard.
High Elf: We're about to have company.
Iron Warrior: I am detecting lots of them and they are heading towards this location.
Goblin Slayer: Iron Warrior which way are they coming?
Iron Warrior: Hm let me check, they are heading towards our direction but they are not running towards no they are traveling on something and its moving fast and its on the water.
Everyone looked to see the goblins heading their way in which all of them are on waterways meaning that they are coming in by the water in which everyone got on their guard but then saw the goblins laughing arrows at them.
Priestess: Hear me O merciful earth mother protect us the weak with your divine light and the sacred power of nature Protection!
Priestess created a shield to block the attacks of the arrows but the girl couldn't hold the protection for very long.
Priestess: I can't hold this for long.
High Elf: What do you want to do?
Goblin Slayer: What else same as always. All goblins must die.(Slayer saids while throwing her sword at a goblins face killing it in a minute)
Iron Warrior: Agreed lets exterminate this bastards. Time to go tank on these ugly bastards.
High Elf: Tank what do you mean by......
Soon Iron Warrior glowed like before and changed into a more badass armor that looked strong and can crush these goblins with its power in which Iron Warrior changed into his Mark XXIV armor code name Tank.
Iron Warrior: Let's rumble.
Dwarf: My what do you call this one Iron Warrior?
Iron Warrior: Mark XXIV code name Tank.
Goblin Slayer: Not bad, care do lead the way.
Iron Warrior: You're too kind.
Iron Warrior took off in his rockets and landed onto the goblins boat where all the goblins shot their arrows at him but none of them were making a scratch or a dent into the armor in which they tried their weapons but they too had no affect.
Iron Warrior: My turn.
Admittedly Iron Warrior started to blast the goblins with his energy beams from his hands followed by smashing and crushing each one of them with his metal hands and feet. Basically speaking Iron Warrior is going all out on these goblins and none of them are putting up a good fight.
Iron Warrior: What you guys waiting for invitations. Start shooting and smashing these ugly bastards.
High Elf: You don't have to tell us twice showoff!(High Elf saids while firing her arrows from long distance)
Goblin Slayer: How many spells do you have left?
Dwarf: Loads of them.
Goblin Slayer: Good then use tunnel, dig a hole.
Dwarf: You know there's a whole town above us.
Iron Warrior: She doesn't mean up top she means dig down obviously!(Iron Warrior saids while blasting another goblin in the face)
Goblin Slayer: Make a hole in the waterway and let the water run out.
Dwarf: If we mess around too much down here the sewers could overflow!
Goblin Slayer: But it's not water torture, fire or poison.
High Elf: Do something else!
Priestess: I am going to loose the shield.
Lizard Priests: You have another transfer scroll then you might want to considered using it now.
Goblin Slayer: Unfortunately I don't, I am going to throw this as soon as protection goes down. Once I do use the miracle again solidify our defense.(Goblin Slayer saids and takes out a small jaw from her back pocket)
Priestess: Yes but what about Iron Warrior?
Goblin Slayer: He seems to be handling himself but soon I will join him.
Lizard Priest: If you wouldn't mind waiting just a moment please. Now I call upon you ancestors oh sickle wings of the velociraptor slice fly and hunt!(Lizard saids while summoning a new blade for Goblin Slayer)
Lizard Priest: I believe that blade will be to your liking but please avoid throwing it.
Goblin Slayer: I will do my best.
The shield that Priestess was holding suddenly came to an end meaning it was time for Goblin Slayer to throw the jaw that she has in her hand.
Goblin Slayer: Iron Warrior get clear!
Iron Warrior: Right!(Iron Warrior moved out of the way and soon Goblin Slayer threw the jaw at the goblins where they felt the stuff on them meaning it was poison)
High Elf: What the?
Goblin Slayer: We're jumping.
Both Goblin Slayer and Lizard Priest jumped down and landed onto the waterways and once they were on board, Goblin Slayer attacked and took down four goblins in front of her.
Goblin Slayer: That fives.
Iron Warrior: Glad you could join the party, I was almost finished with them. But it looks like you can have the rest of them.
Goblin Slayer: Thanks.
Iron Warrior along with Goblin Slayer and Lizard Priest attack all of the goblins on board leaving none alive. Some of the goblins were wearing armor but that didn't stop Iron Warrior from smashing them one by one in which the beasts couldn't stand the chance against a man in a powerful armor suit. Goblin Slayer was able to kill the others without the armor and knock some of them off the boat and so did Lizard Priest.
Goblin Slayer: With these numbers we may be in trouble.
High Elf: Eyes open our eyes close a high elf arrow never misses its mark.(High Elf saids while shooting two goblins in the head with an arrow)
A goblin spotted High Elf and shot its arrow at her in which Priestess saw and used her shield spell again to help her comrade.
Priestess: Protection!
High Elf: Thanks for that.
Priestess: Keep their strikes from reaching us so the rest of you can concentrate on your attacks.
Dwarf: Ok time to work you crafty gnomes mess drains of sand together to form mighty rock. Beard Cutter, Scaly, and Iron Warrior get back here!
Iron Warrior took both Goblin Slayer and Lizard Priest and flew back towards the others while the Dwarf used his creation that was a large rock and have it hit the goblins from above in which the whole thing landed on top of their boat and destroying it completely.
Iron Warrior: Whistle..nice work Dwarf.
Dwarf: Why thank you it was my pleasure.
High Elf: Another battle over. What next?
Priestesses: Personally I'd like to rest a little while.
Goblin Slayer: No we need to keep moving.
Lizard Priest: Yes I agree that skirmish was anything but quiet even with the rain making some of the noise we may well have alerted other denizens of this place to our presence here.
Iron Warrior: You actually right on the that because I am detecting something coming from the water itself and it's big.
Goblin Slayer: A goblin?
Out of the water came a goblin but then something else and it was big, dangerous and a had use sharp teeth as well as a member of the reptile family in which everyone looked to see a giant size white alligator coming out of the water and chomping down on the goblin it just ate.
Goblin Slayer: Thats not a goblin.
High Elf: Thank you for clearing that up.
Iron Warrior: What we got here is a giant size sewer gator, I seen lots these before except never this big before. But I didn't say they are very dangerous towards people.
High Elf: Well I don't want to be the one on its next menu. Time to get out of here!(High Elf saids as everyone began to run away from the gator)
Dwarf: Hey scaly isn't that thing a relative of yours talk to it!
Lizard Priest: It pains me to say this but have no contact with any of my family since I left home. And even if I had I could assure you that violent creature is no relative of mine sir mage.
Iron Warrior: Gators attend to eat anything includes other reptiles so talking to it is not the best way to handle things.
High Elf: I say we feed the dwarf to that thing and make our escape. It'll definitely get food poisoning.
Dwarf: You just try it!
Iron Warrior: Guys I am detecting something up ahead.
High Elf: I see it too, it looks like another goblin ship. At least one goblin ship possibility a lot more who knows.
Priestess: So whats should we do?!
Goblin Slayer: There is a way.
High Elf: I don't know what kind of crazy plan you got in your head this time but remember the rules.
Goblin Slayer: We will go with your idea.
With the goblins who were on their boats and heading out of the sewer due to an opening in front of them that will lead them outside and into the town where they will cause problems but all of the water came the same gator and it looked hungry and it attacked the goblin ships and started to kill the goblins on board.
Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior along with their comrades looked down and saw the scene from on top. Iron Warrior was impressed with the plan to lore the gator towards the goblins and have it kill them itself with the help of Priestess using a spell on the gator too used as the light source to distract the goblins.
Priestess: Hear me O merciful earth mother protect us and bless with holy light.
High Elf: I get it you had her use holy light on the swamp dragons tail and the lured the goblins straight into its path.
Iron Warrior: Nice of a plan Slayer very creative. And you Priestess well done.
Priestess: Thank you Iron Warrior.
Goblin Slayer: I was told not to use water, fire, or poison my options were a bit limited.
High Elf: They may not be smart but I can't believe that's all it took to fool them.
Goblin Slayer: The goblins learn to associate light with groups of adventurers because we always travel by it.
High Elf: Really?
Goblin Slayer: I am not sure when they figured it out but is commonly known among them now. Their kind are nothing more than scavengers, they'd never think building anything on their own. Again they are not bright creatures but they're not total fools, they learn how to use items quickly if they shown a boat it wouldn't take them long to learn to use it.
High Elf: Well aren't you miss knowledgeable.
Iron Warrior: You have to know what you are dealing with otherwise you will just end up being dead as it is.
Goblin Slayer: He's right, I studied them. This is why I make sure never to give the goblins any new ideas, I kill them instead.
Dwarf: You think somebody showed them how to use the boats intentionally.
Goblin Slayer: Yes.
Priestess: But isn't it also possible they had a goblin shaman who figured it out for them.
Goblin Slayer: Could be but if their numbers increased naturally down there why didn't they didn't they know about...what was that thing called again?
Iron Warrior: An alligator or sewer gator whatever works.
Goblin Slayer: Yea that. The goblins didn't know about it, if they had I don't think they would have dared to use boats they're cowards by nature.
Lizard Priest: What exactly are you suggesting miss Goblin Slayer?
Goblin Slayer: The goblin population here isn't the result of them multiplying naturally. Someone or something orchestrated this infestation.
Iron Warrior: What do you suppose it could have orchestrated it Slayer?
Goblin Slayer: I am not sure yet but once we go back to the sewers I am sure we will be able to the find the answers.
High Elf: Yea but let's worry about tomorrow in the mean time let's check out an inn and get some rest.
Lizard Priest: I agree we rest for the day and continue on tomorrow.
Goblin Slayer: Fine.
Everyone headed to find an inn to rest for the night and looked to find one in which they all headed inside to avoid the rain and when they got inside they asked for their rooms where there was only three left so Priestess and High Elf took the first one that has two beds, Lizard Priest and Dwarf took the second one with two beds and finally there was Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior with only one bed and it made things awkward between the two of them.
Iron Warrior: You wanna take the bed while I take the couch. Or which one you prefer?
Goblin Slayer: The bed will do just fine.
Iron Warrior: All right.
Iron Warrior changed out of his armor and back into his normal self while Goblin Slayer took off her armor and helmet as well as her clothes in which Y/N looked away to give Slayer her privacy of getting undress and when he saw her she was in the bed, he went to take off his shirt and boots and sleep on the couch until Slayer spoke.
Goblin Slayer: Hey Y/N....
Y/N: Hm?
Goblin Slayer: You don't have to sleep on the couch....I mean there is plenty of room on the bed...we know share it...if you want to.(Slayer saids while blushing)
Y/N: Are you sure I mean I don't want to be a bother when you sleep.
Goblin Slayer: No I...I don't mind if its just you....please you can sleep in the bed.
Y/N: Well all right besides the couch is too small for me anyway.
Goblin Slayer moved over for Y/N to get into the bed without looking at Slayer without any clothes on and once he was in the bed and comfortable, Slayer moved towards Y/N and snuggled into his chest while Y/N himself felt some soft pillows on his arm but focused on Slayer looking at him with those beautiful crimson eyes.
Goblin Slayer: Thanks for having my back down there.
Y/N: I do what I can to help out Slayer, you mean something to me and I mean that.
Goblin Slayer: What is this feeling inside me and why do I feel so close to Y/N?(Slayer saids in thought while thinking of Y/N in her head)
Y/N: Best to get some sleep and get ready to head back into the sewers.
Goblin Slayer: Right..we should..
💋(Kiss on the forehead)
Y/N: That was for coming up with a great plan and for joining me in the fight against the goblins.
Goblin Slayer began to blush of what Y/N did in which her heart started to skip a beat until Y/N spoke once again.
Y/N: Good night Slayer see you in the morning.
Y/N drifted off into sleep while Goblin Slayer was still awake and still trying to process of what Y/N did until she came to realize something and couldn't believe what it truly was.
Goblin Slayer: Am I falling for Y/ I in love. Could that be the reason why I am acting so different around him when it's just the two of us.(Slayer saids in thought)
Goblin Slayer looked at Y/N for a minute who was sleeping peacefully with his arm around her in which Slayer gave the guy next to her a small smile then laid her head onto Y/N's chest before saying one last thing to him.
Goblin Slayer: Goodnight Y/N....and I hope you have the same feeling as I do.
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