Chapter 5: Adventures and Daily Life!
It has has been three days since Y/N aka the Iron Warrior went on that quest with Goblin Slayer as well as those three adventures he met along with Priestess who stoke by his side like a little sister that he never had. So right now the warrior is at staying at the farm with his new friend Goblin Slayer in which she is an adventurer that hunts goblins that threaten humanity even though some people think that she could do better but for Y/N he is impressed by Goblin Slayers knowledge as well as fighting techniques when she is facing off against goblins in which she was impressed with Y/N included for his amazing skills as well as powers including the armor that he received from the god after he was transported to a new world to start a brand new life.
(Y/N): Yawn! what a night that was.(Y/N saids while stretching his arms after a good night sleep that he had and was ready to start a new day again)
Y/N got himself out of bed and cleaned as well and looked outside to see that the sun was rising and it the day looked amazing in which after he got himself all dressed and freshen up he decided to greet Cow Girl and her uncle in which they were up already and were about to have some breakfast.
(Y/N): Good morning you two.
Cow Girl: Oh Y/N good morning to you as well, how did you sleep last night?
(Y/N): I slept quite well thank you very much and how are you sir.
Uncle: I am doing alright thanks for asking.
(Y/N): Where's GS at?
Cow Girl: GS?
(Y/N): Its a nickname for your friend.
Cow Girl: Oh! well she is probably still in her room right now but can you head over and tell her that breakfast will be almost done soon while I get some things from the shed.
(Y/N): Sure thing.
Y/N then left the dinning room to head towards Goblin Slayer's room in which Cow Girl showed where to find it in which he came upon the room that he was looking and proceeded to knock first before entering because he doesn't want to cause a problem with Slayer.
Knock! Knock!
Goblin Slayer: Yea..
(Y/N): Hey Slayer it's me mind if I come in.
Goblin Slayer: Sure I just got up and now dressed.(Goblin Slayer saids to Y/N behind the door in which Y/N opens the door to the bedroom)
(Y/N): Well thats good to hear because your friend said that breakfast is almost.........whoah.....(Y/N saids then stops in his track because he was looking at something that really caught his eye in which Goblin Slayer looked at him in confusion)
When Y/N walked into the room and stopped all of sudden when he was looking forward to greet Goblin Slayer all of sudden he was looking at something absolutely beautiful in which was Goblin Slayer herself except she wasn't wearing the armor yet but instead Y/N looked to see a very beautiful girl with such lovey reddish eyes, messy silver blonde hair, perfect figure, a few scars but Y/N didn't matter because right now this is the first time he actually got to see Goblin Slayer without the armor or the helmet in which one word came to his mind and that was drop dead gorgeous.
(Artwork done by me: 95nicholasnm)
Goblin Slayer: Y/N are you alright?
(Y/N): Yea I am fine its just that I never really seen you out of the armor before.
Goblin Slayer: Oh yea I was going to put it on right now but why did you look so shock to see me though?
(Y/N): Well because I never seen someone so beautiful and with such lovely red crimson eyes before.(Y/N saids in which made Goblin Slayer blush as well as made her heart skip a beat)
Goblin Slayer: think I am beautiful.......😳
(Y/N): Absolutely, I mean sure you have some scars all over you but that doesn't matter to me because right now I standing in front of an amazing girl with such perfect features.(Y/N saids in which increases Goblin Slayers blush as well as her heart thumping)
Goblin Slayer: Why is my heart beating so much and why I cannot control myself from blushing...(Goblin Slayer saids in thought while trying to calm herself down)
(Y/N): Is this the third time that anyone saw you without the armor because I know that a fact that your friend and her uncle know about it.
Goblin Slayer: Yea....
(Y/N): And I take that you don't like to show yourself to anyone unless its people close to you, who understand what you go through in your life.
Goblin Slayer: Yea...
(Y/N): Well I'll keep this between us and I won't speak about it to anyone.
Goblin Slayer: Really..
(Y/N): Absolutely were partners after all and we stick together no matter what and if secrets have to be kept quiet I will respect that.
Goblin Slayer: Thank you Y/N.....
(Y/N): Your welcome and your friend told me that breakfast is getting ready so she asked me to fetch you.
Goblin Slayer: Alright I will join after I do my daily routine around the farm.
(Y/N): Routine?
Goblin Slayer: Yes I walk around the farm to check each parts of the area to make sure that their isn't any goblins near by or tracks as well as anything damaged.(Goblin Slayer saids to Y/N while putting on the armor)
(Y/N): I see well thats actually good thing to do because if I know goblins they will attack at any moment so it would be best to check the surroundings to make sure none are around the area.
Goblin Slayer: Thats right, I wont be long.
(Y/N): Want some company while you do your duty.
Goblin Slayer: Yea...I would like that...and the thing about me showing myself without the armor will be kept secret right.
(Y/N): I Iron Warrior swear to never tell anyone and I mean anyone that Goblin Slayer looks absolutely gorgeous under the helmet and if anyone tries to get a peek at her well they will have to go through me.(Y/N saids with a smirk in which causes Goblin Slayer to fluster under her helmet that she put on)
Goblin Slayer: are so weird.
(Y/N): That makes two of us Slayer because we are both weird.
Goblin Slayer: Hehehe.....I guess that does make sense.
(Y/N): Yea that giggle is still cute.(Y/N saids in thought)
Goblin Slayer: Come on let's check the farm.
(Y/N): After you Slayer.(Y/N saids and holds the door open for Goblin Slayer in which she nods and heads out with Y/N following her behind)
Soon both Goblin Slayer and Y/N headed outside together to check the area for any signs of goblin activity in which both of them checked to the grass for any tracks, making sure the fences are not damage in which they look to be ok for now, they both walked around the tall grass in which they spotted no sign of goblins anywhere or tracks near the forest. Then once they did those things they both headed back to the farm to double check to see if they missed anything until Cow Girl spotted the both of them together.
Cow Girl: Hey good morning finally awake and I see you brought Y/N is helping you.
Goblin Slayer: Yes..
(Y/N): Yea I thought she could use some help with this activity of hers so I lent her my assistance.
Cow Girl: Everything okay?
Goblin Slayer: No sign of goblin activity.
(Y/N): I don't think thats what she meant Slayer.
Cow Girl: Yea I was actually talking about you, you collapsed as soon as you got home from that quest and I am worried that you're pushing yourself too hard.
Goblin Slayer: I rested for days.
(Y/N): Ah you only rested for three days Slayer.
Cow Girl: He's right you need more than that.
Goblin Slayer: It was just exhaustion nothing to worry about though I was told that my refusal to take care of myself as a problem.
(Y/N): Yea I think I heard someone saying that about you.
Cow Girl: Was it that Priestess girl?
Goblin Slayer: No it was another adventurer.
Cow Girl: Oh so you and Y/N are going out with more people now.
Goblin Slayer: Just once so far..
(Y/N): It was alright for me though.
Cow Girl: So far that makes it sound like you both plan on working with them again.
Goblin Slayer: Does it?
(Y/N): She does have a point there Slayer and it could happened again just keep your head up and you will know.
Cow Girl: Yea thats right!
Goblin Slayer: I see...
(Y/N): Say Slayer after breakfast wanna head into town and check to see if there is any quest available.
Goblin Slayer: Sure..
Cow Girl: Well then come on you two let's sit together and eat!
Y/N along with Goblin Slayer and her friend headed back inside to have some breakfast with the uncle in which Y/N thanked Cow Girl so much for the food in which caused the red head to blush for Y/N's manners as well as her cooking while Slayer was looking at her friend giggling and blushing in which she started to develop something that she never knew about in which was jealousy for the first time but shrugged it off when everyone finished their food and both Goblin Slayer and Y/N headed out together and walk towards town.
(Y/N): I am going to change into one of my armors just in case we actually do go on a quest.
Goblin Slayer: Alright is it going to be that silver one or that war machine version?
(Y/N): Nah not today I got better one, in which its called Mark XXX code name Blue Steel.
Goblin Slayer: Blue Steel? What can that armor do?
(Y/N): Allow me to show you Slayer.(Y/N saids they closes his eyes and saids the name of the armor by thought then a glow surrounded him like before in which Goblin Slayer looked away and once the glowing went down Y/N was in a armor that was both silver and blue)
Iron Warrior: What do you think Slayer.
Goblin Slayer: Not bad but what does it do?
Iron Warrior: Just like the silver armor it to can shoot energy beams from the hands and it contains small missal rockets on the shoulders and it also has these blades that come out of the arm area check it out.(Iron Warrior saids then shows Goblin Slayer the blades on the wist of the armor in which she found them very impressive)
Goblin Slayer: Impressive Iron..
Iron Warrior: Thank you though if you want I can you make you some similar blades like these and turn them into like a glove in which the blade will come out and you can use it to take down goblins if one of you weapons gets damaged.
Goblin Slayer: Never upgraded my armor before I guess it would help me with goblins just in case my weapons no longer be needed if they get destroyed.
Iron Warrior: Glad you made the choice I will work on the plans to design them for you.
Goblin Slayer: Thank you.
Then after a while of talking to each other both Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior arrived at the town and decided to head towards the guild while also dropping off some things that Cow Girl needed to be delivered.
Iron Warrior: Should we start unloading the stuff in the wagon.
Goblin Slayer: Yea...(Goblin Slayers saids to Iron Warrior in which both were unloading stuff from the wagon until a voice came from behind the two in which was High Elf and behind her was Lizard and Dwarf)
High Elf: Orc Bolg and Iron Warrior what you two doing?
Iron Warrior: We are both unloading this cargo.
Dwarf: And it looks like you're wearing another set of armor in which this one is very unique.
Lizard Priest: I agree what do you call this one sir Iron Warrior?
Iron Warrior: Mark XXX code name Blue Steel.
High Elf: Blue I like that name and can this also fly as well as shoot energy beams like you said the other day.
Iron Warrior: Yes and it comes with silver blades from the wist.(Iron Warrior saids to the party in which he shows them the blades and caused the three to be amazed of such amazing weaponry)
Dwarf: I wouldn't mind having something like that on my wist in case I get ambushed.
Lizard Priest: Indeed they are very magnificent blades sir Iron Warrior.
Iron Warrior: Thanks so what you guys doing here?
Dwarf: We came to check on beard cutter because that some hit you took while going up against that Ogre how you feeling.
Goblin Slayer: I am..
Lizard Priest: I was distressed to hear that you were asleep for three days you appear to be back on your feet now though.
Goblin Slayer: Yes..
Lizard Priest: Please forgive me but there is a favor I would like to ask to the both of you if I may. You see how can I put this?
Goblin Slayer: Just say it...
Iron Warrior: Yea if you need something just answer it and we will do it.
Lizard Priest: Well I was wondering if you two have anymore of those particular items.
Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior: What Item/What Item?
Dwarf: Scaly here wants more of that cheese and Stromboli, he's been whining non-stop.
High Elf: I swear for three solid days he's done nothing but talk about cheese and Stromboli.
Goblin Slayer stop what she was doing and headed towards the cart in which she took out a bug block of cheese.
Goblin Slayer: Would this do?(Goblin Slayer saids and tosses a block cheese to Lizard Priest)
Lizard Priest: MMMMMMM!!!!
Goblin Slayer: You can pay the guild for it.
Iron Warrior: As for the Stromboli I will be happy to make you a fresh bake batch of it so you can take some on quests.
Lizard Priest: Yes certainly thank you very much sir Iron Warrior and miss Goblin Slayer!
High Elf: So Orc Bolg and Iron Warrior..
Goblin Slayer: What is it now?
Iron Warrior: Slayer calm yourself and behave go ahead Angel Forest.(Iron Warrior saids to High Elf in which she looks away while also blushing)
High Elf: Well it's just well I don't know if you both heard but we took on a new quest surveying some ruins.
Goblin Slayer: I see...
Iron Warrior: Interesting go on..
High Elf: So um you know it's possible we'll ask for the both your help or something.
Goblin Slayer: I will think about..(Goblin Slayer then goes back to what she is doing)
Iron Warrior: You already know my answer Angel Forest in which I accept your offer.(Iron Warriors saids to High Elf in which she looks at Iron Warrior with joy as well blushing and smiling at the same time)
High Elf: Hehehe, right you two do that and we will be going now but thanks.
Iron Warrior: No problem happy to answer your question.
Dwarf: Why must you always make things so complicated just come right out and them to join us.(Dwarf saids then ducks when a rock was heading his way in which he looked to see High Elf angry)
High Elf: Shut up Dwarf I will shoot you!
Lizard Priest: NECTAR!(Lizard Priest screams with joy while eating the cheese in his hands)
Back with Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior after they unload the stuff in the wagon, Goblin Slayer asked Iron Warrior that she needed need some repairs for her armor in which Iron Warrior allowed it and followed her to the repair shop to get Goblin Slayer equipment fixed.
Goblin Slayer: I need some repairs.
Shop Owner: Sigh..again you are always destroying my work, you need to learn to be careful.
Goblin Slayer: I am careful..
Iron Warrior: Slayer I can tell thats a lie.
Shop Owner: You should also want to learn about sarcasm too.
Goblin Slayer: I'd like you to procure a scroll as well.
Shop Owner: Scrolls are hard to come by not to mention expensive.
Goblin Slayer: Cost isn't an issue.
Shop Owner: If some adventurer come around here looking to sell one then I'll buy it but I wouldn't go getting your hopes up.
Goblin Slayer: I understand thats fine.(Goblin Slayers then leaves the shop)
Shop Owner: She never changes?
Iron Warrior: I guess thats the way she is.
Shop Owner: Say aren't you that Iron Warrior adventurer I been hearing about?
Iron Warrior: Yes I am.
Shop Owner: My I have to say you have some impressive armor.
Iron Warrior: Thanks this is just one of my armors I have over different versions.
Shop Owner: Impressive and they all look a like?
Iron Warrior: No some of them may look a like but they are all different sets of armor containing their own weapons and equipment.
Shop Owner: I see, so what do you call this one?
Iron Warrior: Blue Steel in which I can shoots energy beams from my hand as well as shoot out two steel blades from the wist.
Shop Owner: I wouldn't mind having something like that in my shop, and blades on the wist hmm I think I might be able to make something like that.
Iron Warrior: I am sure you will take care sir.(Iron Warrior saids then leaves the shop as well with Goblin Slayer waiting outside)
Goblin Slayer: Let's head to the guild to see if there is any goblin quest.
Iron Warrior: Alright let's do that I am getting kind of bored and could use a good fight right about now and an epic beat down.
Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior headed back to the guild to see if there is any goblin slaying quest and once they were both inside the building they heard a voice in which was Priestess who was going to greet the both of them.
Priestess: Goblin Slayer, Iron Warrior!(Priestess saids while walking down the stairs to see her companions)
Goblin Slayer: I am walking into everyone today.
Iron Warrior: That makes two of us Slayer and hello Priestess how are you.
Priestess: I am doing great!, and I wanted to show the both of you something look.(Priestess saids to the both of them and shows them her tag)
Iron Warrior: Obsidian rank nicely done.
Priestess: Thats right I had my promotion exam yesterday, I wasn't certain that I would get it but apparently fighting an Ogre really gave me a nudge!
Iron Warrior: I am proud of you little one very proud.
Goblin Slayer: I see congratulations.
Priestess: It was all thanks to the both of you, without all your help I wouldn't gotten this far.
Goblin Slayer: I didn't do anything but I think Iron Warrior did?
Priestess: True he did save me any two party members from the first time we met while you showed me what it takes to be head strong.
Iron Warrior: She's right about that Slayer.
Goblin Slayer: Maybe but one of her companions didn't make though.
Priestess: I know...but still if it weren't for you two I wouldn't survived either but I did and I wanted to thank you both properly. I can't tell you both how grateful I am and now I am going to go to the temple and tell Mother Superior about my promotion.
Iron Warrior: Alright just watch yourself okay.
Priestess: I will and thank you, also like the new armor it looks amazing.
Iron Warrior: Thank you.
Both watch Priestess leave so happily until out of nowhere Guild Girl came down from the stairs and looked towards Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior but mostly Iron Warrior in his Blue Steel armor in which she walked towards the both of them.
Guild Girl: Goblin Slayer and is that you Iron Warrior.
Iron Warrior: Of course it's me I am just wearing a different set of armor thats all.
Guild Girl: Oh I see and it does look quite amazing and I love the detail of it.
Iron Warrior: Thank so what can we.....(Iron Warrior saids then stops when he spots two adventurers that he met before in which was Rookie Warrior and Cleric walking towards Guild Girl to ask something)
Cleric: Um excuse me...
Guild Girl: Yes?
Cleric: Um we were wondering if you know anything about slaying giant rats.
Guild Girl: Wait you're asking me about slaying giant rats sorry I am afraid it doesn't work that way we leave these sorts of things for adventurers to handle precisely because they are so difficult to deal with.
Rookie Warrior:But we are desperate here.
Cleric: Anything at all would help please were begging you.
Guild Girl: Well you have already thought of this but you could try strengthening your defense with chainmail or other armor.
Rookie Warrior except we don't have any money.
Guild Girl: You know if it is advice you are looking for perhaps another adventurer would be the best person to ask.
Rookie Warrior: You mean like Goblin Slayer or Iron Warrior?
Guild Girl: Is that problem?
Rookie Warrior: Well I don't think Goblin Slayer will help but I think Iron Warrior could I think.
Cleric: Yea we really said some rude stuff about her but when Iron Warrior opened our eyes more clearly I think he could maybe help us.
Guild Girl: I wouldn't worry about Goblin Slayer I'm not sure she even notice that sort of thing, but i am sure Iron Warrior can help the both you out if you ask him.
Cleric: She will not get mad?
Guild Girl: No you'll be fine just talk to them.
Both Cleric and Rookie Warrior nod in agreement and went to talk to both Iron Warrior and Goblin Slayer.
Cleric: Hey um excuse me...
Iron Warrior: Oh hey Rookie and Cleric.
Goblin Slayer: What is it?
Rookie Warrior: We wanted to ask the both of you something, if you loose your sword whats the best way to fight enemies.
Goblin Slayer: Steal one from a goblin..
Iron Warrior: Um Slayer they're not facing goblins, I over heard them saying about giant rats.
Rookie Warrior: Thats right we're not fighting goblins were facing giant rats.
Goblin Slayer: Oh have you ever used any weapon other than a sword?
Rookie Warrior: No..
Cleric: And we don't have any money either.
Iron Warrior: If your killing giant rats I wouldn't use a sword because it would get stuck and it's harder to remove it from the body.
Goblin Slayer: He's right how about club.
Rookie Warrior: A club?
Goblin Slayer: Yea throw, stab, break shatter there are plenty of ways to kill something besides using a blade.
Rookie Warrior: Would it work on rats and bugs too?
Iron Warrior: Yes it would.
Goblin Slayer: I am sure being hit with one would at least hurt them plus clubs don't get nicked like sword do, so the maintenance is easier.
Rookie Warrior: Easier, a club huh..
Goblin Slayer: Thats what I would do.
Iron Warrior: Give it a shot and you would know.
Rookie Warrior: Alright I will try it out thank you Iron Warrior and Goblin Slayer.
Cleric: Yes thank you both so much really appreciated the advice.
Then soon when both Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior were about to leave since there were no goblin slaying quest available today they decided to head out until Guild Girl call for their attention.
Guild Gurl: Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior.
Iron Warrior: You need something?
Goblin Slayer: Are there goblins?
Guild Girl: Not today but I was just wondering if you two could.....(Guild Girl saids then looks at Goblin Slayer leaving while Iron Warrior waited patiently)
Guild Girl: Wait a minute Goblin Slayer please don't leave yet!
Goblin Slayer: But you said there were no goblins?
Iron Warrior: I think she wanted us for something else Slayer let's hear what she has to say.
Guild Girl: Yes that is true and I know that they are your specialty Goblin Slayer but does absolutely everything have to involve you know goblins.
Iron Warrior: Come on Slayer you could let this go for today right.
Goblin Slayer: Sigh...keep it short.
Guild Girl: I will you see I found myself a bit understaffed I was hoping if you two might fill in for an observer as well as a body guard in which those who were suppose to come cannot make it today.
Goblin Slayer: An observer for promotion exam?
Iron Warrior: And a body guard just in case something goes wrong with the promotion or if the person tries something up their sleeve.
After a while now Goblin Slayer along with Iron Warrior and Guild Girl including the Co-Worker went into a room to start the exam in which the first person was elf rookie in which Iron Warrior didn't like him because he can something was up with elf but kept his guard in case something happens while Goblin Slayer was observing.
Guild Girl: Alright then if you're ready we will now begin the promotion exam.
Elf Rookie: Yea I'm absolutely ready, I say we skip pass sapphire and emerald and go right to ruby. No scratch that just promote me straight to bronze!
Guild Girl: I am sorry thats not how this works, the leather armor and boots you're wearing those are new right.
Elf Rookie: Yup they sure are did you know the quality of the boots not only are they well made I had them altered to fit me perfectly.
Guild Girl: I find it interesting that you're so much better off than your peers considering the same quests are available to everyone.
Iron Warrior: She's good.(Iron Warriors saids in thought while looking at Guild Girl's strong attitude towards the rookie and not believing what the rookie is saying)
Elf Rookie: Oh no wait I can explain it's just I was running kind of low on funds so I had my family send me some money thats all.
Co-Worker: Lies..
Elf rookie: Huh?...
Co-Worker: Under the supreme god I swear but this man just uttered was false a lie.
Iron Warrior: Very impressive, I can tell he was lying as well judging by the sweat on his face.
Co-Worker: Exactly.
Elf Rookie: Sense lie the ability to see through lies damn it curse these seekers?!(Elf rookie saids in thought while in anger and frustration)
Guild Girl: Apparently you just acquired new gear in a raid at the ruins, Oh I think I understand what happened while the others thought you were scouting you found a treasure chest which you kept for yourself until you can fill the contents.
Elf Rookie: No please it's not as bad as it looks I swear, I am sorry!
Guild Girl: Absolutely unacceptable this sort thing is exactly what's led to the widespread prejudice against other raisin scalp but since this is your first offense demoting you to porcelain and banning you from adventuring in this town would be sufficient.(Guild Girl saids to the rookie elf in which he was made and pissed at first but now in complete utter shock in which Iron Warrior agrees what Guild Girl just said in true)
Elf Rookie: Whoah hold on a second!, thats ridiculous you're not seriously gonna kick me out just for keeping one little treasure chest to myself are you?
Guild Girl: Are you some sort of imbecile, an adventurer who would betray the trust of his party doesn't deserve the title. You are here demoted on the grounds of falsifying a reward you won't be removed from town but you may no longer work here.(Guild Girl saids to the rookie with a glare in which the Elf rookie was getting frustrated and pissed off until he looked towards the Co Worker holding the item that reveals the truth)
Co-Worker: Don't go getting any foolish ideas.
Elf Rookie: Hey Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior don't let them do this to me, you both have been out on quests you know what it is like!
Goblin Slayer: Me I am just here to observe.
Iron Warrior: For me I am on guard duty in case you try something foolish.
Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior: Nothing more/And Nothing less.
Elf Rookie: But you two are one of us, you're both adventurers too.
Goblin Slayer: Yes just like the people you tricked and stole from.
Iron Warrior: In which is not a really good thing to do for a spoil rookie like you.
Elf Rookie: DAMMIT?!!!
The Elf Rookie took out his dagger and went to charge at the Guild Girl to kill her in which she was frighten at first when she saw the Elf Rookies face but the next thing that happened was that he got hit in the face by Iron Warrior in which he went straight through the wall in which ending his life for good until all of sudden Elf Warrior looked to see that he was still in the room and not hurt but looked to see Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior still doing their duty while Guild Girl and Co-Worker remained sitting down while also glaring at the Elf Rookie for his mistake and wrong doing. Then when after a while now he started to get up and was about to walk out the door until Iron Warrior stopped him in which the Elf Rookie turned around and saw Iron Warrior in front of him.
Iron Warrior: After you leave I have to say one last thing before you go anywhere.
Elf Rookie: And what would that be.....
Iron Warrior: I know that you were gonna kill Guild Girl with your dagger and if you did try something like that well, I will burn you so bad that you wish you died as child.(Iron Warrior saids to Elf rookie and points his hand towards him in which a glow was coming from it meaning that Elf rookie will be turned to ash if did something unthinkable)
Elf Rookie: will regret this!!!(Elf rookie saids in anger and leaves the room while also knowing that Iron Warrior will target him if he tries something)
Guild Girl: That isn't likely.
Iron Warrior: You okay?
Guild Girl: Sigh...yea but that was scary but thank you so much Iron Warrior really appreciated as well as you Goblin Slayer.
Iron Warrior: Glad to help M'lady.
Goblin Slayer: I didn't really do anything.
Iron Warrior: Just being here helped her out Slayer so thats a good thing.
Guild Girl: Yea I had some bad experiences back when I was training in the capital, the place was full of men who couldn't open their mouths without a lube remark falling out like they had nothing better to do than harass me.
Co-Worker: I know what you mean the capital was overrun with them.
Guild Girl: And more often than not I would have to deal with that type of thing all on my own. So having two people I can trust who act as an observer as well as a body guard is wonderful I felt so much safer knowing you two were there.
Goblin Slayer: Really?
Iron Warrior: She is Slayer.
Guild Girl: Yes absolutely!
Goblin Slayer: Are we done now we would like to go.
Guild Girl: Oh of course if you both go to the front desk they should give you your compensation.
Goblin Slayer: Alright....
Iron Warrior: Thank you.
Guild Girl: Um please wait Iron Warrior.
Iron Warrior: Hmm? what is it?
Guild Girl: Um it's just good work today....
Iron Warrior: Hehehe yea you too, see you around GG.(Iron Warriors saids and leaves the room with Goblin Slayer waiting for him while Guild Girl blushed at the nickname that Iron Warrior gave her in which made her heart skip a beat)
Guild Girl: (BA-DUMP!)..........❤️.....GG.......
Co-Worker: Hehehe doesn't that stand for your name.
Guild Girl: Sigh...........yea...
Co-Worker: You did so well but still I don't we've heard the last of that rookie.
Guild Girl: There aren't enough adventurers these days and what he did wasn't necessarily illegal, I hope he excepts his demotion and takes quests elsewhere instead of giving up and becoming a true criminal.
Co-Worker: Well adventurers morality runs the gamut they can be anywhere from lawful good to chaotic evil.
Guild Girl: And as long as they remain adventurers thats their choice to make, thank you for everything.
Co-Worker: No thanks needed I was just doing my duty as a Priestess of the supreme god it was my pleasure.
Guild Girl: Do you suppose the god of law would think I handled the situation correctly.
Co-Worker: You know it's funny but most of the time people don't understand justice it's pretty common nowadays. Justice is not about striking down evil but making people aware that evil exists.
Guild Girl: Wow what a beautiful way of thinking about it.
Co-Worker: It's easy enough to say harder to do unless your sword maiden of course she's great. She was one of the adventurers who defeated the demon lord, the sword maiden a servant of the all powerful supreme gold. I admired her so much and all I have to do is see through other people's lies it's not hard, you still have work left.
Guild Girl: I need to get started on the paperwork for that demotion.
Co-Worker: So Iron Warrior huh, the guy with those amazing green eyes, black hair while also wearing very fancy armor is the guy you like.(Co-Worker saids with a smirk in which made Guild Girl blush in embarrassment)
Guild Girl: What....what are you talking about....alright fine so what if he is...(Guild Girl saids while huffing and blushing for liking Iron Warrior)
Co-Worker: Hehehe I never knew you had a soft spot for the strong and fancy armor ones.
Guild Girl: Adventures tend to be noisy and difficult to deal with, I always wished more the calm and understanding type in which I think is possible that he is all of that in above.
Co-Worker: You seam to have a lot on your plate, I should let you get to work.
Guild Girl: Yes time to get my head out of the clouds there are things to do.(Guild Girl saids then all of sudden Iron Warrior and Goblin Slayer came back in)
Iron Warrior: We're back again.
Guild Girl: Whaa.....Oh Iron Warrior and Goblin Slayer! What are you two doing here?
Iron Warrior: What else would be coming back in here, Slayer if you would.
Goblin Slayer: We're going to slay some goblins.(Goblin Slayer saids and shows the Guild Girl a letter that Goblin Slayer placed in front of Guild Girl)
Guild Girl: That quest listing it arrived on a parcel carriage that traveled a great distance and it's specifically asking for both Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior but who can it be from.
Iron Warrior: We will find out soon enough Slayer shale we.
Goblin Slayer: Yes...time to kill some goblins.
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