Chapter 4: The Strong, HulkBuster vs Orge!

The sun was started to rise from the landscape in which the adventurers started to wake up from their slumber and get prepared to take on the goblins in the ruins.

Y/N: Yawn! what a night that was.(Y/N saids while stretching his arms because morning has arrived and looked to see his companions have also awoken)

Priestess: Good morning Y/N sleep well.

Y/N: Yea I did as well as Slayer here, never knew she can sleep so peacefully.(Y/N saids while looking at Slayer who still didn't wake up from her nap and was still hanging onto Y/N)

Priestess: Hehehe I can see that but I think its best to wake her up now because we have head towards the ruins where the goblins are hiding.

Y/N: Right....Slayer wake up its time to move out.(Y/N saids to Slayer and then sees her waking up)

Goblin Slayer: it morning?

Y/N: Yes it is Slayer and have to say you slept well, but can you release me from your hold so I can get up and armored as well.(Y/N saids to Goblin Slayer in which she looks to see what she was doing in which she blushed under her helmet and moved away from Y/N quickly)

Goblin Slayer: I'm.....sorry I didn't know what came over me.

Y/N: Hey don't worry about it Slayer it was due the wine probably, word of advice don't drink wine during night time otherwise you will do crazy things.

Goblin Slayer: I see....

High Elf: Yawn! my head is killing me!

Y/N: It was the wine, don't ever drink dwarf wine.

High Elf: Yea I will remember that next time.

Dwarf: Hehehe you were so wasted from the wine long ears and beard cutter got off easy.

High Elf: Oh shut up......

Y/N: Alright you two thats enough we have to focus on the quest remember.

Lizard Priest: Sir Iron Warrior is right we should get moving while the time and day is still good.

Admittedly everyone packed their things together and Y/N changed back into his war machine armor and the adventurers headed off towards their destination.

Iron Warrior: Say you guys promise to not tell anyone about who I am and where I came from right.

Priestess: You mean being from another world and was summoned here by a god sure we will keep this a secret from the others were friends after all right everyone.

High Elf: Of course I think some secrets are meant to be kept quiet for the time being.

Lizard Priest: I will honor your secret sir Iron Warrior you have my word.

Dwarf: As do I Iron.

Iron Warrior: Thank you all so much really appreciated.

Goblin Slayer: Were here and it looks like the front is guarded by two goblins and a wolf.(Goblin Slayers saids to everyone and looked to see the two goblins and a wolf guarding the front door)

Goblin Slayer: Iron Warrior you think you can take them out?

Iron Warrior: I don't think that is wise choice because if I shoot them it would cause an alarm and besides my weapons do make a lot noise.

Priestess: He's right we need to be quiet.

High Elf: I got this, I can take them out with my arrows no problem.

Iron Warrior: Good idea Angel Forest that way there wont be an alarm trigger.

Dwarf: If you miss, this is going to be much more difficult.

High Elf: Quiet you...(Elf said then fires her arrow in which was heading in a different direction)

Dwarf: Where the hell are you aiming?

Iron Warrior: I see what she is doing very clever..(Iron Warrior saids in thought while watching the arrow head towards the goblins heads and the wolf killing all three of them at once)

Goblin Slayer: Alright lets go...

Soon the group headed out of the forest and towards the front where the goblins are killed to if they are dead or not in which the group looked to see that High Elf has killed all three of them with just one shot.

Priestess: Incredible..

Iron Warrior: I'll say good aim.

Lizard Priest: My compliments was that some form of magic.

High Elf: No it's just once you've mastered a technique it can seem as though you have cast a spell.

Dwarf: Yes well next time I will show you what a dwarf can do.

Goblin Slayer: One...two...(Goblin Slayer saids and takes out a knife and stabs the goblin in which blood started to com out in which Elf was disgusted by)

High Elf: What are you doing my arrow killed them?!

Goblin Slayer: Their highly sensitive to smells especially the sense of women, children, and elves.(Goblin Slayer saids and covers the blood in a wag in which she was going to cover Elf in goblin blood)

High Elf: way you keep that filth away from me?!

Iron Warrior: Don't worry about it I been covered in goblin blood all the time I don't mind it and thanks to my helmet I cannot smell the stench.

Priestess: You will get used to it....(Priestess saids as Elf was freaking out while Goblin Slayer was moving towards her from behind and then covered her in goblin blood in which she found it really disgusting)

Then everyone went inside the ruins to search for the other goblins who are remain while Goblin Slayer was making noises with her sword and try to lore the goblins out into the open so they can be killed.

Iron Warrior: Must admit this place looks centuries old?

Lizard Priest: I agree interesting designs, I believe this might have been a shrine once.

Priestess: It looks like some kind of battle took place here during the age of the gods. This could of been used as a fortress whatever the case it was built by humans.

Lizard Priest: And after it was abandoned the goblins made it their home what a terrible jest.

Dwarf: Speaking of terrible....(Dwarf saids and looks at Elf who was covered in goblin blood)

High Elf: Ehhhh.....this is so disgusting!

Priestess: Um it does wash off with water...mostly.

Iron Warrior: Just give it a few scrubs and it will come out..I think.

High Elf: I am not going to forget about this when we get back!(Elf saids to Goblin Slayer in which she looks like she didn't care)

Goblin Slayer: Understood....

Dwarf: I am used to living underground but being down here feels wrong somehow.

High Elf: I think were walking in a spiral?

Iron Warrior: I don't think so I am scanning the hall and it looks like were going the right way while the others are dead ends.

Priestess: I am wondering whats in the center...


Iron Warrior: Wait everyone hold you percussion.

Goblin Slayer: Whats wrong?

High Elf: An alarm?

Iron Warrior: I think so my armor is detecting an enemy near by and its close, and I can tell because there are traps here.

Dwarf: Conniving monsters these ruins could be full of traps.

Goblin Slayer: Thats strange...

Priestess: Whats the matter?

Goblin Slayer: There are no totems.

Priestess: That means there aren't any goblin shamans here.

High Elf: Great this will be a lot easier without any spells flying around.

Iron Warrior: Don't get your hopes up yet these bastards are very clever and but I never said their stupid either.

Lizard Priest: He's right and apologies but thats not so the lack of shamans is disconnecting to her correct.

Goblin Slayer: Correct, ordinary goblins shouldn't be able to set up traps like this.

Dwarf: You think someone should be leading them?

Goblin Slayer: We assume so..

Lizard Priest: I have heard many tales of the large nests you bravely destroyed in the past miss Goblin Slayer, what are you preferred methods.

Goblin Slayer: Smoke them out and crush them one by one, set them on fire, drown them in the river there are many options.

Iron Warrior: I usually blow them up so that none will survive.

Goblin Slayer: I know but those wont work now are there tracks?

High Elf: Its hard to tell in here, Iron Warrior you think you can scan for tracks?

Iron Warrior: Hmm...scanning now....

Dwarf: What do you think Iron?

Iron Warrior: It looks like their hideout is down the left hallway.

Priestess: How can you tell?

Iron Warrior: I used my infer red vision in my armor that allows me to see where the enemy lies and their down there alright and there is a lot of them.

Lizard Priest: What do you suggest miss Goblin Slayer?

Goblin Slayer: We go this way.(Goblin Slayer saids while pointing to the other way)

High Elf: Um didn't Iron Warrior just say that their hideout is the other way?

Iron Warrior: I can tell you know something Slayer.

Goblin Slayer: Yes I do, but if we go the way you suggest then we will already be too late.

Goblin Slayer then took everyone the other way in which the other side had a terrible smell in which was making everyone sick except for Iron Warrior who has his helmet on and Goblin Slayer can withstand the stench.

High Elf: Argh.....what an awful stench.

Goblin Slayer: Breathe through your noises, you will get used to it.

Iron Warrior: Good thing I have my helmet on.(Iron Warrior saids in thought then continues to walk with the others)

While they were walking more they all saw a door that could lead somewhere in which Goblin Slayer kicked the door down and then everyone even Iron Warrior looked to see that the room was filthy and discussing until Goblin Slayer held her torch towards the front in which everyone gasp of what they saw except for Iron Warrior and Goblin Slayer in which they looked to see an elf with nothing on and was covered in scars as well as chained together to the wall.

High Elf: 🤢..........(High Elf was going to barf then covers her mouth of what she just looked at)

Dwarf: What in the name of the gods....

Lizard Priest: That poor miserable soul...

Elf girl: have too....

Priestess: She's still alive!

High Elf: Quick use a miracle!

Priestess: Right!(Priestess saids and goes over but Iron Warrior stops her)

Iron Warrior: Wait....

Priestess: What is it Iron Warrior?!

Elf Girl: You must kill.......

Enemy Detected!

Iron Warrior: I know what she is talking about...(Iron Warrior saids in thought they holds up his weapon in which everyone looked to see what Iron Warrior was going to do next)

Priestess: Wait Iron Warrior please stop what you are doing! We can still save her!

High Elf: Don't!

Elf Girl: You must kill...this monster!(Elf Girl saids in which a goblin came out from behind and then all of sudden a bang was heard)


Iron Warrior: Ugly I guess that makes three right Slayer.

Goblin Slayer: Yes.....

Iron Warrior: I wasn't going to kill the elf girl, my armor was detecting a goblin close by thats why I pull out my weapon to kill it.

Elf Girl: Kill them all.....every last one of them would you do that please....

Iron Warrior and Goblin Slayer: I will/I will...(Both said together)

Iron Warrior: But first let me get you out of those chains and healed up.(Iron Warrior saids and goes towards the Elf girl and unchained her and lay her on the ground so that he can heal her)

High Elf: Whats he going to do to her?

Priestess: He is going to heal her of course like he did with my first companions.

Iron Warrior: Healing through sent in flight, Bring the brightest of blessing this day, Send this healing white light from above, and surround this elf now in healing love!(Iron Warrior saids as a bright light appeared around the Elf girl in which her injuries were starting to heal as well as the rest of her in which everyone was in awe even Goblin Slayer that she has never seen this kind of magic before)

Lizard Priest: I never heard such magic before?

Dwarf: I have to say this kid impresses me even more.

Iron Warrior: There you go, your all healed up and I also removed any goblin genes that were in your body as well so your once again pure.

Priestess: I didn't know that the spell could do that as well?

Goblin Slayer: Impossible....(Goblin Slayer saids in thought of what Iron Warrior did for the Elf girl)

High Elf: Amazing.......

Elf Girl: 😢sniff......Thank you......who...who are you.....

Iron Warrior: I am The Iron Warrior, we need to get her out of here and back to her own kind.

Lizard Priest: I just have the thing to do that sir Iron Warrior.(Lizard saids as he takes out some bones from his pocket and placed on the ground then started to chant a spell)

Lizard Priest: Oh horns and claws of our Father Iguanodan by four limbs become two legs and walk upon this earth!(Lizard saids as a skeleton like lizard appeared in front of everyone in which impressed Iron Warrior)

Iron Warrior: Not bad Lizard.

Lizard Priest: A miracle for my ancestor, the dragon tooth warrior.

Priestess: Send this with him it should explain everything.(Priestess saids and hands Lizard the note about what happened to the Elf Girl)

Iron Warrior: Don't worry miss the dragon warrior here is going to take you home where you will be reunited with your own kind.

Elf Girl: Thank you so much....sir Iron Warrior I will never forget what you did for me....thank you.

Iron Warrior: Your welcome and its what I do, help people, save lives, take down monsters who dare threaten innocent lives.

The skeleton dragon then took the Elf girl and carried her in its arms and headed out of the ruins so that she can reunite with the other elves as well as finding out what happened to her thanks to the note that Priestess has asked to be taken with.

Lizard Priest: My conjured messenger should safely deliver her to the elves in the forest.

High Elf: 😢sniff....What the hell is going on! Can you imagined what she has been through....(High Elf saids with tears in her eyes in which Iron Warrior walked over to make sure she was alright)

Iron Warrior: Its going to be ok Angel Forest....I also feel sorry for that poor elf and what she has been through including what the goblins did to so many women around the world. But I swear I will hunt everyone last one them across this new world and I will make them pay for what they did and I will not let them harm anyone close to me friends, family, loved ones, I will fight with all my might.(Iron Warrior saids in which High Elf looked towards Iron Warrior with a smile as well as did Dwarf, Lizard, Priestess and even Goblin Slayer who was amazed by his words)

High Elf: 😢sniff...Thank you Y/N that means a lot to me......

Iron Warrior: Thats what friends are for, so hows about we kill some goblins and lets make sure they stay dead for what they did to your own kind.

High Elf: Yes.....I will make them pay....

Goblin Slayer: I found something in the room.

Priestess: Is it another scroll?

Goblin Slayer: No its a map of the ruins, it was in this rucksack. The Elf girl must of been using it and it looks like there is a large chamber to the left and it looks like their using it as their main camp.

Iron Warrior: Looks like I was right about that.

Goblin Slayer: Yes you were, but the more information we have the better.

Iron Warrior: Very well, come on Angel Forest lets go knock some goblins heads off together.(Iron Warriors saids to the Elf and holds out his metal hand in which Elf took it)

High Elf: Yes and we have to move quickly and stop them.

Goblin Slayer: Thats right...the goblins must be put to death.

The adventurers then used the map that they found and venture deep into the ruins to find the remaining goblins while also taking out some of them who were wondering around the fortress in which Iron Warrior shot a lot of them while High Elf fired her arrows at them without making a sound while Goblin Slayer took out some included.

Goblin Slayer: How many spells do we have left?

Priestess: Well I still have my healing spell as well as my other miracle spell so I am still good.

Lizard Priest: I have three remaining spells but a dragon tooth warrior requires catalysts. I will only able to use that particular miracle once more.

Dwarf: And this old dwarf can cast about four or five.

Goblin Slayer:Got it, what about you Iron Warrior?

Iron Warrior: I can still use my healing spell and I have unlimited ammo so I don't have to waste bullets thank the god for doing that for me. And if things get too out of hand I just use my powers on the goblins so I can smooch them into a paste.

Goblin Slayer: Understood..

Priestess: Would you like some water.(Priestess saids to High Elf)

High Elf: Yes thank you...

Goblin Slayer: Show some moderation only a sip a full belly will slow your movements.

Priestess: She needs something to drink can't you be a little more...

Goblin Slayer: There is no need to act tough if your up to this come, if your not go back its that simple.

Iron Warrior: Slayer chill for once...(Iron Warrior saids in which Goblin Slayer looked down until Elf spoke)

High Elf: Don't be ridiculous, I am a ranger who is going to scout and find all traps if I leave and I know Iron Warrior could do that just fine but I don't want to leave those I care about behind.

Goblin Slayer: We just have to make do with the five of us.

High Elf: idiot there is no way I am going back not after what they did to that elf! My home isn't very far from here what if they had.....

Iron Warrior: Forest Angel.....

Goblin Slayer: I see....then lets begin.

Dwarf: Keep your wits about you long ears still this our greatest ally against the beast as well as Iron Warrior did you know that dwarves consider goblins our mortal enemies as well. We will make them pay for what they did to her and I wont leave here until they are all dead.

Iron Warrior: We got your back Angel Forest and so does Slayer even though she wont say it.

High Elf: Sigh...thank you Y/N and between us I hate taking advice from dwarves but he is right sorry for that just now, I will refocus.

Iron Warrior: Thats the spirit.

Dwarf: Like your heads back on your shoulders.

After everyone got together and calm they continued on with their mission and venture into the fortress more until they came upon a big open part of the fortress in which looked like an underground tower and below them was a group of goblins in which there was many of them lying on ground.

Iron Warrior: Looks like we found the others?

High Elf: It would appear so?

Goblin Slayer: Well..

High Elf: Its just as it looks there are many.

Goblin Slayer: Not a problem.

Lizard Priest: Miss Goblin Slayer do you have a plan?

Goblin Slayer: I do...but we must wait until morning comes that way we can proceed.(Goblin Slayer saids in which everyone nods in agreement)

Soon morning came and all the goblins started to wake up from their nap until they all heard something coming from above them in which was Dwarf who was casting a spell of some sort.

Dwarf: Drink deep Keith seek loudly spirits trout dance and sleep like the dead to show me the dreams of fire wine!(Dwarf saids the spells and spits out the wine he was drinking in which was causing the goblins to choke for some reason until they heard a female voice coming from the other side which was Priestess)

Priestess: Hear me O merciful earth mother grant us the peace to accept all things and bless us with your solitude!(Priestess saids in which both her and Dwarf use both their spells in which made the goblins past out as well as choke)

Goblin Slayer: Stupor and silence by combining those two magics the goblins will fall asleep before any sort of alarm can be raised and then the four of us will slay them up close one at a time.

Soon Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior along with High Elf and Lizard Priest took down and kill the goblins who are asleep while Priestess and Dwarf still chant their spells to keep the goblins asleep while the others finish them off one by one.

High Elf: Too slick....

Iron Warrior: Your doing alright for now just don't loose yourself completely.

High Elf: Right I understood...thank you.

Iron Warrior: Looks like Slayer is doing alright so far I have admit has she been doing this sort of thing for her whole life?(Iron Warrior saids in thought while looking at Goblin Slayer kill the goblins)

When both Priestess and Dwarf finished their spells they joined up with the others in which Goblin Slayer was pointing towards the doorway in which they decided to go inside until Iron Warriors alarm system went off again.


Iron Warrior: Everyone stop! Something is coming and its very big.

Goblin Slayer: What is it?

THUMP! THUMP!(Loud footsteps were heard in which everyone got into fighting stance and await what is coming until something did came and it was very big and very dangerous like Iron Warrior said)

High Elf: An Ogre?!!

Iron Warrior: Figures.....

Ogre: I thought those dirty goblins were awfully quiet they don't even make good foot soldiers, you people seem more prepared than that elf from before but you are wrong if you think you can step foot in my fortress and live.

Goblin Slayer: Oh so your not a goblin?

High Elf: Are you being serious he's an Ogre you heard of them?!

Goblin Slayer: No....

Iron Warrior: Slayer, Ogres are big, mean, dangerous, argumentative, and extremely aggressive. They can only solve a problem only by hitting it and their not too bright including that the fact they are absolutely ugly bastards like this one here.

Ogre: What did you just say you bastard?!

Iron Warrior: Oh I'm sorry did I mock you, I meant what I said was an insult because you are one ugly mother fucker.

Ogre: You dare insult me little armored man?!, I have been granted an army by one of the demon lords generals.

Iron Warrior: This kind of army that we just killed a couple minutes ago pathetic I don't know why the demon lord granted you such a ridiculous army.

High Elf: Unbelievable Y/N is showing no fear against this thing?(Elf saids in thought while looking at her friend in amazement)

Goblin Slayer: I know both me and Iron Warrior know that there are powerful monsters in the world but I am afraid I never heard of you.


Iron Warrior: I think we just pissed him off?

High Elf: You think?!!

The Ogre then slams his weapon to the ground missing both Iron Warrior and Goblin Slayer but a minute.

Ogre: I never heard of you then I will show you my power so that you might die knowing it!!(Ogre saids and he made a fireball come to his hand)

Dwarf: He is testing a fireball!!!

High Elf: Scatter!

Dwarf: Its huge where do you suppose we go?!

Iron Warrior: Priestess good time for a miracle.

Priestess: Right...Hear me O merciful earth mother please protect us with your divining light and the sacred power of nature!(Priestess saids in which she created shield to block the Ogres fireball)

Ogre: You Die!!!!!

Priestess: Protection!

Then soon when Priestess used another one so that the fireball couldn't get through all of sudden the miracle had worked and stopped the fireball from hitting everyone but for Priestess she felt weak to the knees and started to fall over until Iron Warrior caught her.

Iron Warrior: Good job little one you saved us nice work.

Priestess: Thanks Iron Warrior....

High Elf: We can handle him!

Ogre: Foolish little elf you will suffer far more than the other elf dreamed of!

Goblin Slayer: Create a warrior we need numbers!(Goblin Slayer saids to Lizard)

Lizard Priest: As you wish miss Goblin Slayer. Oh horns and claws of our Father Iguanaodon by four limbs become two legs and walk upon this earth! Oh sickle wings of the velociraptor slice fly post!(Lizard saids the spells in which the dragon warrior appeared along with a sword and then charged at the Ogre)

Soon both Lizard and Dwarf began to attack the Ogre while High Elf went above and shot the beast in the eye with an arrow.

Ogre: Did you think you can defeat me by throwing a few pebbles!!!(Ogre saids then all of sudden Lizard and his dragon warrior attacked in which the Ogre blocked their attack)

Lizard Priest: Now miss Goblin Slayer!

Goblin Slayer charged at the Ogres legs but all of sudden it didn't do anything to it in which made the beast pissed off again.

Ogre: Is that your best attack!!!!(Ogre saids in which he hit Goblin Slayer and she was soon slammed into the pillow hard)

High Elf: Orc Bolg No!!

Priestess: I don't think she is moving!!!!!!

Ogre: Do not mistake me for some mere goblin you shall each pay dearly for this humiliation!

Iron Warrior: Hey you ugly son of bitch how about you fight someone your own size!!!!

Ogre: Hah what is tiny metal man going to do about it!

Iron Warrior: Time to go HullkBuster on this looser.(Iron Warrior saids in thought an then his armor begins to glow in which everyone even the Ogre shield their eyes from what Iron Warrior was doing)

Orge: What trickery is this?!

Then soon the light dyed down in which everyone open back their eyes then looked towards the front in which many of them were in awe and some had their jaws dropped to the ground of what they were looking at even the Ogre himself couldn't  believe it either.

Iron Warrior: Whose a tiny metal man now!

High Elf: Holly shit?!!!

Dwarf: Wow that is some armory...

Lizard Priest: He's gigantic......

Priestess: Amazing......

Ogre: Finally I worthy opponent! Once I take you down your armor will do nicely on my wall.

Iron Warrior: We will see about that asshole!

The Ogre then charged at Iron Warrior and slammed its weapons at Iron Warrior but thanks to the armor hit blocked its attack in which the Ogre was speechless that his weapon didn't do anything damage to the armor.

Iron Warrior: Heh is that all you got.

Ogre: Grrrrrrrr......I will destroy you!!!!!

Iron Warrior: Not likely here let me show you what I can do, but first say cheese you Ogre scumbag.(Iron Warrior saids then lifts up his hand in which a glow appeared out of the pawn and then blasted the beam of light at the Ogres face in which caused it to burn)


High Elf: Whoah he wasn't kidding about the energy blasts coming out of the hands!

Lizard Priest: Priestess attend to Goblin Slayer while the rest of us help Iron Warrior.

Priestess: Goblin Slayer can you hear me!!!(Priestess saids and runs over to Goblin Slayer to see if she is alright or not)


Iron Warrior: Oh I am so scared of big bad grouchy Ogre.

Ogre: Grrrrrr......

Iron Warrior: Oh did I made you mad, here allow to apologize to you in which any case punch the sense out you.

Iron Warrior then charge the Ogre with full force in which the beast landed on the ground hard and looked to see Iron Warrior on top of him and then all sudden the Ogre tried to get up but was then punched in the fast with such great speed from Iron Warriors HulK Buster.


High Elf: Whoah look at him go! He is beating the living crap out of that Ogre.

Dwarf: Such incredible speed and very powerful hitting he is doing.

Lizard Priest: Sir Iron Warrior is full of wonders.

BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM!(Iron Warrior kept on hitting the Ogre more and more in which the beasts face was covered in so much blood)

Back with Priestess who attending to Goblin Slayer who is starting to wait up from her hit in which she looked to see Priestess next to her.

Goblin Slayer: Argh...I can't feel...what...what is happening?.....

Priestess: Iron Warrior is taking on the Ogre and using some sort of giant armor made of gold and red in which looks like he is winning and getting the upper hand. While the others are helping him to make sure nothing happens but it looks like he has it covered.

Goblin Slayer: Good...I need a healing potion and a stamina potion...

Priestess: Of course!(Priestess saids and takes out the potions from Goblin Slayers pouches and hands them to her)

BAM!!!(Iron Warrior hit the Ogre again and kept of hitting him in the face and in the gut as well while it was trying to stand up and fight but couldn't)

Goblin Slayer: So thats Iron Warriors other armor.....I never seen armor that big before how is he moving in the thing?(Goblin Slayer saids in thought while looking at Iron Warrior fight the Ogre while Goblin Slayer drinks the potions to get all better again)

Priestess: Goblin Slayer?

Goblin Slayer: Lets do this...wheres my bag?

Priestess: Its right here what do you need!(Priestess saids and hands Goblin Slayer her bag)

Goblin Slayer: Thanks and stay back.

Priestess: Be careful!

Goblin Slayer: I will be reckless if it means I win but there are usually other ways to ensure success.(Goblin Slayer saids and heads towards the Ogre who was getting his ass kicked but Iron Warrior)

High Elf: Stop your injured!

Goblin Slayer: I have a plan stand aside!

Iron Warrior: Slayer what are you doing!

Goblin Slayer: Iron Warrior lead him towards me I have a plan and its a good one!

Iron Warrior was going to object but looked what Goblin Slayer had in her hands in which was the scroll from before in which Iron Warrior knows what Goblin Slayer is going to do next.

Ogre: Argh......well looks like....if the human weakling is used up the last of her miracles...

BAM! BAM!(Iron Warrior hit the Ogre again in which it went flying into the pillows and then Iron Warrior went towards Goblin Slayer to give her some protection)

Iron Warrior: Geez that bastard in annoying, lets end this clown once and for all Slayer.

Goblin Slayer: Right!

Ogre: I WILL KILL YOU BOTH!!!!!!!(Ogre saids and charges at both Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior)

Iron Warrior and Goblin Slayer: Your a fool/Your a fool..(Both said then soon Goblin Slayer unwrapped the scroll and showed it to the Ogre in which created a huge light that blinded everyone except for Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior in which the Ogre started to fill something in which all of his limbs were being cut off one by one and blood was pouring everywhere)

Then after the Ogre was hit with the strange like and he cut into pieces all was silent in which everyone opened their eyes to see that Ogre was split in half and had no arms or legs in which Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior walked towards the beast together.

Ogre: But how....what did you do!

Goblin Slayer: This is a gate scroll I linked it to the bottom of the sea.

Iron Warrior: Hmm not bad.

High Elf: What just happened? Was that just sea water?

Lizard Priest: The water in the depth is under incredible pressure it must be unleashed swiftly like a blade, to think she used a transfer scroll as a weapon.

Dwarf: Such magic allows her to escape in an instant, Its often used by adventurers in peril but certainly not is a form of attack like this.

Goblin Slayer: I was going to use that scroll to destroy a nest..oh well now then what were you called again?(Goblin Slayer saids and she walks up to the Ogre and next to its face)

Iron Warrior: It probably doesn't matter anyway Slayer.

Goblin Slayer: Good point..

Ogre: Your would use such power against mere goblins.

Goblin Slayer: Yes...because goblins are far more troublesome than you.(Goblin Slayer saids and stabs the Ogre in the head and cut right through its skull)

Iron Warrior: Nicely done Slayer you just killed an Ogre very impressive.

Goblin Slayer: Thanks but goblins are still my main target.

Iron Warrior: Understood, but I am happy that your alright and safe thats all that matters.(Iron Warriors saids bends down to Goblin Slayer)

Goblin Slayer: He was worried about me....(Goblin Slayer saids in thought while looking at Iron Warrior)

Iron Warrior: Hows about I heal you with my magic and we can leave this trashy place.

Goblin Slayer: Yea.....

After Iron Warrior changed back into his war machine armor again and healed Goblin Slayer along with the others whole got injured by the Ogre they all checked the fortress once more to see if there was any more goblins left in which there were and they all killed them together then soon they decided to head back to the surface in which they met with a group of elves waiting for them.

Elf man: You have our gratitude we received your letter and the girl then came as soon as we were able how many more goblins are left inside at this point?(The Elf man said in which Goblin Slayer along with her party walked past the elf man and his campion without saying a word until Iron Warrior spoke)

Iron Warrior: Their all dead thats all you need to know no questions answered.

Elf Man: Um ok?......

Iron Warrior then went with the others and changed back out of his armor to get some air for once and sat right next to Goblin Slayer.

Elf Companion: Well anyway we are going to scout for any survivors now please try to rest in the back on the way into town.

Soon or later the adventurers were heading back into town as they speak and while they were in the back of the carriage they decided to talk about something while some of them decided to sleep in which any case Lizard, Dward, Goblin Slayer and Y/N.

High Elf: Priestess....

Priestess: What is it?

High Elf: Does Orc Bolg always insane stunts like that and I can tell that Y/N does it as well or I think he does.(Elf said while looking at Goblin Slayer resting while Y/N is on her lap sleeping in which he doesn't know about)

Priestess: Kind of but for Y/N no not really I guess thats who they are I think.

High Elf: Well then...

Priestess: But despite how rash she can be it would seem that she is always quite aware of her actions, she also isn't obligated to teach to me anything except for Y/N and yet every quest that she does.

High Elf: I see...we should sleep.

Priestess: Yes I think that would be wise.

High Elf: Yea no I still don't like her but for Y/N him I like and those words he said to me really made me feel proud and that is someone I can look up to time to time.(Elf saids then looks towards Y/N who was sleeping peacefully on Goblin Slayers lap)

Priestess: Yea I like him too...he's like the brother I never had, always there looking out for me and making sure I stay safe.

High elf: Yea even though Orc Bolg saved us from that Ogre with Y/N helping I thought adventurers were suppose to be fun, there is joy and experiencing the unknown and discovering new wonders. We should feel happy and accomplished proud of what we have done but thats not what I am feeling in the slightest.

High Elf: Someday I will take her on an actual adventure and maybe Y/N as well because I would like to him to tag along as well for what he did for us including me.(Elf saids in thought while looking at both Goblin Slayer and Y/N sleeping peacefully then soon she too went to sleep as well)

With Goblin Slayer after she saw both Priestess and High Elf fall asleep she looked down and saw Y/N sleeping on her lap in which earned the armored girl a smile on her face and decided to pet the mans hair in which she found Y/N'S hair to be very soft.

Goblin Slayer: You really are something else Y/N maybe more so and thanks for protecting me and worrying about me.(Goblin Slayer saids in thought while petting Y/N'S head in which she heard something from Y/N who was talking in his sleep)

Y/N:!....Slayer.......(Y/N saids in his sleep in which made Goblin Slayer blush and smile under her helmet)

Goblin Slayer: You really are something Y/N rest well.

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