Chapter 3: Unexpected Visitors!
In the guild where all the adventurers were waiting and talking to themselves while also having some drinks and food, a woman with long ears went up to the stand where Guild Girl was and wanted to ask her something important while the other adventurers were eyeing the the person who turned out to be an elf that was carrying a bow and a few daggers.
Whoa look at her?
Down boy....
Right I'm sorry
It looks like she's a high elf, they are direct blood descendants of the fairies.
Those ears just look how long they are? They are much longer than other eleven.
Back with the Elf and Guild Girl they were discussing about an adventurer by the name Orc Bulk but unfortunately Guild Girl has no idea what the elf is talking about.
High Elf: Where can I find Orc Bolg?
Guild Girl: Oak you mean like the tree?
High Elf: Sigh...No Orc as in Orc Bolg I heard that she was here!
Guild Girl: Are you referring to an adventurer?(Guild Girl asked until a dwarf came over to ask the same question as well)
Dwarf: You Fool we are in the realm of the humans now your fancy long ears talk isn't going to help.
High Elf: Oh then exactly what should I call her?
Dwarf: Her proper name of course beard cutter.
Guild Girl: Sorry there's no one here by that name either.
Dwarf: There isn't?
High Elf: You dwarves have much imagination as the rocks you work always convinced you are the ones who are right.
Dwarf: Huh...and what do you know of the world with a heart as small as your chest is flat!(Dwarf saids in which caused Elf to blush as well as to get pissed off)
High Elf: At least I am not barrel shaped like your dwarf women!
Dwarf: I think you mean!......
Guild Girl: Um please......(Guild Girl was trying to stop the fight until the moment was cut short when a lizard man approach and ended to idiocy)
Lizard Priest: If you are quarreling isn't over I beg of you kindly go elsewhere and spare the rest of us. If my companions have caused you trouble I apologize.
Guild Girl: It's fine, I'm used to it...
Guild Girl: How bizarre....this is quite an odd party a high elf traveling with her ancestral flow of dwarf and a member of the rarely glimpsed lizard man race plus their all silver ranked.(Guild Girl saids in thought while checking out the adventurers in front of her)
Lizard Priest: As my comrades have said the one we seek is known by the names Orc Bolg and Beard Cutter sadly the human tongue is not my specialty but translated I believe she is known as the Goblin Slayer.
Soon after the doors open to revel an armored woman along with a small priestess in which everyone turned around and saw the two walk in together.
Guild Girl: Oh Goblin Slay........
Goblin Slayer and Priestess walked towards the stand to meet with Guild Girl in which they both cut themselves from the Elf, Lizard, and Dwarf to talk about what is going on.
High Elf: Wait hold on?!
Goblin Slayer: We're done......
Guild Girl: Thats wonderful, welcome back Goblin Slayer.(Guild Girl saids in which earned gasp from the Elf, Dwarf and Lizard standing right behind Goblin Slayer)
Priestess: The quest went successful.
Guild Girl: I am glad to see your both safe by the way wheres Iron Warrior?(Guild Girl saids in which the three adventurers heard in which the door opened again to revel a tall person wearing highly advanced armor with a big cannon on his shoulders as well as very bizarre weapons)
Iron Warrior: Here I am sorry I was doing something important.
Guild Girl: Oh no trouble at all welcome back Iron Warrior.
High Elf: Wait this guy is Iron Warrior?!(Elf saids in thought while in shock of the armored looking guy in front of her in which she has never seen such weapons or armor before in her life time)
Dwarf: My that is some impressive armory and those weapons he has on him very bizarre, and his voice sounds like he means business I like that.(Dwarf saids in thought while checking out Iron Warrior from head to toe)
Lizard Priest: So this is the Iron Warrior himself, I must admit this is something I never seen before while traveling around the world.(Lizard saids in thought while also checking out Iron Warrior)
Goblin Slayer: You were talking about goblins where are they?
Guild Girl: Um well ask them..(Guild Girl saids and points to the three adventurers behind her)
Goblin Slayer: Are you goblins?
Iron Warrior and Priestess: Pffff........(Both trying not to laugh)
High Elf: Of course were not but are you Orc Bolg cuz you certainly don't look it?
Iron Warrior: Well thats a dumb name to call someone.
Goblin Slayer: I agree and why wouldn't I be, I have never been called that.
Lizard Priestess: Miss Goblin Slayer, if we might have a moment of your time there is something we would like to discuss with you.
Goblin Slayer: Sigh...fine
Guild Girl: In that case we do have some meeting rooms available for use upstairs.
Goblin Slayer: Lets go...
Iron Warrior: We will wait down here for you until your done.
Goblin Slayer: Alright, but for now get some rest for now.
Priestess: Oh alright...
High Elf: Don't worry we will have her back soon. By the way I would like to know more about you Iron Warrior because I have never seen someone like you before as well as the armor you wear.
Iron Warrior: I can't argue with that sure why not and maybe some other time.(Iron Warrior saids to the Elf in which she nods and then goes to follow her companions along with Goblin Slayer)
Priestess: Wanna go sit down while she is with them?
Iron Warrior: Sure why don't you go find us a table while I grab us some drinks.
Priestess: Ok..(Priestess saids then goes finds an empty table for both her and Iron Warrior to sit while he goes to get the drinks for the both of them)
Priestess found an empty table in which she sat down and waited for Iron Warrior to come back with the drinks he mentioned and while she was waiting all of sudden two adventures came by and wanted to ask the girl something important in which was a Rookie Warrior and a girl called Apprentice Cleric.
Rookie Warrior: Um Priestess?
Priestess: Yes?
Rookie Warrior: Look why don't you join us your porcelain rank too right.
Priestess: Oh its very kind of you to offer but I am already working with someone else....
Cleric: The brooding girl one who never removes her helmet and the new guy Iron Warrior.
Rookie Warrior: We have no arguments about Iron Warrior since he looks like a guy who knows what he is doing in which you and him work great together but for Goblin Slayer is another question, something seems off about her; she is silver ranked but only ever wants to do is kill goblins. Silvers would usually for bigger prey than that.
Cleric: I heard that she is just dragging beginners around to use as goblin bait.
Priestess: Thats not true!
I think you two said enough....(A deep voice saids from behind Priestess in which was Iron Warrior who came back with the drinks that he promised)
Priestess: Oh Iron Warrior your back..
Iron Warrior: I am and with the drinks I promised, I got us some tea to have while we wait for Slayer to get done business.(Iron Warrior saids and hands Priestess the cup of tea in which she took it)
Priestess: Oh thank you so much.
Iron Warrior: Your welcome and as for you two.(Iron Warrior saids in which both look like they were turning pale)
Rookie Warrior: But Iron Warrior we were just.....
Iron Warrior: I heard everything you were talking about and you shouldn't believe everything you say about what Slayer does.
Cleric: We were just telling Priestess not to.....(Cleric saids but stops when she looks to see Iron Warrior taking off his helmet in which Priestess and Rookie Warrior saw as well)
When Iron Warrior removed his helmet to reveal a very handsome man with black hair and green eyes in which caused both Priestess and Cleric to blush at the site they were seeing while Rookie Warrior looked at Iron Warrior in awe in what he really looks like under the helmet.
Iron Warrior: You shouldn't be so judgmental about how people look and what they do, and besides I seen what Slayer can do on the field when it comes to goblins and right now she is doing the world a favor and getting rid of them so that they cannot cause a problem to villages as well as innocent people. So if you don't like what she is doing then you can just walk away and not get involved of how she does her work and besides its not nice to say mean things to someone you hardly know about without getting to know them. Since you both are rookies I think its best that before you go out into the open and do quest take my advice work hard, train hard, read more about what goes on in the world and the creatures that live in this world so that you can get a better understanding of what you need to do trust me it works all the time.(Iron Warrior saids with a charming smile in which cause Cleric and Priestess hearts to thump faster while Rookie Warrior was thinking about what Iron Warrior said and will give it some thought as well as Cleric who was also thinking the idea as well while also staring at the cute boy in front of her)
Cleric: Um....we...we..will give some thought......(Cleric saids while blushing and looking away from Iron Warrior)
Rookie Warrior: Yea same here.....
Iron Warrior: Good thats what I like to here from the both of you.(Iron Warrior saids to the two in which they both nod and then went off leaving both him and Priestess to themselves)
Priestess: Is that really you Iron Warrior?
Iron Warrior: Huh....of course its me why you think I am going to sip my tea with my helmet on, I mean that would be weird right.(Iron Warrior saids in which Priestess giggle at the thought of it)
Priestess: Hehehe, I guess your right about that still you look so much better this way and I really like your eyes their so beautiful.
Iron Warrior: Hehehe thank you I been getting that a lot lately so shall we enjoy our tea together while we wait for Goblin Slayer.
Priestess: Sure and thanks again for the tea....mmmm its delicious.
Iron Warrior: I agree as well cheers.(Iron Warrior saids and hold up his cup as did Priestess)
Back with Goblin Slayer, she is with the three adventurers that she met downstairs and decided to talk while her companions are waiting for her to get down.
High Elf: Are truly an adventurer of the silver rank?
Goblin Slayer: The guild thinks so?
High Elf: Then the guild must be wrong, you look weak and your equipment is so shabby except for that Iron Warrior in which his armor is something else and I can see by the way he looks he is quite strong.
Dwarf: What do you know before you speak long ears take a closer look at her appearance, that leather armor makes for easier movement and chainmail and helmet provide protection against blades and blows to the head. Her sword and shield may be small but they are easy to maneuver in tight spaces.
High Elf: Well it certainly wouldn't kill to keep your equipment clean unlike Iron Warrior whose equipment is cleaner than what you have on.
Goblin Slayer: I have no arguments about Iron Warrior or his equipment but what I saw is that he gets the job done right and is very skilled and as for your question its a precaution to cover the smell metal those bastards have keen noses.
Dwarf: Listen you may be a high elf but you are still an inexperienced whelp whose out wandering the world because she got bored and doesn't have the sense to listen to her elders.
High Elf: I am two thousands years old and how old are you?
Dwarf: One hundred and seven..
High Elf: Hehehe, oh my is that all you look older much older those winkles poor man.
Lizard Priest: Sigh...thats is more than enough talk about ages it shame those of us with shorter lifespans.
Goblin Slayer: Whats your business with me?
High Elf: I am sure you heard by now about the growing number of demons in the capital.
Goblin Slayer: No?
High Elf: Leading them is a demon king, he's been resurrected now he is gathering forces because he wants to take over the world.
Goblin Slayer: I see...
High Elf: Thats why we came. we need somebody like yours or Iron Warriors size....
Goblin Slayer: Iron Warrior might be able to help but as for me ask someone else, I have no interest in anything but goblins.(Goblin Slayer saids in which caused Elf to gasp in shock then started to yell)
High Elf: Don't you understand, I'm saying that hordes of demons are going to attack do you realize the entire world is at stake here?!
Goblin Slayer: Yes, but before the demons destroy the world the goblins will destroy the villages they can't be spared simply because the world is in danger.
High Elf: dare you!!!!(Elf saids in anger then tries to attack Goblin Slayer but is stopped by the Dwarf)
Dwarf: Easy think about why were here, we didn't track them down to ask for their help to deal with the demons remember.
Lizard Priest: Miss Goblin Slayer, we have come to ask for both yours and Iron Warriors aid with infestation of goblins.
Goblin Slayer: Alright I accept where are they? How many? How big is their nest? Do they have a shaman or a hob?
High Elf: What is with this girl?
Lizard Priest: As my companion is mentioned in the wake of the demon kings resurrection an army of his minions has gathered and is preparing to make its move so the chieftains of my kind, the kings of men, and the elders of the elves and dwarves have decided to hold a conference.
Dwarf: And we are the adventurers who have been hired to act as their representatives.
High Elf: Eventually a great battle is going to be fought although I am sure you don't care about that but for Iron Warrior I not quite sure.
Dwarf: The goblins we mentioned to you earlier are currently becoming more active on eleven lands making a real nuisance of themselves.
Goblin Slayer: Have any champions or lords emerged among them?
High Elf: Champions and lords?
Goblin Slayer: Goblin heroes or kings basically equal to platinum rank adventurers.
Lizard Priest: I am afraid I cannot answer that however our search has turned up one enormous nest.
Goblin Slayer: And as usual the military wont deploy for goblins.
High Elf: The human kings may see us as allies but they don't see us as equals if we brought our soldiers into this they would think we were plotting something.
Lizard Priest: Which is why they sent us adventures but we still require a human with goblin slaying prowess.
High Elf: So out of everyone else, we have chosen you as well as Iron Warrior in which we would still like to see what he is capable of in the battle field because of the rumors we heard about him.
Goblin Slayer: Do you have a map?
Lizard Priest: Right here..(Lizard saids and hands the map to Goblin Slayer)
Goblin Slayer: Ruins..
Lizard Priest: We believe..
Goblin Slayer: Numbers?
Lizard Priest: We only know that there are many.
Goblin Slayer: Myself and Iron Warrior will leave immediately you can decide how much you want to pay us both.(Goblin Slayer saids to the three and leaves the room)
High Elf: What the? she and Iron Warrior planning to go alone?
Back with Iron Warrior and Priestess after they both had their tea and Iron Warrior put his helmet back on they look to see Goblin Slayer coming downstairs and was heading towards Guild Girl while also bumping into Spearman in which he got anode.
Goblin Slayer: Goblins...
Guild Girl: Oh your meeting didn't take that long, from the sound of it they came to offer you a mission.
Goblin Slayer: That lizard man will give you the details, myself and Iron Warrior are heading out, I would like our pay for that last quest.(Goblin Slayer saids then Iron Warrior came over to see what is going on)
Iron Warrior: I see the meeting went well so what is going on Slayer?
Goblin Slayer: We got a mission to slay nest of goblins.
Guild Girl: Before you both go, you haven't made your report on the quest that you both went on I suppose I could make an exception for the both of you.
Guild Girl then gives both Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior the award then gives some of the money to her because it is also for Priestess because she helped as well.
Iron Warrior: Here can you give this to Priestess she earned some of this money as well.
Guild Girl: Thats so sweet of you...but wait a minute are you and Goblin Slayer going alone?
Iron Warrior: I am pretty sure that Priestess would come even if she begs to come I will still allow it.
Goblin Slayer: I think she should rest for now.
Priestess: Goblin Slayer, Iron Warrior what did they want? Is it a quest?
Iron Warrior: Indeed it is little one.
Goblin Slayer: Yes...slaying goblins.
Priestess: Then I'll get ready immediately!
Goblin Slayer: No, Iron Warrior and I will go on our own..
Priestess: Thats not fare!!!......we could at least discuss it...
Iron Warrior: Slayer for once loosen up a bit, I mean look at her she really wants to come with us and I know you may not look it but the way she is acting right now she sounds like someone who wants to help out and do some good in her life in which I am very impressed by your attitude Priestess very impressed and I would like for you to attend with us.
Priestess: Thank you so much Iron Warrior!....and Goblin Slayer I am going with you both and what I can tell is that none of you are going to leave me behind.
Iron Warrior: I got your back Priestess always will, Slayer what about you?
Goblin Slayer: Do as you wish..
Priestess: Yes I plan too!(Priestess saids with excitement and follows both Goblin Slayer and Iron Warrior while three adventurers were heading downstairs to join them)
Dwarf: Teaming up with a woman like that can't be easy if she can manage that I wonder what else she can do not to mention Iron Warrior I would like to see the fellow in action and what those weapons on his armor can really do to a goblin.
Lizard Priest: If I would to put in the quest and not go with them I wouldn't be able to face my ancestors.
High Elf: This Orc Bolg is a strange and incomprehensible being just what I left the forest to see. But for this Iron Warrior though he is another story I want to know who he is and how he got that kind of armor as well as weapons and are they strong enough to take on goblins or any other monster lurking around the world. Wait up boys don't you know that you are supposed to respect your elders!
Soon the adventures all left together as well as got their equipment and started to head out together in which they thought the idea is to camp out for the night and wait until morning to strike the goblins that were located on the map which were near the ruins. So right now everyone was around the camp fire and it looks like they were about to tell each other why they decided to become adventurers.
High Elf: So why did you all become adventurers?
Dwarf: Me for the exquisite cuisine obviously.
Lizard Priest: For you..(Lizard saids and hands Dwarf a stick of meat)
Dwarf: What about you long ears?
High Elf: I have always longed to see the outside world....
Dwarf: This is delicious!!!
High Elf: I am talking here?!
Lizard Priest: I am so glad you find it to your liking.
Dwarf: What kind of animal is this from?
Lizard Priest: That is the meat of a swamp creature.
High Elf: Eww......
Dwarf: Mmm...a rabbit like you couldn't possibly understand the pleasure of biting into a steamy hunk of freshly roasted flesh.
Priestess: There is hot soup too would you like some.
High Elf: Yes thank you....mmmm it taste wonderful.
Lizard Priest: I hope to raise my status by rooting out heresy so I may become a dragon. That is the reason why I became an adventurer.
Priestess: Oh alright..
Dwarf: What about you Iron Warrior why did you become an adventurer?(Dwarf saids in which got everyone attention except Goblin Slayer)
Iron Warrior: I...I was never an adventurer never was until days ago I decided to become one.
Priestess: What do you mean Iron Warrior?
Iron Warrior: Sigh the only one who knows the truth about who I am is Goblin Slayer but since its just us I guess I can tell you all about who really am.
High Elf: The truth about what?
Iron Warrior: The truth of how I came to this world.
Lizard Priest: This world you mean to say your not from here?
Dwarf: How is that even possible?
Iron Warrior: Before I came to this world I lived in different world similar to this one is different.
High Elf: How different?
Iron Warrior: Elves, Dwarves, Lizard men, magic, adventurers, demons, and goblins do not exist where I come in which they are nothing more than fairly tales we tell children while we still have castles and villages but they have been abandoned for centuries in which they into a tourist site for people to know about their ancestors in which my world is highly advanced now in which technology is far beyond anything you could possibly imagined.(Iron Warrior saids in which Elf, Dwarf, Lizard and Priestess jaw hit the group of what they just heard)
Lizard Priest: That would explain why the armor you wear is far more advanced then what we have?
Elf High: Wait wait wait a minute, you mean to tell us your from another world in which we do not exist but just humans; if that is true how the hell did you get here in the first place?
Iron Warrior: I was accidentally killed by a god...(Iron Warrior saids in which made everyone except Goblin Slayer in shock that Iron Warrior was killed by a god)
Priestess and High Elf: You were killed by a god!!!!
Iron Warrior: Accidentally killed, the god made a mistake and accidentally shot a lightning bolt at me in which everything went dark after what happened in which he felt sorry for what he did in which he offer me something in return for his mistake.
Dwarf: What did he offer you Iron?
Iron Warrior: He offered me a chance to relive my life in a new world but unfortunately I can no longer stay in the world I once lived in and he asked of me if I wanted to live in a new world in which he explained the details about this world and what goes on in it and gave me the knowledge I needed to know.
Lizard Priest: So basically he had you reborn in this world for the mistake he did to you.
Iron Warrior: Exactly and I know this sounds all crazy buts its the truth I wanted to keep it a secret but since you guys look trustworthy I thought you could keep it a secret I am not ready to tell the others about who I am or where I came from.
High Elf: Well it does sounds crazy but the way you were speaking to us and the way you were honest about it makes it believable.
Dwarf: But there is something that still doesn't puzzle me?
Iron Warrior: What is that?
Dwarf: How did you get that kind of armor that you have on was that a gift from the god who accidentally killed you?
Iron Warrior: It is, allow me to show how I got it in the first place..(Iron Warrior saids then all of sudden his entire body glows bright in which everyone was in shock to see that armor was starting to disappear right in front of their eyes and replaced with a very handsome and tall man with black hair, green eyes as well as darkish clothing)
(Artwork done by me: 95nicholasnm)
Soon as the glowing went down, everyone including Goblin Slayer looked to see Iron Warrior but not Iron Warrior but a really handsome man in which caused High Elf to blush at the site she was seeing and not just her but Priestess who saw Iron Warrior without the helmet but never the full version caused her to turn pink and as for Goblin Slayer she still cannot get over of how amazing Iron Warrior looked without the armor.
High Elf:(BA-DUMP!❤️) by the goddess I never seen such a handsome man like this before....(High Elf saids in thought while blushing at Iron Warrior without the armor)
Dwarf: this what you look like without the armor I have to say Iron your features are quite charming indeed.
Lizard Priest: I must admit you have features a true warrior of your caliber.
Y/N: Hehehe thanks and since its just us you guys can call me by my real name if you want. Y/n Henry is my real name before I dubbed the name Iron Warrior.
Priestess: Y/N Henry thats a very nice name..
High Elf: Y/N huh I like that name and it sounds pleasing to my ears.(High Elf saids in thought while still looking at Y/N without the armor)
Y/N: As for your question Dwarf, I got my armor from this.(Y/N Saids and shows everyone the ring on his finger)
Priestess: A ring?
Y/N: Not just a ring, but a ring that allows me to change into different sets of armor of my choosing in which I asked the god for this gift along with a few other things as well.
High Elf: Wait a minute you mean to tell us you have more than one set of armor?
Y/N: Indeed I can change into fourteen different sets of armor in which comes in different styles, size, as well as weaponry.
Dwarf: Now that is something I would like to see for myself and how do you change into the armors?
Y/N: All I have to do is think about the armor and I instantly changed into the armor I want to be in, in which the armor you saw was called Mark 1 code name War Machine.
Lizard Priest: Ah so the armor are in numbers that would explain the numbers on the armor I just saw a minute ago.
Y/N: Exactly..
Priestess: Wow that is amazing but what are the other things that the god gave you besides a ring that allows you to change into armor?
Y/N: Well for starters I asked of him to give me healing magic in which I used to heal your comrades Priestess, Teleportation that would allow to transport any parts of the world in which I am still learning about, Super Speed that allows me to run really fast so that my enemy cannot see me coming, Super human strength in which I can take on anything bigger than me and I can lift things a lot more heavier that me, Highly Intelligence in which I am quite smart, Impervious skin so that I cannot be stabbed or wounded in battle and finally I been bless with long lasting life so I can live over a thousand years.(Y/N saids in which everyone except Goblin Slayer jaws hit rock bottom again in which they couldn't believe what they just heard and the abilities)
Priestess: He gave you those abilities?!!!!
High Elf: You have been blessed with long lasting life!!!
Y/N: Wanna see some proof so you can see for yourself.
Dwarf: Oo I do like a good show right now!
Lizard Priest: I too would like to see these abilities of yours Sir Iron Warrior.
Y/N: Alright then I will start with super strength and my impervious skin. Slayer I would need your assistance for the test.
Goblin Slayer: Alright what is that you want me to do?
Y/N: One second....(Y/N saids and then takes off his shirt revealing his eight pack and muscular body in which caused Goblin Slayers heart to thump faster as well as blush red under her helmet while High Elf was blushing more and showed signs of nosebleed while Priestess was covering her face because it turned pink)
Dwarf: Wow not only good charms but also very fit...
Lizard Priest: Seems like he is also likes to work out a lot?
Y/N: Alright Slayer I want you to strike me down with your sword and hit me in the chest.
Goblin Slayer:..........
Y/N: Uh Slayer you ok?
Goblin Slayer: Why is my heart beating so much and why is face getting all red for no reason....(Goblin Slayer saids while trying to control herself)
Y/N: Slayer?
Goblin Slayer: Sorry I was lost in thought and are you sure?
Y/N: Yes go right ahead nothing will happened, I tested out myself when I got to this world.
Then soon Goblin Slayer nods and took out a spare sword and charged at Y/N then strike him down with the sword to only shattered into pieces in which left everyone even Goblin Slayer in shock that the impervious skin like Y/N said was true.
Y/N: See nothing happened.(Y/N saids then puts back on his shirt)
Goblin Slayer: Impossible......(Goblin Slayer saids in thought while also looking at her sword that is now in pieces)
Dwarf: I guess he was telling the truth about having such hard skin.
Lizard Priest: Indeed but what about that super strength I want to know about.
Y/N: Why don't you give me something to lift and you will know.
High Elf: see that boulder over there behind us I want you to lift that.
Y/N: Childs play(Y/N saids as he walks over to the boulder then all of sudden everyone was shock and awe of what they saw next in which was Y/N lifting the boulder over his head while using his super human strength)
(Replace Superman with Y/N who is holding a boulder over his head)
Y/N: What do you think guys this strong enough for ya.
High Elf: Oh
Priestess: My
Dwarf: Goodness
Lizard Priest: He really is strong....
Goblin Slayer: I wonder if if he can take on a champion or a hob with the kind of strength?
Y/N then put the boulder down and walked back to the others in which he was then going to show them his super speed next but not the teleportation because he is learning about that ability.
Y/N: Now that you seen my super strength, impervious skin hows about I show you all my super speed and as for the teleportation I am still working on that ability so I have train more before i used it.(Y/N saids in which everyone nods of the idea)
Y/N then took his stance and got himself ready to start running in which everyone was also ready to see what the Iron Warrior can really do with such speed if it is real or not.
Y/N: Alright 3....2....1.....GO!
High Elf/Priestess/Lizard Priest/Dwarf: WHOAH!!!!!
Goblin Slayer: No way.....
Y/N began to run around the entire area so fast that his companions couldn't see him anywhere but only something running really quick and fast in which they couldn't believe what they were looking at not even Goblin Slayer. Then after words Y/N came back and smiled in which caused everyone to look at Y/N in awe and stunned of what they just experienced.
Y/N: Is that enough proof for you all?
Dwarf: Well Iron considered me impressed very impressed.
Lizard Priest: You have such skills sir Iron Warrior I am most pleased.
Y/N: Thank you, so what do you girls think?
Goblin Slayer: Not bad..your abilities would come in handy against goblins or horde of them.
Y/N: Hehehe why thank you M'lady for your words.(Y/N saids in which caused Goblin Slayer to blush a little under her helmet as well as smile)
High Elf and Priestess: YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!!!!!
Y/N: Hehehe thanks girls I really appreciated.
High Elf: My gosh I never thought of meeting someone with such incredible powers as well as armor and not only that but someone who comes from another world.
Y/N: Why thank you Angel Forest that really nice of you to say.(Y/N saids in which causes Elf to blush for the nickname she was given)
High Elf: welcome.
Priestess: Now that we know who you really are where you came from as well as what you can do what else can you tell us?
Y/N: Well for starters not only my armor comes with different sets of weapons and styles but they also have ability to fly.(Y/N saids in which everyone was shocked again even Goblin Slayer herself that Y/Ns armor can fly as well)
Goblin Slayer: Armor that can fly is that even possible?
Y/N: Well when you have armor like mine it is.
Priestess: Can you show us a demonstration Y/N.
Y/N: Sure I will since were all friends here and I will show you one of my other armors as well.(Y/N saids as he gets up then thinks for a moment to change into what he wants and then we thought about it the glowing appeared again in which everyone shield their eyes like before)
Then soon the glowing dyed down in which everyone looked to see that Y/N now in the armor but not just any armor but a totally different armor that was all silver in which Goblin Slayer was very impressed of how it looked and the difference was it didn't look big or heavily armed like the first armor Y/N had but still looked cool.
High Elf: Whoah!, he wasn't joking about the different sets of armor.
Priestess: He looks so much like a knight in this one.
Lizard Priest: Very impressive sir Iron Warrior.
Dwarf: I'll say what do you call this one?
Iron Warrior: This here is armor Mark 2 and just like the other armors they too have ability to fly allow to me show you.
Iron Warrior then took his stance and then all of sudden he blasted off from the ground and into the sky in which caused everyone to look at in awe as well as in complete utter shock even Goblin Slayer and was quite jealous that her armor cannot do that.
Everyone except Goblin Slayer: HE CAN ACTUALLY FLY?!!!!!
Iron Warrior: Wow even though its night out, I have to say the view looks great from up here.(Iron Warrior saids in thought while checking out the landscape from above)
Goblin Slayer: This is something I never seen before, I wonder why he never told me about this from the start?(Goblin Slayer saids in thought while watching Iron Warrior fly around)
Then after flying for a while now Iron Warrior landed back on the ground in which his companions were now really amazed of their new friend and what can do can with such skills as well as fancy armor.
Iron Warrior: I can see that you guys were impressed.
Priestess: Very impressed Y/N you were amazing and this the first time I got to see armor that actually fly.
High Elf: I'll say and it makes me wonder what the other armor versions can do.
Iron Warrior: You guys will see soon in due time, So now that you know about me and what I did to get here who wants to go next?
Everyone thought about it for minute then looked towards Goblin Slayer in which she was silent for a minute now until she spoke the world like she does everyday.
Goblin Slayer: Goblins....
High Elf: Yea I think we have that one pretty figured out thanks. By the way that soup was delicious its only fare I give you something in return.(Elf saids and goes into her bag to get something out in which looked like bread of some sort)
Iron Warrior: What are those?
High Elf: These are called elven traveling rations were not suppose to give them to others but this a special occasion.
Priestess: So good!
Iron Warrior: Mmm not bad Angel Forest not bad at all.(Iron Warrior saids in which Elf smiles and blushes for Iron Warriors kind words)
High Elf: Hehehe I glad you both like it.
Dwarf: Alright then I suppose I have to offer something too, this here is fire wine a dwarven brew made deep in our cellars.
High Elf: Fire Wine?
Dwarf: Surely someone of your advanced age and considerable authority that is not a tipple or two before.
High Elf: Don't you mock me cave dweller of course I have.
Iron Warrior: Oh boy this is not gonna end well?(Iron Warrior saids in thought and watches Elf take a sip of the wine in which causes her to cough as well as blush like crazy for what she has drank)
High Elf: Cough!....cough!.....
Priestess: Um would a sip of water help maybe?
Dwarf:Hahaha!, go on beard cutter have a swig!(Dwarf saids to Goblin Slayer in which she took the drink and gave it a sip)
Iron Warrior: Now her too oh boy....(Iron Warrior saids in thought while looking at Goblin Slayer taking a sip of the fire wine)
Dwarf: Not bad ah kid.
Then soon High Elf was starting to feel drunk after the wine started to kick in and was bothering Goblin Slayer about removing her helmet.
High Elf(Drunk): Oh come on take if off for a few minutes why do you need it when you are eating anyway?(Elf saids while drunks and shaking Goblin Slayers helmet)
Goblin Slayer: So I am not knocked unconscious in the event fo an ambush..
Dwarf: Yea she is going to feel that in the morning, what about you Iron care for a swing.
Iron Warrior: Sorry but no I am not an alcoholic kind a guy.
High Elf(Drunk): Ehhh....its yours and Iron Warrior turn to share something with us...hello did you fall asleep in there.(Elf saids while still shaking Goblin Slayers head)
Priestess: She's quiet because she is thinking about something.
Dwarf: How can you tell?
Goblin Slayer then took something out her bag in which was covered in a cloth and once she unwrapped it, it was a block of cheese.
Goblin Slayer: Would this do?
Lizard Priest: Whatever is that?
Iron Warrior: Hehehe that my friend is called cheese of course.
Goblin Slayer: Exactly its made from fermented cow or goats milk then hardened.
Dwarf: Hold on you never heard about cheese before scaly?
Lizard Priest: My people hunt beast rather then raise them so products are unknown to our society?
High Elf(Drunk): Give it here I will cut it for you real good.
Then everyone put their cheese next to the fire and started to eat it in which Lizard Priest was filled with joy after he tried his first cheese.
Dwarf: Lovely pairs well with the wine.
High Elf(Drunk): sweet almost like a banana.
Priestess: Is this from the cows on that farm you live at?
Goblin Slayer: It is...
Priestess: Its wonderful.
Goblin Slayer: Good..what about you Iron Warrior?
Iron Warrior: Me I got something as well and this one does have cheese as well and I cooked it myself.(Iron Warrior saids and takes out what looked like bread for some reason in which confused everyone)
Priestess: Is that bread?
Iron Warrior: Not exactly you see this is a type of food that I have back in my world its a mixture of bread, garlic, cheese and tomato sauce put together we call it Stromboli.
Dwarf: Stromboli you say never heard of it?
Lizard Priest: And it has the nectar of the gods?
Iron Warrior: Allow me to show you, Slayer can I borrow a knife.(Iron Warrior saids in which Goblin Slayer gave him the knife then starts to cut the Stromboli in which everyone saw was a mixture of things that Iron Warrior said and the smell of it delightful)
Priestess: Wow that looks so good and it smells amazing!
Goblin Slayer: Huh...never heard of this Stromboli before is it good Iron Warrior?
Iron Warrior: Why don't you taste it and find out I did cook this myself after all.
Iron Warrior then gave everyone a slice of the Stromboli in which everyone took a bite and was filled with such deliciousness, Goblin Slayer took a bite and she really liked it a lot.
Dwarf: Mmm..and this garlic and tomato sauce mix with it really gives the food a better taste.
High Elf(Drunk): Soo good I could eat this forever.
Priestess: Wow this is so yummy, your a really a great cook Y/N.
Iron Warrior: Thank you so much, how is it Slayer.
Goblin Slayer: Its really good thank you Iron Warrior.
Iron Warrior: You know you can just still call me Y/N since its just us here.
Goblin Slayer: Ok Iron........I mean Y/N.
Iron Warrior: See no problem and also Elf there is planning to seek into your stuff so look behind you.
Goblin Slayer: Don't touch that..its dangerous.
High Elf(Drunk): Aww...I just wanted a peek and Y/N your such a tattle tail.
Iron Warrior: Its not a good idea to go into other peoples stuff like that.
Goblin Slayer: He's right..
High Elf(Drunk): Thats a magic scroll right? I have never seen one before.
Lizard Priest: Such scrolls contain powerful ancient spells magic that is now lost to us. They require no expertise to wield once unrolled even a child could use the spell within.
Dwarf: Indeed and they contain any variety of spells and each one can be used only once most parties rely on their own magic and sell these things off to collectors and researchers for profit.
High Elf(Drunk): Well fine at least tell me what kind of spell you got there.
Goblin Slayer: No what if the goblins capture you and you tell them whats in it.
Iron Warrior: She does have a point there.
High Elf(Drunk): I am beginning to think you don't like me very much at all?
Goblin Slayer: I'm not particular...
Dwarf: Its no use just leave the girl alone really she is far more stubborn than I am she is beard cutter.
High Elf(Drunk): Orc Bolg....
Lizard Priest: Goblin Slayer...
Goblin Slayer: Its just Goblin Slayer....
Iron Warrior: Hehehe I like these guys already.(Iron Warrior saids in thought while enjoying the show in which Priestess was giggling)
After a while now everyone has calmed down even High Elf who is no longer drunk and became to discuss other things until Lizard Priest spoke.
Lizard Priest: There is something that has been on my mind, does anyone truly known where goblins come from? I was taught they originated in a kingdom deep underground.
Priestess: When I was young we were told that when someone misbehave or makes mistake a goblin appears.
High Elf: Whats that mean?
Priestess: It is just something to make children obey they are less likely to act up if they think it will create a goblin.
Dwarf: That horrible and it means if we live long as to our own devices we be neck deep at the creature by now.
High Elf: Watch your mouth dwarf or tomorrow I will give you a demonstration of my skills with a bow!
Dwarf: How scary my beard all aquiver.
Goblin Slayer: I heard...I heard they came from the moon.
Iron Warrior: The moon?
Lizard Priest: As is one of the two above us now?
Goblin Slayer: Yes..the green moon thats where the goblins originated their green home.
Iron Warrior: How did goblins get from the moon to this world is beyond me?(Iron Warrior saids in thought while looking at the green moon above him)
High Elf: So your saying that shooting stars are goblins?
Goblin Slayer: I'm not sure but that moon has no trees, grass, or water its a desolate place and that makes them angry they envy us because we have what they don't and so they come here which is why you become jealous of someone you become like a goblin yourself.
Iron Warrior: Who told you that Slayer?
Goblin Slayer: My older sister...
Priestess: You have an older sister?
Goblin Slayer: Had...had an older sister..
High Elf: Just certain I understand you really think they are from the moon?
Goblin Slayer: All I know is for is for sure is that my sister never made mistakes.
Iron Warrior: I wonder what happened to her?(Iron Warrior saids in thought while looking at Goblin Slayer)
After a while now all of sudden Goblin Slayer was starting to feel sleepy then started to lay her head onto Iron Warriors shoulder in which he looked to see that Goblin Slayer has past out on him.
Iron Warrior: Hehehe looks someone fell asleep already.
High Elf: I think she past out?
Dwarf: Seems like the drink finally kicked in?
Priestess: I am not surprised she have quite a bit of it.
Lizard Priest: It would be wise for us to sleep if were tired tomorrow we run the risk of making mistakes.
Iron Warrior: I agree you guys head off to sleep I keep the night watch as well as look after Slayer here.
Priestess: Alright well goodnight you two and sleep well.
Iron Warrior: Thanks you as well.
Everyone then went off to their tents to get some sleep while leaving both Iron Warrior and Goblin Slayer alone while Iron Warrior kept watch while the others get some rest. Soon after Iron Warrior deactivated his armor and picked up Goblin Slayer in his arms in which he took himself along with her to a nearby tree to rest in which he took out blanket and covered both himself and her to stay warm.
Y/N: There we go this will keep us warm till morning, for now rest well Slayer you need all your strength for tomorrow including me.
Goblin Slayer without knowing moved closer to Y/N and cuddled into him in which Y/N looked to see Goblin Slayer sleeping peacefully in her friends arms while leaning her head on his chest in which made Y/N blush a little but shrugged it off then started to fall asleep with Goblin Slayer next to him.
Y/N: Good night Slayer safe dreams.
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