chapter 2
It appeared that things were not going to plan.
Sae spent a large chunk of his Sunday morning wondering exactly how the fuck he had ended up here. Why, oh why, had he been convinced to join the Paris X Gen team in accordance with Ego Jinpachi's plans for this newfound Neo-Egoist League?
After the Japan U-20s VS Blue Lock eleven match, Sae's management had called an emergency meeting in the JFA's fancy ass boardroom. It was a boardroom Sae had spent far too many of his precious hours cramped up in, falling asleep in his chair and dreaming about things Japan would never lay their hands on like World Cup victories and FIFA trophies. He'd much rather have been anywhere else on this planet, preferably a nice Spanish beach soaking up the rays and drinking dirty martinis while beautiful Mediterranean women threw themselves at his feet. But that was out of the question, considering he'd been dragged back to the country he hated. The country he had the unpleasantry of calling his home.
Apparently, Ego Jinpachi's Blue Lock program had caught the world's attention by storm. Everyone was talking about it, and the International Football Association Board wanted in. If one determined man could truly formulate a team of next-gen strikers talented enough to nab the World Cup-winning title in such a short period of time, they were going to fund it. And fund it they were, because Blue Lock was officially rolling in it now, managing to fly in the world's top players and football teams and broadcasting it as some kind of reality TV-show.
It was raking in thousands of dollars by the minute. Sae was almost shocked, but that would require him to care, and he wasn't very good at caring. Especially about things that weren't centred around him.
Taking place in Blue Lock's facility in Japan, Ego had created five individual stratums representing each top European Premier League team: France, Germany, England, Italy and Spain. Sae's management had pressured him into picking one of the teams in a country of his choosing, stating that if the world was going to endorse Ego's crazed strategies, they might as well run with it. They'd said it was in his best interest; he'd be left behind if he didn't play along. The world's celebrity football stars would be participating, after all, and if Sae wanted to keep his status as high as it was, he'd have to join them.
So, he'd taken one careless glance at the selection they'd printed for him in an overly lengthy booklet, scanned the teams participating in whatever the hell this delusional program was, and selected the Paris X Gen team solely due to his experience playing alongside the renowned Julian Loki. Loki was a decent player and a chill person at that, something Sae was tolerable of in comparison to the other self-absorbed players leading the remaining teams. And France was undeniably one of the best countries in the world when it came to Football. He'd grown bored of Spain, so it was time to shake things up a little.
Now, Sae found himself standing in the Paris X Gen stratum of Blue Lock, forced to converse with his new teammates as they discussed their approach to training up the amature kids that would be joining them. Truthfully, he didn't give two fucks about the boys who'd chosen to play for France. He knew for a fact that Isagi Yoichi had selected Germany, joining Noel Noa's Bastard Munchen. Isagi was probably the only player he held any interest in after watching him finish off Japan's U-20s team all those weeks ago.
Well, maybe aside from one particular demon. But that demon had proven himself to be flawed, and he needed work. He needed refinement. Isagi, however, was an interesting one. He and Shidou existed in a league of their own, separate to the others. Oh, and he supposed that Nagi kid did, too. Maybe even that Bachira kid, what with his schizophrenic dribbling style.
Sae had a soft spot for the weird ones when it came to football. They were talented in a different way, in a unique way. That was why he'd chosen Shidou over boring old Rin. He was seeking something new, something no one had ever seen before. He was easily bored and even more easily unimpressed when it came to the average joe's of football; the players who stuck to the basics and refused to liven up their play style with even a sliver of personality.
But perhaps the worst part about playing for Blue Lock was the fact that everyone was required to sleep in dorms. Yes. That's right. The boys were sectioned off into rooms of four, having to share a singular cramped space between them. Thankfully, the star players were given their own rooms.
For now.
Sae had been informed that there could be a potential to share if space issues became a problem. Blue Lock's facility was huge, but it wasn't boundless. There were only so many rooms to divide among the lot of them, and with the addition of five new teams with multiple players in each, there was a high likelihood some members would have to bunk with others.
Sae was not going to be one of those members, that was for sure. He'd rather pluck out his eyes. Slowly. One after the other.
He'd spent his final night in one of Japan's finest hotels, soaking up the spa treatments and five-star buffet before he'd be forced to relocate to Blue Lock's awful living conditions. Supposedly, it wasn't actually that bad, but Sae was used to luxury - as were the other star players. Even though Ego had promised their managers quality meals and rooms, he wasn't convinced. If there wasn't a flatscreen TV to unwind in front of, he was officially leaving. Screw the JFA and the IFAB. It wasn't worth the discomfort.
The PXG team finished up their meeting rather swiftly. Sae was grateful for this. After a run-down of the following month's schedule was delivered to them by Ego himself, they were given a tour of the facility and taken to their new rooms.
Sae took in the area he'd be spending a significant portion of his year in. His luggage had already been delivered, packed neatly into the corner by the staff. The room itself was slightly bigger than he'd expected - a relief, considering the size of the dorms that the Blue Lock boys were assigned. To his satisfaction, there was indeed a flatscreen TV facing the king-sized bed. It wasn't exactly the largest on the market, but it was better than nothing, and his first order of instinct was to throw himself over the satin covers of the bedspread before flicking through the channels.
Blue Lock TV was set as the default channel. Sae was momentarily alarmed by the close-up of his own face stretching across the screen. His physical stats were listed to the side, with a montage of clips showcasing some of his best plays over the past seasons. It seemed the channel was going over some of the top football players that would be participating in the Neo Egoist League. They were certainly buttering him up with the compliments trickling down the screen. He couldn't stand that godawful nickname that they liked to call him, Japan's Greatest Treasure. He didn't like being associated with Japan in the slightest.
Sae switched over to Netflix and put on his favourite film, Taxi Driver. He'd already rewatched it several times and was currently half-way through yet another binge. After he'd finished it for perhaps the fifth time this year, he came to the disappointing realisation that the one downside of the room was that it didn't come with a private en suite. So, when night fell and it was time to shower, he was forced to trek it all the way to the communal washroom shared by the other PXG members.
Fucking hell, this was going to be a pain.
It was pretty damn late right now, and Sae was quite the night owl. He'd hoped to arrive at a time when everyone else had already washed and cleared out. Fortunately, there were only about two other people situated in separate areas of the washroom. Towel draped over his shoulder, Sae undressed and slid into the communal bath located at the back. At least it was a spacious bath, and relatively fancy enough for his liking. The temperature was steaming and he felt his achy muscles begin to relax.
He was pretty sure he'd managed a ten-minute nap before his peace was rudely interrupted by a large splashing sound. Sae contemplated whether he should open his eyes or drift back into his enjoyable sleep, but a following chorus of curses piqued his curiosity. Two people were arguing to his left, droplets of soapy water hitting his face as he pried open his eyes lazily and gazed over at the commotion.
One of the Blue Lock boys from the PXG team was wrestling another boy he couldn't identify. He vaguely recalled the kid's name, something like Zentetsu, if Loki's little run-down had been correct, but had no idea who the other one was.
"Give it back, goddamn antennae-freak!" Zentetsu was growling, splashing about rather annoyingly in the water.
The second kid was being blocked from Sae's view by Zentetsu's back, with Zentetsu's arms clamped tightly around his shoulders and neck.
"Who wears glasses while bathing?" he was snickering, and Sae caught a glimpse of said glasses clenched in a closed, tanned fist. "Man, you really are stupid!"
Wait a goddamn minute. That voice sounded awfully fucking familiar, and not in the good sense.
It couldn't have been...
"Those are mine, Shidou! Give it!"
Shidou fucking Ryuusei.
Why was it that Sae could never catch a break? Why was it that this demon managed to follow him everywhere he went?
On reflection, perhaps he should have paid a little more attention to Loki's meeting earlier today.
Had he known Shidou would be on the PXG team?
No, he hadn't.
Had it been mentioned to him anyways?
Probably. Definitely.
Okay, fine. It most certainly had.
But had he listened?
Well, clearly fucking not. And now he was regretting a lot more than simply having to live in the Blue Lock facility and play amongst its members.
"I wanna try 'em on! You always look mad goofy wearing these," Shidou was laughing, mocking the poor boy he'd stolen from as he slid the glasses onto his face.
Zentetsu's profusive wrestling was proving useless as Shidou slipped out of his grip, an advantage of being soaked in bath water. Zentetsu made another grab for him but Shidou dodged it this time, moving back a couple of steps into Sae's view. He really wished he hadn't, because as the demon twisted away from another lunge, his body was now facing Sae, followed by his face and his gaze.
Those pink eyes of his locked onto Sae's through the lenses of those stupid fucking glasses he'd procured. And almost as if a spell had been cast over him, Shidou's expression exploded into one of pure delight, pure excitement, hands dropping from where they were previously gripping the rims of the glasses.
"No fucking way!" He exclaimed, attention shifting completely from the little boxing match he was partaking in with Zentetsu.
However, the reunion was short-lived. Zentetsu took this opportunity to throw his entire body weight at Shidou's head and shoulders, dunking him under the water and successfully managing to reclaim his glasses.
Sae arched a brow at the juvenile sight. Shidou remained beneath the surface for some time, Zentetsu wrestling his glasses from his grip before raising them high in the air in case Shidou was to attempt another grab. But when the demon resurfaced, his focus was no longer fixated on their little tiff. Instead, he threw himself right at Sae, arms out-spread as if he were going in for a hug. As if Sae would ever welcome such an attack.
The demon should know better by now.
Sae side-stepped him before Shidou's naked form could make contact. He watched the boy land against the edge of the bath, arms gripping the tiled ledge instead. But Shidou seemed utterly unfazed by Sae's absence, turning his head to grin at him as if this was the first time he'd seen him in 20 years.
"Itoshi Sae! As I live and breathe!"
Folding his arms beneath him, Shidou perched his chin atop his biceps and tilted his head in Sae's direction.
"Has anyone ever told you how pretty you look when you're wet?"
Sae fought the urge to recoil at such a remark. He wasn't certain if Shidou had intended that to be as lewd as it sounded, but the double-meaning wasn't lost on Sae. And it most likely wasn't lost on the demon, knowing how sexual he always was.
"It's like you keep getting worse," Sae muttered, lowering himself back into the water - a hopeful attempt at relaxing again.
God, he just wanted five fucking minutes to bathe. By himself, preferably. Was that so much to ask?
Clearly, it was, because now Shidou was hellbent on conversing with him for god knows how long. "It's a gift, you know," he joked back, slicking his wet hair with a soaked hand. "Why didn't I know you'd be on this team? I thought that damn Loki kid was the only genius here."
Zentetsu had taken Shidou's distraction as an opportunity to leave, meaning that it was just the two of them left in the bath. Sae could hear the distant showering of another player somewhere else in the washroom, but aside from that, they were all alone.
Just fucking perfect.
"Last minute call," he replied vaguely, disinterested, hoping Shidou would have the decency to leave him alone for two fucking seconds and let him bathe in peace.
But that was obviously wishful thinking.
Shidou pushed himself off the ledge and waded toward Sae so that he was in front of him. Sae was leaning back against the ledge, head resting on the tiles as he attempted to ignore the demon and re-enter his slumber. He closed his eyes, wondered if the idiot would join the dots and let him be. But Shidou had other ideas. He lowered himself to the same level as Sae, chin touching the surface of the water, and flicked his wrist. A splash of droplets rinsed Sae's face.
Sae clenched his jaw.
Man, this demon was fucking asking for it.
With a laugh, Shidou lurched back as Sae made a lunge for him, narrowly missing him by a hair's breadth. If he'd actually been trying to, he could have easily grabbed Shidou's neck and dunked him ruthlessly beneath the water until he couldn't breathe. It was a tempting vision, something he quite liked the sound of now that he was considering it. But Shidou also had quicker reflexes than he'd anticipated, and he'd certainly expected such a reaction from Sae.
"Ever heard of personal space?" Sae bit, his temper showing for a split second before he resumed his position against the wall.
Shidou inched closer to him again. He was really playing with fire now, and the demon most definitely knew it, too. This would end badly for him if he kept fucking around. Sae wasn't in the mood for games at this hour.
"Can't say I have," he quipped, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. Those canines were on display again, sharp as ever. He looked like a real carnivore when he smiled. Like a real demon.
"Go play with someone else," Sae shooed him off half-heartedly, his eyes fluttering closed again as he began his second attempt at sleeping.
Shidou pouted at him, flicking more droplets his way but less than he had before so not as to anger the guy. At least the demon was learning, albeit barely.
"But I only wanna play with you, underlashes senior," he whined. "I wanna play with you forever. Remember?"
Christ. He really wasn't letting that go. And after all this time, too.
"Guess what, demon?" Sae muttered through closed eyes. "You'll play with me tomorrow. And the day after that. Isn't that great?'
The sarcasm was brutally evident in his voice, but that didn't seem to bother Shidou in the slightest. The boy perked up a little as if he'd forgotten such an obvious fact about Sae's presence here. Why else was he literally bathing in the shared PXG washroom with him? They were on the same fucking team, for crying out loud.
God, he was so dense when he wanted to be.
"Does that mean I get to be your forward again?" Shidou asked. His tone was hopeful, wishful, like this was something he'd been wanting for a while now. And perhaps it really was, seeing how excited he was to be near Sae again.
Sae would've rolled his eyes if they weren't already shut.
"Sure," he opted to respond. If that was what it took to keep the demon happy, to keep him from splashing him and ruining his peace, then whatever.
Shidou was pretty ecstatic to hear that answer. He let out a whoop, flopping back into the water and floating on his back.
"You're the best, underlashes!"
Sae quite literally did not care, nor did he understand how he was the best in this situation. Regardless, he gratefully accepted the temporary space he was given. Hopefully, Shidou would be satisfied enough to leave him alone for a while. Surely that wasn't too much to wish for.
But Shidou was back on him almost as quickly as he'd left.
"So, tell me, what's the plan for the game? You know I'm gonna get that hat-trick this time, right? I'll show you in training just how good I've gotten."
Jesus fucking Christ. This was getting ridiculous.
Sae reluctantly opened his eyes, realising there was no point in trying to doze off anymore with how hyped Shidou was. Perhaps making him happy wasn't the best move. Instead, he chose to stare at him with dead, lidded eyes and wondered if this pointed look alone would be enough to send Shidou a very obvious message to fuck off.
Mirroring his gaze, Shidou's body drifted closer in the water until they were mere inches apart from each other. Now it seemed like they were having some kind of stare-off, neither of them blinking as Shidou's smirk grew and grew, his warm breath close enough for Sae to feel and smell. Surprisingly, it didn't even smell bad. It smelt minty like he'd just brushed his teeth. Well, Sae certainly hadn't pinned Shidou for the hygienic type.
"You talk too much, you know that?" Sae told him.
Shidou raised a brow but didn't argue back. "I get that a lot."
Of course you do, Sae thought to himself. He could have figured as much. This demon was really getting on his nerves. He wondered if it was a good idea to try that drowning idea on him again. Properly, this time. Effectively. Now that would shut him up.
"I don't like people who talk," Sae added, wondering if that was enough to silence Shidou. To get him to pipe down for just a minute so Sae could actually fucking relax.
It seemed that Shidou wasn't actually listening to him anymore, though. Because now he was staring at Sae's eyes like there was something fascinating in them, like he was watching a movie or a theatre production that he couldn't tear his gaze from.
"Your eyes are crazy cool," he blurted, an obvious lack of impulse control paired with his unfiltered vocabulary.
Sae blinked, a little surprised, if that was even possible. It wasn't often that people took him by surprise. Shidou had gotten the drop on him a couple of times now, and every single time it happened, Sae could never predict the next one, even if he tried. He didn't exactly enjoy that fact. It was unsettling.
Shidou's impulses were in full swing now, and Sae barely had time to register his hand coming up to touch what seemed to be a strand of wet hair that had caught on Sae's lashes. Thank god for his rapid reflexes, though. He snatched Shidou's wrist mid-air before he could make contact.
"Down, you mutt."
Shidou blinked himself out of his miniature daze, that signature carnivorous smirk returning to his face.
"Yes, boss."
Sae batted his hand away. "Ugh," he grimaced, hating how goddamn sexual Shidou made everything. The boy had less of a filter than even he did, and that was saying something. Shidou needed to cut it out with the double-meanings. it was plain gross.
"If it's a hat-trick for your number," Shidou pondered, floating back a little to give Sae some much-appreciated space, "Then what do I gotta do for some physical touch, huh?"
Sae felt the growing urge to sock Shidou right in that sun-tanned face of his.
"You're pushing it, demon," was all he responded with, extending his biceps over the ledge of the bath so that his forearms hung off and rested in the water.
Shidou whined again, a notably desperate noise that sent a strange sensation down Sae's spine. "Come on, let me inside your little bubble just once, pretty underlashes." He then made the stupid decision of flicking more droplets Sae's way, something that caused Sae to turn his cheek away to avoid any getting in his eyes.
Sae felt his jaw stiffen and his irritation flare. Shidou clearly picked up on this, head cocking to the side as he let out a teasing laugh, hand spraying him with even more water at a significantly rougher rate.
Oh, he was really going there, wasn't he?
Sae's face remained turned, eyes elsewhere as he allowed Shidou to splash him not once, not twice, not even thrice, but four fucking times before he officially lost it and went right for the throat, slamming Shidou into the water until he was fully submerged.
Shidou went willingly. He was laughing even as he crashed through the surface of the bath, unable to breathe, fully at mercy to Sae's furious drowning. Not only that, but he was practically choking him in the process, something he'd wanted to do for quite some time now. Oh, it was a satisfying feeling having Shidou thrash playfully at his grip. He wished Shidou wasn't taking this so much as a game, but rather as an actual threat to his life. God knew that Sae wasn't fucking around right now. If not for the legal procedures that would follow, he felt fully confident in his ability to end Shidou's life right here and then.
But alas, once he thought Shidou had endured enough of it, once he'd hoped the amount of water Shidou had inhaled would surely damage his brain and maybe rewire a couple of those loose fucking screws in his head, he yanked Shidou back to the surface and slammed him up against the tiled wall of the bath.
Shidou was choking up water, panting and gasping for air after nearly being drowned so violently. Sae was still gripping his neck, refusing to ease up his hold even when the demon had clearly been suffocating. This was his own doing, after all, and he'd practically asked for it. No, wait, he quite literally had asked for it.
"Was that physical enough for you?" Sae remarked, trying his best to hide the satisfaction that threatened to spill out onto his face.
Christ, seeing Shidou like this, all flustered and panting and weak under his hold was doing strange things to him. He didn't understand exactly what things, but he was quite enjoying the feeling that came with it. I mean, the boy deserved it after all that relentless splashing. Not like he couldn't have prevented it if he'd just fucking left him alone.
Shidou was struggling to breathe even still, but despite his ragged pants and splutters, he managed a breathy laugh.
"You should've seen my view. It was great."
For fucks sake.
Sae pinned him tighter against the wall, his free hand pushing into Shidou's tanned shoulder.
"Quiet. You can do that, right? You can be quiet?"
Shidou paused for a moment, something in his face flickering. It was a brief change in expression, something neither of them had time to process or define. His chest was still heaving as he tried to catch his breath, but he'd managed to calm himself for a split second. It was a sight Sae would likely pay to witness again, even just once more. Shidou was never calm, nor was he still, but in this exact moment, Sae had managed to get him to listen. To actually chill out.
"Well, when you put it like that..." Shidou trailed off, not a sliver of teasing or joking in his voice.
Well, fuck. This was all it took to get him to stop? To get him to shut that stupid fucking mouth of his? Sae was in heaven right now.
"Good demon," he replied, loosening the grip on his neck enough for Shidou to breathe properly again. Sae supposed he deserved it after actually obeying his words for the first time this entire night.
But then he came to the realisation that they were suddenly very close now, their faces inches apart and their breaths panting together in sync. He could see the way their chests were rising and falling at similar paces, and he found that this was perhaps the longest amount of time they'd been in physical contact with each other. Well, he supposed he should use the proximity in his favour. It worked in the intimidation sense that Sae was so notoriously good at, especially when it came to his opponents on the field,
"Listen up. You're gonna go take a shower, and then you're gonna get the fuck out and leave me alone. You got that?" He said, the sentence coming out as more of a demand rather than a suggestion. But fuck it. Maybe he was demanding him. It seemed Shidou wouldn't understand it any other way than this, after all.
The demon was simply staring at him, his face bearing an unreadable expression. It was a neutral one as far as Sae could tell, neither playful nor angry nor any other emotion. But that was what was so strange about it. When it came to Sae, Shidou was almost always smirking at him, teasing him, mocking him, trying to fuck with him for his own amusement.
But not anymore. Not right now. Not under his grip like this, pinned against the wall of the bath, unable to move.
"Whatever you say, underlashes."
As if finally returning to his former self, Shidou threw him that signature smirk again. Smaller this time, less devious or instigating than it usually was. Another strange sight, but something Sae didn't bother thinking about for too long. He released his throat and Shidou audibly inhaled, his tense body relaxing at the freedom.
"Off you go, little demon."
Sae shooed him away with a wave of his hand, watched intently as Shidou actually moved away from him with a pointed little snicker, a little shake of his head like he couldn't believe he was listening to him. Sae couldn't believe he was listening to him either, but he certainly wasn't mad about it. Whatever the hell had just happened between them seemed to do the trick well enough for Shidou to obey his commands, for Shidou to leave Sae to the peace and quiet he so desired.
Seriously? That was all it took? A couple harsh shoves and a few firm words? Well, he'd basically drowned him, too. And choked him by the neck.
Christ, Sae was meaner than he realised when he really wanted to be. But again, Shidou had been asking for it all night, had been provoking him nonstop until he'd snapped. Maybe if he'd listened the first time, he wouldn't have had to resort to such violent measures.
But fuck. Whatever. Sae didn't care. He didn't care in the slightest as Shidou made his way toward the showers, towel hung low and loose around his hips. He didn't care as he was finally left to his own devices, left to enjoy the steaming hot bath all on his own.
At least he could relax now. At least that demon was out of his sight.
For now.
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